To become an astronaut. Profession astronaut: description for children, information about the profession of astronaut. What superstitions are associated with being an astronaut? Anyone can apply

Other requirements include knowledge of English. However, according to Roscosmos, the level achieved as a result of completing university English programs is sufficient. It is noteworthy that knowledge in the field of cultural studies and successful completion of an exam in the Russian language are also required.

Obviously, the work of an astronaut includes a considerable thought process in a normal situation, and especially in an emergency. For this reason, candidates are required to demonstrate a high level of memorization of information, as well as the ability to quickly master technical systems. It should also be noted that priority will be given to those candidates who have experience in camera work in order to shoot high-quality and complete videos. Last but not least, skills such as communication and leadership skills are assessed.

Who do you need to study to become an astronaut?

As mentioned earlier, the main specialties that astronauts have are engineering or flight. In addition, it is strongly recommended to have experience in the aviation, rocket and space industry of the Russian Federation. Higher education is determined by degrees such as qualified specialist or master. Such candidates must have at least 3 years of experience in their specialty, and in the case of pilots, also a class rating of at least 3rd class. For representatives of other professions there is also the opportunity to be accepted into the cosmonaut corps, although it is quite small. This is possible in case of successful passing of all entrance tests, as well as in the case when an astronaut-researcher proficient in this field is required. Usually such exceptions are doctors or biologists.

A complete list of documents, requirements, as well as instructions for submitting an application and information on conducting the competition are available on the Roscosmos website. Participants can send documents by mail or deliver them personally to Star City.

Today, the popularity of the profession has decreased, but true fans of the space profession remain. So, what do you need to do to fly into space?

Paths to obtaining a profession

At a minimum, there are several options to get into a specific industry today. Here they are:

  • The first way. First, you need to graduate from a university with any technical specialty and get a job at the Energy Corporation named after the famous Korolev. If you perform well in the service and learn the intricacies of rocket science, you will be allowed to apply to the appropriate commission responsible for training astronauts.
  • An alternative option would be to obtain higher education in a profession that is not directly related to spacecraft, but is in demand during flights. For example, a biologist or a physicist - today people of these professions are willingly taken into orbit for experiments in zero gravity. Test doctors can also play a role for astronautics.
  • Military aviation. A worthy alternative for getting the opportunity to fly into space. Each pilot undergoes a merciless selection process and undergoes intense training before boarding the aircraft. Who else, if not such people, can control a spaceship?

Necessary steps during selection

  1. There is an extremely strict selection process for mental endurance and physical performance.
  2. From a legal point of view, the candidate had to be clean before the law. It is worth revealing the slightest violation - in marriage.
  3. A special medical commission is being conducted to examine the health of future cosmonauts. It is extremely interesting that it is carried out twice by two independent groups of doctors.
  4. An exam is taken in several major subjects. And since it is prohibited to take the manuals and papers on which the candidate is studying out of the building, he has to study right on the spot.

Once the candidates are selected, large-scale preparations for the space flight begin. Sometimes this takes years.

What does a woman need to become an astronaut?

Harsh statistics tell us that there were very few women astronauts. And these are not abstract theories: out of hundreds of cosmonauts raised on the territory of the USSR and Russia, there were only three women: Elena Kondakova, Svetlana Savitskaya and Valentina Tereshkova.

Moreover, the latter qualified as an astronaut, being a parachutist with principles - she wanted to overtake the United States. Savitskaya came from aviation, and Kondakova got a job in one of the departments of the Energia scientific and production association as an engineer and became an astronaut from there.

There were significantly more women from abroad in this industry, but despite this, they were still inferior to men in many respects. Of course, the female body is not able to withstand such a heavy load as the male one.

And yet women are accepted into astronauts. So, ladies, you can safely try your luck in the fight for the opportunity to go into orbit. Of course, it will be more difficult for you to do this, but by applying all the knowledge from the description above, you can count on success.

How Yuri Gagarin became a cosmonaut

Everyone knows that the first cosmonaut was Gagarin. And, despite such a high status, he did not have a higher education in the required specifics.

