D and what fairy tale is the hero from? Card index of didactic games based on fairy tales. Printed board game “Unenchant a Fairy Tale”

Educational games for children 6 - 8 years old based on fairy tales.

Eremina Anastasia Nikolaevna, preschool teacher, teacher at GBDOU kindergarten No. 14, St. Petersburg.

Didactic games are designed for children of senior preschool and primary school age, educators, speech therapists, primary school teachers and parents.

A fairy tale is a fictional story with a happy ending and the inevitable victory of good over evil. Most often, fairy tales contain magic and various adventures that are incredible in ordinary life. The inaccessible becomes accessible, the unreal becomes real.
All children love fairy tales. It is the accessible language of a fairy tale that they understand more easily than the insipid speech of an adult. The role of fairy tales in raising children is multifaceted. They develop imagination and encourage fantasy. They also develop correct speech and learn to distinguish between good and evil.
A fairy tale forms the basis of behavior and communication. Develops imagination and creativity. In preschool age, the leading activity is play; combining a game and a fairy tale, you get wonderful developmental exercises that will be useful to both preschool teachers and primary school teachers.

This article presents games with fairy tales:
-Russian folk "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka";
-Russian folk "Masha and the Bear";
-Russian folk "Three Bears";
-Russian folk "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats";
-Russian folk "Wolf and Fox";
-Russian folk "Morozko"; (from Afanasyev's collection "Russian Folk Tales")
-Russian folk “At the behest of the pike”; (from Afanasyev’s collection “Russian Folk Tales”)
-Russian folk "Frog Princess";
-Russian folk "Kolobok";
-Ukrainian folk "Rukavichka";
-Russian folk "Geese-Swans";
-Russian folk "Winter quarters of animals";
-Russian folk "Teremok";
-Russian folk "Havroshechka";
-Russian folk "Snow Maiden";
-Russian folk "Turnip";
-Russian folk "Sivka-Burka";
-Russian folk "Goldfish" (from Afanasyev's collection "Russian Folk Tales")
-A.S. Pushkin's Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights;
-Charles Perrault "Cinderella";
-Charles Perrault "Puss in Boots";
-G.H. Andersen "Flint";
-G.H. Andersen "The Little Mermaid";

- Clarify and enrich children’s knowledge about fairy tales;
- Teach children to recognize familiar fairy tales;
- To make children want to help the heroes of fairy tales;
- Develop intonation and speech expressiveness;
- Develop speech, imagination, fantasy, thinking;
- Develop the ability to act in a coordinated manner.

GAME 1. "Whose words?"

Exercise: “Who says these words?”:
“Don’t drink, Ivanushka, you’ll become a little goat” - Alyonushka.

“Don’t sit on the stump, don’t eat the pie” - Masha.

“Who sat on my chair and broke it?” - Little bear.

“Save us, we were eaten by a gray wolf” - Little Goats.

“Catch, catch, fish, big and small” - Wolf.

“Are you warm, girl, are you warm, red one” - Morozko.

“At the behest of the pike, at my will...” - Emelya

"The beaten one is lucky for the unbeaten one" - Chanterelle

“Hut-hut, turn your front to me and your back to the forest...” - Ivan Tsarevich

“I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather, and I’ll leave you, even more so!” - Kolobok

"Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass." - Vanya (Ivan the Fool)

"What do you want, old man?" - Gold fish

“My light, mirror, tell me and report the whole truth.” - Queen

“But remember, as soon as the clock strikes twelve..” - fairy – sorceress (Godmother)

GAME 2. "Confused letters."

Exercise: I have a word whose letters have swapped places (in the top row), and in the bottom row under each letter there is a number that tells you what order the letters in this word are in. Place the letters in the appropriate order. If you do everything correctly, you will get a word.




*Swan geese




*Snow Maiden



GAME 3. “Guess the fairy tale.”

Exercise: We list the characters of the fairy tale - the children guess and name the fairy tale.
Tsar, three sons, arrow, swamp (“The Frog Princess”).

Evil stepmother, stepdaughter, daughter, Santa Claus (“Morozko.”)
Stove, ice hole, pike (“At the command of the pike”).

Alyonushka, Baba Yaga, little goat (“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”).

Shoe, ball, Fairy (Cinderella)

Boots, hat, cat (Puss in Boots)

Goat, kids, wolf (Wolf and seven kids)
Pechka, apple tree, milk river, Baba Yaga (Geese-Swans)

Bull, ram, pig, goose (Winter quarters for animals)

Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Zhuchka (Turnip)

Mosquito-Piskun, fly-fly, mouse-gnawing (Teremok)

Riddles about fairy-tale characters are perhaps one of the most popular among children, along with riddles about animals.
After all, riddles about fairy-tale heroes are interesting not only as entertainment; children like to solve them, especially after reading a fairy tale.

We were waiting for mother with milk,
And they let a wolf into the house...
Who were these
Small children?
Seven kids

The beautiful maiden is sad:
She doesn't like spring
It's hard for her in the sun!
The poor thing is shedding tears!
Snow Maiden

Gobbling up rolls,
A guy was riding on a stove.
Rode around the village
And he married the princess.

It was baked from flour,
It was mixed with sour cream.
He was chilling at the window,
He rolled along the path.
He was cheerful, he was brave
And on the way he sang a song.
The bunny wanted to eat him,
Gray wolf and brown bear.
And when the baby is in the forest
I met a red fox
I couldn't leave her.
What kind of fairy tale?

Evening would soon come,
And the long-awaited hour has come,
May I be in a gilded carriage
Go to a fabulous ball!
No one in the palace will know
Where am I from, what is my name,
But as soon as midnight comes,
I'll go back to my attic.

With whom does Frost play hide and seek?
In a white fur coat, in a white hat?
Everyone knows his daughter
And her name is...
Snow Maiden

This fairy tale hero
With a ponytail, mustache,
He has a feather in his hat,
I'm all striped,
He walks on two legs
In bright red boots.
Puss in Boots

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 21 “Roshchitsa”


"Journey Through Fairy Tales"

Kalashnikova Yu.R.

Myskovsky urban district 2016



    Project passport………………………………………………………....4

    Relevance of the project……………………………………………………………...5

    Stages of project implementation……………………………………………………...…7

    Project activities with students………………………..….8

    Risks. Expected results……………………………………………………9





A fairy tale is a necessary element of a child’s spiritual life. Entering the world of miracles and magic, the child plunges into the depths of his soul. Russian folk tales, introducing children to the circle of extraordinary events and transformations that occur with their heroes, express deep moral ideas. They teach kindness towards people, show high feelings and aspirations. Meeting children with fairy tale heroes will not leave them indifferent. The desire to help a hero in trouble, to understand a fairy-tale situation - all this stimulates the child’s mental activity and develops interest in the subject. As a result of empathy, the child acquires not only new knowledge, but also, most importantly, a new emotional attitude towards the environment: people, objects, phenomena. From fairy tales, children draw a lot of knowledge: their first ideas about time and space, about the connection between man and nature, the objective world. Preschoolers are faced with such complex phenomena and feelings as life and death, love and hate; anger and compassion, betrayal and deceit. The form of depiction of these phenomena is special, fabulous, understandable to a child, and the height of the manifestations and the moral meaning remain genuine, “adults”. Therefore, the lessons that the fairy tale gives are lifelong lessons for both big and small.

The project “Travels through Fairy Tales” is carried out as an exciting game, creative activity aimed at enhancing verbal, social and communicative communication. The integration approach allows you to develop in unity the child’s speech, creative abilities, communication skills, and emotional responsiveness.

Project passport

Project topic: "Travels through fairy tales."

Project type: long-term, creative, collective, with the participation of the students’ parents.

Project implementation period: constantly.

Event location: MBDOU combined type kindergarten No. 21 “Roshchitsa”, Kemerovo region, Myskovsky urban district.

Project participants: children of senior preschool age, parents of preschool children, speech therapy group teachers, speech therapist teacher.

Objective of the project

Creating conditions for the implementation of educational areas: social and communicative development, speech development.

Project objectives

1.Develop the child’s communication and interaction with adults and peers.

2. Enrich children’s vocabulary, improve dialogical speech, and develop the ability to use a variety of language means in speech.

3.Develop emotional responsiveness and empathy for the heroes of the works.

Educational areas: social-communicative, speech, artistic and aesthetic.


One of the modern innovative teaching methods is project activity - a technology that teaches children to express their individuality in creativity, makes it possible to interest children, and make the learning process personally significant.

The relevance of the project lies in the fact that it combines means and methods for developing the child’s social, communicative and speech abilities. This happens through the creation of a developing subject-spatial environment (DSES). The medium is theatrical activity, which is one of the sources of the development of feelings, deep experiences and discoveries of the child. Playful activities imperceptibly activate the child’s vocabulary, improve the sound culture of speech, its intonation, grammatical structure, and dialogical speech. Methods such as reading and conversations introduce him to spiritual values, enrich his vocabulary, and love for folk art.


In recent years, there has been a sharp decline in the level of speech development of preschool children. Such violations affect the subsequent development and education of the child, communication with peers and adults. To prevent this from developing into a complex, we create conditions forinternal comfort, relaxedness, liberation of pupils.

MeansTo develop communication and interaction of a child with adults and peers, to enrich children’s vocabulary, use a variety of language means in speech, emotional responsiveness and empathy for the characters of works, the creation of a subject-spatial environment is used.

Predicted result


Pupils know and are well versed in fiction, determine genre affiliation;

have an expanded vocabulary;

have productive skills;

have expressive methods of communication.

Communication skills:

enjoy joint activities with adults and peers;

use expressive means of speech.

Prerequisites for scientific activity:

have a strong interest in fiction;

able to express emotions and maintain dialogue.

Project product

Visual aids: games, card indexes.

Material on working with students.

Consultations for parents.

Photo exhibition.

Project presentation.

Project implementation stages

Preparatory stage (analytical)

Justification of the relevance of the topic, motivation for its choice, definition of the goal, objectives of the project, selection of literature, manual attributes.

Main (implementation of planned plans)

Practical work (creating conditions for social-communicative and speech activities)

Final stage (presentation, product of activity)

Generalization of the results of the work.

Project Implementation Plan

Preparatory stage:

Identification of children's initial knowledge of Russian folk tales.

Information for parents about the upcoming project.

Selection of literature, equipment.

Development of notes, game files, manuals.

Main stage:

Working with students

1. Examination of illustrations of Russian folk tales

2. Reading and telling Russian folk tales, conversation based on the read tale

3. Conducting board-printed, didactic, verbal games.

4. Productive, visual activity.

5.Creation of attributes for dramatization games.

Working with parents

Selection of fiction.

Completing creative tasks.

