A good legend about a clown with a dog. Nikolai Shchekotilov - Red-haired clown. Funny fairy tales for children and adults. Red ClownFunny fairy tales for children and adultsNikolai Shchekotilov

A fairy tale about an alien clown Sashka, although we have a sociable guy, he is friends only with a select few. Moreover, according to my observations, mainly with girls. I wouldn’t call it falling in love, probably, this feeling is still unfamiliar to him. Previously, a girl named Lisa was in the same group with him in kindergarten. She was a little older than Sasha, so she was in great authority with him, as a person who knows everything. “Do you know that the best gymnasium in the city is Thirty?” - he asked me busily one day after class. "Yes? – I was surprised. - Why do you say that?" “Yes, because Liza’s brother studies there, that’s why,” he answered knowledgeably. “Well, since Liza’s brother studies there, then this is definitely a good school, especially since I know the “thirty” school.” Then Lisa moved, but Sonya appeared. Boylier, but a year younger than Sashka. And he gradually took patronage over her. “Oh, you can’t imagine what Sonya threw out today,” he sometimes told me after kindergarten. And with kind condescension he told another story involving Sonya. So, a fairy tale. One day a boy named Sasha went into the forest. Although he was warned that going there was dangerous: it was dark, scary and full of wild animals, robbers, Hedgehog Grannies, orcs, huge scorpions, cannibal worms and ghouls. - Do you know who ghouls are? - Nope. - These are fictitious living dead people, vampires. A dead person was buried in the ground, and for unknown reasons he came to life. Having got out of the grave, he walked among living people, scared them and even ate them. Just like a zombie. And man-eating worms lurked underground. When someone walked on its surface, they heard it. As soon as the traveler stopped, the worms crawled out of the ground, quietly crawled up to the victim and sharply grabbed him by the leg. They could only gnaw off a big man's leg, but they were able to drag a small man completely underground, where they ate him. Can you imagine? - Yes. All these evil spirits are located in the forest. When Sasha walked through this terrible forest, he heard a suspicious rustling behind him. Turning around, he saw giant beetles running after him. They clicked their jaws disgustingly and clattered their paws. - For what? - To scare the victim. This is their war cry that they make before attacking. "Stop! - the boy confidently shouted to them. “Don’t you dare run towards me!” “Why are you shouting, boy? - the beetles were surprised. “We really need to run to you.” By the way, we are having an evening jog here. We play sports. In general, get out of the way.” - Weren’t you scared when I shouted “stop”? - Nope. The boy politely let the beetles pass and wandered on. Suddenly he heard hissing and growling behind him. Turning around, he saw that a snake with the head of a terrible fanged tiger was crawling behind him, hissing with something unknown and growling. - Like this: “Rrrrrrr!” Shhhhhh!”? - Yes. It was already very dark in the forest, just like now. The boy pressed himself against the tree so that he could not be seen and held his breath. - Like this? – Sasha is hiding behind a tree. - Yes. The snake crawled closer and began to sniff. And then Sasha accidentally sneezed: “Apchhi!” “Ahhhh! – the snake screamed in surprise. “Who sneezed?” Sashka bursts into laughter. “Yes, it’s me,” Sasha admitted. “Why are you so scared, boy? You’re standing here quietly behind a tree, hiding and, well, scaring me. You can't do that. “I’m an ordinary snake, only with the head of a tiger,” the snake took a breath. “I didn’t do it on purpose,” Sasha looked down. The snake crawled into the bushes, and Sasha continued on his way. He saw... -...that the road was bending. Yes. And on his way there was a stone on which it was written: if you go left, you will die; if you go right, you will end up in prison for life with a terrible cannibal, who will keep you for a long time and then eat you. - What if you go forward? So the boy asked himself the same question. “You can’t go forward,” the stone answered him sternly. “Well, then I’ll go left,” Sasha decided. “That means you will die,” answered the stone. “We’ll see about that later,” Sasha was not at a loss. He confidently walked to the left and after a couple of minutes he noticed a colorful house. It was red, green and yellow at the same time, with glowing lights. A clown stood on the threshold of the house and beckoned to visitors: “Children, come visit! I'm a cheerful, kind clown." The boy took a closer look at him and noticed that the clown’s hands were covered in blood, and an ax was peeking out from behind his back. “Clown, are you really kind?” - Sasha doubted. "Certainly! Come to me, children! “I have such a cheerful house, you will definitely like it there,” he answered. “Boy, did you come alone?” “Yes,” admitted Sasha. “Ha ha ha! – the clown thundered ominously, testing the ax blade behind his back with his finger. - What a joy! Come in!” “Why are there blood on your hands?” - Sasha asked. "This? – the clown looked at his hands. - So it’s not blood, but ordinary paint. I drew beautiful pictures in red.” “Why do you need an ax behind your back?” - Sasha did not let up. “Oh, it’s a secret,” the clown winked at him conspiratorially. “You come into my house and find out.” “It doesn’t hurt, I want to go visit you. You are still some kind of strange clown. I think I’ll go back to the forest,” Sasha was about to turn around, but suddenly the clown grabbed him by the throat. “But no! Now I won’t let you go so easily!” - he hissed. “What are you doing?” - Sasha screamed in fear, trying to free himself. “I just want to hug you tight,” the clown somehow answered him unkindly, looking straight into his eyes, and pushed him into the house. In that house, everything was not like ordinary people. There was no furniture there: no tables, no chairs, no armchairs. - What was there? There were only empty cells there. “Come into any of them and feel at home,” the clown suggested to Sasha. “I don’t want to go into any cage, I want to go