There are still limits for the Russian people. Limits have not yet been set for the Russian people: There is a wide path before them. Argumentation. Attracting literary material

I remember: “Limits have not yet been set for the Russian people...”
But really, what will happen if our people are given not only the essentials, but a little more than is economically justified for survival. To give the people prosperity so that people can look to the future with confidence. All the prerequisites are present: there is no war, natural resources are available, some kind of production is available, work and that’s all. And the people will rise up, and not much is needed. Provide people with Western levels of well-being. Is it really that much? And our people are good, people of gold. Enterprising, dexterous, ready to work, always approaches any task with ingenuity. What a start! Isn’t it interesting to look at such a rise! I would like to! People have long deserved to be treated normally. The one who is the first among those in power to understand his people will remain in human memory for centuries. I want changes to happen with us. We'll wait and see what we can do.

Other articles in the literary diary:

  • 14.06.2011. A look into the future.

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Experts who, on behalf of the government, are rewriting the Russian development strategy until 2020 have sent out an interim version of the work to the ministries. The document will be reviewed by the government presidium in August. If we do not change the growth model, the Russian economy will face one of two scenarios: either the economy will slowly fade, or bubbles will inflate and then burst.

In 1999-2008 The Russian economy grew rapidly thanks to the influx of capital and the expansion of the domestic market. This era is over; starting next year, growth will slow down to 2-2.5% per year (forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development for 2011 - 4.2%, for 2012 - 3.5%), government experts promise.

If the government tries to accelerate the economy to growth of 6-7% per year (by stimulating consumption and credit), then by the end of the decade Russia will face a “credit hole” of 16% of GDP and a painful crisis, experts predict.

The current model has exhausted itself due to three fundamental limitations: the closed economy, lack of direct and long-term investment, and lack of competition in the domestic market.

Comment by Igor Zalyubovsky

Experts, on behalf of the government, in an interim report on Russia’s development strategy until 2020: “If you do not change the growth model, the Russian economy will face one of two scenarios: either the economy will slowly fade, or bubbles will inflate and then burst,” etc. and etc.

Such documents cause inescapable boredom. And not only because they are written mainly for the situation. And not because the authors, in fact, are not responsible for anything written: what will happen to us by 2020 - God knows, and who will then remember today's reports... One gets the impression that the authors are arguing something like this, and it arises a kind of (note, extremely highly paid) “club of interests” - some reasoning on a given topic, surrounded by the opinions of various experts, and this rolls along the well-trodden track of all kinds of forecasts that are interesting only to those participating in them.

Why am I so harsh, the reader will say, aren’t forecasts needed? Or are they not interesting to anyone?

As a specialist in computer forecasting, I will answer: of course, they are necessary and interesting. But we live in the 21st century, and today forecasting is not just a set of opinions of certain experts, but rather strict computer and statistical procedures based on various nonlinear algorithms using powerful computers. But most importantly, for such a forecast there must be a clear and transparent object, in this case the Russian economy and its development. And this is where the biggest problem arises, in the sense that you need to analyze what seems to be there, but at the same time, as if not quite.

For ease of understanding, let's remember our recent past. During the Soviet era, the CIA had unique specialists who could, by where one of the Politburo members stood on the podium or how Leonid Ilyich’s eyebrow was arched when visiting the state farm. Lenin, predict appointments and dismissals in the Soviet leadership. Sometimes the Americans were able to make surprisingly accurate predictions, although America did not expect the collapse of the USSR. But the point is different: such forecasts were made not out of a good life, but out of despair, since there was practically no real information from behind the Iron Curtain.

Now, of course, everything is different, and there is an abundance of information, but its reliability, to put it mildly, “raises questions.”

For example, we had valiant servants starting with the letter M, and now they have become starting with the letter P. And there seems to be a lot of information in the media about how everything is improving as a result of this - right before our eyes. And I really want to believe. This is how it seems: you are driving along the highway, a polite law enforcement officer stops you and says: “We are now not the letter M, but the letter P. So we don’t need any money, but I stopped you just to wish you a happy journey.” Only the eye (what a nasty organ!) sees a different picture.

And suddenly information came across: the African tribe Babongo renamed the dry month so that God would send rains to the new name.

Or here are national projects. Can anyone (other than the “experts on assignment”) say, hand on heart, that they see how they work. Don’t analyze something obscure in numbers, but go out into the street, look around and see for yourself that, for example, large-scale road construction is underway. Just like in China: there is a project similar to ours, and large-scale road construction is visible everywhere. And we seem to have a project, and it’s written that it’s right there in front of our eyes, but we can’t help but want to ask: “Before whose eyes?”

A little more history. In the 80s, the leadership of the USSR decided to create a forecast supersystem for the national economy and surpass the RAND Corporation itself in this. As planned, this system was supposed to be based on two bases - an analysis of the economy and an analysis of the workforce (i.e., personnel, in today's language). The best minds were brought in to work on this project, in particular the economic part was headed by Pavel Bunich.

As a result, the system was only half built - in terms of personnel analysis, the now well-known expert complexes of NPO Etalon emerged from it. But Bunich refused to do the economic part and explained this later with the following example: “If the ruble exchange rate is determined by economic reasons, you can try to predict it. But if the exchange rate is calculated based on a call from Old Square, a correct forecast is unrealistic, since too much depends on political manipulation.”

Alas, this example of the outstanding economist Academician Pavel Bunich has not lost its relevance in today’s Russian realities.

P.S. Explanation from Wikipedia. Old Square in colloquial speech is synonymous with top management: during the Soviet period, the Central Committee of the CPSU was located in house No. 4 on Old Square, currently the same building is occupied by the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

With respect to the readers, Igor Zalyubovsky

IN In June 1983, a few dim words drew a line across Russian time. It was said that we do not know the society in which we live well, and therefore we are forced to move forward by touch, by trial and error - a banality, Russian dissidents have been talking about this for a long time and in much stronger terms. But they were uttered by the main fighter against dissent, Yuri Andropov, whose power as the Secretary General, like an iron star, immeasurably weighed down every thought captured by its gravity.
These words meant the end of the era of Soviet certainty and the inevitability of passing through the clinical death of the new self-determination.
Since then, the Kremlin has changed hands three times, but nothing significant has been said or done. And now clinical death is preparing to give way to its older and final sister. Such is our will, such is the choice of those who do not notice or do not want the choice.

