Eminem family life. Eminem (Marshall Bruce Mathers III) - biography, family and personal life of the rapper. Relationship with father

14.06.2014 at 19:25 Blog

Eminem is dead. For a long time.


Unfortunately, we are all being fooled and Eminem has not been with us for a long time. Instead, a double appears under his name. Apparently, the replacement occurred when he suddenly disappeared from the scene between 2004 and 2009.

Carefully watch Eminem's earlier video M first y Name is:


Pay special attention to his eyes (look, eye color), cheekbones (a little chubby, childish face), skull shape (again, a little oval) and voice (intonation - a little playful).

Then, IMMEDIATELY, open one of Feminema’s latest videos (from the word Fake Eminem) Not Afraid and look carefully:


Only a completely blind person would not notice the completely different shape of the skull, retracted cheekbones, and a dead and cold look. Moreover, this man’s eyes, when he squints, are somewhat reminiscent of Keanu Reeves. There is nothing left of the old Eminem, the perky, playful one. The voice is also different. WHO IS THIS MAN??

Notice what these two clips are about. Just get the stupid thoughts out of your head that this is a beautiful picture that doesn’t say anything accompanying the song. I'll come back to this later.
Just open your eyes and see what Eminem's videos My Name is and The Real Slim Shady are showing you!!

Eminem's first video begins with a scene where ordinary people sit on the couch, chew chips and watch the so-called The Slim Shady Show. Why show? Yes, because this is a subtle hint at the upcoming circus, a performance, a performance being played out in front of us, stupid ones.

Have you ever wondered why Slim Shady? I don’t know what Eminem himself said regarding the choice of his stage name, but shady person translated from English - This is a cloudy and suspicious person. Why take such a strange stage name and call yourself muddy?

Pay attention to what Eminem sings about.

Hi! My name is... (what?) My name is... (who?)
My name is...
Slim Shady
Hi! My name is... (huh?) My name is... (what?)
My name is...
Slim Shady

He doesn't know his name? Can't decide on a name or forgot it??

Why is he in a mental hospital and dressed in a straitjacket? Since this is my first blog post, this is all completely unclear and seems to have no meaning. But later, everything will line up into one mosaic. Now I won't explain to you what this means, because I will often mention similar points in the analysis of other "celebrities" and what they go through, but for now just note this fact.

Next, there is another very interesting shot. Eminem portrays a doll. Look that his face is specially made up as if it is the face of a doll from a puppet theater and he makes the same movements with his mouth. Why was Eminem deliberately placed much lower than the man on the left? Do you see that he is holding it with his hand, as if controlling it? Now, this seems crazy to you, and I understand you. Gradually, everything will come together in your mind, but it will not happen right away.

In the video, Eminem also tries on different roles. Pay attention to this!!

There are a couple more things that Eminem sings about in this song that are really annoying:

Well since age twelve, I"ve felt like I"m someone else
Cause I hung my original self from the top bunk with a belt

I"m not ready to leave, it"s too scary to die (Fuck that!)
I"ll have to be carried inside the cemetery and buried alive (Huh yup!)

Eminem, already at the beginning of his journey, sings about mental trauma, a difficult childhood and how he hates his parents. Why is he telling the whole world about this? Why does Britney Spears hate her father? It turns out that very often record companies enter into contracts with parents who literally sell their children into the show business industry from childhood, where they do whatever their owners want with them.

Watch also the clip The Real Slim Shady. Don't you think it's strange that Eminem is surrounded by a bunch of doubles and no one understands which of them is the real Eminem?

Let's now analyze the clip Not afraid. It was filmed 10 years later than the video My name is and again I ask myself, why does a person who is naturally prone to fullness have such retracted cheekbones?? You say drugs, hard life? Don't you think that the person who starred in the video My name is after 10 years he should still look older and rounder, the man we see in the video N ot afraid??

The clip begins with Feminem thinking about how he wants to commit suicide by throwing himself off a roof. Once again, please look into his eyes, absolutely lifeless, black, angry, as if there is no soul in them. Where is the drive, energy, rebellion with a plus sign that we saw in him before 2004?

