Engineering Troops Day, what an anniversary. Russian Engineering Troops Day. History of the holiday, when it is celebrated, what date

This holiday is celebrated by those who contribute to the defense of their country, those who bear the difficult responsibility for reconnaissance of territories, equipping them with engineering communications for combat operations and escorting troops during an offensive.

This day is necessary for the significance of those who achieved victories for their Fatherland and at the same time traveled a long and glorious path. The professional holiday is also dedicated to those who honorably continue their work and serve for the benefit of the Fatherland and their people.


Several centuries are written in the history of these troops:

  • 1701. Peter the Great, the transformer of Great Rus', issued many fundamental orders. One of them was the decision to create the “School of Pushkar Order”. It was ordered by the will of the head of state to train artillery officers and military engineers in Moscow according to new programs and strict requirements for service. At that time there were only a small number of them. But graduates were in demand in all units of the Russian army.
  • 1712. By the next decree, two independent institutions are separated from this school, each with its own direction of study.
  • 1719. The St. Petersburg Engineering School is created.
  • 1723. The school of St. Petersburg is enlarged by transferring the Moscow school to its city and merging with it. The Emperor attached great importance to the role of non-commissioned officers and chief officers and listed them at a rank higher than similar ranks of the infantry and artillery.
  • 1753. Pushkin’s great-grandfather A.S. was appointed director of this institution. Abram Petrovich Hannibal.
  • The knowledge and skills of the engineering troops helped achieve success in all military operations. Awards (orders and medals) were received by those who heroically participated in the Patriotic War of 1812, the defense of Sevastopol (1854-1855), the Russian-Japanese (1904-1905), the first and second (1914-1918, 1941-1945) world wars. The most worthy were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • 1998. On the basis of the Military Engineering Academy named after V.V. Kuibyshev, the Military Engineering University was formed.

The Corps of Engineers has provided significant results not only on military fields, but also in peaceful areas of life. They took part in eliminating the consequences of natural disasters and the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and carried out restoration work. Their role is colossal in many peacekeeping operations (Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Transnistria). They fulfill all the goals and objectives assigned to them with honor.


The Russian Orthodox Church recognized and appreciated the merits of the soldier-engineers and declared them the patron saint of the Holy Prince Daniel of Moscow. Church and temple employees perform prayer services for the dead.

Feature films and documentaries have been made about everyday life and exploits. They can be watched in cinemas and on television channels. Festive concerts are dedicated to military engineers and their families, where famous artists and folk art groups take part.

Meetings are held in departments where congratulations from the country's leaders are read out. The best receive awards, certificates and valuable gifts. Servicemen discharged to the reserve do not forget the memorable date and every year they meet with their fellow soldiers.

Established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 18, 1996. By the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2006 “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation,” the Day of the Engineering Troops is classified as a memorable day of the Russian Federation.

Engineer troops are special troops designed to perform the most complex tasks of engineering support for combat operations, requiring special training of personnel and the use of engineering weapons, as well as to inflict losses on the enemy through the use of engineer ammunition. Organizationally, they consist of formations, units and subunits for various purposes: engineering and reconnaissance, engineer-sapper, barriers, barriers, assault, road engineering, pontoon-bridge (pontoon), ferry-landing, engineering-camouflage, engineering-technical, field water supply and others.

Engineering troops carry out engineering reconnaissance of the enemy, terrain and objects; construction of fortifications (trenches, trenches and communication passages, shelters, dugouts, shelters, etc.) and construction of field structures for the deployment of troops (residential, economic, medical); installation of engineering barriers, including the installation of minefields, blasting operations, installation of non-explosive barriers (anti-tank ditches, scarps (anti-tank earthen barrier), counter-scarps, gouges, etc.); demining of terrain and objects; preparation and maintenance of troop movement routes; equipment and maintenance of crossings on water barriers, including the construction of bridges; extraction and purification of water in the field, etc.

In addition, they participate in countering enemy reconnaissance and weapon guidance systems (camouflage), simulating troops and objects, providing disinformation and demonstrative actions to deceive the enemy, as well as in eliminating the consequences of the enemy’s use of weapons of mass destruction.

