Factors influencing human health. Factors influencing health The health of humanity largely depends on

Human physical health is the natural state of the body, determined by the normal functioning of all its organs and systems. Stress, bad habits, unbalanced nutrition, lack of physical activity and other unfavorable conditions affect not only the social sphere of human activity, but also cause the appearance of various chronic diseases.

To prevent them, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, the basis of which is physical development. Regular fitness classes, yoga, running, swimming, skating and other types of physical activity help keep the body in good shape and help maintain a positive attitude. A healthy lifestyle reflects a certain life position aimed at developing culture and hygiene skills, maintaining and strengthening health, and maintaining an optimal quality of life.

Factors in human physical health

The main factor in a person’s physical health is his lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle is reasonable human behavior, including:

  • Optimal ratio of work and rest;
  • Correctly calculated physical activity;
  • Rejection of bad habits;
  • Balanced diet;
  • Positive thinking.

A healthy lifestyle ensures the full implementation of social functions, active participation in the labor, social, family and household spheres, and also directly affects life expectancy. According to experts, a person’s physical health depends on lifestyle by more than 50%.

Factors of environmental influence on the human body can be divided into several impact groups:

  • Physical - humidity and air pressure, as well as solar radiation, electromagnetic waves and many other indicators;
  • Chemical – various elements and compounds of natural and artificial origin that are part of air, water, soil, food products, building materials, clothing, electronics;
  • Biological – beneficial and harmful microorganisms, viruses, fungi, as well as animals, plants and their metabolic products.

The impact of the combination of these factors on a person’s physical health, according to experts, is about 20%.

To a lesser extent, health is influenced by heredity, which can be either a direct cause of diseases or take part in their development. From a genetic point of view, all diseases can be divided into three types:

  • Hereditary are diseases, the occurrence and development of which is associated with defects in inherited cells (Down syndrome, Alzheimer's disease, hemophilia, cardiomyopathy and others);
  • Conditionally hereditary - with a genetic predisposition, but provoked by external factors (hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes, eczema and others);
  • Non-hereditary - caused by environmental influences and not related to the genetic code.

All people have a genetic predisposition to various diseases, which is why doctors are always interested in the diseases of the patient’s parents and other relatives. The influence of heredity on a person’s physical health is estimated by researchers at 15%.

Medical care, according to expert data, has almost no effect on health (less than 10%). According to WHO research, the main cause of both deterioration in quality of life and premature death are chronic diseases, which can be divided into four main types:

  • Cardiovascular (heart attack, stroke);
  • Chronic respiratory (obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma);
  • Oncological;
  • Diabetes.

The development of chronic diseases is promoted by alcohol consumption, smoking, unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity.

Consequently, the main indicator of a person’s physical health is a lifestyle that should be aimed at preventing diseases, promoting health, and achieving spiritual and physical harmony.

Human physical development and health

The basis of a healthy lifestyle is the physical development of a person, and health directly depends on the optimal balance of physical activity and rest. Regular exercise provides a high level of immunity, improves metabolism and blood circulation, normalizes blood pressure, and increases strength and endurance. When planning physical activity, it is imperative to take into account the age and physiological characteristics of the person, take into account the state of health, and consult a doctor about possible contraindications. Loads must be optimal: insufficient - ineffective, excessive - harm the body. In addition, over time, the loads become habitual and need to be gradually increased. Their intensity is determined by the number of repetitions of the exercises, the range of movements and the pace of execution.

Physical culture and human health

Physical culture is a sphere of social activity aimed at strengthening health and developing a person’s physical abilities. Therefore, doctors especially emphasize the connection between physical culture and human health. There are several types of physical education:

The last two types are especially important, as they quickly normalize the body’s condition and contribute to the creation of favorable living conditions.

A healthy lifestyle is the most important indicator of a person’s physical health. Leading it means, on the one hand, maintaining social activity and a positive attitude towards the world, and on the other hand, giving up bad habits, balancing your diet and doing regular exercise. Physical education provides motivation to prevent diseases, maintain the body in good physical shape, and increase life expectancy. Physical exercise improves mood, increases self-esteem and relieves stress, increases performance and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body as a whole.

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1. Water (quality and quantity)

Everyone knows that we are 70-80% water, and newborns are 90%. In old age, this figure is much lower. Aging of the body means it dries out. We need to think about what we drink and how much? After all, we are made of water, and not of tea, coffee, and especially not of sweet carbonated drinks.

