Eugene onegin and tatiana unrequited love. An essay on the theme of love in the life of Onegin and Tatiana in the novel by Eugene Onegin, Pushkin read for free. The theme of love in the novel "Eugene Onegin". Writing. Essay on the topic: Love in the life of Onegin and Tatiana in rum

The theme of love is often touched upon in Russian classical literature. The authors transfer their love experiences into creativity. There is a happy, inspiring love, there is unrequited, full of suffering, there is love that brings disappointment, and even leads to death.

Love in the life of Tatyana Larina

Tatiana's true love touches Eugene Onegin, attracts attention. The girl was able to interest the "young rake", but he understands that he is not capable of a deep feeling. Eugene is familiar only with the "science of tender passion", and such skills cannot be applied to Tatiana.

Tatiana decides to write a letter to her beloved, because this is how the heroines of the novels, which she was fond of reading, acted in this way, and they always received an answer from their beloved.

Tatiana's perception of the world is based on the books she read, the image of Onegin was created by a girl in her imagination. In fact, not knowing Onegin well enough, she imagined him as the hero of her novel. The idea that it is not very good to be the first to confess your feelings to a young man does not come to Tatyana. Indeed, in her books there is not a word about this.

The contradictory nature of Eugene Onegin

Onegin, who appreciates Tatyana for her sincerity and naivety, after reading the message, first of all thinks about himself, and not about the girl. He is proud that he acted nobly, did not take advantage of Tatyana's lack of love experience. The young man teaches her a lesson, not realizing the pain he inflicts with his fiery speech. It seems that Onegin does not know how to love.

The tragic death of a friend is inevitable for Eugene. He made no attempt to make peace with his neighbor. In his heart, Onegin rejects the possibility of a peaceful solution to the conflict and agrees to a duel.

According to the code of the duel of the past, its meaning is a test of courage to adequately hold out at gunpoint. The main character disregards the rules: with one shot, he mortally wounds the enemy. Then he calmly says: "Lensky fell victim to." A victim of what? Arrogance of Onegin, wounded authority, excessive pride? The death of Vladimir is a step towards changes in Yevgeny's soul.

Onegin gets tired of life in the village, he is depressed by the realization that he has killed a friend. To change his surroundings, he decides to travel. Here the author draws an analogy with the hero of Byron's poem - Childe Harold: such a romantic hero, withdrawn, sullen, insanely yearning and ominously attractive. Soon such epithets are refuted.

The collapse of ideals as a mental tragedy

When Tatyana visits her lover's house and looks at the literature he was fond of, she sees notes in the margins, sketches, and her attitude towards Onegin changes immediately: "Is he really a parody?" No, he's a real person who can take life and hurt.

Tatiana comes to the realization that the image she has created does not coincide with reality, and, perhaps, a real person does not deserve love. A high feeling is crumbling, and this causes deep feelings in Tatyana. She is unable to find peace of mind, she has no desire to go to Moscow to the “brides' fair”, she is indifferent to her future.

The origin of love in the soul of the protagonist

"I got married ..." - the words that Onegin will hear from Tatiana's lips. Having become a married lady, she acquired what she passionately desired: she moved from the countryside to St. Petersburg, moved in high circles, regularly visited fashionable salons, and organized evenings in her house. The text of the novel does not say that Tatyana Larina does not have tender feelings for her husband. Tatiana's life is measured and prosperous.

Onegin, having traveled around the world, not finding a goal, not addicted to work, by the will of fate finds himself in St. Petersburg, where he accidentally sees Tatiana. She is different: a married, wealthy and respected princess, the goddess of the "royal Neva".

Love is born in Onegin's soul. He begins to court Tatiana, but runs into a wall of indifference. The hero is moping and retires in his house. Now he is already writing a letter to Tatiana, revealing his feelings. Larina responds to Onegin with a refusal, not accepting his love.

In the draft of the novel, Onegin's feelings are questionable. And this despite the heartfelt, passion-filled letter, which became the apogee of Russian lyric literature. It was Alexander Sergeevich who wrote, and not the hero of his work, as it might appear at first glance.

Who Is Really Changing? Tatiana Larina. She loved and continues to experience this feeling for Eugene. Having understood his low nature and seeing his negative features, she remains true to her feelings after several years. And at the same time it changes. And these obvious changes are noticeable to the reader. All ingenious is simple. This is the main meaning and irony of the work of the genius poet A.S. Pushkin.

