Job description of the duty electrician for operational switching. Production instructions for an electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment. Job description of an electrician

In accordance with the main tasks assigned to the energy supply service, an electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment is obliged to:

1. Perform daily inspections of assigned equipment and record them in the operational log;

2. Take measures to eliminate the identified comments yourself, and if it is impossible, report this to the EMU engineer, shift engineer of the CS;

3. Perform operational switching in electrical installations up to and above 1000V;

4. Prepare workplaces and permit repair crews.

5. Perform maintenance and repair work on electrical equipment.

6. Have permission to perform hot work, work from an assembly tower, slinging work, gas hazardous work, work at height.

7. Rational use of material resources, consumption of fuel, energy, raw materials and supplies when performing work.

8. Observe the technological process of the work performed, the rules of technical operation and care of equipment, devices and tools.

9. Know the requirements for the quality of work performed.

10. Ensure rational organization of work at your workplace

11. In the absence of work provided for in the production instructions, the head of the EMU (EVS engineer) has the right to assign temporarily any other work that does not require special training and higher qualifications.

Responsibilities for labor protection and industrial safety.

Responsible for fulfilling the requirements of labor protection instructions by type of work and profession.

Participates in the first level of control over the state of labor protection, and before the start of a shift (working day) conducts an inspection of the workplace.

Monitors the serviceability of equipment, fixtures, tools and devices.

Checks the presence and serviceability of fences, safety devices, blocking and signaling devices, personal and group protective equipment, the condition of passages, passages, platforms, staircases, railings, as well as the absence of clutter and clutter.

Reports to the foreman (foreman) any deficiencies discovered during the inspection and, on his instructions, participates in their elimination.

During the work process, the employee is obliged to:

use special clothing and other protective equipment, use safe labor practices, and comply with all labor protection requirements;

pay attention to the behavior of other workers, their implementation of personal safety measures, remind them of the need to use safe work practices, comply with safety requirements, industrial sanitation, fire and gas safety;

undergo training in safe methods and techniques for performing work, instructions on labor protection, on-the-job training and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements;

undergo mandatory preliminary (upon employment) and periodic (during employment) medical examinations (examinations).

The employee is responsible for:

technically sound condition of equipment and mechanisms in terms of compliance of actual harmful emissions/discharges with the passport data of this mechanism;

timely presentation of equipment and mechanisms for instrumental measurement of the amount of harmful emissions/discharges;

timely and high-quality recording of operating hours of equipment that is a source of harmful emissions/discharges.

For violation of environmental protection, the employee bears disciplinary, administrative or criminal, as well as financial liability.

Characteristics of the work.

Performing simple work on departmental emails. stations, transformer power plants with their complete disconnection from the voltage of operational switching in electrical networks, inspection of transformers, switches, disconnectors and drives to them without disassembling structural elements.

Load regulation of electrical equipment installed in the serviced area.

Repair, charging and installation of explosion-proof fittings.

Cutting, splicing, insulating and soldering wires with voltages over 1000 V.

Participation in the repair, inspection and maintenance of electrical equipment, including disassembly, assembly, adjustment and maintenance of electrical devices, electromagnetic, magnetoelectric and electrodynamic systems.

Repair of transformers, switches, rheostats, control posts of magnetic starters, contactors and other simple equipment.

Carrying out individual complex repair work under the supervision of an electrician. more highly qualified fitters.

Performing rigging operations using cranes and other lifting machines

Participation in laying cable routes and wiring

Battery charge

Painting of external parts of instruments and equipment.

Reconstruction of electrical equipment

Processing of insulating materials according to the drawing: textolite, getinax, fiber, etc.

Checking the markings of simple wiring and circuit diagrams.

Identification and elimination of failures, malfunctions and damage to electrical equipment with simple switching circuits.

The employee must know:

Basics of electrical engineering.

Information about direct and alternating current in the scope of work performed.

