Electronic platforms for 223 fz. Electronic trading platforms: list of electronic trading platforms, what they are and what they are

Signature for bidding "Basic"
Signature for bidding "Extended"
Signature for bidding "Maximum"

Federal ETP

  • Unified electronic trading platform (UETP) - roseltorg.ru
  • Sberbank-AST - sberbank-ast.ru
  • National electronic platform - etp-ets.ru
  • All-Russian Electronic Commerce System - zakazrf.ru
  • RTS tender - rts-tender.ru
  • All-Russian universal trading platform "Russian Auction House" - lot-online.ru
  • TEK-Torg - tektorg.ru
  • ETP GPB. Section "Public Procurement" - gos.etpgpb.ru
  • Specialized ETP for closed bidding AST GOZ - astgoz.ru

Commercial ETP

  • 223ETP.ZakazRF - 223etp.zakazrf.ru
  • 223.ZAKAZRF.RU - 223.zakazrf.ru
  • BashZakaz.ru - etp.bashzakaz.ru
  • RHtorg - rhtorg.com
  • ELECTRO-TORGI.RU - electro-torgi.ru
  • Universal electronic trading platform ESTP.RU - estp.ru
  • ETPRF - etprf.ru
  • Invoice Market - i-mp.ru
  • Icetrade. Unified national information resource of the Republic of Belarus - icetrade.by
  • KARTOTEKA.RU. ETP of the State Registration Bulletin - kartoteka.ru/torgi
  • PropertyTrade - propertytrade.ru
  • Group of platforms OTS.RU - otc.ru
  • ONLINECONTRACT - onlinecontract.ru
  • RB2B - rb2b.ru
  • REGION-AST - region-ast.center
  • Sakhaeltorg.ru - sakhaeltorg.ru
  • SETonline - setonline.ru
  • ZAKAZRF. Section “Property sales” - sale.zakazrf.ru
  • ZAKAZRF. Section “Electronic exchange platform” - bp.zakazrf.ru
  • ZAKAZRF. Exchange platform of the Republic of Tyva - tuva.zakazrf.ru
  • ZAKAZRF. Exchange platform of the Sakhalin region - sakhalin.zakazrf.ru
  • Zakupki21.ru - zakupki21.ru
  • Avtodor-TP - www.etp-avtodor.ru
  • Electronic trading platform of the Agroholding "Sibirsky Premier" - sibprime.ru
  • A-COSTA - akosta.info
  • Alfalot - alfalot.ru
  • MS-Service. Trade and purchasing system - ams.lotexpert.ru
  • Arbitat - arbitat.ru
  • Asgor - etp.asgor.su
  • Auction + (Auction Plus) - etp.triniti-n.ru
  • Auctions in Siberia - ausib.ru
  • Auctions of the Far East - torgidv.ru
  • Auction Competitive House - a-k-d.ru
  • Auction tender center - atctrade.ru
  • Auction center - auctioncenter.ru
  • Baikal-Tender - burzakup.ru
  • Baltic ETP - bepspb.ru
  • Bankruptcy of the Republic of Tatarstan - etp-bankrotstvo.ru
  • Belarusian Universal Commodity Exchange. Section “Electronic trading platform” - zakupki.butb.by
  • Exchange "St. Petersburg" - spbex.ru
  • Exchange "St. Petersburg". Section "Transneft" - etp.spbex.ru
  • Verdict - vertrades.ru
  • All-Russian Electronic Trading Platform (VETP) - trading-platform-vetp.rf
  • Trading System "GazNeftetorg.ru" - gazneftetorg.ru
  • Automated electronic procurement system of PJSC Gazprom (ASEZ) - zakupki.gazprom.ru
  • Eurasian Trading Platform - eurtp.ru
  • Unified trade aggregator (EAT, Berezka) - agregatoreat.ru
  • Unified Federal Register of Bankruptcy Information - bankrot.fedresurs.ru
  • EETP section “Property auctions” - sale.roseltorg.ru
  • Electronic trading platform of the city of Krasnoyarsk - torgi.admkrsk.ru
  • Crimean electronic trading platform - torgi82.ru
  • Interregional Electronic Trading System (METS) - m-ets.ru
  • META-INVEST - meta-invest.ru
  • National electronic exchange - neb24.ru
  • National Center for Marketing and Price Study - goszakupki.by
  • New Information Services - nistp.ru
  • Non-core assets - non-core assets.rf
  • NEP. Section “Property auctions” - etp-torgi.ru
  • NEP. Trading under 223-FZ - 223.etp-ets.ru
