Uncle Vitya. Uncle Vitya Comedy Battle - who is it? The story of Uncle Vitya from the Slaughter League Uncle Vitya comedy battle without makeup

Ilya Sobolev who is this?

Real name— Ilya Sobolev

Hometown— Krasnoyarsk

Nickname— Uncle Vitya

Team— Ivanov Smirnov Sobolev

Activity— Comedian, presenter, blogger


Ilya Sobolev is a popular Russian comedian, a resident of the Comedy Club, has his own show “Uncle Vitya”, where he performs in the image of a mischievous grandfather, and has recently become a Youtube blogger.

Childhood and youth

Ilya Sobolev, a famous Russian comedian, was born in the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk, February 25, 1983. Already in his school years, he was attracted by the theater stage. And he did not miss a single opportunity, trying to participate in almost all school amateur performance shows. He was best at short humorous skits in the school KVN team.

The future artist began to seriously engage in creativity in 2003, when his team “First Coast” received first place in the KVN Premier League. 18 teams participated in the season, but in the end, with the highest score, “Vyshy Bereg” shared the gold with the Saransk team “Region-13”.

The next year, the young man enters the Major League, where comedians from the First Coast team were able to reach the 1/4 finals. In the same year, the Siberian team achieved gold medals at the Voting KiViN 2004 festival. In 2005, the artist, as part of a humorous creative association, received third place in the Russian Premier League, leaving behind only the Tomsk team from Maximum and the Friends team from Perm.

Sobolev Ilya on television

Thanks to his charisma, the young artist receives an invitation to participate in television comedy programs. Thus, TV viewers remembered the comedian in such projects as “ Slaughter League«, « Laughter without rules" And " comedy club". Soon the young man receives the status of permanent resident of a television program Comedy Club.

In the first season of the television project " Laughter without rules“Ilya, together with Roman Klyachkin, was able to surprise the judges and achieved second place. And in the ninth season, in which the finalists of previous years participated, he reached the gold prize.

Ilya Sobolev is also associated with the television character “ Uncle Vitya", which appeared for the first time in the ninth season of the television show " Laughter without rules". Despite the fact that the management of the TNT channel denied this fact, television viewers are sure that the young KVN player had a lot of fun on the television set. However, no one has seen Uncle Vitya without makeup and who actually plays the host of the “Money or Shame” program.

In the middle of winter 2010, Ilya Sobolev left the television project “ Slaughter League" and goes to work on a TV show called " Comedy Battle«.

But the young artist “feeds” not only on humor. In 2009, together with the famous St. Petersburg musician Andrian, he recorded two tracks called “Gansta” and “Don’t Think.” Together with the creative association " Ivanov, Smirnov, Sobolev"and the group "3NT" Ilya participates in the filming of a video clip for the song "Nuances".

Sobolev Ilya and his personal life

According to the artist, he is truly happy, as he is married to the best woman in the world, Natalya Pakhomova. The comedian's wife works in real estate and law. The couple has two daughters, Sofia and Eva. After giving birth, the girl developed her own program about women’s nutrition and recovery after childbirth, presenting it on her page in Instagram.

Sobolev Ilya now

At this point in time, the artist has permanent resident status of the project Comedy Club. He was repeatedly invited as a presenter to the MuzTV television channel.

In the spring of 2017, together with the creative association " Ivanov, Smirnov, Sobolev"visited the People's Republic of China, where the annual Comedy Club festival was held.

At the beginning of the summer of the same year, Moscow police accidentally stopped the artist. When checking the documents, it turned out that Ilya was using a fake driver’s license. Later, the comedian justified himself, saying that he did not know that he had been deprived of his driver’s license by a court decision for 3 years.

Ilya Sobolev YouTube

At the beginning of autumn 2017, Pavel decides to continue filming vlogs for his own YouTube channel. In short videos, he raises many topical issues, in particular, he talks about old age, fears, show business stars, and the LGBT community. In mid-autumn, the comedian, together with other participants in the Comedy Club show, goes on a tour of the US, Canada and Mexico.

At the beginning of 2018, the release of another humorous show, “Prozharka”, took place. As a participant, Ilya Sobolev will have to make fun of the invited guest. In the first episode I experienced a barrage of sharp jokes.

On television, the most memorable people are non-standard personalities and creative, extraordinary characters. So, a mysterious character appeared on the TNT channel, his name is Uncle Vitya. He burst into the world of humor and literally blew it up, being remembered by the audience for his specific image. But who is Uncle Vitya? Is he a real character or is there a well-known comedian hiding behind pounds of makeup?