Love in the life of Onegin and Tatiana

The novel "Eugene Onegin" was written by A. Pushkin in the first half of the 19th century. It tells the story of the love of a young nobleman tired of the attention of a secular nobleman and a simple provincial girl, who also does not like to be in the center of social life, but prefers to spend time in nature, reading books and studying folk legends. The theme of love is key in the work.

All heroes, one way or another, express their attitude to this high feeling.

One of the main questions the writer is trying to answer is whether Onegin knows how to love? From a young age, the main character is accustomed to living in secular lies and a hypocritical society. He himself understands that love is something else, and not that falsehood that he meets at balls and social receptions. However, not wanting to bind himself with serious obligations and promises, he tries to stay away from this feeling.

He just closes his heart and does not want love, because it’s easier to live this way. Onegin has a decent upbringing and education, a rich inheritance and all the chances for a prosperous life, but love

He never finds, and when he does, it’s too late.

Tatiana Larina, whom he meets during his “rest” in the village, is his antipode. In matters of love, she is infinitely sincere and believes that the very concept of happiness is connected with this feeling. The characters have a lot in common, but the views on love are strikingly different. They both eschew social noise, do not like to socialize a lot, lead a secluded, secluded lifestyle and spend more time reading books.

Books, by the way, play a big role in the lives of these heroes. Having discovered a huge library in Onegin's estate, Tatiana is even more convinced that her choice was the right one. But the marks on the margins, by which she begins to understand what is happening in the soul of the person she adores, bring disappointment.

Eugene really does not know how to love, at least until certain events, he is convinced that there is no point in love. On this occasion, he more than once starts a dispute with Lensky, the only friend he had in the village. Lensky is a romantic nature, sensitive and subtle. He is a dreamer and poet who strives for pure and sincere love.

On this basis, they quarrel. The conflict, which became the cause of the death of a friend, suddenly clearly clarifies the whole situation for Onegin. He finally realizes that it is a great loss in life to lose such a friend. He begins to understand the meaning of the words once said by Lensky about the inevitability and necessity of love.

It is after the events in the village that the outlook of the protagonist changes. Over time, he even realizes that he could love Tatiana.

By the end of the work, he becomes a truly loving person. The main goal of the writer, in my opinion, was to show these changes, to demonstrate the rebirth of Onegin. Alas, he could no longer return Tatyana, but he realized one thing, how important it is in this world to love and be loved.

At all times, the ability to love was the main criterion for evaluating literary heroes, and this novel by Pushkin is no exception.

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Essay on the topic: Love in the life of Onegin and Tatiana in the novel Eugene Onegin, Pushkin

"Eugene Onegin" is, one might say, a philosophical work, because it deals with many "eternal" topics, including love. Love itself in the poem appears before readers in different guises: it is Tatyana's sincere and tender love, Onegin's belated passionate love, Olga's windy love, the ardent and romantic love of Vladimir Lensky. Also, love in the poem is considered from the side of mutual and from the position of unrequited feelings.

Tatiana is an image of pure and sincere love. She fell in love with Onegin with her first and tender love, dreamed of him, comparing herself to the heroines of the novels she had read. Of course, Tatiana, inexperienced in love affairs, idealized Eugene in many ways. In her letter, she honestly opens her soul to him, entrusting her fate in his hands. She confesses to him that in her dreams she imagined her beloved just like that and immediately recognized him at the first meeting, realizing that he was her destiny. Tatiana was frank in her letter, she treated Eugene as her betrothed, ready to connect her whole life with him. Tatyana's love is pure and disinterested, she fell in love with Eugene the way she saw him for the first time, in many ways idealizing him, because in fact she did not know him at all. Her love is tender, girlish, light and sincere, but, unfortunately, Eugene did not respond to her feelings.

Eugene himself was very sophisticated in love, nothing could surprise him, although Tatyana's sincerity touched his heart. But Eugene honestly admits that he cannot be a good husband for her, that he is not worthy of her. He knows himself well and understands that a quiet and obedient wife will quickly bore him, that his lifestyle is not suitable for the family hearth, because Onegin is used to entertainment and a carefree life. But at the same time, Onegin appreciated Tatiana's sincerity, did not laugh at her feelings, but treated them with due respect and understanding. Among the secular flirtatious young ladies, he met few such deep and worthy girls as Tatyana. In a conversation with her, he tells her very honestly about himself and about his attitude to family life. Onegin admits that if he wanted to start a family, he would certainly choose Tanya, believing that she would be a better wife, but so far he did not want to tie the knot.

