Essays by modern Chichikovs of our society. Who is Chichikov through the eyes of a person of the 21st century. Chichikovs in the Modern World

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Our time is simply full of Chichikovs." "Chichikov personifies modern businessmen, entrepreneurs who, taking advantage of the disorder in the country, the lack of the slightest control, are trying to take advantage of everything that comes their way." "And now the time is convenient, there was an epidemic recently , the people died out, thank God, quite a lot... estates are abandoned, managed haphazardly, taxes are more difficult to pay every year." Referring to this passage in Dead Souls, several ninth-graders wrote that today is the most convenient, favorable time for the current Chichikovs. "Our time is very similar to the time of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol : collapse in the state, political and economic disorder, poverty and misery of the main strata of the state." "Now in our country the situation is no better than in the time of Chichikov. Taking advantage of the plight of the country, the Chichikovs make money at the expense of other people, thereby finishing off the state." And therefore our time is “the time of the rise of the Chichikovs.” “In our troubled times, people like Chichikovs should prosper, they do not waste time profiting on other people." Moreover, "now, when abilities and education are little valued, money does a lot." That is why "it is in our time that such people are valued. They know how to please and, most importantly, their bosses." "They remember all the same words of Father Chichikov: “And most of all, please teachers and bosses. If you please your boss, then, even though you will not succeed in science, and God did not give you talent, You’ll put everything into action and get ahead of everyone.” One of the main motifs that sounds in many works of ninth-graders is that Chichikov reflects and expresses not only Gogol’s time, but also our time. “If you mentally put Chichikov in the current conditions, then he will not stand out among the same owners and businessmen who flood the fragile Russian market, make a profit through resale and are not a productive force.” “Reading and reflecting on the character and behavior of Chichikov, I clearly see the misfortunes of our time: countless deceptions, scams, frauds and tricks.” “Chichikov today could pull off such a scam that his machinations with dead souls would seem like baby talk.” Moreover. According to the thoughts of many tenth graders, if Chichikov in Gogol’s time was a new, unusual phenomenon, then today he is an ordinary and familiar figure. "I think that Chichikov is, to some extent, a hero of our time." “He was disgusted and distrusted by many at the time, but now he would be respected and appreciated.” "He lives for money, in order to experience all the joys of life."

Among the characters in Gogol’s poem “Dead Souls,” Chichikov occupies a special place. Being the central (from the point of view of plot and composition) figure of the poem, this hero remains a mystery to everyone until the last chapter of the first volume - not only to the officials of the city of NN but also to the reader. The hero's past is unknown (his biography is given not at the beginning of the story, but only in the eleventh chapter), just as the goals of his stay in the city of NN are unknown. In addition, the author deprives Pavel Ivanovich of his originality, memorable features, and his own “face.” Against the background of bright, extremely individualized images of landowners, the figure of Chichikov looks colorless, vague, elusive. The absence of an individual principle is also revealed in the hero’s speech behavior - not having his own “face,” he does not have his own “voice.” It is facelessness and colorlessness that allow Chichikov to transform beyond recognition when the “interests of the case” require it. An excellent psychologist and a brilliant imitator, he knows how to become like his interlocutor with magical artistry. In every situation, he says what they would like to hear from him, which can be in his favor. With Manilov, Pavel Ivanovich is cloyingly amiable, pompous (“...I am dumb before the law”) and flattering. With Korobochka he is patronizingly affectionate and patriarchally pious (“Everything is God’s will, mother...”), but he behaves freely with her, “does not stand on ceremony.” Instead of flowery phrases, colloquial and sometimes rude expressions now come from a hundred mouths (“it’s not worth a damn,” “to hell with you”). Communication with the arrogant and unceremonious Nozdrev is torment for Chichikov, because Pavel Ivanovich does not tolerate “familiar treatment” (“...unless the person... is of too high a rank”). However, he does not even think of interrupting his dialogue with the landowner: he is rich, which means there is the prospect of a profitable deal ahead. Following his proven method, Chichikov strives with all his might to become like Nozdryov. He addresses him as “you”, adopts his familiar manners and boorish top. It is much easier for Chichikov to find a common language with Sobakevich - after all, both are united by zealous service to the “penny”. Even Plyushkin, who had long ago lost contact with the outside world and forgotten the elementary norms of politeness, was able to win over Pavel Ivanovich. For this landowner, Chichikov plays the role of an impractical and generous idiot - a “motishka”, ready to save a casual acquaintance from having to pay for dead peasants at his own loss. Who is Chichikov? What kind of person is he? Among the many fantastic versions about Chichikov put forward by officials of the city of NN. The version about the Antichrist deserves special attention. The Antichrist of the New Testament “Revelation” precedes the onset of the Last Judgment and appears at the end of time. Why exactly does Chichikov become a sign of the “last times” in Gogol, a symbol of the coming catastrophe? From Gogol’s point of view, the evil personified in Chichikov (“passion for acquisition”) is the main evil of our time. Everyday and insignificant evil is more terrible than literary and majestic evil, Gogol shows. Gogol wants to understand the psychological nature of the new phenomenon. This is served by the biography of Chichikov, which explains the genesis of the character depicted in the poem. The dull, sad childhood of the hero - without comrades, without dreams, without parental love - predetermined much in the future fate of the hero. Having deeply internalized the parental instructions (“... take care and save a penny”), Pavlusha Chichikov develops energy, will and perseverance, with which he strives for his only goal in life - wealth. At first, his actions are naive and straightforward: Pavlusha slavishly pleases the teacher and becomes his favorite. Having matured, Chichikov manipulates people with much greater skill, but the results of his efforts are now more significant. Promising to marry his boss’s daughter, Chichikov gets himself a job as a police officer. While serving at customs, Pavel Ivanovich convinces his superiors of his incorruptibility, and then makes a huge fortune from a large consignment of smuggled goods. The biography of Gogol’s “acquirer” is marked by a strange pattern: Chichikov’s brilliant victories turn out to be zero every time. The process of enrichment turns into something valuable, self-sufficient - after all, it is always a process without a result. At the same time, Chichikov’s biography makes us remember sinners who overcame their sinfulness and subsequently became holy ascetics. It was assumed that in the next volumes of the poem the awakening of the hero’s soul and his spiritual resurrection would occur. The author said that it is no coincidence that the evils of time are so concentrated and intensified in Chichikov - the resurrection of the “hero of the time” should be the beginning of the resurrection of the entire society.

