Documents required to obtain a building permit. What documents are needed to build a private house: advice from a practicing lawyer

Or you can’t build a cottage - you must first obtain permits. Prepare the area and connect communications.

List of documents for the construction of a private house (garden, country house) for individual housing construction

Construction permits are issued by the local administration. To obtain it, you should contact it with an application, to which are attached the following documents:

  • contract of sale and purchase (or donation) of land;
  • passport of the land plot;
  • permission (petition) from the head of the local administration of the district to provide a site for construction;
  • master plan of the site;
  • the act of establishing in nature the axes of the building and the boundaries of the land plot;
  • topographic survey of the site.

The procedure for preparing documents for the construction of a residential building

The local administration will consider your application and make a decision on permission (or refusal) to build a private house. If the decision is positive, you should issue a project passport for a private residential building consisting of:

  • a document certifying your right to a land plot;
  • administration resolutions on construction permits;
  • copies from the general plan of urban planning documentation;
  • technical conditions for connecting to utilities;
  • situational plan;
  • floor plans, elevations, sections;
  • act on the establishment of boundaries in kind and the breakdown of buildings.

Additionally, a project of an individual private residential building is being assembled, consisting of:

  • situational plan, which shows the location of the facility and nearby settlements, sources, structures and networks;
  • topographic survey of the site with the adjacent street;
  • general plan of the site with reference to the terrain and vertical layout;
  • basement and floor plans;
  • characteristic cuts;
  • building facades;
  • rafter system and roof plans;
  • plan and sections of foundations;
  • general explanatory note and technical and economic indicators;
  • estimated considerations for construction costs;
  • engineering drawings.

What documents are needed to register a land plot?

For those who are just planning to register a plot, it will be useful to know what documents are needed for this. To register a land plot, you must submit documents consisting of:

  • purchase and sale agreements;
  • statements indicating: the size and position of the plot, the purpose of using the land (for example, construction, organization of personal farming, etc.);
  • copies of the plot owner’s passport;

Registration of a land plot should begin by submitting an application to the Ministry of State Property Management (a copy of the passport is attached to the application). If the plot has not been previously privatized, it takes less time to register it. The application review process should take two weeks, but in practice this process takes longer.

As soon as the decision is made to register the land plot, you can order the measurement of the plot and the drawing up of a cadastral plan (this stage takes about a month). Now you can enter into a land purchase and sale agreement with the state. This procedure is not necessary if you received the land as an inheritance or from the state for free.

After this, an application is submitted to the Federal Registration Service, to which documents are attached including:

  • decisions of local authorities on registration of a land plot;
  • copies of the owner's passport;
  • purchase and sale agreements;
  • certified cadastral plan of the site.

Except for the owner's passport, all documents are provided in the form of originals and copies.


Construction documentation

1. Initial permitting documentation (IRD)

documentation construction permit

The package of documents collected by the technical customer necessary to obtain permission to construct a building or structure is called initial permitting documentation.

Pre-project development and execution of initial permitting documentation (IPD) is the initial stage of a construction project; the development of initial data determines the quality parameters, volumes and financial needs for the construction of a real estate property. This stage of construction is inevitable and often lengthy.

The IRD set includes a plan of the land plot, the location of the future building on the ground, marking the boundaries of the land plot, as well as the technical and economic indicators of the building. It also includes recommendations and requirements received from coordinating government agencies. When the entire set of documents has been collected, the technical customer begins the design stage, the designer receives a set of initial data and a detailed technical specification. The initial permitting documentation included is sufficient to obtain a construction permit and subsequently begin construction work.

The composition of the IRD and the legal procedure for preparing for the construction and erection of buildings are contained in Chapters 5 and 6 of Article 51 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

Obtaining a set of initial permitting documents for the design of new construction or major repairs is carried out by the developer managing the land plot. The technical customer, in accordance with the instructions of the developer, under the contract, acts on his behalf and collects the entire IRD.

After passing the town planning council, receiving resolutions from the local administration on design, and passing public hearings on the facility, the technical customer orders the creation of design documentation, which must be approved by the State Expertise.

If the developer is an investor and it is in his interests to optimize the timing of the pre-construction stage and reduce the costs of the upcoming construction, the technical customer is interested in the same thing and has experience in previous work, which will allow him to shorten the pre-project stage and collect a package of documents within the planned period.

