There is still gunpowder in the flasks whose phrase. There is still gunpowder in the flasks - poetry

There is life in the old dog yet
From the story (chapter 9) “Taras Bulba” (1842) by N. V. Gogol (1809-1852):
“- What, gentlemen? - said Taras, calling out to the kuren (kuren is the main military unit in the Zaporozhye Cossack army. - Comp.). - Is there still gunpowder in the flasks? Has the Cossack strength yet weakened? Are the Cossacks bending?
- There is still, dad, gunpowder in the flasks. The Cossack strength has not yet weakened; The Cossacks haven’t given in yet!”
Allegorically: about the ability to accomplish a lot more; about good health, good health or great potential of a person capable of many significant things, although those around him no longer expect this from him (jokingly ironic).

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

There is life in the old dog yet

Quote from the story by N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba" (1842),

- What, gentlemen? - said Taras, calling out to the smokers. - Is there still gunpowder in the flasks? Has the Cossack strength weakened? Are the Cossacks bending? - There is still gunpowder in the flasks, dad. The Cossack strength has not yet weakened; The Cossacks are not yet bending!

Dictionary of catch words. Plutex. 2004.

See what “There is still gunpowder in the flask” in other dictionaries:

    Adverb, number of synonyms: 4 there is still a reserve of mental strength (1) there is still courage (1) ... Synonym dictionary

    There is life in the old dog yet- wing. sl. Quote from N.V. Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba” (1842), What, gentlemen? said Taras, calling out to the smokers. There is life in the old dog yet? Has the Cossack strength weakened? Are the Cossacks bending? There is still, dad, gunpowder in the flasks. Not… … Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

    There is life in the old dog yet- who. Express Anyone has enough strength and energy to continue the work. They danced a little, Stepanov led his daughter confidently, beautifully, with old-fashioned gallantry. It’s okay, there’s still gunpowder in the flasks! Varvara said. Old man, old man, ah... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    There's still gunpowder- in powder flasks and berries in Iron’s buttocks. I still have the strength, the desire, etc. do, etc... Dictionary of Russian argot

    Synonym dictionary

    Adverb, number of synonyms: 1 there is still gunpowder in the flasks (4) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

    Adverb, number of synonyms: 1 there is still gunpowder in the flasks (4) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

    Adverb, number of synonyms: 1 there is still gunpowder in the flasks (4) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

    powder- Waste gunpowder (colloquial) to act or speak without results, in vain. “You’re just wasting gunpowder,” he stopped him. Boborykin. There is not enough gunpowder (colloquial) for someone who does not have enough energy or strength to accomplish something. Very much... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    Y, f. A bag or container for storing gunpowder that was formerly used to load a firearm. Everyone began to equip themselves: they tried sabers and broadswords, poured gunpowder from bags into powder flasks. Gogol, Taras Bulba. At the belt hung dusty horn... ... Small academic dictionary

Graduation parties have begun in schools. And if you look at their dates, you are unlikely to find a single graduation scheduled for June 22. It is not customary to hold them on this day. But this is most likely connected not with piety, but with superstition: how not to bring trouble to children, for many people know the tragic coincidence of school graduation balls with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War on June 22, 1941.

But few people knew then, and even now many do not know, another coincidence of this event was with the celebration of the memory of all the Saints who shone in the Russian land. The entire Council of Russian Saints prayed to the Heavenly King for the salvation of their earthly Fatherland, suffering under the yoke of godless power. War will be the least evil that could save millions from death for eternity, sober up from the idea of ​​​​an earthly paradise imposed by the chiliast communists. Terrible suffering forced most of the people to remember the One who was crucified on Calvary for them, to remember that only the suffering Christ can best understand, comfort, protect and heal.

And then this war and victory, achieved by the incredible sacrifices of the people, will become a favorite commodity in “the matter of patriotic education of the Soviet and post-Soviet people.” Now, however, this approach does not always pay off. There is a steadily emerging trend among young people towards a negative attitude towards military service. This is often manifested in the following quatrain:

What kind of heroes can there be?
What to protect? Whose capital?
That the beggar has become very dear
The one who became rich easily?

In addition, we must not forget that the heroism of those war years does not particularly encourage young people to imitate, especially since other “stars” appeared in popular culture, and few people recognize the fact that their light is a reflection of hellfire.

