Destroyer 22350. The main strike complex was installed on the frigate “Admiral of the Fleet Kasatonov. How the domestic admiralty solves the problem of shortage of ships

The modern Russian navy is currently going through a period of technical re-equipment. The huge naval economy, inherited after the collapse of the Soviet Union, is undergoing an audit. Hopelessly outdated ships are being withdrawn from the fleets and are being scrapped. Other warships, of a later construction, are either standing at the factory wall, awaiting their further fate, or are undergoing modernization. However, life does not stand still. The fleet continues to be replenished with new, modern combat units. To replace the old, Soviet-built missile cruisers and large anti-submarine ships, a new generation of warships is being introduced into the fleet.

The fleets already have small missile ships and corvettes that perform tasks to protect the country's maritime borders. However, a special place today for increasing the combat potential of the fleet is given to the creation of ships in the far sea zone. In this aspect, the high naval command today is relying on Project 22350 frigates, capable of replacing old missile cruisers.

Modern frigate for the Russian fleet

The appearance of a frigate in the Russian fleet as a class of combat ships is not a new phenomenon. Since the era of the sailing fleet, ships of this class have had the greatest amount of work. Russian frigates carried out combat duty and reconnaissance on the near approaches to coastal facilities, and took part in battles as part of linear forces. With the beginning of the era of the steam fleet, frigates, as a class of warships, were forced into the shadows. Cruisers took their place. For almost 50 years, frigates disappeared from view. Only after the end of the Second World War did it again come the turn of these ships to appear on the vast oceans. The new ships have firmly found their niche in the combat composition of foreign fleets, taking their place in the combat formation between destroyers and cruisers.

In the Soviet Union, unlike the fleets of other countries, there were no ships of the frigate class, since the classification of ships by purpose was adopted. The functions of the frigate were performed by patrol ships. In terms of their functional qualities and combat equipment, Soviet patrol ships were full-fledged combat vessels, capable of not only operating in the coastal zone, but also performing a wide range of tasks at a considerable distance from their own bases. After the collapse of the USSR, a reform was carried out in the Russian Navy that affected the classification of combat ships. All large anti-submarine patrol ships in the fleet were reclassified as frigates.

Russia began building new ships of this type only in the new millennium, when the old guard in the form of former BODs and Grozny-class missile cruisers finally gave up their positions.

The new Project 22350 frigates being commissioned should fill the gap that arose after the decommissioning of the Project 58 missile cruiser Admiral Golovko. It was this ship that became the last representative of the class of combat ships, which in their tactical and technical characteristics were more reminiscent of frigates. Modern domestic frigates should become a powerful striking element of the fleet, strengthening with their presence the combat readiness of the Russian fleet anywhere in the world's oceans.

In accordance with their tactical and technical characteristics, Project 22350 ships must have a cruising range of more than 4 thousand miles and a navigation endurance of 30 days. In terms of displacement and armament, the new ships are slightly inferior to the Slava-class missile cruisers, surpassing the latter in terms of protection, electronic equipment and fire control. The naval leadership plans to create a new powerful core of the high seas fleet from the new Project 22350 frigates.

Initially, it was planned to strengthen all Russian fleets with new combat units. However, in the future it was decided to concentrate on equipping the Black Sea Fleet with new vessels.

Creation of project 22350 and construction program

In accordance with the old classification, the new ship was created as a patrol ship, designed to sail away from the main locations. As before, the development of the project was carried out by the Northern Design Bureau, one of the leading domestic enterprises in this area. In 2003, after modifications and correlation of design parameters with technical specifications, project number 22350 was approved by the Supreme Naval Leadership of the country.

In accordance with the state program, the project provided for the construction of 20 vessels of this type. The construction and commissioning of new frigates took 15-20 years. Construction is planned to be carried out at four shipyards: at the Baltic Shipyard, at the Kaliningrad Shipyard "Yantar", at the Northern Shipyard and at the Admiralty Shipyard in St. Petersburg.

The first contract for the construction of a Project 22350 frigate, under the terms of the tender, was won by PJSC Shipyard Severnaya Verf, at whose facilities the lead ship of the frigate series, Admiral Gorshkov, was laid down on February 1, 2006. Problems with the technical equipment of the new ship and the lengthy selection of the optimal weapon system for ships of this class led to the fact that Admiral Gorshkov took more than 4 years to build. The ship was launched on October 29, 2010, after which the Ministry of Defense signed two more contracts with St. Petersburg shipbuilders, in 2010 and 2011 for the construction of 7 ships of this project.

Severnaya Verf was selected as the sole and leading supplier of Project 22350 ships for the domestic fleet. All ships ordered for construction must enter service no earlier than 2019. In the future, it is planned to build ships according to the improved project 22350M.

The commissioning of the frigate Admiral Gorshkov was greatly delayed. To this day, the ship is undergoing state tests. From this moment on, interesting moments begin in the history of the program for the construction of combat ships of this class. The first ship of the series, the frigate Admiral Kasatonov, was laid down in 2009, but its final completion took even longer. Only in 2019 the ship was launched. Commissioning of the ship was expected only in 2019, subject to strict compliance with all terms of the contract.

In those years, there was an active debate on the Internet forum about what was the main reason for such a delay in the commissioning of new ships. There are differing opinions on this matter, but most likely, the main factor in such a long construction of both ships lies in the unsatisfied technical condition of the main ship components and assemblies.

