Children's drawing on the theme of the Olympic Games. How to draw the Olympic flame with a pencil step by step

Hi all! Today's lesson step by step drawing we decided to dedicate one of the cutest and most charming mascots of the Olympic Games - the Olympic Bear, who patronized the 1980 Olympics. In general, as is easy to see, all Olympic mascots are charming and cute, but our Bear stands out especially. By the way, the decision that the bear would be the mascot was made on the sidelines of the CPSU Central Committee, and the competition for artists was announced as drawing a bear, and not just an Olympic symbol.

The cutest and most suitable of the huge number of options was chosen to be a sketch by the artist Viktor Chizhikov, which depicted a memorable, charmingly smiling bear cub standing on its hind legs, wearing a belt with the logo of the Olympic Games. This is the little bear we will draw.

Step 1

Let's break the tradition of our site and make a small exception. The first step is to put down your pencils and look at the incredible touching video from the closing ceremony of the same Moscow Olympics. The song heard in this video still brings tears to the eyes of millions of viewers around the planet.

Step 2

I think that after watching this video, everyone was in the right frame of mind and felt the absolutely indescribable atmosphere of the huge stadium saying goodbye to the Olympic bear cub. And now we start drawing!
First, let's draw a flat, rounded figure, similar to a roll.

Step 3

Now let's draw a horizontal line at the top of the drawn figure.

Step 4

Use two simple curved lines to outline the eyes, using the markings from the previous step.

Step 5

Now, under the line outlined in the second stage, we will draw a regular circle. Many lessons on our site dedicated to cartoon characters, are drawn in the same style. A very clear example is the lesson about.

Step 6

It's time to draw the ears of our teddy bear. They should be located above the eyes and at approximately the same distance from each other.

Step 7

Let's depict the bear's body as a figure similar to a bean or a silhouette from the cartoon "Despicable Me".

Step 8

Now let's draw the front legs of our bear.

Step 9

And in this stage we will draw the rounded hind legs.

Step 10

Well, the silhouette of the bear cub is ready, and in all subsequent steps we will draw the details of our Olympic symbol and give it a completed look. Erase the horizontal line of the eyes and draw the eyes themselves.

Step 11

Let's draw the mouth and nose of the teddy bear.

Step 12

Now let's outline and draw the ears.

Step 13

Let's erase the extra lines of the body from the previous stages and draw a triangle on the chest, as well as claws on the limbs.

Step 14

This will be the final stage of the lesson dedicated to how to draw an Olympic Bear step by step. Here we only need to draw the belt in which our charming hero will be dressed.

This was a step-by-step drawing lesson from the Drawingforall website! Write in the comments your wishes regarding new topics of our lessons and be healthy!

Very soon the Sochi 2014 Olympics will begin, which we have been waiting for so long, for 34 years (since the last Winter Olympic Games in Russia, which took place in 1980). The symbol of all the Olympic Games, this is certainly olympic flame, which we will draw using the tips in this lesson.

Also on our website, you can find a lesson in drawing the Olympic torch 2014. To go to the lesson, click on the picture on the right

In this lesson we will draw the Olympic flame.

The Olympic flame is quite easy to draw, and you can even do without the step-by-step tips that are given on this site. But, if for some reason you were unable to draw the Olympic flame without step-by-step tips, then this lesson is for you.

So let's get started. We start drawing, as usual, with auxiliary lines. On the sides you see two drawn auxiliary lines that will help us draw branches with leaves. We look at the picture below and draw auxiliary lines in the same way:

We begin to draw the handle of the torch itself as shown in the figure below. You can use a ruler to make sure the lines are straight.

We continue to draw the handle of the Olympic torch as follows:

Carefully erase the auxiliary lines with an eraser. But not all auxiliary lines! And only those with the help of which we drew the torch itself. We will still need the remaining auxiliary lines in the next stages of drawing.

Now we draw the fire as follows, the contours of the fire should be smooth

To make our fire beautiful, let’s draw its small parts in the same way as in the picture below.

Now we can remove the auxiliary lines that we needed to draw the fire. Our Olympic flame is almost ready.

Carefully draw small leaves on both sides on our branches. It turned out very beautiful, in my opinion.

Well, the final stage of our drawing is to color our fire. It should be painted bright red or orange.

