Children's birthday in special forces style scenario. Competitions on a military theme. We have everything you need to create a unique khaki themed party

Military themes for outdoor holidays are one of the most popular. Sports games and active competitions fit very well into this environment. But even at home, a military-style party will be bright and fun, if you take the time to prepare.


Colors – black, muted yellow, green foliage, marsh, brown. If you are throwing a party for children, choose bright colors. For adults, it is better to stick to realism - classic khaki. The following design ideas are suitable for military parties both outdoors and at home:

  • buy a camouflage net, maybe the cheapest one. Or borrow from familiar tourists, fishermen, and summer residents. Cover all inappropriate interior parts with it. Hang it on the walls, chairs, grab a part of the ceiling at an angle, wrap it around the chandeliers. This is a wonderful backdrop for decor, a photo shoot, and simply a recognizable military attribute that creates the right atmosphere;
  • make bushes from branches near the walls and in the photo zone. Winter? Then cut out the bushes from cardboard and paint them;

  • use burlap and bags full of "strategic supplies"- fill with newspapers and straw. Arrange wooden boxes (easy to distress or paint khaki).

Ordinary painted boxes as stands for treats, a piece of camouflage mesh for the background and burlap on top of green textiles - a simple but spartan-effective table design for a military party:

  • hang a map on the wall with flags that mark important points(secret objects, interception/offensive plan?). Leave the folded cards in a pile on the table, lay down one - a large, aged one. Leave books related to politics, military tactics, etc. in a visible place;

  • Draw or print three human silhouette targets on cardboard. Hang them side by side on the wall. Place a couple of boxes with weapons and other military paraphernalia. If one of your friends has a pneumatic gun, you can shoot. If not, then the targets will simply serve as decoration;
  • for a military style party you will need a lot of weapons, grenades, mines, military equipment, walkie-talkies, helmets, binoculars, compasses. Confiscate toys from children you know. General mobilization, and no nails! Are the children safely hidden in the bunker? Then you will have to cut out silhouettes from cardboard and paint them, because a soldier will not harm a child;
  • to add realism, print out a few frames from famous war films and hang them on the walls. And if the hero of the occasion is from a military family, hang up family and archival photos;

  • in fact, that's all - the military style suggests a party in a camp or barracks atmosphere, without an excess of details. And to add some color, use festive decor:
    • garlands, flags or triangles from cards, khaki paper;
    • miniature airplanes, mines, parachutes with soldiers (vertically on the ceiling, on a transparent fishing line);
    • a congratulatory banner (the one near the ceiling, with an inscription, and not the one that throws the person who steps on the wire to the ceiling);
    • balloons (green, yellow, brown, camouflage) with stickers or designs. Foil balloons in the shape of tanks, airplanes, mines, etc.
    • brown/green corrugated paper pompoms.

Prepare accessories for the photo zone. In addition to military attributes, cut out an airplane, tank, jeep, etc. from cardboard. Small enough to fit your hand through the window. Or in the form of tantamares with holes for faces.

Don't forget about military style invitations. Themed flyers are suitable for a party at a club. You can make a postcard in the shape of a grenade, helmet, tank or soldier. Or even send an urgent dispatch or letter by courier classified “top secret.”


The simplest version of suits for men is khaki trousers and a camouflage top - a shirt, T-shirt or T-shirt. A jacket or unloading is optional; they may be uncomfortable. Or an ordinary “lump” - soldier, tourist. The same costumes are preferable for children - and parents will not have to worry about choosing suitable clothes, and the kids will be comfortable.

Women's clothing in military style - there are many options for every taste! You can choose the image of a soldier in the same army pants and a T-shirt. Tie a T-shirt in a knot and wear short shorts or a skirt instead of pants. Buy a dress - khaki or camouflage. Forget about uniforms and turn to high fashion, because the military style has long captivated clothing designers.

Shoes with laces are better. Instead of boots/boots, sneakers or light sneakers are suitable. If shoes, then closed ones. High heels are appropriate in a club and at home, but outdoors, especially if there are active competitions in the party scenario, such shoes will get in the way.

Suitable accessories can be bought or made with your own hands: cartridge belt, wristbands, personal badge, cap, cap or cap. And also weapons, a belt with a buckle, badges and stripes, a “postman” type shoulder bag.

Hairstyle a la “get up and go”: loose hair, braids, ponytail, tied up with hairpins. For ambience, some guests may paint their faces with khaki spots or black stripes.