Reading the work, dead souls are very surprised by the unusually kind attitude of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol towards Russia and the Russian people - with what suffering and participation, with what anxiety he writes about his heroes!.. Chichikov Gogol's poem

What is my attitude towards the main character? Don't know. But definitely not love. I don’t like him, such people are not interesting to me; simply disgusting. You cannot deny him some charm, but the inner world of this man is truly terrifying in its squalor and pettiness.

Each of us has some guidelines, goals that we strive for. They determine the entire personality structure. A good life is the main goal and guideline of the main character. A good, well-fed and inactive life. Isn’t this where this misery of heart comes from?

What an interesting surname - Chichikov. There is something sparrow-like about her. Some kind of businesslike and vain haste of this little bird. But to the point.

Let's take a closer look at Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. Here he is still very small, Pavlusha. “The origins of our hero are dark and humble. The parents were nobles, but whether they were official or private, God knows; his face did not resemble them. At the beginning, life looked at him somehow sourly and unpleasantly, through some muddy, snow-covered window: neither a friend nor a comrade in childhood. An eternal scripture before your eyes: “don’t lie, listen to your elders and carry virtue in your heart.” But in life everything changes quickly and vividly.” And for sure: the father soon disappears, giving his son a brilliant parting word: “. study, don’t be stupid and don’t hang around, and most of all please your teachers and bosses. If you please your boss, then, even though you don’t have time in science and God hasn’t given you talent, you will put everything into action and get ahead of everyone. Don’t hang out with your comrades, they won’t teach you any good; and if it comes to that, hang out with those who are richer than you, so that on occasion they can be useful to you. Don’t treat or treat anyone. But most of all, take care and save a penny - this thing is more reliable than anything in the world. A comrade or friend will deceive you and in trouble will be the first to betray you, but a penny will not betray you, no matter what trouble you are in. You will do everything, and you will lose everything by a penny.”

An entrepreneur is an entrepreneur with heart and soul, that is what he is, our hero! He had no special talents, but what a practical mind he had: a bullfinch made of wax, gingerbread, a trained mouse. And the school teacher! “Abilities and gifts? This is all nonsense. I look only at behavior.” How firmly Pavlusha Chichikov learned his lessons, how he knew how to flatter him (and then many others), to give the triuk on time. And nothing moves in him, he doesn’t even feel any awkwardness. And then the young scoundrel left school. And then - a brilliant career. Of course, theft, forgery, additions, etc., etc.; but how can we do without it? Of course, there were also offensive blows of fate, but the cherished good life was shining and shining ahead. And he didn’t waste time, he got up and again a good place, again bribes and additions. A fool is the one who does not know how to make a ruble out of a penny! Over time, Pavel Ivanovich became more careful and even wiser, and the blows of fate fell on him less and less often. Here he is at the gates of the provincial town of NN: a beautiful small spring britzka, in it is a gentleman of average quality: “not handsome, but not bad-looking, neither too fat, nor too thin; one cannot say that he is old, but not that he is too young.” We see not even a person, but his outline, something formless, but ready at any moment to take on the form we imagine.