home, let me go,” the boy resisted. "Well, I do not. “I won’t let you go until you eat my magic cake,” answered the clown. He brought the boy this sweetness, in which one black candle was stuck. “Blow it out first,” the clown ordered. “What else is this for?” - Sasha protested. “You try and find out. But don’t forget to try the cake itself,” the clown winked at him. “I won’t blow it out and I won’t eat your cake!” - Sasha tried to push the plate away from him. And then suddenly the wind blew in, and the candle blew out on its own. At that moment, the lights in the house went out, and the clown threw off his clown outfit, under which a terrible, terrible monster was hiding. He had eight spider legs, three arms and a tail, at the end of which a sharp sting gleamed, just like a scorpion. - No, he had four arms, and one of them grew from his stomach. He also held a stick in his hand. Yes. And on it there was an inscription: kill everyone. “I knew that you are no clown. You, it turns out, are a monster,” exclaimed Sasha. - Sashka, let’s go faster, it seems it’s starting to rain. Take a wider step! The clown did not know that Sasha had a magic device. The “call rescue” button was lit on it. The boy pressed it long ago, and the signal was transmitted into space. Rescuers learned that the child was in trouble. They immediately boarded the helicopter and were already flying up to the scene. There was also a second button on this miracle device - “throw away the net”. As soon as Sasha pressed it, a sticky mesh covered the monster, restricting its movements. - And the monster managed to put his clown outfit back on. - No, his clown outfit was still lying nearby. "Boy! – the monster screamed shrilly. “Do what you want, just don’t burn my clown outfit!” “You clown are very bad. I know that in this forest there have long been rumors about you as a child torturer and a cannibal. I will burn your clown outfit, and then not a single child will wander into your house. I specifically came to you to find out for sure what you are doing here. Otherwise, I would never have come to you, unlike stupid children who are attracted by luminous houses like yours,” said Sasha. With these words, he threw his clown outfit straight into the stove. A fire broke out, an unexpected roar was heard, and the entire house fell apart and turned to ashes. Fortunately, Sasha and the tied up monster managed to run out into the forest. And at that very moment rescuers arrived to them. “Who needs to be saved here?” - the one who was their eldest asked keenly. “Yes, I already organized the capture of the villain myself,” Sasha modestly admitted. - Sashka, let's go faster. It's cold and it's raining. My phone is already wet. “We've been tracking this clown for years, and you caught him alone. Well done! – the rescuers praised the boy. “Now we will send him to trial, and we will free those children whom he tortured from their cages.” “So the cells are empty!” - Sasha was perplexed. “Ha ha ha! – the monster laughed darkly. “You will never know where these children are.” “Come on, let me take another look at these cells,” Sasha suggested with disbelief. He took a closer look and noticed a rug in one of them, and under it - a door. It turned out that there was a door like this in the floor of each cage. And behind it is another cell, only bigger. That's where the children were sitting. Sasha opened the cage, rescued the first child from there and asked what his name was. “Petya,” he answered quietly. “So, Petya, run home,” suggested Sasha. “But I don’t know where my home is,” the child answered in confusion. Then Sasha turned to the rescuers. They quickly found Petya’s parents from a photograph, called them and asked: “Have you lost your son?” "Yes! Our boy Petya has been missing for a long time,” his mom and dad babbled into the phone. "And where do you live?" - asked the chief rescuer. “Moscow city, Lenin street, building 1, apartment 14,” was the answer. "Great. We will send Petya to you by plane,” the rescuers decided. In the second cage sat the girl Masha, in the third - the boy Gena, in the fourth - the girl Asya, in the fifth - the boy Vasya, in the sixth - the girl Natasha, in the seventh - the boy Pasha, in the ninth - the girl Vera. And in the eighth cage there was a little kitten sitting and drinking milk. "Ha! – Sasha grinned. “But our monster has a sense of humor: in one cage he kept a kitten instead of a child.” He's strange, of course. They should put him in prison." The rescuers promised to take care of it. But first they wanted to explore it to find out why it was so scary. Doctors, researchers and scientists came to the monster. “This creature is truly strange,” the scientific council unanimously admitted. “It’s half animal, half human.” It looks like it’s from another planet.” “Yes,” admitted the unlucky clown, “I’m from the planet... - ... “Orion.” Right. “This planet is far, far away in another galaxy,” he continued. - But I have a spaceship. My purpose for being on your planet Earth is to catch children and conduct all kinds of experiments on them. For example, I fed one boy only sweet candies and watched what would happen to him.” - And he developed an allergy to sweets. And not only that: he also felt sick. And he fed the other girl only sour sweets, which made her feel bad too. He gave the third child water only once a day, and the boy became completely withered and sickly. And he fed the fourth girl only dried food: dried fruits and crackers. Everyone knows that a complete diet also includes liquid food: soups and a variety of cereals, for example. That's why her stomach hurt all the time. All these tortured children were treated for a long time. But in the end they were cured and sent home. “Well, why are you keeping me in prison?” - the monster was indignant. “Yes, because you can’t steal children,” they answered him. “But I would return them later,” he lowered his gaze. “But you ruined their health, it’s forbidden to do that,” they explained to him. The monster was left in prison, and Sasha was awarded a beautiful gold medal on a blue ribbon. It was inscribed in precious stones: “To the boy Sasha for saving eight children and one kitten from the clutches of an alien monster.”