The principle of operation and design of serviced electric motors, generators, switchgear equipment, electrical networks and electrical appliances, oil switches, fuses, contactors, batteries, controllers, mercury and silicon rectifiers and other electrical equipment and electrical appliances

Design and purpose of starting and control devices

Techniques and methods for replacing, splicing and soldering high voltage devices.

Safe work practices, sequence of disassembly, repair and installation of electrical equipment.

Designations of the winding terminals of electrical machines.

Solders and fluxes.

Conducting and electrical insulating materials and their main characteristics and qualifications

Design and purpose of simple and medium-complexity control and measuring instruments and devices.

Methods for measuring electrical quantities, techniques for finding and eliminating faults in electrical networks.

Rules for laying cables indoors, underground and on overhead cables.

Safety rules within the scope of the qualification group

1. Maintenance of drilling rigs is carried out by electricians with qualification group IV, one person per shift.

2. The electrician on duty has the right:

a) demand from a superior manager the tools, materials, spare parts, protective equipment necessary for the correct and safe operation of electrical equipment;

b) require the driller to reduce the electrical load. engines to normal size, if electrical requirements are not met. The driller's electrician turns off the power. drive and report this to a senior manager;

c) conduct a personal inspection of the email. equipment in accordance with the “Inter-industry rules for labor protection (safety rules) during the operation of electrical installations” [MOP and OT for EE] and the Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations [PTEEP].

3. Duty email. the installer is obliged:

a) when accepting and handing over a shift, make an appropriate entry in the operational log signed by the person accepting and handing over the shift;

b) record the electrical readings in the journal each shift. meters and at the established hours give readings to the responsible duty officer of the energy service or the duty officer of the site;

c) record in detail and clearly in a journal all the work done during the shift;

d) record in detail the operation of all equipment during the shift;

e) indicate in the log about all observations during duty regarding abnormalities in the operation of electrical equipment and report them to the senior electrician of the site.

4. Mark in the log with an exact indication of the time of all electrical outages. energy, as well as downtime associated with an electrical equipment failure and report.

5. While on duty, ensure reliable economical and trouble-free operation of electrical installations, unconditionally carry out all orders of the drilling foreman or driller related to turning on or off electrical equipment (turning on or off pumps, transformers, switches, etc.) that do not contradict technical safety rules.

6. By personal inspection, familiarize yourself with the technical condition and operating mode of electrical equipment and at the same time check:

a) absence of mechanical and electrical damage to electrical equipment, CRNB-6, transformers (electric motors of magnetic stations, starting rheostats, etc.);

b) the condition of fences and live parts in general;

c) the condition of the bushings, as well as the degree of their contamination;

d) the condition of power and control cables, as well as metal casing, gear shed, pumping and cultural huts;

e) the condition of the locks of magnetic stations, KRNB-6, K-59Br, etc.;

f) serviceability of electric motors, winch drive, pumps, magnetic stations, command controller, emergency buttons, carry out a test run of electric motors followed by stopping with emergency buttons, together with the driller, check the serviceability of the anti-drag device;

g) operation of meters, insulation monitoring and other devices;

h) the presence and serviceability of oil level glasses on transformers and oil switches;

i) the condition of the lines and circuits of electrical lighting at the rig and the serviceability of grounding;

j) serviceability of electric motors of mud pumps, starting equipment for them, serviceability of remote buttons;

k) by touching your hands (observing all precautions) check the degree of heating of the housing of all electric motors and their bearings, housings of power transformers;

m) the presence of warning posters at the locations of electrical equipment.

7. Check the availability and serviceability of the necessary tools (minimum) and materials, as well as the presence of a current detector, voltmeter indicator, portable grounding and dielectric gloves, and the presence of electrical connection diagrams.

8. Receive the keys to the substation, krnb-6, k-59br, from the person handing over the shift.

9. Find out from the person handing over the shift about equipment that is under repair and in reserve.

11. Write down in the journal all shortcomings and comments when accepting a shift.

12. Register the acceptance and delivery in the journal, signed first by the person accepting the shift, and then by the person handing over the shift. Transferring a shift to a person in a state of intoxication is PROHIBITED.

