Figaro ballet Kremlin Palace libretto. Tickets for the ballet figaro. State Kremlin Palace

The music of two of the greatest composers, Gioacchino Rossini and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, will be used in the ballet Le Figaro. And this production also connected the plots of famous operas, "The Barber of Seville" and "The Marriage of Figaro", created on the plot of the famous drama trilogy by Beaumarchais. The comedy of situations will no doubt appeal to all viewers, and the plot twists of the play will not let you get bored for a minute. After all, if Figaro takes up the matter, it means that a lot of interesting things await everyone ahead. Directed by Andrei Petrov, he created a life-affirming, lyrical comedy performance. Tickets for Figaro- a new meeting with the characters of your favorite works.

In the first act of the ballet, in the foreground is the love story of Count Almaviva and Rosina, told in The Barber of Seville. The second act is dedicated to the events of "The Marriage of Figaro". Music and staging, united, give the audience a diverse grotesque performance. Tickets for the ballet "Figaro" will be a great gift for art lovers. Spectators who buy tickets for the ballet "Figaro" will witness a bright comedy, with a wonderful game of young actors. The ballet "Figaro" in Moscow will be available soon.

Theater "Kremlin Ballet"

Name: Figaro
Released: 2014
Composers: W. A. ​​Mozart and G. Rossini
Libretto: Andrey Petrov based on the comedy dilogy by P. O. Beaumarchais
Choreography, staging and musical editing: n. a. RF Andrey Petrov
Set designer: h. d. i. RF Grigory Belov
Costume designer: Olga Polyanskaya
Orchestration of vocal numbers: Vladimir Kachesov
Conductor: Sergei Kondrashev
Actors and performers:
Count Almaviva, Spanish grandee, in love with Rosina- n. a. RF Aidar Shaidullin
Rosina, a pupil of Bartolo, in the second act - Countess - n. a. RF Natalya Balakhnicheva
Bartolo, doctor, Rosina's guardian- h. a. RF Vadim Kremensky
Figaro, the barber of Seville, in the second act - Earl's housekeeper - h. a. RF Mikhail Martynyuk
Suzanne, Rosina's maid and Figaro's fiancee- h. a. RF Alexandra Timofeeva
fancetta Rosina's maid- Alisa Aslanova
Don Basilio, church organist, moonlighting with music and dance lessons, as well as denunciations and gossip- Kirill Ermolenko
Marcelina, rich lady- Evgeny Korolev
Cherubino, page of the Count- Valeria Pobedinskaya
Notary- Yuri Belousov
Judge- Sergey Vasyuchenko
Musicians- Alexey Minkin, Anton Maltsev, Egor Motuzov, Maxim Sabitov, Alexander Khmylov
Townswomen- Julia Voronina, Veronika Varnovskaya, Valeria Pobedinskaya, Saori Koike
Townspeople- Maxim Afanasiev, Vitaly Vodolazsky, Daniil Roslanov, Alexander Chernov
About the performance: For more than two centuries, the comedies of Pierre Beaumarchais have repeatedly attracted the attention of both composers and choreographers. The eyes of the latter turned mainly to The Marriage of Figaro, which resulted in the appearance of a miniature one-act ballet.
The performance in two acts, which is offered to the audience by the choreographer Andrey Petrov, is a kind of experiment. It combined the music of G. Rossini, the author of the opera The Barber of Seville, and V.A. Mozart, creator of Le nozze di Figaro. The first act of the ballet is based on The Barber of Seville, in the center is the love story of Count Almaviva and Rosina, ending with an engagement. The second is based on "Mad Day, or The Marriage of Figaro" - the vicissitudes of love between Figaro and Susanna.
Comedy, solved by means of classical choreography: captivating music, bright play of soloists, amusing situations - a life-affirming, funny and lyrical performance.

The performance is accompanied by the Symphony Orchestra. S.V. Rachmaninova - artistic director and chief conductor d. i. RF Alexander Petukhov.
Released: Russia



