“Give me some water to drink, otherwise I’m so hungry that I have nowhere to sleep!” Give me some water, I’m so hungry, I don’t have anywhere to spend the night, I want to buy a house in Adler, I’m so hungry

"To Petya the Shepherd

It's hard to live in the world:

Thin twig

Manage livestock."

S. Yesenin

"The Tale of the Shepherd Petya"

Ukrainian officials at all levels continue to amaze with the breadth of their thoughts, the flight of ideas and completely unexpected decisions. And in everything. From new loans (which they don’t even think about repaying) to old Humvees, which for some reason are most happy with social network users aged 16 to 25 years.

So, in order. Although the word “order” is not applicable to Ukraine at this time. Therefore, take turns.

“My buddy from the seventeenth once had to clean a Hummer that had been shot down by an RPG. He says he found the driver's fingers in the engine compartment.

Where did he get the idea that these were the driver’s fingers?

They were squeezing the steering wheel, you fool!”

("Generation Killers")

Soon every self-respecting member of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, dashingly driving a donated armored car, raising a pillar of dust or kneading Ukrainian black soil, will be able to feel like a hero in action films filmed in Hollywood in the 80s. It remains to solve a small problem: where to get fuel and lubricants, repair where and with what, and other household little things. And the fact that the Humvees are old doesn’t matter. Poroshenko also said that the United States, as part of the agreements, will supply night vision systems, communication systems, etc. This is apparently in order to make sure that the Humvee is not sold or that it does not go to private garages.

The employees of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will, apparently, be starving to drive those machines that were discussed a little higher. Because the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense announced a lack of money for food for the military

“This year there is a shortage of about 677 million hryvnia (about $29 million) to feed Ukrainian military personnel,” this figure was announced by the director of the department of public procurement and supply of material resources of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Nelly Stelmakh.

A reasonable question arises: if there is nothing to eat for those who are serving now, why does Poroshenko sign a decree stating that there will be a new mobilization? Are there really so many people who want to go on a diet according to Poroshenko’s system: “we serve 24 hours a day: of which we sleep for 8 hours, and fast for the remaining 16 hours.”? One thing is good: the steering on armored vehicles is power-assisted. Otherwise you would have to drive strictly in a straight line.

“If I had a nickel for every time they put a stinking gun to my head, I’d be rich a long time ago.” (Harley Davidson)

Surely a traffic police officer remembered these words from the film when meeting with a judge in one of the districts of the Kyiv region.

On March 25, the Supreme College of Judges suspended Vladislav Oberemko, judge of the Makarovsky District Court of the Kyiv Region, from office for two months. For what? Pure trifles: he violated traffic rules, for which he was stopped by a traffic police officer. The fiery heart of the servant of the law could not withstand such shame, and while the protocol was being drawn up, the drunk (!) judge amused himself by threatening the inspector with a pistol, as well as the journalist who was filming the incident on camera.

“Now he hit me in the face, and then he will take your place too.

Well, what did you want? Career growth" (TV series "Capercaillie")

Zoryan Shkiryak was appointed head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine instead of the previous one (the reason is banal and unchanged for Ukraine in 2014-2015 - theft and embezzlement).

Why is this interesting? To understand who Shkiryak is and what he did:

1988 - nurse at the Central District Hospital of the city of Lyuboml, Volyn region.

from 1991 to 2013 – manager, deputy general director, again deputy general director.

The military has already reported on the successful testing of laser weapons for armored cars, Boeing showed off a new anti-submarine missile. From now on, the Pentagon, so that congressmen do not experience a belated attack of greed, will press on the existence of wow, what formidable threats.

Construction of an innocent US missile defense base has just begun in Poland, and the US military is already concerned about Moscow’s statements about stopping the threat of the European missile defense system, observers are asking for Russian military exercises and warning about the risk of an accidental confrontation between the Russian Federation and the United States. Against this background, Washington is dreamily thinking about continuing the dialogue with the Russian Federation under the INF Treaty. Amazing people live overseas.

That same week, the heads of the Scandinavian countries gathered in Washington and, under the leadership of the US President, supported sanctions against Russia. The message does not say anything about a united front for NATO; apparently, Sweden and Finland managed to talk their way out of it. The Ministry of Commerce has outlined the conditions under which China and Russia will be able to join the new club of the elite in world trade - the TPP: China is expected to solve the problem of overproduction, and Russia is expected to peacefully coexist with Ukraine. In the meantime, apparently, within the framework of the WTO, which has already been thrown into the basket of history, the United States has introduced a duty of 522% on steel from China.

