Diana Melison Diana Melison who is she. Diana Melison: biography, work and personal life. Childhood and education

Diana Skubko, or model Diana Melison, is widely known in the Internet community. The model's name appears more and more every day. Diana is a professional model, an aspiring actress, a popular video and Instagram blogger, and a DJ.

Diana was born in St. Petersburg in January 1993. When asked about her nationality, the girl answers “Ukrainian.” Information about the girl’s parents is not publicly available, since for the benefit and peace of mind of the family, outsiders should not know about them.

All that is known about Diana’s childhood and early youth is that the girl changed 3 schools. I studied well, although there were not enough stars in the sky. During my school years, I loved literature most of all and enjoyed reading the classics.

After receiving the certificate, I entered St. Petersburg State Technical University. The girl chose the specialty of manager-economist, deciding that a diploma of higher education would come in handy someday.

Model business

The external characteristics of Diana Melison (she took a creative pseudonym for her future career) came in handy for the girl to work in the modeling business. The beauty's ideal parameters - 87-58-88 with a height of 169 cm and a weight of 45 kg - allowed her to reach heights in this area. The model claims that she did not undergo any plastic surgery. Plump lips and size 3 breasts, according to her, came from nature.

Diana Melison's biography as a model began at the age of 18. The very first portfolio made by a professional photographer in 2011 brought success. The girl is regularly invited for filming by famous Russian agencies. But Melison is not under contract with any modeling agency.

Most often, photographs of the model are taken by one of the best photographers in the country, Alexander Mavrin, known to models and fans as Mavrin. The photographer performs his work in the SWAG style that is fashionable today.

Diana can be seen in unexpected images. But the girl calls her favorite genres: glamor, plein air, portrait and lifestyle. It's no secret that Melison has posed nude more than once, not seeing anything shameful in it. Diana believes that the beauty of the body is also a kind of art that cannot be hidden from the people.


In addition, the girl received roles in traditional cinema. In 2016, Diana appeared in the horror film Dislike. Other Internet stars, for example, became the young actress’s colleagues on the set.

The main characters of the film are top video bloggers who have become idols of the new generation. These are teenagers, boys and girls, whose opinions are of interest to millions of their peers, and who earn thousands a day from their own videos.

According to the plot of the film, eight such bloggers are gathered in a cottage far from civilization for the sake of a promotional tasting of a new energy drink. Naturally, the promotional meeting turns out to be a trap, and a maniac begins to hunt for the guys, asking the bloggers to guess who ordered the murder of the popular guys.

The film received negative reviews from viewers and film critics. On Kinopoisk the rating of the film is 1.466 out of 10, on IMDb it is 2.10, also on a ten-point scale.

In 2016, the model appeared in another horror film. Diana Melison played a minor role in the film “The Route is Built.” The film is about a cursed car in which a husband killed his wife. Now the car is possessed by the ghost of a murdered woman who hates family quarrels and is able to control the car and change the car's navigator information. A married couple buys a possessed vehicle, and on their first trip, the husband and wife quarrel over suspicious noises that only the wife can hear.

This film also received negative reviews from critics, but still overtook Dislike in ratings. The average film rating on movie aggregators ranges around 4 on a ten-point scale.

Recently, Diana has mastered another profession for herself - the girl has become a DJ. They say DJ Diana Melison is becoming more and more popular. The girl manages to sell out some of the capital’s popular clubs.

Melison has several stylish tattoos on her body that the girl is proud of. The first tattoo in the form of a star appeared on his wrist at the age of 17.

In Runet, the model and actress is a discussed personality. There are thousands of subscribers on her social network pages, with whom Melison shares various information, creative plans and new photographs.

IN " Instagram"The girl has more than 2 million subscribers. In all frames, Diana adheres to the created model image - professional photos, multi-layered makeup, styled hair and fashionable clothes with well-chosen accessories.

Personal life

It is not surprising that the personal life of Diana Melison, like any other outrageous beauty, has long been of interest to fans of the model. It is known that the girl had an 8-month affair with the popular rapper KreeD, known in the world as Yegor Bulatkin. But he cheated on Diana with another girl, a singer, after which the couple broke up.