  • NEP. Section “Tendering for major repairs” - fkr.etp-ets.ru
  • Trading system "OBORONTORG" - oborontorg.ru
  • Purchasing portal of the PIK group of companies - tender.pik.ru
  • PROM-Consulting - promkonsalt.ru
  • Profit - etp-profit.ru
  • PTP-Center - ptp-center.ru
  • GLAD. Section "Bankruptcy" - bankruptcy.lot-online.ru
  • GLAD. Section "Auctions" - rad.lot-online.ru
  • GLAD. Section "Purchases under 223-FZ" - trade.lot-online.ru
  • GLAD. Section "Collateral" - zalog.lot-online.ru
  • GLAD. Section "Privatization" - privatization.lot-online.ru
  • Region (St. Petersburg) - gloriaservice.ru
  • Region (Ufa) - etp-region.ru
  • Rosseti - etp.rosseti.ru
  • Russia Online - rus-on.ru
  • RTS tender. SME section - msp.rts-tender.ru
  • Ru-Trade (Ru-Trade24) - ru-trade24.ru
  • Universal trading platform Sberbank-AST - utp.sberbank-ast.ru
  • Sberbank-AST. Implementation of block cargo transportation by JSC Aeroflot - cargo-aeroflot.sberbank-ast.ru
  • NEFU - etp.s-vfu.ru
  • Electronic trading platform "Grid Company" etp.gridcom-rt.ru
  • Electronic trading platform of JSC "Siberian Agrarian Group" - agro.zakupki.tomsk.ru
  • Siberian trading platform - sibtoptrade.ru
  • Electronic trading platform "Sila" - torgi-sila.ru
  • Electronic trading systems SELT - bankruptcy.selt-online.ru
  • Electronic property trading system - seltim.ru
  • Trading System "Spetsstroytorg" - sstorg.ru
  • StroyTorgi - stroytorgi.ru
  • TRADES 223 - torgi223.ru
  • Bargain-i. ETP of the St. Petersburg International Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange (SPbIMEX) torg-i.com
  • Tender Guarantor - tendergarant.com
  • TenderStandard - tenderstandart.ru
  • ETP "TEK-Torg" - tektorg.ru
  • ETP "TEK-Torg" section "Rosneft" - tektorg.ru/rosneft
  • ETP "TEK-Torg" section of JSC "Russian Railways" - tektorg.ru/rzd
  • ETP "TEK-Torg" section "Gazpromdrilling" tektorg.ru/gazprom
  • ETP "TEK-Torg" section "Inter RAO UES" - new.tektorg.ru/interao
  • Smart procurement. Intelligent automated system - erus.ru
  • Universal electronic trading platform of JSC Russian Railways (UETP Russian Railways) - etp.comita.ru
  • Ural ETP (UETP) - etpu.ru
  • UMMC - zakupki.ugmk.com
  • Federation - federal1.ru
  • Procurement Automation Center - etpcaz.ru2017
  • Procurement Development Center of the Republic of Tatarstan - etpzakupki.tatar
  • Electronic capital - eksystems.ru
  • Electronic systems of the Volga region - el-torg.com
  • Electronic auctions of Siberia - ea.omskzakaz.ru
  • Eltox - eltox.ru
  • Standard - zakupki.etalon-etp.ru
  • ETS24 - ets24.ru
  • Southern Electronic Trading Platform (SETP) - torgibankrot.ru

The “Extended” bidding signature provides an additional opportunity to participate in bidding on:

  • AGC Glass Russia - agc.lotexpert.ru
  • B2B Center. Group of B2B platforms - b2b-center.ru
  • ELTORG - eltorg.org
  • uTender - utender.ru
  • ETS. ETP "EuroTransStroy" - tender.eurotransstroy.ru
  • United trading platform - utpl.ru
  • Manufacturer. Group of sites - fabrikant.ru
  • Implementation Center - centerr.ru
  • AIST - aistorg.ru

The “Maximum” bidding signature provides an additional opportunity to participate in bidding on:

  • ETP GPB - etpgpb.ru
  • Section “Purchases of the Gazprom Group of Companies” - etpgaz.gazprombank.ru
  • Section “Purchases of corporate customers and Trade portal for small volume purchases” - etp.gpb.ru

The National Association of Electronic Commerce Participants (NAUET) has compiled a rating of the leading electronic platforms in Russia.