When my students and I began developing and then implementing the social project “And They Turned into White Cranes,” dedicated to the feat of our fellow countryman Sergei Kononov, who died on August 8, 2008 near Tskhinvali, we conducted a sociological study. The surveys we conducted showed a picture that has become typical for Russia: a lack of information in the minds of adolescents and young people about the decent life of their peers, sometimes associated with heroic deeds. Passed by the consciousness of modern youth, and therefore their hearts, were Yevgeny Rodionov - a warrior who chose martyrdom instead of betraying faith and the Fatherland in Chechnya - the Moscow girl Olga Romanova and Lieutenant Colonel Konstantin Vasiliev, who offered themselves as hostages instead of children captured by terrorists in the Nordic region. ost.

But the exploits of our fellow countrymen are unknown to many. So, few people knew about the feat of Sergei Kononov, although it was two years ago, in 2008. But the whole country, from Moscow to the very outskirts, knows the names of K. Sobchak, S. Zverev and other “stars” of mass culture. Therefore, to the naive man in the street, under severe pressure from the media, it seems that there are no more heroes on Russian and Udmurt soil, so in life one can vegetate rather than live. That is, by and large, the true meaning of life is lost.

And, breaking through the networks of information blockade that deprives our people of normal moral memory, we decided to tell our peers about the hero of our time, the man of our generation, Sergei Kononov. To say that such life and death are not in vain: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God”
(Gospel of Matthew, chapter 5, art. 9).

He is not on earth...
I can't find any traces
On the green grass
In deep snow
By the river on the sands.
Did I really live in vain?
I loved these distances
I dreamed about my beloved,
Have you been looking for happiness in life?
He was like everyone else...
And he found himself in Ossetian land.

In the Udmurt village of Varzi-Yatchi, everyone knew Seryozha Kononov. A broad-shouldered, stately, strong guy always stood out among his peers. The whole village saw him off to the army in the fall of 2005. They cried. They didn't want to let go. Sergei grew up in an ordinary family. They lived poorly: the father and mother had five children. When he left for the army, Seryozha dreamed of returning and building a house. Just before his call, their house burned to the ground. Elderly parents, brothers and sisters were left without a roof over their heads. We moved into a rickety shack with only one room for everyone.

In this house my mother died from a long illness. “It’s okay, dad, we’ll break through! - Sergei then confidently said to his father, who had given up from grief, - I’ll go to serve under a contract, I’ll earn money. We will build a house like this for ourselves - everyone will be jealous! Just wait for me. Be sure to wait."

It will probably be decades before we learn the whole truth about the “five-day war” in the Caucasus. The terrible truth about how ordinary Russian guys are dying because of the ambitions of politicians and politicians. One of them is private paratrooper Sergei Kononov, who single-handedly held a column of Georgian tanks heading towards the capital of South Ossetia for three hours and saved thousands of Tskhinvali residents by sacrificing himself.

The concrete bunker near Tskhinvali in which it was located will turn into a new “Brest Fortress”.

Last breath….
The last cry...
And he put his head to the ground,
As if visiting your mother
He fell with his filial head...
The last time I whispered through the pain:
You were waiting for me so much... Anay...
(Note: anai is mother in the Udmurt language).

Sergei built the house. With his earned money, with his suffering money and funds allocated by the government of Udmurtia. When our project team visited Sergei’s native village, our attention was attracted by the mountain ash tree near his house, all bent over under the weight of snow. Then poems appeared about her and Sergius:

Rowan in a snow shroud
Below your window.
Branches all the way to the tine
Brushes are pulled. House
You built, although you left
This cruel world
His body lay in his native land
Among family graves.
And, looking with a gentle gaze
To your village
Don't look at us reproachfully:

We think it's passed
Why should we store it in vain?
The bitterness of yesteryear.
Everything disappeared, ran away,
It wasn't and isn't.
How easy it is for us to agree -
A lie is always sweet.
It's better to be indignant at someone
Why reproach yourself?
Thinking what's more appropriate
Joy, not sadness,
We're just for fun
I don't mind the time...

Only the heart will not deceive
Lies with their beauty.
And he will appear in greatness
The feat, Sergius, is yours.
This is the highest bliss,
The Cross of Christ in blood..
Wealth is gained
In sacrificial love.

Our project was accepted, many in the assembly hall, when the children showed a literary and musical composition dedicated to the feat of S. Kononov, did not hide their tears. And then they came up to us and sincerely thanked us. This means that all is not lost, this thought was briefly expressed by one of the high school students: “I really liked the project: it’s so soulful and deep, it’s impossible not to cry. Thanks to this project, I began to understand that not everything is so bad: in Udmurtia there are still such heroes and ideals from which we need to take an example.”