Every day a person should drink 1.5-2.5 liters of water, and clean water. Water should not contain harmful impurities, it should be alive, i.e. negatively charged. Water should be slightly alkaline, but the water in our taps is acidic. And not only in taps, but also in natural sources. An acidic environment is a source of disease in the body. Natural water must contain microelements, the absence or reduced content of which leads to certain complications in the human body.

Pollution of natural waters with various types of bacteria threatens the emergence of infectious diseases. And if natural bodies of water contain salts of heavy metals and other harmful impurities, this can cause a number of serious diseases, including cancer.

2. Food

Our body is made up of what we eat. People are dying from lack of nutrients. Our body needs vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, fatty acids, and then our cells will receive complete material. But modern nutrition provides practically nothing useful for the body. Nutrition has become more harmful than beneficial. Our diet mainly consists of chemical additives and canned food. Everyone must decide for themselves what to eat and how to help their body and not harm it. Properly selected nutrition for our body will prolong our life. The choice is ours.

3. Viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc.

How we treat our body will determine our health.

What does health depend on?

Human health is the result of a complex interaction of social, environmental and biological factors. The contribution of various influences to health is believed to be as follows:

  • · heredity - 20%;
  • · environment - 20%;
  • · level of medical care - 10%;
  • · lifestyle - 50%.

In the expanded version, these figures, according to Russian scientists, look like this:

  • · human factor - 25% (physical health - 10%, mental health - 15%);
  • · environmental factor - 25% (exoecology - 10%, endoecology - 15%);
  • · socio-pedagogical factor - 40% (lifestyle: material working and living conditions - 15%, behavior, lifestyle, habits - 25%);
  • · medical factor - 10%.

Components of a healthy lifestyle for a student

A healthy lifestyle includes the following basic elements: a rational regime of work and rest, eradication of bad habits, optimal motor mode, personal hygiene, hardening, balanced nutrition, etc.

Work and rest schedule

A rational regime of work and rest is a necessary element of a healthy lifestyle for any person. With a correct and strictly observed regimen, a clear and necessary rhythm of the body’s functioning is developed, which creates optimal conditions for work and rest and thereby promotes health.

It is important to constantly remember: if you “get started” well, i.e. if the beginning of the process of mental activity was successful, then usually all subsequent operations proceed continuously, without disruptions and without the need to “switch on” additional impulses.

The key to success is planning your time. A student who regularly plans his work day within 10 minutes will be able to save 2 hours every day, as well as cope with important matters more accurately and better. We must make it a rule to gain one hour of time every day. During this hour, no one and nothing can interfere. Thus, the student gets time - perhaps the most important thing for a person - personal time. It can be spent at your discretion in different ways: additionally for recreation, for self-education, hobbies, or for sudden or emergency matters.

The construction of classroom work is greatly facilitated, because it is regulated by the already compiled class schedule. It is necessary to make it a rule to come to the classroom in advance, because... a student entering the classroom after the bell sounds disorganized, uncommitted, and disrespectful to the teacher.

For evening classes, you need to choose a quiet place - a quiet room (for example, a library, classroom, office, etc.) so that there are no loud conversations and other distractions. Organize similar conditions in the dorm room. During classes, it is not recommended to turn on the radio, tape recorder, or TV. It is better to start doing homework with the most difficult one. This trains and strengthens the will. It does not allow you to put off difficult tasks from morning to evening, from evening to morning, from today to tomorrow, and generally indefinitely.

The light from the light bulb should not blind the eyes: it should fall from above or to the left, so that the book or notebook is not covered by the shadow of the head. Proper lighting of the workplace reduces fatigue of the visual centers and promotes concentration at work. It is necessary to place a book or notebook at the distance of best vision (25 cm), avoid reading while lying down.

A systematic, feasible, and well-organized process of mental labor has an extremely beneficial effect on the nervous system, heart and blood vessels, the musculoskeletal system - on the entire human body. Constant training during labor strengthens our body. He who works hard and well throughout his life lives long. On the contrary, idleness leads to muscle weakness, metabolic disorders, obesity and premature decrepitness.

The student must correctly alternate between work and rest. After classes at the university and lunch, 1.5-2 hours should be spent on rest. Rest after work does not mean a state of complete rest. Only with very great fatigue can we talk about passive rest. It is desirable that the nature of rest be opposite to the nature of a person’s work (“contrasting” principle of constructing rest). Evening work should be carried out between 17:00 and 23:00. While working, after every 50 minutes of concentrated work, rest for 10 minutes (do light exercises, ventilate the room, walk along the corridor without interfering with others’ work).