Today you can find information on forums where it is reported that on the lead ship, the frigate Admiral Gorshkov, the main propulsion system failed during factory tests. Instead of repairs, it was decided to install a similar gas turbine engine removed from the second ship. The failed engine was planned to be sent for repairs and modifications, after which the donor wanted to install it on the ship.

For reference: The main propulsion engines for Project 22350 frigates were manufactured by the Ukrainian enterprise Zarya. In accordance with the decision of the RNBO of Ukraine, the supply of gas turbine units to equip Russian frigates has been stopped.

The development of analogues of the Ukrainian product has begun at NPO Saturn and should completely displace Ukrainian components from the design of Russian warships.

The latest news for 2019-2016 reports that the lead frigate of Project 22350 made a test passage from the Baltic to the White Sea, independently traveling more than 2 thousand nautical miles. At the test site, combat launches of anti-ship missiles were carried out from the ship, and tests of anti-aircraft missile systems were carried out. A final decision on whether to accept the ship into the active fleet is expected.

The second ship in the long-suffering series, the frigate Admiral Golovko, was laid down in 2012. The ship was named in honor of the famous Soviet naval commander Arseny Grigorievich Golovko and should continue the combat traditions of its predecessor, the Project 58 missile cruiser Admiral Golovko.

This warship, expelled from the fleet in 2002, continued to serve in the Black Sea for more than 30 years. In terms of displacement and type of armament, these ships most closely resemble modern frigates. Missile cruisers of the same type as the Admiral Golovko were entrusted with the task of performing combat missions and displaying the flag in different regions.

The launch of a new ship of the same name is planned for 2019. The latest news from the slipway indicates that the ship is only 50% ready. In addition, the delivery of the gas turbine propulsion system by NPO Saturn within the specified time frame is in question.

The third ship of the series “Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Isakov” was laid down at the Northern Shipyard in November 2013. As with previous Project 22350 ships, the issue of timely commissioning of the combat unit is in question.

Design features of Project 22350 ships

Initially, the frigate was designed as a ship with high seaworthiness. The ship's hull has an extended forecastle, which ensures good seaworthiness for the ship in stormy weather conditions with seas of 4-5 points. The hull is equipped with side stabilizers with non-retractable rudders.

The frigate's superstructure is made of composite materials, thanks to which the radio-acoustic background of the ship is significantly reduced. The physical fields of the new ship are reduced to a minimum. The stealth technology used in the design of the ship makes it inconspicuous to the radars of potential enemy ships. The survivability of the vessel is ensured by a double bottom, which covers 70% of the hull, and a universal fire extinguishing system.

Power plant

The main propulsion system on new frigates today is represented by two M90FR gas turbine engines with a total power of 55 thousand hp. With. The engines are the result of joint work between the Russian NPO Saturn and the Ukrainian NPP Zorya-Mashproekt. Gas turbine units are 4th generation engines and are capable of providing ships with high speed and propulsion characteristics. The maximum speed of the vessel with the forced operation of the power plant is 29 knots.

Economic propulsion is provided by two 10D49 diesel engines with a power of 5200 hp. every. When running economically at a speed of 14 knots, the frigate is capable of covering a distance of up to 4,000 miles.

Weapon systems

Starting with the lead ship Admiral Gorshkov, the new frigates are planned to be equipped with the most modern weapons systems. In terms of power and type of armament, the frigate can be roughly compared to missile cruisers of the Grozny class. The main striking power of the ship lies in 16 Moskit anti-ship missiles, which are a modification of the Kalibr-NK missile system. Like other new Russian combat vessels, the frigates are equipped with the A-192 universal automatic artillery mount.

In addition to offensive weapons, Project 22350 ships were equipped with new Medvedka-2 anti-submarine systems. A distinctive feature of this complex was that the missiles were launched from vertical silos hidden in the hull of the warship. The hydroacoustic state of the underwater horizon was assessed by the Vignette-M system, thanks to which it became possible to detect an enemy submarine at a distance of up to 60 km.

Air defense was carried out by modules of the Redut anti-aircraft missile system. In addition to anti-aircraft missiles, the broadsword universal missile and gun system must counter the threat from the air and to combat small targets at sea.

In addition to the main types of weapons, all ships of this project had Ka-27 helicopters.

The situation with the construction progress and commissioning of Project 22350 frigates

As of 2019, only the lead ship can be considered ready for commissioning into the fleet. The delay in commissioning the ship was due to practical necessity. On the frigate “Admiral Gorshkov” all types of weapons that will subsequently be installed on serial military ships were tested. Today, the ship is quickly carrying out final tests of all the ship's main systems. Practical experience gained as a result of research and testing should be useful for compiling the optimal set of weapons for frigates of the entire admiral line. In addition to the three ships that have already materialized in metal, over a dozen new ships should enter service with the Russian Navy by 2020. It is planned to name all ships in honor of Russian naval commanders.

The greatest skepticism is caused by the condition of the second ship in the series, the frigate Admiral Kasatonov. Installation and mechanical work to fine-tune the propulsion system continues on the ship. According to reports from military experts and shipbuilders, the turbine itself remains to be installed on the ship. All other components and assemblies are installed, connected and tied. The ship's readiness is estimated at 80%. All electrical parts and electromechanical equipment have been in a ready state for a long time. The development of general ship systems has been completed for the subsequent transfer of the ship to the crew. Throughout 2019, a phased installation of weapons systems on the warship was carried out. First, anti-ship missile launchers were installed on the frigate, followed by the installation of the ship's air defense systems and artillery weapons.

The first production model should be transferred to the fleet at the end of 2019, at the beginning of 2019. No more or less than 8 years have passed since the ship was laid.