In addition to her affair with Bulatkin, Diana Melison, according to rumors, had a romantic relationship with actor Stas Shmelev and video blogger and singer. But the model itself does not confirm this information. Perhaps rumors about an affair with Roma appeared after a photo shoot of two young people.

Diana Melison now

In June 2017, rumors appeared that the model was dating a new boyfriend - the 17-year-old grandson of the oligarch Grisha Mamurin. On the Internet, the young man is famous as the author of a cruel and cynical act - the oligarch’s grandson offered passers-by to drink urine, and in return promised to pay 10,000 rubles.

Paparazzi captured the couple as they went to the store together.

The press explains Diana’s silence about the relationship simply: the work and popularity of the model is directly related to the location of fans, especially young boys and teenage boys, which certainly will not be helped by news about a stable relationship.

Soon after the news about the model’s new romance, scandalous details of this relationship appeared. A number of publications, citing a source close to the couple, wrote that there was a conflict between Mamurin and Diana in the club, during which the young man pushed the model onto the sofa and almost hit him.

Social media star, popular model, aspiring actress and DJ - all this is Diana Melison. Possessing a magnificent figure, courage and openness, Diana won the hearts of the younger generation and influential employers.


Diana Melison is a bright and memorable pseudonym that she took young Anna Volkova.

A new star was born as of January 13, 1993 in the northern capital of Russia. Anna was born in a mixed marriage, where my mother is Ukrainian by nationality, and my father is Azerbaijani, Thanks to the mixture of blood and different external types of parents, Anna received a very beautiful appearance and a chiseled figure.

Living in St. Petersburg, Anya changed three secondary schools, and in 2010 she graduated from the lyceum. Throughout her school years, the girl received good grades and studied diligently.

After receiving secondary education and a school certificate, Diana went to university and chose the specialty of manager-economist; as she later admitted, the decision to get a higher education was made for the “crusts”.


The active growth of the young star’s career, and, accordingly, her popularity, began in the first years of study at the university. Already at the age of 18, having ideal body proportions for a model, Diana starred for a VKontakte promotion, after her bright appearance, the girl’s popularity grew sharply, and the number of subscribers on social networks increased to 1.5 million.

Famous photographer Mavrin (Alexander Mavrin) noticed a bright girl, started working with her and was the initiator in choosing a pseudonym.

Mavrin often worked with Diana, since the girl was not afraid of bold images and nude photo shoots.

In addition, a large part of the girl’s income comes from advertising publications on social networks. Having a large number of subscribers, a personal brand and recognition, the cost of an advertising post for Diana is very high.

Being open, bright and a girl without complexes, Diana worked with many famous Russian photographers and music video directors. Such activities also contribute to the growth of the girl’s popularity.

Not just a model

When the girl began to develop, she began to miss working only as a model, she was also attracted to such creative areas like:

  1. Cinematography – Diana starred in the Russian films “Dislike” and “The Route is Built.”
  2. Making music - two years ago Melison became seriously interested in becoming a DJ.

Having her own audience, fans and attractive appearance, Diana becomes in demand in all areas of activity that interest her.

Charity and personal life

With the growing number of subscribers, Diana Melison is increasingly accused of plastic, but the girl denies any cosmetic or surgical intervention on her appearance. The Ukrainian beauty says that all her data is the merit of nature.

Diana Melison showed a new side of herself, once again breaking the boundaries of her image. Young woman created a campaign to help the boy, who needed a serious and expensive operation. Having highlighted the situation to their subscribers, the necessary funds were collected in less than three days, and the child received the necessary help. Diana continues to organize fundraisers to help sick children, which characterizes her as a sympathetic and sincere person.

As for Diana Melison’s personal life, not everything is clear. The girl was credited with having affairs with the grandson of an oligarch, a video blogger and many other famous guys, but these are not confirmed facts.

It is known for certain that the girl is about 8 months old met with Yegor Creed, and before him, Diana’s boyfriend was an actor Stas Shmelev.