Red-haired clown

Funny fairy tales for children and adults

Nikolay Shchekotilov

Illustrator Andrey Minyakov

© Nikolay Shchekotilov, 2017

© Andrey Minyakov, illustrations, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4485-8446-6

Created in the intellectual publishing system Ridero

Red-haired clown

One day a red-haired boy woke up wearing a hat and a bow tie around his neck. Mom was even scared when she came to wake him up. The hat and bow tie were hidden in the closet. But the next morning he was back in his hat and bow. Mom checked - not from the closet.

I had to go to the doctor. He felt his pulse, tapped his knee and said:

“This is not an ordinary case, we need to consult a professor.”

The professor also felt his pulse and tapped his knee. Then he walked around with his hands behind his back and finally said confidently: “The boy has a clear predisposition to circus art. My diagnosis: redhead-clown-magicismus.”

So the boy became a magician clown in the circus. Under the creative name Ryzhik. But not an ordinary one, but a wizard. Because his tricks were not tricks at all, but real transformations and revivals. Even the choir of hares and squirrels, at his command, merrily sang children's songs for real. Not under plywood*.

Ryzhik was not greedy at all, and in the morning he gave his hats and bow ties to other children. After all, every time he got new ones, and the one who put on his hat and bow tie became a clown-wizard himself. And the city in which Ryzhik lived turned into a city of cheerful wizards day by day.

But then one day the following posters appeared on all city streets:

“Love yourself! The world's best clown magician presents! Hurry up to see!”

And then the audience flocked to a new performance, in which another wizard boy in a hat and a bow around his neck invited everyone to look into the magic mirror. In this mirror, any person saw his reflection as the most beautiful and intelligent in the world. And then he fell in love with himself.

Since then, the city has become more and more unkind and gloomy every day. After all, the one who loves only himself is not only indifferent to others, but also wants to steal all their joys and appropriate them for himself. And people stopped helping each other. They bought their own cakes for the holidays and no longer visited each other.

And the children, who looked into the evil magic mirror, grabbed magic hats and bows and staged similar performances. And there were long lines at the box office for tickets. Because those who had already looked in the mirror wanted more and more, so that others would get less.

- How can I save the city from disaster? – Ryzhik asked his mother. And they came up with it together.

“Do you want to become the world's ONLY super clown wizard? Hurry! Master Class! Just one show!” – one morning posters appeared all over the city.

All the egoists, of course, came to this performance. Both with and without hats. And so Ryzhik rolled into the arena, standing on a large ball. And he began to spin around on it at high speed. And then faster. And then even faster. A strong wind arose and blew away all the spectators' hats and bows. And Ryzhik was already spinning so fast that the wind turned into a real hurricane, which began to carry away not only hats, but also thoughts. But we know what kind of thoughts egoists have. The hurricane carried them away.

And now Ryzhik is expected everywhere. Maybe he will be invited to America with this number.

* this is the name for performing with a soundtrack, when the sound is recorded in advance, and the singer on stage only pretends to sing.

