Homemade birthday script for children. Celebrating a child's birthday: a competition program for children. Game-poem - listen and show

A birthday is the most joyful event in a child's life. It can also be celebrated in kindergarten. Moreover, this holiday can be celebrated impromptu, without special preparation. To decorate a gift, you can make a large bright box in which gifts for birthday people will be placed.

To the soundtrack of Yu. Nikolaev’s song “Birthday”, children enter the hall and stand in a circle.

Today for children and adults,

For thin and fat ones,

Obedient and naughty.

Happy and sad

Our most wonderful entertainment

Called Birthday!

Birthday is nice

This is wonderful and funny!

Birthday boy forward

Skip it, honest people!

The birthday boy goes to the center of the circle.

You guys don't yawn.

Together, help in unison.

Happy birthday!

Children. Yes Yes Yes!

Presenter. And, of course, we wish...

Children. Yes Yes Yes!

Presenter. Make (name of the birthday boy) grow bigger!

Children. Yes Yes Yes!

Presenter. Definitely be fatter...

Children. No no no!

Presenter. Be beautiful, kind, sweet...

Children. Yes Yes Yes!

Presenter. Both loud and pugnacious...

Children. No no no!

Presenter. Be strong, healthy, brave...

Children. Yes Yes Yes!

Presenter. Accurate and skillful...

Children. Yes Yes Yes!

Presenter. For mommy to love...

Children. Yes Yes Yes!

Presenter. She hit me with the strap more often...

Children. No no no!

Presenter. OK! To feed you candy...

Children. Yes Yes Yes!

Presenter. Maybe stop congratulating? It's time for us to play games!

Children. Yes Yes Yes!

Presenter. Now, instead of the traditional “Loaf”, we will bake an unusual cake for our birthday boy. Hold each other's hands to make a long chain. Birthday boy, be the first and start “baking” our cake!

The game "Cake" is played.

At the signal, the birthday boy, who is first in the chain, begins to turn around himself, winding the entire chain. When the whole chain has wound up, you should stop. If the child is small and it is difficult for him to wind the chain on his own, the presenter becomes the first and helps the birthday boy “bake the cake.”

Presenter. This is what a cake turned out to be! Why do we have it?

Children make various suggestions: with cream, with bananas, with ice cream, with cherries, etc.

What's missing from a birthday cake? Of course, candles! Raise all your hands up. That's a lot of candles! Oh, what a wonderful cake we made - delicious, sweet, with bananas, cream and candles! Now let everyone take a piece of our delicious cake and calmly move away and sit on a chair.

The children take their seats.

Presenter. It is customary to give gifts on birthdays. So today we have prepared such a gift for our dear birthday boy.

The presenter takes out and places a small artificial tree near the central wall, with colorful candies hanging on its branches.

There are many miracles in the world,

But go around the whole world -

A miracle like ours

Not in the whole world.

Look, kids.

After all, here on every branch

In bright, golden wrappers

The candies are swinging!

And the secret is in those sweets -

Will we guess it or not?

First candy

I take it from the tree.

What will I find in the candy?

I do not know yet...

The presenter takes the candy from the tree, carefully unwraps it and reads the note:

“There is a gift more wonderful than all of them.

It’s called a friendly song!”

Children perform a song chosen by the music director.

Second candy

I'm taking it from the tree.

What's in this candy?

We'll find out now...

“Without a merry dance the holiday is not bright,

We will give you our dance as a gift!”

Children perform a dance chosen by the music director.

And now one more candy

I'm taking it from a thin branch...

“They are waiting for you all now, guys,

Interesting riddles."

The presenter asks the children riddles.

Heals birds and animals

He treats small children.

He looks through his glasses

Good doctor... (Aibolit).

The fat man lives on the roof

He flies higher than everyone else

Loves jam

And he plays with the Kid. (Carlson)

It's mixed with sour cream,

It's cold at the window,

Round side, ruddy side.

Rolled... (Kolobok).

The grandmother loved the girl very much.

I gave her a red cap.

The girl forgot her name

Well, tell me her name. (Little Red Riding Hood)

My father had a strange boy:

Unusual, wooden.

On land and under water

Looking for a golden key.

He sticks his long nose everywhere.

Who is this? (Pinocchio)

Well done, guys!

We solved all the riddles!

One more piece of candy

I take it from the tree,

In this candy,

Now we will find out everything...

"The most fun in the world

Let's celebrate your birthday.

We know a lot of games

And now we’ll play them!”

There are fun musical games and competitive games.

There were a lot of sweets here

Each one had a secret hidden.

We sang and danced,

Congratulations on your birthday.

But now on a thin branch

There is only one candy hanging.

And there’s a surprise in that candy -

A prize awaits the birthday boy!

The presenter brings in a large bright box in which a gift for the birthday boy is hidden.

Laughter, joy and blessings

Donates to our entire kindergarten.

Be healthy, smart, beautiful.

Well, and most importantly - happy!

Children go to their group for tea.