Consultations for parents.

The final stage:

Exhibition of children's works, photo exhibition.

Production of the board game “Kolobok’s Journey through Fairy Tales”, production of the electronic game “Kolobok’s Journey”

Presentation of the project and game at the municipal base site of the NGO “Social and Communicative Development”, direction - socialization, development of communication, child in the family and community.

Project activities with students

Forward planning

Conversation about Russian folk art.

Conversation “I take a book in my hand.”

Objectives: to teach children to handle books with care: to tell how many people work to create this miracle for us - a book, to discuss the rules of working with a book.

Reading the fairy tale “Sister Fox and the Gray Wolf”

Objectives: to cultivate in children a love and interest in fairy tales as one of the forms of oral folk art, to teach them to identify the main characters, to talk about their actions and characters.

Review of the album “Russian Folk Tales”

D/i “Which fairy tale is the hero from”

"Coloring fairy tales"

Dramatization game “Sister Fox and Gray Wolf”Objectives: to teach children to convey images of characters using various means of expression, to accurately convey the features of fairy tale heroes.


Reading the fairy tale “Fear has big eyes”

Objectives: teach children to listen carefully to the text, answer questions about the plot of a fairy tale, and evaluate the actions of the characters.

D/i "From which fairy tale is the hero"

Objectives: consolidate children’s knowledge of the rules of the game, develop attention, and develop the ability to play in pairs.

Conversation with children about the characters of fairy-tale heroes.

Game task: “Trace and color.”

Objectives: develop graphic skills, convey the character of the characters.

Compilation of stories based on the fairy tale “Fear has big eyes”

Dramatization game “Fear has big eyes”

Objectives: to develop in children the expressiveness of intonation, facial expressions, movements, to teach them to select them in accordance with the character of the characters.


Watching the cartoon “Boasting Hare”

Objectives: understand the content of the work.

Reading the fairy tale “The Boasting Hare”

Objectives: teach to listen to fairy tales, understand the content of the work.

Conversation “Let's go to the theater!”

Objectives: to form children’s ideas about the theater, the work of actors, to teach them how to behave correctly in the theater.

Crafts made from natural materials “Visiting a fairy tale”

Objectives: to cultivate in children a love and interest in fairy tales as one of the forms of oral folk art, to convey the character of the heroes.

Conversation with children aboutthe character of a fairy-tale hero.

Objectives: learn to evaluate the actions of heroes.

Review of the album “Fairytale Country”.

Telling a tale"Bragging Hare"along the chain.

Objectives: to develop in children coherent speech, emotionality of speech, imagination, teach them to listen carefully to their comrades, and complement their answers.


Reading the fairy tale “Winged, furry and oily.”

Objectives: teach children to listen to fairy tales, answer questions about the text of the fairy tale, conveying its content, main ideas, comprehending and evaluating the actions of the characters and their impressions of what they heard.

Theatrical game “Visiting a fairy tale”.

Objectives: to teach children to pronounce words clearly, to consistently express their thoughts, to develop imagination.

Cubes "Fairy Tales"

Objectives: consolidate children’s knowledge of the rules of the game, develop attention, and develop the ability to play in pairs.

Objectives: to create a desire to make a theater of masks with your own hands.

D/i "From which fairy tale is the hero"

Objectives: consolidate children’s knowledge of the rules of the game, develop attention, speech, and develop the ability to play in pairs.

Drawing based on the fairy tale “Winged, furry and oily.”


Game "Kind Words"

Tasks:develop coherent, grammatically correct speech.

Didactic game “Tell a story”

Objectives: to teach children to arrange pictures with characters from a familiar fairy tale in the order in which they appear in the text, accompanying their actions with a retelling. Develop coherent speech, memory, attention.

Work in the book corner: looking at illustrations.

Objectives: to develop children’s emotional responsiveness to works of book graphics, to introduce illustrations by different artists, to draw children’s attention to the means of expression used by the artist.

"Coloring fairy tales"

Objectives: use various means of expression.

Compilation of stories based on the fairy tale “Winged, furry and oily”

Application “Your favorite fairy tale hero”

Making masks for theatrical performances.


D/I “Choose a word”

Making a tabletop theater based on fairy tales.

Objectives: to cultivate in children a love and interest in fairy tales as one of the forms of oral folk art, to arouse the desire to make a theater with their own hands.

Examination of E. Rachev’s illustrations for Russian folk tales

"Coloring fairy tales"

Objectives: use various means of expression.

Guessing riddles “What fairy tale is the hero from”


Compiling a story from pictures.

Objectives: learn to answer questions about the plot of a fairy tale, use expressive figures of speech.

D/i “Say a lot with a word”, “Choose a word”, “Call it affectionately”.

Application with drawing elements “What fairy tale is the hero from” (together with parents).

Objectives: use various means of expression, learn to convey the character of the characters.

Looking at illustrations by different artists.

Objectives: introduce children to illustrations for the fairy tale.


D/i “Describe the hero of a fairy tale”

Objectives: learn to evaluate the actions of heroes.

Speech game"Say the word"

"Coloring fairy tales"

Objectives: use various means of expression, learn to convey the character of the characters.

Review of the album “Visiting a Fairy Tale”

Objectives: to develop children’s emotional responsiveness to works of book graphics, to draw children’s attention to the means of expression used by the artist.

Dramatization game “Winged, shaggy and oily”, “Bragging hare”, “Sister fox and gray wolf”, “Fear has big eyes”

Objectives: teach children to answer questions based on the text, explain the actions of the characters, and see the consequences of these actions.


Conversations: “Kind words.”

Objectives: develop grammatically correct speech.

Game “What first, what then?”

Objectives: learn to answer questions about the plot of a fairy tale.

Drawing on the theme “My favorite fairy-tale hero”

Objectives: use various means of expression, learn to convey the character of the characters.

Quiz on fairy tales “Guess the fairy tale”

Objectives: to teach children to use their ideas about the genres of literary works, titles and authors of books.



1.Low cognitive interest.

2.Low awareness of parents, their passivity.

Risk Prevention

To increase the cognitive interest of students and their parents, hold a parent meeting in the group to explain the planned tasks for the “Journey through Fairy Tales” project, attract parents to actively participate in the project with their children, and replenish the book corner.

Expected results of the project:

Development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers, enrichment of children's vocabulary, development of dialogical speech, the ability to use a variety of language means in speech, emotional responsiveness and empathy for the characters of works.


V. Sukhomlinsky said: “Reading during childhood is primarily the education of the heart, the touch of human nobility to the innermost corners of the child’s soul».

Speech development is becoming an increasingly pressing problem in our society. The children stopped reading. A TV, a tablet, a computer absorb a child, conquering the reserved corners of his consciousness and soul. At the present stage, the search for new forms and methods of teaching and raising children is one of the pressing issues of pedagogy. Increased attention to the development of a child’s personality is associated with the possibility of updating and qualitatively improving his speech development. Therefore, speech indicators and personality traits, their mutual influence should be the focus of attention of adults who care about the timely and harmonious development of the child. And the fairy tale, as a treasury of the Russian people, finds application in various areas of work with preschool children.

Thus, exciting playful and creative activities contribute to the development of children’s social and communicative communication skills and the activation of speech development.

Thus, our long-term project, designed for 2 years, has not yet been completed, and at the end of this stage, we made the board game “Kolobok’s Journey through Fairy Tales,” which made it possible to increase children’s interest in communication and interaction with each other, activate children’s vocabulary, and develop imagination, ability to use a variety of linguistic means in speech. And also to consolidate these results at home, we have made an electronic game “Kolobok’s Journey” for joint games with parents.

Prospects for further use

The layout of this project can be implemented based on any literary work chosen by the children.


    Makhaneva M.D. Theatrical activities in kindergarten: A manual for preschool workers. -: M.: T C “Sphere”, 2001

    Antipina E.A. Theatrical activities in kindergarten: Games, exercises, scenarios. M.: Sfera shopping center, 2003.

    Doronova T.N. Playing theater: theatrical activities for children 4-6 years old: method. A manual for teachers of preschool educational institutions. T.N. Doronova. - 2nd ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 2005.

    Kudryavtseva N.Yu. “Getting ready for the holiday” Methods for making costumes, dolls, and scenery for a children's play. Moscow: School Press, 2011.

    Novikovskaya O.A. “Lessons for lessons on fairy tales with children 4-5 years old.” St. Petersburg: “Paritet” 2007.

    Polyak L.Ya. Theater of Fairy Tales: Scenarios in verse for preschoolers based on Russian folk tales. - St. Petersburg: “Childhood-press”, 2008

Rules of the game

"Journey Through Fairy Tales"

The game can be played by 2 to 4 people.

Purpose of the game: Help the bun get to kindergarten.

Preparing for the game: Place the chips (bun) at the start. Roll the dice and whoever gets the most points gets to go first.
Progress of the game: roll the dice one at a time and advance as many circles as the number of points on the dice.

Attention. The chip must stop at the clearing of fairy tales (red circle), even if it should have passed by. The heroes of the fairy tale emerge from the chest of fairy tales (by clearing number) and a random dialogue is conducted between them and the kolobok. The heroes of the fairy tale are spoken for by the participants who have not yet reached their turn. Once in the clearing of fairy tales, other participants in the game (koloboks) join in the dialogue.

Game over. The winner is the player who reaches the kindergarten first.

Annex 1

Quiz on Russian folk tales


Consolidating children's knowledge about Russian folk tales.



    Learn to recognize a fairy tale by illustrations, riddles, episodes;

    consolidate the ability to create the structure of a fairy tale using modeling;

    strengthen children's skills in retelling fairy tales.

    expand your vocabulary;

    consolidate the names of Russian folk tales.


    develop children’s speech and cognitive activity, the ability to compare, generalize, draw conclusions and inferences;

    develop thinking, imagination, visual memory, observation.


    cultivate interest in Russian folk tales.

    develop the skill of cooperation and goodwill.

Progress of the lesson:

The hall is decorated in the form of a forest, in the corner there is a tower in which Vasilisa the Wise and the Scientist Cat live.

Educator: Guys, what Russian folk tales do you know? Would you like to go on a trip to the land of fairy tales? I have a magic ball that will lead us to a fairy forest.

(The teacher rolls out a ball along which the children walk into the hall).

Educator: And I suggested that you go to the fairytale forest for a reason... The magpie on my tail brought me that difficult times have come in fairy tales. The fairytale residents need help. Want to help? Can you handle it?

In the forest, children are met by Vasilisa the Wise and the Scientist Cat

Vasilisa: Hello guys! I am glad to see you! No one has looked into our fairy tale for a long time.

Cat: Vasilisa, trouble has happened in our forest!

Vasilisa: Tell me, cat, what happened!

