Maiden name Lera Kudryavtseva. Lera Kudryavtseva - biography and personal life. From backup dancer to TV star

Lera Kudryavtseva (real name Valeria Lvovna Kudryavtseva) is a popular TV presenter, actress, formerly a successful dancer, born on May 19, 1971 in Kazakhstan, Ust-Kamenogorsk.

Lera's parents were scientists - people very far from show business. Nothing foreshadowed Lera’s acting career, but the girl decided otherwise. As a child, Lera, who loved the stage, spent all her free time dancing and singing, and as a result, after school, against the advice of her parents, she entered the directing department of the Cultural Education School.

Lera's next step on her way to the show world was the conquest of Moscow, which began with her admission to GITIS. During her studies, she worked a lot, mainly as backing vocals and dancers for the then celebrities - Igor Sarukhanov, Bogdan Titomir and others.

Working on television

Naturally, it was simply unrealistic for a girl from the outback to get on stage next to such celebrities. Leroux was introduced to the pop scene by her first husband, Sergei Lenyuk, a musician from Tender May, who in those years attracted stadiums of crazed female fans. Lera made the most of her chance and soon appeared on television in the music program “MuzOboz”.

Then she performed well in one of the first reality shows, “Test of Loyalty,” and her popularity as a TV presenter began to grow. Her next successful work was “The Ex-Wives Club,” which brought her popularity not only among young people, but also among housewives. The girl began to be invited to host such super shows as “Song of God” and “New Wave”.

She even managed to win one of the seasons of the Star Ice project and performed quite successfully in Dancing with the Stars.

Film career

Lera began her journey into cinema with the popularly beloved series “Streets of Broken Lanterns”, in which she played so organically that invitations from directors simply poured in for the aspiring actress. But the series, in which Lera was busy for about three years, was only the start for a big movie.

From 2007 to 2015, Kudryavtseva starred in almost 20 full-length films. All the actress’s roles are diverse, but very memorable. By the way, despite her on-screen image of a blond bitch, in life Lara is a very kind and correct person, which allows her to feel great at all social gatherings, remaining out of any conflicts.

Personal life and husband of Lera Kudryavtseva

Kudryavtseva got married for the first time very early - at the age of 18 and very soon gave birth to a son, Jean, but this marriage with the musician from “Tender May” did not escape the fate of most early marriages and broke up in 1992. This was followed by several fleeting romances, until in 2004 fate brought her together with Matvey Morozov, who became her second husband.

At first it seemed that everything was going well. Matvey had his own business, which took up the lion's share of his time, and Lera was torn between filming in films and on television. No one had any complaints against each other, and rare meetings seemed like a holiday. However, soon this way of life ceased to suit the spouses. They grew increasingly distant from each other and in 2007 the union officially broke up.

While working on “New Wave” in 2008, which Lera led together with Sergei Lazarev, they began a whirlwind romance and the couple remained together until 2012. The reason for the break in relations was Lera’s new romance with hockey player Igor Makarov, whose wedding took place in June 2013.

With Igor Makarov

In March 2018, rumors began to circulate that the couple Kudryavtseva and Makarov would soon have a child. But Lera herself did not comment on this in any way. Attentive fans clearly noticed her rounded tummy in one of the photos on her husband's Instagram. After this photo, no one had any doubts - the couple was waiting for a new addition to their family.

And on August 13, 2018, they finally had a baby - daughter Maria. The place where the girl was born is not known for certain. According to rumors, Lera was going to give birth in a Moscow clinic, but on the eve of the birth, the TV presenter was seen flying to the USA. So it’s possible that her daughter was born in one of the clinics in Los Angeles.

Despite the fact that everyone was confident that Lera was pregnant, there were those who believed that Kudryavtseva did not give birth herself, but used the services of a surrogate mother. Such rumors began to spread after the publication of a photograph of the presenter holding Maria in her arms. They say that Kudryavtseva is supposedly very slim, for a woman who has recently given birth, and her baby is too large for a month-old baby.

Kudryavtseva could not stand it and intervened in these discussions. She asked not to fantasize about this topic anymore and assured that she gave birth to her daughter herself.

Lera Kudryavtseva can be called a fairly famous and at the same time dual personality. She is a professional presenter, meanwhile, she excels in singing and dancing.

Even at the beginning of her career, Lera remained in supporting roles for quite a long time - she was involved as a backing vocalist and dancer in groups of such eminent luminaries as Vladimirskaya, Osin, Sarukhanov and Titomir. And in 1995, Kudryavtseva switched to television broadcasting, where she works to this day.

Lera Kudryavtseva is notable for her stubbornness and creativity.

Height, weight, age. How old is Lera Kudryavtseva (actress)?