Menu, serving

We have already talked about how to decorate a table in a military style - camouflage netting, burlap, boxes, enamel mugs, flasks. Attach decor to the mesh and hang a congratulatory inscription. If this option seems too simple, you can organize a field kitchen or a soldier's canteen, cover the front of the table with a cardboard tank or jeep, and hang a parachute over the table.

When creating your menu, avoid exotic dishes. Soldier's cuisine is not sophisticated, so it is better to choose simple recipes. There is no need to decorate hot dishes or salads in any way, not counting stylization - pictures on skewers, nameplates, cards with drawings in the theme.

Buy camouflage tableware from the party section. If you can't find one, brown and green plates/glasses will do. You can glue printed pictures onto them. Stained glass paints can be used to easily “disguise” jars and other transparent containers.

Some dishes from the “military” menu can be served in the back of trucks, jeeps and other toy vehicles. To prevent the machine from rolling, cover the “running” with plasticine. Miniature equipment, soldiers and weapons will be useful for table decoration - place here and there, chaotically. A jeep can slide down a hill of fruit, a soldier can hide in a “trench” made of slices. Of course, all toys need to be washed thoroughly.

Use fondant and icing to decorate sweets. Re-label the bottles.

A few more simple ideas for a military party:

  • chocolate covered marshmallows in a heap, sprinkle green jelly beans or marmalades on top;
  • Wash the kiwi well. Cut some in half. Arrange so that the cuts are visible against the background of the brown skin;
  • split coconuts in half. Fill with green desserts or salads. To prevent the halves from falling off the table, make a stand from a cardboard box (cut holes slightly smaller in diameter than the coconuts);

  • green, yellow and dark pink grapes mixed on one dish;
  • caramel (burnt sugar) on green skewers. Prepare sugar, cool slightly, crush and stick around the skewer;
  • chocolate cupcakes, cookies and brownies with green/yellow sprinkles (confetti);

  • Sprinkle apple jelly with chocolate chips. The jelly can be cooled in pomegranate halves (plastic toys cut lengthwise) and placed on a saucer;
  • In parallel with cutting out pictures (kills a lot of time), prepare striped fruit ice, jelly in glasses, and other desserts that require tedious layer-by-layer cooling. Juices can be used instead of food coloring;
  • dye the popcorn green and brown (a couple of drops of dye, mix well).

Chocolate figures in the shape of airplanes, tanks, soldiers, grenades:

  • Finding a toy of the desired shape and size
  • Making an impression in a thick layer of hard dough
  • Lightly grease the resulting “dent” with sunflower oil.
  • Pour melted chocolate
  • Let cool and carefully separate from the dough.

The figures can be brown and green: buy green chocolate for kindling/fountain or color white chocolate with green tea.


If the party is outdoors, give your guests a playful endurance test. For example, build an obstacle course with fences, a tire track, stairs, an imitation ditch, labyrinths, and a treadmill. Everything can be cardboard, completely fake - just for fun.

The ideal scenario for a military-themed party - real military action! Unforgettable emotions from playing airsoft/paintball are guaranteed! As well as a good appetite after running around the territory. Unreal? Organize a battle with water bombs (balloons).

Plots on which you can build a script:

  • two companies compete to be the best;
  • review of troops, exercises;
  • military operation (to eliminate boredom, to capture positive mood?);
  • conscription into the army;
  • from private to general (you can increase your rank for each competition, you can make cardboard shoulder straps).

Download suitable music - war songs, pop, modern, from Soviet films. The choice is huge, for every taste.

We offer competitions that fit into the military style. Many of them are also suitable for a children's party.

While the match is burning

A one-size-fits-all soldier's uniform (to fit everyone and to be worn right over your suit), a stopwatch. The presenter writes down the results and announces the three fastest soldiers.

Instead of a form, you can quickly wrap footcloths (cut strips from a white sheet). In this case, there is no need for a stopwatch; just race together.

Through a minefield

Relay race for two (or more) teams. Start-finish, there is a minefield on the way (scatter paper plates). At the finish line there is a stool with a bottle (a drink according to the tastes of the company) and glasses. The player runs to the finish line without touching the mines. He pours it and shouts “Hurray! Hooray! Hooray!". He drinks and puts down the glass.

Once placed, the next player runs to the finish line. And already the two of them shout hurray, then the three of them, etc. The first team to shout “Hurray” three times wins. in full force. If along the way a player touches a “mine” with his foot, he must return to the start and run again.