S.A. Vorobyov, history teacher.


Thanks for the story. What a pity that such a story is not heard in the central media now...

God is marvelous in His saints

Thank you very much, wonderful story.

God bless! Our land still gives birth to people who become heroes. Although I live in Udmurtia, to my shame, I have not heard anything about Seryozha and his feat. Now, I think, many, many will learn about him. The Kingdom of Heaven to the glorious warrior Sergei! Thank you very much for the article.

Dear Archpastors and Shepherds of the Russian Orthodox Church, I am addressing you, poor monk Raphael (Berestov).

The enemies of our salvation, the enemies of God, have decisively gone on the offensive and are preparing union, and with decisive actions they want to direct the Orthodox Church onto the path of destruction, onto the path of union.

In our time, various false teachings and false theological interpretations are in force, because we, all of humanity, are damaged by delusion. This is a great delusion when they want to erase dogmas, erase the boundaries of the Church, this is the greatest demonic delusion and now they do not see these boundaries at all and do not obey either the canons or the dogmas of the Church, approved at the seven Ecumenical Councils, and which are the pillar and foundation of the truth (1 Tim. . 3.15). There is a war going on, a spiritual war, a war between Satan and God, through the Church, in order to distort the truth and so that the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, leaves the Church when it unites with heretics. This is why a union is being prepared now, this is only the first stage, to unite the Holy Orthodox Church in a union with Catholic heretics and recognize the pope as the head of the Holy Church. A heretic so that he would dominate the Holy Church?!

This is a heresy - Catholic, papist! And it will lead to the fact that the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth will leave the Church, and everyone who accepts this and remembers the Pope will no longer be Orthodox, but will be Catholic heretics. Or they will do it slyly. They will say: “Remember your Patriarch,” and the Patriarch will remember the Pope. This is also deceit. If the Patriarch commemorates the Pope, it means he is Catholic, not Orthodox. We, the Orthodox, will not commemorate the Catholic patriarch.

I now address you decisively, my Lords, metropolitans, archbishops and bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church, the hour has come when it is no longer possible to remain silent, but we must firmly declare our NO: NO to ecumenism! NO - union! NO to papism! NO to Catholicism! NO to globalism! NO to Sergianism! NO to renovationism and new renovationism!

I propose to you to convene your own Local Council of the Russian Church, without hierarchs who are infected with heresies and to condemn all heresies that have accumulated among some church representatives. The Church is holy, therefore it cannot contain false opinions.

The fact that official representatives of the Church want at this stage to unite with papism and recognize the pope as the head of the Church is only the beginning of the fall. In the future, they are the enemies of God, the enemies of our salvation, they will not stop, they will certainly unite with everyone who is supposedly Christian. But when they unite with all the Protestants, Uniates, all sorts of Monothelites, Monophysites, Baptists, supposedly professing Christianity, they will not stop. They are preparing a “church” of Satan, they will unite with the Muslim religion, with the Jewish Satanic religion, with the Buddhist and even with Satanists of all kinds and with shamans, as they have already practiced at ecumenical gatherings.

So, I resolutely urge you, my Lords, Your Eminences of the Russian Orthodox Church, to stand up for the truth of the Church; you cannot remain silent any longer. “Moscow is behind us - there is nowhere to retreat!”, further backing means death. You know, the Russian Orthodox Church can be lost, just as the whole of Europe lost Orthodoxy. Orthodoxy will go into the catacombs, it will remain, the very teaching of Orthodoxy is invincible.

The Church of Christ is an invincible pillar (1 Tim. 3:15), but how many people, how many millions will fall into the clutches of demons... Can you imagine?..

So, I call on you, dear Archpastors, to stand up for the defense of the Orthodox faith against all heresies and schisms. And if you remain silent, Seraphim of Sarov will sue you, and Christ will terribly accuse you if you do not stand up for Orthodoxy:

“To me, poor Seraphim, the Lord revealed that there would be great disasters on the Russian land. The Orthodox faith will be trampled upon, the bishops of the Church of God and other clergy will depart from the purity of Orthodoxy, and for this the Lord will severely punish them. I, poor Seraphim, prayed to the Lord for three days and three nights that he would rather deprive me of the Kingdom of Heaven and have mercy on them. But the Lord answered: “I will not have mercy on them: for they teach the doctrines of men, and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me.”...

Any desire to make changes to the rules and teachings of the Holy Church is heresy... blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which will never be forgiven. The bishops of the Russian land and the clergy will follow this path, and the wrath of God will strike them...”