13. In technical terms, the electrician on duty at the drilling rig is subordinate to the chief power engineer of the enterprise, the head of the energy department, the foreman of the energy department, and the RITS mechanics.

14. In the event of a gas emergency, complications, accidents and a fire, the electrician is obliged to act in accordance with the drilling watch action plan for the elimination of gas accidents, complications, accidents and the combat crew report card for extinguishing the fire.

15. The electrician on duty at the drilling rig bears full responsibility for the technical condition, safety, and rational use of electrical equipment.

16. For violation of these instructions, the electrician on duty is liable, including criminal liability.

Many people know that there is a profession of an electrician. However, not everyone understands what its essence is. Meanwhile, the responsibilities of an electrician are quite extensive. This specialist primarily eliminates breakdowns and malfunctions in complex equipment. Let us consider further what exactly his work is.

Electrician: origin of the specialty

The name has Latin-French roots. If we translate the term literally, then an electrician is a corrector of the functioning of equipment. His task is to achieve maximum durability and efficiency of the equipment. The profession arose thanks to the invention of N. Tesla. It should be noted that over quite a long period of its existence, the specialty has hardly changed. Of course, with the development of technology, the responsibilities of an electrician have expanded significantly, and his knowledge has become more versatile. At the same time, the requirements for specialists have become more stringent. Currently, there are special regulations in force that establish the categories of electricians. Specialists undergo special training, education, and constantly improve their skills.

What is the job?

The electrician must:

  1. Ensure uninterrupted operation of equipment. As part of this task, the specialist performs diagnostics of electrical and mechanical systems, eliminates detected faults, carries out preventive flushing of parts and cleaning of contacts.
  2. Study the operating conditions of equipment to identify factors contributing to premature wear and take measures to eliminate them.
  3. Conduct training for persons in direct contact with electrical devices. The specialist must explain the operating rules and safety precautions.
  4. Participate in the installation of equipment.
  5. Prepare requests for the purchase of spare parts and special tools.
  6. Master and implement progressive methods of device maintenance.

Personal qualities

An electrician servicing electrical equipment operates in rather dangerous conditions. Every day a specialist is at risk of electric shock. Complicating the situation is the fact that electricians often work in very cramped and unfavorable conditions. Therefore, quite high demands are placed on such specialists. An electrician who repairs electrical devices must first of all be physically resilient. Among the personal qualities of a specialist are:

  1. Stress resistance.
  2. Responsibility.
  3. Attentiveness.
  4. Accuracy.
  5. Creativity.
  6. Sense of balance.
  7. The ability to correctly and quickly navigate emergency situations.
  8. Developed visual, effective and imaginative thinking.
  9. Performance.
  10. Discipline.

These are the most basic qualities that an electrician should have. The connections between these characteristics and the availability of the required amount of knowledge in various scientific fields provide an effective solution to the assigned problems.

Advantages of the specialty

The main advantage of the profession is its demand. High-level specialists are needed everywhere and always, both in the private sector and in the manufacturing sector. Young electricians get jobs quite easily. Another advantage of the specialty is decent earnings. Today, the average salary of an electrician in the country is in the range of 30-40 thousand rubles. A good specialist can additionally provide services to the public privately. Enterprising electricians even create their own companies to serve citizens and businesses. Another undoubted advantage of the specialty is the ease of obtaining it. Almost every city has an educational institution where you can learn to become an electrician.


The main disadvantages of the profession include the constant presence of threats to health and life, and stressful situations. Careless movement can lead to the death of a specialist. Moreover, problems often have to be resolved quickly when every minute counts.

Another disadvantage is the work schedule. According to general rules, electricians work in shifts. However, in an emergency situation, accidents can occur even at night. Another important point concerns the volume of knowledge of the specialist. It should be understood that the complexity and responsibility of the activity requires certain skills and experience. Therefore, an education diploma alone is not enough here. Training must be taken very seriously.