Conquering the public

When Uncle Vitya first visited the humorous program “Laughter without Rules” - and it was there that he made his debut - no one took him seriously. Baggy clothes did not distinguish the artist from the crowd of those who wanted to conquer the audience. But a special approach to humor and unusual jokes helped everyone’s favorite get ahead, beating his rivals with the help of his indescribable charisma and mystery. But no one could answer the question of who Uncle Vitya is. Intrigue arose. And everyone around was wondering who Uncle Vitya really is, “Laughter Without Rules,” with whose participation people will remember for a long time, easily reached the finals.


Thanks to the created unsurpassed image, after conquering the “Slaughter League”, the comedian was bombarded with offers of cooperation. This became the main springboard in the life of a comedian. The strangest thing is that despite his popularity, the artist has been skillfully hiding for several years, leaving viewers bewildered. Not every fan can answer the question of who Uncle Vitya is and how he manages to maintain intrigue for so long.

Next step

The artist did not stop there; he set off to conquer another famous project of the TNT channel. “The Killer League” was already the second step in the career of the mysterious comedian. This time the comedian chose the tactic of insults and behaved defiantly. But the audience really liked his unconventional approach to humor, and everyone understood perfectly well that the show was reaching a new level with the help of a mysterious character. But no one knew who Uncle Vitya really was ("Lethal League"). Who could it be?

The character's appearance resembles a grumpy old man who is dissatisfied with everything and decides to go on an adventure. No one could understand who Uncle Vitya was. Is this the famous actor in makeup? Or is this a really funny grandfather who decided to shake up the old days? Or is this a project of the TNT channel itself, created to dilute the general mass of similar speakers with an extraordinary person? To this day, one can come up with a whole string of guesses. Fans of the project are trying to find similarities between Uncle Vitya and other comedians. But there is no evidence yet. And Uncle Vitya is in no hurry to reveal his true face.

Ilya Sobolev - Uncle Vitya?

The intrigued public knew no rest. Therefore, on the Internet, fans began to share guesses. So, suspicions fell on comedian Ilya Sobolev, who is very reminiscent of Uncle Vitya. Or vice versa, Uncle Vitya is very reminiscent of Ilya Sobolev in old age. Fans began comparing photos, and some even saw a striking resemblance to this Comedy Club resident. Others are sure that this is a character with a completely different story and that he has nothing to do with popular comedians. But it's worth noting that most people find the character very interesting and don't really care who's behind the mask.

One of the main advantages of a comedian is improvisation. He does not prepare speeches, but acts according to the situation. This shows his talent and high professionalism.


It is not known for certain who is right and who is wrong. But it is a fact that the character Uncle Vitya, despite his dark humor and daring jokes, is very popular in the entertainment industry. The comedian is often invited as a host at weddings, birthdays and other celebrations. Also, the grumpy old man is trying his best to become a resident of the Comedy Club. Despite his harsh humor, most fans are sure that the actor is a man with a big soul.

So who is Uncle Vitya? Perhaps we'll find out soon.

The Russian public is well aware of the numerous residents of the comedy show Comedy Club. Often their faces can be seen in television programs, like as leading and as invited guests.

One of these bright talents is Ilya Sobolev, a recent winner of the “Laughter Without Rules” program.

As a young man, Ilya Viktorovich hosts his own show “Uncle Vitya”, where he is quite successful portrays a mischievous old man.

Early years

The future comedian was born 35 years ago in the city of Krasnoyarsk. Starting from school, the young Siberian was drawn to the theater stage. Even then, Ilya participated in all school productions, paying special attention to short sketches in which it was necessary to show a sparkling sense of humor.

Showing his best side in this matter, the young man quickly became accustomed to the school KVN team. Every time he went on stage, the young man felt relaxed and confident.

As a member of the school humor league, Ilya finds himself best friend, who later becomes the guy’s colleague in the humor workshop. Thus, the final game determines not only the future profession of the young man, but also helps him find a faithful ally.

After finishing school, the young man enters an institute, where he receives an engineer's education and acquires additional education by studying acting at a university in St. Petersburg.

Life with humor

During his student years, a twenty-year-old young man faces a major victory for the first time, winning the main KVN prize in the Premier League. At that time, the young talent, as part of the winning team, devoted all his energy to his favorite hobby. The future thermal physics engineer becomes a champion and moves further up the career ladder, rising to the top of the humorous Major League.

Having crossed this milestone, the team lasted until the quarterfinals, and a year later became a semifinalist. In the same year, the young comedian completed his studies at a theater university, which he began in parallel.