Repent while the Lord endures.

And the Russian people will not support you in your apostasy; you will be like traitors, like traitors, like Judas. And only those Bishops who remain faithful to the Church and Christ will be in the Holy, Orthodox Church.

An Orthodox Local Council must be convened if official representatives agree with the “wolf” 8th Council and accept heretical opinions about union with Catholics, recognize the primacy of the pope and ecumenism, and if they violate the Apostolic decrees that a priest is the husband of one wife and cannot to be a priest twice married.

This council will be convened by three bishops, or ten, or twenty... It will already be a persecuted Church, but we will testify to it, all Orthodox Christians. Believers and lovers of Jesus Christ will remain in the Church.

At the Holy Council, all heresies will be purified by the sword of faith, this Church will be the holy, true, purified Orthodox Church of Christ. And the heretics will be condemned and expelled along with all heresies. This is the “church” of Satan, built by apostates, which will not reconcile itself with the Holy Council and yet recognizes the pope as the head of the Church, and not Christ, it will unite with other confessions. This is the “church” of the Antichrist, or the same harlot who sat on the beast (Rev. 17:3). This is what official representatives of the Church are descending into, where they go - to Satan.

The Orthodox Council, assembled from bishops, priests, deacons, monastics and laity, is the canonically correct instrument of the Church. He cleanses with the scalpel of faith all the superficial cancerous tumors on the body of the Holy Orthodox Church. The Holy Council must condemn all heresies and all damage to human consciousness: Zionism, Freemasonry, socialism, communism, and democracy as godless, causing enormous harm to humanity.

Historically, we know that the Orthodox Autocracy did not harm the Church and humanity, but contributed to the expansion of the state and the strengthening of the Church. History shows that Autocracy is a patriotic and useful form of government for the Church. In Russia, Sovereigns were sacred persons. The sovereign is the master of his house, and he created, and did not harm or create chaos in his country.

Our dear Archpastors, we Orthodox priests, monks and laity will be with you when you defend the truth and will support you.

So, I decisively tell you, my lords, dear bishops, finally, if you want to save yourself, resist, convene a Local Council in our Russian Orthodox Church. Let it be even secret, but so that there are several bishops, several priests, deacons, monastics and laity. It would be good if there were representatives of the press, cameramen, and people faithful to Orthodoxy to testify and tell all Orthodox Christians about this Council.

Forgive me, your dear Eminences, for being a sinner.

poor monk Rafail (Berestov)

Hieroschemamonk Rafail (Berestov) “RUSSIA IS OUR HEART” Seventy-eight-year-old elder Rafail (Berestov) is undoubtedly one of the informal spiritual leaders of the Orthodox Church, close in spirit and position to the late elder Nikolai (Guryanov), his spiritual father Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov) ) and Schema-Archimandrite Vlasius (Peregontsev).

Father Raphael, despite his wide popularity among the writing fraternity and the abundance of students, nevertheless, does not have a personal biographer, although it is already quite clear that the life and work of Father Raphael should be the subject of careful and close study. Twenty years of experience of obedience within the walls of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra; a long period of desert living in the mountains of Abkhazia under the leadership of Elder Vitaly of Tbilisi; stay on Valaam - already as the confessor of the brethren, a guide in monastic life; finally, the Athonite exile, which was interrupted for years due to persecution by the Patriarch of Constantinople. These are only the most noticeable milestones of a arduous long journey, filled with unceasing prayer, spiritual work, passionate evangelical preaching and the struggle against the death of the Church, for the spiritual future of the Russian people.

“Father Raphael is a truly evangelical child, filled with love for all creation,” we hear these words from the grateful lips of the elder’s spiritual child. But how much blasphemy, slander, and slander Abba Raphael experienced for his intransigence in defending the purity of the faith! A champion of the traditions of ancient monasticism, Raphael openly opposes the dominance of the clerical bureaucracy in the church and the dictates of the diocesan authorities over the monasteries. Since the time of the Lavra, he has been an admirer and popularizer of the works of Father Seraphim (Rose), a fierce denouncer of modern heresies that plague the Church: ecumenism, Freemasonry, Latinism, modernism.

After the collapse of the USSR and the establishment of the “new world order,” Raphael was one of the first to see the dangers of globalization, seeing in it the onset of the kingdom of the Antichrist. Along with globalization came the era of computers and the leapfrog development of information technology. The whirlwind of total PR and special effects obscured the eyes of most people; television and computer illusions gained power over the minds and souls. And on this issue, Father Raphael takes a clear position, comes out with warnings and exhortations.