Under one very characteristic condition: you need to be the boss! This is a deceitful person, I would even say organically deceitful; no doubt vile; a real traitor (remember the old teacher). A virtuoso of transformation, combining amazing determination and amazing cowardice. I would like to note in passing that P.I. Chichikov is far from the ugliest character in the poem. Moreover, he is perhaps the best among his compatriots. The mind of Mr. Chichikov, which so easily builds elegant and beautiful combinations, such a mind belongs to a person not just talented, but a genius. Is there anyone else in the poem who could compare with him? His subtlety allows him to easily become respected in any society; He is, as they say, a pleasure to deal with. He charmed everyone, everyone liked him.

It is interesting to imagine the life of Pavel Ivanovich after his dreams turn into reality. Here is the wife, of course, the daughter of “His Excellency”; not stupid and not smart, but just like that. Here are the daughters, lovely young ladies, chirping in French. Here is a rich and generous lunch. Here is a stone house, one of the best in any town. And balls, and receptions, and card tables, and old acquaintances - town officials. It may well be that the case will take place in Moscow or St. Petersburg, it doesn’t matter. Is the main character so different from his contemporary secular society? No, it's not different at all. Except that in his youth he was more persistent: he really wanted to be a “human” like them.

All the qualities described are worthy of the deepest respect; but the purpose they serve is what is in doubt. I have nothing against businessmen. These people, unlike many others, are happy. They know what they want from life, they have clear guidelines. Sooner or later, they achieve what they want. They are happy. If Chichikov had not been the way he is, he would never have achieved the level of prosperity that he has now. All this is understandable. But here’s something else that outrages me: after all, Pavel Ivanovich is sure that he is doing not just good, but “godly” (!) work. That is, as if he also cares about others in his soul! And it was he, Chichikov, who became the model and ideal for the ordinary Russian person. But I digress.

So, I don't like the main character. Why? Yes, because there is nothing to love him for.

And there’s nothing to hate either. He is neutral, gray for all his extraordinary intelligence. There is no contradiction here with what I said above. He is deprived of any emotional experiences - this is superfluous and irrelevant to the point.

These are my views; I tried to justify them. And with this I want to finish my essay.

For everyone else, there is no doubt: “Chichikov, in today’s understanding, would be a businessman.” "Pavel Ivanovich is the great-grandfather of our businessmen." "Our time is simply full of Chichikovs." “Chichikov personifies modern businessmen, entrepreneurs who, taking advantage of the disorder in the country, the absence of the slightest control, are trying to benefit from everything that comes their way.” “And now the time is convenient, recently there was an epidemic, the people died out, thank God, quite a lot... estates were abandoned, managed haphazardly, taxes are becoming more difficult to pay every year.” Referring to this place in “Dead Souls,” several ninth-graders wrote that today is the most convenient and favorable time for the current Chichikovs. “Our time is very similar to the time of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol: collapse in the state, political and economic disorder, poverty and misery of the main strata of the state.” “Now the situation in our country is no better than in the time of Chichikov. Taking advantage of the plight of the country, the Chichikovs make money at the expense of other people, thereby finishing off the state.” And therefore our time is “the time of the rise of the Chichikovs.” “In our troubled times, people like Chichikov should prosper; they do not waste time profiting from other people.” Moreover, “now, when abilities and education are little valued, money does a lot.” That is why “it is in our time that such people are valued. They know how to please and, most importantly, their bosses.” “They remember the same words of Father Chichikov: “And most of all, please your teachers and bosses. If you please your boss, then, even though you won’t succeed in science, and God didn’t give you talent, you will put everything into action and get ahead of everyone." One of the main motives that sounds in many works of ninth-graders - Chichikov reflects and expresses not only the time of Gogol , but also our time." If you mentally put Chichikov in the current conditions, then he will not stand out among the same owners and businessmen who flood the fragile Russian market, make a profit through resale and are not a productive force." "Reading and reflecting on the character and behavior of Chichikov, I clearly see the misfortunes of our time: countless deceptions, scams, swindles and trickery." "Chichikov today could pull off such a scam that his machinations with dead souls would seem like childish babble." Moreover. According to the thoughts of many tenth graders, if Chichikov in Gogol's time was a new, unusual phenomenon, but today he is an ordinary and familiar figure. “I think that Chichikov, to some extent, is a hero of our time.” “He was disgusted and distrusted by many at the time, but now he would be respected and appreciated.” "He lives for money, in order to experience all the joys of life."