The barber of Figaro is needed in Seville by everyone, like air - he puts on wigs, powders, styles, makes everyone beautiful and cheerful. Count Almaviva enters, disguised with a cloak and hat. He asks Figaro to help him achieve the love of young Rosina, a pupil of Dr. Bartolo. The count hires him as his servant, but promises to give money later. Figaro agrees. Moreover, he really likes Susanna, Rosina's maid. At the house of Dr. Bartolo, Figaro makes an appointment with the rich lady Marcellina. She promised to lend money. During the duet between Figaro and Marcelina, it is revealed that she is infatuated with the barber. They agree on the terms of the agreement: if Figaro does not repay the debt, he will be obliged to marry Marceline. Money in exchange for an oath - both are satisfied. Late in the evening, Figaro hires musicians to perform a nighttime serenade under Rosina's balcony. By the time the count arrives, everything is ready, and the performance begins. Rosina's window lights up, the girl goes out onto the balcony. But her guardian Bartolo heard the serenade, he makes the pupil immediately return to the room and not show up on the street. Bartolo leaves the house and locks it. He is followed by Almaviva and Figaro. A clever servant manages to steal the key from Bartolo - and Rosina is released from captivity. The girl is not indifferent to the count, however, she does not know that he is a nobleman. Figaro is ready to help the lovers. The doctor returns to the house and looks for a long time how to open the door, but Figaro gives him the "lost" key. Bartolo suspects something is wrong. A detachment of soldiers enters the city. The sergeant gives them papers with an order obliging private homeowners to take soldiers to their quarters. Figaro manages to get such a document, he comes up with a new plan that pleases the count.



Bartolo is sleeping, and he is dreaming of his dream: he is walking down the aisle with his pupil. Like a lunatic, the doctor gets up and begins to walk around the rooms in a cap and nightgown, in his dreams he embraces a young beauty.

A drunken soldier comes into the house. The owner and servants try to kick him out, but he gives an order to wait. After a skirmish, a fight breaks out, a large mirror breaks, and Bartolo calls a patrol. The troublemaker is chased, but he manages to escape. Rosina, who recognized the disguised count in the soldier, is delighted with the courage of her lover. Susanna is delighted with Figaro's resourcefulness.

Count Almaviva and Figaro, dejected by failure, indulge in sad dreams about their beloved Rosina and Susanna.

But Figaro already has a new plan! He makes up the Count as Don Basilio, a music and dance teacher; he is Dr. Bartolo's accomplice and enjoys his favor. Rosina immediately recognizes the new trick and joins the game. However, her duet with the count-"teacher" is constantly interrupted by an incoming and suspicious guardian. The barber shaves Bartolo and thereby tries to divert his attention from the lovers. At this time, the count makes an offer to Rosina to become his wife. Rosina agrees. Suddenly, the real Don Basilio comes into the house. A disguised count behind a broken mirror is trying to portray the reflection of a dance teacher. But Basilio is not so easy to fool - he overcomes the hallucinations in the mirror and exposes the count. Bartolo suspects Rosina of collusion and kicks the impostor out. He also refuses the house to the barber Figaro.

Bartolo and Basilio decide, having firmly locked Rosina in the house, to urgently prepare the wedding. Figaro takes out a ladder, and the Count climbs into the window of Rosina's bedroom. Seeing this, Don Basilio runs after the soldiers to arrest the criminal. Soldiers, a notary, an orchestra, the townspeople gather in the square near the house. Bartolo opens the door - Almaviva comes out of it in the outfit of a noble nobleman, Rosina is with him. Everyone congratulates the bride and groom. The notary registers the betrothal to the jubilation of those present. Figaro is pleased, however, he never received money from the count, but spent his own.



The Count and Countess are present in the morning at a festive entertaining procession in honor of the upcoming wedding of Figaro and Susanna. The count had not yet consented to the marriage of his vassals. In exchange for this permission, he hopes to secretly receive Susanna's love, since Countess Rosina has already ceased to interest him. The scoundrel Cherubino, the count's page, is always looking after the girls, and the count orders to send him to military service in the regiment. Old acquaintances appear in the park: Dr. Bartolo, Don Basilio and a notary. They came with Marcellina to demand a debt from Figaro or to get him married to Marcellina. The count realizes that he can use this circumstance to his advantage by postponing the wedding of the barber and his bride.

PICTURE TWO. Countess's bedroom
The countess is trying to inflame her husband, to establish a love relationship, because she, as before, loves him. But in vain - Almaviva leaves, leaving Rosina with her sad thoughts. Cherubino runs in, fleeing from the soldiers and servants of the count. Panicked, he hides under a chair. The Countess and Susanna cover him with their skirts. The danger has passed, and Cherubino begins to confess his love to the countess. Suddenly the Count enters. Seeing Cherubino's soldier's cocked hat, he demands an answer - where this vile boy is hidden. The Countess and Susanna do not give out a page. The countess leaves, and the count begins to pester Susanna. Realizing that you can’t get rid of the owner so easily, Suzanne pretends to agree to his offer of a secret date in the park. And the Count leaves happy. The Countess, Susanna, Fanchetta and Cherubino, who has been dressed in a woman's dress, conceive an intrigue that would bring the Count to reason, bring him to his senses and solve their love problems.