Kudryavtseva has many fans, and since most of them are men, many of them are interested in such parameters as her height, weight, age. How old Lera Kudryavtseva (actress) is is not a big secret. She was born in 1971, so it’s easy to figure out that very soon the TV presenter will be 47 years old.

Kudryavtseva’s height is quite average – 176 centimeters. But she wears high heels, which more than compensate for her lack of height. As for weight, this is a controversial issue. The presenter's last known weight was 51 kilograms, however, more recently, fans have noticed that the star has gained weight. That’s why it’s difficult to say anything about weight now. The fans were divided into two camps. Some advise you to go on a diet, others congratulate you on your pregnancy.

Also, it should be noted that Kudryavtseva often pampers her admirers with photographs without makeup and cosmetics.

Biography of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress)

During school, she had good grades. There was a period when Lera brought only excellent grades in her diary. But the girl has always been a rebel with a very eccentric character. She was friends only with boys, hooligans and fought. Now few people believe in this, mainly witnesses of her behavior, but at times Lera even disrupted lessons and caused obstacles to teachers.

During her school years, she valued friendship very much and therefore was even capable of lying for the sake of her friends. So, for example, Lera initially studied German, but misled the teachers that she was studying English in order to study in the same class with her friends.

The biography of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress) is amazing. After graduating from school, Lera Kudryavtseva entered college, where she decided to master the specialty of theater director. But she was not going to stop there. And at the same time she received the profession of an actress, having studied at the variety department of GITIS.

By the way, singer Igor Vernik helped the future presenter in this. In particular, he arranged for her to appear on the “Party Zone” program. It was after the appearance of this program on air that Lera Kudryavtseva gained her first popularity on post-Soviet television. It is interesting that this program is broadcast on the MUZ-TV channel, and Lera, as before, is listed among its presenters, along with Dolmatova and Kushanashvili.

As mentioned earlier, since 1995, women have often appeared in the frames of a variety of entertainment programs. For example, this is “Test of Loyalty”, “Ex-Wives Club” or “Muzoboz”. Kudryavtsev is regularly appointed to host the largest musical events

In addition to the above, Lera Kudryavtseva often appears in video clips of stars of the nineties, such as Alsou, “Disco Crash”, Jasmine, Irina Dubtsova and so on.

In 2004, Kudryavtseva’s film career began. Lera appeared in numerous films, such as “Adventurers”, “A Very Russian Detective”, “The Best Film” and several others.

Four years later, the TV presenter became a participant in the entertainment show “Star Ice”; in this project, known to almost everyone, she and her skating partner became winners. The next was the even more famous project “Dancing with the Stars”.

A year later, in a duet with Andrei Razygraev, she appears before us, the audience, as the host of the “Cultural Exchange” program. At the same time, she became the advertising face of the World of Leather and Fur store. And with this she caused a real scandal, because earlier the face of this project was supposed to be Kristina Orbakaite.

In 2011, Lera appeared as the heroine of an erotic photo shoot for MAXIM magazine, at the same time showing that even at almost 40 years old you can look seductive and even be on the list of the most desirable women.

For the last two years, Kudryavtseva has been the permanent host of the television show “Secret to a Million,” where she forces the program’s guests to reveal their deepest secrets about love or school life. Despite the fact that the project is the author's, it is still incredibly popular. And all profits received from it are sent to charity.

For the past seven years, Lera Kudryavtseva has also been dubbing cartoons. For example, these are “Alpha and Omega” and “Bee Movie”.

Personal life of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress)

Lera Kudryavtseva is not only a sought-after presenter, but also a very successful and impressive woman in her own right. On the Internet you can find a lot of information about what the personal life of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress) is like.

At times, a woman, of her own free will, arouses attention around her modest person by deliberately publishing deliberately false information about her private life on social networks. So, for example, one day she plunged her admirers into a real shock by posting a photograph with four girls at once, who had a very obvious resemblance to her. In the caption to the photo, she indicated that the photo shows her own children from her boyfriend, whose name she will not disclose. But a little later she said that it was just a joke - she doesn’t sleep with fans of her work, and these are just the children of her friends.

In fact, without a doubt, we can say about Kudryavtseva’s three marriages and her long-term romantic infatuation with singer Sergei Lazarev. It should be noted that although Leroux’s chosen one was just a little older than her own son, the relationship continued quite passionately and for a long time - from 2008 to 2012.

Family of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress)

The future television star was born into a family that was close to science.

So, for example, her father, Lev Kudryavtsev, also, one might say, was a star, but more in the scientific field. He was not only a mathematician, but also a corresponding member of the Soviet Scientific Academy. His scientific works were devoted to various mathematical topics. Such as topology or function theory. More than once he was awarded a variety of awards, including the State Prize of the Soviet Union.