For final congratulations, you can use wishes in verses according to the ZODIAC SIGNS. poems by N. Ivanova.

ARIES. You, little ARIES,

Character is not always equal

You can be mischievous

A little stubborn and funny.

Don't butt us, little sheep,

Grow up smart and kind.


How nice it is for TAURUS

Facial expression -

Affectionate and kind look,

Like little calves.

Our calf is beautiful.

Grow up and be happy!


GEMINI child is

A good sign of spring and summer.

Grow up warm and bright.

Shine like the sun!

Dear CANCER child

You grow up without knowing fights!

Be cheerful always, everywhere,

Like a crustacean in river water!

Be strong, my friend, from the cradle!

According to your horoscope, you are a LION CUB!

A lion looks like the sun.

Just as bright and good!


VIRGOS are rightfully famous

Affectionate and kind disposition.

Sweeter, kinder and more beautiful than everyone,

Our VIRGIN is the happiest of all!

Our baby LIBRA

Amazingly beautiful!

Like a scale, always be accurate

Very fair and honest!

Like scales, be precise

Fair and honest!


You're a SCORPIO, but not scary

Sweet, nice and homey.

Grow up, our Scorpiosha,

Kind, smart and good!


You are our little SAGITTARIUS,

Well done and brave!

You grow up happy, baby,

Hit the top ten accurately!

You are our dear baby.

Our beloved CAPRICORN!

Never butt heads

Always be kind and gentle!

Our dear AQUARIUS!

Lessen your tears!

Be as beautiful as rain

Like a transparent dewdrop!

Dear, dear FISH!

Always make us happy with a smile!

Be happy and skillful

And swim through life boldly!

In the theatrical environment and in literary circles there is such a thing as a “sketch”. It means a small production of a dramatic or comedic genre, or a short story. As a rule, the plot of the sketch is taken from real life, that is, it turns out to be a kind of sketch from ordinary everyday episodes.

What does all this have to do with celebrating a child's birthday? The most direct thing: birthday skits are very popular among children, especially if they themselves can take part in them.

Most children's skits are performed with the participation (or under the supervision) of adults. Some of them require preliminary preparation if you need to memorize the text, remember your role and understand the patterns of interaction with other characters.

Scenes with the participation of animators and clowns are very popular among children. As for the theme, the most common option is fairy-tale situations. A short skit based on fairy tales or a comic mini-play are favorite performances at children's birthday parties.

Sketch based on the fairy tale “Turnip”


  • Leading
  • Children, including the birthday boy


1) A bag and a piece of green material (a green scarf may be suitable).

You can make the bag yourself or take a ready-made one. It is desirable that it be yellowish, brownish or grayish in color. The gifts are placed inside the bag, then the bag is tied with green cloth so that it looks like a large turnip with green tops, by which it can be “pulled out of the ground.” The bag should be as voluminous as possible so that the audience gets the impression that it is very heavy. To be more convincing, you can actually place some heavy object (for example, a sports weight) at the bottom.

2) Gifts.

You need to prepare a certain number of gifts (according to the number of spectators). It is advisable that the gifts be different, then each child will be able to receive their own prize. All prizes are placed in a bag in advance. You can also include a gift for the birthday boy here, especially if the scene will be played out at the end of the birthday celebration.

3) Audio system (or computer) and audio recording for musical accompaniment for the final dance.


The Leader enters the room with a bag over his shoulders and places the bag on the floor.

Leading:Hello children! Do you know from which fabulous country I came to you? Do not know? This country is called Replandia! In our Republic, all residents who have their own garden grow a wonderful plant. Who can guess its name after my hints?

It jumps into the ground like a flea, and comes out of the ground like a cake!

Round yellow side,

The bun sat down in the garden bed.

Rooted firmly into the ground

What is this - that’s the question!

Round like a ball

Yellow, but not oil,

Sweet, but not honey,

There is a tail, not a mouse!

Grandma pulls, granddaughter pulls,

Pulls a cat, a mouse, a bug,

Oh, she’s stuck firmly in the ground!

Because it … (turnip)

Who can tell you what a turnip is?(listens to answer options)

Yes, guys, turnip is a very healthy and tasty vegetable, the fruit of which is in the ground and needs to be pulled out of there. Do you know what the turnip's closest relative is? Cabbage! You can prepare various delicious dishes from turnips, the simplest of which is steamed turnips; they are very aromatic and sweet. There is even an expression “simpler than a steamed turnip” - it means something very simple.

So, I brought you this wonderful vegetable as a gift from Replyandia itself!(The presenter points to the bag that lies on the floor).

Leading:Now we'll take her(grabs the tail of the bag) and... oh!(rolls eyes in surprise) Yes, she managed to grow into the ground! What to do, how to get it out of the ground? Kids, I need your help! Raise your hands, who wants to help pull the turnip out of the ground?

As the children show a desire to help, the Leader invites them one by one into a live “chain”. The first participant takes on the Leader and helps “pull”. The presenter imitates pulling a turnip, grunts, puffs himself up with strain, saying “we’ll pull and pull, but we can’t pull it out...”, but nothing works out for him. Need more help. The next participant in the skit joins, and so on until only the birthday boy remains uninvolved.