Guard of honor

Two people compete, then the winner competes with the next party guest, and so on until the most persistent guard is identified. The goal is to stand without moving (you can only blink). Laughed, sneezed, moved, winced, twitched - lost.

Provocateurs blow in your ears, make you laugh, tickle you, throw ice down your collar and misbehave in every possible way. Hair pulling, pushing, pinching is prohibited. Or is it possible? Whatever you decide, it's your party.

Military style beer pong

The one in which you have to throw balls into your opponent's glasses. What does this have to do with the military theme? Let the balls be aerial bombs and the glasses be enemy vehicles. In general, this game requires dexterity, accuracy, and the talent not to mow down after the fifth glass, so everything is on point.

Wonderful neighbor

This game is a joke in itself. But everyone already knows her, so she is rarely included in party scenarios. We will convert it to military use.

Two teams, two formations/ranks. The presenter says: “Look at your neighbor and tell me which part of his body you like best. You can’t repeat yourself - if someone named a hand earlier, you’ll have to choose something else.” Everyone thinks: “Yeah, and then they’ll tell us that we need to kiss our neighbor on this part of the body.”

And you don't need to kiss. We need to bandage! The first bandages the second (that part of the body that he named), then the second bandages the third, and so on until the end of the chain. Race – the team that finishes the relay first will win.
Cavalry, into battle!

It is better to hold this competition towards the end of the holiday, when everyone is well relaxed. The guys get on all fours, the girls sit on horseback and shout “Attack!” rush to the finish line. Race. For hygiene reasons, you can give the guys gloves.


More likely for men, but girls can also compete with each other if they wish:

  • throw darts at a target
  • throw grenades (toys) into a bucket
  • who can do more push-ups
  • whoever lifts weights more
  • arm wrestling

Table games for relaxation:

  • divide into teams and take turns remembering war songs
  • what does the word mean (soldier slang)
  • questions about the army, not necessarily only the Russian one. From “how many people are in the company?” to “why did Peter I order buttons to be sewn onto the sleeves?” There are many interesting facts; you can find something interesting for any audience.

Military-style souvenirs are ideal as gifts. There is literally everything, from accessories and jewelry to dishes, flash cards, funny slippers, family books, key rings, and stationery. You can make commemorative medals, orders or diplomas confirming the honorary status of a true defender of the homeland!

We offer a rich interactive program scenario for an army party

  1. Meeting of conscripts (entrance to the holiday is carried out by invitation cards in the form of a summons to the army).
  2. A staged performance with the participation of the children “Taking the Oath.”
  3. Distribution of military ranks (study of shoulder straps and ranks of the Russian army).
  4. Distribution of celebration participants into different types of troops (special forces, aviation, navy, tank forces).
  5. Disguise lesson (face painting + props).
  6. Quiz on knowledge of military equipment (types of tanks, aircraft and ships).
  7. Creative task “Development of a new army regulation.”
  8. Block of team relay races “Obstacle Course”.
  9. Competition “At-two left” (team march to music).
  10. “Shooting range” (darts or toy guns with soft bullets).
  11. Games:
    • "Signalmen." The party participants are divided into threes and look for the item hidden by the leader. Each group has its own signalman who knows where the item you are looking for is. He directs the guys to the goal with the commands “straight”, “back”, “right”, “left”, “stop”.
    • "Minefield". Children are divided into two teams - miners and sappers. The first set mines (special props), the second must defuse them without touching the trip wires (ropes with bells).
    • "Medsanbat". Game-lesson on first aid.
    • "Deciphering an Intercepted Message." One group makes up a code word, the other tries to decipher it.
  12. Rewarding heroes with memorable souvenirs.
  13. Incendiary disco "Military party".

We have everything you need to create a unique khaki themed party

Our additional services

  • Aerodesign is the professional decoration of a festive area with balloons, ribbons, garlands, and special paraphernalia in military style.
  • Making a banner for a photo zone.
  • Organization of fireworks and fireworks.
  • Creation of the “Field Kitchen” candy bar and production of the original “Military” cake.
  • More than 50 master classes and entertainment shows.

Where there is absolutely no way to hide, where there is danger in the air, where there are those who require protection, there are THEY - people who will always come to the rescue.

Military Style Party- a party for brave people!