Local regulatory documents

Like other similar documents developed for other specialties, the job description of an electrician includes general provisions, rights, and tasks of specialists. It also establishes the responsibility of employees for violating regulations.

The job description of an electrician is mandatory for compliance in all enterprises, regardless of the type of ownership. This document regulates the relationship between the specialist and the employer. The company also has occupational safety instructions for electricians. This act regulates issues related to safety.

Labor safety instructions for an electrician are drawn up taking into account the tasks performed by a specialist of one or another qualification. Each employee becomes familiar with the contents of the document before signing it.

Description of activity

An electrician belongs to the category of workers. He is directly subordinate to the chief power engineer. The position of electrician can be held by a citizen who has a secondary specialized education in the relevant profile. In addition, the person must have at least 1 year of experience in a similar specialty.

Enrollment and dismissal are carried out by order of the manager on the proposal of the immediate superior or personnel service.

Required knowledge

An electrician must know:

  1. Fundamentals of radio, electrical engineering, electronics.
  2. Construction of electrical units, machines, measuring instruments.
  3. Technical characteristics, principle of operation, device design.
  4. Provisions of local documents regulating the activities of a specialist.
  5. Procedure for servicing devices.
  6. Methods and rules for assessing the functional state of mechanisms, machines, devices, devices.
  7. Automatic adjustment and control circuits, methods for troubleshooting them.
  8. Procedure for handling electrical production materials.
  9. The procedure for comprehensive testing of instruments, electrical apparatus, and installations.
  10. Methods and standards for repairs and installation of networks in fire and explosion situations.
  11. The procedure for drawing up electrical diagrams and other technical documentation.
  12. The operating principle of automatic protection.
  13. Electrical circuits for switching distribution devices.
  14. Signs of equipment damage and how to eliminate them.
  15. Permitted loads on electric motors, transformers, conducting lines of different sections.
  16. Rules and regulations of safety, health, fire protection.
  17. Fundamentals of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  18. Internal regulations of the enterprise.


The responsibilities of an electrician include, first of all, ensuring proper and trouble-free operation and proper operation of electrical devices, units, and installations. Local regulations provide a list of activities that a specialist must perform. Electrician responsibilities include:

  1. Adjustment, regulation, troubleshooting in critical, experimental areas of technological systems, communications of automatic lines.
  2. Disassembly, assembly, troubleshooting, installation of various types of high-voltage installations with voltages greater than 15 kW.
  3. Adjustment, maintenance, regulation of electronic devices, welding machines of various designs and types, pulsed, electronic, ultrasonic units, remote protection of automatic reserve start systems, units using an elemental semiconductor base.
  4. Installation/dismantling, troubleshooting of cable lines of special pipelines filled with oil and gas under pressure.
  5. Checking the accuracy classes of measuring instruments.
  6. Elimination of breakdowns in epoxy terminations of high-voltage networks, installation of couplings between aluminum and copper conductors.

The specialist’s tasks include preparing units for commissioning, testing electrical devices, motors, transformers after troubleshooting them. The responsibilities of an electrician also include regulating complex equipment, ensuring the rational and careful use of spare parts, materials, and tools.


An electrician can:

  1. Act independently within the limits of competence.
  2. Improve your qualifications and attend training events.
  3. Seek advice on issues beyond his competence from other specialists.
  4. Submit proposals to the head of the organization aimed at improving operating conditions.
  5. Interact with company departments on official issues.
  6. Inform the manager about detected shortcomings in the organization’s work and submit proposals for eliminating them.
  7. Do not start performing tasks if there is a threat to health/life.
  8. Require the manager to create appropriate conditions for carrying out his activities and ensuring safety.


Sanctions may be applied to a specialist within the framework of current legislation if he fails to comply with the requirements of regulations. The electrician is responsible for:

  1. Quality of execution of assigned tasks.
  2. Failure to comply with safety regulations.
  3. Contents of documents that are sent to the management of the enterprise.
  4. Reliability of information provided about the functional state of the units.
  5. Violation of regulations.
  6. Independence of actions and their results.