Runaway mustache

One small and plump man had a beautiful mustache. He took great care of them, because every person should have something beautiful - a mustache, for example.

Then one morning he looked in the mirror, but there was no mustache. He goes to another mirror - and it’s not there. The guy runs to his wife and sees his mustache under her nose. As soon as he extended his hand to pick them up, his mustache jumped! And they are already glued to their son.

The boy liked being mustachioed - he quickly ran into the yard so that he wouldn’t be taken away. He sees his neighbor Masha in the sandbox and goes to show her off. And that’s what the mustache needs - they moved to Masha. Masha, of course, roared - a girl, and to her mother. Mom still didn’t understand why she was crying, because there was no trace of a mustache anymore.

A guy is driving along the road, a different one: not the one whose mustache was. In a Mercedes. And passers-by point at him - at the Mercedes, not at the driver. Mercedes with a mustache is unusual.

But the mustaches quickly got bored with this and, after showing off a little, they moved into the oncoming bus, and there they started jumping from one, one might say, “under the nose” to another. There was such a commotion that the driver stopped the bus and ran to inform the police.

The police arrested the driver because the same mustache was already located on him, and they were identified by an identikit.

The identikit was compiled based on the statement of that first guy, the real owner. But the mustache hasn’t run away yet: they’re wondering what will happen next? But when they were photographed both from the front and in profile, the mustaches began to fly again.

So they flashed everywhere. At first only in one city, and then they began to appear in different cities. Well, in the end, like everyone else, they moved to Moscow.

At first, there were all sorts of reports about them in newspapers, on the radio and on TV channels, of course. But soon the mustache became familiar - people were no longer interested in keeping an eye on it. And finally, new news has appeared. About a cat, for example, who ate a fish that swallowed a rare diamond.

Everyone started conducting correspondent investigations about where the cat marked the territory after that and all that. And they no longer remembered the mustache.

And then one day at the space flight control center everyone gasped. They are sending a rocket ship to Mars. And he has a mustache under his nose! Not near Mars, but near a spaceship, of course. We slipped through, as they say, under the noses of the guards! Now they will entertain the Martians.

A beautiful horse

One very beautiful horse went out for a walk. She walks slowly, and everyone she meets admires her and says: “Oh, how beautiful! What perfection!

Only the sparrow says nothing, sits on a branch and chirps. The horse was very surprised: this had never happened to him before. Asks the sparrow:

- Why don’t you praise me? As everybody.

- Just think, a beautiful horse! And I am a beautiful sparrow. “And I can fly,” he answered and flew away.

The horse was very upset: he realized his imperfection. It needs to be fixed urgently. So she started running and jumping in different ways. But it doesn’t fly at all. He asks the cow that was grazing nearby:

- Like this? Birds fly, but I can't. Am I worse than the birds?

- So they have wings. Didn't you see it?

- No, I have not seen. I just look at myself: how beautiful I am.

The horse signed up for a 3D printer. And when it was her turn, she was weighed, measured, and calculated on the computer. And they made wings. The center of gravity was determined on the back and the wings were attached there.

The horse came out and said to the wings: “Well, let’s finally fly.” And the wings hang on the sides - there is no flight. Sparrow saw her, sympathized with her and explained that she also needed to learn to fly.

Then the horse enrolled in flight school. She comes to her first lesson and is asked:

– Will you train on an airplane or on a glider? Or maybe by helicopter?

- No. I want to fly on my wings.

- This is not for us. We don't have that kind of training. The horse came out, again wandering upset...

And then an eagle flew past, saw her wings and asked:

- Why don’t you fly if you have wings?

- Yes, I can’t.

- Do you want me to teach you?

- Of course I want!

Then the eagle called ten more of the same eagles, they picked up the horse and lifted it to a high rock. The eagle brought her to the edge of the abyss. “Fly,” he says, “with wings.” The horse waved, and he pushed it down. The horse, frightened, stopped waving and flew down like a stone.

But the eagle folded its wings and, falling next to it, shouted: “Come on! Otherwise you’ll crash!” That's how he taught her to fly.

And then one day a horse flies, and another horse meets it. Only white. Ours was delighted and asked: “Did you also make wings on a 3D printer?”

And she snorted, so offended. And he answers: “I am Pegasus! I inspire poets! My wings are natural.” And she flew away: apparently someone needed to be inspired.

Holey Socks Gang

The boy's right sock became leaky and he threw it away. It was evening, and the second sock slept through everything. Only in the morning he discovered his brother was missing. There was no time to grieve, we had to go look.

All day long, the left sock wandered around the city in vain searches, because he knew nothing about where his little brother could have disappeared to. Night was approaching. The left one was tired and lay down to rest under a bush.