More to the Russian people
There are no limits...
N.A. Nekrasov

Subjective statement of the problem

T The topic of the report, which overnight became fashionable, has long since acquired the highest significance for the author.
For a third of my life I have not given up trying to make a simple thought public knowledge: any changes in the current society, whether you call them “perestroika” or “modernization”, are meaningless and harmful in lack of true self-determination. The fatal defect of Russian reforms (albeit not the only one, and perhaps not even the main one) is their lack of content. Namely: answers to the fundamental questions of life are not given; these questions themselves have not even been posed, that is, the central problem that gave rise to the crisis and all the accompanying problems of the upcoming changes have not been formulated; and moreover, The Russian language in its current state does not contain expressive means or necessary concepts to ask these questions.
What was and is? There is a deep intuition, an almost animal sense of culture: ahead is a dead end of hopelessness, and the price for exit is incredibly high. But texts that claim to provide a rational understanding of “fateful shifts” were and remain sterile in content.
In 1983-86 My friend and co-author V. Krivorotov and I, in a series of closed reports sent to individuals from the top stratum of the party and state leadership, persistently tried to explain “what is now on the scales, and what is happening now.” Early Young Hegelian Marxism was used as the language of the correspondence and the many dialogues it generated. The history and results of these attempts deserve a separate story. After wandering around the Kremlin samizdat for several years, our anonymous letters were legalized: the book “After Communism” under a pseudonym S.Platonov published in two editions in 1989 and 1991. But one hundred and fifty thousand of its customers remain wisely silent to this day.
One of the central ideas of the book, which can be interpreted in different ways: the tremors that were felt more and more clearly by our society in the 70s were caused by shifts of a global, international nature. The country, together with the entire international community, entered a period of crisis unprecedented in history and faced a challenge of an unprecedented nature. But no one bothered to ask a question in Russian about the nature of this challenge. Domestic reformers (babbling something about “universal human values” and “the main path of civilization”) responded with what they could: regional self-financing, glasnost, the trial of the CPSU and shock therapy...
In the preface to the book, I spoke about the fundamental importance of Russian thought for gaining self-awareness, the conceptual coordinates of Russia in the interhistorical looking glass, where “today” means both “the day before yesterday” and “the day after tomorrow.”
A year later, in February 1990, I had to say and write that the emerging self-awareness - when and if it is born - will be in the first place Russians, completely regardless of whether we are democrats or patriots. From which head of the Snake-Gorynych (leftist, extreme right or centrist) the subject will grow is all the same: the first reality that he will encounter, as soon as he embarks on the path of self-determination, will be his own “Russianness”.
What Russian conversation about the “Russian idea” needs most is chastity. Both figuratively and literally: wise integrity. Reality was rushing headlong away from this ideal. Therefore, in recent years I have deliberately avoided speaking on this topic.
It was decided to take a different path, to rake in the heat with someone else’s hands. Thus, in the hungry autumn of 1992, the project “OTHER. A Reader of the New Russian Self-Awareness” was born. I thought that perhaps I was not fit to be a herald of the Russian idea, but I could prove useful as a designer. We are talking about constructing a space for interaction between talented theorists, methodologists and ideologists (who at that time could not or did not want to communicate with each other). The goal is to pronounce new Russian words through the mouths of many, “conciliarly.”
The original plan was to release "Other" annually. And who knows, if the author of the project had not been so sluggish, and the circumstances so harsh, four issues would have already been released by today. Surely in this space there would be a structuring of the most diverse ideas of dozens of talented authors, and it would become clear that it is not in vain that the “Apology of the Compiler” states: a complex of key ideas of Russian self-awareness at the turn of the millennium has apparently already taken shape, and we just have to realize this circumstance. Unfortunately, it was possible to release “Other” only once.
Meanwhile, something more reminiscent of gang rape began to happen to our poor national idea. And for everyone who has significant considerations in this regard, under the current circumstances, it is time to break the vow of silence.
But my topic is different, much more specific - Russian self-determination.
Of course, some part of this theme must be the "Russian idea". I will neither deal with it specifically nor fight it, I will simply try to flag it. It seems to me that, first of all, we need to talk not about what is in the current developments of Russian ideologists, but about what is not in them. There is sophistication of the mind, postmodern freedom, modern technologies for managing the mass media and playing games on the market of fictitious information capital: the “national idea,” according to rumors, is desperately needed, but it is not there, and it is not clear where to get it from, but on this occasion it is possible organize a whole intellectual market and sell and resell to each other obligations for the missing goods... But they don’t have what I already mentioned content.
How can such an extremist thesis be substantiated? Shouldn’t we, in fact, sort through all the tons of printed materials on the topic of “ideas” and “reforms” piece by piece, entering into litigation with each of the authors regarding the presence or absence of what we are looking for? This report is in no way intended to criticize or refute anyone. A completely constructive and, moreover, rather modest task is posed: demonstrate the existence of content by presenting some of its elements or methods of obtaining them. It is easy to criticize, but as soon as an author moves from brilliant critical passages to saying something positive, he most often ends up in a puddle. In this sense, below is an attempt to solve just such a hopeless task: to explain what the author considers meaningful in the field of self-determination.