The set of documents based on the results of the approval of the pre-design study of a land plot, building or structure, which is the basis for issuing a permit to carry out urban planning activities, is called the initial permitting documentation.

The IRD includes administrative documents (Resolutions, Orders), permits, technical specifications, engineering survey materials, coordination and approval, as well as other documents received from authorized government bodies and specialized organizations for the development, approval of design documentation and construction of a real estate property.

The full set of initial permitting documentation includes various documents that reflect the main recommendations and requirements for the placement of a construction project on the ground, determine the boundaries of the land plot, and the technical and economic indicators of construction projects. These documents also include recommendations and requirements that have been received from various approval bodies for the implementation of the design. The initial permit conditions indicate the possibility of performing work that takes into account environmental and sanitary-hygienic standards for the location of the facility, intended purpose, features of its use, and impact on the environment.

Obtaining the entire package of approvals and permitting documentation that is needed to carry out construction design, reconstruction, partial or complete technical re-equipment, and major repairs of buildings and structures is carried out by the developer who has the right to the land plot. Obtaining the above documentation is permitted by the technical customer, who works in the interests of the investor-developer and acts on his behalf.

IRD is issued to the applicant by a special government body or an authorized organization for a fixed fee and without fail (subject to compliance with all regulatory requirements).

The development of pre-design materials and the preparation of a set of initial permitting (IPR) documentation is the initial stage of the investment process, the basis on which the qualitative characteristics and financial and economic parameters of the future property are determined.

Initial permitting documentation (IPD) for registration of the right to design is developed on the basis of pre-project urban planning documentation approved or agreed upon in the established manner, in particular the territory planning project (PPT).

In the absence of urban planning documentation developed, approved or agreed upon in accordance with the established procedure for the territory of the planned construction, the Technical Customer must organize the implementation of architectural pre-design studies, prepare and agree on an urban planning justification for the location of the facility.

The initial permitting documentation includes the following documents:

1.Resolutions, orders of the administration

.Technical specifications for connection to utility networks: heat supply, electrical networks, water supply and sewerage, storm sewerage, roads

.Urban planning plan of the land plot, GPZU

.Construction permit

.Conclusion on the conformity of the constructed object

.Engineering survey materials

.Permission to put the facility into operation

*Point 5 is the purpose of collecting IRD; points 6 and 7 are usually not classified as IRD, since the technical customer carries out their implementation after completion of construction.

*The design documentation for the building or structure itself, which is undergoing examination, is not included in the composition

The IRD includes an instruction from the head of the local administration to develop the project if the developer is the local administration. If the developer is a company, a private person - a letter of application from him to the local administration. The legal basis is a land lease agreement or a certificate of ownership of a land plot.

Urban planning justification includes a topographic survey of the area on a scale of 1:2000, which contains the boundaries of constructed and planned capital construction facilities, the boundaries of other structures, roads, utility networks, buildings and territories of historical and cultural heritage, protected natural resources, public areas, land with special conditions use, implying various kinds of restrictions in the form of red lines. The site plan reflects the boundaries of the building site and the future building or complex of buildings.

Justification involves taking into account the interests of neighbors and the data of the general development plan for the territory. Justification during the work process should lead to a meeting of the town planning council and the receipt of a town planning conclusion.

The main composition of the set of initial permitting documentation (IRD) contains:

1. Urban planning conclusion;

The town planning conclusion includes:

town planning conclusion in the prescribed form;

sketch No. 1;

conclusion on the inspection of the property (territory, buildings and


conclusion on design conditions;

conclusion of coordinating organizations.

Conclusion on engineering support;

The conclusion on the engineering support of the facility includes:

explanatory note;

preliminary technical conditions of operating organizations;

calculated data of technical and economic indicators of the planned real estate object (TEP).

Conclusion of the environmental assessment (if necessary, the composition of the conclusion of the environmental assessment is determined by the Department of Natural Resources Management and Environmental Protection, depending on the environmental requirements for the location of the facility and the level of justification presented in the pre-project documentation). Complete list of the set of initial permitting documentation (IRD)

In the process of preparing a set of initial permitting documentation (IPD), if necessary, it may be necessary to develop additional pre-design materials and perform the following set of works:

adjustment of the existing territory planning project;

development of pre-design studies for the facility;

urban planning justification for the location of the facility;

development of engineering support schemes;

calculation of off-site networks and structures on them;

development of conclusions on the site of compensatory landscaping;

calculation of engineering support highlighting the physical volumes and cost of urban networks;

obtaining additional approvals;

preparation of reference, technical, information documentation at the request of authorized government bodies.

