Daniel - meaning. The name of a real man. Origin history and interpretation of the name Daniel

Meaning of the name Daniel: The boy's name means "God is my judge." This affects Daniel's character and fate.

Origin of the name Daniel: Jewish.

Diminutive form of name: Danya, Danechka, Danusya.

What does the name Daniel mean: The name Daniel translates as “divine.” Another meaning of the name Daniel is “God is my judge.” The name Daniel is a form of the name Daniel. Although many scientists say that the name Daniel initially arose, and only then it was transformed into the form Daniel. Another thing is that the latter is more popular today than the former. There is a feminine form of the name - Daniela. The owner of this name is a charismatic and confident leader, capable of becoming the leader of a large group of people. There is a high probability that he will create his own business, become an entrepreneur, or write a series of books that will be successfully published.


  • Zodiac – Aries, Scorpio
  • The planet Mars
  • Daniel's color is red
  • Treasured plant - tobacco, radish, mustard
  • Talisman stone – jasper, amethyst

Angel Day and patron saints named after Daniel: The name Daniel celebrates name days several times a year:

  • January 2
  • March 1
  • March 17
  • March 31
  • 20 April
  • June 4
  • June 5
  • July 23
  • 12-th of September
  • September 25
  • The 4th of October
  • December 11th
  • 12 December
  • December 24
  • December 30th

Characteristics of the name Daniel

Positive features: He is Daniel - a decent, diplomatic person. The meaning of the name has excellent intuition and is an excellent psychologist, which allows him to understand people. As a result, he always has friends next to him whom he can definitely trust.

Negative features: A guy with this name hates lies and hypocrisy. Seeing that they are trying to deceive him, a man named Daniel can get very angry, but, as a rule, he quickly calms down. For this reason, he is quite secretive and can only confide in his closest friends.

Personality of the name Daniel: He Daniel quickly learns that honest effort always lives up to expectations. He literally radiates optimism and cheerfulness, does not at all strive for the heights of his career, although he is quite capable of becoming a leader. The thing is that he has his own criteria of success by which he measures his actions and life in general.

The meaning of the name Daniel from a psychological point of view. Dani has well-developed intuition, and he has a great understanding of people. In the process of communication, he proves himself to be a diplomat and a polite person. He often tries not to show excessive emotionality and allows a very limited number of people into his circle.

Being a supporter of justice and mutual respect, the person with the name Daniel enjoys authority in society, be it a work team or a circle of friends. Often this is what helps him achieve his goals.

A man with this name does everything judiciously and leisurely, managing to maintain a positive attitude even in the face of difficulties. There are always a lot of people around Dani, because he is amazingly able to win people over. At first, the guy seems invisible in the company, but a powerful charge of positive energy, smiling and sociability do their job - Daniel attracts the attention of others.

Daniel and his personal life

Love and marriage: Daniel strives to spend his free time surrounded by family and friends. A sense of home and family is extremely important to him. By the way, Daniel is ready to help his wife with housework, which is also important. True, he should choose a calm, gentle woman as his wife, since behind Daniel’s outward amiability and accommodating nature, not everyone can discern the masculine core, which is why conflicts will begin. In general, a person bearing the name Daniel enters into marriage solely for love. The sexual side of a relationship is important to him, but at the same time, if there are no feelings, Daniel will most likely refuse momentary pleasure, anticipating that such a relationship will not develop after that.

Family relationships are very important to him. Thus, Daniel strives to celebrate all holidays and other significant dates in a close family circle. His own home is of particular importance to him. He always tries to help his wife with housekeeping and happily receives guests.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: A guy named Daniel is capable of becoming a fairly successful leader and will be able to work in the military and political spheres. A guy with this name will easily lead people, possessing charm, charisma, and very good oratorical qualities. The main thing is to remember that words should never diverge from deeds, since society will expect from him the implementation of what was said.