“Dead Souls” is the main book of N.V. Gogol. Unfortunately, he did not present us with a continuation of this masterpiece. But as he said: “poetry is a pure confession of the soul,” from which it follows that the reader is able to find answers on the pages of the poem.

The work raises many problems, each of them resonates with the main character. Who is the mysterious Chichikov, who burst into the lives of Russian landowners? The author is undoubtedly imbued with love for his hero. From childhood, he notices in him a great intelligence from the practical side. From early youth, the guy was involved in “business”, never sat idle, and tried to build his fortune. But every time he reached the highest point of his dreams, he fell to the bottom with a roar. Is Chichikov's image relevant today? How many people in our modern society are the prototype of the soul of the main character?

In discussing this issue, I want to draw attention to modern people. With pain in our hearts, we must admit that it has become built on entrepreneurial relationships. Everyone needs something, everyone is looking for ways to get it. In our time, interpersonal relationships have begun to fade into the background; profit and stinginess have taken their place. We can find all this in the literary hero of the poem “Dead Souls”. The author painted a portrait of a future man; at that time there were still few people like Chichikov, they were just emerging. By now, their number has begun to exceed half, and this really is a problem.

Gogol conceived his hero with the goal of raising him to be a highly moral person. It is believed that changes should have taken place throughout all the volumes, and at the end Gogol should have shown a completely new hero. But since the continuation of the work was destroyed, we will never know whether Chichikov was able to change.

Gogol did not make his hero only good or bad. He endowed him with such talents as perseverance, pursuit of goals, resourcefulness (the idea of ​​dead souls), and the ability to find a way out of any existing problem. But to such good qualities he also adds vices in order to balance his personality. Vices include stinginess, thirst for profit, lack of strong feelings for anyone. And in fact, throughout the entire period of the poem’s narrative, the author does not give us an exact question about whether Chichikov is ready to truly love.

As you know, he bought dead souls for the sake of a “business” that was supposed to bring him great profit. He needed money more than ever, because he dreamed of marrying a stately and rich girl. Again, we see that in such a heartfelt matter as love and wedding, he is looking for profit. It doesn’t matter to him who this girl will be, how she will behave. The last refusal hurt him very much, because he really liked that girl. But her parents are not impressed by the small capital, so he receives an unpleasant refusal.

Is this image relevant today? From all of the above, I come to the conclusion that it is actually relevant. Gogol created an image of a person who would exist several centuries later. There are people who are just as ready to please their boss as Chichikov did. WE cannot call him a negative hero, because for Gogol the positive qualities that his hero possessed seemed to him a window into the future. More to the point, this image has become a more frequent and powerful phenomenon in our society. This is not the norm, and what is relevant is not always correct, it is worth remembering!

Are there Chichikovs today? What position do they occupy in society? a short essay-reasoning and received the best answer