Love still overtook Onegin, but it was too late - Tatiana was married to the general. Would Yevgeny have liked Tatyana if she had been the former modest and sincere girl? Unlikely. Onegin was captivated by Tatiana's inaccessibility, coldness and restraint, her greatness and indifference. “The less we love a woman, the easier she likes us,” - said Onegin himself. The same goes for men. Tatiana, available and in love, Onegin did not need "easy prey", but the majestic woman belonging to another man charmed him. Tatiana demonstrates beautiful features of nobility and loyalty in the poem. She is a faithful wife who cannot break the word given to her, cannot betray her husband, even if she is not loved by her. “But I am given to another, I will be faithful to him forever,” she says to Onegin, giving him no chance of an affair with her.

Tanya's sister, Olga, is a windy girl who is not capable of deep feelings. She is easily carried away by men, which Onegin proved at Tatyana's birthday. He was able to easily turn her head and charm her, despite the fact that she was Lensky's bride. Also, after the death of Vladimir, Olga once again proves her frivolity, because, after grieving for a short time, she will soon marry another. Olga's love is deceptive, superficial, fickle, she is not able to completely dissolve in a loved one and devote herself to him.

More serious and passionate feelings were experienced by the young poet - Vladimir Lensky, all his thoughts were associated with his girlfriend, he wrote poetry for her, defended her honor, wanted to connect his life with her. Lensky and dies, sacrificing himself, hoping to protect Olga from the seducer of Onegin. Vladimir's love is sacrificial, sincere, but too ardent and romantic. He loves Olga for her beauty, for her flirtatiousness, in many ways representing her better than she really is. Olga just allows him to love himself, she is pleased with his courtship, but they have no spiritual connection, because Olga could not even feel that Vladimir was going to die. Before the duel, he came to her, but she behaved as always, at ease and windy, not remembering that she offended his feelings with her flirtation with Onegin.

The relevance and scale of this work of Pushkin is amazing. In the image of her heroes, you can see the features of many modern people. Since the time of the poet's life, in fact, nothing has changed. All the same ardent and romantic young men fall in love with windy beauties who “love them less”, and worthy girls are enchanted by the Onegin. And the principle: “The less we love a woman, the easier she likes us” - it still works.


Onegin could not stand the test of friendship. And in love? From the first chapter of the novel it is clear that in his youth Onegin did not yet love - he only amused himself with skillful play. But maybe he was loved? Hard to say. Almost certainly, Tatyana's love, for all her romance, is the first true love that Onegin met in his life. Did Onegin understand this? This question cannot be answered with “yes” or “no”.

But, having received Tanya's message,

Onegin was vividly moved:

The language of girlish dreams

In him he revolted the thoughts with a swarm;

It is clear from these lines that Onegin understood a lot. After all, at first glance, he noticed that Tatyana was an outstanding person, he felt interest in her and undoubted sympathy. But Eugene was too devastated, too lazy spiritually, too blind, for all his insight, to understand that such a treasure as Tatyana's love would not come across on the road every day. And, what is especially important, having lost the freshness of the first feeling in his youth, he has not yet gained the right to true love. It is not for nothing that the author in Chapter I does not use the word "love", but replaces it with the phrase "sentimental ardor of old." Onegin's appearance is unusually clearly revealed in the scene of the explanation with Tatiana (IV class). Onegin himself calls this monologue "confession", the author - "sermon" (this is how Eugene preached "). Tatiana took this "confession" as a "lesson": moreover, in her last monologue she recalls Onegin's "taunting ... abuse". Obviously, all these assessments are equally true. Onegin's monologue is a confession because the hero of the novel honestly, sincerely reveals in him his soul - chilled, devastated, hardened "in the deadly rapture of light." But at the same time it is also a sermon, for Onegin takes the pose of a mentor and reads the moral of the girl in love with him. And Tatyana's expression "the sharpness of your abuse" is most likely associated with the memory of Yevgeny's last edifying words:

You will love again: but ...

Learn to rule yourself;

Not everyone will understand you like me;

Inexperience leads to trouble. "

Onegin himself felt how insulting these words were for poor Tanya,
therefore, before pronouncing them, he turned to her:
Listen to me without anger ...
Saying to Tatiana: "You will love again" - Onegin is based on his personal experience. He had not yet met a woman who could fall in love with one person for life.
Onegin's suggestion that Tatyana is still able to turn to someone with the same ardent, trusting confession, no doubt, is offensive and insulting to her.
Onegin himself did not know how to deeply love and never experienced the suffering associated with the feeling of love (if he was, he was comforted in a moment, changed - he was glad to rest "), so he could not imagine how much one could suffer from unrequited love. That is why Onegin's monologue was distinguished by brilliance, grace, eloquence. These features of refined, freely flowing speech show a high intelligence and nobility, but enhance the impression of coldness and indifference.
It is curious that immediately after the depiction of Tatyana's meeting with Onegin, Pushkin begins to talk about friendship, kinship, loyalty and unexpectedly concludes:

Whom to love? Whom to believe?