Mother - Alexandra Kudryavtseva - served as a research assistant all her life. Outwardly, Valeria has a very characteristic resemblance to her parent, and is very proud of her. She also believes that she got her chiseled, slender figure from her mother. Alexandra Ivanovna herself often speaks with pride about her famous child in conversations with various journalists and defends her from other people’s reproaches and accusations.

Lera Kudryavtseva, in addition to her parents, also has an older sister, Oksana. She runs her own business. It was Oksana who invited her sister to live in the capital, providing ways to become an actress. The sisters are currently very close and communicate often..

Currently, the family of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress) consists of two more beloved men - her husband and son. By the way, Lera also jokingly calls her cat her son.

Children of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress)

The children of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress) may yet appear. But until today, she managed to acquire one son, very similar to the star mom. And mommy still can’t get enough of him.

Not long ago, fans noticed that Lera would look quite good with a little girl in her arms. Well, this could very soon become a reality because, apparently, Valeria Kudryavtseva is currently pregnant. Lera did not give any official confirmation, nor any refutations, but the round belly, which the presenter carefully hides under shapeless clothes, speaks for itself.

Son of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress) - Zhan Lenyuk

Until now, only one son has been seen among the star’s offspring. The son of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress) - Jean Lenyuk - was born in mid-April 1990. His father is a musical performer on drums Sergei Lenyuk. And the boy acquired his original name from the actor Jean-Claude Van Damme.

Although the guy is already 28 years old, he is not engaged in any noticeable activities and lives entirely in the care of his mother. Only thanks to Valeria, he has an apartment, a car and a completely wealthy life. It is worth adding to this that Jean lives in a civil marriage with a girl, and she, obviously, is also not in the mood to provide at least for herself through labor efforts. Ultimately, Lera works and earns money for two families.

Former husband of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress) - Sergei Lenyuk

The ex-husband of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress) – Sergei Lenyuk – is a former musician of the previously recognized group “Tender May”. Para began her life together next door to her mother-in-law, and she disliked the young girl because she didn’t really know how to do anything. Because of Sergei’s mother, the marriage fell apart after two years. At the same time, Lera’s friends never tired of telling her about her husband’s casual affairs on the side.

Kudryavtseva loved her husband very much and therefore after the divorce she found herself in severe blues and depression. And she even started drinking. But, in the end, she found the will in herself not to let go of everything that she had been striving for so much, because of the relatives of her ex-husband.

Former husband of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress) - Matvey Morozov

The ex-husband of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress) - Matvey Morozov - was a businessman. It cannot be said that they were inflamed with passionate feelings for each other, but they got married quite quickly - and less than three months had passed from the moment they met.

They rarely bumped into each other at home and almost never crossed paths over everyday things. But they divorced a year later. The reason was that Lera found out about her husband’s conviction for robbery and rape, or maybe that he himself did not tell her about it earlier. And after these events, the failed businessman was also accused of fraud. Lera chose not to wait for permission to wait a long time for the process and filed for divorce. Summarizing this stage of her life, she does not feel any guilt and does not intend to reproach herself.

Husband of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress) - Igor Makarov

The current husband of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress) is Igor Makarov, a very gifted hockey athlete who plays for CSKA. The wedding ceremony took place in 2013, the couple truly found each other, are happy in their life together and dream of common children.

It is noteworthy that Lera is quite noticeably ahead of her husband in age and is already 16 years older than him, but this does not at all prevent them from being happy. It is also known that Kudryavtseva’s husband is very jealous. For example, at their wedding there were many stars, except for Sergei Lazarev.

As in any family, of course, they have quarrels and scandals. However, none of them is going to file for divorce. And, apparently, the couple is already expecting a child.

Photo of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress) before and after plastic surgery

Photos of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress) before and after plastic surgery confirm the fact that Lera did undergo some kind of surgical correction. The TV presenter herself says that she intends to change her breast size, but as paradoxical as it sounds for many representatives of the fair sex, it will be downward. In addition, she does not deny reports that she did other procedures, but assures that everything is done in moderation.

Fans often attribute lip augmentation surgery to Kudryavtseva, as well as the use of injections to smooth out wrinkles near the nose and mouth. After giving birth, Lera had breast surgery. As for the rest of her appearance, the actress uses eyebrow tattooing and eyelash extensions.

Instagram and Wikipedia Lera Kudryavtseva (actress)

The TV presenter, like many of our modern stars, has profiles on social networks and updates them quite often. Instagram and Wikipedia of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress) will allow new fans to learn a lot of important information from the biography, as well as the creative and personal life of the star. On Instagram, for example, she already has almost 2 million subscribers. In addition to photos, she often posts videos there.