It is necessary to avoid overwork and monotonous work. For example, it is not advisable to read books for 4 hours straight. It is best to engage in 2-3 types of work: reading, calculation or graphic work, note-taking. This alternation of physical and mental activity is good for health. A person who spends a lot of time indoors should spend at least part of his rest time outdoors. It is advisable for city dwellers to relax outdoors - on walks around the city and outside the city, in parks, at stadiums, on excursions, while working in garden plots, etc.

Prevention of bad habits

The next step in a healthy lifestyle is to eliminate bad habits: smoking, alcohol, drugs. These health problems cause many diseases, sharply reduce life expectancy, reduce productivity, and have a detrimental effect on the health of the younger generation and the health of their future children.

Many people begin their recovery with quit smoking, which is considered one of the most dangerous habits of modern man. It is not without reason that doctors believe that the most serious diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and lungs are directly related to smoking. Smoking not only undermines your health, but also takes away your strength in the most literal sense. As experts have established, 5-9 minutes after smoking just one cigarette, muscle strength decreases by 15%; athletes know this from experience and therefore, as a rule, do not smoke. Does not stimulate smoking or mental activity at all. On the contrary, the experiment showed that only because of smoking does the perception of educational material decrease. The smoker does not inhale all the harmful substances in tobacco smoke - about half goes to those who are close to them. It is no coincidence that children in families of smokers suffer from respiratory diseases much more often than in families where no one smokes. Smoking is a common cause of tumors of the oral cavity, larynx, bronchi and lungs. Constant and long-term smoking leads to premature aging. Impaired oxygen supply to tissues, spasm of small blood vessels make a smoker’s appearance characteristic (yellowish tint to the whites of the eyes, skin, premature aging), and changes in the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract affect his voice (loss of sonority, reduced timbre, hoarseness).

The effect of nicotine is especially dangerous during certain periods of life - youth, old age, when even a weak stimulating effect disrupts nervous regulation. Nicotine is especially harmful for pregnant women, as it leads to the birth of weak, low-weight children, and for nursing women, as it increases the morbidity and mortality of children in the first years of life.

The next difficult task is overcoming drunkenness and alcoholism. It has been established that alcoholism has a destructive effect on all human systems and organs. As a result of systematic alcohol consumption, an addiction to it develops:

  • - loss of sense of proportion and control over the amount of alcohol consumed;
  • - disruption of the central and peripheral nervous system (psychosis, neuritis, etc.) and the functions of internal organs.

Changes in the psyche that occur even with occasional alcohol consumption (excitement, loss of restraining influences, depression, etc.) determine the frequency of suicides committed while intoxicated.

Alcoholism has a particularly harmful effect on the liver: with prolonged systematic alcohol abuse, the development of alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver occurs. Alcoholism is one of the common causes of pancreatic disease (pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus). Along with changes affecting the health of the drinker, alcohol abuse is always accompanied by social consequences that are harmful both to those around the patient with alcoholism and to society as a whole. Alcoholism, like no other disease, causes a whole range of negative social consequences that go far beyond healthcare and affect, to one degree or another, all aspects of life in modern society. The consequences of alcoholism include the deterioration of health indicators of persons who abuse alcoholic beverages and the associated deterioration of general health indicators of the population. Alcoholism and related diseases are second only to cardiovascular disease and cancer as a cause of death.


The next component of a healthy lifestyle is balanced nutrition. When talking about it, you should remember two basic laws, the violation of which is dangerous to health.

First Law- balance of received and expended energy. If the body receives more energy than it expends, that is, if we receive more food than is necessary for normal human development, for work and well-being, we become fat. Now more than a third of our country, including children, is overweight. And there is only one reason - excess nutrition, which ultimately leads to atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and a number of other ailments.

Second Law- compliance of the chemical composition of the diet with the physiological needs of the body for nutrients. The diet should be varied and meet the needs for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Many of these substances are irreplaceable because they are not formed in the body, but come only with food. The absence of at least one of them, for example, vitamin C, leads to illness and even death. We get B vitamins mainly from wholemeal bread, and the source of vitamin A and other fat-soluble vitamins are dairy products, fish oil, and liver.

The intervals between meals should not be too long (no more than 5-6 hours). It is harmful to eat only 2 times a day, but in excessive portions, because... this places too much strain on the circulation. It is better for a healthy person to eat 3-4 times a day. With three meals a day, lunch should be the most satisfying, and dinner should be the lightest.