A couple more shots... Feminem looks at himself in the reflection of a parked car and seems to not recognize himself

No, this is not a coincidence or a random video sequence. Faminem actually can't figure out who this person is looking at him from the mirror.

Is this also a random photo series and the director’s idea?? How do you think a person will feel who knows that he is not real and is a stupid copy of another and he must participate in this circus?? It's all simple in your face

Faminem is trying to escape from that hell that is the music industry, which is apparently hinted at in the song.

Hmmm, a very interesting shot and was noticed by me absolutely by accident. It is clear that the buildings were drawn using a computer, and for some reason a couple of letters on the sign were specially painted over. Does this person's real name mean Fred Fis?

So, now let's move on to the most interesting part - the face comparison. Look closely at these two faces and try to find the differences.

There are a lot of differences. Firstly, these are the ears and their pattern and shape. They are completely different! A person's ears do not change throughout life!
Pay attention to how the hair grows around the face. For the real Eminem, they never grew in these places and suddenly began to grow after 10 years. Hair transplant you say?? For what???
And one of the key and most important points is that Feminem has absolutely no hint on his ears that he once wore earrings. The holes in the ears never completely heal!!! They can always be seen even if a person has not worn earrings for a very, very long time. Here, of course, his puppeteers made a mistake.
You can view a complete and meticulous analysis in English here:


Do you actually still think this is the same person???

What about this? Eminem had nose reduction surgery?? Do you really think that a rapper would do such nonsense as transplanting his hair and making his nose smaller?

Then look at the analysis of his rapper moves, which is masterfully carried out by another truth seeker in this video. The video not only proves that the Eminem we see on screen today is not real, but even provides strong evidence that there may have been SEVERAL different Eminems during his career.So, the real slim shady please stand up.


It breaks my heart to see the real Eminem in this video at 6:40 minutes into this video. Living present, kind and warm.

Who is this man from whom the devilish cold emanates? Which uses diabolical symbolism?

Do you seriously think that a man who in the past has ridiculed everyone and everything, including other pop stars, the President, politicians, will stoop to the level of participating in Illuminati theatrical productions portraying the devil's eye of Horus? You don't know what I'm talking about? Then here you go:

Where is the real Eminem? According to rumors, he died a long time ago in a car accident in 2000 or 2003, which was very quickly hushed up and generated a lot of rumors, which is now difficult to understand what could actually be true. Here is one of the few excerpts that was found on the Internet. It is no longer possible to confirm the source of the news.

«December 15, 2000
Web posted at 6:12 a.m. EST (0012 GMT)

Rapper "Eminem" Dies in Car Accident

Multi-platinum artist Marshall Mathers, known by the stage name "Eminem", was killed at 2:30AM EST while driving a rental car on his way to a late-night party.

Mathers, who authorities believe was under the influence of alcohol or drugs, was behind the wheel of a Saturn coupe that witnesses say swerved to avoid a slow moving vehicle, then lost control and slammed into a grove of trees.

The car was crumpled by the impact, making extraction of Mather's body very difficult. He was declared dead on the scene by paramedics who arrived a short time later.

Authorities would not comment on details surrounding the accident other than to confirm the identity of the victim .

Mathers was 26."

Here are photos of little Eminem:


Discuss at home -1

Marshall Bruce Mathers III, aka Eminem, aka Slim Shady, aka Ken Caniff, is an American rapper, 83rd on the list of the hundred greatest musicians of all time, the King of Hip-Hop and the best-selling artist of the 2000s. Ten of his albums reached number one on the Billboard 200, and in total he sold more than 100,000,000 album copies.

Born on October 17, 1972 in Missouri, in the town of St. Joseph. The father left his wife and child early and never saw his son again. The mother of the future Eminem, Debbie Nelson, traveled quite a bit around the country before settling in the black suburb of Detroit - there was not enough money for anything better.