In peacetime, engineering troops perform a number of important socially significant tasks: clear the area of ​​explosive objects, participate in the elimination of the consequences of man-made accidents and disasters, natural disasters, prevent the destruction of bridges and hydraulic structures during ice drifts, etc.

The need for military engineering troops arose in ancient times - first to equip simple field fortifications, then fortresses and perform other engineering tasks. The date of the creation of engineering troops in Russia is considered to be January 21 (January 10, old style) 1701, when Peter I issued a decree on the creation of the first engineering school. In the same year, on May 25 (May 14, old style), he signed a decree on the formation of the first engineering units, which were initially represented by a mining company, engineering and pontoon teams.

As military affairs developed, new units of engineering troops were created. By the beginning of the 1870s, there was a tendency in the Russian army to combine all technical means within the framework of the engineering troops.

This led to the fact that at different times they included railway and electrical battalions, telegraph companies, aeronautical departments, automobile detachments and units of armored forces, which later became independent types and branches of troops.

Soldiers of the Russian engineering troops took part in all battles to defend the Motherland: the Patriotic War of 1812, the defense of Sevastopol (1854-1855), during the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905), and the First World War (1914-1918).

In the USSR, engineering troops were created during the organization of the Soviet Army. In the 1930s, their technical re-equipment was carried out, and in the early 1940s, the engineering troops carried out a large amount of work on the construction of defensive structures.

During the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), they set up barriers and destruction along the offensive routes of enemy strike forces, equipped defensive lines, conducted engineering reconnaissance, made passages in enemy barriers, ensured crossing of water lines, preparation of routes for the advance and maneuver of troops, consolidation captured borders, etc. For the courage and heroism shown during the war, 655 soldiers of the engineering troops were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, 294 became full holders of the Order of Glory; six engineering brigades, 190 engineer, sapper and pontoon battalions and five separate companies received the rank of guards.

Subsequently, the engineering troops played a significant role in supporting combat operations in Afghanistan, during mine clearance in Tajikistan, Transnistria, Abkhazia, peacekeeping operations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, as well as during the counter-terrorism operation in the North Caucasus and the operation to force Georgia to peace.

During the humanitarian operation in Syria, Russian sappers covered more than 6.5 thousand hectares of the country's territory, 1.5 thousand roads, more than 17 thousand buildings and structures, more than 100 thousand explosive objects and more than 30 thousand improvised explosive devices. They cleared the architectural and historical complex, the city part and airport of Palmyra, as well as the city of Aleppo, from mines.

Further development of engineering troops is carried out by equipping them with qualitatively new, highly effective, universal means of engineering weapons, built on the basis of unified elements, blocks and modules, while simultaneously reducing the range of samples of the same type for their purpose.

The troops are receiving massive quantities of equipment of all types, including completely new ones being produced for the first time, such as: the modernized pontoon fleet PP-2005M, wheeled road vehicles KDM, military mobile sawmill complexes VMLK-1, mobile engineering repair complexes PIRC and others. The Engineering Troops use multifunctional robotic demining complexes MRTK-R "Uran-6", and development work is also being carried out to create improved multifunctional robotic demining complexes, as well as assault and barrage.

In 2018 to the engineering troops. These robotic systems underwent combat testing in Syria, where their positive aspects were noted during operation, and suggestions for modernization were also expressed.

The head of the engineering troops of the Russian Armed Forces is Lieutenant General Yuri Stavitsky.


The armed forces of each state consist of special military units responsible for organizing and carrying out a certain type of activity. One of the most elite units in the Russian army are the Engineering Troops, which carry out strategic missions that are of particular importance to the security of our country.

An analogue of this type of troops appeared in ancient times. The first historical mention of the construction of special military fortifications dates back to the heyday of such civilizations as Egypt, Carthage, and Ancient Rome. As a rule, such tasks were entrusted to slaves, however, paramilitary detachments were soon organized, engaged in excavation and construction of strategic military installations. The responsibilities of these units included the following tasks:

  • construction of crossings;
  • arrangement of roads for the movement of infantry and cavalry;
  • construction of military camps;
  • creation of ramparts, embankments, ditches and other fortifications.