Finally, the Host invites the birthday person to take part, and only after that is it possible to “pull out the turnip.” You can do this so that, by inertia, the participants fall to the floor (this will add fun), but you must try to ensure that no one gets hurt.

After this, the Leader says:The birthday boy helped us, he was able to pull out a turnip! We all did a great job and ended up with a gift!

Then it’s time to give out gifts. Each child receives his own prize for participating in the skit, and you can take part in a general dance - dancing around a turnip.

Sketch based on the fairy tale “Golden Fish”


  • Goldfish (Host)
  • First fisherman
  • Second fisherman
  • Third fisherman


1) Net (you can use a real fishing net or an imitation of it).

2) Goldfish costume (appearance is at the discretion of the organizer).

3) Sweets, fruits, cakes, birthday cake.

The Leader comes out to the children in ordinary clothes, holding a net in his hands, and says:Hello children! I am a real fisherman. Do you know who fishermen are? These are the people who fish. For example, using the network(shows the children the network). Today I need to go fishing, but I'm sick and can't do it. So I need to find three volunteers who will go fishing for me. There are such? Raise your hands up!

The host selects three candidate fishermen, explains to them how to use the net, how to make a wish, and then leaves. After some time, he returns in a Goldfish costume and takes up the position “at sea”. The fishermen's task is to throw a net over him and demand that his wish be fulfilled.

Gold fish:

The First Fisherman comes out, casts a net, the Golden Fish gets entangled in it, and he pulls it ashore.

Gold fish:

First fisherman: I want delicious sweets, but I have no other desires!(receives a gift)

Gold fish: I am the mistress of the seas, above all and foremost. Whoever catches me now will make a wish. I can do everything if I find myself on the shore.

The Second Fisherman comes out, casts a net, the Goldfish gets entangled in it, and he pulls it ashore.

Gold fish: You caught me, fisherman! How did this happen? But now don’t yawn, and make a wish!

Second fisherman: I want delicious fruits, I can swallow a lot of them!(receives a gift)

Gold fish: I am the mistress of the seas, above all and foremost. Whoever catches me now will make a wish. I can do everything if I find myself on the shore.

The Third Fisherman comes out, casts a net, the Goldfish gets entangled in it, and he pulls it ashore.

Gold fish: You caught me, fisherman! How did this happen? But now don’t yawn, and make a wish!

First fisherman: Lovely cakes are dearest and dearest to me!(receives a gift)

Gold fish: We need to think about everyone, and then we will hear laughter: where is the festive pie so that everyone can taste it?(takes out the cake).

The theater, as you know, begins with a hanger, but as for a large-scale event, I would say that it begins with a clear, structured plan. I warn you right away, the posting is quite large and detailed.

My baby is due in September. Last year, just on the eve of my child’s birthday, I was submitting my first book, “Profession – Illustrator,” to print and, after looking through a bunch of photos of themed birthdays, I suddenly became very afraid that with the remaining energy at that time, I would not have understood the organization of a party for the child.

This year I didn’t have any book submissions, but, oddly enough, the feelings were exactly the same - panic! You don’t know where to start, what to grab and how much time you need to prepare. When you look from the outside at all this beauty for children's parties, you become scared that you won’t have time to do anything and are a complete newbie in this field.

Therefore, to begin with, I calmed down - I am not the first mother who is preparing a holiday for her child - and made the simplest logical plan, based on what might be needed for a children's party:
1. Party theme
2. Invitations for children
3. Decorations for the room
4. Table decoration
5. Food for children / food for adults
6. Costumes
7. Games and entertainment
8. Guest gifts

For each point of the plan, with the exception of the first, I compiled a table, the cells of which were named as follows:
Materials and components - What you already have - What you need to buy - What you need to do

These table points were applicable to almost all points of the plan. I sat down and first wrote down everything that I had in stock in order to purchase what I needed. Thus, a list of what needs to be bought for the holiday, and what else needs to be done or found in the depths of the basement, was very quickly outlined.

So, in order.
1. Theme
The theme of my party was "Space". We had a choice of a party dedicated to dinosaurs or cars, but given my son’s love for rockets, stars and planets, I decided that “Space” was the right one. I think that every parent knows their child very well and can, including after consulting with the child, decide whether he likes some pirates more or, after all, astronauts.

When I decided on the theme, it became clear that the main decoration and style for the entire holiday would be stars and rockets, because my son’s favorite toy is still ours

Because I am an illustrator, so it was not difficult for me to draw everything I needed for myself. However, if you yourself do not know how to draw, this is not a reason for despair. On the Internet you can always find the necessary patterns and ready-made pictures. You are not using them for commercial purposes, so go ahead and sing.

2. Invitations
First I had to figure out who the child wanted to invite to the party and how I could contact the parents of these children. Some live in the neighborhood, and some I only meet in kindergarten and only once in a while.