Who won't betray us one?

Who measures all things, all speeches

Helpfully for our yardstick?

Who does not sow slander about us?

Who cares for us?

To whom is our vice not a problem?

Who will never get bored?

Of course, this is not the poet's conviction, but a subtle mockery of egoism, which has taken such deep roots in people like Onegin. Onegin could not get out of the egoistic world of his disappointment, his boredom and respond to Tatyana's lively, sincere call. True love, the first and, obviously, the only one appeared later, when Onegin went through difficult trials: the tragic death of Lensky, the sorrowful wanderings in Russia taught him a lot. The complex evolution of the hero is revealed in Chapter VIII. After the tragic death of Lensky, we part with Onegin for a long time.

Onegin's new appearance on the pages of the novel is accompanied by a dispute, which reveals the author's point of view in relation to Onegin of his secular enemies. It is important for the author to express his opinion about the hero, who has changed, has become closer and dearer to him.

But who is in the crowd of the chosen

Is it silent and hazy?

He seems to be a stranger to everyone.

Faces flicker in front of him ...

This chain of questions is a testament to how Eugene has changed and how tragically alone he is. In the very tone one cannot but feel a bitter, saddened sympathy for Eugene. So, exactly he, - the poet says with excitement. But then a completely different voice is heard - someone from the secular crowd:

How long has it been brought to us?
Is he still the same il pacified?
Or is he portraying the same eccentric?
Tell me, how did he come back?
What will he present to us so far?
What will appear now? Melmot.
The words "brought in", "pacified", "writhes", "flaunts" express spiteful ridicule and ill will. And Pushkin gives a merciless, destructive rebuke to the vulgar "good fellow", ardently defends Onegin from the attacks of "proud insignificance." And then the poet makes it clear that this is the lot of a whole generation:

But it's sad to think it's in vain

Youth was given to us,

That they cheated on her every hour

That she deceived us ...

Thus, it would be fair in Chapter VIII to see in Onegin a person, if not ripe, then ripening for activity higher than fussing with oneself and one's longing. He was accelerated by a new meeting with Tatyana. Pushkin conveys Onegin's deep excitement, peering into an unfamiliar lady, so unlike everyone else:

"Really," thinks Eugene, -
Is she really? But for sure ... No ... "
Showing how Onegin's fascination with this new Tatiana is gradually emerging, Pushkin emphasizes: Eugene amazes and admires exactly what has appeared in her.

A spasm seized Onegin's throat. Where did his secularity, his unchanging eloquence go! And the author asks: What's wrong with him? what a strange dream he is in! Annoyance? vanity ?. Undoubtedly, the feeling that took possession of Onegin is sincere and strong. Pushkin first used the word "love" in relation to Onegin. In this suddenly flared up love there is no game, no calculation, no pretense. And yet Onegin's new feeling for Tatiana, with all his strength and tension, is not yet that great, genuine love that purifies and ennobles a person. Sympathizing with his hero with all his heart, showing his sincere heartache, Pushkin, however, shows us both egoism and Onegin's vanity. How Tatiana has changed! Not simplicity, artlessness, not Tatyana's mind and heart amaze him, but the ability to play a role. He is tormented by the thought that he once did not see in a simple girl the possibility of turning her into a brilliant aristocrat. And he does not understand how blind he is now, not seeing in the "indifferent princess" still "in love, poor and simple" Tatiana.

Onegin's new feeling is complex, contradictory, multifaceted: in this feeling, as well as in the personality of the hero, both the bad and the good, and the truly human and superficial, the familiar, unworthy of man, are intertwined.

This duality is reflected in Onegin's letter. Onegin's letter reveals with amazing clarity the dialectic of his sick, suffering soul. Where does he start? With offensive suspicions and false excuses. After all, you still need to remain blind in order to write to Tatyana:

What wicked fun
Perhaps I am giving a reason ...