The second serial ship, the frigate Admiral Golovko, in accordance with the construction program, was supposed to enter service in 2019. However, work on the ship’s hull is still underway and the question of whether a gas turbine installation is ready for the new frigate is not at all clear. NPO Saturn promises to transfer gas turbine propulsion systems to equip the ship in the fourth quarter of 2019. Assessing the progress of construction, we can conclude that the commissioning of the ship, with the most optimistic estimates, will take place no earlier than 2020.

3.5 years have passed since the laying of the third serial frigate “Admiral of the Fleet Isakov” (November 2013). It is planned to begin the installation and installation of the propulsion system on the ship in the summer of 2019. As with previous sister ships, an emergency delivery of the combat vessel and a hasty commissioning of the ship are expected. The long construction of ships today has led to the fact that many ship systems can already be considered obsolete. The rapid development of electronics, which has emerged in recent years, is causing combat modules and ship control systems to quickly become outdated.

Russia's newest ocean-class frigates of Project 22350 have been under construction for more than 11 years. Despite this age, combat ships have not yet lost their basic tactical and technical characteristics. The technological resource of the project provides a solid foundation for the subsequent construction of ships and their operation. Almost all ship systems and combat modules are considered the most modern even today. As for the ship's hull and its aesthetics, Russian frigates are beyond competition. There are no similar models in foreign fleets yet.

In technological terms, Project 22350 ships are the most prepared. Long-term construction and practical testing of the lead ship prepared production facilities for higher-quality construction of subsequent products.

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MOSCOW, February 17 - RIA Novosti, Andrey Kots. The honor of displaying the St. Andrew's flag in the world's oceans most often falls to the "admiral series" - frigates of the basic project 22350 and the modernized 22350M. . As Navy Commander-in-Chief Admiral Vladimir Korolev said in an interview with Krasnaya Zvezda at the end of the week, the lead frigate of the series will be handed over to the sailors this year. At the same time, specialists from the Northern Design Bureau will create an improved version of the ship. Project 22350 is the most advanced and technologically advanced development of Russian shipbuilders. About its features - in the material of RIA Novosti.

"Floating Research Institute"

The lead frigate of Project 22350, Admiral Gorshkov, began construction at Severnaya Verf back in 2006. This is the first large surface combatant laid down after the collapse of the USSR. And which! The shipbuilders were initially faced with the task of creating a fundamentally new frigate, stuffed with the most modern technologies, many of which had not been used in the navy before. "Admiral Gorshkov" should be as versatile as possible: equally effective in combating both surface and underwater targets, attacking targets on land with high-precision weapons, countering potential enemy aircraft, conducting reconnaissance, taking advantage of stealth, and performing many other tasks. The complexity and ambition of the project is the main reason that the deadline for transferring the ship to the fleet was “shifted to the right” several times. It is expected to enter service in August 2018.

“Admiral Gorshkov is the most technologically complex, modern and advanced ship of the Russian Navy,” Viktor Murakhovsky, editor-in-chief of Arsenal of the Fatherland magazine, told RIA Novosti. — Its building is a research institute named after Admiral Sergei Georgievich Gorshkov. Since 2006, all new items have been tested on the lead ship: from electronic equipment to anti-aircraft missile systems and artillery installations. All the most advanced equipment was installed on the frigate, despite the fact that development work on a number of technologies had not yet been completed. A lot had to be completed on the fly. Of course, such a ship cannot be brought to life quickly. But when it is finally ready, the fleet will receive a very serious strengthening."

The final state tests of the frigate "Admiral Gorshkov" will take place in the springProject 22350 frigates are designed to conduct combat operations in the far ocean zone against enemy surface ships and submarines, repelling air attacks, both independently and as part of a formation of ships.

According to the expert, the striking power of the frigate with a total displacement of 5,400 tons will be provided by 16 vertical launch systems (VLS) for cruise missiles of the Caliber family. It will be protected from air threats by the Poliment-Redut anti-aircraft missile system, created specifically for Russian ships of new projects, as well as two Broadsword anti-aircraft artillery systems for close combat. The universal 130-mm AK-192 cannon with a rate of fire of 30 rounds per minute has a firing range of up to 23 kilometers. Anti-submarine weapons are represented by four Paket-NK torpedo tubes, adopted by the Navy in 2008. The new on-board information and control system will connect all the ship’s equipment into a network with a unified control, and the radio-electronic complex for illuminating the surface and underwater situation will not allow the enemy to get close to the frigate undetected.

“Naturally, all control systems are digital,” admired Viktor Murakhovsky. “Digital data buses, digital signal processing, and so on. Essentially, the new frigate is a floating computer, capable of solving many problems with virtually no human intervention. Of course, it integrated into the control system of the naval strike group (CSG), the fleet and the global information and intelligence space, which Russia is forming, including in the seas and oceans."

For all its complexity, Admiral Gorshkov is a fairly fast ship with excellent seaworthiness. It will reach speeds of up to 30 knots and cover distances of up to four thousand nautical miles at 14 knots. From 180 to 210 sailors, midshipmen and officers of the team will be able to stay on autonomous voyage for about a month.

In the next episode

To date, the Ministry of Defense has ordered four Project 22350 ships: Admiral Gorshkov, Admiral Kasatonov, Admiral Golovko and Admiral Isakov. It is expected that these frigates will join the Northern and Pacific fleets by 2020-2022. However, the series will not be limited to four “admirals”. In the future, Severnaya Verf will begin construction of modernized frigates under Project 23500M. To date, little is known about him. The media reported that the new ships will have a displacement of from six and a half to eight thousand tons. The increase in size will allow for the placement of more weapon systems.