Business and career: For Daniel, work is extremely important. He is a real workaholic. He tries to show his creativity in any matter. The meaning of the name Daniel in numerology is determined by the number 6, which indicates that its owner will be very successful in those enterprises where it is necessary to gain recognition and trust from the people around him.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Daniel: He Daniel is an excellent analyst and at the same time has a good imagination. Does not attach importance to curiosity, which is why Daniel is slightly limited in his goals and aspirations. This may be due to Daniel's increased fatigue. In any case, he should spend his vacation at sea. Active recreation is not very attractive to Daniel - it is important for him to relax, and therefore physical activity in this case will not allow him to regain his strength.

Daniel's fate in history

What does the name Daniel mean for a man's destiny?

  1. Daniel François-Esprit Aubert - French composer
  2. Daniel Bernoulli – Swiss mathematician and physicist
  3. Daniel Barenboim – Israeli conductor and pianist
  4. Daniel Mezotic – Austrian biathlete
  5. Daniele da Volterra - Italian sculptor and artist
  6. Daniel "Dani" Alves da Silva - footballer, included in the Brazilian national football team
  7. Daniel Alfredsson is a Swedish hockey player nicknamed Alfie, who plays as a winger.
  8. Daniel Fredheim Holm is a Norwegian footballer who plays as a striker for the Norway national team.
  9. Daniel Dumitrescu – Romanian boxer, European Championship and Olympic medalist
  10. Daniel Arany – mathematician of Hungarian origin
  11. Daniil Kharms - poet, writer, playwright, prose writer
  12. Daniel Defoe is an English publicist and writer who is known to most people as the author of the novel Robinson Crusoe.
  13. Daniel Rutherford - English physicist and chemist
  14. Daniel Jacob Radcliffe is a British actor who became famous for his role in the film Harry Potter.
  15. Daniello Bartoli – Italian historian, writer
  16. Daniel Olbrychski is a Polish film and theater actor.

Recently, the form Daniil has become more popular in Russia and Ukraine, but in Europe and America, parents most often call boys Daniel. This name should be interpreted as “divine”, “God is my judge”, or “just man”. There is a female equivalent of the name - Daniela. Name bearers can celebrate their name days on March 1, 17 and 31, April 20, June 4 and 5, July 23, September 12 and 25, October 4, December 11, 12, 24 and 30.

Characteristics of the name

From a very early age, little Daniel can amaze his loved ones with his serious attitude towards the world around him and his life. The child will do well at school, show an easy-going and patient character, and will always be ready to listen and come to the aid of a friend. It can be noted that the bearer of this name idolizes his mother in every possible way, therefore he strives to fulfill her requests and please her.

It is the mother who can instill in her son a love of creativity and contribute to the development of his talents. As a rule, a boy should definitely enroll in a theater club, choir or art school. Despite the fact that the boy at heart does not like public speaking and theatrical acting, in the future this will help him to be more open and self-confident. By nature, he has an inquisitive mind, so he can become seriously interested in playing chess, reading serious literature and professional sports. His parents should first of all take into account the needs of the child and not force him to communicate with uninteresting people and unnecessary hobbies.

As a rule, the bearer of this name has been able to recognize lies since childhood and strongly hates deception and tries to avoid the company of hypocritical people. As he grows older, his hot temper becomes visible - he gets quite irritated when he notices other people trying to deceive him. Usually a man knows how to stop in time, avoid serious conflicts and quickly calm down. It is likely that he will be a secretive person, about whose plans and desires only the closest people will have an idea.

Society treats Daniel with respect - many highly value his principles of adhering to justice and demonstrating respect for any person. In any company, he becomes a leader and deserves serious authority. Friends, acquaintances and colleagues are always ready to come to his aid, or, if necessary, ask him for advice in a difficult situation. Thanks to this position in society, the bearer of the name always achieves his goals, since he has a large circle of necessary contacts.

A man with this name most often works to occupy a leadership position, or immediately after receiving higher education organizes his own business. It is especially easy for him to make a career in politics or military affairs. Possessing bright charisma and the gift of oratory, the bearer of the name is excellent at motivating and leading a large number of people. He must only remember that he is obliged to fulfill his promises and timely implement his goals.