The beginning of the development of design and estimate documentation for the construction of a real estate property is preceded by a period of pre-design preparation, consisting of two stages: pre-investment (development of a territory planning project) and investment (development of an urban planning justification for the location of the construction project, preparation of initial permitting documentation).

Design and estimate documentation must be developed in full accordance with the requirements specified in the initial permitting documentation.

The initial permitting documentation for design includes the following documents and materials:

An order from the head of the administration (in Moscow - this is the prefect of the joint-stock company, or the deputy for construction issues) or a letter of application from the Customer (a person who intends to develop his existing plot) are the basis for the preparation of initial permitting documentation for the construction of a real estate property, in in the event that there are properly formalized land relations, that is, a lease agreement for a plot or a certificate of ownership of this land plot.

An urban planning justification is developed within a section of the territory of a functional planning formation, which occupies part of a block or an entire block, limited by the boundaries of the intra-block territory for general use. Urban planning justification includes:

A drawing drawn up on the basis of a topographic plan on a scale of 1:2000, which displays within the appropriate boundaries: a) territories of existing, planned capital construction projects of federal and regional significance, other built-up and subject-to-development territories; b) territories of linear objects; c) territories of cultural heritage sites; d) specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas; e) public areas; f) zones with special conditions for the use of territories; g) a land plot, in relation to which an urban planning plan for the land plot is being prepared and a corresponding urban planning justification is being developed;

Calculations and confirmation of the boundaries and types of permitted use, calculations and justification of the functional purpose, technical and economic indicators and planting of a property on a given land plot, as well as confirmation of the boundaries of the areas of public easements within the boundaries of a given land plot, other evidence that is carried out in accordance with with regional standards and rules for land use and development are necessary for the development of an urban planning plan for a land plot, including for the implementation of landscaping and landscaping of a plot of territory.

materials for pre-design studies;

urban planning conclusion as part of Sketch No. 1;

conclusions on the inspection of a real estate property (land plot - in the case of new construction) or a building, structure in the case of its reconstruction or technical re-equipment);

conclusions of coordinating organizations;

situational plan of the land plot for compensatory landscaping in cases where it is necessary to destroy green spaces on the land plot allocated for construction;

Technical conditions (TS) for connection to utility networks (issued by technical services) indicating the points of connection to the networks on a topographical survey; conclusion on the engineering support of the construction project (as a rule, it is carried out directly at the initiative of the Customer-developer in order to obtain preliminary technical conditions for connecting to utilities);

conclusion on compensatory landscaping, drawn up in accordance with the legislation on the protection of green spaces;

conclusion of the environmental management and environmental protection authority;

protocol of consideration by the Architectural Council (under the body for architecture and urban planning) of pre-design materials;

conclusion of the body for the protection of monuments (if the construction of the facility is planned in historical territories);

conclusion on visual landscape analysis (if the construction of the facility is planned in historical territories).

Due to the fact that issues of urban planning activities are simultaneously under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities, there is no single document that fully regulates the development procedure and the full composition of the initial permitting documentation. There are significant differences in the regulatory documents that have been adopted, for example, in Moscow (Moscow Laws, orders of the Mayor, resolutions of the Moscow Government); in the Moscow region - Laws of the Moscow Region, resolutions of the Government of the Moscow Region, heads of district administrations of the Moscow Region), in the cities of the Russian Federation.

A set of documentation required for the development of a territory planning project, public hearings and the town planning council:

Property data

Certificate of ownership (lease) of the plot

Land lease agreement (if rented)

Act of choosing a land plot (for rent)

Cadastral site plan

Acts of choosing routes for off-site networks

Approved urban planning documentation

Materials for territorial planning of a settlement

Hail. conclusion (if the placed object corresponds to the previously determined purpose of the territory)

Hail. justification (when changing the category of land or the type of its permitted use)

Administration decisions

Resolution on permission to develop a territory planning project

Permission to demolish buildings

Permission to cut down green spaces

Architectural and planning task (urban planning task, project development task), approved by the Head of Architecture