It is not surprising that Merkel’s associates are calling for sanctions to be lifted from Russia “as soon as possible,” because anyway, sanctions are no longer considered a risk for us, and economic prospects are there, no matter what experts say. At least just return the market. But I think that all these calls are in vain. A country whose intelligence seeks help from a private consulting firm and is wary of collaborating with Big Brother is unlikely to be able to pursue a sovereign policy.

And a couple more news from Europe. Agitation for and against leaving the EU continues in the UK, and the new Chancellor of Austria is ready to cooperate with the far right.

In Russia, the results of state support amounting to a trillion rubles have been summed up. As expected, the money ended up in banks without reaching the economy, which shrank by 1.2% in the first quarter. This is because increased liquidity cannot fill a leaky pool; the leak must be repaired. William Engdahl wrote about this ten years later in a series of essays, “The Financial Tsunami.” But it’s good for speculators, they say that investing in Russia is more profitable than in India and China. Russia is investing its excess money in Chinese bonds, trying to reduce the volume of investments in US treasuries.

Now the new government of Brazil, headed by a former US informant, is just as enthusiastic about severing established ties: El Salvador refused to recognize the new authorities, and Venezuela and Ecuador recalled their ambassadors from the capital, following his example. But no big loss! The new authorities are discussing the sale of stakes in state assets and have appointed ex-president Fernanda Henrique Cardoso, who once made significant efforts to transition from a predominantly state economy to a predominantly market economy, to head Petrobras. China hopes that everything will work out in Brazil. In 2013, trade turnover between the countries amounted to $83.3 billion, and relations were more than warm.

China has special problems: Beijing cannot cope with the financial sector and asks for help from British professionals, while not forgetting to intervene in the gold trade. The Chinese are withdrawing dollars from the country and spending them on real estate in California, the state is building spaceports and oil pipelines to Russia.

India, whose fuel consumption is rapidly catching up with China, tested two ballistic missiles and one interceptor missile this week. Pakistan's response will likely come next week.

In Nigeria, militants blew up an American Chevron oil pipeline; France is actively joining the fight against Boko Haram. In Libya, against the backdrop of growing fears about the cessation of oil shipments, American special forces are becoming more and more active, and this is apparently expressed in the fact that Libyan military personnel, whom the UN Security Council decided to arm, are increasingly dying in clashes with the Islamic State. The Ugandan president offended the US and EU delegations with remarks about the International Criminal Court and the presence of disgraced Sudanese President Bashir at his inauguration ceremony.

The latest story is the war in the Middle East. The star of Saudi Arabia is frozen in uncertainty: it is either setting or about to rise. The first is due to the fact that the former overseas ally has lost interest in the country. Moody's lowered the sovereign rating, and the Senate passed a bill allowing Riyadh to be sued for September 11. I wonder where the famous petrodollars of the last century went, the same ones for which the Saudis sold oil to the whole world and then took them to Wall Street banks for processing. Now the country is preparing to pay private companies with promissory notes, i.e., “I owe you” notes. Moreover, it turned out that... the first joint missile defense exercises of the US Navy, South Korea and Japan, the statement of the humanitarian summit in Istanbul, the uncertain status of ex-President of Egypt Hosni Mubarak, Turkey's next claims against Greece and much more.

For this I take my leave, stay with us. Read our political news every Friday.

(21st week 2016)

For three hours now we had been sitting with Natasha at the Kievsky station. In her arms, two-month-old Vanya squeaked from time to time. Natasha said that she really wanted to return to her parents in Ukraine. She gave birth to Vanya in Moscow and soon realized that she couldn’t last here with him. But there was no money for a return ticket. Then she wrote a sign: “Help raise money” - and with the child in her arms she walked through the subway cars. I approached her right in the carriage and offered to buy a ticket. She agreed. “What a poor fellow! - I thought. “So exhausted that she doesn’t have the strength to somehow show joy!” But just in case, I still decided to check the documents. Seems okay: Natalya Ivanovna Kovach, 16 years old, place of registration is the city of Rakhiv, Transcarpathian region. (I asked the police officers on duty at the station to check Natasha’s Ukrainian passport and the certificate from the hospital about the birth of the child. Two paper icons were also included in the passport.) One thing is strange: according to the papers, it turned out that Natasha arrived in Moscow in the eighth month of pregnancy. But what doesn't happen in this world.

We are waiting for the train. To clear my conscience, I decided to put her on the train myself. But for now I kept the ticket with me - you never know. Suddenly Natasha gets up: “I’m going to the toilet.” - “Where are you going with the child? Leave it to me." - “Nothing, I’m already used to it.” After half an hour of waiting, I realized that Natasha would not return.