Cat: Tsar Koschey began to play pranks again... He bewitched our Russian fairy tales, mixed up everything in them!

Vasilisa: What are you talking about? I’ll look into my abstruse book now, maybe I’ll read there how to get fairy tales out of trouble.(Reads, cannot make out anything that is written in the book). I can’t make out anything... It seems like the names of the fairy tales are written, but something is wrong here... But turn on, Kitty, our magic screen, in which I can see our forest at a glance. Maybe the guys will be able to decipher the names of fairy tales...


"Correct mistakes"

    “Cockerel Ryaba” - “Hen Ryaba”

    "Dasha and the Bear" - "Masha and the Bear"

    "Ducks - Swans" - "Geese - Swans"

    “A fox with a saucepan” - “A fox with a rolling pin”

    “Zayushkin’s teremok” - “Zayushkin’s hut”

The children “disenchant” the book, Vasilisa and the Cat praise them for this.

Vasilisa: Thank you guys for helping us break the magic spell of our book. Well, what does the book tell us, Kitty?

Cat ( while reading a book) : And it is written here, Vasilisa, that only children from kindergarten can save fairy tales from Koshchei, because they know very well our Russian fairy tales, magical ones. Guys, do you want to help us?

Children: We want!

Cat: The fairy-tale characters are lost and cannot get into their fairy tales. Shall we return them to the fairy tale?


“Which fairy tale are the characters from?”

(This task uses illustrations from the fairy tales “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “The Frog Princess”, “The Three Bears”, “Geese and Swans”).

Cat (looking at the book): Oh, Koscheyushka is completely out of his mind! I got everything mixed up in fairy tales! He completely confused our fairy tale heroes, they forgot who should be who! Let's help the heroes of fairy tales?


"Find the artist's mistakes"

(“The task uses characters from the fairy tales “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed”, “Kolobok”, “The Wolf and the Fox”, “At the Command of the Pike”).

Vasilisa: But Koschey doesn’t let up... Now he has taken away the voices of the inhabitants of the fairy-tale forest... Try, guys, to guess who the voice belongs to and what fairy tale the character is from.


"Guess whose song this is"

(This task uses fragments of the songs: “Song of the Goat” and “Song of the Wolf and the Little Goats” from the cartoon “The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids in a New Way”, “Song of the Fox” from the musical play “The Fox and the Hare”).



The phone rings. On the phone, someone reports that fairy tale objects have disappeared from fairy tales. To return them, you need to solve riddles.

The task is designed to work with parents. The complexity of the riddles is such that children cannot guess the riddles themselves, and here you need to ask the question “If you don’t know what to do?” (ask someone who knows). Therefore, their parents help children in this task.

Riddle 1:

This tablecloth is famous

The one that feeds everyone to their fullest,

That she is herself

Full of delicious food.


Riddle 2:

Like Baba Yaga

There's no leg at all

But there is a wonderful one



Cat: Oh guys, look! Grandfather and grandmother are crying! Why do you think they cry?(options: “The egg broke” and “Kolobok ran away”). And they cry because they found out that the Fox ate their Kolobok. How, how can we help them? Of course, let's all make a new kolobok together, and not just one, but many.


"Modeling Kolobok"

Children and guests are given plasticine and everything they need to work with plasticine. Parents and children make koloboks and “set them out to cool.” Vasilisa and the Cat thank everyone for their help, treat the guests to gingerbread and invite them to tea.

Appendix 2

Game educational situation “Kolobok’s Journey”

Program content:

To develop children's spoken language, improve gross and fine motor skills using different materials, and cultivate interest in Russian folk tales.

Preliminary work:

Reading fairy tales “Spikelet”, “Three Bears”, “Kolobok”.

Playing on flannelgraph.

Tabletop theater games.


Flannelograph, characters from the fairy tale “Kolobok”, “The Three Bears”, tabletop theater “Kolobok”, magic bag, balloons for each child.


Children, accompanied by music, enter the group along the path and stand in a semicircle.


We'll walk along the path

Let's go straight into a fairy tale.

One two three four five-

We will play a fairy tale.

Children, do you like listening to fairy tales? I also really love fairy tales, can you help me tell them? We are now going to play the game “Fairy Tales with Holes.” I will read a fairy tale, and if I forget something, you will tell me.

Who loved to play and sing?

Two mice Spin... and (Turn).

Who woke up the mice in the morning?

Who went to the mill... (went)

Grind a bag of flour?

This is Petya... (Cockerel)

He baked a lot of pies

And he asked his friends sternly:

“What were you doing little mice?

From dawn to dusk)?

Now sit down at the table,

No! Work hard first

And read...("Spikelet").

The teacher and the children approach the next fairy tale.

Cups three and three beds

There are also three chairs, look

And the residents here, in fact

Lives for exactly three.

As you will see, it is immediately clear:

Going to visit them...(dangerous)

Run away quickly, little sister,

Fly out of the window like..(a bird)

She ran away. Well done!

So the whole fairy tale is over!

Fedya reads syllable by syllable:

This is a fairy tale: "The Three Bears".

The teacher approaches the table where the characters from the tabletop theater “Kolobok” are displayed.

It was baked from flour,

It was mixed with sour cream,

He was chilling at the window

Along the path...(rolled away)

He was cheerful, he was brave,

And on the way he sang a song.

Who is this?"Kolobok"

Guys! What song did he sing?

Finger game "Kolobok".

Me, Kolobok, Kolobok! (roll an imaginary bun in their hands)

Scratched the bottom of the barrel(right palm scrapes left arm)

Swept around the barn(imitate sweeping the floor)

Mixed with sour cream(circular movements with the right hand).

Put in the oven(show both arms extended forward)

It's cold at the window(show window with hands)

I left my grandmother(run the middle and index fingers of the right hand over the palm of the left)

I left my grandfather.

Where do you think the bun rolled along the path?(children's answers)

Let's remember who the bun met in the forest.(Children sit at tables on which there are cards with images of a hare, wolf, bear, fox and separately a bun).

I completely forgot, who did the bun meet first?

Place your bun next to the hare. Then who did he meet?(wolf ).

What did the wolf say to him?(“Kolobok, Kolobok! I’ll eat you”). The bear met the kolobok (children place the kolobok next to the bear) and said to him in a thin voice: “Kolobok, kolobok! I will eat you!" Or maybe I messed something up, help me (the bear said in a thick, rough voice).

But our little bun is not simple; after meeting the fox, he ran away and rolled on.

The children have a story panel on their tables. On our next card there is a path drawn, let's take a ride along the path together with the kolobok. We hold the bun with our right hand. The bun rolls and rolls, and a “hedgehog” meets it. The bun looked at the hedgehog and was surprised. How surprised the bun was! Show how surprised the bun is. (Children show surprise).

Guys, a problem happened to our hedgehog - he lost his needles, let's help him collect them, make them from matchsticks.(Children lay out thorns for the hedgehog from matches).

What wonderful hedgehogs we have! The bun decided to admire the hedgehog, but our bun is small, and the hedgehog is big. Let's invite the bun to look at the hedgehog from the stump. The bun rolled up to the stump, climbed onto the stump, and looked at the hedgehog. The bun really liked the hedgehog and he smiled. I suggest our little bun draw a smile. What color pencil do we need for this, do you think?? (red).

What kind of bun did you get?(joyful, cheerful). Now let’s show the bun how we can rejoice.


Foot stomped(stomping feet)

Hands clapped(clap hands )

Hee hee hee(hands to the side)

Ha ha ha(hands up)

What a beauty! (clap)

The children sit at the tables.

The bun said goodbye to the hedgehog and rolled on, looked around and saw strange trees around him that looked like his friend the hedgehog. What trees do you think he saw?(ate).

Yes, spruce trees also have needles. Well done! Let's make a spruce tree for each of your koloboks; I suggest using yellow triangles for this.(Children correct the teacher; green triangles are needed).

I am very glad that you are attentive to me! Our children are just great, they made an entire spruce forest!

Guys, together we composed a continuation of the fairy tale “Kolobok”. Did you like her?

Look, we also have a spruce tree growing in our group, let’s go up to it. And what's under the spruce tree? Children find a magic bag. The teacher pours out multi-colored balls from the bag. Look, they all look like who?

(Koloboka). I suggest you play with them.

Games and exercises with fairy tales.


    activation of cognitive interest;

    development of communication;

    creating conditions for creative self-expression;

    development of memory, thinking, imagination, attention;

    formation of leadership qualities, organizational skills, mastering the roles of presenter, assistant, dispatcher, jury member, etc.;

    constructive communication within a social group;

    creating a positive psychological climate in the team.

"Guess the name of the fairy tale"

All participants take turns throwing the ball to each other and calling out the first syllable or word of the intended fairy tale. The one who caught the ball pronounces the full name of the fairy tale: Sivka…….Horse…….Frost……Geese…….Red…….

“Name a fairy-tale character with an unusual appearance”

Serpent Gorynych (fire-breathing head)

Cheburashka (large flattened ears)

Little Mermaid (tail instead of legs)

Malvina (blue hair)

"What's extra"

The presenter names several words that are found in the intended fairy tale, one of which does not relate to its content.
Fox, hare, hut, palace, dog, rooster. "The Fox and the Hare"
Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, turnip, cucumber. "Turnip"

“Recognize a fairy-tale hero by facial expressions and gestures”

“Represent a fairy tale with a symbol”

\ Each participant conceives a fairy tale and depicts it graphically on a piece of paper.
- “Two greedy little bears”;

- "Three Bears";

- "The wolf and the seven Young goats".

"Fairy Tale Nonsense"
Having agreed on the choice of a fairy tale, the game participants distribute roles among themselves. Each character is assigned a duty phrase, which he pronounces every time during the telling of the tale.
Turnip - “Wow!”
Grandfather - “I’ll show you!”
Grandma - “To hell with you!”
Granddaughter - “Cool!”
Zhuchka - “I’ll sing now!”
Cat – “Buble gumm!”
Mouse – “Come out, you sneaky coward”
The narrator begins to tell the tale, gradually increasing the pace.

Decipher the names of fairy tales and books.
1. Fox and six chickens - “Wolf and seven kids”
2.The King Under the Bean – “The Princess and the Pea”
3. Dog's wreck - "Cat's House"
4. Turkey ducks - “Geese - swans”
5. Dressed servant - “The Naked King”
6.The Falling Wooden General – “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”
7. A dog without sandals - “Puss in Boots”
8.Seven skinny women - “Three fat men”
9.Valyukha - “Teremok”, etc.

"Add name"

"Answer in one word"
Baba Yagi's method of movement is stupa.
In fairy tales this is what they call a fox - a gossip.
The pride of Marya beauty is her braid
Ivanushka's sister - Alyonushka
His death was at the end of a needle - Koshchei
The fruit with which the princess was poisoned - an apple, etc.