The name gives a man optimism and cheerfulness. Sometimes he may not even strive for career heights, but still become a leader thanks to his personal success criteria, which are much higher than those of other people. Such an employee is valued by management and promoted in every possible way to leadership positions, shifting most of their responsibilities onto his shoulders. It is worth noting that a man has the skills, strength and knowledge to successfully cope with all difficulties.

Thanks to a well-developed sense of intuition, a man knows how to understand people. When communicating with people of quite different personalities, he usually acts as a polite and judicious diplomat. By nature, he does not seek to demonstrate his emotionality and strictly checks the people with whom he wants to establish close contacts. He respects family values ​​and traditions, always pays attention to the older generation and spends all significant dates for him only with close relatives. Usually he is a hospitable owner who lovingly arranges his own home and always helps his wife with household chores.

It should be noted that the bearer of the name Daniel strives to find similar traits with his mother in every woman. The fact is that from childhood he perceives his mother as his ideal, so his future wife should be like her in everything. He will never become a ladies' man or a heartthrob, although he is popular with the opposite sex. In his youth, he can still allow himself to have several romantic relationships, but he tries to start his own family early with an intelligent, decent and kind girl. The wife must be a skilled housewife and a faithful companion for him, and be ready to support his desire to help his neighbors.

Famous personalities

Daniel Defoe (1660-1731) - an outstanding English writer, publicist, author of the adventure novel "Robinson Crusoe", known all over the world.

Daniel Jacob Radcliffe (1989) is a British stage and film actor who became famous after giving birth to the wizard Harry Potter in the saga of the same name.

Daniel Cormier (1979) is an American mixed martial arts boxer who competed in the 2004 and 2008 Olympic Games.

How interesting it is to immerse yourself in the history of a person’s name. Where did these names come from: Vadim, Vladimir, Alexander, Nikolai, Dmitry? What do they mean? Can you tell a person's character by his name? In ancient times, people were called for certain traits, and names, depending on their origin, designate something. What does the name Daniel mean? If you're looking to name your baby this name, or you're Danielle yourself and want to learn a thing or two about yourself, then let's explore this name.

Daniel - meaning. Name of a sensible man

This male name of Jewish origin means “God is my judge.” The child will grow up calm, reasonable, he will be interested in everything around him, but he will not ask “why” and “how”; he himself is inclined to experiments and research activities. Therefore, parents who choose the name Daniel will have to guide their child on the path of development and help him. People with this wonderful name are endowed with good practical abilities, as well as iron logic and developed intellect, but this does not mean that Daniel is not inclined to creativity; as a rule, he is a very talented person, at least he has all the abilities.

Daniel - meaning. Name of a successful man

Having both intellectual and creative abilities, he can become an artist, singer, actor, or devote himself to science, choose the profession of an architect, doctor, journalist, hairdresser or fashion designer. The meaning of the name Daniel tells us about his leadership abilities. He goes through life with his head held high and loves to manage. Daniel is gentle with the opposite sex, sociable, finds mutual understanding with everyone, but does not tolerate rudeness. Daniel is a wonderful husband. He will love and treat his wife tenderly. Marriage is a very important step for him, since family in his concept is sacred. He will try to put his soul into his children and give them everything they need for life.

Daniel - meaning. Name and its decoding

Let's see what the letters of this name mean.

Daniel - meaning. Name and signatures

Daniel is ruled by the planet Mars. His element is fire, and Daniel's zodiac sign is usually either Aries or Scorpio. Color - bloody, fiery red; metal - iron; day - Tuesday; characteristic minerals - amethyst, jasper; animals - wolf, rooster, raven, horse and dog.

If you name your child Daniel, you will get a well-mannered boy, and in the future - an adult real man, capable of starting his own family and raising a worthy generation.

Daniela name meaning, character and destiny | What does the name Daniela mean?

What does the name Daniela mean?: God is my judge (the name Daniela is of Hebrew origin).

Short meaning of the name Daniela: Dani, Yes, Dana, Dana, Dada, Danielinha, Danielzinha, Daninha, Denmark, Danzinha, Nini, Nininya, Nani, Naninya, Ela, Lita.