Ilya often mentions his love for improvisation on stage. He believes that the public likes it more, for the sake of whose reaction new jokes are born.

Career development

After receiving his diploma, the young, cheerful guy begins to be invited to participate in television projects in Moscow. This is how a guy from Siberia ends up in Comedy Club.

Together with his school friend, the young man organizes a duet, which will soon take part in the project “Laughter without rules”, where the guys manage to take silver. This TV project will serve as a good school for developing the skills of a young comedian. Already in the reporting, stellar season, the duo will be able to take the gold medal, becoming the winners of the project.

After winning among the best participants, an ambitious guy becomes a resident of the killer league. Having left the promising project a year later, the comedian continues his creative path in the new show Comedy Battle.

Three years later, together with former KVN members, the thirty-year-old comedian becomes a member of a humorous trio. Working in the style of the absurd, young people were able to win their audience, who understood their jokes well. With this composition, the guys become residents of the Comedy Club. The trio was also awarded as the best media group in the city on Niva.

Individual work

Sobolev is sure that both individual work and team work have their pros and cons, and yet he prefers more work alone.

Having an acting education, a year ago the comedian starred in a film for the first time. Of course, this work was directly related to satire.

After filming a movie, Sobolev becomes the host of a comedy show in which comedians make fun of a specific character taken from show business.

Your own show

The name of Ilya Sobolev is often compared to the hero of humorous shows, called Uncle Vitya.

The first appearance of Uncle Vitya raised many questions regarding the actor portraying him. Viewers quickly connected the famous comedian Sobolev with a new character portraying a rude grandfather. However, Sobolev himself for a long time did not admit his involvement to the character.


In addition to a life of humor, the young man has been closely involved in music for almost ten years. Several songs recorded by the musician were able to gain a foothold in the hits of the Russian radio station.

The showman runs his own blog, discussing pressing public problems and continues to actively participate in various projects of interest to the public.

In addition to work, his family occupies a huge place in Sobolev’s life. Ilya happily married, the couple are raising two daughters, to whom dad often reads fairy tales he invented on the spot. The young actor does not hide his personal life, periodically posting photographs on his pages on social networks.

A good sense of humor helped the young man achieve not only excellent results at work, but also achieve prosperity in his family life.

Uncle Vitya is a shocking character in humorous shows that air on the TNT channel. Viewers are sure that under his mask there is a young comedian, whose name is still kept secret. The funny old man became the star of the show “Comedy Battle”, “Laughter without Rules”, and then created his own project.

Character history

When Uncle Vitya first appeared on the stage of Slaughter League, people wondered who played him. Some had no doubt that this was a real person. After all, the actor transforming into him cleverly hid under professional makeup and did not give himself away.

Uncle Vitya always has the same image. Old worn trousers, plaid shirts worn over a turtleneck, and a vest or jacket. And the movement around the stage, characteristic of an elderly person, casts even greater doubts. The man came up with the name Uncle Vitya, or rather his pseudonym, himself, which further emphasizes the created image.

A comedian is good at the conversational genre, when he has to quickly come up with a funny answer to the questions of the jury members and improvise. However, the man was not seen in other directions. It is not known for certain who is hiding behind the mask of a grumpy old man. The organizers of the shows in which he participates assure that the man communicates with them in the same way as on stage.

Ilya Sobolev (supposed Uncle Vitya without makeup)

Although Uncle Vitya tries to keep the intrigue to the last and does not reveal his true face, attentive viewers have drawn conclusions for themselves. The main version is that he is hiding under the mask of a rollicking pensioner. This is a comedian on the TNT channel and a former member of the KVN team, who has a reputation as a cheerful guy who performs in miniatures in stand-up style.

Viewers of humorous programs made such conclusions after carefully comparing photos of Sobolev and Uncle Vitya. Despite the applied makeup, users found similarities in the facial features of these two people. Moreover, as “experts” assure, the image of the old man is not accidental. It was partially copied from the film “Man on the Moon”, Sobolev’s favorite film.

Those who carefully watched “Laughter Without Rules” also made their own conclusions. Uncle Vitya’s voice, rude and harsh, broke during the broadcast of the program, and the phrase “He is no longer a defender” was uttered in Sobolev’s voice.

The main distinguishing feature of this character is his jokes. More precisely, in the translation of any questions addressed to him on the topic of the love affairs of an elderly man. The boorish, unbridled Don Juan seems repulsive and outrageous to the audience. However, his wit allows him to quickly come up with a suitable answer and make the whole room laugh.