“The modernized project will be partly a work on the errors identified during the operation of the first four frigates,” explained Viktor Murakhovsky. “This is an eternal story in the fleet: each subsequent series of ships is different from the previous one. You can look at the experience of other countries. American destroyers of the Arley Burke type in general "are not alike. Modernization of the fleet is a continuous process, and I really hope that our defense industry will pass this test. We need at least 10-12 ships of Project 22350 to effectively carry out the tasks prescribed in the new naval doctrine."

The modernized frigates of the “admiral series” should have time to enter the state weapons program for 2018-2027. During this period, the Navy plans to receive 35 ships, of which 20 are surface ships, one submarine and 14 support vessels. However, no one is going to rush the shipbuilders: the crews still have to properly master the basic frigates of the new generation, and the country’s military leadership has yet to fit them into the structure of the fleet.

Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Sergei Gorshkov during the Great Patriotic War commanded a brigade of cruisers, and subsequently served as Commander-in-Chief of the Navy for almost 30 years. It is not surprising that warships are named after him.

Previously, a heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser was named in honor of the admiral. Now the name of the naval commander has been assigned to a representative of the newest family - the multi-purpose frigate of Project 22350. These are not only completely new, modern ships, but also the first ones officially called frigates.

Origin of the name of the type and history of construction

The historical sailing frigate is a warship, fast and maneuverable, but not powerful enough to be used in the battle line. The name was first revived by the Royal Navy during the Second World War, giving it to light anti-submarine vessels.

In the American Navy after the war, air defense missile cruisers were called “frigates” for some time, but in 1975 the classification was changed. Thus, the modern frigate was finally defined as a small (in terms of displacement) air defense and anti-submarine defense ship.

In the Soviet Union, smaller vessels of this type were called “sentry”, and larger ones were called “large anti-submarine”. This classification was inherited by the Russian fleet. But in recent years, the term “frigate” has also begun to be used in Russia. And one of the first was “Admiral Gorshkov”.

For a long time, the basis of the Russian naval forces were ships designed and built during the Soviet era.

Moreover, the ships could be good in themselves - but the tasks facing the fleet have changed. What was needed was no longer “aircraft carrier killers” armed with heavy anti-ship missiles, but ships capable of effectively fighting piracy and supporting anti-terrorist operations.

Unfortunately, the difficult economic situation in the country did not always make it possible to even maintain existing combat units, let alone develop new ones. For example, the Yaroslav the Wise patrol ship was laid down back in 1988, but it entered service only 20 years later.

Only towards the end of the first decade of the 21st century did Russia again begin to build truly new and modern combat units for the Navy. The direct ancestors of the Admiral Gorshkov are patrol ships of Project 11540. These are ships developed and laid down in Soviet times. They refused to build the third ship in the series, even according to a modernized design, finding it did not fit into the fleet development plans.

The lead frigate of the basic project 22350 was laid down in 2006 in St. Petersburg. Four years later, the launch took place. In the future, according to the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, such ships will become the main ones in the Russian ocean fleet. In the meantime, two frigates, Admiral Gorshkov and Admiral Kasatonov, are being tested. Two more ships of Project 22350, Admiral Golovko and Admiral Isakov, have not yet been launched.

Brief description of the design

The frigate's hull has a long forecastle, and a double bottom extends from the bow to the engine room. In order to reduce the likelihood of the ship being detected by enemy radars, its superstructure is made of carbon fiber-based composites. Such materials absorb radio waves well.

In other words, “Admiral Gorshkov” was built using “stealth” technologies.

The frigate's power plant is of a combined type. In it, a diesel engine and a gas turbine operate on each of the propeller shafts. The power of turbines is 27,500 hp, and diesel power is 5,200 hp. The total power of the entire installation reaches 65,000 hp. The vessel uses fixed pitch propellers. The frigate is equipped with pitch stabilizers. Seaworthiness, ultimately, should allow the Admiral Gorshkov to conduct combat operations even in a force five storm.

The frigate's main artillery caliber is a universal 130mm automatic cannon in the A-192 mount. The previous gun mount of a similar caliber - the AK-130 - had a mass of over 80 tons. This limited its use only to large ships - cruisers and destroyers. The weight of the A-192 installation is only 25 tons, and it can be installed even on small ships such as frigates.

The rate of fire reaches 30 rounds per minute, the cannon can hit ground and sea targets at ranges of up to 23 kilometers. When using the gun as an anti-aircraft gun, the reach is 18 kilometers in altitude.

Small-caliber artillery is represented by two Broadsword anti-aircraft installations, one per side. Each installation carries two six-barrel automatic guns GSh 6-30KD, the rate of fire of which is up to 10 thousand rounds per minute (in total). "Broadswords" hit air targets at altitudes of up to 3 kilometers.

The Admiral Gorshkov's missile weapons are located in the nose of the hull in universal vertical launch systems.

Two UVP ZS14U1 contain eight cells each, into which missiles for various purposes can be loaded. The Onyx medium-range anti-ship missile allows you to hit ships at ranges of up to 300 kilometers, the mass of the warhead is 300 kilograms. It is invisible to radar and is used on a fire-and-forget basis.

Another option is Kalibr cruise missiles. This missile is universal and, depending on the version, can be anti-ship, anti-submarine or tactical for hitting ground targets. The flight range is up to 300 kilometers (like the Onyx), the warhead can be penetrating or high-explosive fragmentation. Guidance – inertial and radar. Anti-submarine missiles carry a torpedo as a warhead.