It is harmful to read and solve complex and important problems while eating. You should not rush, eat while burning yourself with cold food, or swallow large pieces of food without chewing. Systematic dry food, without hot dishes, has a bad effect on the body. It is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene and sanitation. A person who neglects their diet is, over time, at risk of developing such severe digestive diseases as, for example, peptic ulcers, etc. Thorough chewing and grinding of food to a certain extent protects the mucous membrane of the digestive organs from mechanical damage, scratches and, in addition, promotes rapid penetration juices deep into the food mass. You need to constantly monitor the condition of your teeth and oral cavity.

Not every one of us knows that we need to learn a culture of reasonable consumption, to refrain from the temptation to take another piece of a tasty product that gives extra calories or introduces an imbalance. After all, any deviation from the laws of rational nutrition leads to poor health. The human body consumes energy not only during periods of physical activity (during work, playing sports, etc.), but also in a state of relative rest (during sleep, lying down), when energy is used to maintain the physiological functions of the body - maintaining a constant body temperature . It has been established that a healthy middle-aged person with normal body weight consumes 7 kilocalories per hour for every kilogram of body weight.

The first rule in any natural nutrition system should be:

Eating only when you feel hungry;

- refusal to eat in case of pain, mental and physical malaise, fever and elevated body temperature;

Refusal to eat immediately before bed, as well as before and after serious work, physical or mental.

It is very important to have free time to digest food. The idea that exercise after eating helps digestion is a grave mistake.

Meals should consist of mixed foods that are sources of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Only in this case is it possible to achieve a balanced ratio of nutrients and essential nutritional factors, to ensure not only a high level of digestion and absorption of nutrients, but also their transportation to tissues and cells, their complete absorption at the cellular level.

Rational nutrition ensures proper growth and formation of the body, helps maintain health, high performance and prolong life.

Physical activity

Optimal motor mode- the most important condition for a healthy lifestyle. It is based on systematic physical exercise and sports, which effectively solve the problems of promoting health and developing the physical abilities of young people, maintaining health and motor skills, and strengthening the prevention of unfavorable age-related changes. At the same time, physical education and sports act as the most important means of education.

It is useful to take the stairs without using the elevator. According to American doctors, each step gives a person 4 seconds of life. 70 steps burns 28 calories.

General physical activity includes morning exercises, physical training, self-care work, walking, work in a summer cottage, etc. The norms for general physical activity are not precisely defined. Some domestic and Japanese scientists believe that an adult should take at least 10-15 thousand steps a day. The Research Institute of Physical Culture offers the following norms for the weekly volume of physical activity:

  • - students of vocational schools and secondary educational institutions - 10 - 14 hours;
  • - students - 10 - 14 hours;

The main qualities that characterize a person’s physical development are strength, speed, agility, flexibility and endurance. Improving each of these qualities also helps improve health, but not to the same extent. You can become very fast by training in sprinting. Finally, it is a good idea to become dexterous and flexible by using gymnastic and acrobatic exercises. However, with all this it is not possible to form sufficient resistance to pathogenic influences.


For effective recovery and prevention of diseases, it is necessary to train and improve, first of all, the most valuable quality - endurance, combined with hardening and other components of a healthy lifestyle, which will provide the growing body with a reliable shield against many diseases.

In Russia, hardening has long been widespread. An example would be village baths with steam and snow baths. However, these days, most people do nothing to strengthen both themselves and their children. Moreover, many parents, out of fear of catching a child’s cold, from the first days and months of his life begin to engage in passive protection against colds: they wrap him up, close the windows, etc. Such “care” for children does not create conditions for good adaptation to changing environmental temperatures. On the contrary, it contributes to weakening their health, which leads to the occurrence of colds. Therefore, the problem of finding and developing effective hardening methods remains one of the most important. But the benefits of hardening from an early age have been proven by extensive practical experience and are based on solid scientific evidence.

Various methods of hardening are widely known - from air baths to dousing with cold water. The usefulness of these procedures is beyond doubt. Since time immemorial it has been known that walking barefoot is a wonderful hardening agent. Winter swimming is the highest form of hardening. To achieve it, a person must go through all the stages of hardening.

The effectiveness of hardening increases when using special temperature influences and procedures. Everyone should know the basic principles of their correct use: systematicity and consistency; taking into account individual characteristics, health status and emotional reactions to the procedure.