Marcellina and her assistants finally overtake Figaro and demand the fulfillment of the promise. With them this time the judge himself. The count asks everyone to wait and resolve this issue after the holiday. The subjects of the count in the costumes of flowers and gardeners arrange a cheerful scene in front of their overlord. Almaviva himself participates in the performance, dancing with a pretty flower, not realizing that it is Cherubino. But with the help of the ubiquitous Basilio, the deception is discovered. The pursuit of Cherubino resumes, but to no avail, because everyone helps him escape. Heavy rain and storm are also on the side of the fugitive.

Figaro is upset. He understood the count's intention and is dejected by his betrayal. Figaro no longer believes that his dreams will come true. Suzanne helps him overcome his doubts.

The Count, who received a note from Susanna, comes here with Basilio. Here is Figaro and all the other participants in the intrigue. Finally, Susanna appears. The Count leaves the hideout. Their passionate duet sees Figaro hiding in the bushes, his jealousy is boundless, because he does not know that under Susanna's cloak is a countess. Figaro does everything to interrupt the love date, and he succeeds. And here is another couple in love under masks: the count is horrified to recognize the countess and Cherubino. Now he will expose the unfaithful wife! The count summons servants with torches. The inhabitants of the castle surround the captured. The count rips off the mask from the face of the "countess" - Fanchetta is in front of him! And Susanna turns out to be a countess! Everyone laughs at the count. He asks for forgiveness from his wife. Rosina pities her husband, and he feels her love. Almaviva finally gives permission for the wedding of Figaro and Susanna, Cherubino and Fanchetta. The Countess returns the debt to Marcellina, and she and Bartolo are also pleased. Fireworks in honor of two married couples, Figaro and Susanna, Cherubino and Fanchetta, fly up over the park.

Gloomy, damp November evenings - so you want a holiday. :) Arranging it for yourself with your own hands is possible with the help of wonderful friends and wonderful music... On Sunday. went to the KDS for the ballet "Figaro". This is an unforgettable enchanting spectacle, I really liked it.

The premiere of the ballet "Figaro" took place in the Kremlin

The premiere of the ballet Le Figaro to music by Mozart and Rossini with choreography by Andrey Petrov took place at the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. Now "Figaro" is staged a lot in drama, opera and ballet - there are so many social, political, romantic plot threads in music and libretto that the temptation to weave your own pattern out of them is great. However, this was not always the case.

The Marriage of Figaro by Beaumarchais, written in 1781, was first staged in 1784. French theater historians have established that this play, which foreshadowed the era of revolution that was already approaching with giant strides, was forbidden by the Parliament of Bordeaux to be presented on stage. The first directors bypassed the political topicality of the play, especially since the ballet hero could not utter angry tirades.

The genre of choreographic drama, chosen by Andrey Petrov, is designed for the struggle of open and strong passions, expressed picturesquely and distinctly. And political allusions do not bypass the play.

The Rachmaninov Orchestra under the direction of Maestro Petukhov leads the score with force and grace, subtly feeling the relationship between music and dance. The curtain opens at the end of the overture. Ba! All the heroes are on stage, everyone is holding the Le Figaro newspaper. Everyone is waiting for Figaro, they call him. He is a gardener with a wicker basket full of flowers. Figaro himself decorates women's heads with them. Everyone is delighted, everyone is fascinated. Having outlined a love line with Susanna with a short dance, he immediately begins to escape from the annoying harassment of the elderly Marceline, who feels a passionate attraction. The role of Marceline, who is not aware until the end of the ballet that she is Figaro's mother, is played by a man. Therefore, the "mother" (Roman Martishkin, who successfully coped with the travesty role) can unexpectedly raise Figaro in support - and the fragile young man comically shakes his legs in the air.