Sanctions against a specialist are applied in accordance with the seriousness of the violation and the severity of the consequences.

All electricians who service and repair electrical equipment work under the supervision of energy engineers. Only people who are of legal age, have passed a medical examination, listened to instructions and have had internship experience in working conditions are allowed to perform repair and maintenance work on electrical equipment. Also, after training, it is required to pass an exam on knowledge of labor safety according to inter-industry rules when working with electrical installations, after which a corresponding certificate of 5th category, 4th category or lower is issued, which must be confirmed every 5 years. On average, training takes 1 year and 5 months, which also includes an electrician. All electricians who repair or service electrical equipment in electrical units before and after 1000 V comply with:

  • Work instructions;
  • Current inter-industry rules on labor protection when working with electrical installations;
  • Rules for the construction of electrical installations;
  • Rules for the technical use of consumer electrical installations.

General job description

An electrician belongs to the working category.
An electrician can be a person who has a special secondary education in the required specialty and with work experience. An electrician is appointed and dismissed only by order of management.

An electrician must have knowledge of:

  • Decrees, orders, instructions that refer to such regulatory documents that regulate the activities of an electrician;
  • Basic knowledge of electronics, telemechanics, electrical engineering, radio engineering, knowledge of the devices of various microcircuits, electrical devices, machines, measuring instruments and their characteristics, principles of operation, accuracy tests;
  • Telecontrol and automatic adjustment circuits and options for restoration and debugging.
    Rules for handling logic circuits with complexities;
  • Methods for general testing of electrical apparatus, units and devices;
    Technologies when working with epoxy materials;
  • Rules for the restoration and installation of cable networks in places with a high probability of fire, explosion and other difficult conditions;
  • Rules for assembling electrical circuits and other documents of electrical equipment in electrical networks.
    Load standards for transformers, cables, electric motors, wires of different power and voltage;
  • Electrical circuits of primary and secondary switching of distribution devices.
    The principles of protection devices that have a high-frequency blocker;
  • Various types of problems that electrical devices may have, and also know options for subsequent elimination;
  • Organization and technology of electrical installation work;
  • Standards for material consumption, spare parts and electrical energy;
  • Fundamentals of economics, organizational process of production, management and labor;
  • Fundamentals of labor legislation;
  • Internal labor regulations;
  • Factory sanitary requirements, labor protection requirements, fire protection and safety requirements.

The main task of an electrician is to ensure the operability and trouble-free operation of all equipment. This also includes its correct use, timely repairs, as well as:

  • Adjustment, adjustment and full control of electronic and recording devices;
  • Debugging and maintenance of an ignitron-type welding device with electronics, an electric pulse installation, complex distance protection, automatic reserve activation devices, complex circuits where semiconductor installations with transistor and logical elements are used;
  • Collection, disassembly, complete repair, installation, alignment of high-voltage electrical machines and electrical devices of various voltage systems over 15 kW;
  • Working with complex epoxy terminations in high-voltage cable networks, installing couplings for connecting aluminum and copper cables;
  • General testing of electric motors, devices and transformers of various capacities that have just completed a major overhaul;
  • Check the accuracy class of instrument transformers;
  • Work with installation, dismantling and maintenance of cable lines in pipelines intended for this purpose, which are filled with oil or are under gas pressure;
  • Preparatory phase for all electrical equipment after repair for commissioning.

Responsibilities of an electrician

Also, an electrician has his own specific job responsibilities as an electrician; he requires Xia:

  • Participate in correcting various problems during the operation of devices, setting up, adjusting, measuring and testing;
  • Study and use innovative methods of maintenance, restoration, installation and other activities with devices;
  • Take part in activities that increase the reliability and quality of operation of all technical devices, as well as in improving all operating ones;
  • Perform all work related to the repair, assembly and adjustment of complex, important and new electrical machines, electrical devices and units;
  • Take part in sending requests for ordering spare parts, consumables, tools and spend everything rationally;
  • Comprehensively test electric motors, devices and transformers of various capacities after they have been overhauled;
  • Prepare electrical elements made after restoration for operation;
  • Learn the operating characteristics of the device, find out the causes of early failure and eliminate them;
  • Fulfill the requirements of the manager, which are not in the job description, but which arise due to production needs;
  • Install meters and work with insulation in cable lines, up to 35 kW;
  • Undergo technical retraining once every 5 years, since many new nuances appear in five years.