Photos are often accompanied by funny or touching captions. On Instagram, you can ask her a question and you can be sure that the star herself will answer you, first-hand, and not a special employee hired to manage the account.

Valeria Lvovna Kudryavtseva is a talented actress, famous TV presenter, socialite and simply a beautiful woman.

The childhood of Lera Kudryavtseva

Anyone who has ever seen this amazing woman cannot believe that she was born back in 1971, but it is really true. On May 19, in Ust-Kamenogorsk, little Lera appeared in a family of real intellectuals. The parents of the future star devoted their lives to science and made every effort to ensure that their children received the best education. Lera’s older sister, Oksana, after graduating, moved to Moscow, where she now successfully owns her own business. It was to her that Lera came, having graduated from the Ust-Kamenogorsk cultural and educational school and decided to enter GITIS.

Start of a television career

Having danced well since childhood and confidently held herself on stage, Lera began her career in the capital of Russia as a backing vocalist and backup dancer for famous pop stars of that time. Among them are Igor Sarukhanov, Bogdan Titomir and Evgeniy Osin.

The day she met Igor Vernik became fateful for Lera. After all, it was Wernick who practically led the girl by the hand to the casting of TV presenters for the “Party Zone”. And, despite her rather extravagant appearance (at that time she went Lera Kudryavtseva without makeup, but with piercings and African braids), it was Leroux who was chosen as the new presenter. And as soon as the girl appeared on the TV screen, invitations to her fell like a cornucopia. TV-6, MuzTV, TV Center, TNT vied with each other to invite Lera as a presenter in various programs, and it is worth noting not only entertainment ones. Lera has also been the host of the projects New Wave, Jurmala and Song of the Year more than once.


For the first time as an actress, Lera tried herself in the popular series “Streets of Broken Lanterns.” As planned, this was supposed to be an episodic role for just a few episodes, but the director liked Kudryavtseva so much that they decided to leave her character in the series for several seasons. After this, Leroux was repeatedly invited to act in films and TV series, which she does, and quite successfully. Her filmography includes such films as:

  • "Money for my daughter";
  • "Children in a Cage";
  • "On the Roof of the World";
  • "The best movie";
  • "Adventurers";
  • “Hello, I’m your dad!”

Who is Lera Kudryavtseva’s husband: photo

Everything he tells reporters Lera Kudryavtseva, biography, personal life, memorable moments, quite often leads fans to the idea that this fragile, beautiful and, as she says about herself, “an absolutely atypical woman,” was not the darling of fate. Having married at the age of 18 Sergei Lenyuk, a member of the cult pop group “Tender May”, after 2 years the girl turned out to be the divorced mother of a charming boy Jean (by the way, she named Kudryavtsev’s son in honor of her favorite actor Jean-Claude Van Damme).

Lera decided to organize her personal life only when her son became a teenager. In 2004, Kudryavtseva once again decided to try on a wedding dress. This time her chosen one was entrepreneur Matvey Morozov. But this marriage did not bring happiness to the girl. Just 3 years later, Leroux was again facing a divorce.

It seemed that in 2008, Kudryavtseva had finally found her happiness in the person of the popular singer and artist Sergei Lazarev. The couple spent a lot of time together and their relationship really seemed sincere. But after 4 years, this relationship in Lera’s life came to an end. There are rumors that the couple’s attempts to have a child ended in a miscarriage, after which Lera and Sergei could no longer live together, although they still remain good friends.

Currently, Kudryavtseva is officially in a relationship with young hockey player Igor Makarov. They say that the young man has already proposed to Lera and now wedding planning is in full swing. We can only hope that at least this relationship will become happy for Lera Kudryavtseva.

Lera Kudryavtseva is considered one of the most successful “sharks” in the domestic show business. She is sure that politeness and modesty will not achieve anything in this matter, and that only the strongest are destined to survive. It is very difficult to take your place on this Olympus, especially if you do not have influential acquaintances. But getting up is half the battle, but staying there is much harder. Her name is always surrounded by an aura of mystery and therefore rumors and gossip often circulate in the media. Which of them are true, and which are just the fruit of journalistic fantasies, no one knows for sure, only Kudryavtseva herself. One thing can be said with confidence, Lera is a talented actress and presenter, and everything else is just a cost of the profession.

The biography of Lera Kudryavtseva is forever connected with radio and television, where she hosts popular programs. The actress gained new popularity after the start of her original program “Secret to a Million,” which airs on the NTV channel.

Childhood and youth

Valeria Kudryavtseva was born on May 19, 1971 in Kazakhstan, in the small town of Ust-Kamenogorsk. Her parents had nothing to do with the world of art and were engaged in scientific work. In addition to Lera, the eldest daughter Oksana was growing up in the family. Today she is a successful businessman.