Figaro here is a gentle young man at the beginning of his life, only knowing affection, fear, deceit, delight and remorse. He can be a good successor to Count Almaviva if he tries, at least Almaviva hopes so. For now, he is a child. The bright Figaro pantaloons completely repeat the style of Almaviva, but such noble shades of fabric have not yet been assigned to him. The dance of Susanna, his fiancee (Kristina Kretova), distinguishes her among her friends by her purity and expectation of future happiness with her fiancé, to whom, for the time being, she gives prudent advances. But: this ballet could be called "Almaviva"! It is characteristic that the best elevation, the strong jump here is not with Figaro - with the count. He is not a miserable jealous husband and an unsuccessful lover, as is often the case. Count Almaviva Aidara Shaydullina is able to soar for a few seconds in the air, and therefore Figaro initially has no great chances in the fight for Suzanne, whose glide paths and jet are prudent and verified by the choreographer. The artistic credo of the theater - the creative development of the classical traditions of ballet art - "Figaro" demonstrates completely.

Ordinary corps de ballet in military cocked hats and white tights, capable of delivering innocent pleasure to the ladies in the stalls with their appearance, bring the agenda to Cherubino's page, but the theme of military duty does not get much development - a woman dances Cherubino's part. The components of choreographic plasticity, dance and pantomime, are always looking for a happy balance, it is fascinating to follow this. The young troupe knows how to put a sovereign, weighty point at the end of a plastic phrase, even when what is needed is not elegiacism, but a vigorous pace. This characteristic feature of the troupe is certainly related to its status, so the comic scenes of the ballet will still gain momentum. The episodic dance with chamber pots, in caps and nightgowns is very good, as is the episode with thunderstorms: allegorical direction is a clear trump card for the choreographer.

The scenery - theatrical photographs of Moscow's new buildings - neo-modern, a little high-tech, cherubs shining in the grate incline to parallels with reality.

“In order not to get lost in the gray crowd, I had to become so skilled that I would be enough to manage not only all your assets, but the whole country. I'm too tough for you ... Natural lightness of character - but is this my character? And in general, who is this “I” that I care so much about? A frisky beast, hungry for satisfaction, a formless combination of parts unknown to me. Why don't you love me?..." - Evgenia Mironova said Figaro a year ago in a monologue in front of Count Almaviva in Kirill Serebrennikov's performance.

The ballet Figaro, who does not have the right to vote, is lost in the pink-and-lime mass scene that precedes the decisive disguise and eavesdropping in the night garden, and the scene at this moment looks like a dancing cream cake. The dance of the masses, depending on the needs of the plot, is unified or subordinated to the complex harmony of free, diverse groups. A series of gallant episodes does not lead away from the main idea: the sympathy of the audience should lie on the side of Almaviva, and depending on his attitude towards his assistant, Figaro's rating has the right to grow.

The "collusion" of the conductor and the choreographer, their joint divination is yet to come, but the musical dramaturgy and the dance score before our eyes merge into a laurel wreath of notes and pas in honor of the art of ballet.

Figaro buy tickets.

Ballet has always been associated with excellence. And every similar event in the State Kremlin Palace is a vivid confirmation of this. The VipTicket website details a wide variety of classical productions. And now we invite you to visit ballet Figaro, tickets for which you can purchase. It fully corresponds to the plot of the legendary work of the French publicist and playwright Beaumarchais.

The spectacle is truly impressive. And it will be interesting to see him both for those who have read plays or watched a film with Mironov, and for a person who is completely unaware of him. Tickets for the Ballet Figaro definitely worth buying. It is ideal for highlighting something new in the plot. And also well suited for joint recreation. This is a vivid example when it will be interesting for all members of the company and no one will be disappointed.

For those who decide to buy tickets ballet Figaro, you will be able to find yourself again in the world of the magnificent rogue Figaro. He is versatile, cunning, and in his every act there is more adventurism than common sense. Outwardly, he looks calm, sometimes emotional and fussy. Often he is possessed by anger, but in a fit of anger he is not at all disgusting. He has a specific charm. And for this he is loved all over the world.

The world of charming adventurer

In literature, in cinema or on stage - Figaro is everywhere distinguished by insight and fearlessness. Tickets for Figaro is the best gift for fans of this temperamental character.

As for the production in the State Kremlin Palace, it is made up of the efforts of very professional people and a very creative spirit. Choreographer Andrei Petrov created a magnificent dance style that perfectly conveys Figaro's motivations and moods. The rest of the ballet characters also look according to their era.

Ballet Figaro will be amazing in everything: in movements, light, costumes. Not to mention the beauty of the musical arrangement. The ballet uses the music of Mozart and Gioacchino - outstanding composers of their time. According to their scores, the experienced symphony orchestra of S.V. Rachmaninov under the direction of Alexander Petukhov.

In order to see all this beauty, you do not need to waste time traveling to the box office, just do book tickets for Figaro.

Tickets for the performance of Figaro.

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