"Russian tales"

1st option

1. Ivan tried to wake up his brothers with this object - Mitten
2. This bird sometimes turned into a crooked girl - Ducky
3. On which river did Ivan fight the miracle? - Currant
4.Name of the fairytale horse - Sivka
5. Many fairy tales cannot do without this animal - Horse
6. Baba Yaga's home - Hut
7.The name of the fairy-tale hero is Emelya
2nd option
1.The object thanks to which the prince found his wife? - Arrow
2.What did the bear wear when carrying the girl with the pies? - Box
3. Ivanushka’s sister - Alyonushka
4. The cockerel choked on this - Grain
5. The dishes from which the crane fed the fox? - Jug
6.Male name in fairy tales - Ivan

"Amazing Transformations"
Who did fairy-tale heroes turn into or bewitched into?
- Prince Guidon from the fairy tale “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” - into a mosquito, a fly, a bumblebee.
- The giant in the fairy tale “Puss in Boots” - into a lion, a mouse.
- The eleven brothers - princes in "Wild Swans" - are swans.
- The monster in “The Scarlet Flower” - The prince.

"Extraordinary Journeys"
On whom or what did fairy-tale heroes make extraordinary journeys?
Winnie the Pooh for honey? - on the air balloon.
To Africa Doctor Aibolit? - On the ship.
On the roof The Kid is on Carlson.

"Fairy Spells"
Who spoke such fabulous words?
At the behest of the pike, at my will. (Emelya)
One, two, three, pot, cook. (Girl)
Sim, sim, open the door! (Ali - Baba)

"Who is who"
Moidodyr – washbasin; Uncle Fedor is a boy; Kaa – boa constrictor; Scarecrow - straw effigy, etc.

"Colored Answers"
What word should be put instead of the ellipsis?
Little Red Riding Hood
Blue Beard
Blue... Bird

"Friends and Girlfriends"
Which literary characters were friends?
Cards: Mowgli; Cipollino; Baby; Winnie the Pooh; Gerda; Crocodile Gena; Marquis Barabas; Ellie; Dunno; Olya.
1. Bagheera, Baloo, Kaa (Mowgli).
2. Cherry, Radish (The Adventures of Cipollino).
4. Piglet, Eeyore – Eeyore, Rabbit.
5. Kai.
6. Cheburashka, Galya.
7. Puss in Boots.
8. Toto, Scarecrow, Tin Woodman, Cowardly Lion.
9. Gunka, Znayka, Grumpy, Silent, Avoska, Neboska, Vintik, Shpuntik, Rasteryaika, Tube, Pilyulkin, Donut, Syrupchik, Toropyzhka.
10. Yalo.

Didactic game “What fairy tale did the bun get into?”

This game is intended for children of different ages, it all depends on the selection of illustrations for fairy tales.
Target: strengthen children's knowledge of fairy tales; creating a cheerful mood.
At the beginning of the game, children are given a riddle about a bun or shown an illustration for a fairy tale. They begin to tell a fairy tale: “Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman... and he rolled along the path. The bun rolled, rolled and got lost in fairy tales. Guys, let’s help the bun return to its fairy tale. To do this, we need to guess which fairy tale the bun ended up in.” Show illustrations.
I took illustrations for fairy tales from large desk calendars. You can use coloring books based on fairy tales, where on one side there is a sample of how to color, and on the other there is an outline for coloring. A figurine of a kolobok is glued to each illustration. On the back of the illustrations you can write riddles for the fairy tale, or an excerpt from it.
You can offer children tasks:
- name the characters of the fairy tale;
- name negative and positive characters;
- remember the words of the heroes;
- remember how the fairy tale ends
- remember how a fairy tale begins, etc.
The game ends with an illustration for the fairy tale Kolobok. "Kolobok returned to his fairy tale."
This game can be used in quizzes and entertainment.

"Let's get to know fairy tales"

OBJECTIVE OF THE GAME: Introduce children to famous Russian folk tales.

PROGRESS OF THE GAME: The adult presenter tells or reads any of the fairy tales used in the game. Children try to remember the plot. Then the presenter lays out all the game cards face up on the table and asks you to find two pictures related to the plot of the fairy tale you heard.

When children become familiar with the plots of all fairy tales, they can move on to the next game.

"Name a fairy tale"

OBJECTIVE OF THE GAME: Teach children to guess and name fairy tales from pictures.

PROGRESS OF THE GAME: The presenter shuffles all the cards and places them face up on the playing surface.

Players take turns taking one picture at a time and name the fairy tale to which it belongs. If the answer is correct, the player keeps the card. The one with the most cards at the end of the game wins.

"Collect a fairy tale"

OBJECTIVE OF THE GAME: Teach children to find heroes of one fairy tale.

PROGRESS OF THE GAME: The presenter places the cards face down, shuffles them and distributes them equally to the players. Participants turn over their cards and look for pairs of cards that match each other, on which characters from the same fairy tale are drawn. At the same time, the children tell what is shown on their cards and name the fairy tale. If players do not have enough cards, they turn over their “extra” card and exchange it for the “extra” card of the neighbor on the left. The game ends when all players have collected a complete set of their cards.

"Tell me a story"

OBJECTIVE OF THE GAME: Teach your child to select cards related to one fairy tale and tell its plot.

PROGRESS OF THE GAME: The presenter asks each player to choose a fairy tale to tell. Then he shuffles all the game cards and invites players to find the heroes of their fairy tale. The one who finds the necessary cards fastest is the first to start the story.

Consultations for parents

“The role of fairy tales in the lives of preschool children”

"Fairy Tale" is a simple game intended for a group of children. If several guys get together, then you can offer them this entertainment - it will turn out to be fun, interesting, and useful for them. Children's fairy tales expand children's vocabulary, help to build dialogue correctly, develop coherent logical speech; the development of coherent speech is the central task of children's speech education. This is due, first of all, to its social significance and role in the formation of the child’s personality.

“The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows” - we have known these words since childhood. After all, a fairy tale not only entertains, but also unobtrusively educates, introduces the child to the world around him, good and evil. She is a universal teacher. Thanks to a fairy tale, a child learns about the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart. And he not only learns, but also responds to events and phenomena of the surrounding world, expresses his attitude towards good and evil. The first ideas about justice and injustice are drawn from the fairy tale. A fairy tale activates the child’s imagination, makes him empathize and internally contribute to the characters. As a result of this empathy, the child acquires not only new knowledge, but also, most importantly, a new emotional attitude towards the environment: people, objects, phenomena.

From fairy tales, children draw a lot of knowledge: their first ideas about time and space, about the connection between man and nature, the objective world. Fairy tales allow children to experience courage and resilience for the first time, to see good and evil, and to be sensitive to other people's troubles and joys. After all, a fairy tale for a child is not just fiction, fantasy, it is a special reality of the world of feelings. Listening to fairy tales, children deeply sympathize with the characters, they have an internal impulse to assist, to help, to protect.

As a rule, fairy tales carry centuries-old folk wisdom. They explain to children certain aspects of human life in a very accessible and intelligible way, and separate good from evil. That is why fairy tales are an integral part of children's education. By reading fairy tales, parents form the basis of communication and behavior in their child. His imagination develops and his creative abilities increase. It is known that children who are constantly read fairy tales learn to speak and formulate their thoughts correctly much faster.

I would like to draw attention to the fact that a fairy tale should not be read, but told. This develops in children the ability to listen and understand monologue speech. In order for the first acquaintance not only to interest children, but also to be reflected in their feelings and emotions, you need to present the text expressively. Children begin to feel the emotional coloring of speech as they master speech in general. The expressiveness of intonation is especially accessible to them. After telling the fairy tale, you need to look at the illustrations with the children, have a conversation that will help the children better understand the content, and correctly evaluate some episodes of the fairy tale story. It is advisable to ask questions that help the formation of children’s lexical and grammatical understanding, as well as encourage them to analyze, reason, and draw conclusions. Some questions help to find out how much the children understood the plot, others help to more accurately characterize the characters of the fairy tale, and others help to pay attention to individual words, actions, episodes, and to feel the main idea of ​​the work.
Russian folk tale is a treasure of folk wisdom. She is distinguished by the depth of ideas, richness of content, poetic language and high educational orientation.

Fairy tales we read to children
(consultation for parents of younger preschoolers)

Adults sometimes underestimate the role of fairy tales in the formation of personality and in the development of a child. In modern society, Russian folk tales fade into the background; they are replaced by numerous encyclopedias and educational literature. This is argued by the fact that children should learn about the real world around them, and not get acquainted with fables. In fact, preschool age is the age of fairy tales.

In fact, a fairy tale should enter a child’s life from a very early age, accompany him throughout preschool childhood and remain with him throughout his life. A fairy tale begins one's acquaintance with the world of literature, the world of human relationships and the surrounding world in general. It is through a fairy tale that the cultural heritage of humanity is transmitted to a child. A fairy tale awakens a child’s curiosity and imagination, develops his intellect, helps him understand himself, his desires and emotions, as well as the desires and emotions of other people. It combines not only an entertaining plot with amazing characters, but also one feels the presence of a sense of true poetry, which opens the listener to the world of human feelings, affirms kindness and justice, and also introduces to Russian culture, to the wise folk experience, to the native language.

So what kind of fairy tales do you read to children?

We would like to turn to the history of the fairy tale. A fairy tale is the oldest genre of oral folk art, which was never created specifically for children. The roots of the Russian fairy tale go back to Slavic paganism. It must be said that Russian fairy tales have been persecuted more than once. The Church fought against pagan beliefs, and at the same time against folk tales. Thus, in the 13th century, Bishop Serapion of Vladimir forbade “telling fables,” and Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich issued a special letter in 1649 demanding an end to “telling” and “buffoonery.” The 19th century also did not bring the folk tale recognition from protective officials. But it was not only censorship that struggled with the folk tale. From the middle of the same 19th century, then-famous teachers took up arms against her. They were confident of its negative impact on the listener; They believed that a fairy tale retards the mental development of children, frightens them with images of the terrible, relaxes the will, develops rough instincts, etc. The same arguments were given by opponents of this type of folk art already in Soviet times, after the October Revolution. Teachers believed that the fairy tale takes children away from reality and evokes sympathy for those who should not be treated - for all sorts of princes, princesses and other anti-Soviet characters. Discussions about the dangers of fairy tales stemmed from a general denial of the values ​​of cultural heritage.

However, already in the 19th century, people appeared who wanted to collect oral folk art (I.M. Snegirev, P.V. Kireevsky, V.I. Dal, A.N. Afanasyev, I.A. Khudyakov, P.A. Bessonov), thanks to their names today we can enjoy these works.