Answer from Liudmila Sharukhia[guru]
Chichikov's character lies somewhere between precise calculation and crime. This man of unusually decent appearance is engaged in illegal activities. Chichikov, by and large, steals finances from the board of trustees - an organization designed to deal with the problems of socially vulnerable citizens. If Chichikov fell into the hands of justice, he would be guaranteed hard labor and loss of rights, that is, deprivation of his noble title. When following Chichikov's adventures, you should always remember this. Throughout all eleven chapters of the first volume of Dead Souls, Pavel Ivanovich, as they say, “walks under the article.” And only the complacency and general mental slumber of the people surrounding the economic criminal allow Chichikov to escape punishment for the first time. Chichikov is an excellent entrepreneur. He makes his deals masterfully and knows how to find the key to each of his business partners. In addition, Pavel Ivanovich brilliantly arranges administrative support for himself, the so-called “roof”. Many of the local politicians fall within the scope of his activities. The sellers of dead souls partly understand the illegality of these trading operations, but the temptation to receive finance for virtually nothing makes them accomplices of Chichikov. Even Gogol’s contemporaries noted that the purchase and sale of dead souls, according to the legislation in force at that time, was impossible. But time has erased these incongruities, and we observe Pavel Ivanovich’s business activity, not without pleasure. Probably, many of the readers can envy those simpler times when it was so easy to deceive the state - all you need is a good idea, a little finance and personal charm, which Chichikov possessed to the fullest. Having mentioned the business and human qualities of Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov, one cannot help but dwell on the modernity of his character. Gogol's contemporaries perceived the main character of Dead Souls with poorly concealed disgust. Today Chichikov looks like a completely nice and fairly harmless swindler. Indeed, Pavel Ivanovich did not hire killers to kill competitors, did not buy votes of State Duma deputies, did not sell weapons and drugs, and did not corrupt minors. Today Chichikov, of course, would have achieved some success in business, but he would never have reached significant heights. Probably, Pavel Ivanovich would lack the cynicism and extreme cruelty that have made current officials famous far beyond the CIS. Speaking about the character of Pavel Ivanovich, one cannot help but say that Gogol intended to make his hero a worthy person. The conversation about Chichikov's spiritual improvement should have been in the plot-driven second and unfinished third volumes of the poem "Dead Souls." One can only imagine what trials, what spiritual struggles this born entrepreneur would have to endure in order to become different. Fortunately, only the first and only volume of “Dead Souls” remains in Russian literature forever - one of the best works written in Russian.

Answer from Valentina[guru]
If you think carefully, you will understand that the modern world is literally teeming with chichikovs at all levels. Chichikov today is the one who, having mastered 15 state millions, will put another 15 in his pocket. Chichikov is the one who brings home full bags from the hospital cafeteria, giving little portions to sick children. Chichikov is an eternal acquirer, for whom there is no morality, no duty and honor. Take a look around - and you will be horrified at how many chichikovs there are around!

The destructiveness of a bad act lies in the fact that it contains within itself the germ of new abominations. F. Schiller

Do you remember how Bulgakov’s work about Chichikov begins? “A strange dream... As if in a kingdom of shadows, above the entrance to which an unquenchable lamp with the inscription “Dead Souls” flickers... And the very last to set off was Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov in his famous chaise...” Who is riding in this chaise? Yes, completely insolent Chichikov.

Dear Sir, Nikolai Vasilyevich! Yesterday I received your letter, in which you, with your characteristic elegance in style, deigned to describe new, hitherto unknown prospects for our cooperation with you. I will be happy to pay my respects and discuss some details of the work over a cup of coffee, which would be a benefit for both of us. I will share with you my observations of the adventures of the hero of your poem. I was very amazed that such people still live next to us. In our time, in our society, we can still find modern Chichikovs, Nozdrevs, Plyushkins, and Korobochkis. Modern Nozdryovs have moved into new foreign cars, and the Chichikovs own large fortunes. Modern Chichikovs deceive people with the help of their erudition, create joint-stock companies, financial pyramids, do not pay taxes, sell low-quality goods... Will thunder strike? ... And here we are in the courtroom. What is discussed at the court hearing? Is it possible to find the Chichikovs, Nozdrevs, and Plyushkins in the cases of modern legal proceedings? Everything is messed up these days. ...And suddenly I hear a familiar name: “Today the case of the joint stock company “Give, Give, Give” is being heard.” In the dock is citizen Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. He is accused of . Citizen Chichikov registered a joint-stock company whose purpose is to provide assistance to dead souls.

However, he began to issue licenses without having a license, and began to engage in illegal business and false entrepreneurship. Let's see which articles were violated.

Art. - fraud.

Art. - appropriation of someone else's property.

Art. - illegal business.

Art. - tax avoidance.

The prosecutor takes the floor: “Admire, gentlemen! The state budget is bursting at the seams, and we cannot collect taxes! And all because of such fellows as Chichikov! The investigation established that Chichikov collected 200 million rubles from shareholders and did not pay taxes. Chichikov! Do you understand the accusation? Over to you, Chichikov." Defendant: “For mercy, what articles? My joint stock company “Give, Give, Give” was formed out of pure thoughts, I wanted to help my neighbors.

My shareholders are the kindest people. Manilov is a pleasant person. Plyushkin and Nozdryov are respected people... I just bought up dead souls to help my friends. What enrichment, Mr. Prosecutor?! I am always dumb before the law. He put all the money of the joint-stock company into circulation, but what a turnover it turned out to be, the money disappeared somewhere. God knows, my thoughts were pure. I don’t need anything, as long as my shareholders feel good.”