Then, in a conversation with Tatyana Kuznetsova, the head of the public organization “Territory of Childhood”, which helps orphans, I remembered one more detail: during all these three hours, Natasha did not part with her “Help!” sign for a second. “These are professional beggars. Most likely, Natasha was specially invited to “work” in Moscow as a beggar while she was pregnant. With an eye to the fact that she will give birth here and will beg,” Tatyana comments on my story. The fact is that “mothers” with babies are served more readily. According to operational data, such a woman earns from one and a half to three thousand rubles a day.

How to help your child

A woman with a child in her arms asking for help is an appeal to the mind and heart. To submit or not to submit? The problem is not even that most of these beggars are not real, but that their children are destined for the same future. They work, as can be seen from the story with Natasha and her son, already from infancy... But even if it is obvious that this beggar woman is a professional, the child may be better off with his own mother, even if she makes a living by deception.

Another question is that, according to Tatyana Kuznetsova, many of these children do not belong to those “mothers” who beg with them on the subway. Police officers had to deal with the fact that pseudo-beggars mix diphenhydramine into the milk of infants so that they do not interfere with their “work.” The babies also sleep because of exhaustion: “mothers” do not have time to feed them or walk with them. As a result, children develop pathologies. Here are some real life examples.

This spring, one of the project volunteers saw a woman on the subway with a four-month-old baby in her arms. The baby didn't even blink. When she called the police, the beggar woman did not have documents for the child. They were both escorted to the department. Soon the child’s “mother” asked to smoke, went out and disappeared into the water. The baby developed a cleft palate and could hardly feed himself. Activists found people who wanted to adopt a child.

Another case is about a pseudo-widower. He stood at the VDNH metro station with a two-year-old child in a kangaroo. The baby squirmed and cried. A participant in the “Childhood Territory” project (different this time) called the police. About half an hour later, while the identity of the activist and the “widower” was being clarified at the department, the “deceased” mother appeared. The boy had to be sent to the hospital for health reasons. According to the police, within a short time they caught three beggar women with the same baby. Another beggar was detained for child abuse - subway passengers noticed that the boy was beaten. There was also such a case: a beggar woman was caught with a dead baby in her arms.

What to do if it is obvious that the child needs your help? Is there a legal way to prosecute beggars for child exploitation?

There is Article 151 of the Criminal Code, which provides for imprisonment for up to six years for involving children in begging. But there is no penalty for USING children. And it is possible to INVOLVE a child in begging only if he independently evaluates what is happening. That is, the baby cannot be involved in anything. In addition, proof of systematicity is required. To do this, the same beggar must be detained three times during the calendar year. As a result, Article 151 turns out to be ineffective. In 2001, 29 criminal cases were initiated and brought to court in Moscow, in 2002 - 27 cases, in 2003 - 24, and in 2004 - only 6 cases.

Several years ago, a Department for Minors was created on the Moscow Metro, which also deals with the detention of beggars with children. As of June 13, 263 such arrests had been made since the beginning of the year. The head of the department, Sergei Kuguk, complained that passengers almost never call the police if they encounter beggars. At the same time, begging in the subway is considered an offense, and police officers have the right and even the obligation to detain beggars. True, practice shows that they do this with great reluctance. But if you want to help your child, don't let this bother you. This is what Tatyana Kuznetsova advises to do in such cases.

No need to approach beggars - you will scare them away. And immediately go to the police room and demand the arrest of the suspicious beggar. Don’t rush to leave yourself: you will need a witness! If a police officer refuses to help you, say that you will complain to the head of the department, Colonel Sergei Kuguk. Show knowledge of the law: mention Article 151 of the Criminal Code and Article 5.35 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (“failure to fulfill obligations for the maintenance and upbringing of minors”), under which beggars can be held accountable. The police will check your documents and take written explanations. It is important here to indicate that the beggar woman had a sign or that you saw her being served. Then the beggar must be taken to the police department on the metro. If there are no documents for the child, he is sent to the hospital. Until the mother arrives there with documents (and if not the mother, then she will not arrive), he is registered in an orphanage or a baby home. By the way, the police must call an ambulance in any case so that a doctor can examine the child. If it turns out that the suspect has been detained twice before, prosecution under Art. 151 of the Criminal Code. In addition, a beggar can immediately be brought to administrative responsibility under Art. 5.35 Code of Administrative Offences.

If you see a beggar woman not at the station, but in the carriage, you can use emergency communication with the driver or call the control telephone number or the police duty station (you will find telephone numbers at the end of the article). You will need to provide the train route and carriage number.