Objective statement of the problem

G the main feature of current Russian life, which sharply separates it from the existence of ten years ago and makes it difficult to bear - uncertainty. A politician of any rank does not know whether he will retain his power in a month. An entrepreneur - whether his branch of business, his company or his life itself will disappear. A scientist, a teacher, a miner - will he receive the salary he earned? The average person - where will he live tomorrow, what to feed on, what and where to teach his children.
But the uncertainty goes much deeper. It is becoming increasingly difficult to understand what country we live in, what its coat of arms and anthem are, where the borders are and what the laws are. We have lost the opportunity to answer the children's question: what is good and bad? We have lost the language in which to discuss the past and the future.
From a historiosophical point of view, this is not a unique situation. In any case, before branding someone and sounding the alarm bell, it is necessary to determine the subject of further proceedings.
A set of actions (both mental and certainly practical) aimed at increasing or qualitatively changing the certainty of one’s existence is usually called self-determination . Self-determination is what we all passionately desire, what is ahead of us. And the ultimate form of self-determination - to be or not to be?
From the previous life, only one human being has been preserved and continues to exist. certainty. It is different from the bare fact of existence, i.e. It is not given to us along with life, but only with life can it be taken away. We definitely We address each other, write, read and think in Russian, Russian is our native language, i.e. the language of a significant part of our family and friends.
Russian continues to live in the language, but at the same time it has lost (hopefully not forever) all its definition - objective-material, social and ideal. Theseus broke up with Ariadne, but he still had a thread.
You can’t easily give up such a legacy. It is impossible to get rid of the property of “Russianness”, no matter how hard we try to philosophically abstract from it. And even if someone, in a radical nihilistic impulse, wants to redefine from scratch his own relationships with people, social institutions, the country and the Lord himself (using the green card as a tabula rasa) - having split his matter, he will discover Russianness as the irremovable Chapek “Absolute”.
It takes at least three generations to successfully forget one language and enter the element of another, because a lot clings to a language. Whether we want it or not, in every act of self-determination we discover “Russianness” as an intermediary between us and what we define ourselves in relation to. And history, culture, and fate cling to “Russianness.” You can travel ten thousand miles from west to east or three thousand from north to south, and all the time be in places where the majority speaks and writes Russian. You can move along the axis of time all the way to Muscovite Rus', but still not leave the borders of the Russian. Even the children's saying from the birch bark letter of the Novgorod boy Onfim is difficult to read, but we can read it. “Russianness” is an irreducible reality that creates some certainty within the current uncertainty.
In this regard, it is high time (if it is not too late) to think about the topic Russian self-determination. It was called “Russian” not because we really like Russian and don’t like Tunguska, but because we can’t get away from it. Our self-determination will be Russian by definition. We cannot jump out of our own skin, whether we are patriots or, on the contrary, cosmopolitans with a bias towards Judeo-Masonry. It is a fact.
If the “Russian idea” is a book and salon theme (now also opportunistic), coming from the head, then Russian self-determination comes from the stomach, from the survival instinct. Self-awareness is a mental activity; self-determination is physical and spiritual labor. Now is not the time for philosophical treatises on the relationship between these concepts. I will only note that Ermak’s campaign is as integral a part of Russian self-determination as the apology of the crazy Chaadaev.

Approximate topics for the final essay on literature 2015-2016


We offer you sample topics for final essays in different areas.

1. Time:

Problems of the century

Search time

Time to talk about the person...

Man and time

Society and era

Time to mature

Test time

It's time to grow up

Time forward!

Hero(es) of our time

“Oh times, oh morals! "(Marcus Tullius Cicero)

History is the key to understanding the people

The writer is the judge of his time

"A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones" (From the Bible.)

“You don’t choose times, you live and die in them” (A.S. Kushner)

“In our vile times, a person needs a conscience” (N. Korzhavin)

2. House:

Home is the center of the world for a person

Home is the foundation of human existence

The house is the custodian of Orthodox values

Home is a wonderful dream of happiness

House – home, family habitat

The house is an island, a fortress in the chaos of revolutionary and military events

Home is a refuge for a tired soul, a place for rest and recuperation.

Home is a place where spiritual, moral, and cultural traditions are preserved.

Home is a statement of eternity, beauty and strength of life.

A home is a portrait of the soul of a family.

The house is a monument to man

Home is a haven for soul and body.

Losing a home is a collapse of moral ideals. (About the flooding of villages in the 70-80s of the 20th century.)

Home is a discord with oneself and the world.

Home is a person's conscience

Home - anxiety

Home is destiny

Home is a revival of ideals.

Home – Russia

Home is a place where you are always welcome

"Parental home - the beginning of the beginning"


Ah, the path, the front line...

Long way home...

Life path

Path of knowledge

The path to eternity (Man comes from eternity.)

Road to nowhere...

Road of honor

Type of "Russian wanderer" in literature

“There are still no limits set for the Russian people - there is a wide path before them” (N.A. Nekrasov)

The path of fidelity to nature is the right path (Yoon Seongdo)

The way to yourself...

4. Love:

Love for ages

Does love always make a person happy?

Love is stronger than death...

Love and war...

Love and separation...

Love is spiritual rebirth...

Faces of love...

“Who told you that there is no true, true, high love in the world? »

“From love for a woman, everything beautiful on earth was born” (A.M. Gorky)

Hypocritical love is worse than hatred.

5. Year of Literature in Russia:

" My favorite book "

"The role of books in my life"

“Who is your ideal literary hero? »

“Which literary character do you understand but don’t accept? »

“Is it possible to do without books? »

“Is it possible to experience joy while reading a book? »

“What questions does literature ask a person? »

Is literature a confession or a sermon?

What thoughts and feelings do the final scenes of your favorite books evoke?

“The most striking characters in literature are failed negative heroes. The dimmest are the failed positives.” (S.D. Dovltov)

"A poet in Russia is more than a poet"

“A good book is a stream through which goodness flows into the human soul. "(F. Abramov)

“Books are ships of thought, traveling on the waves of time and carefully carrying their precious cargo from generation to generation” (F. Bacon)

Anniversaries« Years of Literature in Russia»:

“What problems raised by A.A. Fet (A.A. Blok, S.A. Yesenin, A.I. Kuprin) have passed through time and are relevant today? »

"A.A. Fet (A.A. Blok, S.A. Yesenin, A.I. Kuprin) in your reading experience",

“My A.A. Fet (A.A. Blok, S.A. Yesenin, A.I. Kuprin),” etc.

Love is a high, pure, beautiful feeling that people have sung since antiquity. The theme of Love can be revealed in different ways:

love for a man or woman

love for parents or child

love to motherland

love for the business you have chosen.

View preparation materials

Love for a woman or a man...

The inexhaustibility of this topic is obvious. Love is the most complex, mysterious and paradoxical reality that a person faces. And not because, as is usually believed, there is only one step from love to hate, but because love cannot be “calculated or calculated!” Poets and writers, philosophers and mystics, artists and composers of different eras turned to this eternal theme, trying to use the means of their genre to express the charm, harmony, drama of love, and to comprehend its mystery. Today, humanity has colossal historical and literary material for understanding the phenomenon of love.

A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”, M.Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time”, I.S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”, I.A. Goncharov “Oblomov”, L.N. Tolstoy “Anna Karenina” , A.I. Kuprin “Garnet Bracelet”, M.A. Sholokhov “Quiet Don” and many others. When giving examples from these works, it is important to remember that love can be different - passionate, tender, calculating, cruel, unrequited... These books talk about unhappy love, but about happy love you can take examples from the works of: L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace", M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita", O. Henry "The Gifts of the Magi", A.I. Kuprin "The Lilac Bush".