After completing six classes at school, he entered the school of artisans, where he acquired the specialty of a molder-foundry worker. Then he entered the industrial technical school in Saratov, where he ended up in the Saratov flying club.

There followed a series of successes, as a result of which the technical school was graduated with honors, and Yuri made an independent flight on a Yak-18 aircraft.

Since the selection of candidates took place among aircraft pilots, Gagarin was among the candidates. And the excellent characteristics of psychologists secured him a place on the spaceship.

An astronaut is an extremely difficult profession and fraught with danger, although at first glance it seems very romantic and interesting. Sometimes, to get into orbit for the first time, candidates wait up to fifteen years for their turn!

Astronauts do not have the right to poor health and limitations - they constantly improve their knowledge and train hard physically, which not every person will like.

If your intention to fly into space is firm, then perhaps in a dozen or two years your name will appear on the list of those who have flown into orbit. The main thing is don't give up and keep working.

The profession of an astronaut is considered difficult, exclusive, highly paid and very exciting. This is why it attracts many people. However, everyone who wants to become an astronaut must work long and hard on the ground before flying into orbit. In addition, they must have a certain education, work experience in their specialty, and impeccable work experience. We will talk about all this, but in more detailed detail, later.

How to become an astronaut - where to start?

First of all, it is worth saying that a candidate for cosmonaut must meet a number of requirements. The first of which includes age. As a rule, it is easier to qualify for those whose age ranges from twenty-seven to forty years. Height must be no less than 157 and no more than 190 centimeters.

Excellent studies at a higher institution is the next important criterion. A diploma from a good university is required. Men are required to serve in the army.

Where do you need to go to become an astronaut?

So, a person who wants to become an astronaut must have an education. It is important to obtain one of the following specialties:

  1. Cosmonaut explorer. In order to become one, you will need a diploma indicating a higher medical or biological education. It is worth noting that during the selection process, preference is given to those candidates who have scientific work behind them. A person with this specialization on board performs the duties of a doctor. In addition, he must conduct experiments and experiments after landing.
  2. Tester. His responsibilities include controlling the spacecraft. To become a flight captain, you must obtain training for military pilots. Work experience is very important here. The pilot must have at least 350 flight hours and 170 parachute jumps. But the more, the better. It is necessary that a candidate for the profession of test cosmonaut possess the qualities of a leader.
  3. Engineer. The responsibilities of a person in this specialty are to inspect equipment. He must monitor the proper operation of the ship, and if it breaks down, troubleshoot problems. To become an astronaut engineer, you must have an appropriate higher education.

What does it take to become an astronaut?

Before going into orbit, you need to have work experience. After a person receives a diploma, he should find a job in his specialty, and then submit his application for selection of astronauts to the agency. It is worth noting that there is very tough competition there. And the candidate must meet a number of important requirements.

What you need to become an astronaut:

  • have an impeccable reputation;
  • have no criminal record;
  • not have any negative entries in your personal files;
  • Work experience on the ground must be at least three years.

Thus, sometimes even a fine not paid on time can create serious obstacles to enrollment in the cosmonaut corps. In addition to these requirements, a person must have excellent health. Candidates' vision is thoroughly tested. It must be one hundred percent. Also, the future astronaut should not suffer from hypertension. If a disease is discovered during the examination, the candidate will, at best, be offered treatment, and at worst, will be excluded from the number of applicants.

After this, testing is carried out in some disciplines. A prerequisite is a good knowledge of English. It is impossible to become an astronaut without extreme training, since this is a mandatory stage of training. It consists of rotating the candidate in a centrifuge, in which overload effects are created.

If the applicant successfully passes all stages of the selection, he will be enrolled in the ranks of astronauts. Next, he will have to learn all the intricacies of the profession, which can last from three to five years. After this, the candidate begins to prepare for the first flight into orbit. This period may take more than one year.

If your parents and friends don't know how to help you realize your dream of going into space, don't worry! wikiHow will help you. In this article you will learn everything you need to do to become an astronaut.