We have a great tradition in our kindergarten. At the beginning of each kindergarten year, parents are given a list with the names of the children and their parents, the children's birthdays and contact numbers. In addition to this list, kids also pass on so-called friend albums to each other. Just as we once had wishlists, so German children have books in which they draw for their friends, write something about themselves, paste in their photographs, etc.

Why am I telling all this? If you don’t have such a tradition, offer it in kindergarten, because after all, most of the child’s friends will be from there. I asked the baby who he wanted to invite, and did not decide myself. He, of course, wanted to invite the whole kindergarten, but we settled on the fact that only real friends should be at the holiday. The child agreed.

In principle, everyone advises inviting children no older than the child’s birthday. Those. my son turned 5 years old, which means it was necessary to invite 5 children. But we can't do that. In addition to friends, the child also has cousins, whom he loves and wants to see at his holiday, so together with the birthday boy we had 10 children.

First, I talked in advance (a month in advance) with all the parents of the children my son wanted to invite. And only after they gave their verbal consent that they would bring the child, I sat down to make invitations. At the same time, she immediately warned everyone that it was a children’s holiday, i.e. adults are not invited. One mother nevertheless expressed a desire to stay, I did not refuse her. Because fundamentally, other adults are NEEDED at the holiday, with whom it is better to discuss all the details of the holiday and make them the same hosts as you yourself!

So, I had an exact number of children, which meant I knew how much I needed to buy and spend. Many people buy standard invitations. It was easier for me to make my own. For invitations you need:
- blanks (cardboards) for postcards
- envelopes
- headings from the paper "Invitation to the Cosmos holiday"
- glue
- blanks in the form of a rocket
- inserts with text stating the following: address of the holiday, topic, what to bring with you, from when and until how long the holiday will last, what time parents should pick up their children, contact phone number just in case

How exactly the invitations were created can be read in the posting about them:

3. Decorations for the room
I decided not to get too fancy with the decorations for the room. All in the same table “Materials - what to buy - what to eat - what to do” I wrote down for myself that I wanted to make stars and a large rocket and decorate the room with them. I had paper garlands from past holidays. To go with this magnificence, I just bought balloons.

At first I wanted to have a party in the colors in which I made the invitations: turquoise, red and yellow. But at the hobby store, I quickly realized that I would have to improvise. For example, turquoise balloons or tablecloths for the table turned out to be something unreal. So my party became red and yellow.

In addition to the garlands and stars, I bought 2 types of balloons: red and gold. I also had a package of colored ones, I inflated them and hung them in the yard: the children then happily gobbled them up, and the red and gold beauty in the house remained untouched.

In addition to the hall, I also decorated the children's room with stars. I knew that the children would still go there and spend some time there. For the same reason, the day before the holiday, I put on the top shelves of the cabinets EVERYTHING that could be spilled, broken and scattered, for example, cubes, puzzles, small Lego parts, easily destroyed toys and everything fragile. At the end of the party, I spent only 1.5 hours cleaning the house, most of which I washed dishes for... adults :-) That is. not a single child’s toy was damaged, nothing was damaged or destroyed.

4. Table decoration
In order for the table to be a successful addition to the decorations in the room, I had bright yellow and red tablecloths (a narrow strip of red paper tablecloth on a wide yellow one), gold disposable tableware and voluminous straws for drinks (they are sold in our supermarket - unfold with paper balls or fruits around the tube)

I also bought paper decorations for the table. A piece is visible in the photo (I wasn’t able to take a photo of the table as it looked before the guests arrived - I got carried away!). I took them ready-made, so that at least I wouldn’t have to make them myself (the set contains one large rocket and 2 robots about 25 cm high): Tischdeko Roboter.

I also bought special napkins with robots and rockets (The link leads to the German Amazon.)

Because I planned to do everything on sticks, i.e. small canapés, and only the potatoes served on a common plate; I bought small skewers with different flags, including Germany and Europe. You can make decorations for regular toothpicks yourself. At first I planned to stick stars on toothpicks and stick them into cutlets and pieces of chicken - I even cut out a whole bunch, but I am a working mother, I had to greatly rationalize my free time.

5. Food for children / food for adults
Food for children needs the simplest: cutlets, sausages, fried potatoes (mixed), chopped vegetables, cheese or fruit canapés. I deliberately did not put candy on the table, because we had games in which you could win sweets. In addition, there was a huge cake in the shape of a rocket (which I ordered from a pastry shop - I didn’t have enough to cook it myself).

Drinks: only apple shorle (apple juice with mineral water) or mineral water.

Important! Find out before the holiday which child may be allergic to what, what he can or cannot do, what he drinks, whether he eats meat, etc. We had one boy - a vegetarian, another - he drank only the water that was given from the tap. It is important to know such details so that little guests do not feel left out.