The government procurement market is one of the most important sectors of the economy of any country. The functioning of its main elements – government organizations – directly depends on the effectiveness of its work. Experts, in this sense, draw an analogy between the public procurement infrastructure and the human circulatory system.

In Russia, this market has recently received quite strong development. The share of trade transactions carried out in the public sector electronically over the past 5–7 years has increased from 10% to 55%, which is quite consistent with the indicators of leading countries such as the United States. For comparison, in the UK this figure is about 30%. The turnover of domestic electronic platforms has recently been growing by about 10% - 15% per year. According to the all-Russian official website for posting information on placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services (OOS) zakupki.gov.ru, in 2012 more than 1 million trades were conducted on electronic platforms, the turnover of which exceeded 4.2 trillion. rubles At the same time, the number of contracts concluded in 2012 increased by 36%, and applications submitted by more than 46% compared to 2011. It is worth noting that the transfer of procurement procedures into electronic form also makes it possible to significantly increase the transparency of its main mechanisms and achieve budget savings of up to 15 - 16%.

The special status of the electronic government procurement market is also emphasized by the fact that the State Council of Russia held in early October on issues of its condition and development prospects. The attention to this segment on the part of the country's leadership, as well as all its participants, is also due to the entry into force of the new Law No. 44 on the Federal Contract System on January 1, 2014, which will replace the 94-FZ on government procurement in force until the end of the year. Criticism has been expressed regarding 94-FZ for several years at various levels.

Russian President Vladimir Putin noted that what sometimes happens in this area causes both bewilderment and fair questions from citizens. The inflated prices and strange and sometimes even ridiculous conditions of government procurement are striking.

There are a lot of innovations in the Federal contract system. They relate to the organization of the procurement business process from planning to contract execution, and methods of conducting competitive procedures, and the creation of a unified information system that ensures procurement, etc. New concepts will also appear, for example, such as “moratorium on the announcement of a purchase”, “additional purchase”, “anti-dumping measures when concluding a contract”.

Now about market participants. In Russia at the moment, the electronic trading market largely belongs to the largest financial institutions, the main role among which is played by VTB Group and Sberbank. They control the two largest electronic platforms: OJSC Unified Electronic Trading Platform (EETP) and Sberbank-AST, which, in turn, are operators of most trading procedures. This state of affairs largely determines the balance of power in this segment.

It is known that today only five platforms that have the status of national operators have the right to conduct electronic trading in Russia. In addition to EETP and Sberbank - AST, this number includes the State Unitary Enterprise "Agency for State Order of the Republic of Tatarstan", "RTS-Tender" and the "Electronic trading platform "State procurement" MICEX.

"Sberbank - AST" (www.sberbank-ast.ru)

The electronic platform "Sberbank - AST" is a subsidiary of Sberbank of Russia. It began operating on July 1, 2009. The site conducts government and corporate procurement, as well as the sale of property of bankrupt enterprises. Its clients also include energy audit self-regulatory organizations, auditors and investors. In the summer of 2013, a b2c platform was opened at Sberbank-AST.
According to the OOS zakupki.gov.ru (as of 10/14/13), about 1.6 million trades have been carried out on Sberbank-AST since the start of trading with a total turnover of more than 5.3 trillion. rubles, which is about 49% of the market share and is currently the best indicator among all sites.

"Unified electronic trading platform" (www.roseltorg.ru)

The “Unified Electronic Trading Platform” was also registered in 2009. Its founders are the Moscow government (52%) and the Bank of Moscow (18%). The main clients of EETP are in the public sector, such constituent entities of the Russian Federation as Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Republic of Bashkortostan, as well as a number of departmental “large companies”: the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation and others.

According to information from the OOS zakupki.gov.ru (as of 10/14/13), since the start of trading on the EETP, about 0.6 million trades have been conducted with a turnover of about 2.8 trillion. rubles (25.43% of the market), which is the second indicator after Sberbank - AST.

