Does Pechorin have any reason to despise Grushnitsky? Essay on the duel between Pechorin and Grushnitsky, analysis of the scene episode. Several interesting essays

Duel of Grushnitsky and Pechorin

Goal: to analyze the episode “Pechorin’s Duel with Grushnitsky”, to find out how the characters’ characters are revealed in this episode.

During the classes:

Introduction to the topic

Reading the epigraph

“I don’t like him either: I feel

that we will ever encounter him

on a narrow road, and one of them will be in trouble.”

As you might have guessed, today we will talk about the Duel between Pechorin and Grushnitsky.

Viewing a duel scene

Conversation on issues (brief summary)

Why does Pechorin despise Grushnitsky?

Who destroyed the “friendly” relationship between Pechorin and Grushnitsky?

How was the duel provoked? What is Grushnitsky's role in this story?

The reason for the duel between Pechorin and Grushnitsky is Grushnitsky’s unworthy behavior towards Princess Mary and Pechorin.

What were the conditions of the duel?

What new trick did Pechorin’s opponents perform before the duel? Before the duel, Grushnitsky is plotting meanness: he wants to slip an unloaded pistol to Pechorin and thereby disgrace him. But Pechorin accidentally reveals this vile plan: “... I recognized the intention of these gentlemen to fool me by forcing me to shoot with blank charges. But now the matter went beyond the bounds of a joke: they probably did not expect such a denouement...”

How did Pechorin behave when he found out about this? Finally, Pechorin demands a loaded pistol, and Grushnitsky’s vile plan fails. Opponents shoot equally. Pechorin wounds Grushnitsky. As a result of his injury, he falls off a cliff and dies.

How are the opponents revealed in the duel scene itself?

Comparative characteristics of heroes


The night before the duel

“It’s two o’clock in the morning... I can’t sleep... But I need to fall asleep so that my hand doesn’t tremble tomorrow. However, it’s hard to miss at six steps.”

“I remember that during the night before the fight, I did not sleep for a minute. I could not write for a long time: a secret anxiety took possession of me. I walked around the room for an hour; then I sat down and opened Walter Scott’s novel, which was lying on my table: it was “The Scottish Puritans”; at first I read with effort, then I forgot, carried away by the magical fiction...”

“It’s finally dawn. My nerves calmed down."

“I don’t remember a more blue and fresh morning!.. I remember - this time, more than ever before, I loved nature.”

Behavior during a duel

“... Grushnitsky! - I said, - there is still time; give up your slander, and I will forgive you everything. You did not manage to fool me, and my pride is satisfied; remember - we were once friends...”

“...Shoot!” he answered, “I despise myself, but I hate you. If you don’t kill me, I’ll stab you at night from around the corner. There’s no place for the two of us on earth...”

Working with illustrations

Illustrated by M.A. Vrubel “Duel of Pechorin with Grushnitsky” we see Pechorin, Werner and the dragoon captain. Pechorin stands half-turned, his right hand, which has just dropped his pistol, is tiredly extended along his body, with his left hand he frantically holds the saber. In his posture one can feel fatigue and relaxation after the stress he has just experienced, and in his facial expression there is an understanding of the irreparability of what happened, some kind of bewilderment and sad consciousness that he again turned out to be an “instrument of execution.” It seems that he sees nothing around him, and, immersed in his thoughts, repeats: “The comedy is over!” And at the same time, some hidden strengths are felt in him, the ability to endure the condemnation of people and remain himself; he will not leave the duel broken, although it is very difficult for him.

Independent task for students:

Describe the image of Pechorin created by the artist.


Body position (posture)

Facial expression


What is Pechorin’s condition after the duel? Find the quote in the text (“I had a stone on my heart. The sun seemed dim to me, its rays did not warm me... The sight of a person would be painful for me: I wanted to be alone.”)

What new character traits did you see in Pechorin? (optional)

Words for reference: vengeful, proud, selfish, vile, merciful, selfish, honest, proud, heartless, cruel, courageous, brave, cowardly, a man of honor.