Passing the initial selection

    You need to have citizenship of a country whose space agency capable of sending people into space. Even if your country has a space agency, you may still end up on the ground instead of in the skies. In the field of space exploration, Russia, the USA and China are ahead of the rest of the planet, so citizenship of one of these countries will serve you well.

    Suitable age. If you are still a schoolboy or already a pensioner, then, alas, you have no chance. ESA is looking for candidates aged 27-37 years. NASA is not so strict in this regard, they do not have age restrictions, but most of their astronauts were between 26 and 46 years old at the time they were sent into space. The average age is 34 years.

    Pass the medical examination successfully. To become a NASA astronaut, your near and far vision must be 100 percent. Yes, laser vision correction is acceptable. Health: Blood pressure should not exceed 140/90 when sitting.

    Proficiency in English. International The orbital station is called that for a reason. Most astronauts speak English, and if you want to work with representatives of almost any nationality, you will need it too.

    Learn to swim well. Due to the annoying phenomenon of weightlessness, your daily life, unfortunately, will not be very comfortable. Some of the training will also be carried out underwater. If you can't swim, you will most likely be eliminated.

    Successful studies

    1. Do well in school. Astronauts are smart people, you need the best grades in all subjects. Maths and science are most important, but English, history and international relations also play a role. It's better to be as versatile as possible. Not only for myself, but also because the competition will be very tough. During the selection process, you will be up against the best of the best.

      • Okay, you can't stop time, so focus on math and science - you'll have to do that for the next ten years of school.
    2. You must be a great student at a good university. A bachelor's degree in mathematics, physics, engineering or science from a good (accredited) university is a must. While studying at a university, do not be distracted by your social life - grades should come first for you.

      • Learn about non-military training programs for reserve officers, especially the Air Force and Navy. Your ultimate goal in the military is to become a test pilot, they are the ones who have the most experience flying experimental aircraft.
    3. Have ≥ 3 years of experience. This could be work experience or a diploma. If you decide to get a diploma, keep in mind that a master's degree provides a year of experience, a doctorate - 3 years, and this does not depend on how many years it took you to obtain your degree.

    Professional success

      Consider a career in the military. Although military personnel do not have advantages over civilians when considering candidates, the army is a means to an end. There you will be trained both physically and mentally, plus you will have the opportunity to work with aircraft.

Gagarin Yu.

How exciting and prestigious it is to be an astronaut! Each of us has at least once thought about the romance of space flights - proximity to the stars, expansion of horizons, benefits for future generations. Work to the limit of human capabilities. Every day to be on the cutting edge of progress. This is real work!

But only the most purposeful people succeed in becoming an astronaut. According to statistics, as of March 2018, 565 astronauts have been in space. This means that getting into the cosmonaut corps and going to the ISS is a little easier than becoming the Pope. Let's figure out how you can get the coveted entry in the work book - “cosmonaut”.

Which ones are hired as astronauts?
The only way to get into the cosmonaut corps in Russia is to participate in the open competition of the Roscosmos State Corporation, of which there have been only 17 since the first space flight. At such a competition, candidates are selected, and from them they will subsequently form a squad that will go on the next space mission. The latest Roscosmos recruitment of cosmonaut candidates took place in mid-2017, and the previous one in 2012.

In the last competition, the following requirements were imposed on applicants:
✔ Russian citizenship
✔ Age up to 35 years
✔ No criminal record and violation of the law to protect state secrets
✔ Availability of higher education (specialist or master's degree) in flight or engineering specialties and/or work experience in the aviation, rocket and space industry of the Russian Federation
✔ Ideal physical and psychological health
✔ Suitable anthropometric data: height from 150 to 190 cm, body weight 50-90 kg, sitting height 80-99 cm
✔ Excellent physical fitness
✔ Knowledge of a foreign language at the level of a non-linguistic university and the basics of cultural studies

Thus, to become an astronaut, you need to have average height and weight parameters in order to fit into a spacesuit and a shock-absorbing seat, and most importantly, you need to combine the qualities of a master of sports and a candidate of technical sciences.