Father Raphael was one of the first to see that, in parallel with the factory of sweet dreams, the creators of the “new world order” were building a worldwide concentration camp, a society of total control based on the same digital technologies and genetic engineering. Replacing a Christian name with a number in the state registration system of citizens, introducing microchips with biometric data into documents, and finally, experiments on implanting “beacons” into living human tissue - all this was calmly accepted by the official hierarchy, but not by Father Raphael! He again sounded the alarm, for which he received blows and reprimands.

A champion of dogmas, conciliar rules and traditions of the Orthodox Church, Father Raphael is an example of immaculate living in accordance with all Christ's commandments.

This ascetic, ascetic, prayer book, confessor, staying in solitude on Holy Mount Athos, received in his cell a representative of the newspaper “Zavtra” and shared with him his vision of current problems of church, as well as worldly life.

"TOMORROW". Father Raphael, last fall in Cyprus there was a meeting of the Mixed Commission on Theological Dialogue between Orthodox and Roman Catholics, dedicated to discussing the issue “On the role of the Bishop of Rome in the unity of the Church in the first millennium.” In fact, preparations are underway for the “renounced” Eighth Ecumenical Council, at which the dogma of the primacy of the Pope over the Orthodox churches will be adopted. What will happen to the Orthodox Church in Russia if such a Council takes place?

Hieroschemamonk RAPHAEL. The Masons, the enemies of Russia, the enemies of Orthodoxy, have been preparing such a council for a long time. The island of Rhodes was chosen as the venue. These same forces are trying to impose ecumenism on Russia, this heresy of heresies. After all, every foolish child can understand that this is heresy. And many of our high-ranking bishops, such educated, such talented people - they all know very well that ecumenism is a heresy, but they walk with a cheerful step straight into its mouth, as if they were blind and deaf. I ask the Greek monks: “Why do you pray for a Freemason who served with the Pope, Patriarch Bartholomew?” And they answer me: “They say, we understand who Bartholomew is, we pray that, God forbid, he will repent...”.

During the pre-conciliar meeting in Cyprus, ordinary people, Orthodox Greeks, took to the streets to protest against the arrival of Catholics and ecumenists on their land. And then the delegates left without agreeing on anything. The meeting was postponed for a while, and will take place next fall, but in Austria, where there will be no protests, where there are no Orthodox people.

And if they succeed with the Council, then the dogmatic legality of ecumenism will be accepted, and our Patriarchs will begin to commemorate the Pope. Then Orthodox people will find themselves in a very difficult situation.

Then the devoted children of Christ will need to assemble their own Council, and publicly condemn the Council of Rhodes, if one happens. And denounce all his legalized heresies. And it will be necessary to canonically anathematize all participants in the Council, thus purifying the Church. I think it will be so! And our Church, by the grace of God, will maintain itself in immaculate purity, even with two or three faithful bishops. If there are no such people, then we will have to look for one faithful bishop, and cleave to him, and be saved near him. As you know, before the Second Coming of Christ the Church will be like a harlot sitting on a beast - it will already be the Antichrist Church, and the Church of Christ will go into the catacombs.

The situation in the Russian Church is now very tense, very difficult. On the one hand, a split cannot be allowed. On the other hand, ecumenism is spreading, and through this there will be a great temptation for everyone. We cannot be with the ecumenists. If the head of the Orthodox Church begins to prayerfully commemorate the Pope of Rome, then that means he is a Catholic, not an Orthodox. This means that we cannot remember him either, we must not remember him.

It is important, of course, not to take action ahead of time. React to something that doesn't exist yet. That is, do not act like Lord Diomede. Out of passion, out of resentment, he acted illegally. His biggest mistake was that he, a zealot of the canons, himself violated the canons.

"TOMORROW". But what about the innovations that ecumenists bring to church life?

RAPHAEL. Innovations must be fought locally. The main innovation is the bimarried priesthood. This is a violation not only of the commandments of the Holy Fathers, but also of the Apostolic Rules. The Apostle Paul said: “A priest is the husband of one wife...” A married bishop is not even so terrible, but a twice-married priest is a sign of a direct violation of the Apostolic Rule. Russia is struggling more than anyone, it is more healthy than anyone. But the Russian people are too patient. Do you remember what it was like in Byzantium? When the Greek priesthood accepted a union with the Catholics, only Mark of Ephesus remained faithful. And when those who signed came to their pulpits to serve as if nothing had happened, the people had their say. The men came with drekoly, beat the apostates and threw them out of the churches. When you repent before Mark of Ephesus, then you will serve. And then the apostates repented, came to Mark, confessed to him, and he allowed them into the temple of God. This is what we need to do if betrayal occurs. We are soldiers of Christ! We must fight for the Church, otherwise we will find ourselves captured by the worst enemies of Christ.