Horror stories about clowns can scare even the bravest adult. It would seem that clowns are supposed to amuse and delight. But for some reason, clowns evoke wild fear in many people and a desire to hide under the bed. We found two of the best bedtime stories about clowns. We do not recommend reading to children under twelve years of age.

Read a bedtime horror story about a clown and Masha

Once Masha asked Santa Claus for a talking clown. She wrote a letter before the New Year and sent it by mail. Masha knew that Santa Claus never answers letters, but only reads them and grants wishes. But suddenly the girl found a letter in her mailbox before the holiday.
“Darling, Mashenka. Santa Claus is writing to you! A talking clown is a very scary gift. I beg you to ask me for something else. After all, a clown can tell you very unpleasant and scary things. I’m waiting for an answer from you!”
The girl quickly ran to her room and wrote another letter to Santa Claus. She once again urgently asked to give her a talking clown. She didn't want anything else. Santa Claus had to fulfill the wish of a stubborn girl. He reached into the farthest closet, which was located in a distant closet. He was very afraid. But he still took the clown out of the closet and put it in a bag with other toys. He sat on the deer, but the clown began to whisper:
- You won't be able to take off. Your deer will get sick. – Santa Claus heard the clown’s words and immediately the deer fell to the ground. Grandfather ran up to his deer, tapped his staff, and the animal quickly got to its feet. At the same time, the deer was still too weak.

“Don’t listen to what the clown says,” said Santa Claus. And they rushed to deliver gifts.
At midnight Masha looked under the tree and saw her clown there. He smiled. The girl hugged the clown and pressed her to her.
“What a good gift,” said Masha. Suddenly the clown spoke.
- This will be your last holiday. You will turn around and realize that you are in a dark forest, and your parents are very far away. They won't look for you. And behind the tree a scary gray hungry wolf is waiting for you.
Masha shrugged. She understood that the clown was saying unpleasant things, but she knew that she was at home. She turned around and saw that the dark forest had crossed her, and below she was standing barefoot in the cold snow. Since then, no one has seen Masha again.

Horror story about the killer clown and Petya

Petya downloaded an application with a game about a clown onto his phone. He went through many levels and finally reached the very end. After the final battle, Petya read:
“Congratulations! You have won a super prize - a meeting with Master Clown! Come tomorrow at twelve noon to Zelenaya Street, building 666. If you don’t come, the Clown will come to you and drink your blood.”
Petya was not afraid, he did not even think about missing the meeting with the Master Clown. After all, I always dreamed of meeting the hero of his game. The boy came to the meeting place and saw a real clown with a red nose in a bright suit.
- Hello, Petya. You won the game! For this I give you this money! – the clown handed the boy a lot of money and Petya was shocked. “And now it’s time for me to run away.” Run to the shops and spend that money.
Petya did not believe his luck. Never before had he been given real money for playing games on his phone. He went to the shops and bought a lot of toys. The next day he saw a friend with red eyes in class.
- Why were you crying? – he asked his friend Pasha.
- Yes. I had to sell my dad's gold watch to give the clown money. Otherwise he threatened to kill my family.
- What a nightmare! - Petya said and realized that the clown gave him money stolen from other children. Petya wanted to return the money, but he had already bought toys. The boy was angry that he got involved in this game and met a clown.
In the evening, the game received a notification that new levels had been released. Petya decided to play again, but lost. Immediately he received a notification.
“The boy Vanya won the new level. He deserved a prize - a lot of money. Come tomorrow to 666 Green Street and give me the money I gave you. If you don’t come, I’ll drink your blood.”
Petya realized that he had no money, but he did not want to steal from his parents. He did not go to the clown and hid from him in the basement. He sat there for a very long time and was afraid to go outside. And then I realized that the closet doors were jammed, Petya could not open them. Suddenly he heard someone coming to the door.
“Hahahaha,” Petya heard the clown’s angry cry, “and now I’ll go to your friends.”
No one saw Petya again.

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Red-haired clown
Funny fairy tales for children and adults
Nikolay Shchekotilov

Illustrator Andrey Minyakov

© Nikolay Shchekotilov, 2017

© Andrey Minyakov, illustrations, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4485-8446-6

Created in the intellectual publishing system Ridero

Red-haired clown

One day a red-haired boy woke up wearing a hat and a bow tie around his neck. Mom was even scared when she came to wake him up. The hat and bow tie were hidden in the closet. But the next morning he was back in his hat and bow. Mom checked - not from the closet.

I had to go to the doctor. He felt his pulse, tapped his knee and said:

“This is not an ordinary case, we need to consult a professor.”