It is worth saying that among its competitors, EETP provides the largest number of additional services for customers and bidders. The site also has a representative block for working with corporate clients within the framework of Federal Law 223. These include OJSC Rostelecom, Rosatom, Moscow and St. Petersburg Metro, etc.
Finally, the EETP is the only platform that has its own financial products with a bank included in the TOP - 10 leading Russian banks.

All-Russian electronic trading system of State Unitary Enterprise "AGZRT" (www.zakazrf.ru)

The all-Russian electronic trading system of the State Unitary Enterprise “AGZRT” is the oldest platform serving government procurement. It appeared in 2005 and initially served organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan, but subsequently expanded its scope.

Over the entire period of work at AGZRT, a little more than 0.1 million trades were carried out with a volume of about 0.7 trillion. rubles (6.45% of the market), which today is significantly inferior to the indicators of Sberbank-AST and EETP (data from OOS zakupki.gov.ru as of 10/14/13).

Among the site’s clients are municipalities of the republic, as well as various regional executive authorities, the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and military organizations.

"RTS-Tender" (www.rts-tender.ru)

The electronic trading platform “RTS-Tender” was formed on October 1, 2010. Its owner is the non-profit partnership for the development of the financial market NP RTS.

In terms of the number of trades (0.38 million) and turnover (1.4 trillion rubles) since the start of work, it is also inferior to the leading platforms and occupies 13.28% of the market (data from the OOS zakupki.gov.ru as of 10/14/13).

The platform does not have its own unit for conducting commercial trading under 223-FZ, but provides its clients with this opportunity through the services of its partner “OTC-tender”.

About 60% of government procurement in the Siberian Federal District is placed on the RTS tender. Its clients also include a number of federal agencies. This summer, the Moscow Government refused the RTS-tender services.

Electronic trading platform “Government procurement” MICEX (www.etp-micex.ru)

The MICEX electronic platform “Government Procurement” was formed in early October 2010. It is managed by the MICEX, and its operator is CJSC MICEX-Information Technologies. Since its inception, 0.1 million trades have been conducted on the MICEX State Purchases, while its turnover barely exceeded 0.6 trillion. rubles, which is 5.6% of the market share (data from the Environmental Protection Agency zakupki.gov.ru as of 10/14/13). According to this indicator, the platform is in the top five of the main electronic trading operators.

The platform also does not have its own block for conducting commercial trades, conducting them on the partner platform Fabrikant.ru.

Its clients include the Federal Treasury, the Federal Defense Procurement Service, the Nizhny Novgorod Region and others.

As criteria for assessing the activities of the sites, 34 parameters were identified relating to quantitative indicators (data on trading volumes for various sections of the market), characteristics of the infrastructure of electronic platforms (number of representative offices of the Operator for working with clients, Geography of location of representative offices of the Operator for working with clients, Availability of its own certification center etc.), the capabilities of sites in terms of information security, as well as assessments of the quality of customer service.

Most of the data was taken from open sources (OOS zakupki.gov.ru, websites of electronic platforms, information on the Internet), and also obtained on the basis of the expert opinion of specialists from the National Association of Electronic Commerce Participants (NAUET). Grades were given on a 5-point system. The final score was obtained by summing the points scored for all criteria.

According to the results obtained, the leaders of the rating with a significant gap from their competitors are the electronic platforms “EETP” and “Sberbank - AST”. Moreover, a significant difference in scores between them and outsiders was noted in almost all criteria. The only exception was data on the speed of loading and searching for contacts on the sites of the sites.

It should be noted that the gap between the winner of the EETP study and the second place, Sberbank - AST, can be considered conditional. However, if the high positions of Sberbank - AST are determined mainly by trading volumes, then EETP achieved results by ensuring the appropriate quality of customer service (additional, including financial, services, quality of technical support, interface, etc. ). The third position in terms of the level of provision of service capabilities can be given to the electronic platform “Government Procurement” of the MICEX.
You should also pay attention to the significant gap between the leaders of the rating in terms of ensuring information security, which is extremely important in our time due to the unprecedented increase in the number of cybercrimes.

According to Anton Nazarkin, executive director of NAUET, “the picture obtained as a result of compiling the rating is fully consistent with the current market situation. Data published in open sources and especially the zakupki.gov.ru portal are an excellent tool for research in the field of public procurement. Based on them, you can always get objective analytics.”