In Sochi they became, perhaps, the main event sports life Russia for many years. These happy Days Everyone remembered something. Not particularly active sports fans appreciated the opening ceremony of the Olympics, because at times it gave them goosebumps. But those who closely followed the events of the Games will remember the rapid ups and bitter downs. For many, they became quite a strong motivation to start new life, pull yourself together and strive for new heights. And probably you or your friends have a T-shirt, mug, hat, scarf or anything else with cherished symbols (the 80 Olympics does not count). Looking at this symbolism, you feel proud of your country. Today you will learn how to draw the Olympic Games in Sochi 2014 and where to use your masterpieces.

New old symbol

Everyone knows these five rings on a white background. They were proposed by P. de Coubert. In the first row there are blue, black, red circles, and in the bottom row there are yellow and green circles. It is generally accepted that all these colors are not tied to the continents - it’s just that any participating country has one or another color out of six on (don’t forget about white) in its national symbols. Old version states that one ring corresponds to one of the parts of the world.

And now you will learn how to draw the Olympic Games in Sochi 2014, namely main symbol their. Of course, you can just draw five circles, but it won’t look as interesting. First, draw these rings with a pencil. So, the color blue is associated with Europe. In this sector you will need a blue or light blue pencil and... imagination. What do you associate with Europe? Maybe the main attractions or just a map? Behind it is a yellow circle - Asia. IN yellow color perform, for example, the Great Wall of China or a Japanese pagoda. Black symbolizes America. Skyscrapers or Machu Picchu? Jungle or Wild West? Find a compromise between the two continents. Africa is the next ring. draw pyramids, camels, savannah or lions - what you associate with this continent. Australia is represented by a green ring. This also includes Oceania - the land of jungles and paradise islands. Since this is a unique continent, you can depict fauna: kangaroos, koalas, platypus... Everything is limited only by the inner diameter of the rings. By the way, you can do without the usual frames: erase the lines drawn with a simple pencil. How to draw the Olympic Games in Sochi 2014, connecting them with Russian themes? Fill the rings with views of our country or Sochi. The main thing is to do everything in appropriate colors.

How to draw the Olympic Games mascot?

We had several of them at the Olympics. And it’s not just a bunny, a bear and scarves. The question often arises: how to draw the Olympic Games in Sochi 2014 using these characters? This problem can be solved. Draw the outlines of the animals or outline them to create one silhouette. Of course, it is most convenient to work on a computer. Now fill the space inside the animal with small photographs, such as champions or competition footage.

Ice and fire

How to draw the Olympic Games in Sochi 2014 in dynamics? You can create not just a drawing, but a full-fledged piece of art. It will consist of several parts. It is best to use bright colors for it. In the upper left corner, depict a biathlete, skier or speed skater in motion. Moreover, draw only half of the body and turn it into a genie with very bright strokes. Pull it to the opposite end of the sheet. In the lower right is the symbol of the Olympics. And fill the rest of the space, for example, with icons winter species sports, mascots, fans' faces, medals, springboards, scenes of sports and cultural life… Use as many bright colors as possible. You can fill the space with multi-colored diamonds with a smooth transition.

Your own designer

So, you found out, step by step. And if the result of your work amazed everyone or even you just like it, then why leave it gathering dust in the closet? Hang some art of a ski racer on your wall, for example. Such an interior element will immediately enliven the apartment! Do you want as much as possible more people did you see the master's work? Then design a T-shirt or mug. The methods shown are so easy that even a child can handle them. And if he is given a similar task at school, then this work will certainly be appreciated. Create your own art on this topic. Or find something that symbolizes the unopened ring at the opening of the Olympics. A great idea is to play with the font used for the 2014 Olympics logo. Maybe comics featuring animal mascots come to mind? If you know Photoshop, you can create a very impressive collage. If the topic captivates you so much, then you can delve into infographics, which are quite popular now.

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 55 combined type"

Summary of GCD in senior group on the topic “Olympic Games Mascot”

(integration of PO Social - communication development, Artistic and aesthetic development, Speech development, Cognitive development)

Prepared and conducted by: teacher Peskova Yu.D.