The professor also felt his pulse and tapped his knee. Then he walked around with his hands behind his back and finally said confidently: “The boy has a clear predisposition to circus art. My diagnosis: redhead-clown-magicismus.”

So the boy became a magician clown in the circus. Under the creative name Ryzhik. But not an ordinary one, but a wizard. Because his tricks were not tricks at all, but real transformations and revivals. Even the choir of hares and squirrels, at his command, merrily sang children's songs for real. Not under plywood*.

Ryzhik was not greedy at all, and in the morning he gave his hats and bow ties to other children. After all, every time he got new ones, and the one who put on his hat and bow tie became a clown-wizard himself. And the city in which Ryzhik lived turned into a city of cheerful wizards day by day.

But then one day the following posters appeared on all city streets:

“Love yourself! The world's best clown magician presents! Hurry up to see!”

And then the audience flocked to a new performance, in which another wizard boy in a hat and a bow around his neck invited everyone to look into the magic mirror. In this mirror, any person saw his reflection as the most beautiful and intelligent in the world. And then he fell in love with himself.

Since then, the city has become more and more unkind and gloomy every day. After all, the one who loves only himself is not only indifferent to others, but also wants to steal all their joys and appropriate them for himself. And people stopped helping each other. They bought their own cakes for the holidays and no longer visited each other.

And the children, who looked into the evil magic mirror, grabbed magic hats and bows and staged similar performances. And there were long lines at the box office for tickets. Because those who had already looked in the mirror wanted more and more, so that others would get less.

- How can I save the city from disaster? – Ryzhik asked his mother. And they came up with it together.

“Do you want to become the world's ONLY super clown wizard? Hurry! Master Class! Just one show!” – one morning posters appeared all over the city.

All the egoists, of course, came to this performance. Both with and without hats. And so Ryzhik rolled into the arena, standing on a large ball. And he began to spin around on it at high speed. And then faster. And then even faster. A strong wind arose and blew away all the spectators' hats and bows. And Ryzhik was already spinning so fast that the wind turned into a real hurricane, which began to carry away not only hats, but also thoughts. But we know what kind of thoughts egoists have. The hurricane carried them away.

And now Ryzhik is expected everywhere. Maybe he will be invited to America with this number.

* this is the name for performing with a soundtrack, when the sound is recorded in advance, and the singer on stage only pretends to sing.

Runaway mustache

One small and plump man had a beautiful mustache. He took great care of them, because every person should have something beautiful - a mustache, for example.

Then one morning he looked in the mirror, but there was no mustache. He goes to another mirror - and it’s not there. The guy runs to his wife and sees his mustache under her nose. As soon as he extended his hand to pick them up, his mustache jumped! And they are already glued to their son.

The boy liked being mustachioed - he quickly ran into the yard so that he wouldn’t be taken away. He sees his neighbor Masha in the sandbox and goes to show her off. And that’s what the mustache needs - they moved to Masha. Masha, of course, roared - a girl, and to her mother. Mom still didn’t understand why she was crying, because there was no trace of a mustache anymore.

A guy is driving along the road, a different one: not the one whose mustache was. In a Mercedes. And passers-by point at him - at the Mercedes, not at the driver. Mercedes with a mustache is unusual.

But the mustaches quickly got bored with this and, after showing off a little, they moved into the oncoming bus, and there they started jumping from one, one might say, “under the nose” to another. There was such a commotion that the driver stopped the bus and ran to inform the police.

The police arrested the driver because the same mustache was already located on him, and they were identified by an identikit.

The identikit was compiled based on the statement of that first guy, the real owner. But the mustache hasn’t run away yet: they’re wondering what will happen next? But when they were photographed both from the front and in profile, the mustaches began to fly again.

So they flashed everywhere. At first only in one city, and then they began to appear in different cities. Well, in the end, like everyone else, they moved to Moscow.

At first, there were all sorts of reports about them in newspapers, on the radio and on TV channels, of course. But soon the mustache became familiar - people were no longer interested in keeping an eye on it. And finally, new news has appeared. About a cat, for example, who ate a fish that swallowed a rare diamond.

Everyone started conducting correspondent investigations about where the cat marked the territory after that and all that. And they no longer remembered the mustache.

And then one day at the space flight control center everyone gasped. They are sending a rocket ship to Mars. And he has a mustache under his nose! Not near Mars, but near a spaceship, of course. We slipped through, as they say, under the noses of the guards! Now they will entertain the Martians.

A beautiful horse

One very beautiful horse went out for a walk. She walks slowly, and everyone she meets admires her and says: “Oh, how beautiful! What perfection!