But we should warn parents - not all folk tales are suitable for preschool children! For example, in the tales collected by A.N. Afanasyev encounters expressions “unworthy” of children’s hearing; in them we can see a not very friendly ending, which can upset and upset the child.

Therefore, before you tell (read) a fairy tale to your baby, analyze it yourself. Currently, there are collections in which it is written “according to A.N. Afanasyev,” most often such tales are adapted for the modern child listener. But still, parents should get acquainted with their content and only then bring it to the child.

Today the need for a fairy tale seems especially great. The child is literally overwhelmed by a constantly increasing flow of information. And although the mental receptivity of children is great, it still has its limits. The child becomes overtired, becomes nervous, and it is the fairy tale that frees his consciousness from everything unimportant and unnecessary, concentrating his attention on the simple actions of the characters and thoughts about why everything happens this way and not otherwise.

Children of primary preschool age should be introduced to works of folk art. We recommend paying attention to the following tales:

"Turnip" arr. K. Ushinsky;

"Kolobok" arr. K. Ushinsky

“Rock-hen” arr. K. Ushinsky;

“Kids and the Wolf” arr. K. Ushinsky;

"Teremok" arr. M. Bulatova;

"Masha and the Bear" arr. M. Bulatova;

“The Wolf and the Little Goats” arr. A. Tolstoy;

“Zayushkina’s Hut” arr. O. Kapitsa;

“Cat, rooster and fox” arr. M. Bogolyubskaya;

"Teremok" arr. E. Charushina;

“Geese-swans” arr. M. Bulatova;

“The Snow Maiden and the Fox” arr. M. Bulatova;

“Goby – black barrel, white hooves” arr. M. Bulatova;

"The Fox and the Hare" arr. V. Dahl;

“Fear has big eyes” arr. M. Serova.

We believe that Russian folk tales contribute to:

- moral education of the child;

- development of social and communication skills;

- formation of the emotional sphere and aesthetic perception;

- development of logical and imaginative thinking;

- knowledge of the surrounding world.

Consultation for parents "How to read fairy tales to children"

Why does a child need a fairy tale?“...It is a means of introducing a child to the lives of people, to the world of human destinies, to the world of history... A storehouse of characters and destinies from which a child draws information about a reality that he does not yet know, features of the future that he does not yet know how to think about...” (Gianni Rodari).
The researchers note that a fairy tale introduces a child to a special world of feelings, deep experiences and emotional discoveries, helps to understand the world not only with the mind, but also with the heart, and to express one’s attitude towards good and evil.
Reading and perceiving a fairy tale involves the joint activity of an adult and a child. Through the plot of a fairy tale, an adult can show his abilities and ability to influence various life circumstances.
The main meaning of the fairy tale, which a preschooler needs to learn, is not passivity, but activity in overcoming one’s own fears and self-doubt.
1. One of the main efforts is the adult’s emotional attitude towards reading. Show your child that this gives you pleasure.
2. Maintain eye contact with your child while reading. Sit down so that he can see your face, observe your facial expressions, eye expressions, and gestures. Then the listener realizes that the story is addressed specifically to him, and you can see which place in the fairy tale worries him most.
3. Read slowly, but not monotonously. Play with your voice: read now faster, now slower, now louder, now quieter - depending on the content of the fairy tale and the characters. Try to convey a funny or sad situation with your intonation, but don’t overdo it. Excessive dramatization prevents the child from reproducing in his imagination pictures drawn with words.
4. Shorten the text if it is too long, retell some fragments in your own words, but do not deviate from the content of the fairy tale.
5. Read fairy tales whenever the child wants to listen to them. It may be boring for adults, but not for children.
6. Read to your child every day, even when he learns to do it himself.
7. First, read an unfamiliar fairy tale yourself in order to direct your son’s (daughter’s) attention in the right direction.
8. Play out the impressions the child received while listening to the fairy tale, give him the opportunity to express his feelings, his attitude to what he read.

“A tale of lies and a hint in it...”

A fairy tale is an effective solution to many problems. Children are always open to fairy tales. With its help, you can give advice, help look at the problem differently, push the child to a creative search and try to independently answer his questions, give information that would be difficult for the child to perceive without a fairy tale wrapper.

Recently, much attention has been paid to moral education. We need to help the preschooler decide on the objects of his feelings and make them socially valuable. Feelings allow a person to experience satisfaction after doing the right thing or make us feel remorse if moral standards have been violated. The basis for such feelings is laid in childhood, and our task is to help our child with this.

Fairy tales serve as a powerful, effective means of mental, moral and aesthetic education of children; they have a huge impact on the development and enrichment of a child’s speech. In poetic images, a fairy tale reveals and explains to a child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships.

The perception of fairy tales has a strong impact on the process of forming moral ideas and creates real psychological conditions for the formation of a child’s social adaptation.

To help parents, I offer the following recommendations:

- Choose suitable fairy tales for your child. A fairy tale should be age-appropriate: be both understandable and educational. For example, the youngest children need fairy tales with constantly repeating plot lines and a small vocabulary (“Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “Ryaba Hen”, etc.), older children (3-6 years old) need more complex stories (poetic tales Chukovsky, fables

Mikhalkov, Suteev’s fairy tales), from 6 years old you can to more voluminous works (“The Adventures of Pinocchio” by A. Tolstoy, fairy tales by T. Janson and A. Lindgren). However, everyone individual, therefore, first of all, start from the level of his development.

- Take a fairy tale with bright illustrations and read it with your child. Reading must be active. Place your child on your lap or next to him, show him all the characters in the illustrations, ask questions (“What do you think Kolobok did?”).

- Ask the child what he understood after reading the fairy tale? What did you learn? How would he behave in the place of the hero? What seemed good to him and what was bad? What do you remember most? Sometimes it is worth adjusting the child's position. For example, a child feels sorry for the wolf from Little Red Riding Hood. Focus the child's attention on the fact that the wolf does bad things in the fairy tale, and for this he is punished.

- Play a fairy tale with your child. Give free rein to your imagination and that of your child. You can improvise new heroes, but the meaning of the tale must remain unchanged.

KVN based on the fairy tales of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

The children are divided into two teams: “Lukomorye” and “Sinemorye”.


I came to the club, don’t frown,
Be cheerful until the end.
You are not a spectator, you are not a guest,
And our program is the highlight.
Don't be shy, don't break down,
Obey all laws!

So, friends, let's start playing.
We have a large supply of ideas!
And who are they for?
For you!

We know you love games
Songs, riddles and dances,
But there's nothing more interesting
Than our fairy tales.

A fairy tale is often filled with various miracles: either a young princess falls asleep in eternal sleep after swallowing a piece of a poisoned apple, or the craftsman Balda teaches the devils a lesson, etc. all this is very interesting!
Now we will remember your favorite fairy tales of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and invite the heroes of the fairy tale to visit.

So, let's open the door to the wonderful world of fairy tales and see who lives there.
(The melody of the song “Where are the wizards?” plays)

1st competition: “WHAT FAIRY TALE IS THE HERO FROM?”

Teacher: Each team will receive a list of fairy-tale heroes, where they must guess which fairy tales these heroes are from.
(1 team: an old man with an old woman; King Dadon, a sorcerer, three maidens;
Team 2: queen-stepmother, devil, Shamakhan queen, squirrel)

Children name heroes:
(1 team: an old man with an old woman - “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”; Tsar Dadon - “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”, a sorcerer - “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, three girls - “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”;
Team 2: queen-stepmother - “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”, devil - “The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda”, Shamakhan queen, squirrel)


Teacher: And now we will hold a competition “The best expert on the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin. You must remember lines from fairy tales and read them.
1 team:

(My light, mirror! Tell me,
Tell me the whole truth:
Am I the sweetest in the world,
All blush and whiter?)

(Kiri-ku-ku. The kingdom lies on its side)

(You shouldn't be chasing cheapness, priest.)

(An old man lived with his old woman
By the bluest sea...)

Team 2:
1. What words did the old man use to address the goldfish?
(Have mercy, lady fish!)

2. How does Pushkin begin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”?
(Three maidens by the window
We spun late in the evening.)

3. And with what words do the fairy tales end: “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” and “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”?
(I was there, honey, drank beer -
And he just wet his mustache.)
4. What are the words with which Pushkin ends “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”?
(The fairy tale is a lie and there is a hint in it!
A lesson to good fellows.

Teacher: I suggest that teams collect lines from Pushkin’s fairy tales in 1 minute.
1 team: You are beautiful, no doubt,
But the princess is still sweeter,
Everything is redder and whiter.
2 teams: Lo and behold: there’s a dugout in front of him again;
His old woman is sitting on the threshold,
And in front of her is a broken trough.

Competition 4: “WHO SENT THE TELEGRAM?”
Teacher: I just received telegrams, but the trouble is they weren’t signed. Teams are asked to find out who sent the telegrams.
1 team:
1. - Yes, I want to wrinkle the sea with a rope,
Yes, you, damned tribe, make faces! (Bolda)
2. I see what’s here
Good people live;
It won't hurt me to know! (Young princess)
2nd team:
1. The cook is angry in the kitchen,
The weaver is crying at the loom,
And everyone envy me
To the Sovereign's wife... (Third sister)

2. Give me a girl,
Shamakhan queen! (Sage)

1 team:
1. Who said this: “What do you want, elder?” (Gold fish)
2. With the help of what object did the queen-stepmother kill the young princess? (Apple)
3. What is the name of the hero who, together with his mother, ended up on a desert island in a barrel? (Prince Guidon)
4. For what pay did Balda hire the priest to work? (3 clicks)
5. Whom did the Sage give to King Dadon? (Golden Cockerel)
2nd team:
1. Who said that: “You fool, you simpleton!” (Old woman)
2. Who did Prince Elisha turn to for help to find the young princess? (sun, month, wind)
3. What miracles did Prince Guidon have on the wonderful island? (miracle squirrel, 33 heroes, swan princess)
4. To whom did priest Balda send the rent?? (to hell)
5. Who did the sorcerer carry through the forests, across the fields? (Ruslana)




1. The one whom Balda fished out of the sea? (demon)
2. How many times did the old man cast the net? (three)
3. What was the name of the priest’s worker? (Bolda)
4. What was swinging in the cave on cast iron pillars? (coffin)
5. Who did the imp crawl under? (under the mare)
6. What objects did the queen always talk to when asking about her beauty? (mirror)
7. Who helped Prince Elisha find the princess? (wind)
8. What did Balda work for? (clicks)
9. Why didn’t the demons pay the priest? (rent)
10. Who gave King Dadon a golden cockerel? (sage)


11. What was the name of the king who married one of the three sisters? (Saltan)
12. Who helped the old man fulfill all the old woman’s wishes? (fish)
13. Who came out of the waters of the sea with scales like the heat of grief? (33 heroes)
14. Who protected the old king Dadon from enemy attacks? (cockerel)
15. Who came to the queen and her son in the chamber to announce the king’s decree? (boyars)
16. What object was the old woman left with at the dilapidated dugout? (trough)
17. Who took a bite of the poisoned apple? (princess)
18. Who did Prince Guidon kill with an arrow on a desert island? (kite)
19. What was the squirrel gnawing in the crystal palace, singing the song “Is it in the garden, in the vegetable garden”? (nuts in golden shell)
20. Who couldn’t the imp outrun? (hare)

Teacher: Now let’s sum up the results of KVN. (Awarding)

I competition “Warm-up”

1 team

Questions are asked to teams in turn; if a team cannot answer a question, another team tries to answer. For the correct answer, the team receives extra points.