Love to motherland in LYRICA


M.Yu. Lermontov loved his homeland with great love. He loved its people, its nature, wished happiness to his country. According to Lermontov, to love the Motherland means to fight for its freedom, to hate those who keep their homeland in the chains of slavery. Love for the Motherland is the theme of such poems by Lermontov as “Complaints of a Turk”, “Borodin’s Field”, “Borodino”, “Two Giants”. But this theme is revealed with particular force and completeness in the poem “Motherland,” created by the poet a few months before his death. Here Lermontov is contrasted

t your patriotism to official, official patriotism. He declares his blood connection with Russian nature, his native nature, with the Russian people, with the sorrows and joys of his life. Lermontov calls his love for the Motherland “strange,” because he loves the people of his country, nature, but hates the “country of masters,” autocratic-serfdom, official Russia.

N.A. Nekrasov

Nekrasov’s entire work is permeated with a feeling of fiery love for the Motherland:

Not to the skies of a foreign Fatherland -

I composed songs for the Motherland! -

declared the poet in the poem “Silence”. He loved his homeland with a deep and tender filial love. "Motherland! I humbled myself in soul and returned to you with a loving heart”; "Motherland! I have never traveled across your plains with such a feeling”; “You are poor, you are abundant, you are powerful, you are powerless, Mother Rus'!” - with these words the poet addressed his Motherland. In Nekrasov’s work, the words “love for the Motherland” were constantly combined with the words “anger” and “sadness”:

Who lives without sadness and anger,

He does not love his Fatherland, -

he wrote. Loving his homeland, Nekrasov never tired of hating the system of tsarist Russia and its ruling classes. He loved while hating, and this love-hate expresses the originality of the patriotism of Nekrasov, a faithful son of his Fatherland, a great national poet-fighter.

S.A. Yesenin

Characterizing his lyrics, Yesenin said: “My lyrics are alive with one great love, love for the Motherland. The feeling of homeland is fundamental in my work.” And indeed, every line of Yesenin’s poems is imbued with ardent love for the homeland, which for him is inseparable from Russian nature and the countryside. This fusion of the homeland, the Russian landscape, the village and the personal fate of the poet is the originality of S. Yesenin’s lyrics. In the poet’s pre-revolutionary poems, there is pain for his poor homeland, for this “abandoned land.” In the poems “The hewn horns began to sing...” and “Go you, Rus', my dear,” the poet says that he loves the “lake melancholy” of his homeland to the point of “joy and pain.” “But I can’t learn not to love you!” - he exclaims, turning to Rus'.

The poet’s love for his homeland gave birth to such heartfelt lines:

If the holy army shouts:

“Throw away Rus', live in paradise!”

I will say: “There is no need for heaven,

Give me my homeland.”


According to Blok, he devoted his life to the theme of the Motherland. The poet claimed that absolutely all of his poems are about the Motherland. The poems of the “Motherland” cycle confirm this statement of the author. In the poem “Rus,” the poet creates an atmosphere of mystery and paganism:

Rus' is surrounded by rivers

And surrounded by wilds,

With swamps and cranes

And the dull gaze of the sorcerer.

In the poems of this cycle, the poet gives both the real features of the Motherland and its symbolic appearance, shows the country from different sides, multifaceted and majestic in its vast breadth.

...To the point of pain

We have a long way to go!

Here the poet tries to find answers to modern questions in the history of Rus', in the events of the Battle of Kulikovo. The ancient world is contrasted with Russia at the turn of the 19th–20th centuries. The hero acts as a nameless warrior, thereby identifying the fate of the lyrical hero with the fate of the Motherland. Fighting in the army of Dmitry Donskoy, he is full of patriotism and love for his Fatherland. Nameless Russian warriors are ready to lay down their heads for the salvation and freedom of the Motherland. The poet believes in victory over the enemy, his poems are full of hope.

In the poem “Russia” Blok appears as a citizen and patriot who cannot imagine himself without his Motherland. He experiences with her a bitter fate, her poverty, and sees the hard life of the people. Russia appears before us in the image of a woman with a difficult life, but a strong-willed character:

And the impossible is possible

The long road is easy

When the road flashes in the distance

An instant glance from under the scarf.


Many poets addressed the theme of the Motherland, but not all of them developed it on such a scale as in the work of A. Akhmatova. This theme became one of the main ones in her poetry, primarily because Akhmatova lived in a very difficult, tragic era for Russia and for her. This is also connected with the personality of the poet, with the fact that, having accepted the fate of Russia as her own, she did not leave the country, but, having withstood all the trials, remained completely faithful to her Motherland, without betraying herself. For the first time, the theme of the Motherland appears in Akhmatova’s collection “The White Flock.” It includes poems written in 1912-1916, during a period of great upheaval and testing for Russia, during the First World War. Akhmatova perceives the First World War as a terrible national tragedy. The poems of “The White Flock” are strict and philosophical, they feel the proximity of an inevitable catastrophe, a premonition of terrible and tragic events in the life of Russia. Akhmatova always remained aloof from politics, but she expressed her attitude towards Russia in her poems (“We thought: we are beggars...”). In “The White Flock,” the warmth of sacrificial love for the Motherland arises. We see acute pain and worries about the fate of Russia in the poem “Prayer.” Akhmatova is ready to do anything for the sake of Russia, she is ready to sacrifice herself, her “gift of song,” loved ones, friends, even a child, if only “the cloud over dark Russia would become a cloud in the glory of the rays.”

The poem “I had a voice...” is less specific. It is unclear whose voice calls the heroine to leave Russia: either internal, or a “voice from above” (if we consider that the lyrical situation of the poem is reminiscent of the biblical theme of the “exodus” of the righteous from a sinful land), or is it the voice of Anrep and his emigrant friends

in Akhmatova.

The heroine of this poem is faced with a moral choice. And she chooses Russia, accepting its fate as her own:

But indifferent and calm

I covered my ears with my hands,

So that with this speech unworthy

The mournful spirit was not offended (in Akhmatova - “not defiled”)...


We can talk endlessly about mothers. Kind, proud, courageous mothers! How many lives were saved by their hands, how many troubles were driven away by their kind words, how many deeds were accomplished by their brave hearts. Songs, poems, wonderful legends and serious books are written about them.

For the Christian world, the prototype of the ideal mother, of course, is the Mother of God. Sacrificial love, purity and tenderness, meekness and at the same time moral steadfastness - these associations arise when mentioning the Blessed Virgin, even among people far from the Church.