In the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov's "Hero of Our Time" there is a conflict between Pechorin, the main character of the work, and Grushnitsky, who plays the role of Pechorin's friend. So why did the duel between Pechorin and Grushnitsky turn out to be inevitable?

Firstly, Pechorin could not have friends, much less friends. He is incapable of friendship or affection.

Pechorin is an egoist who is indifferent to the feelings of other people.

Secondly, the main reason for a duel is jealousy. Grushnitsky was carried away by Princess Mary, but she paid her attention to Pechorin, who enjoyed this whole game. He was amused by how Grushnitsky was trying to regain the attention of Princess Mary. Going crazy with jealousy and wounded pride, Grushnitsky becomes dangerous.

In fact, disagreements between Pechorin and Grushnitsky began much earlier. They always took place. The heroes are the complete opposite. Lermontov contrasted them with each other in order to once again emphasize Pechorin’s bright personality and extraordinary character.

Despite Pechorin's position, Grushnitsky is also far from a positive hero of the novel. He is self-confident and arrogant. Grushnitsky loves pathos and always strives to play the role of a disappointed hero. Pechorin immediately notices all the weaknesses and vices of Grushnitsky.

Thus, the duel between Pechorin and Grushnitsky is the outcome of the conflict between two heroes, which was necessary and inevitable. Lermontov pushed the heroes “on the same path, where two cannot separate.”

Updated: 2017-03-02

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In the novel “A Hero of Our Time,” the reader sees a clear contrast between two images: the main character and the cadet.

Of course, both heroes have similar character traits, such as selfishness and narcissism. But, it is impossible not to note that in Pechorin this is real, but in Grushnitsky everything is thoroughly saturated with falsehood. He is only trying to seem like a romantic hero, while Pechorin is one.

The heroes developed hostility towards each other almost immediately upon meeting in Pyatigorsk, but outwardly none of them showed it. It is impossible to call any of the characters absolutely positive or negative. Pechorin mercilessly treated Princess Mary, his longtime lover Vera and her husband just for fun. Not from some kind of internal natural malice, but only from boredom, the main character of the novel decided to fall in love with young Mary, and thereby arouse a feeling of jealousy in Grushnitsky. Pechorin is depicted by the author as a selfish and very contradictory nature. He is critical not only of the society around him, but also of himself. The main character is devoid of falsehood in his character and actions. He cannot be accused of meanness or cowardice.

Grushnitsky is depicted by M.Yu. Lermontov, as mediocrity. Juncker is not as experienced in communicating with women as Pechorin, and behaves rather timidly and modestly. At first, the reader may think that Grushnitsky’s love for Mary is sincere, but later it becomes clear that this is also false. He easily slandered his beloved when he saw Pechorin next to her window, only out of wounded pride, without even trying to understand the situation.

The duel is a critical moment of confrontation between the cowardice and courage of the two characters. The young cadet Grushnitsky behaved very vilely. Together with his new friend, the dragoon captain, he decided to make the main character a laughing stock. The plan was to leave the pistols unloaded. Juncker seems to be trying to prove to himself that Pechorin is not ideal, and may be experiencing fear and cowardice. Grushnitsky was waiting for an opportunity to challenge Pechorin to a duel. But by chance, the main character heard what the dragoon captain and the young cadet were talking about.

Soon an incident occurred that led to a duel. When the main character was noticed opposite Princess Mary's window, Grushnitsky publicly ridiculed him. For which Pechorin challenged him to a duel. The dragoon captain again acted as an instigator and offered to load only Grushnitsky’s pistol, thus a cold-blooded murder was planned. It was fear that pushed the young cadet to such vile actions. He was afraid of losing to Pechorin, who was superior to him in everything.