No matter how much journalists and simply fans of TNT’s humorous projects tried to get to the bottom of the truth, the attempts were in vain. Sobolev and the channel’s management claim that these are two different people, Ilya has no relation to Uncle Vita.

In May 2018, in an interview for the Talking Heads Youtube channel, Sobolev personally answered an exciting question, assuring the host that Uncle Vitya was not him. Therefore, everyone is left to continue to wonder whether this character is real, or whether he is skillfully played by a professional actor.

Humor and TV shows

For the first time, viewers saw Uncle Vitya on the stage of the humorous show “Laughter without Rules” in 2007. He turned his speech into a dialogue with the jury. The jokes were directed at the girls who sat in the judge's chairs. The man “flirted” with, and. Nobody took him seriously, although the mysterious character's approach to humor and charisma captivated thousands of viewers. So other television programs began to appear in his biography.

In the show “Killer League”, the purpose of which was to select comedians to advance to the next stages and fight for the place of the best, Uncle Vitya was seen again. The man performed on par with other participants and captivated everyone with his jokes, from young people to the elderly.

Uncle Vitya appeared more than once in Comedy Battle. More precisely, he became a full-fledged participant in the project, along with other performers in three seasons. While on stage, the man improvises; he does not prepare for his appearances, but tries to get the jury to talk. Moreover, he always has the same image - a grumpy old man who doesn’t love anyone.

Uncle Vitya gets a job

During the entire time Uncle Vitya participated in this project, he even managed to reach the finals. In the 7th season of the project, which took place under the slogan “Experience vs. Youth,” the man took 4th place and received the right to open his own project on the TNT channel.

He also competed in Season 8, again finishing in 4th place, but this time the cash prize was only for the sole finalist. However, he was not upset, because he began promoting his own program called “Money or Shame.”

Uncle Vitya's new show started in the summer of 2017. He invites famous guests to the studio and does not change the created image when communicating with them. The stars of Russian show business experience sophisticated “set-ups”, sharp facts and scandalous details of their lives from Uncle Vitya.

The audience appreciated the show of the outrageous old man, so filming did not stop after the release of the first filmed episodes. In January 2018, the 2nd season of the show was released, and in the summer of the same year, viewers saw the 3rd. The man continues to look for new “victims” for his show, shoots new episodes and remains afloat for now.

Uncle Vitya now

On November 5, 2018, the 4th season of Uncle Vitya’s show “Money or Shame” started, where the participants, represented by eminent guests, will have to answer the host’s tricky questions. For completing all stages of the program, the guest star receives a cash prize.

Uncle Vitya and Elena Berkova

Other actors, comedians and singers have already come to visit Uncle Vita in previous episodes. The largest sum of money was earned by a businesswoman and former participant in the television project “Dom-2”.

  • The fact that Uncle Vitya and Sobolev are one person has not yet been proven. Attentive viewers noticed an important detail in one of the episodes of “Slaughter League”. After the next performance, when the comedian went down the steps from the stage, Ilya Sobolev, or a guy similar to him, appeared in the same frame for 10 seconds. This video is freely available on the Internet.
Uncle Vitya and Ilya Sobolev on the same stage
  • The interviews that Uncle Vitya gives for online publications are conducted in the same style as communication on stage during performances. The comedian turns questions from journalists into jokes and does not answer any questions seriously.
  • In the program “Money or Shame,” where the invited guest was an actor, Uncle Vitya paid most attention to the latter. Moreover, the jokes were daring and arrogant. Although they made the audience laugh, Ruslan did not like such attention. He even went up on stage to “deal” with the man, but everything ended well.


  • 2007 – “Laughter without rules”
  • 2009 – “Slaughter League”
  • 2015 – “Comedy Battle. Last season"
  • 2016 – “Comedy Battle. Experience vs. Youth"
  • 2017-2018 – “Money or shame”
  • 2018 – “Comedy Battle. Stand-up vs. Miniatures"
Ilya Viktorovich Sobolev is a Russian comedian, musician, resident of the Comedy Club, participant in many humorous television projects, including the Killer League on TNT. Member of the trio “Smirnov, Ivanov, Sobolev”, former member of the duet “Beautiful”.

Childhood and youth

Ilya was born on February 25, 1983 in Krasnoyarsk. As a child, Sobolev was an active and cheerful child who felt quite confident on stage.

At the age of 13, Ilya entered the city KVN School League. In the final game, the teenager fought with the captain of the opposing team, Roman Klyachkin, who later became his best friend and colleague in the world of humor.