Each of us has a part of courage in us and each of us craves adventure. Military Style Party- this is weapons and shooting, chases and thrills. Military Style Party is a party for fans of airsoft, shooting ranges and other military games associated with thrills. Good camouflage Military Party will help you be unnoticed and pass all the tests that stand in your way.

A place for real heroes and lovers of extreme adventures - Military Party.

Images of Party Participants In Military Style

Lieutenant, Colonel, Rifleman, Captain, Sergeant, Lieutenant Colonel, Retired Captain, Sniper, Killer, Investigator, Special Forces Team, Special Agent, etc.

Military Style Party Program

  • Dress code / Face Control,
  • Invitations - cartridges,
  • The party location is a secret base,
  • There is a search at the entrance,
  • Military training,
  • Shooting "Airsoft"
  • Fishing,
  • Competition for overcoming obstacles,
  • Competition for disassembling a machine gun,
  • "Rising to the Top"
  • Skydiving,
  • Tank ride,
  • Capture of armed robbers,
  • Counter Strike competition,
  • Photo for memory.

What to wear to a Military Style Party

  • Military boots,
  • Khaki clothes,
  • Military beret
  • Token,
  • Leather belt,
  • Gloves,
  • Keychain in the shape of a bullet,
  • Sniper rifle,
  • clip,
  • Grenade,
  • Gun,
  • Backpack,
  • Flask with water,
  • Body and face camouflage
  • Green glasses,
  • Walkie-talkie.

Music Parties Military Style

Music of neofolk, martial industrial:

  • Blood Axis,
  • Karjalan sissit,
  • Kreuzweg Ost,
  • Laibach,
  • Ophir,
  • Puissance,
  • Rome, etc.


Airsoft(from the English strike - strike and ball - ball) - a team, military sports game, a type of active recreation, a role-playing team game of a military-tactical direction. During the game, participants imitate the actions of various armed structures (army, police, special forces), performing the tasks set by the scenario. As weapons, players use so-called soft pneumatics, which shoot plastic balls of 6 and 8 mm caliber with a force of less than 3 J (in some regions - less than 3.5 J). Airsoft players themselves position the games as “collective recreation in the lap of nature, neutralization of negative emotions and aggressive aspirations, the joy of mutual communication between worthy people.”

The basis of airsoft is the honesty of the players, since a plastic ball (unlike a paintball) does not leave marks on the uniform, and the responsibility for recording hits lies with the players. This means that the one who is hit by the ball must independently acknowledge the fact of being hit and act in accordance with the rules and scenario (as a rule, put on a red/white bandage, or simply raise your hands up and go to a special place - in the slang of role players and airsoft players , this place is called “death” or “dead”).

The essence of the game is to complete the task set by the script, following certain rules of the game (different rules vary in different regions). The duration of one game can be from one hour to several days (depending on the territory, the task and the number of players on both teams). A mandatory attribute of the game is the surroundings. Without certain equipment, a person is not allowed to play. The player's equipment must include, at a minimum, military-style gear, airsoft weapons, and safety glasses. Some games may have more stringent conditions for participation, for example, uniforms that fully match the actual unit.

Also, only persons who have reached the age of majority (18 years old), who have their own gaming weapons and equipment, and who agree with the rules of the community with which they are going to play, are allowed to participate in the game.

Where to hold and celebrate a Military Style Party

  • At home (apartment, dacha)
  • Water park, Sauna,
  • Banqueting hall
  • Bar, Cafe, Restaurant, Dining room
  • Bomb shelter
  • Bowling Club
  • Hotel, Hotel, Holiday home, Boarding house
  • DK (house of culture)
  • Disco Bus
  • Abroad, on an island
  • Metro
  • Club (nightclub)
  • Camp (pioneer camp)
  • Open air (outdoors)
  • Beauty saloon
  • Motor ship
  • Trading house
  • School, Kindergarten

A military style birthday is a great choice for boys over 7 years old. But many lively girls will also rejoice at such a holiday! Therefore, if you are thinking about how to spend a child’s birthday in a way that is interesting, a military-style party is the best solution. And these ideas can also be used for a school holiday, a themed evening in kindergarten - try it and get creative!

Where to begin

First of all, decide whether you will celebrate at home, outdoors or in an institution. The problem is most problematic in an apartment, especially if the area is small - for the “Battle of Borodino” you need a scope! But you can also go to the apartment

Birthday in military style in the apartment. The apartment needs to be equipped according to the theme of the holiday. Camouflage netting, khaki fabric, and flags can act as “decorations” of the room. One room can be styled as a headquarters. You can also put a mannequin in military uniform. The mannequin can be imagined as a sentry. You also need to come up with a plan of action, create a “legend” - who is against whom, what operation, what weapon, etc. Dads and older brothers do a good job of coming up with a scenario for a military holiday.