The main character, on the contrary, was not afraid of death. He proposed making the conditions of the duel even more severe, moving the duel to a cliff, so that any, even minor, wound would become fatal. Grushnitsky shot first, and only grazed Grigory’s leg. Then the main character announced that his gun was not loaded and asked to reload. Pechorin's bullet turned out to be fatal for the cadet. Grushnitsky failed to defeat Grigory, even with the help of an insidious plan. But Pechorin did not feel satisfaction from his victory over cowardice; on the contrary, his soul was heavy.

The outcome of this confrontation turned out to be very tragic: Princess Mary’s heart is broken, the lives of Vera and her husband are broken.

One of the main characters in the novel “A Hero of Our Time” by M.Yu. Lermontov is Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorin. The work is structured in such a way as to most fully reveal the character of this hero. After all, the image of Pechorin is collective; in it the author wanted to show the hero of the time. That is why all the episodes are significant and in turn reveal one or the other facet of the hero’s personality.

Pechorin's duel with Grushnitsky is a very indicative moment of Pechorin's character, and also shows how different he is from the same Grushnitsky and other heroes. Pechorin is forced to ask for a challenge to a duel due to the fact that Grushnitsky began to weave intrigues and spread unscrupulous rumors.

Before the duel, Grigory Alexandrovich is occupied with important questions; he thinks about what he lived for. In the course of reflection, he comes to the conclusion that he could not guess his purpose. It is here that an important character trait of Pechorin is revealed, this is his honesty with himself. His concentrated state allows him to see the beauty of the morning on the way to the duel site. Despite the great risk, Pechorin controls himself and is an example of self-control.

Grushnitsky was unable to carry out his cunning plan and not shoot at Pechorin. But his pride does not allow him to admit everything. He becomes a victim of his unsuccessful enterprise against Pechorin, who behaves very nobly. Even knowing about the enemy’s plan, he still gives Grushnitsky a chance.

After the duel, Pechorin feels depressed; the sun, which before this event seemed bright, now seems dim to him. The duel made the hero feel a lot and change his mind, and this is very important for the development of his personality.

In this episode, the author put the heroes in the face of death. Pechorin's contradictory character is fully revealed here, as is the pettiness of Grushnitsky's nature. Pechorin does not kill him out of anger; rather, he is not yet ready to step over public opinion. This scene shows the hero of time as the author saw him

Essay on the theme of the Duel of Pechorin and Grushnitsky

Using the description of the duel, Lermontov wanted to more accurately convey the characters’ characters. From the very beginning of the work, the reader is presented with two completely opposite heroes. Grushnitsky is more of a romantic who follows fashion rather than his soul. It follows from this that Grushnitsky plays his life and his feelings, adapting to his environment. It is filled with unreal feelings.

The duel played an important role for Pechorin. He is quite determined to die and is ready to die. Pechorin decides to change the rules of the duel and chooses a dangerous place where there is not the slightest chance of survival. The top of the mountain was chosen as such a place.

Initially, Grushnitsky’s hatred of Pechorin was noticeable; it is impossible to name the exact reason, but the enemy was clearly wiser and stronger.

Grushnitsky goes into a duel knowing that he will lose, and it turns out that he cannot even shoot. Pechorin tried in every possible way to achieve reconciliation, gave the enemy the opportunity to leave, but he, in turn, continued to play his game, not realizing that he was going too far.

The description of the duel can be divided into several parts, the first covers the day before the duel, and the second the incident itself. Pechorin always knew what he was doing and was aware of his actions, so he never doubted or regretted anything. Lermontov did not fully reveal the image of Pechorin, so the reader cannot fully answer the question of what exactly the hero was like.

But the main thing is that the author constructed the work in such a way that every reader will find something for himself. Also, the duel scene does not give us a clear idea of ​​the person. The author added a lot of internal monologues that add atmosphere to the duel.

The main thing that can be taken away from the work is that the author, by conveying the image of Pechorin, encourages a person to look at himself from the outside and look into his soul in order to understand whether there are traces of Pechorin’s traits in himself.