As a child, she did not like to play with girls; her company was boys, with whom she jumped from garages and climbed trees. Lera herself says that at that time she was completely ugly, like an “ugly duckling”, with her ears sticking out from under her haircut. Everyone knows her as a blonde, but nature gave the girl thick black hair.

Lera decided as a child that she would definitely become famous. She dreamed of the stage, but her parents considered her choice frivolous and tried to find a compromise. Kudryavtseva listened to the opinion of her relatives, and after school she joined the number of students at the local cultural and educational school, and in the future she was supposed to graduate from its walls with a diploma in theater director.

After graduation, Lera insisted that she was going to Moscow, and this time her parents supported her. The girl easily entered GITIS in the acting department.

It was during this period in the girl’s life that she had her first successful acquaintance, which became the beginning of a long journey into show business. At the concert of the group “Tender May” she saw vocalist Sergei Lenyuk, whose acquaintance brought her to the stage.

Kudryavtseva was hired as a backing vocalist, then she performed with Bogdan Titomir. Igor Sarukhanov and Svetlana Vladimirskaya also did not refuse to cooperate with the pretty girl.

The next success in the life of Lera Kudryavtseva was a meeting with Lera Kudryavtseva, who at that time was looking for a presenter for the musical program “Party Zone”. However, this position was not given automatically; despite the romance between Lera and Igor, she still had to participate in the casting.

To win over the commission, Lera decided to completely change her image and stand out among other contenders with her originality. She got her nose pierced and had dreadlocks on her head. In 1995 it was very bold, extravagant and unusual. Maybe it was this strange image that attracted attention to her, but the girl still got the job and aired on the TV-6 channel.

From that very show, her biography was inextricably linked with television, and soon no one had any doubts about her professionalism.


Literally immediately after the first episodes of the “Party Zone” program, Lera Kudryavtseva began to be recognized on the street. Her name sounded on par with the names of those famous artists for whom she had recently participated as a backup dancer.

This program exists to this day, it just changed the channel - now it is offered to Muz-TV viewers. Lera still occupies the chair of its presenter; together with her, Aiza Anokhina and Otar Kushanashvili are involved in the project. The program was of an entertaining nature, so the bohemian crowd quickly accepted Lera into their ranks, and the girl became one of their own. From that time on, her rapid and successful rise to the heights of fame began.

Lera Kudryavtseva - program “Party Zone”

In 1995, Kudryavtseva joined the “MuzOboz” project, which aired on the TV-6 channel; from that time on, she appeared in the “Test of Loyalty” program on the Muz-TV channel and in the “Ex-Wives Club” show, which is broadcast by TNT. Lera was invited to shoot videos by many famous pop singers - Irina Dubtsova, the group “Disco Accident”, “Ivanushki”.

In 2007, the actress was invited to the set of the film “On the Roof of the World”, after which she appeared in the film “The Best Film”, in which she portrayed a cheap prostitute. 2008 added three interesting films to her filmography: “Oh, Lucky Man,” “A Very Russian Detective,” and “Adventurers.”

In the same year, 2008, Kudryavtseva was invited to the “Star Ice” program, where Gwendal Peyzera became her partner. This couple was recognized as the best and awarded first place. This was followed by another interesting invitation. This time in the show “Dancing with the Stars”, in which she shone in the company of Alexei Mazurin.

In 2009, Kudryavtseva was appointed host of the “Cultural Exchange” program on the TV Center channel. The co-host was Andrey Razygraev.

In parallel with this, Kudryavtseva begins to collaborate with the advertising company “World of Leather and Fur,” which is engaged in sewing outerwear and accessories. Kudryavtseva’s colleagues reacted very negatively to her activities, because she had previously done this, and it turns out that Lera crossed her path. Kudryavtseva hastened to assure everyone that she and Christina were close friends, and it was not her plan to interfere with her.

In 2011, Lera Kudryavtseva was persuaded to take part in a photo shoot for the men's glossy magazine MAXIM, and she agreed. In these provocative photos, she presented her fans with an excellent figure, so no one even remembered her age. At the time of filming, Kudryavtseva was thirty-nine years old.

In 2015, the press began to discuss the similarities between two celebrities - Lera Kudryavtseva and American Kim Kardashian. They were incredibly similar to each other, and the only difference was their hair. Lera was always blonde, while Kim had black hair. In 2015, Kardashian dyed her hair blonde, and the press began to joke that she was trying to look like the Russian presenter. They were indeed sometimes confused, because Kudryavtseva visits the States quite often.

Lera does not react to such comparisons, she says that anything can happen. Many believe that plastic surgery was to blame, because in their younger years there was no resemblance between Lera and Kim, and only with the help of surgeons did the Russian TV presenter begin to resemble the famous foreigner. Kudryavtseva does not comment on plastic surgery.