I made a small self-service buffet for the adults. I immediately threatened them that I wouldn’t have time for them, so please make sandwiches and everything for yourself. I put cold appetizers on the table: Olivier salad, small meatballs on skewers, fresh vegetables and fruits, sliced ​​fragrant bread, several types of sauce, canapés with cheese and grapes, and sprats. When I served hot potatoes to the children, I offered them to the adults as well. No one was left hungry. I warned you that it was a children's holiday. No feasts or drinking. Just a glass of champagne as an aperitif.

6. Costumes
Coming up with costumes for 20 people - half of whom are adults - turned out to be a very difficult task, because I started the masquerade issue last, and I simply ran out of budget and time. Of course, you could buy green T-shirts for the aliens, or cut holes in pieces of green fabric for your head and throw them like a poncho over your shoulders, but alas. We had to solve this problem with little expense - masks.

You can read more about patterns and ideas for costumes in the post about them:

7. Games and entertainment
Preliminary preparation:
- make a list of all games
- schedule time for them
- draw up a script based on roles - who is responsible for this or that game, who prepares the scenery, what is said before and after the game
- think about what is needed for games
- remove all loose and fragile toys from the children's room
- make or buy a CD with children's music (very important!)

Games and entertainment are the most important item on the plan after food! I had to work hard here. When planning, my sister, a social teacher, who now works in a kindergarten according to the Waldorf system, helped me, because... and studied it myself. I wanted to have a party from 14:00 to 18:00, to which my sister immediately told me to change my mind. 3 hours in her opinion (oh how right she was!) is enough.

Based on 3 hours, we began to plan. (By the way, the decision of how long you want to entertain young guests should influence the information on the invitations: when parents bring their children and when to pick them up.)

We first thought through the scenario for a children's birthday party as if it were taking place on an unknown planet. Accordingly, we rewrote all the games - relay races, competitions, jumping ropes - for alien needs. That is, for example, in the spoon game they carried not eggs or potatoes, but prickly chestnuts, which we called an unknown form of life. And the aliens had to cleanse their planet from the dominance of prickly creatures - carry them on a spoon from chair to chair :-) Because. At the last moment, the child declared that he was an astronaut, and not an alien, so I had to quickly change plans, but it wasn’t so scary.

We had 3 presenters: me, my husband and my sister. We distributed the games so that while one played with the children, the other went and prepared the next entertainment. Therefore, in addition to the list of games, it is very important to think through the so-called “stations” - where the games will take place and what needs to be prepared for them in advance. On the day of the holiday, I put all the things for games in one place - not far from the hall, so that I could immediately begin equipping the next “station” while the children were busy with another game.

1) Each child who enters is immediately informed that he is an astronaut: “Welcome to our spaceship!” At the same time, I immediately gave the children helmet masks, adjusted them and fastened them on their heads (see item costumes). Children have amazing imagination - they immediately immerse themselves in an imaginary world and become real astronauts. In the process, of course, they were removed from the head many times, but this is no longer a problem.

2) At European parties it is often customary to create a table for gifts. All new arrivals put their gifts there, and at the end of the party, the birthday boy opens everything one by one and admires it. In our case, such a procedure was impossible, because the child immediately began to unpack everything. The guests were at first busy looking at and breaking the gifts. It is important to immediately distract the children and put the gifts away.

So. We are waiting for all guests and latecomers. The presenter addresses the children:
“Dear astronauts! We are setting off on a long journey, it’s time to familiarize yourself with the route.”

Children are invited to sit around the leader to read books about space. For this purpose, I created a corner: I put a sofa and an armchair together and covered it with floor pillows. On a special table I had toy robots and rockets, next to pre-prepared books about space, as well as all sorts of fantastic stories involving children astronauts.

What really saved me here was that while my husband and I were busy in the kitchen, my sister was entertaining the gradually arriving children.

3) Game "Let's get to know each other." Time to play - no more than 10-15 minutes.
Because We had children who were very different and, in some places, not quite familiar with each other, gathered at the holiday; we decided to play the game “Let’s get to know each other.” For this you need a ball of thread. All adults and children stand in a circle (children love the participation of adults!).

Presenter: “Attention, attention! Dear astronauts! We are starting our journey! Please gather in a circle.”

The children are explained that they must pass the ball not just in a circle, but diagonally, crosswise - as they please. Everyone who receives the ball in their hands must introduce themselves, tell how old they are, tell what kindergarten they go to or, in the case of adults, where and for whom they work. The presenter should help shy children and gently ask leading questions if the child hesitates. As a result, a rather large web is formed. At the end of the game they cheerfully offer to throw it on the floor: “Raise your hands up! Let's throw it!”

When the children run away, the leader cleans the playing area. Another leader invites the children to the table.

4) Invitation to the table. Plan on eating at least 25-30 minutes.
When everyone has met, it's time to refresh yourself. Pay close attention to how comfortable other people's children feel in your home. It is necessary that each little guest sits where he wants, so that he has his own place, his own cutlery, etc. When the kids came to the table, we needed help from all the adults! One seated someone, another brought hot potatoes and sausages, the third poured drinks for the children and helped straighten decorative straws. At first there was no sweet food on the table.