Only the sparrow says nothing, sits on a branch and chirps. The horse was very surprised: this had never happened to him before. Asks the sparrow:

- Why don’t you praise me? As everybody.

- Just think, a beautiful horse! And I am a beautiful sparrow. “And I can fly,” he answered and flew away.

The horse was very upset: he realized his imperfection. It needs to be fixed urgently. So she started running and jumping in different ways. But it doesn’t fly at all. He asks the cow that was grazing nearby:

- Like this? Birds fly, but I can't. Am I worse than the birds?

- So they have wings. Didn't you see it?

- No, I have not seen. I just look at myself: how beautiful I am.

The horse signed up for a 3D printer. And when it was her turn, she was weighed, measured, and calculated on the computer. And they made wings. The center of gravity was determined on the back and the wings were attached there.

The horse came out and said to the wings: “Well, let’s finally fly.” And the wings hang on the sides - there is no flight. Sparrow saw her, sympathized with her and explained that she also needed to learn to fly.

Then the horse enrolled in flight school. She comes to her first lesson and is asked:

– Will you train on an airplane or on a glider? Or maybe by helicopter?

- No. I want to fly on my wings.

- This is not for us. We don't have that kind of training. The horse came out, again wandering upset...

And then an eagle flew past, saw her wings and asked:

- Why don’t you fly if you have wings?

- Yes, I can’t.

- Do you want me to teach you?

- Of course I want!

Then the eagle called ten more of the same eagles, they picked up the horse and lifted it to a high rock. The eagle brought her to the edge of the abyss. “Fly,” he says, “with wings.” The horse waved, and he pushed it down. The horse, frightened, stopped waving and flew down like a stone.

But the eagle folded its wings and, falling next to it, shouted: “Come on! Otherwise you’ll crash!” That's how he taught her to fly.

And then one day a horse flies, and another horse meets it. Only white. Ours was delighted and asked: “Did you also make wings on a 3D printer?”

And she snorted, so offended. And he answers: “I am Pegasus! I inspire poets! My wings are natural.” And she flew away: apparently someone needed to be inspired.

Holey Socks Gang

The boy's right sock became leaky and he threw it away. It was evening, and the second sock slept through everything. Only in the morning he discovered his brother was missing. There was no time to grieve, we had to go look.

All day long, the left sock wandered around the city in vain searches, because he knew nothing about where his little brother could have disappeared to. Night was approaching. The left one was tired and lay down to rest under a bush.

- What are you doing here? This is my bush. Get out now! – heard the sock. It was an angry mouse.

- There's plenty of space here. There's enough for everyone.

- I do not know anything. My bush, that's all!

- Leave me alone. I am very tired. “You see how terrible I look,” Left snapped. But the mouse got caught and bit him. So it also became full of holes.

He lay under the bench all night, and in the morning he took chalk and began to draw the city into squares. This is what his owner did when he wanted to find something, so as not to look a hundred times in one place. True, the city turned out to be much larger than the room, but there was no other way out.

By midday the sock was exhausted and suddenly discovered that the wiper had erased all the lines! He got very angry and decided to take revenge.

The janitor sat down to have lunch on a bench with a bottle of kefir and a bun. And suddenly I discovered a holey sock in the bottle. Before he knew it, the sock started licking his bun. Terrible revenge. Is not it?

Having dealt with the janitor, the left one again took up the chalk. But in the evening it rained and washed away all his work.

Revenge on the rain is much more difficult to achieve, but the sock was already so angry that he could not refuse it.

He bought ten balloons and, flying them up to the cloud, began to drink water from it. He could have drunk the whole cloud, but he didn’t have time because he burst.

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In one circus there lived and worked a clown named Dynamic. It was a very sad, very sad clown. No one ever saw a smile on his face, and there was always sadness in his eyes. The speaker did not know how to make people laugh, and at his performances children cried because he told sad stories. After his performance, other artists - jugglers, acrobats, magicians and animal trainers - could not lift the mood of the audience, although they tried their best. So they scolded their colleague behind the scenes. Even the director of the circus, Doctor of Artistic Sciences Tsirkul, sometimes got angry and told Dynamics to stop such scenes. “After you, dear Speaker, we cannot make the audience laugh! - he said in his office, where after the performance a sad clown with a bowed head came. - Soon they will stop coming to us, and all because you are not doing what a clown should do! Become cheerful! Tell funny stories and jokes! Read cheerful poems!”

The speaker promised, but he couldn’t help himself. He went out to the arena, began his performance, and again the audience left the circus all upset and in tears. Why was the clown like this? Nobody knew this, although everything was very simple. He didn't have a friend. A faithful friend with whom he could perform, with whom he would share bread, to whom he would trust all his secrets. But you know how difficult it is for a person in the world if he does not have a true friend.