Finally, in the future, the frigate will be able to use a missile that has not yet entered service. These anti-ship missiles are distinguished by extremely high (hypersonic) flight speeds. Re-equipping Russian ships with these missiles could, according to some estimates, reduce the role of aircraft carriers and force the development of new missile defense systems.

The air defense of the Admiral Gorshkov is provided, in addition to artillery, by the Redut missile system. Its launchers are also in the nose, in front of the ZS14U1. The ammunition capacity includes up to 32 long-range 9M96 missiles (launch range - up to 120 km) and up to 128 close-range missiles 9M100 (range - about 15 km).

The frigate is protected from enemy submarines by two quadruple “Packet-NK” installations.

They hit submarines with small-sized 324 mm torpedoes, and attacking torpedoes with M-15 rocket-propelled anti-torpedoes. The deck hangar of the Admiral Gorshkov accommodates the Ka-27 helicopter, traditional for the Russian fleet.

Combat characteristics of Project 22350 frigates

It is noteworthy that there have also been changes in the composition of the US Navy. The main striking force is still heavy aircraft carriers, but the old frigates "Oliver Perry" have been replaced by "littoral" patrol ships of the "Freedom" and "Independence" projects. As another competitor of the "Gorshkov" we will consider the not new, but widespread German frigate of the MEKO family.

Project 22350Littoral Combat ShipMEKO 200
Displacement, tons5400 3100 3400
Length, meters135 127 118
Width, meters16 32 14,8
Travel speed, knots30 44 32
Artillery weapons1 x 130mm1 x 57mm, 2 x 30mm1 x 127mm
Missile weapons16 missile launchers "Onyx" and "Caliber"24 Hellfire missiles8 Harpoon missiles
Anti-aircraft weapons2 x ZAK "Broadsword", 4 x SAM "Redut"1 x ZRKSeaRAMSAM SeaSparrow, ZAK Phalanx
Anti-submarine weaponsPLR 91Р2, 2 torpedo tubes- 2 Mk32 torpedo tubes
Aviation weaponsKa-27 helicopterHelicopter MH-60, UAV MQ-8Helicopter S-70
Crew, man210 75 220

Comparing the tactical and technical characteristics, we can come to the conclusion: “Gorshkov,” if not a “superfrigate,” is not at all inferior in combat capabilities to its analogues. And it is quite capable of becoming a worthy competitor to German frigates if the ships of the project are exported.

But the characteristics of the newest American patrol boat make us think about the relevance of the comparison. The “littoral warship” departed too much from the established frigate concept. The caliber of the artillery gun is half as large, the anti-aircraft weapons are weaker, and the anti-submarine weapons are limited to the airborne helicopter. And the Hellfire light missiles are not at all a competitor to the Onyx anti-ship missiles.

If in their place there were at least Harpoon missiles, this would bring the possibilities closer together. Perhaps additional combat modules can significantly change the combat qualities of the LCS. The high speed and small crew size of the “Americans” deserve attention.

Prospects, combat and service

The main thing you can expect from Admiral Gorshkov is trouble-free operation. Still, this is the first in a series that has no continuity with its predecessors. So, first of all, one must hope that he will not develop any serious “childhood diseases.” And that the main diesel engine, which managed to break down, will remain the biggest problem.

The frigate will most likely carry out patrol duty. Perhaps it will support the actions of ground troops with missile strikes (if they are not withdrawn from hot spots in the coming years).

And if Project 22350 ships are built in a large series, then they have every chance of becoming the main “workhorse” of the fleet (as the American destroyer Arleigh Burke is today). And frigates armed with Zircon missiles will have the opportunity to attack any, even the largest, enemy ships. And heavy cruisers will no longer be needed to destroy aircraft carriers.

Project 22350 frigates have opened a new, long-awaited page in the history of the Russian fleet.

Even the best Soviet-built ships have long been in need of replacement - and now it has come. The Navy began to accept new ships, created taking into account modern requirements.

The activities of Admiral Sergei Gorshkov as Commander-in-Chief are currently assessed differently. There is an opinion that instead of building nuclear cruisers, the Soviet Union should have paid more attention to aircraft carriers. But there is a certain symbolism in the fact that the name of the admiral was assigned to a small ship, but powerfully armed and quite capable (in the future) of coping with the role of a counterweight to aircraft carriers.


The Russian navy is currently being re-equipped. Russia was forced to re-equip its fleet by insurmountable circumstances. The warships that Russia inherited from the Soviet Union have mostly fallen into disrepair. Of these, some of the old ones have been disposed of, and the other part must be modernized. They should be replaced by modern combat units - Project 22350 frigates.

Project 22350: why frigates?

Currently, the Russian naval forces have a sufficient number of small missile ships, as well as corvettes, which are required to guard Russian maritime borders. However, to further strengthen Russia’s naval power and to more reliably protect Russia’s sea approaches, vessels that guard the far sea zone are also needed. The Russian authorities, together with the Navy command, expect that this role will be played by frigates of the new Project 22350, designed to replace outdated missile cruisers.

Why frigates and not some other type of warship? A brief historical excursion is necessary here. There were no frigates in the naval forces of the USSR: in those days, combat ships were classified differently. Those that were essentially frigates were called patrol ships in the USSR or, in common parlance, “patrol ships.” These were reliable and formidable ships, capable of guarding the immediate approaches to the coast, as well as performing independent military missions in open waters. Subsequently, when the Russian Navy replaced the USSR Navy, patrol vessels began to be renamed frigates. In other words, combat ships in Russia began to be classified in the same way as throughout the world.