1. I once heard the following words: “Who reads a lot...”, but I don’t remember further. Continue

(Answer: he knows a lot)

(Answer: teaching)

3. There is a green oak near Lukomorye;
Golden chain on the oak tree:
Day and night the cat is a scientist
Everything goes round and round in a chain;
Question for the 1st team:

Tell me, where is this magical country?

(This country in the fairy tales of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin)

Question for the second team:

What does the word “Lukomorye” mean?

(Lukomorye - bend of the seashore, bay)

4. Please name the birthday of the princess from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” (January 6 – Christmas Eve).

5. What did the old woman demand in “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”? (The old woman wanted to get a new trough, a new hut, then become a pillar noblewoman, the mistress of the sea).

6. What do the heroes from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” do while living in the forest?

(Answer: heroes protect the state, hunt)

7. Name the main characters of “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”

(Answer: the main characters of “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” are the Tsar, Tsarina, cook, weaver, Babarikha, Tsarevich, White Swan, Prince Guidon)

8. Who did Balda call his little brother? (hare)

9. How many people did Balda eat and work for?

(ate for four, worked for seven)


Our competition is over, and again
We give the floor to the jury

In the meantime, the jury is summing up the results of the two competitions, we will play with the fans.

There are many different wonders in the magical forest of Lukomorye. Remember, as Pushkin said:

There the forest and the valley are full of visions...

What kind of visions is the forest full of?


The hut is there, on chicken legs
It stands without windows or doors...
And thirty beautiful knights
From time to time clear waters emerge,
And with them is their sea uncle...
There is a stupa with Baba Yaga
She walks and wanders by herself;
There, Tsar Koschey is wasting away over his gold.

The jury's word:

The jury please don't torment me
And rate the performances

II competition "Artists"


Who loves drawing since childhood?
It's your turn to shine.
There is a task for artists.
Well, let's draw something

This competition is homework for teams. Teams present their drawings, and the opposing sides guess which fairy tale heroes or object from which fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin are depicted.

  • 1 team: nut, tent, bumblebee

  • Team 2: chain, crown, helmet

Your drawings are simply classy!
The jury will give their assessment now.

Questions for fans:

I have a magic basket in my hands. And in it there are objects that belong to some fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin.

What fairy tale are these objects from: apple, squirrel, mirror, cockerel?

(viewers respond)

Word from the jury:

III competition “Do you know the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin"

Blitz tournament

(Questions are asked one by one; if a team cannot guess, then the answer from the other team is accepted and an extra point is added)

1. What words did the queen use to address the magic mirror?

(“My light, mirror! Tell me
Tell me the whole truth:
Am I the sweetest in the world,
All blush and whiter?)

2. What did the cockerel cry while sitting on the knitting needle?

(“Kiri-ku-ku! Reign while lying on your side!”)

3. While paying Balda, the priest offered his forehead. What did Balda say reproachfully?

(“Don’t you, priest, chase after cheap things”)

4. How did the old man address the goldfish?

(Have mercy, lady fish!)

5. What words do the fairy tales end with: “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” and “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”?

(I was there, I drank honey beer -
And he just wet his mustache)

6. How does Pushkin begin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”?

(Three girls by the window
We spun late in the evening)

7. Name the words with which Pushkin ends “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”

(The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it!
A lesson to good fellows.)

8. What words does “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” begin with?

(An old man lived with his old woman
By the bluest sea...)

9. What was the name of the dog in “The Tale of the Dead Princess”? (Sokolko)

10. What happened to the pop after the first click? (pop jumped to the ceiling)

Well done! You are real experts in the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin.

And as always, we give the jury the floor to sum up


Reads an excerpt from “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”

IV competition “Fairytale Ads”


I have an envelope in my hands, it contains the first issue of the newspaper “Magic News”, which is entirely devoted to the publication of fairy-tale advertisements.

Who could give such an announcement?

1) I offer my services:

  • harness a horse;

  • use the stove;

  • buy products at the market;

  • cook porridge;

  • babysit children.
My address… (Balda. “a fairy tale about a priest...)

2) Fashionistas and fashionistas! Who wants to buy a magic mirror that can speak?

Our address... Contact... (To the Queen Stepmother from “The Tale of the Dead Princess”)

3) For those who cannot wake up when the alarm rings, we suggest purchasing a cockerel made of pure gold, which will help you out always and everywhere. Address… ("The Tale of the Golden Cockerel")

4) Who wants to exchange the old trough for a new one? Or an apartment for a house?

Speak to…. (To the goldfish from “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”)

5) For those who are interested in living space! I rent out my room for the summer for a reasonable rent. The upper room contains:

  • all around there are benches covered with carpets;

  • stove with tiled stove bench;

  • under the saints there is an oak table.
My address… ("the tale of the dead princess")

6) The school of healers and psychics conducts monthly paid courses. Diseases such as:

  • bites on the right and left eyes;

  • blisters on the nose.
Start of the next classes... (The Tale of Tsar Saltan")

The jury's word

V competition “Fairytale Apples”

On the board there are sheets cut out in the shape of apples. Questions are written on the back. Players from teams come up one by one, take one apple at a time, read the question out loud and answer it.

What words does “The Tale of the Priest…” begin with?

(Once upon a time there was a priest with a thick forehead)

The last wish of the grumpy old woman? (Become the mistress of the sea)

What words did the wayward queen use to address the magic mirror?

(My little mirror! Tell me and tell me the whole truth. Am I the sweetest, the most ruddy and whitest in the world?)

Faithful guard of King Dodon? (Cockerel)

Who did Prince Guidon turn into when he flew to the kingdom of Saltan?

(Into a mosquito, a fly, a bumblebee)

What did the boyars and nobles treat the old woman to in the royal chambers?

(Overseas wines, printed gingerbread)

What is the Cockerel made of? (made of gold)

Where did the devils live from “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda?” (in the sea)


Reads an excerpt from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”

VI. Crossword

Write the answers to the questions in the vertical cells:

1. Who called the fool daddy? (pennies)

2. What was the name of the island past which ships sailed to Saltan’s kingdom? (Brawler)

3. Who did the evil Sorcerer turn into in order to destroy the Swan Princess? (kite)

4. The clothes in which the old woman stood on the porch of the tower, waiting for the old man? (warmer)

5. What did the old woman eat from “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”? (gingerbread)

6. Dilapidated housing of an old man and an old woman. (dugout)

VI I competition “Homework”

Each team shows a scene from Pushkin's fairy tale.

“Book lovers” - an excerpt from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”

“SOC - Moms” - an excerpt from “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”


I shouldn't have been worried at the beginning
The teams didn't let us down
They tried, and now
The jury will give its assessment.
Jury sum up
Yes, be nice and gentle

The class is divided into two teams: “Storytellers” and “Smart Tale”.

So, friends, let's start the program

We have a large stock of ideas:

And who are they for?


We know you love games,

Songs, riddles and dances.

But there is nothing more interesting for children,

Than our fairy tales.

Presenter (teacher): "Guys! Today we have a holiday where we will show who will better remember the works and facts of the life of the Russian poet A.S. Pushkin.

Since childhood, we have all heard the fairy tales and poems of A.S. Pushkin, which our mothers and grandmothers, educators and teachers read and told to us, and watched wonderful films created based on his works.

1 competition. Questions about the biography of A.S. Pushkin

Let's remember together some facts from his biography:

In what year was A. S. Pushkin born? (1799)

In what city was Pushkin born? (in Moscow)

What were the names of the poet's parents? (Sergey Lvovich, Nadezhda Osipovna)

What school did A.S. Pushkin attend? (at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum)

Did Pushkin have brothers and sisters? (sister Olga and brother Lev)

To whom did Pushkin address these words: “Friend of my harsh days, my decrepit dove”?... (to nanny Arina Rodionovna)

About which city did Pushkin write: “I love you, Peter’s creation, I love your strict, slender appearance, the sovereign current of the Neva, its coastal granite.”

(About St. Petersburg)

2nd competition “Warm-up”.

Name the heroes of A.S. Pushkin’s fairy tales:

"The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish",

"Ruslan and Ludmila",

"The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"

"The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights"

"The Tale of Tsar Saltan…",

"The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda."

3 competition. Blitz quiz based on the works of A. S. Pushkin:

1) What fruit was poisoned by the princess in “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”? (Apple)

2) Which island did the gentlemen guests sail past? (past Buyan Island)

3) In which fairy tale by Pushkin “stars shine in the blue sky, waves lash in the blue sea?” ("The Tale of Tsar Saltan")

4) From whom did Prince Guidon save the Swan Princess? (“You didn’t kill the kite, you killed the Sorcerer”)

5) Who did the Swan Princess turn Prince Guidon into? (in a mosquito, fly, bumblebee)

6) In which of Pushkin’s fairy tales is the number 33 present? (“The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”)

7) In the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” there is the following line: “There are miracles there, a goblin wanders there...”. Who is the devil? (Leshy - in Slavic mythology - the owner of the forest)

8) What fairy tale is this from:

I chose my wife

Daughter obedient to you,

We ask for both permissions,

Your blessing? (from "The Tale of Tsar Saltan")

9) What fairy tale is this from:

The king and queen said goodbye

Prepared for the journey,

And the queen at the window

Sat down to wait for him alone? ("The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights")

10) And these questions about the well-known fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”:

How many years has the old man been fishing? (“...he fished for 30 and 3 years”).

How many times did the old man throw the net into the sea before he caught the goldfish? (2 times).

How did his old woman appear to the old man for the first time? (Pillar noblewoman)

How long was the old woman queen? (“one week, another goes by”... - two weeks)

How many of the old man's requests did the fish fulfill? (Four requests: trough, hut, noblewoman, queen)

The last wish of the grumpy old woman? (“... become the mistress of the sea”)

And what came of it? What conclusion can be drawn?