"TOMORROW". Father Raphael, the world is experiencing an explosive development of various types of computer and other information technologies. You have warned more than once about the spiritual danger emanating from them...

RAPHAEL. The Internet is an abyss from which you can’t get out, even if you want to! People who get involved with this idol kill themselves all the time... And then despondency and despair come.

The same goes for microchips. If the campaign of universal microchipping of the population takes place, the captivity of technology will be even more painful. Moral freedom will fall, and man will be distorted, turning into a possessed robot. Therefore we need to fight. In Russia such a struggle is going on and will continue to go on.

"TOMORROW". Father, now a new type of missionary work has appeared in Russia, when the desire to enlighten the world gives way to the desire to come to an agreement with the world. When trying to speak to the world in a worldly language leads to a distortion of faith. What do you think of it?

RAPHAEL. I know monks who like to do missionary work. They don't pray, they are extremely relaxed. And the cost of all their activities is negligible. Will people trust such a relaxed person who barely smokes or drinks? But the life of a missionary should be a burning spirit. A missionary's preaching should be a light to the world. And Russian missionaries must be strong and ardent: very soon they will need to preach to the whole world. Russia will soon be free and strong in Orthodoxy, the Russian Tsar will rule in it, and Europe, Asia, and America will be drawn to it to learn to become a church member and be baptized. Just before the end of the world, Russian preaching will be heard throughout the globe. And missionaries should not be allowed any compromise with the modern world. This is disastrous relaxation. Now in general the world is very relaxed. Everyone loves a variety of consolations.

"TOMORROW". Father Raphael, what is the significance of Athos for the whole world and for Russia?

RAPHAEL. Athos is, of course, the holding lamp of Christianity. At night the monks pray for peace and stand on prayer guard. This is true, but there are also many relaxed monks on Mount Athos. Some even have computers. But a computer for a monk is a disaster. Instead of praying to God, he surfs the Internet. The brain is satisfied with this, but the soul does not pray, does not work. But, thank God, not everyone here is like that. There are true prayer books. The Lord hides other Athonite elders from our eyes, they are invisible, but they exist! Father Paisius witnessed their stay on the Holy Mountain.

Athos is very strongly connected with Russia. They love Russians here. Many whisper that from Russia will come the liberation of the world from the anti-Christian yoke. That a surge of spirituality will come from Russia.

And Athos, first and foremost, is night prayer, night stand before God. Night prayer covers the whole world. Everyone prays for their people. There are Germans, French, Finns...

There are many nationalities here. We Russians pray for the whole world, but first of all - for Russia! Russia is our heart. We mourn and pray for the Serbs, our brothers.

Today Athos is unpleasant for the Masonic European Union, since the Holy Spirit breathes on the Holy Mountain. And therefore, of course, there is a struggle around Athos. Now it turns out that the European Union has invested a lot of money in the construction of cells and roads. And now the monasteries can be presented with a bill. Unexpected debts are the sword of Damocles over the Holy Mountain. The world wants to drive the monks out of here, build a road here, lead excursions, build hotels on the shore, and, ultimately, bring women. And when women come, the Mother of God will leave Athos. And the Holy Mountain will end. Here's the scheme.

"TOMORROW". Such a struggle is intensifying in Russia as well. In recent months, certain forces have taken up arms against the Holy Bogolyubsky Monastery. The voices of slanderers do not subside. The confessor of the monastery, Archimandrite Peter (Kucher), is under unprecedented pressure...

RAPHAEL. Father Peter, to the glory of God, the old man of the rock! And let the sisters gather around him, and cherish him, protect him more than the apple of their eye.

"TOMORROW". Father Raphael, you are known and revered by many Orthodox people in Russia. Maybe you, father, will tell us something comforting?

RAPHAEL. The blessed elder, Father Joseph of Vatopedi, told me that terrible times were coming, but after certain terrible events, many Slavic peoples would join Russia, and Greece would also enter into an alliance with Russia. Thus, a new Byzantium will be created. To which I objected to the elder - Russia has been disarmed, our military arsenal, our factories have been destroyed. But he told me this: “Russia will win! The heavenly army will enter the battle on the side of Russia, and will shoot down enemy planes and cruise missiles. After such a miracle, the whole world will know that God has won, and that he is with Russia!”