At the beginning of the new millennium, instead of outdated patrol ships, Russia began building a new generation of warships, that is, frigates. Russia was pushed to this by inevitable necessity. Old ships, such as the cruiser Grozny and the cruiser Admiral Golovko, were completely outdated and, accordingly, could not adequately carry out combat missions dictated by the times. The construction of new ships began to be referred to by the code name “Project 22350”. The result of the project should be the replacement of the outdated cruiser Admiral Golovko by a modern frigate of Project 22350.

According to the government's plan, new Russian frigates are required to surpass the ships of previous generations in their combat qualities and, accordingly, strengthen the power of the Russian navy, regardless of what part of the world ocean such a ship will be located in. According to approximate tactical and technical characteristics, Project 22350 military vessels are designed for a cruising range in excess of 4,000 miles. In addition, they will be able to stay in the process of autonomous navigation for at least thirty days. Such characteristics will allow them to successfully protect the far sea zone. In terms of their displacement, as well as the variety of weapons, the new frigates will be to some extent inferior to the ships of the previous generation. However, the level of their security, electronic equipment, and fire control of frigates will be significantly higher.

Initially, the Russian government planned to equip all fleets, but subsequently government plans changed. It was decided to equip the Black Sea Fleet with new generation ships. For anyone who closely follows world political news, this decision of the Russian government is quite understandable.

Features of the construction of ships of project 22350

Exactly how many ships should be built to implement Project 22350 is unknown. However, some sources claim that at least twenty such ships should be built. The estimated time allotted for construction is no more than twenty years. The frigates were supposed to be built at four enterprises: the Kaliningrad Yantar Shipyard, the Baltic Shipyard, the Severnaya Verf shipyard, and the Admiralty Shipyard, which are located in St. Petersburg.

On February 1, 2006, Severnaya Verf began building the first frigate of Project 22350, called Admiral Gorshkov. As befits the first-born, “Admiral Gorshkov” took a long time to incarnate, more than four years. There were several reasons for this: disputes over what the technical equipment of the ship should be, and the same disputes regarding its weapons.

On October 29, 2010, the first-born frigate “Admiral Gorshkov” solemnly launched into the water. The Russian Ministry of Defense made its final choice precisely at Severnaya Verf, and signed contracts with this plant involving the construction of seven more ships. Thus, it was the St. Petersburg shipyard “Severnaya Verf” that became the only enterprise that received the right to build Project 22350 ships.

The frigate "Admiral Gorshkov" is still not a full-fledged combat unit due to protracted testing. Construction of another ship called Admiral Kasatonov began in 2009, but it was launched only in mid-2015.

It is difficult to say about the reason for such slowness. The state, as well as shipbuilders, remain silent. Unlike forums, which, on the contrary, are full of all sorts of assumptions, versions and conjectures. In general, several basic assumptions are put forward on the forums to explain the slowness of domestic military shipbuilders. One version says that the Admiral Gorshkov had problems with the main engine turbine during testing. Replacing it with a new turbine turned out to be difficult, since such turbines were previously produced by one of the Ukrainian defense enterprises, which, due to well-known political events, refused to supply its products to Russia.

However, despite all sorts of problems and silence on the part of authorized authorities, the implementation of the project is proceeding as usual. In 2012, another frigate, Admiral Golovko, was laid down. After this, in 2013, they began to build the next ship, Admiral Isakov. Exactly when their construction will be completed has not yet been announced.

Tactical and technical characteristics of frigates of project 22350

For obvious reasons, most of these characteristics are unknown to the general public, and should not be known. However, many people are familiar with some general characteristics of the ships under construction from the new series:

  • The hull is equipped with side stabilizers, the rudders of which will not be retracted. This device is necessary to ensure that the ship does not lose its performance during a storm;
  • The superstructures will be made of special materials with composite characteristics. Such materials help reduce the radio-acoustic background of ships;
  • The frigates will be equipped with Stealth technology. This technology makes ships stealthy, preventing enemy radars from detecting them;
  • All will have a double bottom, which will help the ships stay afloat if damage occurs;
  • A universal fire extinguishing system will be installed;
  • The power of the propulsion system will reach 55 thousand horsepower;
  • The maximum speed will reach 29 knots;
  • Using economic propulsion (14 knots), the frigate will be able to travel 4,000 miles without stopping.

Most likely, when testing new ships, some of their initial characteristics will change.

Estimated armament of Project 22350 ships

The new ships are planned to be equipped with the most modern weapons:

  • The most powerful armament of the frigates is expected to be the 16 Moskit anti-ship missile launcher;
  • In addition, the vessels will be equipped with the A-192 universal automatic artillery mount;
  • To destroy enemy submarines, the ships will be armed with Medvedka-2 anti-submarine systems;
  • To assess the hydroacoustic underwater space, frigates are equipped with a special Vignette-M system. This system allows you to hear an enemy submarine at a distance of up to 60 kilometers;
  • To protect themselves from air attack, they will use the Redut anti-aircraft missile system;
  • For the same purpose, as well as for hitting subtle targets on the surface of the water, they will be equipped with the Broadsword missile and gun system;
  • All ships of this project must also have Ka-27 helicopters with the ability to take off and land on deck.

Again, it is quite obvious that in the future the ships’ armament can be supplemented or changed.

How will Project 22350 perform in the near future?