ON THE. Nekrasov Poems “Great Feeling...”, “Mother”

The poem is dedicated to the most sacred thing in every person’s life - the mother:

Great feeling, its until the end

We keep it alive in our souls.

We love sister and wife and father,

But in agony we remember our mother

With the help of syntactic parallelism, Nekrasov focuses our attention on the rhetorical exclamation “Great feeling!” and on the thought that neither children nor mothers can do without each other.

Nekrasov always spoke about his mother with love and admiration. Such an attitude towards her, in addition to the usual sons of affection, undoubtedly stemmed from the consciousness of what he owed her:

Oh, my mother, I am moved by you!

You saved the living soul in me!

(From the poem "Mother")

S.A. Yesenin Poem "Letter to Mother". The poet’s heart reaches out to his parents’ hearth, to his parents’ home. And, as if reviving the Pushkin tradition of poetic messages, S. Yesenin writes a letter-poem

jealousy towards mother:

Let it flow over your hut

That evening unspeakable light.

This is a good wish for a loved one using magnificent epithets (“evening unspeakable light”) and the emotionally charged word “flowing.”

In the second and third stanzas, S. Yesenin’s feelings about his mother are felt. The poet realizes that she knows about his ruined life, about “tavern fights,” about binges. Her melancholy is so great, her forebodings are so joyless that they torment her, and she “often walks on the road.” The image of the road appears more than once in the poem. It symbolizes the poet’s life path, on which the mother always appears, wishing goodness and happiness for her son.

I.A.Bunin Poem "Mothers".

In the poem, the poet recalls his childhood, to which he wants to return again and again. Mentally transporting himself to the past, he notes:

I remember the bedroom and the lamp,

Toys, warm bed

“Guardian angel above you!”

These simple, but very dear images for Bunin become the guiding star that does not allow him to stray from the path of life.

Addressing his mother, the poet remembers with nostalgia: “You cross yourself, kiss... I remember, I remember your voice!”

V.A. Zakrutkin The story "Mother of Man"

In his book, the author recreated the image of a simple Russian woman who overcame terrible blows of fate. Husband Ivan and son Vasyatka were hanged by the Nazis. Only Maria managed to escape. Alone, she had to fight for her life and for the life of her unborn child. Terrible trials did not break this woman. Further events of the story reveal the greatness of the soul of Mary, who truly became the Mother of man. Hungry, exhausted, she does not think about herself at all, saving the girl Sanya, mortally wounded by the Nazis. Experiencing a burning hatred for the Nazis, Maria, having met a wounded young German, frantically rushes at him with a pitchfork, wanting to avenge her son and husband. But the German, a defenseless boy, shouted: “Mom! Mother!". And the Russian woman’s heart trembled. Maria takes under her roof seven Leningrad orphans who, by the will of fate, were brought to her farm. V. Zakrutkin’s story sounds like a hymn to a Russian woman whose soul is saturated with love.

Love for your profession

Confucius wrote: “If you love what you do, it is not work, it is an exciting journey towards a dream.” Love for one's work... This quality in people fascinates, stops them and makes them want to either experience something similar, or to escape as quickly as possible from the blinding feeling of delight that sparkles those who are passionate about it. They are like lovers, meeting whom people cannot hide their attitude towards life, joy and love.

In what books of Russian classics can you find examples to explore this topic?

N.S. Leskov “Lefty”, I.S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”, A.P. Platonov “In a Beautiful and Furious World”, Y.P. German “The Cause You Serve”, V.M. Sanin "72 degrees below zero", D.A. Granin "I'm going into a thunderstorm", "Bison", V.G. Rasputin "French Lessons", V.D. Dudintsev "White Clothes".

Compiled by: I.A. Suyazova

FIPI: Path- the direction actualizes the specific and symbolic meaning of the concept “path”, aiming at its moral and philosophical understanding. The range of reflections is wide: from road impressions to thoughts about the fate of a person, his way of life, the choice of a goal and the means to achieve it.

Algorithm for writing a final essay

Bondarenko N.A.,

Literature teacher MAOU "LNIP"

urban district Korolev

Moscow region

Essay writing algorithm

2) Identify the problem/question that is contained in the topic

3) Formulate theses that reveal the problem and answer the question posed

1) Select a topic

5) Think over the composition of the work, write a plan or diagram

4) Select works (1-4), based on which you can prove your point of view

6) Write a rough draft of the paper

8) Write the final version of the work

9) Re-read what you wrote, correct any mistakes you notice.

7) Re-read what you wrote, make the necessary corrections

Composition of the essay

Compositional structure

Logical structure


Preparing to perceive the main ideas of the work

Main part


Statement of the problem/question contained in the topic (4-5 sentences).

An answer to the main question of the topic, a consistent proof of the main idea of ​​the essay (using the example of works of fiction (1–4)) taking into account the problem(s) posed in the introduction.

Thesis 1

Generalization on the entire topic; conclusions (if there are several of them, then each conclusion is on a new line).

There must be no less

A short and precise answer to the question posed in the introduction; a condensed summary of the argument (2-5 sentences).

Micro-inference (summary)

3 theses !

Essay structure

Thesis 2

Arguments, evidence, example (one or more)

Micro-inference (summary)

Logical transition to a new thought

Thesis 3

Arguments, evidence, example (one or more)

Micro-inference (summary)

Introduction + conclusion = no more than ¼ of the essay.

The conclusion should echo the introduction and contain conclusions on the problem

(problems) posed in the introduction

The main part should solve the problem(s)/answer the question(s) posed in the introduction

Constantly refer to the topic statement in direct or synonymous form

(in the introduction, main part and conclusion of the essay) to emphasize the relevance of the work to the chosen topic

Entry options

Types of introductions




Involves a brief description of a certain era, an analysis of the socio-economic, moral, political and/or cultural characteristics of that time

(Direction “Path”.


The history of Russia, the Russian nation, is full of anxieties and trials, brilliant insights and fatal delusions, creative endeavors and destructive wars. The fight against the Tatar-Mongol yoke and the conquest of Siberia, the difficult times of the Troubles and the grandiose transformations of Peter the Great's time, the devastation after the wave of revolutions and the daring rise of avant-garde art, the hardships of the post-war years and the enthusiasm of the builders of the Baikal-Amur Mainline... Whenever it seemed that life and consciousness Russian people were driven into a dead end, conquered and crushed, fresh shoots of hope sprouted that the best was ahead, new forces appeared and faith strengthened - faith in God, faith in the country, faith in human capabilities. Are there really no fetters or shackles that would stop our people in their quest for happiness, for a meaningful existence? It is the question of “the absence of limits” now, as in other times, that continues to worry everyone who considers great Russia to be their homeland.

