The House of Columbus in Genoa is a must-see for fans of maritime history. We offer good hotel options in Genoa

The Columbus House in Las Palmas is one of the city's most famous buildings, attracting attention with its ornate doors, beautiful trellis balconies, large courtyard and carved wooden vaults. This house was the residence of the first rulers of the island of Gran Canaria. It is said that it was here that Christopher Columbus stopped in 1492 while repairing one of his ships during an expedition to the New World. Since then, the building received its name - Casa de Colon.

The house was remodeled in 1777, and since 1952 it has housed a museum with 13 permanent exhibitions, a library and a research center. Seminars, lectures and exhibitions are also held here. In the museum's exhibitions you can see artifacts of the pre-Columbian era, ship models, a copy of the La Niña cabin, one of Columbus's ships, navigational instruments, maps, paintings of the 16th-19th centuries and other items related to the journey of the great navigator and the history of the Canary Islands and their relationship with the Americas. The museum is divided into several sections. One of them is dedicated to the settlement of the New World and the aboriginal cultures of pre-Columbian America. The second section tells about the Columbus expedition itself, during which America was discovered. And the third introduces the facts of his stay in the Canary Islands. A separate exhibition of the museum is dedicated to the history of Las Palmas.

Up until the mid-20th century, Casa de Colon was a family estate. Interesting fact: the famous Canarian opera singer Alfredo Kraus was born in this house - the concert hall in Las Palmas bears his name. And young visitors to the museum will enjoy meeting two parrots living in the yard, which are incredibly talkative.

Next to Casa de Colon is the cobbled Calle de los Balcones, which leads to Plaza del Pilar and is lined with 18th-century houses. One of them houses the Atlantic Center for Contemporary Art.

Columbus's house is located in Las Palmas, the capital of Gran Canaria. This is not just a house in which the legendary Columbus lived for some time, but a beautiful architectural structure that is already hundreds of years old. This building was reconstructed several times, and in 1777 it was even rebuilt. They say that the house itself was assembled from several small mansions. And in 1952, the house was turned into a colonial-style museum, which consists of 13 rooms with libraries and exhibitions.

The Columbus Museum on Gran Canaria has no preserved interior of that time; there is no bed, no chairs, or other furniture that Christopher Columbus could have used. But there are still a lot of maps, compasses and a globe left. There is no continent on the globe called America! The museum has a large collection of paintings. Ship models will be of interest to all children and adults. In Columbus's house there are many documents that tell about the relationship with America, exhibits about the Canary Islands and their history, many books and everything related to the navigator.

It's worth noting that Christopher Columbus never actually owned this house. The building belonged to the governor of the island in 1492, and the navigator only stayed here while repairing the ship La Pinta. The ship's control system was damaged and therefore needed urgent repairs. The governor received Christopher Columbus and helped him repair his ship. Now this house is a pride and a real asset not only for the residents of Las Palmas, but also for the whole of Gran Canaria.

At the main entrance to the museum, you can’t help but see a beautiful fountain, into which you must throw a coin “for good luck,” and at the internal entrance, visitors are entertained by talking parrots. They are very talkative and love little visitors, who always reciprocate their feelings. For children, talking parrots are the real highlight of the Christopher Columbus Museum, the most memorable and interesting part of the entire trip.

You're sure to have some good memories after visiting Columbus's home! Some are fascinated by the interior and exterior of a colonial-era building. Others enjoy the collection of marine artifacts and paintings. The ancient well and fountain will also not leave anyone indifferent. And especially attentive tourists were delighted by the ceilings in the museum, each of which is different from the other.

Hello dear readers. The importance of the personality of some people for history is difficult to overestimate. Take, for example, Christopher Columbus, who discovered America to the old world. Columbus's house in Genoa can bring us at least a little closer to this greatest man. This means you should definitely visit this place.

Italy. Region Liguria. City of Genoa. Casa di Cristoforo Colombo (house of Christophoro Columbus).

The house is tiny. You can walk around the whole place in about 4 minutes. A detailed inspection to feel the atmosphere and understand the living situation will take 15-20 minutes. There is a nice colonnade in the courtyard where you can relax in the shade of the trees.

To find a house, focus on the fortress towers.

Towers of the fortress and Columbus's house on the right

Even if it wasn't Columbus's house, it would still be worth visiting to see and walk around the medieval house. The sensations are unusual. The rooms are such that our Khrushchev apartments look like mansions in comparison. How people lived. Moreover, they had not 2 children, but 8 - 10. We were spoiled.

Columbus and his house

Columbus was born in Italy into a poor family. In general, the personality of Columbus is shrouded in mystery. And all because little data has been preserved about his birth, even the exact date remains unknown to us.

However, it is known for sure that his family moved under the roof of a house called Casa di Colombo, which is now known to millions of admirers of the traveler, when the future navigator was 4 years old.

Gallery in the yard

Here, in the capital of Liguria, his youth passed. Here he first began to become interested in the sea.

The house consisted of three floors. On the first floor was my father’s workshop; he was a weaver. The rest contained domestic premises.