11) The stars shine in the blue sky.

The waves splash in the blue sea. ("The Tale of Tsar Saltan…")

12) The wind blows across the sea

And the boat speeds up ( "The Tale of Tsar Saltan…")

13) Who did the swan princess turn Prince Guidon into? (in a mosquito, fly, bumblebee)

14) How does A.S. Pushkin depict the swan princess? ( The month is burning under the scythe)

15) Who says:

« Am I the sweetest in the world,

All blush and whiter.»

4th competition “The best expert on fairy tales and works of A.S. Pushkin.”

1. Which fairy tale are these lines from:

My light, mirror, tell me,

Tell me the whole truth:

Am I the sweetest in the world,

All blush and whiter.

2. What did the cockerel on the knitting needle cry?

(Kiri-ka-ku reign lying on your side)

3. While paying Balda, the priest turned his forehead.

What did Balda say reproachfully?

(You shouldn't be chasing cheapness, priest).

4. What words does “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” begin with?

(An old man lived with his old woman by the very blue sea.)

5. What words did the old man use to address the goldfish?

(Have mercy, lady fish...)

6. What words does “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” begin with?

(Three girls were spinning under the window late in the evening...).

7. With what words does “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” end?

(I was there, drinking honey, drinking beer, and just wet my mustache.)

8. With what words does “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel” end?

(The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it.

A lesson to good fellows!)

5 competition “Did you know...”

What did the mirror answer to the evil stepmother at the end of the fairy tale?

What did King Dadon promise to the sage?

Leading: “And now, guys, look at these signs - on them are the last words of the lines of quatrains from the famous poems of A. S. Pushkin. You must remember and read all the quatrains and name the work:

1. Near Lukomorye there is a green oak;

Golden chain on the oak tree

Both day and night, the cat is a scientist

Everything goes around and around in a chain. ("Ruslan and Ludmila")

2. Winter, peasant, triumphant,

On the firewood it renews the path.

His horse smells the snow,

Trotting along, somehow. ("Eugene Onegin")

3. The storm covers the sky with darkness,

Whirling snow whirlwinds

Then, like a beast, she will howl,

She will cry like a child. ("Winter evening")

6th competition – Reading competition.

Recite any poem by A.S. Pushkin.

7 competition "Who sent these telegrams."

Yes, I want to wrinkle the sea with a rope,

Yes, you, damned tribe, make a face. (Bolda)

Woe is me! Caught in the net

Both our falcons

Woe! My death has come! (King Dadon)

Leading: Now let’s sum up the results of the quiz and name the best expert on fairy tales, A.S. Pushkin.

Methodological development of a lesson - quiz on literary reading in 4th grade. Generalization of knowledge

Svetlana Shmeleva
Card index of didactic games for consolidating knowledge of Russian folk tales

“Who is after whom?”

Purpose of the game: Consolidating knowledge of fairy tales. Development of the grammatical structure of speech, introducing children to prepositions: for, before, before, after, between; learn to navigate in space, develop visual thinking. Develop basic mathematics representation: first, then, first, second, last.

Material fairy tales("Turnip", "Teremok", "Kolobok", "The Hare and the Fox (Zayushkina's hut)" and etc.); circles are tokens. Figures can be used fabulous

Progress of the game:

1. The presenter asks to place the characters of a friend fairy tales in a certain sequence. After this he asks the child explain: who came for whom, met; who stands, using various prepositions. The presenter asks leading questions.

2. If the child has successfully mastered all the concepts, you can complicate the game by adding the concepts of right and left.

For correctly completing the task, the child receives a token.

"What changed?".

Purpose of the game

Material: action figures of the same characters are used fairy tales("Turnip", "Teremok", "Kolobok", "The Hare and the Fox (Zayushkina's hut)", etc.) and objects; circles are tokens. Figures can be used fabulous characters from the theater on flannelgraph.

Progress of the game;

1. The presenter, using figures, reproduces a plot on a flannelgraph fairy tales and asks one of the children to describe what is depicted. Then the child turns away and the leader, together with other children, swaps two or three figures (if children are over six years old, the number of changes can be increased to five). The child must say, what changed. For correct answers he receives a token. The one who collects the most tokens wins.

2. If the children have successfully mastered this game, ask them to lay out some story themselves fairy tales and continue the game without a leader, appointing one of the children as the leader.

"Tell about picture» .

Purpose of the game: Expansion of vocabulary, development of coherent speech, creative thinking, observation.

Material: action figures of the same characters are used fairy tales("Turnip", "Teremok", "Kolobok", "The Hare and the Fox (Zayushkina's hut)"etc., circles - tokens. Figures can be used fabulous characters from the theater on flannelgraph.

Progress of the game:

Selected fairy tale for adults(this could be fairy tale, which is currently being studied). The host takes one of the heroes fairy tales and describes it: tells what he looks like, good or evil, big or small, what he does along the way fairy tales, etc.. d. After this, he asks the children to repeat that he told.

Then the presenter takes another figurine and asks the children to take turns describing the hero and make sure that the descriptions are not repeated.

If this does not work, the presenter asks guiding questions: for example, what is the grandfather wearing; is he old or young; what he does, etc. For correct answers, the child receives a token. The one who gives the most answers wins.

"Find by silhouette".

Purpose of the game: Development of speech, visual thinking, attention, figurative memory.

Material: action figures of the same characters are used fairy tales("Turnip", "Teremok", "Kolobok", "The Hare and the Fox (Zayushkina's hut)" and etc.). Figures can be used fabulous characters from the theater on flannelgraph.

Progress of the game:

The presenter asks the children to look at the figures from all sides. Next, he explains what a silhouette is and asks the children to trace the silhouette of the figure with their finger, and then with a pencil.

The presenter lays out the figures with the reverse side and asks to find the heroes fairy tales, objects.

"Show the same".

Purpose of the game: Expansion of vocabulary. Teach children to think operations: comparison, generalization, logical thinking. Develop imagination, be able to classify objects according to different criteria.

Material: action figures fairy tales from the theater on flannelgraph; pictures with scenes, selected fairy tales.

Progress of the game.

Leading talks about that that there are identical objects, body parts in different people, animals, etc., and asks the children to show the same.

Then he asks to answer his questions and show the same on the figures. For example, who has tails, who is dressed in skirts, how are grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter similar (they walk on their feet, people, how are bugs, cats, mice similar (animals) etc.

“Color according to the description”.

Purpose of the game: development of speech, the ability to listen to others, to clearly express one’s thoughts; consolidation of the concept"silhouette"; development of observation, imaginative thinking and imagination.

Material: action figures fairy tales from the theater on flannelgraph; pictures with scenes from the game"Collect and tell fairy tale» , selected fairy tales; riddles for heroes fairy tales; colored pencils, paper.

Progress of the game.

Leading tells the children a fairy tale, and lays out the supporting pictures with fairy tale plots. Then, together with the children, he selects figurines of heroes fairy tales.

When the figures lie in front of the children, the adult reads out card a riddle about one of the heroes. Children must guess who we are talking about. The one who guessed first becomes storyteller.

The presenter turns over card and asks to find exactly the same figure - silhouette.

Children, each in their own place, trace the silhouette. After this, the supporting pictures are removed, And narrator Together with the presenter, he must describe the image, and the children must complete the drawing and color the silhouettes without looking at the figure.

It is recommended to play with simple pieces at first (turnip, bun, teremok, mitten). After each description, show the figure and compare who got which silhouette. Next becomes the storyteller, who has the most accurate drawing, or you can make a riddle about the next hero.

“Who is the most observant?”.

Purpose of the game: Strengthen the ability to write a story based on a picture, develop attention, expand vocabulary.

Material: plot pictures from the game"Collect and tell fairy tale» .

Progress of the game.

Adult shows picture depicting the plot of one of the fairy tales and asks the children to describe what is shown on picture. Children list and describe heroes, events, objects. For each correct answer they receive tokens.

Children 3 – 5 years old can play two or three times according to one plot. If children are over five years old, they play according to this plot once. The winner posts his story.


Purpose of the game: Development of speech, attention, figurative memory; consolidation of concepts: on, over, under, before, with, inside, etc.

Material: Action figures fairy tales; pictures with fairy tale plots; paper, colored pencils, riddles.

Progress of the game:

An adult asks a riddle. The one who guessed it becomes "scout". They show him picture - plot, and he must describe picture with the hero as accurately as possible, and other children, using figures, draw picture as described.

Adult helps "scout" describe the picture is more accurate.

"Colored circles".

Purpose of the game: Development of coherent speech, figurative memory, teaching children mnemonics.

Material: Colored circles that differ in color and size according to the characters fairy tales; action figures fairy tales; pictures with fairy tale plots.

Progress of the game:

Tell me fairy tale children and ask them to show the corresponding figures. Ask your child to act out the story from fairy tales.

If your child can't cope, show him picture - plot, and let him tell the story using the figures.

Then tell him fairy tale, laying out only circles. After that, he must replace the heroes with circles and retell a fairy tale using circles.

"Assemble from parts".

Purpose of the game: development of speech, attention, memory, thinking, coordination of hand movements.

Material: split pictures of fairy tale heroes, action figures fairy tales from« Fairytale chest» , corresponding to the split pictures, puzzles.

Progress of the game:

An adult shows action figures to children fairy tales. Ask what their names are. Then show that the pieces can be used to make a figurine of any of the heroes.

Then the parts cards are shuffled, and the adult asks the child to guess the riddle and put together a hero figurine.

"Magician's Hat".

Purpose of the game: consolidation of knowledge of fairy tales; speech development; development of tactile sensitivity, fine motor skills, attention and figurative memory.

Material: rubber toys from a tabletop theater, a hat or box, a scarf.

Progress of the game:

An adult shows a hat and handkerchief: “This is a magician’s hat, the heroes lie in it fairy tales. You need to take turns identifying the hero by touch, name him and say, which one is he from? fairy tales.

“I’ll name it, and you continue”.

Purpose of the game: speech development, consolidation of knowledge of fairy tales, development of attention, thinking, memory.

Progress of the game:

The adult names one of the heroes, and the children add him fabulous name.