Subject: (N.A. Nekrasov)).


- Versatility.

- Wide coverage of time and space.

- A broad outlook is required.

- Significant volume possible.

Entry options

Types of introductions




(Direction “Path”.


Almost every Russian person is confident that for our people there are no insurmountable borders or unbearable difficulties. What gives rise to such confidence in the strength and fortitude of the Russian nation? A difficult historical path, a constant search for truth, coming to balance through errors and losses, examples of true courage and true holiness - all this helps to establish in the mind the idea of ​​​​a boundless, endless path along which Russia and the Russian people are developing. Are there really no fetters or shackles that would stop a Russian person in his quest for happiness, for a meaningful existence? Domestic literature confidently answers this question.

Subject: “No limits have yet been set for the Russian people: there is a wide path before them.” (N.A. Nekrasov)).


- The most “profitable” entry option.

- Convenient transition to the problem/question.

- Abstractness of reasoning.

- The discussion begins already in the introduction.

Entry options

Types of introductions




Contains facts from the writer’s biography that are relevant to the work or to the problem raised in it

(Direction “Path”.


There is no person in Russian literature more devoted to the common Russian man than Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. No difficulties in life, hardships and hardships, or temptations of metropolitan life forced this wonderful poet to change the main theme of his life - the theme of the fate of the Russian people. Exploring the Russian soul, analyzing Russian history, studying Russian life, Nekrasov became more and more firmly convinced of the firmness and indestructibility of the entire nation, of which we are all a part. Why does Nikolai Alekseevich so confidently speak about the absence of limits for the Russian person in his poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'”? Are there really no fetters or shackles that would stop a Russian person in his quest for happiness, for a meaningful existence?

Subject: “No limits have yet been set for the Russian people: there is a wide path before them.”


- Versatility.

(N.A. Nekrasov)).

- The transition to analysis is already in the introduction.

- Assumes knowledge of the biography of the writer/poet.

- Presumes good knowledge of the text of a work of art.

- The main part assumes an appeal to the work of exactly the writer/poet who is mentioned in the introduction.

Entry options

Types of introductions




It basically contains a quotation that is directly related to the topic of the essay and is a “starting point” for further development of thoughts

(Direction “Path”.


“No limits have yet been set for the Russian people: there is a wide path before them.” This is how the great Russian poet Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov defines boundless faith in the Russian people and conveys confidence in their future well-being. Yes, the Russian man has gone through a lot, endured, supporting his family, country, and faith on his shoulders. His trials continue to this day. Are there really no fetters or shackles that would stop a Russian person in his quest for happiness, for a meaningful existence?

Subject: “No limits have yet been set for the Russian people: there is a wide path before them.”


- Direct connection to the topic.

(N.A. Nekrasov)).

- Emotionality.

- Assumes accuracy of citation (a quotation that is not stated in the topic of the essay may be used).

Entry options

Types of introductions




Involves a statement of one’s position, a statement of thoughts and feelings related to the topic of the essay.

(Direction “Path”.


It was not by chance that I chose this topic for my work. The question she raises interests me not only as a reader, but also as a person who is part of his people, living in the interests of his time. Why does Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov speak so confidently about the absence of limits for a Russian person? Are there really no fetters or shackles that would stop a Russian person in his quest for happiness, for a meaningful existence?

Subject: “No limits have yet been set for the Russian people: there is a wide path before them.”


- Versatility.

(N.A. Nekrasov)).

- Simplicity of presentation.

- Low degree of “immersion” in the topic at the beginning of work.

- Not the most successful entry option due to the universality of the wording.

Conclusion options

Types of introductions




Involves returning to the main idea of ​​the essay and presenting it more broadly and emotionally

(Direction “Path”.


To summarize, I want to emphasize that Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov proposed not just a slogan, arguing that “there are no limits set for the Russian people: there is a wide path before them.” The poet confidently and clearly stated what was suffered through all his work: the strength of the spirit of the Russian person, his patient work and faith in goodness and justice open up wide opportunities for his development and make him invincible both spiritually and physically.

Subject: “No limits have yet been set for the Russian people: there is a wide path before them.”


- The most typical and logical ending of the essay.

(N.A. Nekrasov)).

- Emotionality.

- Sometimes it sounds overly pathetic.

Conclusion options

Types of introductions




An interrogative sentence, including a rhetorical question, at the end of an essay returns to the main problem contained in the topic, emphasizing its relevance

(Direction “Path”.


Unfortunately, the trials of the Russian people are not over. The constant struggle and affirmation of the value and uniqueness of the Russian character continues today. How much more do we need to experience, endure, overcome, so that the whole world and we ourselves are convinced that “there are no limits set for the Russian people: there is a wide path before them”?

Subject: “No limits have yet been set for the Russian people: there is a wide path before them.”


- Close connection with the introduction.

(N.A. Nekrasov)).

- Emotionality.

- The final question is not always successfully posed.

Conclusion options

Types of introductions




An appeal, an appeal to the reader, focuses attention on the main idea of ​​the essay, encourages the reader to change his attitude towards the problem

(Direction “Path”.


In conclusion, I would like to make an appeal: believe in the Russian people, in the strength of their spirit, in their limitless possibilities. Only confidence in each other, cohesion and unity of consciousness will help overcome any difficulties that arise on the path of development of the country, nation.

Subject: “No limits have yet been set for the Russian people: there is a wide path before them.”


- Simplicity and brevity of presentation.

(N.A. Nekrasov)).

- Emotionality.

- The idea in the conclusion is not always successfully correlated with the main idea of ​​the essay.

Conclusion options

Types of introductions



A statement that sufficiently expresses an idea



(Direction “Path”.

No matter how long the debate continues about the uniqueness of the Russian character, about the special path of Russia, it is impossible to expect a universal and accurate answer to such a question. But I know for sure: the centuries-long history of the formation of our nation and the establishment of statehood in our country proves the truth of N.A.’s words. Nekrasova: “No limits have been set for the Russian people: there is a wide path before them”!