After graduating from Krasnoyarsk Lyceum No. 102, Ilya entered the Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and Materials Science in Krasnoyarsk, and then received an acting education at the St. Petersburg Theater Academy (SPbGATI).


At the institute, the guy began playing as part of the KVN team “Left Bank”, which in 2003 became the champion of the Premier League. A year later, “Left Bank” entered the Major League - the participants reached the quarterfinals. Then Sobolev distinguished himself at the Voting KiViN-2004 festival, and in 2005 he reached the semi-finals of the Premier League, losing to the teams Maximum (Tomsk) and Friends (Perm).

Even while participating in KVN, Sobolev and Klyachkin began performing in a duet called “Beautiful”. Soon the guys became residents of the Comedy Club Siberia. In 2007, the duo tried their hand at the first season of a new humorous competition from TNT, “Laughter without Rules,” in which they took 2nd place and received the right to participate in the “Slaughter League” show. In this show, until 2010, Ilya performed not only as part of the “Beautiful” duet, but also solo.

In August 2010, the TNT channel launched the entertainment show “Comedy Battle,” in which Ilya became one of the participants. The comedian, together with Dmitry Romanov, Evgeny Otstavnov, Konstantin Pushkin and Slava Komissrenko, performed as part of the “Aristocrats” clan in seasons 1 and 2 of the show and more than once became the author of the best jokes.

Ilya Sobolev in the Comedy Club: “Smirnov, Ivanov, Sobolev”

In 2011, the “Beautiful” duet became the winner of the 9th season of “Laughter Without Rules,” in which the finalists of previous seasons took part.

In the fall of 2013, Ilya Sobolev, together with Alexey Smirnov and Anton Ivanov, founded the trio “Smirnov, Ivanov, Sobolev” - in this composition, comedians became residents of the Comedy Club show.

Ilya Sobolev and Uncle Vitya

There is an opinion that under the guise of the most mysterious participant in “Laughter Without Rules” and “Slaughter League”, the cynical and gloomy Uncle Vitya, it is Ilya Sobolev who is hiding. In defense of this theory, fans cited the following evidence: firstly, the image of Uncle Vitya was partly taken from Sobolev’s favorite film “Man on the Moon”, and secondly, in one of his speeches, Uncle Vitya’s voice broke, and the phrase he said “He’s no longer defender” was pronounced in a voice very similar to Sobolev. Having closely compared the photographs of Sobolev and Uncle Vitya, attentive viewers found similar details that makeup could not hide.

Another proof that fans of domestic humor found is the show “Money or Shame.” Its host is Uncle Vitya, and on Ilya Sobolev’s VKontakte page, the official page of this program appears in the list of his subscriptions almost at the highest place.

Answer to the haters of the show “Money or Shame” from Uncle Vitya!

Ilya Sobolev in every possible way denied his involvement in the “Money or Shame” show. When MBAND participant Artem Pindyura, enraged by the show’s host’s phrase (“MBAND is a show for worms”), recorded a video message demanding an apology, Sobolev posted a response video, but not an “apologetic” one.

Music and cinema

Since 2009, Ilya has been closely involved in music. Together with the artist Andrian Sobolev, he recorded several humorous songs, including “Don’t Think,” “Gansta,” and “I’m Stupid.” Several songs remained on the charts of the Radio Record radio station for a long time.

Sobolev Ilya and Andrian - I'm stupid

In 2017, Sobolev starred in the series “The Phantom of the Opera,” directed by Emil Nikoghosyan (“Moms 3,” “Champions”). The series tells the story of the friendship between police operative Alexey (Vyacheslav Evlantyev) and the ghost of the legendary swindler Pashka Veterok (Garik Kharlamov).

Personal life of Ilya Sobolev

Sobolev has been married for a long time. Ilya and his wife Natalya have two daughters - Eva and Sofia.

Ilya Sobolev now

Sobolev continues to work in the Comedy Club show, tour cities in Russia and foreign countries with his trio, as well as give private concerts and work as a presenter at various events.

In September 2017, Sobolev joined the #TOPSHOWMEN project, a community of the best presenters from Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Also in September 2017, Sobolev resumed publishing vlogs on his YouTube channel. In his videos, the comedian covers all the most relevant and eternal topics: old age, fears, show business stars, the gay community, etc. In October 2017, Sobolev, together with other members of the Comedy Club, went on a tour of North America.

Ilya Sobolev “Bad jokes”

In the winter of 2018, the comedian announced a new show, “Prozharka,” which launched on the TNT4 channel. As part of the project, aspiring comedians and humor professionals made fun of a specific person throughout the entire episode. One of the first heroines of the program was Olga Buzova.

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