Birthday in military style at a holiday agency- you can order, and they will organize everything for you and provide you with the necessary attributes (on our website you can). Another option is companies organizing paintball (shooting with paints) and laser tag (shooting with a special laser). These companies, as a rule, have their own premises, and they organize shooting games in nature. It will cost approximately 1,500 rubles per person. But there will be a lot of impressions!

Birthday in military style in nature. Here the imagination is generally limitless - from the usual “lightning” to secret espionage operations. Holding such a party, of course, requires several adults who will supervise the children’s actions. The script, the “legend”, the action plan - for this we go back to the dads. You also need a uniform, weapons, and various attributes. If you organize a birthday party in nature yourself, the holiday will cost very little, but you will be impressed for the rest of your life!


It is best to send by mail - put triangles folded from old sheets into a box in envelopes. It is advisable to burn the edges to give them a completely front-line look.

Dress code

Be sure to indicate the dress code on the invitation. Guests should be dressed in military style - you can let your imagination run wild.

Basic moments

Be sure to come up with a password word to enter the holiday, it will be more fun!

Come up with distinctive badges for the participants’ uniforms.

Design medals or certificates for the winners.

Choose military style music.

When all the guests are assembled, conduct a briefing.

As the party progresses, divide the guests into two equal halves. Now you can organize a full-scale war.

Get yourself various military attributes - maps, compass, walkie-talkie (even in the form of mobile phones).

Figure out how to feed the running and hungry children (in a military spirit). A good option is potatoes in a pot, sausages baked over a fire, pies, flasks with compote.

Well, now you can start celebrating! We hope that our ideas for a military-style children's birthday script will be useful to you!

Quest relay "That's right, comrade commander!" from

During the program, the guys will test their strength at the shooting range, during extreme driving through the forest in a military UAZ. Learn how to assemble and disassemble a real AK. The girls will be carried in their arms while transporting the “wounded”, and everyone will also learn how to immobilize the “victim” - friendly, interesting and fun! In the final, everyone will have a big relay race on a paramilitary obstacle course.

Give your boys and girls a chance to show their best qualities!

What is the price: for a group visit of 15 people: on weekdays 550 rubles/person, on weekends 650 rubles/person
Age: 7-17 years old
Address: Ekaterinburg, st. Radishcheva, 1.
Reservations by phone and WhatsApp:+79292214241

Other programs of the military entertainment center “Tactics”

Do you want an active and bright holiday in military style?
Then come to our island for bright impressions!

Somewhere in the Barents Sea there was a terrible shipwreck... You and your crew washed up on the shores of a snow-covered island, where there is nothing except an abandoned lighthouse and the yurt of the mysterious guardian of the island.

Now you have only one chance of salvation: somewhere on the island there should be a light smoke bomb. If you light it at the top of the lighthouse, it will be seen from the mainland and you will be saved. The checker is hidden in a chest locked with a combination lock. To solve it, you need to pass far from ordinary tests prepared by the keeper of the island...

The quest area is an open area of ​​300 m2. and a huge warm yurt, where a large-scale testing complex is located.

The game will be equally interesting for children of any age and even adults - the challenges are selected in accordance with the composition of the participants!
Where: Quest game "Desert Island"
Age: 6 +
What is the price: from RUR 800 per person
Address: Ekaterinburg, Wilhelm de Gennin street, 19
Tel: +7 343 328-42-28

This year my daughter Lisa turned 10 years old, she really wanted a holiday, and we had to solve a difficult problem - how to please both the birthday girl, the invited friends, and their parents at the same time, without emptying the family treasury too much.
My daughter immediately dismissed budget options in museums - “What, an excursion for my birthday? Never!"

We objected to “Roll Hall” or “Cosmic”, where other children often celebrate their birthdays, as we were completely unprepared to spend several hours in a stuffy and noisy room.

In the end, the daughter herself suggested an acceptable option, saying that all her life she had dreamed of playing paintball (like her older brother), but they didn’t take her because of her age, and Quzar in the “Roll Hall” lasts too short, and the space is limited...