Young and middle age

Mouse -... (norushka)

Frog - … (wah)

Bunny - ... (runner)

Chanterelle - ... (sister)

Top - (Gray barrel)

Bear - … (clubfooted)

Cockerel - (Golden comb)

Geese - (Swans)

Sister - (Alyonushka)

Brother - (Ivanushka)

Grey … (wolf)

Baba -... (Yaga, bone leg)

Goat - ... (Boxthorn)

Red (hat)

Chicken -... (Ryaba)

Fly - … (Tsokotuha)

Senior and preparatory group

Tiny -... (Khavroshechka)

Tsar … (Saltan)

Princess - ... (frog)

Sivka... (burqa)

Finist - ... (Clear Falcon)

Nikita... (Kozhemyaka)

Silver... (hoof)

Flower - ... (seven-flowered)

Ilya... (Muromets)

Dobrynya... (Nikitich)

Nightingale - ... (robber)

Vasilisa... (Beautiful)

Tsarevich... (Elisha)

Boy … (with a finger)

Horse - (Humpbacked Little Humpback)

Ugly... (duckling)

"From what fairy tale hero.

Purpose of the game: Consolidating knowledge of fairy tales

Material: large card with the image of a hero fairy tales; small cards, depicting different scenes fairy tales.

Progress of the game:

Children are given large cards. The presenter shows cards with fairy tale plots. That child whose big card depicts a hero from the plot fairy tales, calls fairy tale and takes the card for himself.

The one who collects everything the fastest wins fairy tales.

"Help the hero find his fairy tale» .

Purpose of the game: Consolidating knowledge of fairy tales, development of speech, thinking, memory.

Material: A hero is depicted on a piece of paper fairy tales and three pictures - fairy tale plots, in which this hero is not present, and one picture, in which this hero is.

Progress of the game:

An adult shows the children picture and says, For example: “The cockerel went for a walk and got lost. Let's help him return to his fairy tale" Children look at picture and name the appropriate one fairy tale.

"In which Kolobok fell into a fairy tale.

Purpose of the game: Consolidating knowledge of fairy tales, development of speech, thinking, memory.

Material: Picture with a picture of the plot fairy tales, on which Kolobok is glued.

Progress of the game: An adult shows the children a plot picture. Children call fairy tale, and describe picture.

« Fairy Tale Confusion»

Purpose of the game: Consolidating knowledge of fairy tales, development of speech, thinking, memory.

Material: Picture depicting two different fairy tales.

Progress of the game: adult shows picture. Children must name which fairy tales got mixed up.

“Who is screaming?”

Target: Development of ZKR.

Material: Images, depicting animals, riddles.

Game description: An adult makes a riddle about animals, the children guess it. Adult shows picture and says: “What does this animal say?” Children imitate an animal.

"Collect and tell fairy tale» .

Target: Consolidating knowledge of fairy tales; expansion of vocabulary, development of coherent speech, attention, memory.

Material: Pictures with images of scenes selected fairy tales.

Progress of the game: The child must put together the plot sequences pictures from the beginning to the end of the tale, then tell a story based on plot Pictures.

"Whose song".

Target: Expansion of vocabulary, speech development, consolidation of knowledge of fairy tales.

Game description: The teacher reads the words of the hero from fairy tales. Children call fairy tale and hero to whom these words belong. For example:

I, Kolobok, Kolobok,

Swept across the barn,

Scraped by the bones,

Mixed with sour cream,

Put in the oven,

It's cold at the window.

(Fairy tale"Kolobok", song Kolobok)

Little goats, little kids,

Open up, open up!

Your mother has come,

I brought milk.

I, Koshcha, was in the forest,

I ate silk grass,

I drank cold water;

Milk runs down the shelf,

From the markings to the hooves,

And from the hoof in the cheese the earth.

(Fairy tale"The Wolf and the Little Goats", song of the Goat)

You kids, you dads

Open up, open up!

Your mother has come,

Brought milk

The hoofs are full of water!

Fairy tale"The Wolf and the Little Goats", wolf song)

Ay, ay, Snow Maiden!

Ay, ay, my dear!

At grandpa's, at grandma's

There was a granddaughter Snegurushka,

Her friends lured her into the forest,

Lured - abandoned.

(Fairy tale"The Snow Maiden and the Fox", the Snow Maiden's song).

See see!

Don't sit on the tree stump

Don't eat the pie!

Bring it to grandma

Bring it to grandpa!

(Fairy tale"Masha and the Bear", Masha's song).

How will I jump out, how will I jump out -

Pieces will fly through the back streets.

(Fairy tale"The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster", fox song).

Cockerel, Cockerel

golden comb,

Look out the window -

I'll give you some peas.

(Fairy tale"Cat, Rooster and Fox", fox song).

The fox is carrying me

For the dark forests,

For the high mountains!

Brother cat

Help me out!

(Fairy tale"Cat, Rooster and Fox", song Cockerel).

This spoon is simple - Petina,

This spoon is simple - Kotova,

And this is not an ordinary spoon, it’s a chiseled one,

Gilded handle -

I'll take this spoon for myself.

(Fairy tale"Zhiharka", words by Zhikharka)


I carry the braid on my shoulders,

I want to whip the fox!

Get out, fox!

(Fairy tale"The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster", song Cockerel).

The noise, the noise, the goosebumps,

Golden stones,

Is the fox at home?

Come out fox!

(Fairy tale"Cat, Rooster and Fox", Cat's song).

I'll sit on a tree stump

I'll eat the pie.

(Fairy tale"Masha and the Bear", bear song)

« Fairytale hares» .

Target: development of speech, imagination, observation, expressiveness of movements.

Game description: The adult invites the children to remember fairy tales, in which there are hares. Those who wish they tell what kind of hares they are, or depict how they behave without naming fairy tales. The rest of the children guess which one is from fairy tales hare.

"Big small".

Target: Practice forming words by analogy. Development of speech, observation, expressiveness of movements.

Game description: The teacher names the name of an adult animal. The child says the name of his cub. Then a baby animal is depicted.

"Magic Cube".

Target: Consolidating knowledge of fairy tales, development of speech, memory.

Material: a multi-colored cube, on each side of which, using Velcro, heroes or plots are attached fairy tales.

Game description:

I option. The teacher rolls a dice, on each side of which there is an image of a character attached. fairy tales. Children name the hero and fairy tales with his participation.

Option II. The teacher rolls a dice, on each side of which there is an image of a character attached. fairy tales. Children portray this hero.

III option. The teacher throws a cube, on each side of which there is an image of a plot attached. fairy tales(preferably the tales were different) . Children call fairy tale and its heroes.

IV option. A child throws a cube, on each side of which there is an image of a character attached. fairy tales, and names the hero and fairy tales with his participation.

V option. A child throws a cube, on each side of which there is an image of a plot attached. fairy tales(preferably the tales were different, and calls fairy tale and its heroes.

"Describe the hero".

Target: Development of grammatical structure of speech, ability to select adjectives.

Material: Fairy tale, picture or a hero figurine for description; cards with schematic images of emotions, colors, body structure.

Progress of the game:

Option I (for children 3 – 4 years old):

After reading fairy tales, teacher asks: (For example, fairy tale"The Fox and the Hare") – Which Cockerel?

Children answer: “Kind, brave, etc.”

Option II (for children 4 – 7 years old):

After reading fairy tales, or when comparing fairy tales, the teacher asks to describe one of the characters using schematic cards.

"I'll start, you continue".

Target: Consolidating knowledge of fairy tales, development of coherent speech, the ability to listen carefully to each other.

Material: character – the hero of the chosen fairy tales.

Progress of the game: Children sit in a circle. The teacher has a character in his hands - a hero fairy tales which children will tell. The teacher begins fairy tale(says one or two sentences) and passes it to the child sitting next to him. The child continues, saying one or two sentences, and passes it on to the next one.


Target: Development of speech, imagination, observation, intelligence, expressiveness of movements.

Material: masks fabulous animal characters.

Game description: The driver is selected. The rest of the children stand in front of the leading semicircle. The driver is wearing a mask fairy-tale character from a familiar fairy tale, but he doesn't know which one. To guess whose mask it is, the driver invites one of the children, or all the children, to portray this character. If the character is guessed, the one who portrayed him becomes the driver.

"Guess fairy tale» .

Target: development of coherent speech, attention, visual thinking.

Material: figures are used fairy-tale heroes from one of the fairy tales.

Progress of the game: An adult attaches figures to a flannelgraph fabulous heroes any characters fairy tales and asks the children to name this fairy tale.

"Name fairy tale»

Target: Consolidating knowledge of fairy tales and fairy-tale characters, development of coherent speech, attention, memory, visual thinking.

Material: a playing field on which plots of different fairy tales; cube.

Progress of the game: The child throws a dice onto the playing field. When the cube stops on one of the plots, the child calls fairy tale and its heroes.

"What changed?" - 2.

Purpose of the game: Development of coherent speech, attention, visual thinking.

Material: Tabletop theater toys.

Progress of the game;

On the table in front of the children there are figurines of heroes of one fairy tales. The teacher names the heroes. Then the children are closing eyes and the teacher removes one toy. Children open their eyes and teacher asks: “Who ran into the forest?” Children should say, what changed.

"Find fairy-tale heroes» .

Target: . Development of speech, memory, attention, thinking.

Option I:

Material: Figures fairy-tale heroes, stories fairy tales.

Progress of the game:

The teacher distributes figurines or rubber toys to children fairy-tale heroes. Scenes of different stories are laid out on the tables. fairy tales. At the teacher’s command, children assign their own to each story. fairy tale hero.

Option II.

Material: large cards, which depicts a plot of some kind fairy tales; small cards with images of fairy-tale characters.

Progress of the game:

The game is played on the lotto principle. Children are given large cards. The presenter shows small cards. Children whose hero is from fairy tales, shown on the large map, names the hero and takes him for himself. The first person to fill out theirs wins. map.

"Who's the odd one out?"

Target: Consolidating knowledge of fairy tales and fairy-tale characters, development of speech, attention, memory, thinking.

Material: action figures are used fairy tales from a flannelgraph theater or from a tabletop theater.

Progress of the game:

The heroes of one of the fairy tales and one extra hero. For children under 5 years old, an adult names fairy tale. Children must name who is extra, who is lost.

Children after five years old must name from which fairy tales heroes and who got lost.

"Guess the word".

(for those who know the letters)

Target: consolidation the first sound in a word consolidation of knowledge about fairy-tale characters, development of ZKR, thinking, memory, attention.

Material: double sided cards: letter on one side, image on the other side fairy tale character name, which begins with this letter.

Progress of the game:

Option I:

The teacher shows picture of a fairy tale character. The child pronounces the name and selects the first sound. The teacher turns it over card.

Option II:

The teacher lays out from cards word pictures up. The child pronounces the name of each Pictures, highlighting the first sound. The teacher turns it over card letter up, the child folds (reads) hidden word.

"Tell a fairy tale based on a picture» .

Target: development of coherent speech; consolidation of knowledge of fairy tales, memory.

Material: Story pictures for fairy tales.

Progress of the game: The teacher shows the child the plot picture. The child calls fairy tale and describes what is depicted on it. If desired, the child can tell the story in full.

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