Engineering survey materials

Report on engineering and geodetic surveys

Report on engineering and geological surveys

Environmental Engineering Survey Report

Report on engineering and hydrological surveys

Acts and conclusions of supervisory services

Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion of the Federal State Institution for supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being

Expert opinion or inspection report of the site of the Federal State Institution “Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology”

Conclusion of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision

Conclusion of the Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance

Technical specifications (project requirements) of the Department of State Fire Supervision

Conclusion of the Main Directorate of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection

Initial data for developing the Civil Emergency Situations section of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation

Letter from the Ministry of Culture on the presence or absence of monuments of history, culture, architecture, archeology, zones of their influence and protection

Certificate from the State Unitary Enterprise "Geocenter-Moscow" (Roskomnedra) about the presence or absence of mineral resources in the area in question

Conclusion of the Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources for the Moscow Region (Rosprirodnadzor)

Background concentrations of harmful substances and climatic characteristics of the construction area of ​​the Central Hydrometeorological Service


Water pipes

Domestic sewerage

Storm sewer

Heat supply

Gas supply

Electricity supply

Telephonization and radio installation

Solid waste removal

Traffic police, RDU / Mosavtodor/FUAD

Additional acts and conclusions

Approval by Rospotrebnadzor of the place of discharge of treated wastewater, water analysis of water purifiers

Certificate of inspection of structures of existing buildings

Coordination with the owners of adjacent land plots, coordination of design solutions with interested parties in the case of easements in their favor

Project for reduction of existing or projected sanitary protection zones, approved by Rospotrebnadzor

Approval by Rospotrebnadzor of the location of the water treatment plant, treatment facilities for domestic and rainwater runoff

Other necessary approvals.

. Obtaining a building permit

The issuance of construction permits is regulated by Article 51 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

A construction permit is issued to the developer or the technical customer hired by him under the contract by an authorized state or municipal body of the Russian Federation in the manner established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Construction permitconfirms the right of the owner (tenant) of the land, with the participation of a technical customer, or independently, to carry out new construction or reconstruction, major repairs of a building and structure, as well as to carry out landscaping of the adjacent territory.

The main condition for obtaining a construction permit is properly formalized land and property relations - a registered lease agreement or a certificate of ownership.

The main basis for obtaining a construction permit is a positive conclusion of the State Expertise on design and estimate documentation. The GRK provides for the option of a non-state examination of design documentation, but in practice there are no such cases.

After completing all the necessary documents and obtaining a building permit, as well as a warrant for preparatory, excavation and construction work, the land plot acquires the status of a construction site.

The validity period of a construction permit is established by the construction organization project; this is one of the components of the IRD documents. The period may be extended under certain circumstances at the request of the technical customer.

The image is a copy of the construction permit, which was received by LLC "Customer's Directorate" for the construction of the residential complex "9-18" in the city of Mytishchi (open in full-readable format). If construction is divided into phases, as in this case, then it is necessary to obtain permission to carry out construction work for each phase of a complex facility.

Refusal to issue a construction permit must be motivated by:

· If a discrepancy is identified between the design documentation and the type of permitted use of the land plot;

· In case of detection of non-compliance of the design documentation with building codes and regulations.

The decision to refuse to issue a building permit can be appealed in court.

Obtaining a building permit is not necessary in the following cases:

· future construction work does not affect the structural characteristics of buildings and structures and does not impair their reliability and safety

· in case of erection of temporary buildings and structures that are necessary for organizing and carrying out construction work,

· in the case of construction of a dacha in a dacha, gardening or vegetable gardening partnership.

The construction permit should be reissued if the right to construct the facility is transferred to another customer, in the event of a reorganization of the customer’s enterprise, and when the contract for construction and installation work is transferred to another construction organization. The validity period of the permit remains the same.

How to obtain a building permit

To obtain a construction permit, the technical customer, acting under an agreement with the customer-developer (investor), sends a completed application along with a set of supporting documents to the executive authority or local government body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. This is the initial permitting documentation.