The white kid had a hard time at the black school. One day, young Marshal was beaten in the toilet so much that he fell into a coma for ten days. The beatings were led by DiAngelo Bailey, an absolutely frostbitten sixth grade thug. However, life put everything in its place - in 2001, Bailey was a garbage man, and Eminem was a world star. A narrow-minded garbage man decided that the song “Brain Damage,” where Eminem described what was happening in those years, hurt some of his feelings, and filed a lawsuit. However, the judge, after listening to testimony in the spirit of “I did everything right, this white man should have been taught a lesson!”, dismissed the claim.

Eminem made a firm decision to become a rapper, and, overcoming many attacks, began to participate in battles. His best friend Proof provided him with considerable support. Together with him, Marshall recorded his first amateur release, with the group Soul Intent, followed by his first solo album, “Infinite”.

However, for Detroit at that time, no one needed another hip-hop album, and even from a white dude. The failure discouraged the aspiring rapper, but did not stop him. In 1997, he released the mini-album “The Slim Shady EP”, where his “double” appeared for the first time - Slim Shady, much more angry and aggressive, with a kind of dark humor, reading texts about violence and drug use. The lyrics themselves have become much better - complex and original rhymes have appeared, and a message has appeared in the songs.

The record was noticed by one of the rapper’s idols, who was delighted with it. With his help, the full version of the album was published, which brought Eminem his first fame. The clip was constantly shown on TV channels, sales broke all records.

American society was divided into several polar groups: some were delighted with the humor, accuracy and relevance of the lyrics of the new rap star, others, in particular the association of gays and lesbians, were shocked by the rudeness and aggression in Eminem’s songs. In the future, American gays and lesbians will repeatedly sue him, organize protests, and accuse him of homophobia. More than once he will have to speak out on the issue of attitude towards these population groups, and one day he will even sing a duet with. This attitude is briefly conveyed by the phrase from the interview “I don’t care!”

Throughout the 2000s, Eminem remained the most popular rapper in the world. Almost every new release, for example, songs like or (duet with Dido) with almost 100% probability hit the top lines of the charts.

In 2002, the film “Eight Mile” was released, telling about the musician’s early years. Eminem received an Oscar for the song for this film.

In 1999, Marshall married his high school sweetheart, Kimberly Ann Scott. The marriage turned out to be, if not unhappy, then very difficult. Before the wedding, their relationship lasted ten years; in 1995, four years before marriage, their daughter Hayley was born. In 2000, Eminem received a two-year suspended sentence for assaulting a bar bouncer his wife was kissing in a parking lot. This was followed by a divorce, and in 2006 - a new wedding. This time the marriage lasted even less - they divorced again that same year. 2006 generally turned out to be a difficult year for Eminem - in April, his longtime friend Proof was killed in a shootout. Eminem dedicated two songs to his death: and.

Eminem was born on October 17, 1972 in St. Joseph, Missouri. His father left the family when Marshall was not even a year old. Since then, the boy and his mother moved a lot and lived with relatives. Then the family settled in Detroit, but even there it was not easy for Marshall - he often changed schools and got into fights. Having become interested in rap, Marshall was already coming up with songs at the age of 13, and at 15 he founded his own group.

After graduating from school, Eminem tried several low-paying jobs and performed on the radio. And in 1995 he joined the group “Soul Intent”. The following year, Marshall Mathers' biography released his first album, Infinite, which did not become particularly successful. But the rapper continued working.

Having started collaborating with Dr. Dre, Eminem released a disc – “Slim Shady LP”. At the same time he signed a contract with Aftermath Entertainment. In 2001, Eminem’s biography received three Grammy awards. The singer also became a member of the group “D12”. The album “The Eminem Show” was released in 2002, and “Encore” in 2004.

Marshall made his acting debut in 2000 in the film Da Hip Hop Witch. Then in 2001 he played in the film “The Wash”. The film “8 Mile” achieved great success in 2002, and Eminem received an Oscar for the song “Lose Yourself.” After some stagnation in creativity, in 2009 Eminem reasserted himself by singing with 50 cent, Dr. Dre.

Biography score

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Name: Eminem
Date of Birth: October 17, 1972
Zodiac sign: Scales
Age: 46 years old
Place of Birth: Saint Joseph, USA
Height: 173 cm
Weight: 72 kg
Activity: rapper, music producer, composer, actor
Family status: divorced


Eminem is such a versatile personality, but in any of his incarnations he is a talented creative personality who gathers a huge number of fans around him.