After this, the whole world will reach out to us. And in Russia three forces will gather - communists, true democrats and Orthodox patriots. By the grace of God an Orthodox Tsar will be elected. And then church cleansing will take place in Russia. Now our Church is sick, very sick. There are many spies in it who work for the enemies of Christ. And we don’t have a national government yet. And our king will be a very bright, strong, talented person, ruling with love and wisdom. The holy fathers of the Church, including Father Nikolai Guryanov, testify to this. This is our hope, our consolation.

"TOMORROW". The main ulcer of today's Russia is social division. The gap between the poor majority and the rich minority is corrupting the people's consciousness. How to deal with this?

RAPHAEL. The rich should share their wealth with the poor. They must understand this themselves if they profess the Orthodox faith. If a rich man grows rich in himself, he will inevitably perish in spirit. I think that the tsar himself will try to influence such people, he will force them to share with the people. The kind of leveling that existed under Soviet rule is correct.

"TOMORROW". Our newspaper has been fighting for Russia since 1990. The Tomorrow team and our readers bow deeply to you. In this formidable and evil time, we are in dire need of your prayerful support, father, and parting words on the eve of new trials.

RAPHAEL. Love our God, Jesus Christ, and he will not leave you and our Motherland to be trampled upon by the wicked! God bless you!

The conversation was conducted by Andrey Fefelov

It is unworthy for an Orthodox monk to be published in a National Bolshevik newspaper.....

Oleg Dmitrievich: “What a pity that now such a story cannot be heard in the central media...”

Encyclopedic dictionary of popular words and expressions Vadim Vasilievich Serov

There is life in the old dog yet

There is life in the old dog yet

From the story (chapter 9) “Taras Bulba” (1842) N. V. Gogol(1809-1852):

“- What, gentlemen? - said Taras, calling out to the kuren (kuren is the main military unit in the Zaporozhye Cossack army. - Comp.). - There is life in the old dog yet? Has the Cossack strength yet weakened? Are the Cossacks bending?

There is still, dad, gunpowder in the flasks. The Cossack strength has not yet weakened; The Cossacks haven’t given in yet!”

Allegorically about the ability to do a lot more; about good health, good health or great potential of a person capable of many significant things, although those around him no longer expect this from him (jokingly ironic).

From the book School of Survival in Natural Conditions author Ilyin Andrey

CHAPTER SIX What to eat when there is nothing to eat, or How to provide food in an emergency situation Already in the first hours of the accident, it is necessary to collect all the products, including those accidentally “lying around” in your pockets, in one place and carefully sort them. In this case it is necessary

From the book 100 Great Inventions author Ryzhov Konstantin Vladislavovich

22. GUNPOWDER The invention of gunpowder and its spread in Europe had enormous consequences for the entire subsequent history of mankind. Although the Europeans were the last of the civilized peoples to learn how to make this explosive mixture, they were the ones who were able to benefit from its discovery

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BE) by the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (YY) by the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (CHE) by the author TSB

From the book The Newest Book of Facts. Volume 3 [Physics, chemistry and technology. History and archaeology. Miscellaneous] author Kondrashov Anatoly Pavlovich

How was smokeless gunpowder invented? In 1845, German chemist Christian Friedrich Schönbein (1799–1868) conducted an experiment in the kitchen of his home using a mixture of nitric and sulfuric acids. His wife strictly forbade him to bring his flasks into the kitchen, so he hurried

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary of Catchwords and Expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

Keep your powder dry From English: Put your trust in God, but keep your powder dry. Translation: Trust in God, guys, but keep your powder dry. According to legend, words spoken (September 3, 1650) by the leader of the English revolution, Oliver Cromwell ( 1599-1658) before the battle with the Scottish royalists at

From the book Incredible Adventures of Russians, or Asian Attraction author Novikova Olesya

There is a person - there is a problem, there is no person - there is no problem. Erroneously attributed to J.V. Stalin: there is no evidence that he ever said or wrote anything similar. This phrase is from the novel “Children of the Arbat” (1987) by Anatoly Naumovich Rybakov (1911 - 1998). This is how J.V. Stalin talks about

From the book 100 Famous Inventions author Pristinsky Vladislav Leonidovich

West is West, East is East, and together they will never come together From “The Ballad of East and West” by the English writer Joseph Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936), who, contrary to popular belief, says in it that, despite the differences between these civilizations,

