Encyclopedia of fairy-tale heroes: "Drozd Eremeevich." Fox and Kotofey Ivanovich. Russian folktale. Drozd Eremeevich. Russian folk tale Which tale is Drozd Eremeevich folk or literary?

Once upon a time there lived Drozd Eremeevich. He built a nest on an oak tree and hatched three cubs. Lisa Romanovna got into the habit of visiting him. He will come and sing:

This would be an oak tree
Cut down, cut down:
Repair plows and harrows
Yes, bend the runners!

Drozd Eremeevich at home?

He says:

The blackbird cried and cried and threw the baby to her. She didn’t eat it, she took it into the forest and put it away. He goes again, singing the same way:

This would be an oak tree
Cut down, cut down:
Repair plows and harrows
Yes, bend the runners!

Drozd Eremeevich at home?

He says:

Give up the cub! If you don’t give it up, I’ll cut off the oak tree with my tail and eat it myself!

He thought and thought - he burst into tears even more and gave away the second cub. The fox left and ate them at home.

At this time, Soroka Filippovna flies past the blackbird, flies and says:

What, Drozd Eremeevich, are you crying about?

How can I not cry? The fox carried away two children. He will come and sing:

This would be an oak tree
Cut down, cut down:
Repair plows and harrows
Yes, bend the runners!

Give it back,” he says, “child, and if you don’t give it back, I’ll cut down the oak tree with my tail and eat it myself.”

I thought and thought and gave!..

You are a fool, Drozd! - said the magpie.

You would say: Cut and eat!

The magpie has just flown out of the nest from the thrush, and the fox is running again - after the third cub. She came running, sang a song and said:

Give me back, child, or I’ll cut off the oak tree with my tail and eat it myself!

Cut and eat!

The fox began to chop down the tree. She chopped and chopped - and the tail fell off. Then the fox cried and ran away. He runs and says:

I know who taught Drozd! I will remember everything to Soroka Filippovna!

The Fox ran to the village and got dirty in the grandmother's kneader and lay down on the road. Crows and sparrows came to peck the Fox. And Soroka Filippovna flew in and sat on her snout. The fox grabbed the magpie. Then forty begged her:

Mother Fox, no matter how you torture me, don’t torment me with torment alone: ​​don’t put me in a basket, don’t confuse me with a washcloth, don’t put me in a pot!

The fox thought: what does this magpie tell her? She relaxed her teeth, but that’s exactly what the magpie needed: it immediately flew away...

So Lisa Romanovna was left with nothing.

A thrush was sitting on a tree, a fox came and began to scare him, saying that he would cut down the tree with his tail and take the cub. This continued 2 times, the trusting blackbird gave up the children. And then the magpie taught Drozd Eremeevich what to tell the fox so that she would not come again. The fox was offended and grabbed the offender. Soroka Filippovna began to praise Lisa Romanovna, who loosened her teeth. The magpie flew away, and the fox was left with nothing.

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Drozd Eremeevich"

The fairy tale teaches us not to trust the first person we meet and not to give away what is dear and valuable to us. Drozd should not have been afraid of the fox's blackmail and threats, because she could not do anything in reality. The magpie helped the blackbird with wise advice, which means true friends will always come to the rescue.

Proverbs and sayings applicable to the fairy tale "Drozd Eremeevich"

1. Where you cannot take force, there is cunning to help.

2. Fear has big eyes.

3. Fear takes away strength.

4. In war, cunning brings more benefits than strength.

5. He who is more cunning will win faster.

Block of short questions

1. Why did Drozd Eremeevich give the fox two cubs?

2. Who helped Drozd Eremeevich cope with the fox?

3. What is the name of the wisest character in the fairy tale?

Once upon a time there lived Drozd Eremeevich. He built a nest on an oak tree and hatched three cubs. Lisa Romanovna got into the habit of visiting him. He will come and sing:
- This would be an oak tree
Cut down, cut down:
Repair plows and harrows
Yes, bend the runners!

Drozd Eremeevich at home?

He says:
- At home.

The blackbird cried and cried and threw the baby to her. She didn’t eat it, she took it into the forest and put it away. He goes again, singing the same way:

This would be an oak tree
Cut down, cut down:
Repair plows and harrows
Yes, bend the runners!

Drozd Eremeevich at home?

He says:

At home.
- Give me the cub! If you don’t give it up, I’ll cut off the oak tree with my tail and eat it myself!

He thought and thought - he burst into tears even more and gave away the second cub. The fox left and ate them at home.

At this time, Soroka Filippovna flies past the blackbird, flies and says:

What, Drozd Eremeevich, are you crying about?
- How can I not cry? The fox carried away two children. He will come and sing:

This would be an oak tree
Cut down, cut down:
Repair plows and harrows
Yes, bend the runners!