Eminem was born in Missouri and has no brothers or sisters. The musician's real name is Marshall Bruce Mathers III. Mom is singer Debbie, so the boy’s biography is directly related to music. The mother had an unenviable fate. They got married at the age of 15; my husband was 8 years older and also studied music professionally.

Eminem's nationality is difficult to determine unambiguously. He has Scottish, English, German, Swiss and Polish ancestry. The boy was only 6 months old; his father left the family. The mother was 18 years old, poverty, frequent moves in search of a better job and a decent salary. The child had to go to school, they stopped near Detroit, the population was entirely African-American. Because of the color of his skin, the boy was constantly beaten by his black classmates. One day he was beaten very badly, he was in the hospital and was in a coma for ten days.

Marshall moved with his mother to Kansas City. He became friends with his own uncle. The relative was a fan of listening to rap, and he reluctantly introduced his nephew to this art. His uncle gave the guy records by rapper Ice T (real name Tracy Marrow). Now Eminem couldn’t imagine his biography without rap. The guy overcame the indignation of the black population against the fact that this musical direction is not for whites.


Marshall has a best friend from the D-12 group, whose name is Proof. The guy, raised by one mother, is used to taking everything from life himself. He composed his own music and was often seen in nightclubs. Here his pseudonym was born, consisting of two letters “M” (“Em-and-Em”), it turned out to be Eminem. The guy did not want to continue his studies; music became everything to him. I had to wash dishes in a restaurant, at night I had to perform on the radio in order to have money to live.


The aspiring musician managed to get a job in the group from which his friend Proof left. With this group (Soul Intent), the white-skinned guy managed to record a disc, which was released in a small number of copies. The rap featured on the disc was dedicated to the famous black rapper Champtown. A year later, Eminem released his first album, which went unnoticed because Detroit was overloaded with rap.

Due to failure, the musician began to drink and use drugs. The depression lasted for two years, he was already thinking about suicide, because he could not provide his family with the necessities, there was no work. The incident helped bring the young man back to life. His idol since childhood is Dr. Dre found Marshall's disc somewhere and showed interest in the talented guy. Thanks to this, the musician became the owner of a hit, which was re-released from an existing musical composition.

In Los Angeles, at the next battle of rapists, for the first time a white-skinned rap artist took 2nd place. Dr. Dre signed a contract with Marshall. The young musician gained experience, and as a result of this collaboration, a world-class star was born in the person of Eminem. From that moment on, everyone who appeared under the name of a “white” musician became popular. Discs and albums broke all possible sales records. The performer has never evoked a clear opinion with his topical poems. But everyone listened, listened to him, and then made their own conclusions, which sometimes ran counter to the musician’s opinion.

Eminem was not alone in music; he collaborated with other musicians. Together with the singer Dido, the guy recorded a song, and then a video clip appeared. No matter how controversial the white music reader may be, he received a Grammy award three times. And one of the artist’s discs was recognized as diamond, because 20,000,000 copies were distributed. There was a seven-year break in the artist’s creative life. Fans thought that they would never see their idol again, but after so many years of silence, two albums were released, and a year later another, which featured a composition together with Rihanna, which became the record holder for views (almost one and a half billion).


Eminem sometimes appears in films, in one of which he played a cameo. The rapper also had a full-fledged role in the movie; it was a film related to the biography of the artist. And he himself received an Oscar. The master of poetry voiced one of the characters in a computer game. There were other films, there were documentaries, even a comedy. Books have been written about the young man.

Personal life

Marshall had an interesting story with one woman in his life. He married Kimberly Ann Scott twice. Their meetings lasted 10 years, got married, and lived in marriage for 3 years. Then the relationship broke down. They lived apart for five years, and then they re-married. This time the couple lasted only six months together.

The couple have a daughter, Hayley, whom they raised together. The world star had many novels. Moreover, he chose actresses, singers and models from the fair sex (Britney Spears, Tara Reid, Brittany Murphy). The musician tried many times to build a relationship, but to no avail.