The technical customer must attach to the application for a construction permit:

Certificate of ownership or registered land lease agreement;

Urban planning plan of the site;

Design and estimate documentation consists of documents:

· Explanatory note to the project;

· A planning scheme for the organization of a land plot, made in accordance with the restrictions established by the urban planning plan of the land plot, within the “red lines” approved as part of the territory planning project;

· Architectural and construction drawings;

· List and characteristics of engineering equipment installed according to the project in the building and on the site

· A consolidated plan of utility networks indicating the points of connection of a building or structure to energy supply networks and other utility networks;

· Construction Organization Project (COP);

· A project for the complete or partial dismantling of buildings and structures located on the construction site, if such work is provided.

Positive conclusion of the State Construction Expertise based on the results of checking the design documentation;

If any, a special permit in case of deviation from the maximum permissible restrictions of permitted construction, reconstruction (in accordance with Article 40 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);

Formalized consent of other rights holders of the building in case of reconstruction and/or major repairs;

Required SRO approvals for technical customer organizations, construction control (technical supervision), general contracting and general design organizations, orders for the appointment of those responsible for technical and architectural supervision and for the execution of work.

The authority issuing a construction permit, within ten days from the date of receipt of the relevant application from the technical customer, checks:

· availability of all documents

· compliance of the design documentation with the requirements of the GPZU and / or the requirements established in the permit for deviation from the maximum urban planning parameters;

The technical customer notifies Gosarkhnadzor of the received permit, which draws up an inspection plan.

Self building permitprovides for the developer's full right to carry out work, but in a series of documents there is also a warrant for excavation work, which is issued by ATI or the housing and communal services department, that is, an authorized body.

A number of preparatory work can be carried out with the permission of the ATI or other authorized body, for example, relaying utility networks in preparation for construction.

If the owner has purchased land, he can install a fence and a security cabin without a building permit.


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Before starting construction of a private residential building (cottage, dacha), it is necessary to provide a complete list of documents for construction in order for them to be processed. Documents will also be required for the purchase and registration of a land plot.

List of documents for the construction of a private house

To obtain a building permit, you need to contact the administration with a corresponding application. Here's a small one list of documents that should be attached to the application:

  • resolution of the head of administration on the provision of a land plot for individual housing construction;
  • contract of sale;
  • general plan;
  • site passport;
  • an act on the full-scale establishment of the boundaries of a land plot and the breakdown of buildings, red lines and axes of the building.

Preparation of documents for the construction of a residential building

After reviewing this list of documents, the head of your administration will issue a resolution on permission (or refusal of permission) for the construction of a private residential building. If everything is fine then a passport for a private residential building project will be issued, the composition of which is as follows:

  • administration resolution on construction permission;
  • a document certifying the developer’s right to the land plot;
  • a copy of the master plan of the relevant urban planning documentation;
  • situational plan;
  • technical conditions (TS) for connection to utility networks (with diagram);
  • floor plans, sections, facades;
  • an act on the full-scale establishment of the boundaries of a land plot and the breakdown of buildings (with a drawing diagram).

That's not all. Will be placed in a separate folder project of an individual private residential building. Its composition:

  • situational plan (M 1:500), showing the location of the construction site in connection with the nearest settlements, sources and external networks of energy, heat and water supply, structures, sewerage networks;
  • topographic survey of the area with the adjacent part of the street (M 1:500);
  • master plan of the site with a vertical layout and linking the project to the area (M 1:200, 1:1000);
  • basement plan (technical underground, ground floor);
  • floor plans (M 1:100, 1:50);
  • main and side facades of buildings (M 1:50, 1:100);
  • characteristic sections (M 1:100, 1:50);
  • plans for floors and coverings of non-repeating floors (M 1:100);
  • plan of the roof truss system (M 1:100);
  • roof plan (M 1:100, 1:200);
  • foundation plan (M 1:100, 1:50);
  • cross-section of foundations, characteristic architectural and construction units and details (M 1:10, 1:20);
  • general explanatory note and technical and economic indicators;
  • cost estimates and financial considerations for construction costs;
  • engineering support drawings (as per design specifications).

Documents for registration of land plot

If you have not yet registered a plot of land, the following information will be useful to you. To register a land plot, you need to submit the following documents:

  • a statement that states: the purpose of using the land (organization of a farm or personal enterprise, construction of a private residential building, gardening, etc.), location and size of the land plot.
  • a copy of an identity document (passport).
  • contract of sale.
  • documents, content information about a citizen’s right to a land plot (the right to perpetual use of a land plot, or the right to lifelong inheritable possession is considered).