The show is still being aired, and among its participants, viewers have already noticed Anfisa Chekhova. All proceeds that artists win from this show go to charity.

Lera Kudryavtseva devotes a lot to her work, and tells everyone that she provides herself with a decent standard of living. According to the presenter, she was offered her hand and heart more than once, and they wanted to put her in a “golden cage,” but she turned out to be too independent and freedom-loving for that.

Personal life

Lera Kudryavtseva’s first husband was the lead singer of the group “Tender May” Sergei Lenyuk. At the age of eighteen she already became a mother, the couple had a son, Jacques. The boy was named after the famous actor who was Lera's idol. Kudryavtseva lived in this marriage for two years.

Sergei was at the peak of his popularity at that time, and reports of his numerous novels constantly appeared in the press. Soon Lera got tired of this state of affairs, she took her son and left her husband.

This divorce was very difficult for Kudryavtseva. She even started drinking the bottle and was depressed for a long time, but managed to pull herself together. Now Lera does not touch alcohol.

For the second time, Lera Kudryavtseva married businessman Matvey Morozov. This couple's candy-bouquet period lasted only three months, after which they immediately went to the registry office. The newlyweds were so busy at work that they were practically never at home and did not deal with any household problems. Everything would have been fine if a year later Morozov had not been arrested for fraud and sent to prison. Lera did not inform the public about this, and when she was asked about her husband, she invariably answered that he was on a long business trip.

In 2008, singer Sergei Lazarev appeared in Kudryavtseva’s personal life. They have a fairly large age difference, but this did not stop the lovers from attending all the fashionable parties together for four years. Photos of them from their vacation periodically appeared in the media; all fans of both stars were sure that a wedding was coming soon. But in 2012, the tabloids were full of reports about the breakup of Lera and Sergei’s relationship. There were rumors that Kudryavtseva was pregnant, but it was not possible to save the fetus, and they decided to break up, while maintaining a normal relationship.

Then the singer was listed as Lera Kudryavtseva’s lover, but then it turned out that they were connected exclusively by friendly relations.

In 2013, the presenter got married for the third time. This time her chosen one was hockey player Igor Makarov. Lera is much older than her beloved - the age difference is sixteen years. The newlyweds celebrated a magnificent wedding, the guests of which were the most eminent people of the country.

In the photo Lera Kudryavtseva and her 3rd husband Igor Makarov

Many years of work on television turned an ordinary presenter into a real style icon, whom millions of girls look up to here and abroad. Her Instagram page is visited daily by thousands of fans, and she tries to please them with news about herself and new photographs. Lera does not hesitate to show herself from various angles, and even without makeup.

At forty-seven, Kudryavtseva looks very dignified. Even a few tattoos in ancient Sanskrit and Latin do not spoil her appearance. One of them is translated as “The main thing in life is love.”

Lera Kudryavtseva now

In the spring of 2018, the World Wide Web started talking about Kudryavtseva’s pregnancy. In photographs from this period, the presenter is dressed in baggy clothes, and this became the reason for questions from numerous journalists. For quite a long time Lera did not comment on her situation, and only in May Makarov published a photo that answered all the questions. Kudryavtseva is really pregnant, and the couple no longer hid it.

Photo: Lera Kudryavtseva

On August 13, 2018, their daughter Maria was born. This message appeared on Kudryavtseva’s Instagram page, supported by a photo of the baby’s leg. Questions began to flow again regarding the details of this event, but all of them remained unanswered.

The journalists never found out where Lera gave birth. Before giving birth, she said that this would happen in her homeland, but just before the end of the term, the presenter went to America. They say that the birth was attended by doctors from one of the clinics in Los Angeles, but there is no documentary evidence of this.

In August of that year, a message appeared in the press that her son Jacques had given birth to a child, and now Lera simultaneously received the status of both mother and grandmother. Kudryavtseva denied everything and advised me to read less of the yellow press.

According to some fans, Lera did not give birth herself, and the child was born from a surrogate mother. Everyone began to discuss the new photo, where the presenter was holding her newborn daughter in her arms. It seemed to many that the child was too big and clearly did not look like a newborn, and the actress was too slender, as if she had recently given birth.

Kudryavtseva was tired of reading this controversy, and she put all the dots in place. She responsibly stated that there was no surrogate mother, she gave birth to a daughter herself, and asked everyone not to indulge in wild guesses and not to spread false rumors.