Another effective hardening agent can and should be a contrast shower before and after physical exercise. Contrast showers train the neurovascular system of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, improving physical thermoregulation, and have a stimulating effect on the central nervous mechanisms. Experience shows the high hardening and healing value of a contrast shower for both adults and children. It also works well as a stimulant of the nervous system, relieving fatigue and increasing performance.

Hardening is a powerful healing tool. It allows you to avoid many diseases, prolong life for many years, and maintain high performance. Hardening has a general strengthening effect on the body, increases the tone of the nervous system, improves blood circulation, and normalizes metabolism.

Health and environment

It has an important impact on health and the environment. Human intervention in the regulation of natural processes does not always lead to the desired positive results. Violation of at least one of the natural components leads, due to the existing relationships between them, to a restructuring of the existing structure of natural-territorial components. Pollution of the land surface, hydrosphere, atmosphere and oceans, in turn, affects people's health. The effect of the “ozone hole” affects the formation of malignant tumors, air pollution affects the condition of the respiratory tract, and water pollution affects digestion, sharply worsens the general state of human health, and reduces life expectancy. Health obtained from nature depends 50% on the conditions surrounding us.

The body's reactions to pollution depend on individual characteristics: age, gender, health status. As a rule, children, elderly and sick people are more vulnerable. When the body systematically or periodically receives relatively small amounts of toxic substances, chronic poisoning occurs.

Similar signs are observed during radioactive contamination of the environment.

Adapting to unfavorable environmental conditions, the human body experiences a state of tension and fatigue. Tension is the mobilization of all mechanisms that ensure certain activities of the human body. Depending on the magnitude of the load, the degree of preparation of the body, its functional-structural and energy resources, the ability of the body to function at a given level is reduced, that is, fatigue occurs.

Changes in physiological functions are also caused by other environmental factors and depend on the time of year and the content of vitamins and mineral salts in food products. The combination of all these factors (stimulants of varying effectiveness) has either a stimulating or depressing effect on a person’s well-being and the course of vital processes in his body. Naturally, a person should adapt to natural phenomena and the rhythm of their fluctuations. Psychophysical exercises and hardening of the body help a person reduce dependence on weather conditions and weather changes, and contribute to his harmonious unity with nature.


In addition, it is necessary to take into account another objective factor affecting health - heredity. This is the property inherent in all organisms to repeat the same signs and developmental features in a number of generations, the ability to transmit from one generation to another the material structures of the cell containing programs for the development of new individuals from them.

Psychological self-regulation

Who doesn't want to be in a good mood? If a person is in a good mood, he becomes kinder, more sympathetic and more beautiful. Any business he does is a success, worries and concerns disappear somewhere, it seems that nothing is impossible. The expression on his face changes, a special warmth appears in his eyes, his voice sounds more pleasant, his movements become light and smooth. People are involuntarily drawn to such a person.

But everything changes if the mood is bad. It's like a black cloud surrounds a person. He hasn't said anything yet, but we can already expect trouble. It’s as if some kind of negative energy arises, it is transmitted to others, causing anxiety, tension, irritation. Some annoying little things, grievances come to mind, productivity drops sharply, interest in studying is lost, everything becomes boring, unpleasant, hopeless.

Our mood is determined primarily by emotions and feelings associated with them. Emotions are the primary, simplest types of reactions to any stimuli. They can be positive or negative, strong or weak, increase or, conversely, decrease. Feelings are another matter. These are purely human qualities that characterize our personal experiences.

It is very important that, unlike emotions, feelings do not arise spontaneously, but are controlled by consciousness and subordinate to the psyche. But mood has not only a mental, but also a psychophysiological basis, and is controlled by a certain hormonal apparatus. The production of these hormones is primarily dependent on the psyche.

It is the psyche, which is a product of brain activity, that acts as the main judge and distributor.

It should be clearly understood that a good mood can be created arbitrarily, it can be maintained, and finally, the ability to be in a good mood can and should be trained. The overall functional state, and primarily performance, is of great importance. It is precisely this force that ensures the coordinated activity of all components of a functional system. If performance decreases, the clear interaction of system elements is disrupted. Actions become stereotyped, even familiar operations turn out worse, reaction decreases, and coordination of movements is impaired. Emotional stability deteriorates, many things begin to irritate.

How to ensure that a good mood prevails? How to create a good mood and maintain it throughout the day?

Creating a good mood starts in the morning. Start your morning with gymnastics. After all, gymnastics is not just physical exercise, it not only helps our body move from sleep to wakefulness and active activity. Gymnastics, if we think about the meaning of what we are doing, is also a way to emotionally recharge for the whole day.