Saransk 2014

Program content:

Teach children to choose a material for drawing and skillfully use it, conveying the features of the depicted object;

Instill interest in drawing;

Develop creativity and imagination;

Encourage children to become more active when choosing a topic;

Learn to empathize with the mood conveyed in the drawing;

To consolidate children's knowledge about the mascot of the Olympic Games;

Cultivating children's interest in Olympic topics

Preliminary work: Getting to know winter sports, reading poems about sports, looking at illustrations of the Olympic Games, talking about Russian athletes, talking about the history of the Olympic movement.

Equipment and materials: laptop; album sheets for each child, simple pencils, gouache, brushes, palettes, jars of water, napkins, coasters

The course of direct educational activities.

Guys, today I received a letter. Its authors are in the picture. (Shows a picture of the mascots of the Olympic Games in Sochi.): Do you know who this is?

Children: Animals, mascots of the Olympic Games in Sochi.

That's right, these are the mascots of the Olympic Games. Can you name them?

Children: White Snow Leopard, Bunny, White Bear.

Meet Leopard, a rescuer and climber. He lives in the crown of a huge tree that grows on the highest rock in the snow-capped mountains. Leopard is good at snowboarding and taught all his friends this sport. He is also very cheerful, loves to dance and is always ready to help.

Bunny is the most active resident winter forest, she studies at the forestry academy, helps her mother, participates in various sports competitions, and she also loves to sing and dance.

Mishka was born and raised at the North Pole, polar explorers taught him to ski, skate and play curling, but most of all he likes to ride a sled. He's a real bobsled

They were the ones who wrote us the letter. On February 7, 2014, the Olympic Games began in Sochi. And these cute little animals want to know what you know about the Olympics. In their letter they ask: “What do you know about the Olympic mascot? And why is the mascot traditionally used at the Olympic Games?

Children: The talisman brings good luck and happiness, and therefore athletes and fans love it very much.

And today I invite you to draw your own mascot of the Olympic Games in our country. Please note that each of your mascots must have a symbol of the Olympic Games - the Olympic rings.

Look again at the picture of the mascot (slide show). Please note that animals have a body, which can be depicted as an oval; with smooth lines we draw a round head and elongated paws.

What other drawing technique can we use to make the bear’s fur coat seem fluffy?

(hatching - “loop” with pencils)

(Using a simple pencil, draw the silhouette of a teddy bear, and then, using circular, continuous movements, draw “loop” strokes along the contour and inside the contour, directed in one direction).

Each of you can choose what you will draw with to depict your talisman. But first, let's train our fingers so that they can easily cope with the work.

Finger gymnastics:

To make your finger stronger

And more agile and agile,

The finger needs help -

Good to train.

Children first outline the talismans with a simple pencil, and then draw up the work in color, choosing for themselves what they will draw with.

Children's activities.

And now we will do a warm-up

Physical education minute

I want to become an athlete (children get up from the table)

I jump on a skipping rope (imitate jumping rope)

I'll go to the bike (walking in place)

And I’ll go the fastest (with hands showing the movement of the bicycle wheels)

I will bend, bend, bend, (three bends forward, each subsequent lower than the previous one, feet shoulder-width apart)

I can reach the floor (touch the floor with the tips of the fingers)

I can easily touch the floor (try to touch with the whole palm)

I’ll carefully straighten up, (straighten up)

I will raise my hands up, (raise my hands up)

I don’t understand where the sky is! (make “flashlights” with hands)

I will close my eyes and hands, (close my eyes)

I’ll play with the clouds (make voluntary movements with their hands with their eyes closed)

I will sit down, back straight, (squat, arms outstretched in front of you)

Let my mother praise me! (stand up, show hands clenched into fists with thumbs up)

After all, exercise every day (sit down in their seats)

I'm not at all lazy to do it.

GCD result

Guys, you have completed a difficult task. Who will remind you what we did today?

(drew talismans)

Why did we draw these particular animals and not others?

(polar bear, leopard and bunny are the mascot of the Winter Olympics in our country)

What does it express?

(hospitality, good nature of the Russian soul, strength and power of our people)

Well done, that's right. Let's look at your work and find out if you completed the task.

(the teacher places the work at the exhibition, the children look at it)

Notice what your drawings have in common?

(everyone has a symbol of the Olympic Games - five intertwined rings)

I really like your talismans. They are all different, but they turned out to be very kind and affectionate. When you look at your drawings, it’s immediately clear that these are not just animals, but Olympic mascots. You can all consider yourself little artists, you completed the task.

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