Diana Melisom works hard, reaches new heights and persistently builds her career, not limiting herself to one field of activity. Of course, social networks and communication with fans help her with this.

Not long ago, Diana was offered to collaborate with a famous clothing brand "Guess", or rather, to become her face in Russia, the offer is very tempting and would have brought the star a lot of money, but everything was ruined by Diana’s experience in porn filming. Representatives of the brand withdrew their offer of cooperation.

At the moment there are rumors, confirmed by paparazzi photos, about a girl’s affair with the oligarch’s grandson - Mamurin. This sincere romance began back in 2017 and continues to this day. As Diana’s friends say, not everything is going smoothly in the couple’s relationship, but no one knows what’s really going on.

23-year-old model and aspiring actress Diana Melison needs no introduction. A beautiful girl at her young age has already managed to make a dizzying career and few doubt that she has many successful projects and stunning photographs ahead of her. But curious fans are interested in whether Diana Melison had plastic surgery or whether nature endowed her with an attractive appearance.

Diana Melison - cover girl

Fans learn a lot about Diana from photographs in magazines and on the Internet.

From her biography it is known for sure that she was born in St. Petersburg in 1993. While studying at school, Anna Volkova - that’s the girl’s name according to her passport - did not stand out particularly, but was considered a diligent student, and especially loved literature. Having received secondary education, the future model did not immediately enter college, since starting a career required a lot of time, but now she is catching up and studying at one of the St. Petersburg universities.

Diana Melison before and after surgery

Diana managed to conquer the heights of the modeling business thanks to her bright appearance and slender, neat figure. The model’s parameters can indeed be envied - she has a full hip and waist measurement of 88 and 58 cm, respectively. Weighing 45 kg, Diana does not look too thin or emaciated. The girl herself admits that she rarely visits the gym and practically does not deny herself various delicacies.

One of the most discussed issues concerning the model today is not even her relationship with the opposite sex, but what Diana Melison was like before plastic surgery and whether she had it done at all.

The girl actually does not react to these rumors and avoids conversations on this topic. According to unconfirmed information, Diana Melison was ugly before the operation and only the intervention of plastic surgeons gave her a chance to become famous. The star herself says:

  • a mole above her upper lip is an important accent of her appearance, which was inherited from her parents;
  • makeup is an obligatory nuance of any look; Diana does not leave the house without makeup, because, as a model, she always needs to be ready for camera flashes;
  • tattoos, of which Diana currently has 8 - her great passion, emphasizing the individuality of the body and appearance;
  • her eyebrows and eyelashes are natural - she only tints them a little, but does not build them up or use tattoos;
  • even Diana's hair has a natural color - she is a natural brunette.
What is Diana Melison doing now?

One way or another, Diana Melison before and after plastic surgery, even if she had it, is known as a lingerie model. The girl does not consider it shameful to be photographed in nude style; on the contrary, she is sure that a beautiful silhouette and shape simply need to be demonstrated.

Despite the fact that Diana has been acting for quite a long time, she still has not signed a contract with any agency. The girl chooses who she works with; by the way, most of all she likes to be photographed by Alexander Mavrin.

Diana Melison turned out to be a versatile person - she is currently trying herself as a DJ, her compositions can be heard in many clubs in the capital.

Read also

According to Diana Melison, she is not against plastic surgery; perhaps someday she will resort to its help. But now her face and figure are 100% natural and beauty connoisseurs and lovers never tire of admiring her.

More and more often in the media you can see photos of a beautiful brunette - this is Melison Diana. Many people don’t even know who this girl is and why she is so popular, because her main area of ​​activity is not performing popular compositions or even acting in films or television series. She is a model or, as it is now fashionable to say, a lingerie model.

Lingerie model

This young charming girl is a professional model. Diana has an excellent figure and is beautiful, which is why she is in great demand in the field of lingerie advertising. Thousands of men admire photographs of Melison in lace panties, and the girl only coquettishly declares to the press that all her “charms” are exclusively the “work” of nature, she has never resorted to the services of plastic surgeons.