The first engineering structures on the territory of Rus'

Military engineering flourished in the 9th century AD. During this period, Russian architects built fortress walls and dug defensive ditches around cities. Largely thanks to these engineering facilities, it was possible to withstand the siege of enemy troops and successfully repel fierce enemy attacks.

Many historical events are indisputable proof that, thanks to their skill in constructing military fortifications, Russian soldiers achieved success on the battlefields. Victories on Lake Peipsi and in the Battle of Kazan are direct proof of this.

The history of the origin of the holiday in modern Russia

As you know, in Russia Engineering Troops Day will be traditionally celebrated on January 21. This date is far from accidental. After all, it was on this significant day in 1701 that Russian Emperor Peter the Great issued a state decree on the founding of a school of military engineers. This institution was opened in Moscow in 1708. However, this turned out to be not enough. In 1719, a new military institution was founded in the capital - the school of “pushkar affairs”. In each of the above-mentioned institutions, up to 300 future specialists underwent professional training. Over time, the skills of Russian engineers improved and soon, under the leadership of the famous A. Hannibal, a special military unit was created, the backbone of which was formed by the best engineering craftsmen of the Russian Empire.

An invaluable contribution to the development of engineering troops was made by Yu. Dolgorukov, who put all his efforts into building a powerful and capable army. Under his tireless leadership, dozens of strategically important fortifications and gunpowder factories were erected.

Many graduates of this military organization took part in campaigns such as the Russo-Turkish and Russo-Japanese Wars, where their knowledge and professional skills played a fundamental role in defeating the enemy.

Not only artillery engineers and sappers, but also gun and saber makers, blacksmiths and cannon casting specialists were involved in the “pushkar business”.

The most famous representatives of military engineering are:

  • M. Kutuzov;
  • A. Suvorov;
  • P. Bagration.

In the 18th century, the number of engineering troops continued to increase rapidly. The first engineer regiment was organized in 1797, and by 1812 the number of engineer companies numbered more than 40 units.

Historical reference

  1. In 1819, three pioneer brigades were founded in the Russian army.
  2. From 1853 to 1856 the number of sapper battalions increased to 9.
  3. In the first half of the 19th century, the Russian Engineering Troops numbered more than 21,000 people.
  4. By 1917, the number of professional military engineers accounted for 6% of the total number of military personnel.
  5. In 1921, the number of military engineers was about 3% of the Red Army.

During the Great Patriotic War, this type of troops was an integral part of the Soviet army. Professional personnel were trained at the Military Academy. Engineering formations played a special role during the Soviet-Finnish War. The merit of Russian specialists in strategically important battles is invaluable and will forever remain in the military history of our Motherland.

Engineering troops in modern realities

After the end of World War II, Soviet engineering units took an active part in various “hot spots”. Military engineers accompanied Soviet troops in Afghanistan, helping to carry out the most difficult and dangerous tasks. In addition, they carried out a colossal amount of work to neutralize the consequences of the man-made disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Currently, the IW is part of the structures of the border troops and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

When is the Day of the Russian Engineering Troops celebrated?

Today, IW Day is widely celebrated throughout Russia. However, not all citizens of the Russian Federation know on what date ceremonial events will be organized on this holiday. Let us remind you that the current date for celebrating the Day of the Engineering Troops of the Russian Federation is August 18th. On the occasion of this date, gala concerts with the participation of Russian pop stars will be held in many cities of Russia. Representatives of political and public organizations will voice their congratulations. On this day, many outstanding representatives of the IW will be awarded honorary titles, including Hero of Russia, and will also be presented with memorable gifts.

Currently, the threat of terrorism has increased in the world, so the mission of military engineers is extremely important. Indeed, in the event of a military conflict, the task of providing the Russian army with the necessary conditions for conducting military operations will be placed on their shoulders.