Where to contact

Before 19.00 you need to call 921-93-50 to the Department of Juvenile Affairs of the Internal Affairs Directorate on the Moscow Metro. In addition, each line has 24-hour emergency telephone numbers:
222-17-63 - Sokolnicheskaya;
158-78-84 – Zamoskvoretskaya;
222-11-43 – Filevskaya;
222-26-48 - Koltsevaya and Kalininskaya;
222-78-10 – Taganskaya;
222-75-78 - Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya;
684-99-49 - Kaluga-Rizhskaya;
222-11-83 - Serpukhovsko-Timiryazevskaya;
351-80-91 - Maryinsko-Chkalovskaya.

The topic “Should I give to the poor in the subway” caused a large number of responses on the website Miloserdie.ru: opinions about “giving” and “not giving” were divided. But the Gospel says simply: “Give to him who asks you,” without specifying to whom or why. We asked the confessor of the Neskuchny Sad magazine, Archpriest Arkady SHATOV, to comment on this difficult issue:

Every person must decide this question by listening to the voice of his conscience. There is a known case with one saint who gave his clothes to a beggar, and then saw that they were being sold at the market. He was very upset, but not because the beggar had deceived him, but because he thought that the Lord had not accepted his alms. But then Christ appeared to him in the very clothes that he had given to the beggar. After all, these are the words of the Lord: “... I was naked, and you clothed Me” (Matthew 25:36). Usually they ask for Christ’s sake and give for Christ’s sake. And if a person gives alms for the sake of Christ, out of compassion, without trying to evaluate the situation, the Lord will accept this alms. And he won’t ask us how or what the beggar will spend the money on.

Some people do not give alms to drunks, some do not give to anyone, but help people in some other way. For example, a large family, a family without a father - that is, people about whom it is known for sure that they need help. After all, there really are “professionals” among the beggars.

The words of the Gospel, “Give to him who asks you” (Matthew 5:42), should probably be understood in the sense that you need to give to those who really need help. This does not mean giving alcoholics a bottle, drug addicts drugs, or suicidal people poison. On the other hand, if a person is suspicious of everyone, he will eventually harden his heart and stop helping anyone. There are people who do not help anyone on the basis that “beggars are all deceivers.” But this is how they cover up their reluctance to share. As for the exploitation of children - if there really is such a mafia in Moscow - you need to be very careful here. It seems to me that this is not a question like: to be or not to be? Each time you need to solve the problem anew, proceed from the real state of affairs and pray to God. You just don’t need to judge those people who beg for alms. What is important here is not some kind of legalistic position, but sympathy, compassion, love.


People ask to spend the night in different ways. The hero of the old joke began his request modestly and from afar, but got to the heart of the matter quickly enough: “Give me some water to drink, otherwise I’m so hungry that there’s nowhere to sleep.” But in reality, some citizens do not make do with verbal requests and add more weighty arguments.


So thirty-year-old citizen K., going to his friend’s place to spend the night, grabbed a bottle of vodka. When the alcohol was happily dealt with, the owner of the apartment opaquely hinted that it was time to know the honor. Like, dear guests, aren’t you tired of your hosts?

Citizen K. was not tired of the owner, which the guest tried to convey to the consciousness of his victim. As the most powerful argument, citizen K. used a hammer. Four blows to the head with a construction tool were enough to end the discussion. The owner of the apartment collapsed dead under the pressure of such arguments, and the upset guest went wherever he looked.


And the eyes of citizen K. looked towards his friend citizen L.

A man came to ask for an overnight stay or just relieve stress - it doesn’t matter. Citizen L. did not wait for the tragic development of events and delve into the difficult experiences of her friend, and as soon as the scandal began, she called the police.

Citizen K., apparently, really liked the law enforcement officers, because it was to them that he informed them that a corpse was waiting for them in one of the apartments in the city.

It was difficult to believe, but the police still went to the specified address, where they found the body of the murdered apartment owner. Citizen K. at first categorically refused to admit that the corpse was his doing. But then I remembered where I put the hammer and other details of that day. The detainee had already been convicted of murder, but after his release in 2005 he did not come to the attention of law enforcement agencies.

1) about the requests and demands of the interlocutor, which are incommensurate with the situation;

2) please give me some water to drink.

  • - See TLEN -...
  • - In the underground, underground there is a pie with carrots: I want to eat, but I don’t want to climb...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - In the underground, underground there is a pie with carrots: I want to eat it, but I don’t want to climb...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - A camouflaged hint that, in addition to water, it would be nice to receive bread and salt from the owners and lay your head somewhere...

    Dictionary of folk phraseology

  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See ENVY -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - God gave a lot, but you want more...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See HAPPINESS -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See LONELINESS -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See ENVY -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - It’s cramped and fresh on the belly...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Bread and salt! - I eat my own. - There is bread! - There's nowhere to sit...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See WILL -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See REQUEST - CONSENT - REFUSAL I want to eat, but I don’t want to climb...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See REQUEST - CONSENT -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

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