Having met you by chance,
Noticing a spark of tenderness in you,
I didn't dare to believe her ...
The beginning of the letter is reminiscent of Onegin's "cold" sermon, where feelings are hidden under beautiful phrases. So, instead of "love" Onegin says "a spark of tenderness", instead of "was killed" - "the unfortunate victim Lensky fell." However, further in the letter, the living truth of unbearable heartache grows, without any falsity:

I know: my century has already been measured;

But to prolong my life,

I must be sure in the morning

That I will see you in the afternoon ...

Eugene stopped choosing words to express his feelings; he speaks simply, strongly. Onegin’s mouth also breaks down the vernacular, rude, but accurately conveying what he wanted to express:
… For you
I trudge everywhere at random ...
Bitterness, fatigue, humiliation are expressed in this one word "trudge". The ending of the letter is also significant. She echoes Tatyana's letter, as if Onegin wants to remind her of the past, to awaken old feelings and at the same time to show that he now feels the same that she had felt before:

But so be it: I'm on my own

You cannot resist anymore;

Everything is decided: I am in your will,

And surrender to my destiny.

Onegin's insincere, pitiful excuses deeply hurt Tatyana. She now understands Onegin much more clearly; from her dreams, a romantic raid slept. Eugene is no longer surrounded for her by an aura of brilliant mystery; but she loves him, loves the best that she sees in him, and her spring, and young dreams of happiness ... How bitter it is for her to see
secular courtship of Onegin! And even his sincere passion, expressed in the letter, is insulting. What does he want from her? What does he offer her? Dirt of secular connection, lies, vulgar evasions in front of a deceived husband? ..

Only now Onegin begins to understand that he did not know Tatyana and is not worthy of her. The experience of previous years did not help him: he met such a woman for the first time. Now a new stage of his spiritual development begins. “He denied the light again,” he began to read again, reflect on life, on his destiny. A hard winter, spent alone, in anguish, in thought - the completion of Onegin's spiritual break. Before Yevgeny's mind's eye - the most painful, painful of all his memories - the terrible collapse of his friendship. Zaretsky's voice forever engraved in Onegin's memory. A feeling of guilt and deep remorse, the image of a deceased friend evokes memories of the indirect culprits of his death:

Then he sees the forgotten enemies,
Slanderers and evil cowards ...
This is a memory of the secular rabble, of the Zaretskys, for whose sake Lensky was killed. In his memory, secular false friends - "a circle of despicable comrades" and "objects" of his deceitful, empty youthful love game - "a swarm of young traitors" flicker into his memory. The circle of memories is completed by the only dear thing that still remains in life - Tatiana:

That is a country house - and by the window
She sits ... and that's all she is! ..
But this is no longer the "princess", not the "legislator of the hall." This is the old Tanya. This is how the epiphany came. Pushkin ends the story of Onegin's renunciation of the world with humorous, friendly-ironic stanzas:

He's so used to getting lost in this

That I almost turned my mind

Or did not become a poet.

To admit: I would borrow it!

Speaking about Onegin in simple, rude words, often using vernacular, the poet restrainedly conveys his joy in connection with his revival and deep sympathy for his grief. Purified by suffering, Onegin became more human, more sincere, simpler and was finally able to understand and love Tatiana with all the purity, strength and tenderness of which a person is only capable. The feeling of renewal, awakening to a new life is created with the help of a spring landscape:

Spring lives him: for the first time

Their chambers are locked

Where he spent the winter like a marmot,

Double windows, firewood ...

But traces of the endured suffering were imprinted on his face: "He is walking, looking like a dead man." And now, finally, that new understanding of Tatiana, which was born in Onegin's soul during this long winter. In Pushkin's tone, tenderness and deep compassion for Onegin and Tatiana. They are not happy. The tragedy of this scene is further enhanced by the fact that Onegin has now risen to true love, has become on a par with Tatyana, but he must silently listen to her bitter, insulting words, realizing that they are plucked out by mental pain, intolerable grief. Shocked Eugene "as if struck by thunder." Painting the emergence of Onegin's love, Pushkin spoke of the "storm of a cold autumn." But now the "storm of sensations" into which Onegin is "immersed in his heart" is still a blessed storm, a storm of renewal.