Engineering troops are those who are responsible for the construction of defensive structures, bridges, and pontoon crossings. It is these people who are engaged in demining areas and building structures for the hidden use of weapons. They do not remain unused in peacetime - their list of tasks includes combating the consequences of emergency situations. These troops also have a professional holiday, which is celebrated on January 21. Everyone involved joins the celebrations: sappers, divers, engineers and others.

history of the holiday

The holiday was established by the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin in 1996. The date of the event was tied to another good idea of ​​Tsar Peter the Great - he decided back in 1701 to establish the “School of the Pushkar Order” in the capital, where engineers and artillerymen were trained. It was from its graduates that the first units of miners in the country consisted. After 11 years, Peter decided to separate engineers from artillerymen and pay more attention to their training, and in 1719 he ordered the creation of the St. Petersburg Engineering School.

The emperor considered the new troops valuable and tried in every possible way to increase their prestige. This will bear fruit - it is from the school founded by Peter that Mikhail Kutuzov will emerge half a century later. Since then, these soldiers have taken part in all Russian military operations. Their actions were highly praised during the Second World War; the soldiers repeatedly showed themselves to be brave even after.

The engineering troops actively participated in the battles to defend the Motherland. Thanks to the knowledge, courage and bravery of combat engineers, we can confirm the fact of successful military operations in the framework of the Patriotic War of 1812, the defense of Sevastopol in 1854-1855, and the Russian-Japanese War of 1904-1905. and both world wars. In 2006, the head of state added the date to the list of memorable days.

Date in 2019: .

The movement of troops and the conduct of combat operations are closely related to the construction of various structures that help to cross water bodies and pass through hard-to-reach places. Often you have to deal with mined objects or areas. But even such problems are not an obstacle for the Russian troops, since there are engineering troops whose purpose is to resolve such issues. It is customary for the engineering troops to congratulate them on their professional holiday in January.

Who's celebrating?

The first mentions of soldiers who were engaged in the construction of crossings for active troops date back to the times of Ancient Rome. But there was no talk of troops of this kind of activity then.

Much later, the military realized that they should not distract the main units from performing combat missions. Separate groups should deal with auxiliary, but no less important issues.

Moreover, often problems associated with the movement of troops and defense required non-standard ideas and engineering solutions. This is how units appeared that were required to create roads, crossings, bridges, and pontoons. Rebuilding destroyed military installations after hostilities was also the responsibility of these troops.

Later, with the advent of mining equipment, these ammunition posed a serious threat to infantry and equipment. Therefore, mine clearance is also the responsibility of the engineering troops. There was no point in separately training soldiers capable of removing and installing mines. Which entailed the need to supplement the duties of soldiers from engineering units with the functions of miners.

Today, this branch of the military is equipped with the latest technology, which enables soldiers to solve the most difficult problems.

history of the holiday

For sappers and miners, engineers and builders, road workers and fighters of other professions who are directly related to these troops, their own holiday has been approved, Engineering Troops Day, which is celebrated at the end of January.

The holiday falls on the 21st, and was first approved by Yeltsin in 1996. But based on the Presidential Decree signed in 2006, the previous document became invalid. Based on the new Decree, Engineering Troops Day in Russia is celebrated as a professional holiday on January 21. The date coincides with the first mention of this type of troops in Russia, which happened under Peter I back in 1701, when the emperor created the “School of Pushkar Order.” Miners were trained there, and later the school itself was significantly expanded. And in 1722, the rank of engineer officers was documented to be higher than officers of other units.

Congratulations to the engineering troops in prose and poetry

Engineering troops have been used for defense, rear and breakthrough for more than three hundred years. And not an iota of impossibly smart. Only technical savvy, calculation and cunning help solve the most complex problems. And may your bright minds never run out of extraordinary engineering ideas, may your service be easy and free of dangers and unjustified risks. Happy holiday to you guys, soldiers of the engineering troops.

You build bridges and pontoons,

And difficult runs.

Possible crossings

To our brave soldiers.

And happy engineering troops day

Always faithful to your oath,

We will congratulate the guys beautifully,

Doing their duty silently.

Larisa, January 11, 2017.
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