Exclusive knife thrower show. Exclusive show of a knife thrower. For the first time they amazed the audience and the jury with their skills at the “Minute of Fame” program


The knife thrower show is an exclusive product on the event industry market. In Russia this is the only duet working in this genre. All over the world there are no more than 10 groups performing with throwing knives at a girl - the target.
Art related to Impalement arts is not taught at the university. This art is elitist!
It is a type of performing art in which the assistant plays the role of a human target. The knife thrower demonstrates the accuracy of the throw, as close as possible to the girl's body without causing any damage to her.
Most often, throwing art is found in circuses and attractions, as well as in cabarets, variety shows and burlesque shows. In addition, this genre is the subject of themes for literature, art, photography and cinema.
The performance of Igor Krychun will not leave anyone without emotions and an adrenaline rush. Anyone, even the most sophisticated viewer, will find something new and delightful for themselves. As for children, they are always completely delighted with the performance of the knife thrower.

Special Conditions (Rider):

Two assistants are required to carry the props onto the set.

To order knife throwing and invite an extreme show to the celebration, call the numbers on the website.

For the first time they amazed the audience and the jury with their skills at the “Minute of Fame” program.

Knife thrower is the winner in the category " Best program original genre» on VI All-Russian festival animation programs in the field of tourism and show business.

Thanks to the constant complication of the tricks, the audience's attention is riveted to the stage. The drive, charisma and powerful energy of the Knife Thrower turn the performance into an amazing and extravagant show. This is an incredible level of extreme sports that has no equal!!! Exclusive costumes.

Artists of the extreme genre with real knives, axes, spears perform real deadly stunts with a smile.


RUSSIA'S ONLY knife thrower, specializing in rare and unusual forms of artistic expression.

The show is exciting, easy and fun! A specialist in a unique traditional art whose origins are LOST IN THE MIST OF TIME...
Theatrical show programs:"The Beast and the Beauty" An action-packed love story between the Beast and the Beauty. The drama unfolds before the viewer's eyes. The beast is unable to move away from the girl, but he can only hold her by force...
"Magic VIP fairy tale" and"A Farewell to Arms"
This is a combination of different ingredients with paper, knives, axes, spears and fire. This is an intriguing number that gives the audience an emotional boost and a good mood.
The theatrical performance of the knife thrower is unique and original. Dressed in a stylish suit, the knife thrower performs some serious death-defying stunts. Thanks to the constant complication of the tricks, the audience's attention is riveted to the stage. The duration of the program is from 12 to 30 minutes. ATTENTION: absolute safety!
You can order an extreme show performance and enjoy extreme knife throwing by calling our official website or using the order form.

The drive, charisma and powerful energy of the Knife Thrower turn the performance into an amazing and extravagant show - this is an incredible level of extreme sports that has no equal!

Participants of the largest cabaret in the World “Cabaret du Monde” France, Paris on Magic TV 2018. Semi-finalists of Got Talent in Georgia. A show with knife throwing and a duet with crossbows were included in the Global Talent 2017. If you really want to surprise your guests with an exclusive spectacle, we recommend that you book the Knife Thrower show, which will undoubtedly create a sensation! Knife throwing is one of the oldest forms of entertainment , relating to the so-called Impalement arts. The knife thrower demonstrates a unique art using deadly tricks. His beautiful assistant girl is the target. Sharp knives cut into the board next to her, creating a strong atmosphere of risk and excitement. The drama, the intensity of the situation with each throw, when there is a possibility of injuring or even killing the girl standing near the board - this is what attracts the attention of the public for a long time. Without the element of risk, this number would simply be a demonstration of the accuracy of the thrower. And the assistant's frank, seductive outfits add a sense of sensual sexuality. The thrower's task is not just to throw knives at the board next to the girl's body. His goal is to show the best sides of his skills, his highest professionalism. This is why the knives stick into the board just a few centimeters from the assistant. Each knife throw is an intrigue, a daring attack by the thrower, reflecting his confidence in his abilities. Everyday training for 25 years makes this artist unique. Hardly anyone would dare to repeat this? A breathtaking display of skill. It takes a huge amount of time to practice death-defying stunts so that you can easily perform them on stage. Only partners with extensive experience, trusting each other, perform tricks within centimeters of death. Cabaret and burlesque artists combine sophisticated chic, humor and cheerful chaos. This show is so unique that it is ordered for the most sophisticated, for the most exclusive, elite and sophisticated , ambitious and pretentious entertainment. Forget everything you knew about knife throwing, a new incarnation has come martial art. Prepare to have fun and be scared. For you to stop time with our knife master. He throws them like no one else. The format of the artistic show is very flexible. Artists can adapt to any type of event, making the performance as vibrant and intriguing as possible for each specific venue and audience. The team has successfully worked in restaurants, clubs, theaters, circuses, and open spaces. The team of artists works all over the WORLD! There are no restrictions for them! You can order a show anywhere in the world, and the artists will come to you. The “Knife Throwing” show is a rare genre circus art. Very few people have the chance to see this performance. On professional level Only 10 groups around the world work in this genre. And in Russia this is the only group that presents a show of this level! Igor Krychun and Tatyana Karmazina are participants in many television projects on the TV channels “ORT”, “Russia”, “NTV”, “STS”, “Moscow Trust”, including the television program “Minute of Glory”. They are also winners in the category “Best Program of an Original Genre” at the VI All-Russian Festival of Animation Programs in the Field of Tourism and Show Business. Artists of the highest caliber will provide entertainment for your event.

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