Only the Russian government and shipbuilders can answer how successfully the project is being implemented. The latest news claims that this year only one Admiral Gorshkov has been brought to full readiness. The long time it took to test it was dictated by practical considerations. The ship carried out thorough testing of the types of weapons that future ships would be equipped with. In addition to the weapons, the tactical and technical data of the ship itself were also carefully checked in order to prevent identified deficiencies on those frigates that are expected to be built in the near future.

The frigate "Admiral Golovko", laid down second, according to estimates, should be ready by the beginning of 2020. As for the frigate "Admiral Isakov", nothing is said about the specific date of its construction. It is even more unknown when construction of other vessels of this project will begin.

Of course, building ships is a long process. However, such a duration may mean that by the time it is built, some of the innovations that are planned may become outdated, and then the newly built ship will have to be improved in accordance with the latest advances in technology, electronics and weapons. In any case, many experts fear this. The shipbuilders themselves object to them in the sense that frigates are built with a solid foundation, and therefore there is no reason to fear that they will be outdated by the time they are built.

There is some merit to such objections. At the moment, Russian frigates of Project 22350 can be considered the most modern in the world, both in terms of technological features and in terms of aesthetics and design. Their weapons are also at the highest level. In any case, there are no ships similar to the new Russian frigates in any foreign fleet yet.

According to the armament program for 2011–2020, the Russian Navy will receive frigates of Project 22350. In total, 10 frigates of this project are planned to be built during this period.

These are the first domestic large ships created in the post-Soviet era. Currently, two frigates of Project 22350 are being built in St. Petersburg - “Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov” (laid down in 2006, launched in 2010, will enter service this year - according to plan), they plan to transfer it to the Baltic Fleet; In 2009, the frigate “Admiral of the Fleet Kasatonov” was laid down; its commissioning is scheduled for 2012.

The preliminary design of the ship was developed at the Northern Design Bureau and approved in June 2003 by the fleet command. At the beginning of 2005, the project was approved as a multi-purpose frigate (according to the Soviet classification - a large patrol ship). On February 28, 2005, a tender was announced for the construction of this ship; three shipbuilding enterprises took part in it: Severnaya Verf, Baltic Shipyard Yantar and FSUE Sevmashpredpriyatie.

The order was received by the Severnaya Verf Shipyard OJSC. On February 1, 2006, the ship was laid down, and it was assigned serial number 921. By order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Vladimir Masorin, the frigate was given the name “Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Sergei Gorshkov.” On November 26, 2009, the laying of the second frigate of the series took place. He was given the name “Admiral of the Fleet Kasatonov.” The cost of the lead ship of Project 22350 should be about 400-420 million US dollars, but in the end the actual cost of building one frigate could increase to 500 million dollars.

It is symbolic that the new Russian frigates are named in honor of the Soviet admirals, who did so much for the Soviet Navy; the connection between generations is very important. Gorshkov and Kasatonov are classmates at the Naval School and comrades in service. They served on parallel courses next to each other for more than half a century. Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union S.G. For almost three decades since 1956, Gorshkov was the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy and Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR. Before that, for four years (1951–1955) he commanded the Black Sea Fleet. In fact, Gorshkov realized the idea of ​​​​creating the country's ocean fleet. One of his closest associates was Vladimir Afanasyevich Kasatonov.

V.A. Kasatonov was born in 1910 in Peterhof. In 1927 he entered and in 1931 graduated from the Naval Academy, then the Naval Academy (1941). During the Great Patriotic War, he was the chief of staff of a separate division of submarines of the Baltic Fleet, where he skillfully applied the service experience acquired in the Baltic and Pacific Fleet. Then he was transferred to Moscow, where he served as head of the operational management department of the Main Naval Staff of the Navy. He was one of the participants in the Yalta Conference, and based on its results he prepared the military operations of the Pacific Fleet in the Far East in a future war with Japan. In 1945–1947 – chief of staff of the Kronstadt naval defense region, head of the naval department of the Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff. In 1947–1949 - head of department and assistant to the head of the Main Directorate of the General Staff. Since 1949 - chief of staff of the 5th Navy, then - Pacific Fleet, commander of the 8th Navy, the Black Sea, and later the Northern fleet. In 1964–1974 - First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Navy. Since 1974 - in the Group of Inspectors General of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Hero of the Soviet Union (1966), Fleet Admiral Kasatonov, is one of the leading organizers of the development of the nuclear fleet. Made a trip on a nuclear powered ship to the North Pole area. In 1971–1972 he headed the Soviet delegation in negotiations with the US Navy. As a result, the agreement “On the Prevention of Incidents on the High Seas and Airspace” was adopted. Awarded 14 orders. Vladimir Afanasyevich died in 1989. He was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Purpose: The frigate is designed to conduct combat operations against surface ships and submarines in oceanic and sea areas, as well as to repel attacks by air attack weapons, both independently and as part of a formation of ships.


Frigates are made according to the modern concept of stealth ships. They have missile weapons built into the hull, and a solid superstructure, which is made using composite materials (based on polyvinyl chloride and carbon fibers). This ensures the absorption and dispersion of radio waves, which significantly reduces the level of the ship's secondary radar field. The effective dispersion surface is significantly reduced; all this is ensured, in addition to the use of the above materials, also by the original configuration of the superstructure. The aft end of the ship is transom. A sharp stem should provide the ship with good seaworthiness. The frigates have a double bottom, which extends from the bow compartments with ammunition to the engine room and aft valance. New anti-roll bars with fixed rudders have been installed. Roll calming devices should ensure confident use of the entire arsenal of weapons in sea conditions of up to 4-5 points. The missile ammunition will be stored in vertical launchers with additional protection. A hangar is installed at the stern, which can accommodate one Ka-28 helicopter.