What rights does an electrician have?

An electrician has the following rights:

  • Making proposals to the management of the farm to improve the economic maintenance of facilities;
  • Improve your qualifications;
  • Make requests based on your own needs, as well as at the request of the head of the department and specialist about data and documentation that is required in order to fulfill job duties;
  • Make demands to the company's management in order to provide the organizational technical conditions that are required in order to fulfill job responsibilities.

What is an electrician responsible for?

An electrician has certain responsibilities, in particular for:

  • Conscientious fulfillment or failure to fulfill obligations contained in the instructions;
  • Violations made during work that comply with the current administrative and criminal civil codes;
  • Causing any damage, which is indicated by valid civil and labor legislation;
  • Failure to comply with fulfillment requirements or dishonest fulfillment of work requirements, instructions, instructions, orders from superiors that were not specified in job responsibilities, but arose due to labor necessity and for other violations that are included in the job description. Failure to comply will result in a reprimand, reprimand or dismissal.


The electrician always:

  • Completes his work according to a schedule that is drawn up for a 40-hour work week and was approved by the director of the organization;
  • Takes information of a regulatory nature from the head of the organization’s economic department, studies the required documentation with a signature;
  • Contacts issues that fall within his competence, together with colleagues in the department.


The electrician has his own clearly defined instructions, when following which all standards must be observed. Fulfilling all the requirements that are included in the responsibilities of an electrician can guarantee successful promotion, as well as the absence of subsequent complaints and problems.

Video about the profession of an electrician

Supervisor "_________________"
JSC "________________"

Job description for an electrician

1.1. This electrician defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the electrician of OJSC “________________” (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”).
1.2. An electrician is appointed to a position and dismissed from a position in the manner established by current labor legislation by order of the head of the Company.
1.3. The electrician reports directly to the CHIEF POWER MANAGER of the Company.
1.4. A person who has a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering positions for at least 3 years or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering positions for at least 5 years is appointed to the position of Electrician.
1.5 The electrician must know:
- decrees, instructions, orders, methodological and regulatory materials on the operation of energy equipment and communications; organization of energy management; prospects for technical development of the enterprise; technical characteristics, design features, operating modes and rules of technical operation of power equipment; A unified system of scheduled preventive maintenance and rational operation of equipment; organization and technology of repair work; methods of installation, adjustment, adjustment and repair of power equipment and reception after repair; fundamentals of the production technology of the enterprise's products; requirements for labor organization during operation, repair and modernization of power equipment; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the operation and repair of power equipment; fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management; basics of labor legislation; labor safety rules and regulations, job description for an electrician.
1.6. During the period of temporary absence of the Electrician, his duties are assigned to ___________________________.

The electrician performs the following duties:
2.1. Ensures uninterrupted operation, proper operation, and repair of electrical equipment
2.3. Participates in testing and acceptance of power plants and networks for industrial operation, in examining the causes of accidents of power equipment and develops measures to prevent them and create safe working conditions.
2.4. Monitors compliance with operating instructions, maintenance and supervision of energy equipment and electrical networks.
2.5. Participates in the development and implementation of standards and technical specifications for power equipment.
2.6. Studies and summarizes advanced domestic and foreign experience in the rational use and saving of fuel and energy resources.
2.7. Ensures compliance with labor safety rules and regulations during operation and repair of power plants and networks.
2.8. Prepares reports according to approved forms and indicators.

The electrician has the right:
3.1. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the activities of an energy engineer.
3.2. Enter into relationships with departments of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve operational issues of production activities that are within the competence of an energy engineer.
3.3. Represent the interests of the enterprise in third-party organizations on issues related to its professional activities.


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