First of all, you will have to disturb the Ministry of State Property Management. An application is submitted there along with a copy of your passport. It is important to know whether the plot was previously privatized or not. If not, the registration will take less time. Ideally, the application review process takes 2 weeks. But in practice, unfortunately, it takes more time.

After a decision is made to register a land plot, the applicant receives a copy of the decision document. The applicant makes measurements of the site and creates a cadastral plan at his own expense. On average, this takes a month. After this, the state enters into a land purchase and sale agreement. The exception is cases in which the applicant received the plot as an inheritance, or free of charge from the state.

After the above steps and processes, you must submit an application for registration to the Federal Registration Service by submitting the following documents:

  • a copy of an identity document (passport);
  • a decision made by the local executive authority on the registration of a land plot;
  • contract of sale;
  • certified cadastral plan of the land plot.

All documents, except the passport, must be submitted in original and copies

Construction of a house, reconstruction, redevelopment or other actions require appropriate permission. Its design and cases of application are regulated by Article 51 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation. In the context of legal norms, the question of the procedure for obtaining a construction permit, as well as the necessary documents, becomes relevant.

Need for a building permit

In accordance with Article 51 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the purpose of a construction permit lies in design information. All work performed and the final result must comply with established development rules.

Taking into account this aspect, the documentation submitted for obtaining a permit is checked for compliance with the following standards:

  • requirements of the Town Planning Code;
  • sanitary and epidemiological indicators;
  • local development rules;
  • fire safety requirements;
  • technical supervision regulations.

A construction permit is issued by the executive body at the location of the facility. However, depending on the type of site and development, the document can be drawn up:

  • through the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation during construction affecting the subsoil;
  • to use nuclear energy, apply to the Federal Service for Environmental, Technical and Nuclear Supervision;
  • when constructing near historical settlements, contact the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the protection of cultural heritage;
  • For the construction of space infrastructure facilities, they turn to Roscosmos.

To obtain a building permit, an ordinary citizen only needs to apply to local authorities. Such a document is required for any major changes to the technical characteristics of the facility, including the reconstruction of premises.

Documents for obtaining a building permit

To obtain a construction permit, the following documents are collected:

  • developer's statement;
  • documents confirming ownership of the land plot and real estate;
  • urban development plan for the presented land plot;
  • explanatory note to the design documentation;
  • diagram of the land plot for construction;
  • a diagram showing architectural solutions within the permissible boundaries for development;
  • information about engineering equipment;
  • project for the demolition or dismantling of certain objects;
  • capital construction project;
  • conclusion of the state examination on the submitted design documentation;
  • permission to deviate from basic parameters during construction or reconstruction;
  • coordination of upcoming work with all rights holders of the construction site.

All of these documents are required to obtain permission for a capital construction project. Taking into account the accompanying nuances, some of them should be considered in more detail.

Developer's statement

The developer’s application is the main document used to issue a building permit. It does not have an approved form and is drawn up according to general rules indicating the following information:

  • the institution to which the document is sent;
  • information about the applicant, passport and contact details;
  • statement of the request, indication of the type of development;
  • address and detailed description of the construction site;
  • details of title documents;
  • link to the project documentation, information about the company that developed it;
  • a list of changes made if reconstruction or restructuring is implied;
  • list of attached documents;
  • signature of the applicant, date of preparation.

If a building is being erected near a historical settlement, the application is supplemented with text and graphic information about the appearance of the future building. This addition should reflect:

  • basic proportions and parameters of the object;
  • color options;
  • materials planned for construction;
  • building facades.

The following must be submitted along with the application for permission:

  • title documents;
  • project papers;
  • documents confirming the identity of the applicant or his representative.

The entire list of papers is submitted to the multifunctional center or local government authorities. Often, an application is filled out when submitting documents, and a completed form is issued on the spot.

Title documents

Title documents confirm the legitimacy of ownership and the applicant's application for a building permit. The main ones in this case are the certificate of registration of property rights and the identity card of the applicant.

You can obtain a registration certificate by contacting the Rosreestr authorities at the location of the property. For this you will need the following documents:

  • paper confirming ownership of the property - purchase and sale agreement, will, deed of gift;
  • loan agreement, if the property was purchased with a mortgage;
  • real estate cadastral passport;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • application for a certificate of registration.