“Perhaps there are companies that specially organize games with laser weapons, including for children?” - we thought. As usual, the World Wide Web came to the rescue. There were a decent number of companies offering to play laser tag (that’s what it’s called), but based on the price and conditions of the game, we chose two:

After talking with representatives of both companies, the final choice was made on the second one, although the price was beyond the stipulated limit. 1500 rub. per person with a minimum of 10 participants, of course, it’s a little expensive, but this is for 5 hours of playing in the fresh air, and 10 years is the date, and last year we didn’t celebrate a birthday with friends... In general, the shortage of funds was solved by sending targeted trenches from grandmothers and aunts, intended as a gift for the birthday girl, for organizing “the best birthday of all times” (in agreement with the birthday girl herself, of course). The organizers of the game took upon themselves the choice of a specific location and a folding table for food; all we had to do was invite guests and think over the food.

Well, if our holiday is in military style, then the invitation will be appropriate, so the guests received envelopes made of craft paper marked “OW. SECRET"

The envelopes were sealed with the wax of colored candles and a Croatian 5-kuna coin, the bear looks really good on it!

The text inside read:
The recipient of this must
on the first day off
school start month
at the hour indicated by the number of labors of Hercules,
come to the exercises dedicated to
10th anniversary
the birth of the namesake of the English queen.

Coordinates 55°39’0"N 37°27’29"E
P.S. You must carefully study all attached materials
and introduce them to the senior

Inside there were instructions (when, where, what time and what) for parents and a white piece of paper, around the perimeter of which one could see a message written in small letters: “If you warm the piece of paper over a candle, you can see something else...”
For 2 days, my daughter and I, in the absence of a fountain pen, wrote this “something else” with a toothpick, periodically dipping the latter in milk (adults probably remember the story about Lenin and the inkwell). But how interesting it was for Liza’s friends to show what was written in invisible ink and read another, more understandable invitation:
I invite all my friends
Celebrate the first anniversary.
Will you play laser tag with me?
Then I call you to fight!
Troparevo Park. Waiting for you
By twelve on September 6th,
In a great mood, without whims.
I will be very glad to see everyone.

So, the game was organized, the invitations were handed out, the most difficult thing remained - to figure out how to feed 15 people who were running around hungry children in the fresh air. Usually, for me, barbecue becomes a lifesaver in such cases, but I didn’t risk frying something in city forest parks under threat of a fine, so I made chicken skewers on skewers in the oven, accompanied by fresh vegetables, fruits, watermelon, water and juices (they cost without soda with the approval of all parents without exception). At my own peril and risk (my daughter doesn’t like it), I rolled up the sausages in the dough - they sold out with a bang, I couldn’t even imagine that they would be so in demand. For dessert I ordered pies. Looking ahead, I will say that in the end almost everything was eaten.

Finally, the day the daughter had been waiting for came. Having donned a camouflage uniform and undergone a short briefing,

The children were divided into 2 teams and launched a full-scale war against each other.

Occasionally stopping for snacks. Two young men - Nikita and Andrey - took care of everything, grabbed a reserve of weapons so that the children had the opportunity to choose (and the opportunity to change to a lighter one, not everyone with the 3-kilogram toy chosen at the beginning was able to run until the end of the game), We prepared certificates (it’s just a pity that we didn’t warn you in advance, I would have brought felt-tip pens for the inscriptions, but I had to write with a pen, it didn’t turn out so nicely).

The only thing I didn’t really like was that they didn’t reach the “legal” end time of the game a little (5:00 p.m.), they finished about 20 minutes earlier, but, to be honest, by that time everyone was pretty tired, so no one was really hurt.

Liza's holiday was liked by everyone without exception - the parents were happy that the child spent the day in the fresh air and not at the computer, and they themselves were not averse to playing if the children gave them such an opportunity, but the children wanted to play themselves, even the girls . I admit, I was afraid that the girls would not like this birthday format. Imagine my surprise when even the quiet woman who was clearly not a fan of active activities (even her parents specifically stayed to pick up their daughter at any moment) was barely taken away, and only when it was all over. No less surprising was the fact that the fifteen-year-old teenager, despite the fact that he had to play mainly with 10-year-old children, liked it so much that he wanted a similar event for his birthday.

By the way, after the game, the children entertained themselves for another 30-40 minutes playing tag and hide and seek, which gave me the idea that it was possible to come up with competitions and tasks for an outdoor birthday party myself. Of course, it would take a lot more time to prepare, but it would also be much cheaper. It seems that now I have something to think about on long winter evenings... But that will be a completely different story.

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