We placed fruits and snacks after the main meal, so that hungry children could eat or drink something between games.

5) Relay race with chestnuts. Plan for no more than 10-15 minutes - this game gets over very quickly.
Don't forget that children need a verbal start before each game.
Presenter: “Attention, attention! Dear astronauts! After we have had a good meal, we are setting off on our first mission! Alien creatures have been discovered on our planet! We need to immediately rescue them and transfer them from their place of arrival to a safe, warm and dry place! "

We opened the adventure with fireworks: we had 3 of these floor fountains. The children remembered them most of all later. It was an exciting sight for the children. In the end, they couldn’t remember anything else at all :-)

While the children were eating, it was necessary to prepare 4 chairs - two at the start and two at the finish, and divide the relay lane with a rope. Divide the children into 2 teams. There are identical cups on the chairs at the start and finish. The cups at the start contain exactly as many prickly chestnuts as there are children on the team. If there are not enough children, adults need to be included in the game. Each team needs to be given a spoon.

The game begins with the child carrying a chestnut in a spoon, taking it to a bowl at the finish line, running back with the spoon and giving it to the next person. Friendship won! :-) The presenter announces the results at the end: “Hurrah! It was difficult, but we did it! We saved all the alien creatures! We did great!”

While one leader was busy with the relay race, the other was preparing the next attraction. Don't be afraid to let the kids run around a little between games. For example, I have a trampoline in my yard. I tidied it up before the holiday, threw soft colored balls in there and told the children that this was an astronaut training station. They jumped there with joy. One of my friends told me that she inflated a huge double mattress for children, covered it with pillows and blankets and allowed the children to jump and tumble on it - the mattress was very popular.

6) Glue the antenna - no more than 15 minutes
Remember the game, glue a tail on a donkey with your eyes closed? I made an alien out of a donkey and invited the children to glue an antenna on it.

Presenter: "Attention, attention! Dear astronauts! A new adventure is calling us! Our friend, the yellow alien, has lost his antenna! Without it, he cannot hear his friends and cannot find his way home. So let's help him!"

The children are shown where to glue (I glued construction paper adhesive tape to the back of the antenna in a ring so that it would stick to the antenna itself and stick to the drawing). The children are guided, encouraged, and taken one by one to glue on the antenna. After the last participant, the presenter says that hurray, we helped our friend and gives him a smile instead of trembling lips. The children run off to play in the yard.

7) Cut prizes blindfolded - no more than 15-20 minutes
On the eve of the holiday, I wrapped 20 small prizes - sweets in multi-colored wrapping paper. I tied them with a ribbon. While we were gluing the alien’s antenna, other adults had already pulled the rope and began attaching prizes to it.
For this competition you will need an eye scarf and small children's scissors.
Presenter: “We did a great job and deserve a reward!” Children are asked to line up one after another, blindfolded one by one and, with guidance and a little help, allowed to cut off the candy. The children enjoyed playing this game in 2 rounds.

8) Who is last - about 10-15 minutes
Traditional game of chairs. In a circle, there are one fewer chairs than there are participants, and the music is turned on. When the music stops, you need to have time to sit down on a chair. With each circle, there are fewer chairs until there are 2 participants and one chair left. At first, some children are upset that they lost. It’s important here that one of the adults takes the losers aside and says that now we’ll play again and then we’ll see who gets away with it :-)

While the children are running around the chairs, we are preparing the cake.

9) Cake - no more than 20 minutes
Often when a cake with candles is brought in, people begin to sing something incomprehensible, forget the words and are not in time. We solved this problem with a regular children's CD with songs. One of the songs was dedicated to a birthday. This is many times better than the hackneyed “Happy Bezdey Tu Yu” or “Let them run clumsily,” which no one knows to the end. We had: "Wie schön, dass Du geboren bist, wir hätten dich sonst sehr vermisst..." My husband was a DJ :-) Many children and adults knew it by heart, because... It is quite short, and the voice from the disc did not allow me to forget the words.

10) Sword fight - 10 minutes
Remember the game in physical education class, who will push who with the boom? I took two children's stands from Ikea (from which children reach the sink or toilet), placed them at the distance of an inflatable sword from each other, handed the children each an inflatable sword and they had to use these things to push each other off the stands. These swords are soft, the stands are low - no one was hurt.

The presenter calls for the game with the words: “Attention, attention! Dear astronauts! After a hearty lunch, it’s time to move on to training! Are there any volunteers?” The children are explained what needs to be done.

After the battle, the host announces that you can do whatever you want: we completed all the missions and returned home!

In reality, you have about 30 minutes left, which after such an intense program begins to seem like an eternity! :-) Children scream and run, fall and struggle. They are already tired, only girls dance to loud music, and boys stand on their heads.

8. Guest gifts
I really like the local tradition that not only birthday people, but also their little guests are given gifts. Because The children who were at our party were still small, they really liked that there was some kind of small surprise for them too - not only for the hero of the occasion.