Hello, dear colleague! The trend in modern procurement is that most tenders are conducted electronically. Even in the public procurement sector, there are plans to transfer paper procedures to electronic format. Therefore, the time is not far off when absolutely all government procurement will be carried out through electronic procedures. As you understand, such electronic procedures are carried out on specialized sites on the Internet, which will be discussed in today’s article. From this article you will learn: what electronic trading platforms are, what types of platforms exist in Russia and what advantages they provide to customers and suppliers.

1. What is an electronic trading platform?

According to the already established tradition, I will begin the article with a definition.

Electronic trading platform (ETP) is a website on the Internet where(purchases). The electronic platform combines a set of organizational, information and technical solutions that ensure interaction between the customer (buyer) and the supplier (seller). Such interaction is carried out through electronic document management.

In fact, at present, an electronic trading platform can be called any Internet resource through which purchase and sale transactions are concluded between buyers and sellers.

Customers (buyers) are the organizers of auctions, thereby optimizing their costs for the acquisition of goods, works or services, and suppliers (sellers) post information about their goods or services.

The intermediary between the customer (buyer) and the supplier (seller) is the operator of the electronic platform (owner of the Internet resource).

In order to work on the ETP, the buyer and seller must have. How to obtain it is written in detail in. To work on the site you also need to register andon it, otherwise it will only be possible to view information posted in the open part of the site.

A site visitor who has passed the accreditation procedure becomes either a customer (organizer of trading procedures) or a bidder (supplier).

2. Types of electronic trading platforms

There are several types of electronic platforms.

Firstly , these are federal (budgetary) trading platforms or, as they are also called, B2G (business-to-government) platforms. These are sites where customers are enterprises and government agencies. Such platforms are used to organize public procurement.

Secondly , these are commercial electronic platforms, i.e. B2B (business-to-business) platforms. The customers at these sites are commercial organizations.

There are electronic platforms that are created and supported by buyers (buyer-driven). In order to optimize their purchasing process, one or more large companies create their own trading platform to attract a large number of supplier firms.

There are sites that, on the contrary, are created and supported by large suppliers (supplier-driven or seller-driven). Such companies are interested in expanding sales channels for their products.

And finally, there are platforms that are created and maintained by a third party - an intermediary between sellers and buyers (third-party-driven). This category of platforms is the most numerous. This type of platform is, in turn, divided into industry and multi-industry. Industry ones are created for one specific enterprise, for example, for Gazprom or Russian Railways. Multi-industry platforms, on the contrary, are not limited to the product range of just one enterprise.

Third , these are e-commerce platforms between individuals C2C (consumer-to-consumer). A striking example of such platforms is the electronic auction - ebay.com. On such platforms, private individuals can sell goods to other private individuals.

Fourth , these are retail e-commerce systems where the seller is a company, and the buyers are mainly B2C (business-to-consumer) individuals. Most often these are online stores, such as ozon.ru, amazon.com and others, which sell a wide range of consumer goods.

Fifthly,This is an ETP for the sale of property of debtors (bankrupts). Such platforms are intended to automate the bidding procedure for the sale of debtors' property during the procedures used in bankruptcy cases in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 127-FZ dated October 26, 2002 “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)” and Order of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 495 dated July 23, 2015

Federal electronic trading platforms

The list of federal trading platforms was determined by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation within the framework of a special procedure, and only budget organizations (state and municipal customers) operating within the framework of the contract system can act as customers (Federal Law dated April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “ On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs.” All federal sites have free access.

Currently, government procurement is carried out on 5 Federal Electronic Trading Platforms (FETP):

1. CJSC "Sberbank - Automated Trading System" (Sberbank-AST)

This is a subsidiary of Sberbank of Russia. Today it is the most popular electronic trading platform in Russia. The platform began operating on July 1, 2009. The electronic platform conducts government and corporate procurement, as well as the sale of property of bankrupt enterprises.

Site website - www.sberbank-ast.ru .

2. JSC "Unified Electronic Trading Platform"

The largest operator of electronic trading for government customers and commercial enterprises. JSC EETP was founded in 2009. The founders of the company are: the Moscow City Government (52%), Bank of Moscow (48%). The main clients in the public sector are such constituent entities of the Russian Federation as Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Republic of Bashkortostan, as well as a number of large departments - the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation and others.