You can talk about him and his work endlessly; in some of his songs you can hear a lot of anger and hatred, while other songs touch the soul so much that tears well up in your eyes. Fate played a cruel joke on him more than once and sent him many sudden unpleasant surprises... But still he managed to get out of all this crap, and in such a way that now you can hardly scare him with anything.

His real name - Marshall Bruce Mathers III, he was born in the small town of Kansas City, Missouri, October 17, 1972 years in a not very prosperous family. His father and mother were part of a show group that performed in taverns along the state lines. However, after Marshall was born, they did not live together for long - after five or six months, the father packed up his belongings and left the family. Although Marshall was still small and did not understand that his father no longer lived with them, nevertheless, childhood without a father is a bad childhood.

His Debbie's mother could not sit in one place, and Marshall spent his childhood in a trailer on endless trips from Missouri to Michigan. Of course, with such a lifestyle, he had no opportunity to make friends and go to school normally. His only friend was his uncle Ronnie, who introduced him to hip-hop: Eminem recalls that the first rap record he heard was “Rhyme Pays” by Ice-T, which his uncle gave him in 1987. Then the teenager decided that it would be nice to become a rapper. When the boy turned twelve, his mother decided to calm down and settled in Detroit - in the black neighborhood, where, according to Eminem’s recollections, besides the three of them (in 1986 he was born brother Nathan) there were only two other white people - a couple of crazy bikers in the neighborhood. “I am indifferent to the color of my skin,” my mother explained her choice of place of residence. “But the teenagers in the neighborhood were causing us trouble,” she added innocently.

The troubles were of this kind:

“One day I was returning home from a friend’s house,” Eminem recalls. “Then three black guys in a car drove past me. They showed me the finger, I gave them a response, and that was it. But they stopped the car... One came up and hit me in the face so that I fell. Then he pulled out a gun. I literally jumped out of my sneakers. I thought they needed sneakers. But they didn’t need the sneakers: when Marshall returned the next day, he found them in the same place, stuck in the mud.

At a school made up of mostly black teenagers, there was also plenty of trouble. One of the first songs Eminem wrote was "Brain Damage"- “Brain damage.” Entirely autobiographical, it told the story of his relationship with his main enemy, a teenager two grades above him named DiAngelo Bailey.

I was in the fourth, and he was in the sixth,” Eminem recalls. - One day he came to the toilet while I was peeing. He hit me in the back so hard that I fell and wet myself.

Another time in the winter, Eminem laughed at one of Bailey's young friends. Then he approached him, knocked him down and began to slam his head on the ice. When Eminem's ear began to bleed and he passed out, Bailey got scared and ran away. Eminem spent five days in the hospital in a coma.

It was at school that Eminem began to participate in the so-called “battles” - competitions that young MCs organized among themselves. There he determined a suitable nickname for himself - he simply read his initials, written as “ M&M" He had problems with competitions - as soon as he took the microphone, people started shouting at him: “Hey, you white bastard, get out and play your rock and roll!” What saved him was that by that time he already had several loyal friends among the blacks. In addition, it was difficult to dispute his exceptional talent - few could rap as artistically as he could.

At first, he remembers Eminem, - people said: “You’re cool for a white person,” and I regarded this as a compliment. Then I got older and thought, “What the fuck does that mean?” No one asked to be born, no one had a choice what color he would be. And I had to work hard before people stopped noticing my skin color. And the best thing they could tell me was once said by a woodpecker in Detroit. It's like, "I don't care if he's green or orange, this dude is cool!"

Eminem flunked out of ninth grade after five retakes of transfer exams. Mom was extremely pleased with this. She told her son: “Get out and help me pay the bills or I’ll throw you out of the house.” Eminem went to work.

He was a seasonal worker, a waiter and a cook in a restaurant. The owner of the restaurant recalled that he was a good worker, but he constantly rapped, shoving everything into the text, right down to the dishes listed on the menu. We had to shout at him to keep it down - it was a family restaurant.

At the same age, he began to participate in more serious “battles” in independent rapper competitions. According to eyewitnesses, he almost always won in “freestyle” (i.e., speech improvisation). Later he liked to talk about this because he did not want to be considered " battle MC“- in his opinion, this narrows the idea of ​​the artist.