Give it back,” he says, “child, and if you don’t give it back, I’ll cut down the oak tree with my tail and eat it myself.”

I thought and thought and gave!..

You are a fool, Drozd! - said the magpie.
- You would say: Cut and eat!

The magpie has just flown out of the nest from the thrush, and the fox is running again - after the third cub. She came running, sang a song and said:

Give me back, child, or I’ll cut off the oak tree with my tail and eat it myself!
- Cut and eat!

The fox began to chop down the tree. She chopped and chopped - and the tail fell off. Then the fox cried and ran away. He runs and says:

I know who taught Drozd! I will remember everything to Soroka Filippovna!

The Fox ran to the village and got dirty in the grandmother's kneader and lay down on the road. Crows and sparrows came to peck the Fox. And Soroka Filippovna flew in and sat on her snout. The fox grabbed the magpie. Then forty begged her:

Mother Fox, no matter how you torture me, don’t torment me with torment alone: ​​don’t put me in a basket, don’t confuse me with a washcloth, don’t put me in a pot!

The fox thought: what does this magpie tell her? She relaxed her teeth, but that’s exactly what the magpie needed: it immediately flew away...

So Lisa Romanovna was left with nothing.

Russian folk tale "Drozd Eremeevich"

Genre: folk tale about animals

The main characters of the fairy tale "Drozd Eremeevich" and their characteristics

  1. Drozd Eremeevich, simple and not very smart. Believes everything Lisa says. Trusting, melancholic.
  2. Fox, cunning and treacherous. But also not very smart, she tried to knock down an oak tree with her tail and lost her tail. Yes, and I missed Soroka.
  3. Soroka Filippovna, an intelligent bird with extensive life experience. I deceived Lisa.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Drozd Eremeevich"
  1. Thrush and his babies
  2. The Fox and Her Menace
  3. Thrush gives birth to first baby
  4. Fox again
  5. Blackbird gives away second baby
  6. Magpie Lessons
  7. Fox's tail
  8. Kvashnya on the road
  9. Magpie's trick.
The shortest summary of the fairy tale "Drozd Eremeevich" for a reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. Once upon a time there lived a Drozd and he had three chicks.
  2. The Fox came, deceived Drozd, took one chick
  3. The Fox came again, deceived Drozd again, and took the second chick.
  4. Magpie advised Drozd not to listen to Fox's threats.
  5. The Fox came, Drozd did not listen to her, and the Fox’s tail fell off.
  6. The Fox caught Magpie, but she chatted her up and the Fox let Magpie go.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Drozd Eremeevich"
You shouldn’t believe everything that various crooks tell you.

What does the fairy tale "Drozd Eremeevich" teach?
This fairy tale teaches you to have your own mind, evaluate everything from a position of common sense and not be afraid of threats that are impossible to carry out anyway. Teaches you to have cunning and not despair in a difficult situation.

Review of the fairy tale "Drozd Eremeevich"
This fairy tale has a very sad and difficult beginning. I am very sorry for the innocently lost chicks of stupid Drozd. It’s good that the smart Magpie brought Blackbird to his senses in time, and then led the Fox through. I really like the lively and cheerful Magpie in this fairy tale, she is the most attractive character here.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "Drozd Eremeevich"
For every cunning man there is a cunning man.
Be smart and take care of your tail.
An old bird is not caught with chaff.

Summary, brief retelling of the fairy tale "Drozd Eremeevich"
Drozd Eremeevich lived on an oak tree and he hatched three chicks.
But the Fox got into the habit of running up to the oak tree and threatening to cut it down, cutting down the oak tree with his tail.
Once she came running, she threatened to knock down the oak tree and demanded that she give up the baby. Drozd Eremeevich began to cry, but gave away one chick. But the Fox didn’t eat him, but took him away somewhere.
The Fox came for the second time, again threatening to knock down the oak tree with its tail. Drozd sobs even more, but gives up the second chick. The fox carries him away and eats both of them.
The Fox has left, Soroka Filippovna arrives, sees Drozd crying and asks him what happened.
Drozd told about how the Fox walks and promises to cut down an oak tree with his tail. The Magpie laughed, called Drozd a fool, and advised him to answer the Fox that he should nag.
Then the Fox came again, started threatening again, demanding to give up the third chick. Drozd answers her - he cut the oak tree with his tail.
The Fox began to chop the oak tree with his tail, but the oak tree did not break. But the tail fell off.
The Fox realized who persuaded Drozd to answer like that, and decided to catch Magpie. She smeared herself in the kneading bowl and lay down on the road.
The birds arrived, began to peck at the sauerkraut, and the Magpie flew in. The fox grabbed Magpie. And Soroka talks her teeth, advises her on various things. The Fox listened and let Magpie go.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "Drozd Eremeevich"

Once upon a time there lived Drozd Eremeevich. He built a nest on an oak tree and hatched three cubs. Lisa Romanovna got into the habit of visiting him. He will come and sing:

This would be an oak tree

Cut, cut down -

Repair plows and harrows

Yes, bend the runners! “Is Drozd Eremeevich at home?” He says: “At home.” - “Give me the cub!” If you don’t give it up, I’ll cut off the oak tree with my tail and eat it!”