Several interesting essays

  • Heroes of the work Snow Maiden by Ostrovsky

    The great Russian writer Ostrovsky borrowed the plot for his “Snow Maiden” from a Russian folk tale

    The main character of the work is a boy of unusually small size. His height was no more than his little finger. However, despite this, he was very smart, resourceful and brave. People around him didn't take him seriously

The shot rang out. The bullet grazed my knee. I involuntarily took a few steps forward in order to quickly move away from the edge.

- Well, brother Grushnitsky, it’s a pity that I missed! - said the captain, - now it’s your turn, stand up! Hug me first: we won't see each other again! - They hugged; the captain could hardly restrain himself from laughing. “Don’t be afraid,” he added, looking slyly at Grushnitsky, “everything in the world is nonsense!.. Nature is a fool, fate is a turkey, and life is a penny!”

After this tragic phrase, spoken with decent importance, he retreated to his place; Ivan Ignatich also hugged Grushnitsky with tears, and now he was left alone against me. I am still trying to explain to myself what kind of feeling was seething in my chest then: it was the annoyance of offended pride, and contempt, and anger, born at the thought that this man, now with such confidence, with such calm insolence, was looking at me , two minutes ago, without exposing himself to any danger, he wanted to kill me like a dog, because if I had been wounded in the leg a little more, I would certainly have fallen off the cliff.

I looked closely at his face for several minutes, trying to notice at least the slightest trace of repentance. But it seemed to me that he was holding back a smile.

“I advise you to pray to God before you die,” I told him then.

“Don’t care about my soul more than your own.” I ask you one thing: shoot quickly.

– And you do not renounce your slander? don’t ask me for forgiveness?.. Think carefully: isn’t your conscience telling you something?

- Mister Pechorin! - shouted the dragoon captain, - you are not here to confess, let me tell you... Finish quickly; No matter if someone drives through the gorge, they will see us.

- Okay, doctor, come to me.

The doctor came up. Poor doctor! he was paler than Grushnitsky ten minutes ago.

I deliberately pronounced the following words with emphasis, loudly and clearly, like pronouncing a death sentence:

- Doctor, these gentlemen, probably in a hurry, forgot to put a bullet in my pistol: I ask you to load it again - and well!

- Can't be! - the captain shouted, - it can’t be! I loaded both pistols; unless a bullet rolled out of you... it's not my fault! – And you have no right to reload... no right... this is completely against the rules; I will not let…

- Fine! - I said to the captain, - if so, then we will shoot under the same conditions... - He hesitated.

Grushnitsky stood with his head bowed to his chest, embarrassed and gloomy.

- Leave them! - he finally said to the captain, who wanted to snatch my pistol from the doctor’s hands... - After all, you yourself know that they are right.

In vain the captain made various signs to him - Grushnitsky did not even want to look.

Meanwhile, the doctor loaded the pistol and handed it to me. Seeing this, the captain spat and stamped his foot.

“You’re a fool, brother,” he said, “a vulgar fool!.. You’ve already relied on me, so obey in everything... Serves you right!” kill yourself like a fly...” He turned away and, walking away, muttered: “Still, this is completely against the rules.”

- Grushnitsky! - I said, - there is still time; renounce your slander, and I will forgive you everything. You failed to fool me, and my pride is satisfied; - remember - we were once friends...

His face flushed, his eyes sparkled.

- Shoot! - he answered, “I despise myself, but I hate you.” If you don't kill me, I'll stab you at night from around the corner. There is no place for the two of us on earth...

I shot...

When the smoke cleared, Grushnitsky was not on the site. Only the ashes still curled in a light column on the edge of the cliff.

– Finita la comedy! - I told the doctor.

He did not answer and turned away in horror.

I shrugged my shoulders and bowed to Grushnitsky’s seconds.

Going down the path, I noticed the bloody corpse of Grushnitsky between the crevices of the rocks. I involuntarily closed my eyes... Having untied the horse, I walked home. I had a stone on my heart. The sun seemed dim to me, its rays did not warm me.

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