Then he met the future mother of his child, his future wife and, in some way, the lyrical heroine of his future albums Kimberly Scott. A little later, they began to live together in the same trailer as the one in which he spent his childhood. For a long time, in one of the walls of the house there was a hole from a bullet that accidentally flew into the window. In two years, the young family had to buy four televisions and five VCRs, which were regularly stolen from them. The worst thing is that the thief was a real psycho: one day he appeared when Kim I was alone and brought sandwiches and peanut butter without taking anything. But in the other, he pulled out everything except the bed and couch, including clothes and dishes.

At the age of 19, Eminem suffered the greatest grief in his life: his beloved shot himself with a shotgun. Uncle Ronnie. This was the most difficult time for him. Then he recorded his record “ Infinite", absolutely untenable and interesting to few people. The independent studio that contacted him sold just over 1,000, destroyed the remainder of the print run, and broke up with him.

“I had no money at all,” Eminem recalls, “sometimes my friends bought me clothes.

His last hope was the annual rapper competition - Rap Olympics, taking place in Los Angeles. The night before leaving, Eminem showed up at the house to find a locked door and a note saying he had been evicted for non-payment.

I had to knock down the door,” he says. - I had nowhere else to go. There was no heating, no water, no electricity. I slept on the floor, woke up and went to Los Angeles. I was in deep shit.

He didn't win the Olympics. His manager, Paul Rosenberg, recalls that while sitting in the audience, he heard the black man next door yelling: “Give the prize to the white guy! Give the prize to the white man!” According to Rosenberg, it looked like Eminem was going to cry.

However, victory came from an unexpected direction. Eminem took several cassette tapes of what later became " The Real Slim Shady LP" Legend says that the great Doctor Dre, singer and one of the best rap producers, found a cassette on the floor of the company boss's garage Interscore Jimmy Iovina. The two of them listened to the recording.

In my entire career, Dre claims, I've never seen anything worthwhile on demo tapes. When Jimmy played this one, I said, “Find him now.”

« Slim Shady"was born unexpectedly. Once Eminem practiced in front of a mirror and tried to rhyme his nickname, but it turned out badly. And then he picked up the first thing that was spinning in his head: “Slim Shady, vile bastard, the dark side of Eminem’s soul. It was like an epiphany.

slim Shady- these are all those evil thoughts that come into my head. Things I shouldn't think about. I think it's important for people to be able to tell when I'm being serious and when I'm being silly. Because most of my songs are funny. I generally have a deformed sense of humor.

First album, “The Slim Shady LP” produced the effect of a bomb exploding. Firstly, due to the exceptional talent of a little-known performer. Secondly, because of the color of his skin. And thirdly, because of the completely extreme content of the record. A fragile, white-haired man with bright blue eyes spat out into the world absolutely obscene text of monstrous content: stories of violence, racial and sexual political incorrectness, the unbridled dreams of a spoiled urban teenager. The song that caused the most noise was “ 97′ Bonnie And Clyde“- a conversation between a father and his little daughter, whom he asks to help him throw the corpse of the mother he killed into the river. Here's a short excerpt:

Mom says she wants to show you how far she can swim. And don't worry about the little bo-bo on her throat. It's just a small scratch, it doesn't hurt at all. She was just having dinner while you were sleeping. And she spilled ketchup on her T-shirt. Mom had a name - Kim. The audience was shocked: this mocking text was about real people. Eminem was declared the devil in the flesh, not paying attention to the subtlety: the text was read not from his face, but from the face of Slim Shady, who allows himself to commit those actions that an ordinary person only dreams of in moments of rage. Slim Shady is an American Mr. Hyde, with the panache inherent in this country.

Eminem became famous and again faced the problem of color, only now from an unexpected angle: everyone who came to interview him first of all asked how he dared, being white, to rap. Very soon this began to infuriate him. I've had issues with race my whole life, from where I grew up to being a rapper. I've reached my boiling point. Anyone who pulls this card again will get it back in the face,” he said in an interview.