Personality of the name Daniela: Analyzing the meaning of the name Daniela from a psychological point of view, it is worth noting that this is a person with a very specific character. Firstly, she is very impulsive and hot-tempered. Under the influence of a bad mood, he can commit actions that he will later regret. The only way to bring the name Daniela to reason is not to answer her in kind, but to try to influence the owner of this name with affection and persuasion. From childhood, Daniela's parents must teach her to treat others with respect - this is very important so that, as an adult, Daniela learns to interact with others.

Daniela really likes the atmosphere of rivalry and competition. That is why, very often she chooses activities in the field of sports. He also likes to read books and watch films. If we are talking about childhood, then parents should choose only those genres in which the characters are shown as noble individuals with high moral values. Daniela's soul responds vividly to various types of art, and therefore she can become a musician, actress, artist, if, of course, she has such abilities. The name Daniela initially understands what she wants to become in the future, and therefore, after graduating from university, she often works in her specialty. Can be a successful fashion model, architect, secretary-assistant, programmer, salesman, announcer, teacher. She has a good command of foreign languages ​​and quickly assimilates new knowledge, being distinguished by her quick wit, excellent memory and ability to put everything into practice. However, she is uncollected, which greatly hinders Daniela from achieving her goals. True, it is worth noting that this drawback can be corrected if desired, because if we analyze the meaning of the name Daniela, we can say that she has more than enough positive qualities. For example, Daniela is a very strong-willed, persistent and energetic person with ambitious thoughts, and they very often lead to the fact that the name Daniela achieves incredible success in life. She has good organizational skills and is capable of being an excellent leader. Her problem lies only in her inability to concentrate on the main thing - often Daniela simply scatters her attention on several things and leaves them all unfinished. We can say that her successes could be more significant and impressive if the owner of this name learned to completely direct her energy to one goal. In addition, being an impulsive person, Daniela reacts painfully to all negative statements, does not get along well with people, and if we are talking about collective activities, then Daniela may have major problems here. In addition, if she does not immediately achieve her goal, she gives up what she started and does not complete anything.

Daniela's love and marriage: In marriage, the name Daniela tends to take a leadership position. Daniela dreams of having a strong man next to her, who would be affectionate and understanding. Daniela’s family life can develop quite favorably, but it is worth noting that it can be overshadowed by the pathological jealousy of the owner of this name. As a housewife, a girl named Daniela is wonderful and is able to give her husband a feeling of home and warmth. She pays the closest attention to raising children. The name Daniela strives to live separately from her parents, because she does not tolerate any instructions or advice.

The fate of the name Daniel in history:

  1. Daniela Steele ((born 1947) full name - Daniela Fernanda Dominica Muriel Emily Schulane-Steele; author of numerous novels that have become bestsellers. The total circulation of her books to date is over 125 million copies. She has sold more than 550 million books (data for 2005) Her novels spent 390 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list, and 23 of her short stories were made into films.)
  2. Daniela Galli, better known as Dani (Italian singer, world famous vocalist, who became famous mainly thanks to her long and fruitful collaboration with the Benassi brothers)
  3. Daniela Iraschko ((born 1983) Austrian ski jumper, world champion in ski jumping (2011). Multiple winner of FIS tournaments (2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2010 - in the individual championship and 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005 - in the team championship), silver medalist (2011 - in the individual championship) and bronze medalist (1999 - in the individual championship). Winner of the Continental Cup in ski jumping (2009/10, 2010/11). Repeated winner of World Cup stages. Irashko is also a professional footballer and plays as a goalkeeper for the women's team of the Wacker football club.)
  4. Daniella Perez Gazolla ((1970 - 1992) Brazilian actress, daughter of screenwriter Gloria Perez)
  5. Daniela Rief (Swiss triathlete)
  6. Danila Comastri Montanari ((born 1948) Italian writer)
  7. Daniela Lujan ((born 1988) Mexican film actress and singer)
  8. Daniela Silivas ((born 1972) outstanding Romanian gymnast, three-time Olympic champion, multiple world champion)
  9. Daniela Hantuchova ((born 1983) Slovak tennis player)
  10. Daniela Bartova-Brzechkova ((born 1974) Czech athlete. Participant in two Olympic Games. In 1992 she competed in artistic gymnastics, and in 2000 in pole vaulting. Former world and European record holder in the high jump.)
  11. Daniela Anschutz-Toms ((born 1974) German speed skater, 2006 and 2010 Olympic champion in the team race, world champion (2006), medalist at the World Championships in individual distances)

Who knows the detailed meaning of the male name Daniel?