Site website - www.roseltorg.ru .

3. Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Agency for State Order, Investment Activities and Interregional Relations of the Republic of Tatarstan” (Electronic Trading System)

The platform appeared in 2005 and initially served organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan, but subsequently expanded its scope.

Site website - www.zakazrf.ru .

4. LLC "RTS - Tender" (RTS - Tender)

The site was founded in 2010. In October 2015, a section on property auctions was opened on the RTS-tender electronic platform, and in December 2015, on procurement in accordance with Law No. 223-FZ and commercial procurement.

Site website - www.rts-tender.ru .

5. CJSC "MICEX - Information Technologies" (ETP "MICEX-IT")

The platform was formed at the beginning of October 2010. It is managed by the MICEX, and the operator is CJSC MICEX-Information Technologies. Clients: Federal Treasury, Federal Defense Procurement Service, Nizhny Novgorod Region and others. The site also hosts property auctions and procurement under 223-FZ.

Site website - www.etp-micex.ru .

Commercial trading platforms for electronic trading

In addition to the 5 Federal trading platforms listed above, there are quite a large number of commercial electronic trading platforms.

On commercial platforms, any legal entity or any individual, including an individual entrepreneur, can act as a customer.

Each commercial electronic trading platform (ETP), as well as the federal (budgetary) one, has its own address on the Internet (its own website).

One of the differences between commercial ETPs and federal ones is that connection (participation) to these sites is paid. However, there is the possibility of free participation in procurement from some customers, or the cost of such participation (connection) is symbolic.

Commercial electronic trading platforms are divided intoindependent (public) andprivate (corporate) sites owned by specific organizations.

Corporate trading platforms are aimed at large customers with large volumes of purchases and a wide range of goods and services. Such platforms allow not only the use of electronic auctions, but also provide procurement planning, collection and analysis of inventory needs, holding competitions and auctions, qualifying selection of suppliers, reporting and analysis of procurement activities.

Public areas have a different purpose. They form an information space for effective interaction between suppliers and customers within a specific industry. The main advantage of such platforms is a wide customer base due to competent positioning and promotion, an ever-expanding product catalog and a large number of participants. As a result of working on such sites, it is quite easy to obtain favorable offers and delivery conditions.

It is quite difficult to determine the exact number of commercial sites. There is information in open sources that there are about 5-6 thousand such sites in Russia. However, the most popular of these 5-6 thousand sites are about 100 ETPs.

Association of Electronic Trading Platforms

The most popular commercial electronic platforms are members of the Association of Electronic Trading Platforms (AETP).

This Association includes:

  • Federal ETP;
  • Site groups;
  • Commercial trade and purchasing systems;
  • ETP for the sale of property;
  • International trading systems.

In order to get acquainted with the full list of such sites, you need to go to the website of this association - http://www.aetp.ru/etp/list .

3. Main electronic trading platforms

As you have already understood, there are very, very many platforms for trading. Each such site has its own specifics of operation, accreditation procedure, tariff plans, etc. Therefore, each customer and supplier has the right to choose which site to work on. Accordingly, everyone can have their own set of such platforms.

The most popular Federal platforms are:

  • CJSC Sberbank-AST (more than 39% of all government procurement in electronic form is carried out on this platform);
  • RTS-Tender (more than 26% of government purchases);
  • JSC “EETP” (more than 25% of government purchases).

The most popular commercial trading platforms are:

Electronic trading center B2b-center

This is a system of electronic trading platforms created in 2002 by JSC Economic Development Center for corporate sales and procurement.

The B2B-Center electronic trading center allows you to carry out 43 types of trading procedures, both for the purchase and sale of goods and services. The system combines procurement from various sectors of the economy: energy, petrochemicals, metallurgy, automotive industry and many other industries.

The advantages of the B2B-Center system are: stable and reliable operation, a large number of customers, a convenient and understandable interface, setting up automatic distribution of tenders.

Site website - http://www.b2b-center.ru/

Trade portal “Fabrikant”

The largest Russian and foreign companies carry out electronic procurement on this platform. The site offers a wide range of tariff plans for both participants and auction organizers. Some tariff plans do not require site accreditation.