At first glance, it may seem that after a long period of living as a national minority, a person has developed a corresponding complex, but this is not entirely true. It’s just that, having learned about racial problems from an unexpected side, Eminem began to be sensitive to any manifestation of racism, not particularly bothering with political correctness.

In a sense, by unleashing all the subconscious fears and inhibitions of a young man and doing it with exceptional ingenuity, Eminem became the voice of his generation. At least the thinking part of it. Meanwhile, everything is not so innocent: according to eyewitnesses, at his concerts the underage audience greets the dirtiest passages with a special roar of approval. Eminem, however, refuses to take responsibility for this.

There is a censor on my records, so now let the parents take care of their children,” he argues. - Those who copy their idols are idiots. If a normal person jumps from a bridge, it will be only because he wanted to, and not because Dre advised him in his rap. The opinion is controversial, but not hypocritical.

In all interviews, Eminem gives the same impression: a surprisingly polite and quiet person. His modesty more than once played a cruel joke on him: witnesses talk about how security did not allow him into the dressing room intended for him, how in a restaurant where he once worked, a waitress demanded from him a document proving his age in order to serve him alcohol. The most typical case occurred in San Francisco: there, on the street, Eminem came face to face with a teenager who demanded payment from him for passage through the territory. At first he decided that it was a joke, but then the kid took out something that looked like a cannon. And then the “Detroit punks” came full circle: when they pulled him away from the teenager, he was literally smeared on the asphalt.

His second album, " The Marshall Mathers LP", Eminem dedicated the memory of his beloved uncle Ronnie, but did not change one iota his attitude towards life and material. The album immediately went to number one on Billboard, displacing Britney Spears.

On the night of June 4th, Eminem and a friend, to whom he told that his wife was dating some man, drove up to the parking lot of one of the bars in the city of Warren, from which Kim and her friends were just leaving. Kim hugged and kissed a certain John Guerra in a friendly manner, when an enraged Eminem ran up to them with a gun in his hand and pointed the weapon at Guerra’s face, threatening to kill him. There was a short fight, during which the pistol fell to the ground, Eminem’s companion picked it up and handed it to the approaching patrol. The gun was not loaded. The police arrested both, then Kim stepped forward and sent a patrol. They grabbed her too. Guerra immediately filed a lawsuit. The court charged Eminem with armed assault and possession of an unregistered weapon. And journalists speculated: was Eminem going to make art a reality, since on his second record there was a song “ Kim“- a kind of prologue to “97′ Bonnie And Clyde”, a monstrous dialogue between a quarreling wife and husband, full of threats and hysteria.

The situation was further complicated by the fact that a week later a letter arrived at the Warren City Court in which an unknown person promised to burn the entire city if Eminem was not acquitted. Eminem's lawyer said his client has nothing to do with the author of the letter. So does Eminem really, as his detractors claim, achieve fame by all possible means? In one interview he was asked a question: does he want fame?

Will it sound okay if I say no? - he inquired, hesitating. And then he explained:

“Fame is not what I'm looking for. I want to be respected. But, you know, fame is something that comes with respect. And I agree to it, because, you see, you can’t feed my daughter with respect. So let there be glory."

And somehow I believe that he’s not being a fool. Because dudes do not survive in military conditions - where real hip-hop is born. Marshall went through fire, water and copper pipes, endured many unpleasant moments in his life (for example, the death of Uncle Ronnie, Proof's best friend...), but still this once again proves that God exists! All efforts, labors and efforts - all this is rewarded to Emu to this day. Therefore, guys, take an example from him, you won’t miss, believe me!

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Quick Reading Textbook by Tony Buzan (No ratings yet) Title: Quick Reading Textbook About the book “Quick Reading Textbook” by Tony Buzan...
The Most-Dear Da-Vid of Ga-rejii came by the direction of God Ma-te-ri to Georgia from Syria in the north 6th century together with...
In the year of celebrating the 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus', a whole host of saints of God were glorified at the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church...
The Icon of the Mother of God of Desperate United Hope is a majestic, but at the same time touching, gentle image of the Virgin Mary with the baby Jesus...