2 / 5. 1

Thematic direction: He and she

18.09.2019 22:14:01

Let us turn to the story "Garnet Bracelet" by A. I. Kuprin. Mr. Zheltkov has been unrequitedly in love with Vera Nikolaevna for seven long years. During this time, he did not dare to tell her about his feelings. On the name day of Princess Zheltkov, he decides to send her a gift. Opening it, the princess saw a letter and a garnet bracelet. In the letter, the gentleman apologizes for his gift and asks not to be angry with him. He tells Vera Nikolaevna about his feelings for her. The princess hesitates for a long time to tell her husband about this stranger, but soon she does. After the conversation of Vera Nikolaevna's husband and brother with Zheltkov, he promises that he will never bother the princess again. The gentleman loved Vera Nikolaevna so much that in life he was no longer interested in anything except Vera Nikolaevna. He was unable to cope with his feelings and committed suicide.
As proof, I can give one more argument. In the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" Tatiana Larina is unrequitedly in love with Eugene Onegin. At the first meeting, Tatiana realized that she was in love with Onegin. At nights Tatyana could not sleep, she thought about him all the time, so she decided to write a letter. In the letter, the girl poured out all her feelings, talked about her pure and sincere love, but did not receive reciprocity in return.
Onegin was not touched by Tatyana's letter, he did not feel anything for her. After that, Onegin explained to Tatyana that he would not be able to make her happy. Soon Evgeniy leaves. Tatiana's feelings have not disappeared, she is still in love with Onegin and misses him.
Thus, I proved the idea that unrequited love is a very insidious feeling that makes a person suffer, experience pain, despair and disappointment. Unrequited love is very difficult to bear. It is hard to realize that there is no way to be with your loved one.

Word count - 358

Elizabeth, you need to more clearly build the logic of reasoning. The starting point is the arguments that develop it + examples, confirming, illustrating the argument - the conclusion from the reasoning (not just a repetition of what was said in the introduction). Your arguments are just examples. This weakens the thesis-evidentiary part of the essay, therefore 0 points on К3. There should be a "test" for such an essay, but it would be good to work on the speech: eliminate repetitions, express your thoughts more accurately, carefully select the words to express your thoughts. If the logic is violated even more, they can put 0 on K1, and this is already a "failure" for the final essay.

What is unrequited love? In my understanding, unrequited love is a rejection of the feelings of a loving person. It is very difficult for a lover to believe and realize that his feelings were not mutual. Unrequited love is hard to bear, and even harder to accept. It hurts unbearably to be in a situation where the most important person in your life doesn't love you. Unfortunately, there are situations when people end their lives by suicide, because they are unable to cope with such a situation. I'll prove my point.
Let's turn to the story by A. I. Kuprin (Need Kuprin Probably a typo.) "Garnet bracelet". Mr. Zheltkov has been unrequitedly in love with Vera Nikolaevna for seven long years. During this time, he did not dare to tell her about his feelings. On the name day of Princess Zheltkov, he decides to send her a gift. Opening it, the princess saw a letter and a garnet bracelet. In a letter lord (Tautology. Better to say "hero" in this context, rather than repeat "master") apologizes for her gift and asks not to be angry with him. He tells Vera Nikolaevna about his feelings for her. The princess hesitated for a long time to tell her husband about this stranger, but soon tells (Tautology. Can be replaced with "opens, recognizes")... After the conversation of Vera Nikolaevna's husband and brother with Zheltkov, he promises that he will never bother the princess again. Mister so strong loved Vera Nikolaevna that in his life there is nothing more not interested, except for Vera Nikolaevna (Repeat again. Better to replace with "heroine, beloved" in the second case)... He was unable to cope with his feelings and committed suicide.
In proof of what? (According to the logic of reasoning, the last theoretical thesis: “there are situations when people end their lives by suicide.” And the example from “Eugene Onegin” does not prove this soap. Another argument is needed. his / her unhappy.) I can give you one more argument. In the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" Tatiana Larina unrequited in love with Eugene Onegin... At the first meeting, Tatyana realized that in love with Onegin... At nights Tatyana could not sleep, she thought about him all the time, so she decided to write a letter. In the letter, the girl poured out all her feelings, talked about her pure and sincere love, but did not receive reciprocity in return.
Onegin was not touched by Tatyana's letter, he did not feel anything for her. After that, Onegin explained to Tatyana that he would not be able to make her happy. Soon Evgeniy leaves. Tatyana's feelings did not disappear, she still in love into Onegin and misses him. (1. In this context, it is inappropriate to use "still". It is better to say "And after Onegin's departure." .. and bored "proves that unrequited love is hard to bear?)
Thus, I proved the idea that unrequited love is a very insidious feeling that makes a person suffer, experience pain, despair and disappointment. Unrequited love is very difficult to bear. It is hard to realize that there is no way to be with your loved one.

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