Olga Nazarova

Daniel. Origin: Hebrew name.

Color: Red-brown
Stone: Jasper
Zodiac sign: The name suits Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Aquarius
Harmony with: Anna, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Nina, Olesya, Olga, Polina, Tamara, Tatyana, Elvira, Inara
Incompatibility with: Elizaveta, Irina, Angelina, Oksana, Karina
Name days: January 2, March 1, March 6, March 17, March 31, April 20, June 4, June 5, June 26, July 23, September 12, September 25, October 4, December 9, December 11, December 12, December 24, December 30

Elena Katanova

Daniel ()Origin: Hebrew name.
Meaning: Translated from Hebrew - “God's court”.
Personality: Daniel is a calm and kind boy. In character he is more like his mother. Sick a little. Loves outdoor games. Sociable, constantly surrounded by friends. Daniel cannot stand lies, he may even lose his temper, but he quickly moves away and does not remember the evil for a long time. Daniels born in winter are always talented and achieve a lot in life. “Autumn” Daniels are calculating and somewhat selfish.
They master a wide variety of professions. They can be engineers, artists, entrepreneurs, cooks, drivers, builders.
The first marriage does not always work out well. He loves children, but does not provide any help to his wife around the house. Likes to spend time in the country or in nature. May be interested in fishing or hunting. He is indifferent to food and will not quarrel with his wife over a tasteless dinner. He drinks a little, but can get carried away with cards. He pays a lot of attention to his children. Monitors their studies and attends parent-teacher meetings.
Phonosemantics: The word Daniel gives the impression of something good, beautiful, majestic, rough, courageous, strong, loud, brave, big, bright, joyful.
Phonosemantics is an assessment of the perception of sounds at the subconscious level.
Phonosemantic analysis of the name is carried out according to the method of Doctor of Philology A.P. Zhuravlev - the deeper the sounds, the more negatively the word is perceived. Talisman: Squirrel

Denis Selivanov

Hello. I am an evangelical Christian from Israel.
Daniel in modern Hebrew (and most likely in ancient Hebrew too) means: God is my judge. "El" is God. And “dani” consists of two words: “dan” and “ani”. "Ani", it's me. And “dan” is the judge. Comes from the word "din", which means sentence or judgment. This word is widely used in modern Israeli judicial practice.

What is the meaning of the name Daniel?

Dominika Potocka

The answer to this question is given to us by the sciences - onomastics and anthroponymics. The first is a branch of linguistics and studies all names, their meaning, and origin. Anthroponymy (part of onomastics) studies changes in names and the origin of patronymics, surnames, nicknames, and pseudonyms.

DANIEL is an old Hebrew name and means “God is my judge,” “God’s court,” “Judge of God.” An interesting legend about the patron saint of this name. He allegedly lived in Babylon and predicted the coming of Jesus Christ 600 years in advance. The ruler threw him into a den with lions, for his faith, but they did not touch him. Hence the meaning of the name. A derivative of Daniel is Daniel. It exists as an independent name with the same meaning. Daniel’s Memorial Day is December 30. They create several interesting names in short: Danik, Danya, Danko, Danilko.


The name Daniel has Hebrew roots. The name is interpreted as "God is my judge." The owners of this name have a pleasant appearance and a rich inner world. In childhood, representatives of this name are mother's favorites. As adults, they are serious and balanced.

Daniel is a Hebrew name. This name is sometimes interpreted as “divine”, sometimes as “just man”, and the literal interpretation of this name is as “God is my judge”. A person with this name is kind, attractive, with great inner peace, loved by everyone.