The fashion model has not just an attractive appearance, but also facial features that make many girls jealous and men go crazy. Diana, to be more precise, even has an ideal shape, long thick eyelashes, but most of all, many people pay attention to her sexy mole above her lip. In many photos she does not smile, but slightly opens her plump lips, which makes her image even more erotic.


Perhaps many are interested in the question: “Melison Diana - who is this young charmer and where does she even come from?” Well, let's try to dive a little into the past of the rising star.

Diana was born in St. Petersburg not far from 1993, namely on January 13th. It turns out that not so long ago the model crossed the 20-year mark. It’s nice to know that Melison is receiving a higher education with a degree in manager-economist at St. Petersburg State Technical University, where she is already in her 3rd year. At school age, she managed to change three schools and receive secondary education at a gymnasium. Diana always studied well, showed interest in humanitarian subjects, and loved to read, mainly the classics.


It must be said that Diana Melison, whose photos are simply mesmerizing, has an excellent figure, her almost ideal parameters - 87/58/88 - are a reward from nature. The girl herself admits that she does not constantly visit gyms and does not adhere to any diets; she is not averse to pampering herself with her favorite sweets and flour delicacies. Diana has 4 tattoos on her body, the first of which she got at the age of 17. She does not dye her hair and does not yet see the need to turn to plastic surgeons. It must be said that Melison has a personal photographer Mavrina.

Public life

To top it all off, I would like to note that the girl already has thousands of fans, although she does not consider herself a star at all. If we talk about social networks, only VKontakte is registered, so we can assume that existing pages on Odnoklassniki, Twitter, and Facebook can be considered fakes.

Now to the question “Melison Diana - who is she?” you received the answer, and you can see what this model looks like in the photo in this article.

Diana Melison before plastic surgery (photo)

Diana is a native of St. Petersburg, born in 1993. According to her passport, the beauty’s name is Anna Volkova, and during her school years the girl did not stand out much among her peers.

After graduating from school, Diana did not immediately go to higher education, which justifies the frantic pace of her career development. Now Melison is making up for lost time at one of the institutes of the Northern capital, mastering the profession of a manager and economist.

Personal life of Diana Melison

Men are attracted by the model's pretty face and chiseled figure, so many are interested in Diana's personal life. She was never shy and openly demonstrated relationships with young people from the world of show business. In the past, Diana briefly dated actor Stas Shmelev, and after breaking up she met musician Yegor Creed.

The idyll that the lovers showed in photos on social networks did not last long, and it is unknown who Diana’s heart is now occupied by.

Diana Melison before and after plastic surgery (photo)

Diana began her transformation with tattoos: her flawless body is covered with eight designs located on the left shoulder, hips, left wrist, right forearm, on the sides and fingers.

Therefore, there is no photo of Diana Melison before plastic surgery on the Internet, but the girl is proud of her ideal figure.

Diana Melison claims that the parameters 87/58/88 with a height of 169 cm and a weight of 45 kg are given by nature and do not require much effort.

But fans do not believe such words and conduct investigations, comparing photos before and after Diana Melison’s plastic surgery. Melison herself still denies plastic surgery and posts photos without makeup.

But at the beginning of her modeling career she was not distinguished by a magnificent bust, and in recent photographs her amazing shape is already noticeable.

Diana Melison explains her appearance as natural: the mole above her upper lip is an accent received from her ancestors. Diana never appears in public without makeup, which justifies her stellar profession. Naturally, Diana Melison looks different before and after applying makeup, like any other woman.

Di Melison has not yet undergone plastic surgery, as her skin and body are filled with health and natural beauty.

But the model claims that she is not afraid and does not despise surgical intervention on her appearance. If in tens of years she has to resort to the services of a plastic surgeon, she will do so without a doubt. Today, the model’s appearance is 100% flawless.

You can find many photos showing Melison before and after plastic surgery, but the model herself does not admit to surgical interventions.

Today Dee works without strict contracts, without signing contracts with any modeling agency.

The model herself chooses with whom she collaborates, and the majority of Melison’s photographs were taken by photographer Alexander Mavrin.

It is likely that Diana Melison had her breasts enlarged, but there is no evidence of this fact, other than before and after photos.

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