TV presenter

  • Party zone"
  • "MuzOboz"
  • "Ex-Wives Club"
  • "Cultural exchange"
  • "Eat and lose weight"
  • "New wave"
  • "Song of the year"
  • "Top 10..."
  • "KVN"
  • "Party zone"
  • "KVN Premier League"
  • Big change
  • "Muz-TV Award"
  • "Million Dollar Secret"
  • "The stars have aligned"

Selected filmography

  • 2004-2007 - Streets of Broken Lights
  • 2006 - Zadov in Reality
  • 2007 - On the Roof of the World
  • 2008 - A Very Russian Detective
  • 2010 - Happy together
  • 2011 - A short course on a happy life
  • 2012 - Rzhevsky against Napoleon
  • 2015 - The Chicks. A Tale of False Love

Valeria Lvovna, or simply Lera Kudryavtseva, is a very famous and controversial person. She does a little of everything: hosts TV shows, dances and sings professionally.

After graduating from this educational institution, she worked for quite a long time as backup dancers and backing vocals for the musical groups Osin and Sarukhanov, Titomir and Vladimirskaya. This continued until 1995, and after that Lera switched to working on television, which she has not parted with to this day.

There is no more controversial, persistent and creative personality in the vastness of the Russian Federation than Lera Kudryavtseva.

Height, weight, age. How old is Lera Kudryavtseva (actress)?

Valeria was born in May 1971, making her forty-five full years old. According to the zodiac sign, the woman is an efficient and persistent Taurus, and according to the eastern horoscope, she is an intelligent and stable Pig.

Lera Kudryavtseva's height is average - one meter and sixty-seven centimeters. However, this did not stop her from dancing, since the missing centimeters are more than compensated for by high heels.

The actress weighs approximately 51 kilograms, but this parameter changes from time to time.

What Lera Kudryavtseva is like without makeup her fans want to know. It is worth noting that nature has generously endowed a woman with beauty, so without makeup she looks very attractive. She is not shy about posting these photos on social networks and appearing without makeup in public places.

Biography of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress)

She did well at school, for some time she was even an excellent student. Lera was a rebel and a wayward girl. She hung out only with boys, constantly fought and climbed trees. Few people believe, but the girl often misbehaved and even disrupted classes. Her parents were regularly called to school, but they could not cope with their hooliganism.

At school she highly valued friendship, and could even commit deception for the sake of her friends. The girl studied German, but lied that she was learning English in order to get into the same class with her friends.

After graduating from school, Lera entered the Cultural Education School, where she mastered the profession of theater director. The girl did not stop there and received an education as an actress at the pop department of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts, currently GITIS.

The future TV presenter was helped in this by Igor Vernik, who helped her get a job in the “Party Zone” program on channel TV-6. After the release of this television program, the girl became incredibly popular throughout the post-Soviet space. By the way, this program is still broadcast on MUZ-TV, and it is hosted by the same Lera Kudryavtseva, together with Kushanashvili and Dolmatova.

Since 1995, the girl has constantly appeared in various television shows of an entertainment format, for example, in “Muzoboz”, “Test of Loyalty”, “Ex-Wives Club”. She hosts popular festivals, competitions and concerts in the world and Russia with enviable regularity.

Lera Kudryavtseva is constantly invited to appear in the videos of the stars of that time “Disco Crash”, “Ivanushki International”, Irina Dubtsova, Tatyana Bulanova, Alsou, Jasmine.

Since 2004, her first steps in cinema have been added to her career as a TV presenter. Lera appeared in the films “On the Roof of the World”, “The Best Film”, “A Very Russian Detective”, “Oh Lucky Man”, “Adventurers”. She appeared in the cult TV series “Streets of Broken Lanterns.”

In 2008, she took part in the television show “Star Ice,” from which her couple emerged as winners. Then she participated in the show project “Dancing with the Stars”.

Since 2009, in tandem with Razygraev, she has hosted the program “Cultural Exchange”. She became the official face of the “World of Leather and Fur” project, which caused a scandal in the world of show business. The fact is that before this, Kristina Orbakaite held this position.

In 2011, she starred in a scandalous photo shoot for MAXIM magazine, proving that even at 39 years old she is not ashamed to show off her feminine charms.

Since 2016, she has become the permanent host of the TV show “Secret to a Million,” in which she forces her guests to talk about school life or love affairs. The project turned out to be mega-popular, so it was extended until 2017. By the way, all the money collected from the program goes to charity.

Since 2010, he has been dubbing animated films, including Bee Movie, Alpha and Omega, Cinderella: Full Throttle!

Personal life of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress)

Valeria Kudryavtseva is a very popular woman. There are many legends on the Internet about what the personal life of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress) is like.

Sometimes the actress herself fuels passions around her person by posting false information about her personal life on social networks. For example, she shocked her fans with a photo of four babies who looked like her and signed that these were her children from an unknown fan. A little later she said that she was just joking: there is no fan, and these are the children of her friends.