The blackbird cried and cried and threw the baby to her. She didn’t eat it, she took it into the forest and put it away. He goes again and sings the same:

This oak tree should be cut down, plows, harrows repaired and runners bent! “Is Drozd Eremeevich at home?” He says: “At home.” - “Give me the cub!” If you don’t give it up, I’ll cut off the oak tree with my tail and eat it!”

He thought and thought - and burst into more tears, and gave away the second cub. The fox left and ate them at home.

At that time, Soroka Filippovna flies, flies and says: “What, Drozd Eremeevich, are you crying about?” - “How can I not cry? The fox carried away two children. He will come and sing:

This oak tree should be cut down, plows, harrows repaired and runners bent! Give it back,” he says, “child, and if you don’t give it back, I’ll cut down the oak tree with my tail and eat it myself.” I thought and thought and gave it away...” - “You’re a fool, Drozd! - said Magpie. - You would say:

“Cut and eat!”

The Magpie has just flown out of the nest from Drozd, and the Fox is running to her third child again. He runs and sings, sings and says: “Give me back the child, otherwise I’ll cut off the oak tree with my tail and eat it myself!” - “Cut and eat!”

The fox began to chop down the tree. She chopped and chopped - and the tail fell off. Then the Fox began to cry and ran. Run and go

Rit: “I know who taught Drozd! I’ll take everything to Soroka Filippovna!”

The Fox ran and got dirty in the woman's kettle. She lay down on the road. Crows and sparrows came to peck the Fox. And Soroka Filippovna flew in and sat on her snout. The fox grabbed Magpie.

Then Magpie begged her: “Mother Fox, no matter how you torture me, don’t torment me with flour alone: ​​don’t put me in a basket, don’t confuse me with a washcloth, don’t put me in a pot!”

And Lisa got confused, but it’s bad. Before she had time to lower it, Soroka flew away.

Drozd Eremeevich

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The Fox and Kotofey Ivanovich - a fairy tale about a smart cat who was kicked out of the house. However, he was not at a loss, called himself the head of the forest, settled with the Fox and made all the forest inhabitants fear him. (Recorded in the village of Klimovo, Urensky district, Gorky region from M.A. Skazkin)

Fox and Kotofey Ivanovich read

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman. They lived poorly. They didn’t have any livestock - only one cat. He lived with the old people for a long time, and became so old that he stopped catching mice.

The old woman began to take offense at the cat and said:
- Since he doesn’t catch mice, we don’t need him!
And she forced the old man to put the cat in a bag, take it further into the forest and shake it out there.

And so the old man went into the forest, threw out the cat, went back home, but the cat remained in the forest. The cat gets hungry, he sees that things are bad, he needs to get his own food. He began to look for prey to have lunch. And then I saw a big stump. He sensed that there were a lot of mice under the stump, hid near the hole and began to intercept the mice. There turned out to be so many of them there that he ate well, saved some for dinner, and moved on.
He walked and walked and a fox ran towards him. It was the first time she had to see a cat. She was surprised:
- Fu-fu! What it is? I have never seen such animals. Who will you be?
And the cat answers:
- I was sent here by the boss. Himself from the Siberian forests. And my name is Kotofey Ivanovich.
“Oh,” says the fox, “Kotofey Ivanovich?” I’ve never even heard that we have such a boss in our forest! Let's go eat with me.
And she took him to her house.
It turned out that the fox had a lot of chicken and all kinds of meat. She treated Kotofey Ivanovich to great pleasure. She treated me, and then said:
- Why are you, Kotofey Ivanovich, alone? You have nowhere to go, or what? Let's live together, stay with me.
And so they began to live together, the cat and the fox. The fox continually drags the meat and feeds Kotofey Ivanovich. Either a duck, then a goose, or a chicken somewhere. The sweet life has come for Kotofey Ivanovich.
And then one day the fox went hunting and caught a duck on the lake. To celebrate, she carried this duck to Kotofey Ivanovich. And when she ran, she met a wolf along the way.