Each exercise not only puts a special load on the muscles, improves blood circulation and metabolism, it also affects one or another function of our body, helping to optimize its functioning. It must be remembered that when doing gymnastics, you must clearly understand the meaning and functional purpose of each movement.

During sleep, the body is in a special functional state. Now we need to restore the usual relationships between the brain and muscles. The muscles must clearly and obediently carry out all incoming commands. To do this they need to be configured. Physical activity associated with fixating attention on positive muscle sensations promotes the production of hormones that create positive emotions, vigor, and confidence.

A clear idea must be formed in the mind that movement is not an end in itself. It is needed, in particular, to stimulate the “production” by our body of biologically necessary substances that cause positive emotions, reducing feelings of tension, melancholy, and depression.

The novelty of impressions, which evokes positive emotions, especially stimulates the psyche. Under the influence of the beauty of nature, a person calms down, and this helps him to escape from everyday trifles. Balanced, he acquires the ability to look around him as if through a magnifying glass. Resentment, haste, nervousness, so frequent in our lives, dissolve in the great tranquility of nature and its endless expanses.

Orientation towards health among persons classified as internal and external

Individuals of the expressive type, focused on communication and emotional openness, are characterized by rapid creative thinking and “threatened” qualities - a high level of aspiration, violation of the work schedule, and increased excitability.

Persons of the opposite type - impressive, prone to introspection, disruption of the rest regime, who are not pretentious to consumer values, are characterized by a high focus on the creative process itself.

In individuals of the impulsive type with low self-control, prone to disruptions in activities, the motivational profile has a “jumping” character. They are resilient in stressful situations.

Conflict-ridden personalities are characterized by traits of rigidity (lack of mobility of mental processes), stubbornness, unstable self-esteem, and are prone to one-sided hobbies. Therefore, the tactics of each person should be aimed in one case at inclusion in creative development activities, in another - at missing communication, in a third - at satisfying a hobby (for example, collecting).

  • 1. People differ in how and where they localize control over events that are significant to them. There are two possible polar types of such localization: external(external) and internal(interior). In the first case, a person believes that the events that happen to him are the result of external forces - chance, others, etc. In the second case, a person interprets significant events as the result of his own activity. Any person is characterized by a certain position in space, extending from the external to the internal type.
  • 2. The locus of control characteristic of an individual is universal in relation to any types of events and situations that he has to face. The same type of control characterizes the behavior of a given individual both in case of failures and in the sphere of achievements, and this applies to different degrees to different areas of social life.

Internals were found to have a more active position in relation to their health than externals: they are better informed about their condition, care more about their health and more often seek preventive care.

Externals, on the contrary, are more anxious, susceptible to depression and mental illness.

Health Each person and society as a whole is determined by a number of factors that positively or negatively affect the human body. Based on the findings of experts from the World Health Organization, several main groups of factors influencing human health have been identified. These health factors can influence both positively and negatively, depending on the points of application.

Physical activity as a factor in human health.

Physical activity is very important for the normal functioning of the body, since this factor greatly affects human health, ensuring the normal functioning of physiological processes, organs and tissues can receive the necessary nutrients and are cleared of metabolic products. Physical activity does not include sedentary work and mechanical repetition of the same type of actions. For the best effect, the load should be distributed over the maximum number of muscles. Another important factor is that professional sports are not very beneficial for health, as they burn out our bodies ahead of time. There must be moderation in everything.

Ecology as a factor of human health.

Modern ecological The state of the environment is one of the most influential factors on human health, of course not in a good way. One of the factors influencing the high life expectancy of rural residents is clean air. The quantity and quality of natural energy that city residents receive has a very big impact. It’s not for nothing that we with great joy go out into nature outside the city, to those places where there are more trees and there are natural reservoirs. This should be done as often as possible.

Lifestyle as a factor in human health.

Lifestyle is also the most important factor in human health. It would seem, what could be simpler if we are already human? Everything is really simple, if only there were no “buts”. A person has high mental abilities, but at the same time we love to imitate and mimic. For example, a person naturally considers himself to be the crown and ruler of nature, but why does a “perfect” being want to be brave like a lion and strong like a bear, and so on. Why can animals remain themselves, but for some reason we need to be like someone? Nobody talks about lions saving children from fires or bears building bridges across the river. These examples may look stupid, but such absurdities fill our lives, turning it into a nightmare from which you cannot wake up and it seems that there is no way out. We have forgotten who we really are and what our purpose is. After all, a person with his consciousness is significantly different from all living beings, while having very great “powers” ​​if he follows his goal as the Guardian of the Earth. But, unfortunately, it turns out that one of the methods that force us to come to our senses is illness, forcing us to seek salvation, which ultimately can lead a person to search for the meaning of existence. In eastern countries there is a proverb: “illness is given to a person as a gift.”