Once, when it was raining outside, and everything in the circus was also wet from the tears of the audience, the director Tsirkul could not stand it and drove the clown away, saying that he no longer wanted to tolerate such an artist who scared away the clients. “You need to go to the drama theater and learn tragic roles there! – he said to him in parting in his hearts. “I will only take you back when you become a cheerful clown and give a funny performance that will make the audience fall with laughter.”

The clown took his backpack, put his cap, sandals, and his suit in it and, locking his trailer, walked down the street away from the circus. Water flowed in streams everywhere, it was even possible to drown in the puddles that formed, it was cold, and the north wind was blowing. In this weather, people stayed at home, and no one wanted to stick their nose outside. Occasionally buses and cars rushed by, spraying him from head to toe. Drivers did not understand what Dynamic was doing in such weather on the street where he was going.

And the Speaker walked, not knowing where. He was sad. “Oh, I wish I could find a friend!” - he dreamed, and then through the howl of the wind he heard some kind of subtle squeal. More precisely, squealing. The surprised clown stopped. “Maybe it was my imagination,” he thought, and then he heard those strange sounds again. He leaned over the trash can and saw a small dog sitting in a pile of rags. It was clear that the dog was hungry. Besides, he was cold, he was shaking all over.

- What is your name? - asked the clown.

“Ball,” answered the dog, continuing to tremble and squeal.

- What are you doing here?

Sharik looked reproachfully at Dynamics, saying, why are you asking such stupid questions, can’t you see that I don’t have a home.

- So you're alone? – the clown guessed and took off his backpack. In one of the pockets he found sausage and bread and gave it to the dog.

“Alone, all alone,” Sharik nodded and began to eat the treat. - I have no one - no brothers, no sisters, no parents.

“You know, I’m also alone,” Speaker said thoughtfully. – And, unfortunately, I have no friends... Listen, let’s be friends? - he suggested. - We will be good and faithful friends.

Sharik looked at him and asked:

- And you won’t offend me, beat me with a stick or drive me out into the street?

- No, of course not! - exclaimed the Speaker. “Even though I’m a sad clown, I’m kind.” And he never beat or drove anyone away.

- Fine! – Sharik was happy. - What is your name?

The speaker introduced himself.

-Are clowns sad? – Sharik was surprised. – After all, they are all cheerful and cheerful, they should make people laugh...

The speaker had to explain why he was a sad clown. “I left the circus because my colleagues didn’t want to work with me,” he said. “After all, no one likes it when the audience cries at such performances and leaves the circus in upset feelings!”

“You know,” Sharik yapped cheerfully. – I’m almost an artist too. I can count, jump through hoops, solve riddles and even sing!

- Wow! – the Speaker was delighted. - So, you and I can do funny numbers? I'm glad to be working with you! After all, we are friends now!

“Of course,” answered the dog. - And now you will not be sad, but a cheerful clown.

And the two of them went back to the circus. They were so passionate about each other, telling interesting stories and laughing that they didn’t even notice the cold and rain. They were so amused that the surprised faces of the residents began to look out from the houses, saying, what happened there, since in such bad weather someone is laughing. And they saw a clown and a dog walking. People immediately understood that these were friends, real friends, and they felt good together.

Speaker and Sharik, having arrived at the circus, first of all looked at the director. Doctor Tsirkul stood at the window, and he was very sad. After all, he drove away the clown, whom he loved in his heart, even if Dynamic was the saddest of the artists. And the fact that he did such a bad thing bothered him. After all, in fact, the director was a very kind person.

And he was very happy when he saw Dynamics, and even accompanied by a furry friend.

— I’m ready to perform with a new number! - said the clown, clapping his hands. – Now I am the most cheerful artist, because I have a faithful friend. Here he is! – and he introduced the dog. – This is Sharik, my partner. We came up with very funny skits.

- That's good! – Doctor Tsirkul was delighted. -Then go to the arena. After all, the audience has not left yet. They sit and wait for new interesting performances.

The clown and Sharik ran to the arena. Seeing Dynamics, all the spectators were ready to cry, and the children even wrinkled their faces and began to hiccup. But the Speaker laughed so cheerfully that everyone was surprised at first. And when Sharik appeared on stage and began jumping through a hoop, doing somersaults and performing magic tricks, everyone clapped their hands. The audience really liked the pair of clowns, and now they were happy to go to the circus, because now there was not a sad, but a cheerful Dynamic and his faithful friend, Sharik.

And, of course, the director was happy, because the best artists lived and worked in his circus.

Artist Alisher Taksanov

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