A person’s name determines his predisposition to a profession and ensures his success or failure in love.

It is important for everyone to know the interpretation of their name. What does the name Daniel mean? The character and fate of Daniel.

Meaning of the name Daniel

Daniel is a divine gift. The name is of Jewish origin and was given to boys who were the long-awaited heirs of the family. Daniel celebrates his name day several times a year.

The zodiac sign that is most suitable for him is Scorpio and Aries. Daniel's talisman stones are amethyst and jasper. Using them, he can replenish his strength and restore his health. A plant that will help Daniel restore his health is radish, mustard, tobacco. The color that suits him best is red. The planet that patronizes Daniel in business is Mars.

Mars endows everyone born under its protection with incredible fortitude. It gives the child a strong-willed character and a desire to learn new, inaccessible things. In the old days it was believed that if a boy was protected by Mars, he would grow up to be a wonderful warrior.

Origin and history of the name Daniel

The meaning of the name Daniel is a gift from the gods. The name is one of the forms derived from the name Daniel. Scientists are inclined to believe that the name Daniel was paramount. And after it became common outside Europe, a new form was produced from it - Daniel.

The origins and history of the name Daniel are quite complex. This name also has a feminine form - Daniela. Today, Daniel is the more common form of the name. This is because it is more popular in Europe. What does the name Daniel mean? It can also mean a just person, one who fears God’s terrible judgment, and therefore tries to act wisely and fairly.

The character and fate of Daniel

Daniel's number is six. This figure indicates a person who can easily win the favor and trust of people. From an early age, Daniel enjoys success with the opposite sex. He often uses his charm and charm to achieve important goals.

His stress-resistant character allows him to become a disciplined and purposeful young man. He can become a wonderful leader, a leader who will easily lead people. There are no barriers for him, he is always ready to experiment. What he values ​​most in people is loyalty and flexibility of mind. He himself has enough of them.

Positive character traits of Daniel:




Well developed intuition.

The main thing is that his words do not diverge from his deeds. He is often forgotten and wishesful thinking. On the path to success, sometimes he does not notice how he harms others with his tough character. Sometimes he goes headlong with an idea and practically cannot stop. His friends are lenient towards such antics, but those around him are disapproving of such behavior.

He does not strive to become an undisputed leader in his career and business. He has his own subtle concepts of success, so he tries to live up to them. He can easily give up his position to someone who needs it more. Daniel can become a successful economist because he can accurately make financial forecasts.

He has a great understanding of people and this repels many people, since it is quite difficult to understand him. Violent emotions can be hidden behind a reserved smile. He often glosses over grievances and often puts the interests of another person above his own. He is very diplomatic and polite.

It’s quite difficult to get into Daniel’s circle of friends. He doesn't like big parties and showing emotions. Everything should be honest and simple with him. If he notices a lie in someone, he can stop communicating with that person without giving any reason. Daniel often shows his mettle when it comes to unfounded accusations. It is difficult for him to understand why other people need lies.

In society, Daniel is valued for his tact and truthfulness. He can joke so subtly that everyone who hears the joke will find their own hidden meaning in it. Daniel has exceptional intuition and analytical skills. If he decides to do something extraordinary, no one will stop him here.

He is an exceptionally good friend and can win people over very quickly. He quickly finds a common language even with the rudest people. Can quickly bring a friend out of depression. At the same time, it almost never falls into it.

Daniel's love

For Daniel, the house in which he lives is very important. Even if he is far from the home of his family and his parents, he will improve his home so that it will become cozy for everyone who enters it.

Daniel's character and fate make him value those close to him and does not allow him to live alone. He always craves to be the center of attention, always ready to help others. His family is his strength, so Daniel's wife is really lucky. He is a wonderful husband. He subtly feels his wife’s emotions and tries to help her in everything.

He will happily share all household chores with his wife and will just as happily receive guests. Children are also important to him, but his beloved is the center of his attention. She will be a calm and good-natured woman with good manners, with whom you can always talk about a lot.

Since Daniel gives a lot of energy to other people, he himself needs to recover. The best way to recover is to relax at sea. He can also choose any other body of water for relaxation. Water has a beneficial effect on his emotional state.