Prosecutor: “Chichikov is trying to play the simpleton. He fawned over his superiors, ingratiated himself, deceived, but got away with everything. Started a new venture. According to the prosecutor's office, he took possession of huge quantities of goods while serving at customs and sold them abroad under the guise of humanitarian aid without customs duties. Then he entered into a construction campaign, received money for construction, but then evaded punishment and hid the ill-gotten money.

These facts require severe punishment.” Chairman of the court: “Please invite witnesses. Witness Plyushkin." Plyushkin: “I think that Chichikov is a good person. He signed me up as a shareholder, I sold him my product - dead souls. He promised 100% income, but he deceived me. Give him a fine in my favor. I am a zealous owner, sometimes I don’t pay taxes, so Chichikov doesn’t pay off his debt.” We listen to another witness. Korobochka: “I didn’t want to give him money. So what should I do? 100000% promised. And I feel sorry for the money. I can't believe he paid me the full amount. He’s a thief, Chichikov.” Nozdryov speaks: “I love money, of course. I like to take a walk, but I myself am sometimes a sinner. I wonder why he hasn’t been punished yet.” Chichikov’s lawyer takes the floor: “Chichikov is a holy man, he came from the “kingdom of dead souls.” He planned a good deed, but it did not work out due to unforeseen circumstances.

Circumstances are to blame, not him. Chichikov deserves leniency.” Prosecutor: “I cannot agree with the defense. The last word to you, Mr. Chichikov." Chichikov: “I will accept any decision as heavenly punishment, but I am not guilty, I care about others, not about myself.” The court's decision was announced. The court sentenced Chichikov to life imprisonment. But he wrote a cassation appeal. The public came out with a demand to protect the rights of an innocent person. We often feel sorry for those who do not deserve it. And Chichikov, apparently, will be granted amnesty. Human rights activists demand this.

It’s interesting that Gogol’s Chichikov committed the crime, and the Chichikovs of today are being tried. Something got mixed up... What crimes did Gogol's Chichikov commit? Fraud (buying up “dead souls”) in order to become the owner of land for its sale. What crimes does modern Chichikov commit? They are easy to list: a) illegal business; b) transportation under the guise of humanitarian aid without payment of customs duties; c) use of public money; d) deception of shareholders (fraud); e) took loans from the state and did not return them (appropriation of state property). It would seem that he should answer, but more often he avoids punishment. Although it is worth remembering the words of F. Schiller: “The destructiveness of a bad act lies in the fact that it conceals within itself the germ of new abominations.” And if they were absorbed with mother's milk.

A person thirsting for profit will never stop. It’s not for nothing that they say that “whoever steals an egg will also steal a cow.” Are there any common features of Gogol's and modern Chichikov from the point of view of law? Both Gogol's and modern Chichikov committed a crime: fraud. What is the difference between them? Modern Chichikov is an even more dangerous criminal. He committed a number of crimes that violated the articles, knowing that he was committing a crime, trying to deceive the state and gullible people. What moral traits are inherent in Gogol’s heroes, do they change in the prism of modernity? What is saved? What's changing? 19th century: greed, thirst for profit, selfishness, stinginess, cunning. 21st century: greed, thirst for profit, selfishness, stinginess, cunning. All the features inherent in Gogol’s heroes are preserved today. The lawyer, defending Chichikov, said: “Chichikov has the shortcomings and vices of a Russian person. We are all like Chichikov." What common?

Cunning, meanness, hypocrisy, greed, greed, hoarding - this is all familiar to us, and among us there are many people who want to talk and deceive, although not everyone wants to follow Chichikov’s path. Although some hide their face under a mask. Gogol explored human psychology so deeply and correctly grasped the trends of its development under the influence of social conditions that his heroes continue to live to this day. You can sentence the above-mentioned court participants to eternal contempt for their way of life, spiritual and moral ugliness. Gogol's heroes may be common nouns, denoting human vices, but they are not an exception; they are ordinary, typical of our environment. People appeared before us with their views, thoughts, feelings and actions, in which we observe the loss of human principles, which Gogol drew attention to: “... one after another, my heroes follow, one more vulgar than the other.” There are wonderful words from W. Coleridge: “Be careful who you associate with... and do not trust people whose principles you are not sure of.” But... the years have wrapped up a whole tangle of bitter experiences. By unraveling it, we must not get confused again. A bitter experience, a bitter tangle - a magical tangle. And he will lead us to a sunny meadow. One can only hope, there is nothing else left.

Bardaenko N. P.,
teacher of Russian language
and literature
BOU of Omsk “Gymnasium No. 43”

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