Site website - https://www.fabrikant.ru/

Industry and interregional electronic trading platform “Auction Competitive House”

This is a company that provides a wide range of legal, consulting and legal services in the field of bidding and is one of the leaders in the Russian Federation in terms of the number of auctions held for the procurement of goods, works and services.

Main activities:

  • organization and conduct of tenders in the form of auctions and competitions of varying levels of complexity and responsibility (conducting tenders in electronic form, competitions for the selection of investors, auctions for the sale of property, etc.);
  • performing the functions of the official industry electronic trading platform of the State Corporation Rosatom.

Site website - http://www.a-k-d.ru/

4. Functions of electronic platforms

Electronic platforms perform the following important functions:

  • posting information about procurement;
  • searching for information about ongoing procurements using various criteria;
  • searching for information about organizations operating on the ETP;
  • viewing procurement documentation;
  • personal account for securing applications for participation in trading procedures;
  • managing funds in the account;
  • conducting electronic procurement procedures (auctions, tenders, requests for proposals, etc.);
  • submitting requests, signing contracts;
  • analysis of various performance indicators of organizations;
  • information protection (use of electronic signature).

Let's now look at what the advantages of working on an ETP are for customers and suppliers.

Benefits for customers:

  1. Saving working time, because Carrying out electronic procedures is much simpler than carrying out paper ones;
  2. Reducing costs for organizing and conducting procurement;
  3. Transparency and openness of the procurement process due to the reduction of the influence of the human factor;
  4. Fair competition, excluding unscrupulous employees from working with “their” suppliers.

Benefits for suppliers:

  1. Quick and convenient search for information about new procurements;
  2. Expanding the market for your goods, works or services;
  3. Transparency and openness of the procurement process;
  4. Healthy competition, excluding non-price methods of struggle;
  5. Reducing the time and money spent on preparing and submitting an application;
  6. Possibility to participate in auctions from anywhere in the world (if you have a computer and Internet access).

6. Conclusions

And so, summing up all of the above, we can draw the following conclusion. There are quite a large number of tender platforms on the Russian market for any purpose and purpose. Electronic tendering platforms help simplify work for both customers and suppliers. Customers can minimize their costs for procurement procedures and find a supplier with the most favorable conditions. Transparency and openness of the procurement process increases, corruption risks are minimized.

And at the end of today’s article, I suggest you watch a short video about electronic trading platforms:

That's all. I hope the information was useful to you. See you in the next issues.

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list of operators of specialized electronic platforms, provided for in Part 3 of Article 24.1 of the Federal Law "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs", operators of electronic platforms for closed competitive procurement, provided for in Part 4 of Article 3.5 of the Federal Law " On the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities", according to.

operators of electronic platforms, provided for in Part 3 of Article 24.1 of the Federal Law "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs", Part 11 of Article 3.4 of the Federal Law "On the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities"

1. Joint Stock Company "Agency for State Order of the Republic of Tatarstan"

2. Joint Stock Company "Unified Electronic Trading Platform"

3. Joint Stock Company "Russian Auction House"

4. Joint Stock Company "TEK - Torg"

5. Joint Stock Company "Electronic Trading Systems"

6. Closed Joint Stock Company "Sberbank - Automated Trading System"

7. Limited Liability Company "RTS - Tender"

8. Limited Liability Company "Electronic trading platform GPB"

operators of specialized electronic platforms, provided for in Part 3 of Article 24.1 of the Federal Law "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs", operators of electronic platforms for closed competitive procurement, provided for in Part 4 of Article 3.5 of the Federal Law "On procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities"

Closed Joint Stock Company "Automated system of bidding for state defense orders"

Document overview

Lists of operators of electronic platforms for state (municipal) and corporate procurement under 44-FZ and 223-FZ have been approved.

Let us remind you that from July 1, 2018, the determination of suppliers (contractors, performers) under 44-FZ by competitive means is carried out in regular or electronic form at the customer’s choice. From January 1, 2019 - only in electronic form.

In addition, from July 1, 2018, corporate customers conduct competitive procurement under 223-FZ with the participation of small and medium-sized businesses, also in electronic form.

The conduct of electronic procedures is ensured on the electronic platform by the operator of the electronic platform.

The approved lists include 8 operators of electronic platforms and 1 operator of a specialized electronic platform and a platform for closed competitive procurement.

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