Since he marries solely for love, there is peace and harmony in his house. Many people envy such relationships, so he tries to keep family secrets secret. And it is right. This approach to relationships ensures their stability. His wife fully supports Daniel in this and does not have many girlfriends. Their children are restrained in communication and well brought up; they have several higher educations to match their parents.

Short form of the name Daniel. Dan, Danny, Dankin, Dunkin, Dan, Dani, Danni, Dantier.
Synonyms for the name Daniel. Daniel, Daniel, Daniel, Daniel, Taneli, Tanel, Daniel.
Origin of the name Daniel. The name Daniel is Catholic.

The name Daniel is a European name, which in some countries can be either masculine or feminine. This can be found more often in France, but in most other countries the paired female name most often sounds like Daniela. It is possible to spell a name with a double “l”, but only in the Latin layout (Daniell, Danielle, Daniella); in the Russian version, the double spelling “l” is found only for a female name - Danielle.

The pronunciation of the name Daniel can be with a softening at the end (a “b” is added), or without it - hard Daniel, Daniel. "Daniel" in Europe can be used not only as a given name, but also as a surname.

This name had short references, which later became completely independent names - Dan, Dan, Danny. For 50 years now, the name Daniel has been among the 20 most popular American male names, but it has never risen above 5th place in this ranking. But in England this name became the leading name among male names in 1995, but is gradually losing ground and is already in the top 30 of the ranking.

In Russia, the analogue of this name will be the name Daniil, which also exists in other variants - Danil, Danila. The name Daniel was borne by an early Christian prophet mentioned in the Bible. Among Muslims, a similar name will be Daniyal (Daniyal, Danyal, Daniar, Daniyar).

The name Daniel is two-part. The first part "dan" is translated as "judge" and the second part "el" means "God". Literally, the name is more often interpreted as “my judge God”, “God is my judge”, “God is a judge”, but there are also more free translations - “judge”, “fair man”, “God’s court”.

The owner of the name Daniel is a charming man who is very pleasant to others because he is sociable, cheerful and always shows friendliness. He is an emotional and sensitive man with a great sense of tact, and he shows tolerance towards others. He is somewhat of an idealist and sometimes a reformist, and he certainly likes that everyone around him is happy. His emotional life is very important to him, and if Daniel feels frustrated, misunderstood, or unloved, he will lose a lot of his energy and perhaps even his abilities.

He is rather a curious man who gets involved in everything that interests him. Therefore, Daniel is quite intellectually and diversified, he has to gain knowledge on his own in those areas that attracted him.

Daniel quite often demonstrates the ability to perform vocal vocals. He has a very beautiful voice with a wide range. This man has a knack for playing with words, so he has the art of calming any dangerous situation without forceful intervention.

He is a flexible, adaptable, bright and cunning man, but despite this, he is a very likable person to most people around him. In childhood, such children are admired because they know how to do what they need. Extremely sensitive to the environment in which he finds himself, Daniel immediately senses any bad mood in the family and begins to become very worried about such a violation of internal harmony. He strives to get away from this, preferring sports, art, and literary creativity. On the other hand, a positive home environment is all he needs to participate in family life and fulfill his responsibilities. It is worth not forgetting about Daniel’s impressionability and variability, not letting him go free, but carefully controlling his actions and preferences.

In love relationships, Daniel reveals himself as a gentle and loving man, for whom it is important to have his own family. Moreover, Daniel is selfless and devoted to her to the fullest. But the owner of this name is also a rather obsessive perfectionist, extremely demanding of his chosen one, because he is no stranger to heartache, because the ideal woman is a rare creature! Daniel loves flirting, unexpected events and sudden meetings. He appreciates beauty, art, comfort and travel - elements of life that are so necessary for his happiness.

Family plays a very important role in Daniel's life, so it can have a significant influence on his career choices. But he may also be tempted by a career in marketing or a field related to speech (journalism, broadcasting, travel, hotel and restaurant business). Sports is one of the areas where Daniel can show his best side.