The best education for astronauts
Only the last two sets of cosmonaut candidates became open; until 2012, Roscosmos recruited cosmonauts from among military pilots or employees of the Energia rocket and space corporation named after S.P. Korolev (the country's leading Russian rocket and space enterprise). Thus, the opportunities for today's youth are wider than before. Although even now they become cosmonauts more often than specialists from other fields.

How to build an educational trajectory to become an astronaut.
“The old fashioned way” is to enroll in a higher military aviation school for pilots (in Armavir, Krasnodar, Barnaul or another city).
Get a good technical education at the Space Faculty of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, MSTU im. N.E. Bauman, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI and the like.
Obtain a research education that is in demand on the ISS, such as physics, medicine, biology, or chemistry. The ISS conducts physical and chemical experiments, grows plants, and monitors natural disasters on Earth. and they are not taking it into orbit yet, although Anna Kikina (a hydraulic engineer by higher education) is currently working as a test cosmonaut. Cosmonaut trainers admit that it is extremely difficult for humanitarian specialists to cope with the volume of technical information that needs to be studied and be able to apply in practice in an emergency situation.

The development of so-called hard skills() is only part of the astronaut’s training. You remember that the future cosmonaut must not only be smart, but also absolutely healthy, as well as physically resilient. Therefore, during the period of study at school and university it is necessary engage in non-hazardous sports: skiing, swimming, running. Any serious sports injury can put an end to an astronaut's career.
An important role in the formation of an ideal candidate for the cosmonaut corps is played by soft skills(). The future cosmonaut must have good communication skills: not only speak English and have a grade of at least “good” in the school certificate, but also interact well in a team, and take into account the peculiarities of intercultural communication in the conversation. The ISS, where the astronaut will work, is a cramped multinational house. In such a narrow space there is no room for conflict. The psychophysical state of candidates is checked by numerous tests at the medical board, and uncooperative, non-adaptive applicants will be eliminated as unsuitable for space flight.

The fourth component in training a future cosmonaut is the acquisition of at least 3 years of experience in the aviation, rocket and space industries. Therefore, to make the path to becoming an astronaut shorter, look for vacancies in the aviation and space industry - at RSC Energia, PJSC NPO Nauka, NPO Energomash, Russian Helicopters and other specialized organizations. A plus when selecting candidates will be flight experience and the number of parachute jumps.

Preparing for the competition
If the dream of becoming an astronaut does not let you go, by the time of the next recruitment of the Roscosmos Corporation, we advise you to carefully prepare skills and competencies in all of the listed areas. Study the physical standards and requirements of the medical board. Before the next competition, you can not only prepare for running and jumping on a trampoline, but also have time to improve your health. Thus, the famous Mikhail Kornienko, who spent a whole year in space, told how, for the sake of becoming an astronaut, he corrected his poor eyesight for several years with daily exercises, and his labors were crowned with success.
The book “Becoming a Cosmonaut” by test cosmonaut Sergei Zhukov will help you prepare for the competition. Based on many years of observations, the author talks about the Russian school of preparation for space flights and the “inner kitchen” of the Yu. A. Gagarin Cosmetic Training Center.

What to do now
You can start your journey to conquering space as a teenager:
✔ Study more deeply the specializations in demand in space - automation, robotics, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology.
✔ Try to get into children's space camp. This is the fourth time Roscosmos has organized an aerospace workshop at the Artek International Children's Center, where the guys are engaged in solving global problems of humanity. You can get into Artek only for personal achievements in studies, creativity, sports and social life.
✔ Go to space exhibitions to understand current space challenges and get a feel for where innovation is heading.
✔ We recommend watching a documentary about the record-breaking (1 year long) space mission of Mikhail Korienko and Scott Kelly. The 18 episodes of the film describe in detail the life and daily work of astronauts in conditions of weightlessness from the moment of preparation to post-flight adaptation on Earth.

And if you dream of space, then let it conquer you!

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