Rational nutrition as a factor in human health.

Rational healthy nutrition cannot be excluded, since it is the most important factor in human health, which acts “from within” us. The resources that are inherent in us by nature are exactly 2 times higher than the average life expectancy of a modern person. One of the main “burners” of vitality is unhealthy diet. By proper nutrition, different people mean different principles - separate nutrition, vegetarianism, omnivorism, diets, calorie control, fasting and other types of nutrition methods. Each method has its own pros and cons, based on which you can choose a nutrition plan to suit your requirements. The main point is just that. That you don’t need to eat everything indiscriminately, you need to control this process to achieve certain goals.

Genetic inheritance as a factor in human health.

Genetics, as a health factor, plays a huge role in our lives. There are genetically congenital diseases that modern medicine is not yet able to completely cure. It is interesting to note that modern research has found that some diseases (including psychosomatic disorders) are transmitted not through changes in the DNA molecule, but through marks that are attached to genes. These marks appeared due to the experience gained during the life of our ancestors (in this way, for example, a generational curse is explained). In addition, it became known that under certain conditions, tags can be deactivated, changing the situation in the other direction. Such conditions include: positive thinking, reading mantras or prayers, establishing harmonious interaction with others, as well as meditative methods, which is a miracle for our medicine and has been actively used by almost all traditions of the world since ancient times.

Per conditionhealth a person is influenced by various indicators. To maintain good physical shape and remain psycho-emotionally stable, you need to pay attention to the quality of your life in a multifactorial natural and social environment. We will learn from the article what factors influence people’s health and how to live a longer life.

In contact with

Known Factors

Human health can be affected by various visible and invisible factors. There are also known ways to improve physical, emotional, psychological state.

All factors affecting human health:

  • genetics;
  • medicine, healthcare;
  • : climate, flora, landscape;
  • Lifestyle;
  • physical;
  • biological;
  • chemical.

Experts classify the above factors for the following types:

  1. Social and economic;
  2. Environmental – human communication with the outside world and constant indicators;
  3. Hereditary - the presence of diseases, anomalies in the structure of the human body that are inherited;
  4. Medical - providing assistance to the population, frequency and quality of examinations, disease prevention.

All four factors directly affect a person’s well-being. Right here Side effects need to be taken into account: age, climatic conditions of the area of ​​residence, individual indicators. However, the general average indicators of the influence of each factor separately on the population have been determined:

  • lifestyle - 55%;
  • environment - 25%;
  • genetics - 10%;
  • medicine - 10%.

Harmful factors affecting human health:

  • addictions;
  • incorrect distribution of working time;
  • improper diet;
  • poor living conditions;
  • poor environmental conditions;
  • chemically polluted atmosphere;
  • biological factors;
  • lack of medical examination;
  • genetic predisposition to diseases.

Influence of genetic factors

For general health directly affectsheredity.

A person with genes inherited from his parents begins to adapt to the world.

This factor affects the physical and emotional state.

The gene is subject to the action of natural selection.

It can make the owner more resistant to diseases and other aggressive factors, or, on the contrary, it can worsen the state of health.

Important! Each cell carries a large number of genes that control human development processes. A newborn baby has a set of genes from both parents. These characteristics are passed on to the entire subsequent generation.

It has been proven that marriage between relatives increases the risk of disease by fifty times, and the mortality rate among such people is much higher. Genes are very sensitive to the harmful effects of the environment, improper behavior of people, presence of bad habits.

When planning a child, future parents should prepare for conception several months in advance, ensuring all the conditions for the birth of a healthy baby. If we take this factor into account, we can significantly reduce the risk of heredity influencing the unborn child and provide him with a healthy gene code.

Lifestyle influence

The influence of lifestyle on human health is colossal! A person who leads a healthy lifestyle feels full of energy, visits doctors less often and has clearly more benefits than those who do not take care of their health and have bad habits.

Lifestyle has an impact into three environments of existence:

  • a person’s immediate environment: friends, acquaintances, colleagues, family;
  • environment, which includes people united by ethnicity, standard of living, place of residence;
  • environment, including all people living in a certain country, who are united by social and economic relations, and climatic conditions.