Only three official marriages and a stormy romance with Sergei Lazarev, which lasted four years, are known for certain.

Family of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress)

The future TV presenter and actress was born into a family where the spirit of learning and science was in the air.

Father - Lev Dmitrievich - was a kind of star in scientific circles. He was a mathematician and corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. His works were devoted to the theory of functions, equations, and topology. He was repeatedly awarded various prizes and medals, including the prestigious USSR State Prize.

Mom - Alexandra Ivanovna– worked all her life as a research assistant in the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk. Lera is very similar to her mother and is proud of her. She believes that she owes her mother the slender figure she inherited. Alexandra Ivanovna often gives interviews about her star daughter and protects her from attacks from ill-wishers.

Lera Kudryavtseva’s older sister, Oksana Zhukova, is engaged in business. It was she who invited the young girl to her place in Moscow, giving her a chance to develop as a TV star and actress. The sisters are very attached to each other, they love to chat and make fun of each other.

Today, Lera Kudryavtseva’s family has been expanded with a beloved husband and son. Lera calls her cat another son, for whom she is looking for a worthy bride.

Children of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress)

Children of Lera Kudryavtseva may appear in the very near future. The fact is that so far she has one adult son, who is very similar to his mother. He never ceases to please his mother with his successes.

Recently, fans noticed that Lera would look very good with a charming little girl in her arms. And this dream can come true quite soon, because Lera Kudryavtseva is pregnant. 2017 was her best yet again. At least, this is evidenced by her rounded belly, which she diligently hides under loose clothes.

Son of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress) - Zhan Lenyuk

The actress has only one child so far. Lera Kudryavtseva’s son, Zhan Lenyuk, is already quite big. He was born on April 14, 1990 from musician Sergei Lenyuk and received an unusual name in honor of Jean-Claude Van Damme.

The guy doesn’t work anywhere; he is supported entirely by Lera Kudryavtseva. It is only thanks to her that Jean has an apartment, a car and leads a fairly comfortable life. The matter is complicated by the fact that the young man lives in a civil marriage with a girl. As a result, the mother works in order to feed her son’s family, and he continues to look for himself in life.

Former husband of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress) - Sergei Lenyuk

The ex-husband of Lera Kudryavtseva, Sergei Lenyuk, is an ex-musician of the group “Tender May”. The couple lived with Sergei’s mother, who disliked the inept eighteen-year-old girl. She did everything to ensure that the marriage broke up after two years. At the same time, her friends constantly told Lera about her husband’s secret connections with numerous fans.

Lera was madly in love with Sergei, so after the breakup she began to drink heavily and fell into serious depression. She found strength and quickly returned to normal life.

Former husband of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress) - Matvey Morozov

Lera Kudryavtseva’s ex-husband, Matvey Morozov, was a businessman. The couple didn’t have much love, but they got married 3 months after they met in 2004.

The couple were rarely at home and had virtually no contact in the everyday sense, but divorced a year later. Matvey was accused of illegal border crossing and fraud. Before that, he was convicted of rape and robbery.

After Lera Kudryavtseva learned about this sad news, she instantly filed for divorce. The woman does not consider herself guilty of the breakup or a traitor.

Husband of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress) - Igor Makarov

Lera Kudryavtseva’s current husband, Igor Makarov, is a talented hockey player who plays for the CSKA team. The wedding took place in 2013, the guys are happy and dream of a soon addition to their family.

The age difference between the hockey player and the famous actress is sixteen years, which does not interfere with their family happiness. The guy is only 3 years older than Lera’s son, and he is very jealous. For example, all the stars were at the wedding, except for Lazarev’s ex-boyfriend.

The couple has disagreements and scandals, but the guys are not going to get a divorce.

Photos of Lera Kudryavtseva before and after plastic surgery prove the fact that she had plastic surgery. The actress herself claims that she is not at all against reducing her luxurious breasts. She does not deny performing plastic surgery, arguing that the main thing is to know when to stop.

The star is often credited with lip augmentation surgery, as well as the use of biogel injections, which smooth out wrinkles around the lips and nose.

After the birth of little Jean, Lera had mammoplasty. She gets eyelash extensions and constantly tattoos her eyebrows.

Instagram and Wikipedia Lera Kudryavtseva (actress)

The actress has accounts on social networks, which are constantly updated with useful information. Instagram and Wikipedia of Lera Kudryavtseva allow you to learn everything about a woman’s personal and creative life first-hand. For all the star’s subscribers, and there are at least 1.93 million of them, videos from the singer’s concerts and charity events are available.

Numerous photographs are accompanied by funny or touching comments from Lera. On Instagram you can like, ask a question and get a reliable answer to it.

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