And he says:

And the fox says:
- No, I won’t give it up!
- If you don’t give it back, I’ll take it away by force!
And the fox says:
- And I’ll tell Kotofey Ivanovich if you take it away!
“What kind of Kotofey Ivanovich is this?” asks the wolf.
And the fox answers him:
- Haven’t you heard and seen that we have a boss? He was sent for us animals from the Siberian forests, so that we would have order. And I, the fox, am Kotofey Ivanovich’s wife now!
The wolf answers:
- Oh, little fox, I haven’t heard of that, I’m sorry!
And he went away, slurping unsalted.
The fox ran even faster. And suddenly she meets a bear.

And he says:
- Stop, fox! Give me the duck!
- No, I won’t give it up!
- If you don’t give it back, I’ll take it away by force!
- If you take it away by force, I’ll tell Kotofey Ivanovich!
- What does it mean? Who is Kotofey Ivanovich?
- Haven’t you heard that the boss Kotofey Ivanovich was sent to us from the Siberian forests so that we would have order!
- Oh, little fox, I haven’t heard that!
- And my Kotofey Ivanovich is very angry. God forbid you annoy him! You better come with the wolf and bow to him, bring gifts. Bring him a bull, and let the wolf bring him a ram. But when you bring it, move away yourself, otherwise Kotofey Ivanovich will be very angry!
And the fox scared the bear so much that he obliged to bring gifts; and went away from the little fox, slurping unsalted. And the fox ran to Kotofey Ivanovich. She came running and began to treat him to duck. She treats her and says:
- Now the wolf and the bear just wanted to take this duck away from me. But I didn’t give it to them and even asked them for a gift for you. And they promised to give a gift: the bear - a bull, and the wolf - a ram.
Kotofey Ivanovich was pleased with the little fox: he saw that it was good to live with her, satisfyingly, freely. And he became even more affectionate with her.
And the bear and the wolf got together and decided to save gifts so that they could go to the boss. The bear caught the bull, and the wolf caught the ram. And they carried them to the fox.

They walked and walked, but they didn’t know the fox’s house. And they stopped, laid down their burden and began to hold council. Bear says:
- Well, Levon Ivanovich, run and find where the fox lives.
And the wolf says:
- No, Mikhailo Ivanovich, I don’t dare, I’m afraid of the boss. You are stronger than me, go yourself.
But the bear said:
- No I'm not going!
And then a hare ran into their argument. He runs past them, and the bear roars:
- Stop, oblique!
The hare got scared and stopped. The bear asks him:
- Kosoy, do you know where the fox lives?
- I know, Mikhailo Ivanovich!
- Well, run to her and say: Mikhailo Ivanovich and Levon Ivanovich brought gifts and are waiting for you to accept them.
The hare ran at full speed. He runs up to the fox’s hut and knocks on the window:
- Mikhailo Ivanovich and Levon Ivanovich brought you gifts. They are waiting for you to accept them.
The Fox and Kotofey Ivanovich immediately began to get ready to go out.
And the bear says to the wolf:
- Levon Ivanovich, I’ll climb a tree. I'm afraid of the new boss!
“Mikhailo Ivanovich, where should I go?” says the wolf. “I don’t know how to climb trees.” Bury me please!
The wolf climbed into the hole, the bear covered him with brushwood, and he climbed up the tree.

And when he climbed a tall tree, he saw a fox with a cat. He was surprised that the boss was much shorter than the fox, and said to Levon Ivanovich from the tree:
- Eh, Levon Ivanovich, what a little boss!
And the cat smelled fresh meat, ran up to the bull and started fighting him. And he himself shouts:
- Meow meow meow!

And the bear heard:
- Little, little, little!
And he says to himself:
- Small, but gluttonous!
The wolf is also interested in looking at the boss from the pit, but he can’t see anything. He began to stick his muzzle out from under the brushwood, and the cat heard something moving and thought - a mouse! He threw the meat, jumped up to the wolf in three leaps and grabbed him by the muzzle with his claws. The wolf howled in pain, jumped up and ran! And the cat himself was more frightened than the wolf: he had never seen such an animal in his life! He snorted and jumped up onto the tree, and onto the same one on which the bear was sitting. Then the bear got scared and thought:
- Ay, ay! He tore Levon Ivanovich apart, you know, now he’s getting to me!
Yes, from the tree straight to the ground.
And the cat is sitting on a tree clinging - he doesn’t know what to do!
The bear jumped out of the tree and drove through the forest.

They run with Levon Ivanovich, and the fox shouts after them:
- He’ll ask you! He'll ask you!
He and Kotofey Ivanovich never saw either a bear or a wolf again. They dragged the meat home and began to live happily ever after.
And they still live, they say.

(Illustration by M. Solovyov)

Published by: Mishka 25.10.2017 07:59 24.05.2019

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