Our party was dedicated to space and rockets, and our logo was the children’s signature red rocket. I first drew it in Photoshop, printed it out in large quantities on thick paper, cut it out and pasted it onto the invitations that I have already shown here, as well as onto the bags of guest gifts that the little guests, saying goodbye to the birthday boy after the party, took home with them. It is very important that gifts are given to guests at the end of the holiday: so that parents who come to pick up their children take this goodness home, so that the children do not fight and do not lose their treasures.

What's inside and packaging details, as well as tips, see the link:

That's all. The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing. Because I am a working person, and clear holiday planning helped me a lot. It’s better to start preparing the evening in advance. For a month, almost every day after work, I sat down for at least 20-30 minutes to cut and glue decorations, create masks, and think through the details of the holiday. During the break, I ran to the store to buy some more things and with each visit to the supermarket I picked up all sorts of small things for decoration or for guest gifts. Before the holiday itself, at least there was no need to think about it.

My tables with notes “what to eat - what to buy - what to do” made the work very easy, because thanks to them I had clear instructions on what to buy and what had not yet been created.

Total 28 products

  • Mini-scenario for a girl’s 10th birthday at home

  • Mini-scenario for a 7th birthday girl

  • A skit for a boy’s birthday – “Robbie the Robot”

  • Children's birthday: “Visiting the Snow Queen”

  • Universal skit from postman Pechkin for a children's party

  • Scenario for children's birthday - “Carlson”

  • Scenario-quest “Journey to Treasure Island”

  • Sketch for a child’s birthday “Masha and the Bear”

  • Scene at a girl’s birthday: “Three fairies”

  • Scenario for a girl’s birthday “Fey’s Ball”

  • Scenario of an exciting journey in search of pirate treasure

  • Scenario for a teenager's birthday with The Simpsons

  • Scenario with competitions for a boy's 12th birthday

  • Scenario for a child’s birthday: “Secrets of Grandma’s Chest”

  • Sketch for a children's party: “The circus has come to us!”

  • Scenario for a birthday with Malvina and Buratino

  • Birthday with a fairy fairy (5-6 years old)

  • Mini-scenario for a birthday of 5-9 years old with Fixies – 1 option

  • Mini-scenario for a 16th birthday girl

  • Clowns Kesha and Ksyusha at a children's birthday party for 6-10 years old

  • Scenario for a 1 year old birthday Scenario for a teenager's birthday

Successful funny scenarios for a child's birthday are very necessary for children's and entertainment centers for holding children's parties in honor of little birthday people. The website offers a unique collection of birthday scenarios for children and teenagers from 1 to 16 years old. Our collection of scenarios with competitions, games and prizes for children is constantly updated with new items!

In this section we collect scenarios for children's birthdays. Young birthday boys and girls will be happy to receive a gift from friends with the performance of a skit or fairy tale. Dressing up in funny costumes, the ability to read rhymes, and not being afraid to participate in active games and competitions are encouraged. The skit can be performed by both children of the same age and children of any age - older or younger brothers and sisters, friends and girlfriends, classmates or classmates. If there are no other children, then parents and grandparents themselves can take part in the congratulations.

Useful tips for holding a party for children:

1. Choose a scenario taking into account the age of the participants. It is better if the children are about the same age, the age difference is 2-3 years. If there is a larger age difference, choose universal scenarios for children's birthdays, with games and competitions that will be understandable to the little ones and not boring to the big kids.

2. When choosing a children's scenario, be sure to take into account compliance with safety precautions, do not hold games and competitions that have a risk of injuring children. Playing with fire, flammable liquids, sharp objects, running in rooms not equipped with a special anti-slip floor covering, rooms with furniture with sharp corners, etc. are dangerous.

3. To ensure that the adults present are not bored at the children's party, you, as the organizer, need to take care of involving adults in the game or helping the kids in competitions.

4. When choosing a scenario for very young children, try not to overload the scenario with too many and complex games, and also do not use scary characters when dressing up, so as not to scare the kids.

5. Be a good psychologist, try to find an approach to all kids, immediately seeing their character. Don't try to force your child to play or participate in a competition if he doesn't want to. Modest children can stay away for a while, watch the game process, and later, perhaps they themselves will want to join the game. The holiday should bring joy to everyone!

6. When the children's birthday party comes to an end, make sure that all participants are given small souvenirs in memory of your club. These could be refrigerator magnets, children's mugs with your symbols, T-shirts, books, coloring books, paints, other drawing materials, or just small toys. Children love surprises and gifts, and parents will also be pleased.

Have fabulous children's events!

We will be happy to publish your unique photos from children's parties according to our scenarios!

Your website!

Competitions and games for children will also be useful to you.

If the sample scripts do not suit you, we will be happy to compose a new original custom script for you! To order, write us an email: zakaz@site.

If you have to organize a birthday party for a 3-year-old child, then check out our ideas, games and competitions. Combine, complement, fantasize. And you will probably have a great holiday.

Birthday games that kids love

Children are wildly delighted by games with balloons and soap bubbles (just take care of their eyes).
We also recommend organizing a puppet theater and showing some simple fairy tale. Three-year-old children are good listeners and will certainly appreciate it.