Subject: “No limits have yet been set for the Russian people: there is a wide path before them.”


- A convenient option if there is a quotation in the topic of the essay (but in this case you cannot use the quotation version of the introduction!).

(N.A. Nekrasov)).

-Accuracy of quotations is assumed.

- Not every quote is appropriate in the conclusion (it can also be a quote that is not stated in the topic of the essay).



Features of assessment

1. Match the theme

This criterion aims to check the content of the essay.

The graduate discusses the proposed topic, choosing the path to reveal it (for example, answers a question posed in a topic, or reflects on a proposed problem, or constructs a statement based on theses related to the topic, etc.).

This criterion aims to test the ability to use literary material to construct an argument on the proposed topic and to argue one’s position.

"Fail" is given only if the essay does not correspond to the topic or does not show the specific purpose of the statement, i.e. communicative intent (in all other cases a “pass” is given).

The graduate builds a reasoning, using for argumentation at least one work of domestic or world literature , choosing your own path of using literary material; shows a different level of understanding of literary material: from elements of semantic analysis (for example, themes, issues, plot, characters, etc.) to a comprehensive analysis of a literary text in the unity of form and content and its interpretation in terms of the chosen topic.

"Fail" is given under the condition that the essay was written without the use of literary material, or the content of the work is significantly distorted, or literary works are only mentioned in the work, without becoming a basis for reasoning (in all other cases, a “pass” is given).



Features of assessment

3. Composition and logic of reasoning

This criterion aims to test the ability to logically construct a reasoning on the proposed topic.

4. Quality of writing

The graduate gives reasons for the thoughts expressed, trying to maintain the relationship between the thesis and evidence.

This criterion aims to check the speech format of the text of the essay.

5. Literacy

"Fail" is given under the condition that gross logical violations interfere with understanding the meaning of what was said or there is no thesis-proof part (in all other cases a “pass” is given).

The graduate expresses thoughts accurately, using a variety of vocabulary and various grammatical structures, uses terms appropriately when necessary, and avoids speech cliches.

This criterion allows you to assess the graduate’s literacy.

"Fail" is given on the condition that the low quality of speech significantly complicates the understanding of the meaning of the essay (in all other cases a “pass” is given).

"Fail" is given if speech, grammatical, as well as spelling and punctuation errors made in the essay make it difficult to read and understand the text (in total more than 5 errors per 100 words ).


  • To receive a “pass” grade for an essay, the work must be passed according to at least three criteria: criteria 1 and 2 + any of criteria 3, 4, 5.
  • If in an essay less than 250 words, That the essay is not checked according to criteria 1-5.

In the cells according to all evaluation criteria it is indicated "failure"

  • If an essay according to criterion 1 is given a “fail”, then an essay according to criteria 2-5 is not checked. The cells are given a “fail” for all assessment criteria.
  • If an essay according to criterion 1 is given a “pass”, and criterion 2 is given a “fail”, then the essay according to criteria 3-5 is not checked. In cells based on assessment criteria 3-5, a “fail” is given.

In all other cases, the essay is checked according to all five criteria.


Scoring conditions

1. Match the theme

Number of points (max 20)

The graduate, in one form or another, argues on the proposed topic, choosing a convincing way to reveal it (for example, answers the question posed in the topic, or reflects on the proposed problem, or builds a statement based on theses related to the topic, etc.), communicative the intention of the essay is clearly expressed.

The graduate discusses the proposed topic superficially, and the communicative intent of the essay can be traced.

The essay does not correspond to the topic,

and/or the communicative intent of the essay is not visible.

ESSAY EVALUATION CRITERIA ( with a points conversion system) (recommended for higher education institutions)


Scoring conditions

2. Argumentation. Attracting literary material

Number of points (max 20)

The graduate, when revealing the topic of the essay, builds a reasoning based on at least one work of domestic or world literature of your own choice, determining your way of using literary material; shows a different level of understanding: from elements semantic analysis(for example, themes, issues, plot, characters, etc.) to a comprehensive analysis of a literary text in the unity of form and content; admitted no more than 1 factual error related to knowledge of literary material(error in the spelling of the author and title of the work, names of characters and toponyms of the work, in the presentation of the plot line, literary and historical facts, etc.)

The graduate builds an argument based on literary material, but limited to general statements about a work of art;

and/or limited a simple retelling of a work of art ;

the essay is written without the use of literary material,

and/or admitted 2-4 factual errors related to knowledge of literary material.

or literary works are only mentioned in the work, without becoming a basis for reasoning,

and/or the essay contains 5 or more factual errors.

ESSAY EVALUATION CRITERIA ( with a points conversion system) (recommended for higher education institutions)


Scoring conditions

3. Composition

Number of points

and logic of reasoning

The work is distinguished by its compositional integrity, logical presentation of thoughts and proportionality of parts; within the semantic parts there are no violations of consistency or unreasonable repetitions.

(max 20)

The work is distinguished by its compositional integrity, its parts are logically interconnected, but within the semantic parts there are violations of the sequence and unfounded repetitions,

and/or the compositional intent is evident in the essay, but there are violations of the compositional connection between semantic parts,

Gross logical violations interfere with understanding the meaning of what is written, either the thesis and evidence is missing, or the argument is not convincing.

and/or the thought is repeated and does not develop .

ESSAY EVALUATION CRITERIA ( with a points conversion system) (recommended for higher education institutions)


Scoring conditions

4. Quality of writing (quality of essay)

The graduate expresses thoughts accurately, using a variety of vocabulary and various grammatical structures, uses terms appropriately when necessary, and avoids cliches.

Number of points

The graduate accurately expresses his thoughts, but his speech is characterized by a poor vocabulary and monotony of the grammatical structure of his speech.

(max 20)

Low quality of speech significantly complicates understanding of the meaning, or the essay is written in a poor, primitive language, or is replete with colloquial expressions and vulgarisms.

5. Originality of the essay

The graduate demonstrates a creative, non-standard approach to the disclosure of a topic (the essay highlights interesting thoughts, or unexpected and at the same time convincing arguments, or fresh observations, etc.) or a bright style.

The graduate does not demonstrate independent thinking, and/or a creative, non-standard approach, and/or originality of style.

ESSAY EVALUATION CRITERIA ( with a points conversion system) (recommended for higher education institutions)


Scoring conditions

6. Speech norms

Number of points

No more than 2 speech errors were made.

(max 20)

3-4 speech errors were made.