From the book Great Encyclopedia of Technology author Team of authors

One must eat in order to live, and not live in order to eat. From Latin: Non ut edam vivo, sed ut vivam edo [non ut edam vivo, sed ut vivam edo]. Translation: I eat to live. And some live to eat. The words of the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates (c. 470-399 BC), quoted in ancient Greek

From the book 1001 questions for a future mother. Big book of answers to all questions author Sosoreva Elena Petrovna

CHAPTER 15. Travel to eat or eat to travel? Four months on the road. Thailand, Phuket Island, in the company of Russian guides, we have dinner at a local cafe. - What kind of dish did you order? - It’s Pad Thai Kung - fried noodles with shrimp! One of the most popular

From the book I Explore the World. Weapon author Zigunenko Stanislav Nikolaevich

From the author's book

Gunpowder Gunpowder is a solid explosive mixture of various components, the main property of which is the ability to burn in parallel layers without additional access to oxygen, while the formation of gaseous products capable of

From the author's book

Eating right: what to eat, when to eat, how to eat. Ten basic principles of nutrition. How to count calories. Food pyramid. Vitamins and microelements. Which drinks to drink and which ones not to drink. All diets are postponed. Proper diet. Ten principles

From the author's book

Gunpowder and bullets By the 17th century, they switched to a more effective type of gunpowder. The old one, crushed into dust, quickly absorbed moisture in damp weather, stuck together, and generally burned unevenly, with unburned particles constantly clogging the barrel and the seed hole. Then from the powder

From the author's book

“Who’s stopping you from inventing waterproof gunpowder?..” They say that the invention of black gunpowder happened purely by accident. The ancient Chinese did this many centuries ago. How it happened, no one remembers, but it is known that more than two thousand years ago they used gunpowder

There is life in the old dog yet,
and the page of life is not finished:
reason still serves me flawlessly,
friendly with facts, with logic, with memory -
the lightning flashes in him of illumination!

The decrepitude of the body is close to the border -
the nose doesn’t smell well and the sounds are getting duller -
But now is not the time to be foolish,
there's still gunpowder!

The heart of the spring is filled with passion,
the soul yearns for freedom like a bird,
destroy the wall of familiar life -
it seems to her that all happiness is outside...
Old age is nothing, I don’t want to put up with it -
there's still gunpowder!

Evseev V.

The sixth decade has arrived,
The hour of sobering up has arrived.
What did I exchange moments for?
What did you find, what did you lose?
Where he won, where he lost.
But there is a question and it is complicated.
Where should testosterone go?
Ready for my beloved every hour
The last one to give away the stock,
But again it does not dry out.

There is life in the old dog yet!
There are also berries in the buttocks!
There is still strength and has not mowed down
Old fighter!

Friends have long since calmed down.
We started gardening at the dacha.
I'm the only one left the bad one
Such an uncaught burbot,
As before, we won’t shake you.
I'll tell you this guys -
Giving up is not something you can do.
Let's go as before, me and you
Let's suck in our bellies
And we will float up from the bottom of the river.

There is still gunpowder - so let's shoot!
There is still money - so let's take a walk!
There are more songs - so let’s sing them to the end!

Kuras Valery

We are still capable of intrigue,
Without breaking the axis of life, -
Just don’t need to see in every fig
A book I couldn't read...

There is still gunpowder in the flasks -
The shot is only better with a blank.
Life was not easy to turn out -
With figs of three fingers...

Samuilov Evgeniy

They called me an old nag,
And even though I have many years,
But it’s buried in the dacha -
Machine gun and pistol.


Well, Grandma, well done!
Youth plays in it!
Even with bags in hand
The ball doesn't pass!

And how much enthusiasm there is in her
And football passion!
She will also win
Woe and misfortune!

Galunenko Svetlana

How many songs are still unwritten?
Say, cuckoo, sing.
Should I live in the city or on the outskirts,
Should I lie down like a stone or burn like a star?
A star.

My sun - look at me

And if there is gunpowder, give it fire.
Like this…

Who will follow the lonely trail?
Strong and brave
Their heads were laid down in the field in battle.
Few remain in fond memory,
In a sober mind and with a firm hand in formation,
In service.

My sun - look at me
My hand turned into a fist
And if there is gunpowder, give it fire.
Like this…

Where are you now, free will?
Who are you with now?
Are you greeting a gentle sunrise? Answer.
It's good with you, but bad without you,
Patient head and shoulders under the whip,
Under the whip.

My sun - look at me
My hand turned into a fist
And if there is gunpowder, give it fire.
Like this…

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