Unfortunately, after the shelling by the French, the building was almost completely destroyed. It was restored, but much later. Recently, as a result of archaeological excavations, the foundation of the building was discovered. Also inside, some of the original walls have been preserved.

Columbus House

Our days

Since 1887, the building has belonged to the city authorities of Genoa. But don't expect to be blown away by its beauty. Not at all. What you see will be only part of an ancient architectural structure.

But the point here is different. This is the place where an incredible man lived, thanks to whom the seemingly impossible became possible.

You are not allowed to take photos inside.

View from the window of the house

Working hours

  • Monday-Friday: from 9:00 to 13:00, 14:00-17:00
  • Saturday: from 9:00 to 13:00

What is the price

A standard ticket costs 5 euros

You can buy it in the house on the spot, or in advance through the official website.

Official site:

Where to stay in Genoa

Now many housing options in Genoa have appeared on the service AirBnb. We have written how to use this service. If you do not find a free hotel room, then look for accommodation through this booking site.

We offer good hotel options in Genoa

How to get there

Get to De Ferrari metro station.

House on the map

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The House of Columbus or Alcazar de Colon is a historical building of the city of Huelva. This house was home to Christopher Columbus's son, Diego, who lived there for only seven years. Today, there is a conference hall here, and the house is also a center for exhibitions. The Alcazar de Colon building was built from 1882 to 1883, at a cost of almost 6 million reais.

Columbus House as a hotel

Initially, Alcazar de Colon was built as a hotel so that visitors could stay there. At that time, coal mining began to develop in Huelva, so representatives of various organizations began to come there, as well as German and English businessmen who settled in this hotel. When the 400th anniversary of Columbus's discovery of America was celebrated, this hotel was named after him.

The design of the building was given to the architect José Pérez Santamaria, who created his design and built the building in the style of colonial and modernist architecture. The hotel turned out to be gorgeous. The building had a water supply mechanism, which was rare at that time.

After the America Day celebrations, the Columbus House Hotel became the property of the city administration. And on the 500th anniversary of the discovery of America, a major renovation of the building was made. All costs of restoration work were covered by Francisca Javier Vallejo, who was the municipal architect of Huelva.

Building's facade

Columbus's house is a two-story building built in the form of a square. This building is called both a fortress and a palace, but in appearance it looks more like a giant mansion. Its appearance is quite modest - the walls are red-brown and decorated with white columns, and the windows are decorated with platbands.

In the interior of the building there are gardens that were created to allow hotel visitors to exercise. They also had electricity connected.

Museum in Alcazar de Colon

Now the Columbus House is the seat of the Municipal Archives of Diaz Hierro and the Huelva Latin American Film Festival. The building also houses a historical museum, the exhibition of which contains many interesting things - an ivory chest, an ancient safe and other impressive things.

Visitors can tour Diego's office, bedrooms, dining room and other rooms. On the lower floor of the building there is knight's armor from the 16th century. When the armor was discovered, archaeologists thought it belonged to children. But then they found out that the average height of Spaniards in those days was about 160 cm.

Information for visitors

Address: Plaza de España, Calle La Atarazana 2, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

Operating mode:

  • from Tuesday to Saturday - 9:00 - 17:00;
  • Sunday - 9:00 - 16:00;
  • Monday is a day off.

The city is also famous for its fortresses like

Each of us has heard about Christopher Columbus at least once. They say that the great explorer set sail to look for India with its countless spices and treasures, but, as it turned out, he found America. The fame of the traveler has not faded even five hundred years later. Evidence of this is the endless flow of tourists to the Columbus House Museum (Casa de Colon), which is located on the island of Gran Canaria.

If you decide to spend your vacation in these places, you should definitely find out how Christopher Columbus lived, what he was interested in (besides geographical discoveries), and also a lot of other interesting information.

During the life of the great navigator, the Columbus House-Museum was his temporary refuge. One day, when Christopher once again sailed to uncharted shores, his ship suddenly broke down. It was right off the coast of Gran Canaria. And the local ruler showed enviable hospitality, providing neither more nor less - his residence for the eminent traveler.

In 1777, the mansion building was rebuilt, and in 1952 a museum was founded there, where to this day original objects of those times, as well as reconstructions, are displayed for everyone.

The museum has 12 halls, which are divided into 5 departments, telling not only about the great navigator. The following exhibitions will be presented to the attention of tourists:

  • Pre-Columbian America;
  • Christopher Columbus and his voyages;
  • History of the Canary Islands and the discovery of America;
  • Local painting from the 16th to the 20th centuries;
  • History of the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Time and cost of visit

The museum's opening hours are from Monday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., on Sundays and holidays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Entrance fee – 4 euros, children – 2 euros. For Russian-speaking tourists, each room contains a description in their native language.

How to get there

The Ctra bus stop is a 2-minute walk from the house museum. del Centro (Teatro Guiniguada, where buses 7 and 70 stop. There is a Mercado de Vegueta stop a 4-minute walk away. Buses 12, 13, 54, L1 stop here.

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