7. Spelling standards

5 or more speech errors were made.

There are no spelling errors, or 1 minor error was made.

There were 2-3 spelling errors.

There were 4-5 spelling errors.

There were more than 5 spelling errors.

ESSAY EVALUATION CRITERIA ( with a points conversion system) (recommended for higher education institutions)


Scoring conditions

8. Punctuation norms

Number of points

There are no punctuation errors, or 1 minor error was made.

(max 20)

There were 2-3 punctuation errors.

There were 4-5 punctuation errors.

There were more than 5 punctuation errors.

9. Grammar rules

No more than 2 grammatical errors were made.

There were 3-4 grammatical errors.

There were 5 or more grammatical errors.

10. Actual accuracy in background material

There are no actual errors.

There were factual errors in the background material (one or more).

Mark on a ten-point grading system

Primary score

EXAMPLES of working on an essay (working with a draft)

Slides 25 – 29 provide examples of work on an essay:

drawing up a plan, presented schematically, for five topics

(one topic for each direction (2015-2016 academic year)).

Direction "Time"

Topic: “Society and era”

How are society and era related? (Introduction)

Thesis 3

Thesis 4

Thesis 2

Thesis 1

The awakening or delusion of society depends on the activities of the “heroes of the times”

A certain era is a step in the development of society

The actions of man and his needs shape the idea of ​​the era

Epoch – a long period of time with characteristic phenomena and events

Renaissance, Age of Enlightenment, Napoleonic Wars

  • L. Tolstoy. "War and Peace" (Napoleon);
  • A. Pushkin. "The Bronze Horseman" (Peter I).

L. Tolstoy. "War and Peace";

  • M. Lomonosov;
  • modernists (poets, artists, etc.).

F. Dostoevsky. "Crime and Punishment" (Napoleon);

A. Griboyedov. “Woe from Wit” (Chatsky);

N. Gogol. “Dead Souls” (Chichikov).

CONCLUSION (conclusion):

society and era are inextricably linked with each other, their interaction is a natural path of development

Direction "Home"

Topic: “Home: discord with yourself and the world”

When is home a place of discord with oneself and the world? (Introduction)

Thesis 4

Thesis 1

Thesis 3

Thesis 2

A home should be an island of happiness, peace, and give a feeling of security

There is no joy in the house if

In poverty and need, the house is perceived as a temporary shelter, and this gives rise to internal protest

Dissatisfaction with life occurs if there is no mutual respect in the family and violence reigns

it's empty and lonely there

L. Tolstoy. “War and Peace” (Rostov).

I. Goncharov. “Oblomov” (“Oblomov’s Dream”).

I. Bunin. "Antonov apples"

A. Pushkin. "Eugene Onegin" (Onegin);

A. Ostrovsky. "Thunderstorm" (The Kabanov Family).

M. Gorky. “At the Bottom” (Satin, Actor, Tick, etc.).

CONCLUSION (conclusion):

The warmth of the hearth, love and mutual understanding help to avoid or overcome conflict with oneself and the world.

Direction "Path"

Topic: “The path to yourself”

Why is the path to yourself so difficult? (Introduction)

Thesis 3

Thesis 2

Thesis 1

Finding harmony with yourself depends primarily on the person himself.

To know and understand yourself, you need to be willing to know and understand others.

Lack of harmony with oneself is a source of mental and physical adversity

M. Lermontov. “Hero of our time” (Pechorin).

F. Dostoevsky. “Crime and Punishment” (Raskolnikov)

F. Dostoevsky. “Crime and Punishment” (Raskolnikov, Sonya)

L. Tolstoy. “War and Peace” (Bolkonsky, Bezukhov).

L. Tolstoy. “War and Peace” (Bezukhov).

M. Lermontov. “Hero of our time” (Pechorin).

CONCLUSION (conclusion):

Knowing yourself is a process of overcoming selfishness, reconciliation with the strength and weaknesses of others, with the diversity and imperfection of the world.

Direction "Love"

Topic: “Faces of Love”

How many faces does love have? (Introduction)

Thesis 4

Thesis 3

Thesis 1

Thesis 2

Love is the liberation of the spirit from the captivity of the material world

Love is a test

Love is renewal through suffering and disappointment

Love is the highest emotional and spiritual pleasure

mind and heart

I. Goncharov. "Oblomov."

Lyrics by A. Pushkin (“Confession”, “I remember a wonderful moment...”, “Madonna”).

A. Pushkin. "Eugene Onegin" (Tatiana).

F. Dostoevsky. “Crime and Punishment” (Raskolnikov, Sonya).

Lyrics by A. Pushkin (“I loved you...”).

Lyrics by A. Pushkin (“Burnt Letter”).

Lyrics by F. Tyutchev (“Oh, how murderously we love...”).

M. Lermontov. "Hero of Our Time" (Princess Mary).

I. Turgenev. “Fathers and Sons” (Bazarov).

CONCLUSION (conclusion):

Love is multifaceted, complex, but always beneficial and creative for the human soul.

Direction “Year of Literature in Russia”

Topic: “Is literature a confession or a sermon?”

Should literature tell you truthfully about life or teach you how to live? (Introduction)

Thesis 3

Thesis 2

Thesis 1

Thesis 4

The key to transformation is the purification of the soul

Without confession there is no understanding of the truth, purification and liberation from delusions

The world of a work of art is a model of society and human relations

N. Gogol. "Dead Souls".

L. Tolstoy. "War and Peace".

M. Gorky. “At the Bottom”, “Old Woman Izergil”.

I. Bunin. "Mr. from San Francisco."

E. Zamyatin. "We".

F. Dostoevsky. “Crime and Punishment” (Raskolnikov);

A. Pushkin. "Eugene Onegin" (Onegin).

I. Turgenev. “Fathers and Sons” (Pavel Kirsanov, Bazarov).

M. Lermontov. “Hero of our time” (Pechorin).

M. Lermontov. "Mtsyri" (Mtsyri).

CONCLUSION (conclusion):

The task of literature is to influence the mind and heart of a person through purification, liberation from vanity and delusions,

that is, preaching through confession.

Homework :

write introductions and conclusions to each of the topics named on slides 25 - 29. Use the material from slides 5 - 13. Prerequisite: introductions and conclusions must be of different types (one of the conclusion options can be repeated twice, since there are 4 of them) . Indicate which of the introduction and conclusion options you have chosen, respectively.

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