We will definitely do round dances; we cannot do without the traditional “Loaf”.
Three-year-old kids are interested in moving objects from one place to another (can be organized for speed), guessing animals, recognizing colors. These children also love games with repetition of movements, rhyme games (when an adult reads a rhyme, and the children need to do something - stamp their feet, clap their hands).

But no matter how much the children love this or that game, manage the process, do not let it take its course if you invited not 1-2, but several different children. During games, help the children, set the tone, and be the first to show what needs to be done.

When drawing up a birthday scenario for a 3-year-old, we recommend taking into account the ideas and games described in the Scenario for a 2-year-old child’s birthday.

As already mentioned in the article about preparing for a child’s 3-year-old birthday, it is advisable to take time to prepare and make the child’s birthday themed. For example, a pirate theme for boys and a princess and fairy theme for girls are suitable. Or there may be neutral ones - about animals, funny fruits, etc.

Game for children to get to know each other

So, if the guests have gathered, let's start getting acquainted. We put the children in a circle and pick up the ball. We explain that we are throwing a ball to someone and the person to whom you threw it must catch the ball and say his name. We start with your child (it’s his birthday and he’s more active).
Or another option: first the birthday boy picks up some kind of soft toy and says his name. Then he goes with it to another child and gives the toy. The person to whom the toy is given says his name. We finish the game when all the children have said their name. We give the toy back to the birthday boy.

To make it more fun, we immediately ask the children to hold hands. We will dance in a circle. We put a ball or toy in the center and begin to dance in a circle. We sing “We all walked and walked and walked and now we have come to the holiday.” At the same time, the children stomp their feet. Then we turn around and go the other way. The birthday boy’s mother pronounces the children’s names “Mashenka came to us, Dimochka came to us, Tanechka came to us...”. And on behalf of the birthday boy, the mother says: “We are very glad to have guests, let’s play tram-tars.”

Games and competitions for a 3 year old child’s birthday

“Who is the gift for?”

To do this, we wrap small gifts for all the children in wrapping paper or cloth. We hang it on strings to a horizontally stretched rope. Have you guessed what we will do? Well, of course, cut off the gifts. But for a reason! First, we take turns pulling from a miracle hat (for example, a pirate’s hat or a fairy’s hat - again, according to the theme of the event) easy age-appropriate tasks (jump on one leg, show how a frog jumps, etc.). After completing it, blindfolded, we cut off the gift. This game is noisy, fun and not all that fast.

Game-poem - listen and show

Children also really like these games. The presenter slowly recites aloud lines of simple poems one after another and shows movements that illustrate their content. And the children repeat in unison.

For example:
A clubfooted bear is walking through the forest,
He collects the cones and puts them in his pocket.
Suddenly a cone fell right on the bear’s forehead.
The bear got angry and stamped his foot:
“I won’t collect pine cones anymore,
I’ll get in the car and go to bed!”

At the same time, the leader and the children walk, swaying from side to side, like bears. They also collect cones and touch their forehead with their fist. They stomp their feet and shake their fingers, and then, taking an imaginary steering wheel in their hands, they drive a car and go to bed (palms cupped under their cheeks).

More options for games for a 3 year old child’s birthday:

1. “Inflatable horses” (we will ride on imaginary horses - we give the children balls, they will hold them with their legs and jump; whoever can hold the ball longer wins).

2. “Let’s go on a search” (we hide some kind of toy in the room, tell the children where to look. Everyone goes on a search together and searches until they find it. For example, “Or maybe under the bed?” everyone looks there. “ Let's look in the nightstand"). It’s fun for kids to search together, run somewhere, and then find what they want.

3. “Who collected the fastest” (the task is to collect as many parts of something as possible (they threw toys, pieces of fabric, some pieces of paper, etc. on the floor, and everyone tries to collect as many as possible).

4. "Rvaka". We tear the pieces of paper into small pieces and then put them in a bowl/bucket. Moms help count the pieces. Whoever has more and who collects more accurately is the winner.

5. “We shoot accurately” (prepare wads of paper and 2 buckets/bowls/basins in advance, divide into two teams and begin to throw at the target in turn; whoever has the most hits gets a prize).

6. “Wrapping with toilet paper” - who can wrap a player on their team with toilet paper the fastest. You will get a cheerful mummy.

7. “Funny little train” (children get together one after another, the train starts moving to the music, when the music stops, the train must stop and all participants must sit down, when the music starts again, the train must set off again. Adults can help and work a little guide trailers).

8. “Funny Balloons” - toss up balloons. Whoever has the highest wins.

We bring out the cake

At the end of the event we bring out a birthday cake. It is best to do this solemnly - turn off the lights or curtain the windows (if it is light) and turn on the garland. Then a cake with candles is brought in, which we will ceremoniously blow out.

Finally, the birthday boy’s mother helps to thank all the guests for coming and give the children a small gift (so that the kids don’t feel offended).

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