In some cases, instead of a formalized certificate, you can provide other proof of ownership of real estate. A deed of gift, sale or purchase, or a will in this situation can also be considered documents of title. However, obtaining a certificate remains recommended.

Project documentation

The design documentation required to obtain a capital construction permit consists of the following acts:

  • explanatory note;
  • a copy of the land plot layout diagram - the location of the building, the planned approaches and entrances to it;
  • a copy of the site plan showing red lines - boundaries limiting construction;
  • architectural solutions;
  • project for dismantling or demolishing individual objects;
  • engineering plan showing connection locations;
  • project for organizing all stages of construction;
  • information about the accessibility of the planned facility for disabled people;
  • expert opinion on the submitted projects;
  • permission to deviate certain parameters;
  • consent of all copyright holders to the proposed work.

The presented list refers to capital construction projects. For individual housing construction(Individual Housing Construction) is required only:

  • an urban development plan for the land plot, drawn up no earlier than three years before submitting the application;
  • layout diagram of a land plot with the location of individual housing construction objects;
  • if the development is carried out near historical settlements, a detailed external description of the object is required.

Conclusion of the state examination

The conclusion of the state examination is a positive assessment characterizing the design documentation. To obtain it, with the above plans, contact the local administration authorities at the location of the land plot.

A positive decision can also be obtained through non-state expertise. In this case, a copy of the accreditation certificate of the company that issued the corresponding conclusion is attached to the general package of documents.

Urban plan of the site

The urban planning plan of the site is drawn up in the department of urban development and architecture of the local administration. The document is issued free of charge; to receive it you must submit:

  • topographic survey of the site showing underground, above-ground and above-ground structures;
  • the applicant's identity card;
  • application for the issuance of a town planning plan;
  • cadastral passport and technical plan.

The period for completing an urban development plan takes up to three months. However, to obtain a building permit, a plan must be drawn up within the three years preceding the submission of the application.

List of documents for a private developer

A private developer is a person who plans to build a house of up to three floors for a family to live in. The procedure for obtaining permission in this case requires significantly less effort than during capital construction.

For individual housing construction you need:

  • title documents confirming ownership of the land plot;
  • urban planning plan of the land plot;
  • layout organization diagram.

If you plan to build a facility for two or more families, the simplified scheme ceases to apply. In this case, the developer will have to collect all the documents necessary for capital construction.

Deadlines for obtaining permission

After submitting all required documents, the deadline for obtaining permission is 7 working days. However, for a non-linear capital construction project, as well as for development near historical settlements, this period can be increased up to 30 days.

A building permit is issued for a period of 10 years. During this period, construction must be completed and the facility put into operation. If necessary, the period can be extended by applying to the same authorities that issued the permits.

An extension may be refused if no construction or reconstruction work was carried out during the previous period.

Refusal to issue a permit

Reason for refusal the permit may include:

  • construction in specially protected areas;
  • reserving a site for government needs;
  • lack of title documents for the land plot;
  • deficiencies in design documentation, lack of technical information about the facility being built, its height, area, number of floors, utility networks.

Refusal to issue a permit is accompanied by explanations. In accordance with them, it is necessary to eliminate the deficiencies and submit the documents again. Otherwise, you can appeal the refusal by filing a lawsuit.

Statement of claim in this case it should contain the following information:

  • address of the judicial institution where the claim is sent;
  • the applicant's full name, passport and contact details;
  • the name and address of the local government body, as well as the name of the official whose actions are subject to appeal;
  • a summary of the situation;
  • a request to recognize the decision to refuse as unlawful;
  • a list of documents confirming the applicant’s position, copies of an identity card and a construction refusal.

When is a building permit not required?

Construction permit not required in the following cases:

  • construction of a garage on a plot of land for non-commercial use;
  • construction of a small-sized non-permanent structure - a kiosk, pavilion, gazebo, barn, summer kitchen, shed, bathhouse, cellar, well;
  • construction of an auxiliary facility for connecting to utility networks or laying communication lines;
  • construction of in-channel system units and connections.

For all other cases, having a building permit is considered mandatory. Any work in the absence of such paper is considered illegal. In this case, the finished object cannot be connected to utility networks. Restrictions on its sale, rental or transfer also begin to apply.

In the absence of permission, the owner may be required to return the building to its original form by eliminating the changes made. Also, the developer may be held administratively liable if the construction does not meet sanitary and hygienic standards.

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