Power point

For the ship, a diesel-gas turbine power plant with a total capacity of 65,000 liters was selected as the power plant. With. Installation of a diesel-gas turbine unit of the CODAG type, ensuring the combined operation of diesel engines and gas turbine engines in the DHTA-M55MR unit. This solution will make it possible to obtain greater total power and efficiency at low speeds under diesel engines. The layout of the DGTU elements will most likely be placed in two compartments: gas turbine engines in the bow, and diesel engines in the aft engine room.

As a propulsion unit, two new 3825 kW (5200 hp) diesel engines from the Kolomna plant 10D49 with automated control will be installed; each has a two-speed gearbox, ensuring joint and separate operation of diesel engines with a sound-insulating composite coupling, and a local control system. The accelerator installation will be represented by two M90FR gas turbine engines jointly developed by NPO Saturn and NPP Zarya-Mashproekt with a capacity of 27,500 hp each. Thus, with two main diesel engines, the ship will have a power of 10,400 hp, which will correspond to 15-16 knots. economical running. And at full speed with diesel engines and turbines working together - 64,800 hp. which should be enough for 29-30 knots. full speed for a ship of this displacement. It should be noted that this is the most optimal solution for a ship of this class and has not previously been implemented in the domestic fleet only due to the complexity of the design, the great complexity of controlling the installation due to the different principles of regulating the propulsion and accelerator engines and the reluctance of unit developers to take on the development of the entire installation in complex.


Two universal ship-based firing systems 3S14U1 (only two standard modules of eight cells each), designed to store and launch sixteen ZM55 Oniks anti-ship cruise missiles (PJ-10 BrahMos), or anti-ship and anti-submarine missiles of the Caliber-NKE family (3M- 54, 3M14, 91RTE2). The use of this complex makes this warship truly multi-purpose. Since its combat purpose can be easily changed by replacing the ammunition with another type of missile.

SAM: Initially it was planned to install the Uragan air defense system (or its modernized version Shtil-1) on the ship. But most likely this idea will be abandoned, since since the 90s work has been underway to create a new medium-range air defense system with vertical cellular-type launchers for 32 or more missiles. A new short-range missile is currently being actively developed for this launcher - up to 10 km, with a diameter of 125 mm, an analogue of the RVV-AE (9m100) aircraft missile defense system. It will be possible to place up to four missiles in one cell, and in this case the ship’s full ammunition load can increase to 128 small-radius missiles, which, you see, is important. The new anti-aircraft complex is called Poliment-Redut, and it will be maximally unified with the Vityaz mobile land complex currently being developed.

The complex will include 4 phased antenna arrays (AFAR) "Poliment", a general surveillance radar, an air defense system "Redut" with vertical launchers (VLU) for medium and short-range missiles, as well as for promising missiles being created, the complex will include systems of a single control systems, electronic warfare equipment, A-192 artillery installations and the Broadsword ZAK, all elements will operate and be controlled in a single air defense circuit, providing all-round air defense of the ship against aircraft and low-flying targets. The complex will be capable of simultaneously providing target designation for at least 16 targets (4 for each phased array). The complex will be able to maintain a firing rate of up to one missile per second. After which, low-flying targets that have broken through will be finished off with the help of artillery. The system will also suppress missile guidance systems using its electronic warfare systems. All this allows you to create an air defense system with a single circuit. In addition, this will reduce the number of combat posts and significantly reduce the ship's crew.

Artillery complex: new 130-mm artillery mount A-192 (firing range up to 22 km, rate of fire - 30 rounds per minute). The artillery system has a wide range of firing angles (170/80°); the range of ammunition allows it to hit coastal, sea and air targets, and the new 5P-10 Puma artillery fire control radar system has multi-channel coverage of targets being fired. Next to the helicopter hangar, it is planned to place two combat modules of the Broadsword ZRAK on the sides.

Anti-submarine weapons: will consist of 2 Medvedka-2 launchers. This complex will have four missiles in each launch module and will also be located on the sides in the area of ​​the middle part of the superstructure behind the ports. Enemy submarines will be detected by the Zarya-M hydroacoustic complex or its further modernization and the Vignette-M low-frequency active-passive hydroacoustic station. This station consists of a towed flexible extended antenna (GPBA) and a low-frequency emitter, which ensures effective detection of low-noise submarines in sonar mode. In addition, simultaneously with sonar, the sonar system is operating, which will make it possible to detect torpedoes and surface ships at a great distance - up to 60 km.

Aviation component: Ka-28 anti-submarine helicopter.

Basic performance characteristics

Displacement - 3900/4500 t,
Main dimensions, m: length - 130-135,
Width – 16,
Draft - 4.5,
Power plant - Diesel-gas turbine energy,
Power - 65,000 l. With. (general),
2 diesel engines 10D49 with a power of 5200 hp each. With.,
2 M90FR gas turbine engines with a capacity of 27,500 hp each. With.,
Full speed, knots – 29,
Cruising range, miles (kts) - 4000 (14 kts),
Autonomy, day – 30,
Number of shafts - 2,
Screw type – VFS,
Crew, people – 180-210,
Rocket - UKSK: 2x8,
SAM - 4x8 SAM "Redut",
AU - 130mm (A-192),
ZRAK - 2 BM "Broadsword",
PLUR - 2x4 "Medvedka-2",
AB – 1 Ka-28 helicopter.

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