Each person influences not only himself, but also the people around him. The chosen lifestyle can be constructive or destructive.

Negative factors such as alcohol, smoking, drugs, can cause serious illness.

Also, lifestyle concerns not only physical, but also mental and mental aspects.

A lot is said about a person by what he is interested in, whether he plays sports, or whether he watches his diet.

Attention! Scientists have found that bad habits are passed on through the parental line even after several generations. This means that any wrong choice is fraught with loss of health in descendants.

It is important that a positive worldview on . To change the situation, you need to understand the impact the following factors have on human health:

  • inactivity, lack of physical activity of the population;
  • oversaturation of unhealthy foods and GMOs in products, which leads to obesity and disease;
  • the active rhythm of life leads to stress, the nervous system suffers;
  • bad habits: alcohol, smoking, sexual promiscuity.

Environmental influence

Influence of environmental factors for a healthy lifestyle is huge. Human intervention in the natural environment, even with good intentions, also has a direct impact on the ecology, which subsequently affects the human body.

In addition to human impact on the environmental situation, the following environmental factors have an impact on health:

  • temperature;
  • air humidity;
  • vibration;
  • radiation;
  • gusts of wind,;
  • electromagnetic and sound vibrations.

For well-being and normal functioning influenced by weather conditions. They can cause pressure changes, aggravate joint diseases, and lead to headaches.

If a person is healthy, then changes in weather conditions will pass without consequences. However, weather-sensitive people feel unwell.

Recently, people have been constantly experiencing the influence of electromagnetic waves and radiation. It is emitted by all household appliances and telephones. Radiation affects not only the physical state of the body, but also destabilizes the psyche and changes the functioning of organs.

Important! Regular exposure to electromagnetic waves has a detrimental effect on the nervous system, immunity, thyroid gland, etc. Over the past few decades, the number of cancer pathologies has increased.

Environmental factors include the effects of radiation. All living beings are exposed to background radiation. Radiation leads to changes in the genetic structure, slows down regeneration processes, worsens the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Socio-economic factors

The economic situation in the country, as a factor, is one of the decisive factors for the health of the population. This also includes medical support. Although medicine is now focusing less and less on health, and more and more on treating diseases. Currently, the structure of morbidity has changed: 10% of cases suffer from infections, and 40% of morbidity is due to mental disorders, alcoholism, and drug addiction.

Important! Of the majority of fatalities, the most common causes are diseases such as atherosclerosis, obesity, mental disorders, and oncology.

Now medicine is aimed at treating these pathologies, and not at preventing the problem.

Chemical factors

Chemical pollution of the planet
– this is no longer a fairy tale, but a reality in which we live constantly. Even in the womb, the fetus is at risk of chemical harm, which affects future health and quality of life.

Pollution of water bodies, increased background radiation - all this causes the emergence of a huge number of diseases.

Chemical compounds penetrate through food, oxygen, and drink. Negative influence The following chemical factors may have an effect:

  • synthetic food additives, pesticides;
  • household chemicals, hygiene products;
  • medicines and biological supplements;
  • additives for the growth of animals, poultry;
  • building materials, paints;
  • industrial waste;
  • exhaust gases, etc.

Chemical elements especially dangerous due to rapid accumulation in the body, and removing them is not so easy. As a result, the human body is prone to allergic reactions, various pathologies associated with nervous diseases develop, and the liver and kidneys are affected. There is a risk of developing asthma.

Among the many facts about the person, I would like to note the following:

  • the human skull consists of twenty-nine bones;
  • the body stops working when you sneeze, including heart function;
  • the nervous reaction has a speed of two hundred kilometers per hour;
  • a child still in the womb at 3 months receives unique fingerprints;
  • a woman's heart beats faster than a man's;
  • right-handers live longer than left-handers;
  • length of blood vessels in the body equal to one hundred thousand km;
  • there are about a hundred viruses that cause a runny nose;
  • a smoker absorbs half a cup of tar in a year;
  • after 60 years people lose 50% taste buds, decreased sense of smell and vision;
  • The tooth is the only part of a person that is not capable of self-healing.\

What affects our health

Main factors influencing the body


Harmful factors affecting human health can be reduced if you pay attention to your body, give up bad habits, improve your diet, and exercise. Healthy people can adapt in time to social, biological, chemical factors. Man is the only organism on the planet that has the ability to adapt the environment to suit itself. Be healthy!

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