Daniel's birthday

Daniel celebrates his name day on January 3, January 20, January 24, February 16, February 23, July 10, July 21, October 10, December 11, December 26.

Famous people named Daniel

  • Daniel (Daniel) Gottlieb Messerschmidt ((1685-1735) German physician and botanist, associate of Peter I. He was engaged in research in Russia, led the first scientific expedition to Siberia. He is considered the founder of archeology in Russia, it was he who discovered petroglyphs on the Yenisei. He compiled a map of Siberia, where he indicated all the deposits found (salt, coal, ore), and also indicated the location of mining enterprises and metallurgical plants. Some of the samples from his collection of minerals and ores were included in the “Mineral Catalog” by M.B. Lomonosov. He was the first to discover and describe permafrost.)
  • Daniel Anthony ((b.1987) British actor, known for his role as Clyde Langer in the Doctor Who spin-off The Sarah Jane Adventures)
  • Daniel Martinez ((b.1996) Colombian professional road cyclist)
  • Daniel Defoe ((c.1669-1731) birth name - Daniel Faw; English writer, popularized the genre of "novel", wrote more than 500 books. Published articles on various topics - economics, marriage, politics, crime, religion, psychology, supernatural and other.)
  • Daniel Dijes Garcia ((born 1981) Spanish actor, singer, Eurovision 2010 participant)
  • Daniel (Dani) Löble (((born 1973) German drummer, plays in the metal band “Helloween”)
  • Daniel Komen ((born 1976) Kenyan track and field athlete, specializing in middle and long distance running. He is the current world record holder in the 3000 meters outdoors. Repeated winner of the world championships.)
  • Daniel Brühl ((born 1978) German film actor. Starred in the films “Goodbye Lenin!”, “Race”, “Captain America: Civil War”, “Inglourious Basterds”, “The Fifth Estate”, “The Bourne Ultimatum” and “Colony” Dignidad". Repeated winner of film awards.)
  • Daniel Chiritsa ((b.1974) Romanian football player)
  • Daniel Alomia Robles ((1871-1942) Peruvian composer, also a musicologist and folklorist. He studied and processed the music of Indian tribes. His melody “Flight of the Condor” was recognized as the National Cultural Heritage of Peru. Traveled throughout Latin America, collected melodies and brought musical instruments , traditional ceramics.)
  • Daniel Fabian Brands ((born 1987) German professional tennis player)
  • Daniel Joël Friberg ((born 1986) former Swedish speed skater, medalist at the 2009 World Championships)
  • Daniel Auteuil ((born 1950) French actor, winner of various film awards. Played more than 90 roles.)
  • Daniel Alberto Passarella ((born 1953) Argentine football player, was also a coach. Currently, he is the president of the club. Among the Argentines, he is the only one who became a two-time world champion.)
  • Daniel Ryan Cormier ((born 1979) American athlete (mixed martial arts), current UFC light heavyweight champion)
  • Daniel Joseph Romanov ((born 1972) American financier, descendant of the imperial Romanov dynasty)
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Japanese chef Maa Tamagosan, who now works in France, came up with an original recipe for cookies. Moreover, it is not only...

Light tasty salads with crab sticks and eggs can be prepared in a hurry. I like crab stick salads because...

Let's try to list the main dishes made from minced meat in the oven. There are many of them, suffice it to say that depending on what it is made of...

There is nothing tastier and simpler than salads with crab sticks. Whichever option you take, each perfectly combines the original, easy...
Let's try to list the main dishes made from minced meat in the oven. There are many of them, suffice it to say that depending on what it is made of...
Half a kilo of minced meat, evenly distributed on a baking sheet, bake at 180 degrees; 1 kilogram of minced meat - . How to bake minced meat...
Want to cook a great dinner? But don't have the energy or time to cook? I offer a step-by-step recipe with a photo of portioned potatoes with minced meat...
As my husband said, trying the resulting second dish, it’s a real and very correct army porridge. I even wondered where in...
A healthy dessert sounds boring, but oven-baked apples with cottage cheese are a delight! Good day to you, my dear guests! 5 rules...