Physalis: beneficial and medicinal properties, how to eat it, contraindications. Useful properties of physalis for humans

Distance and logistical imperfections have deprived humanity of many opportunities throughout its history. But today, any resident of a metropolis can enjoy fruits grown thousands of kilometers away, wear clothes sewn in another country and use a car assembled on a neighboring continent. In such a situation, no one will be surprised by physalis, which can be found out in the nearest supermarket.

Difficulties with delivery of goods

Communications have never been perfect:

  • For thousands of years, goods were transported along rivers and seas. Shipping was one of the least expensive methods of transporting goods.
  • The profession of a merchant has always been a profitable business. In such conditions, “cheating” by 2-3 times did not bother anyone.
  • Along the way, accompanying the caravan, one could die. Not only from the raids of robbers, no one has canceled infectious diseases.
  • To successfully conduct business, it was necessary to know the peculiarities of a foreign culture, languages ​​and dialects of neighbors.

The entire economic system, in a simplified version, was something like this:

  1. The manufacturer sells its product to merchants at slightly more than cost.
  2. Merchants send caravans to distant and not so distant lands in order to resell them at a higher price.
  3. New trade routes and markets are in the process.
  4. Competition pushes the development of technological progress.

Sounds just fine if you forget about the robberies, death rates and banal economic failures.

Poisonous Physalis

Decorative products have always been in vogue, no matter what exactly it is about. The same physalis is not widespread throughout the globe; the following are suitable for its growth:

  • Bulgaria.
  • Caucasus.
  • Iraq.
  • Central Russia.
  • South America.

For other regions, this is just an outlandish fruit that you want to try, if only because there is not a single similar plant within a radius of hundreds of kilometers.

Physalis is a representative of the nightshade family, popularly called " Chinese lantern"for the appearance of the berries.

Why a flashlight? Due to the peculiar cover covering it on all sides, which in appearance resembles paper “lanterns”. In fact, the berries are more like the tomatoes we are used to, only yellow.

Physalis growing here unfit for food. This is not an ornamental plant; it is not used for food or medicinal purposes. And all because of the toxic substances contained in the berries.

Eating them can be a reason to call an ambulance, so you will have to give up culinary delights.

In this video, Tamara Mazova will tell you what physalis grown in the country tastes like:

Is it possible to eat physalis?

The berries of the plant are edible, but only if if they are not collected in Russia. In our area, physalis absorbs not only the best from the vast expanses, but also toxins. Therefore, when you come across a forest edge and see a familiar plant, you shouldn’t be happy, much less pick berries and try to cook something from them.

If you want to please yourself and your loved ones with an unusual dish, it is better to visit the nearest supermarket:

  1. The berries sold there are edible.
  2. The taste of the product may depend on the exporting country.
  3. It's best to sample some before purchasing to make sure it's what you're looking for.
  4. Physalis is not only possible, but even necessary to wash.

Culinary use depends, first of all, on the taste of the berries themselves. Sweet ones can be used as filling for pies and pies, but bitter ones are used for various sauces and as seasonings.

Physalis contains many useful substances. You should first make sure that the product was purchased in a store and not collected from the nearest forest. For such an oversight you can pay with your health. In this case, the savings really “turn around”.

Physalis - benefits and harm

Doctors say that the berries have the following effects:

  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Aseptic.
  • Immunomodulatory.
  • Hemostatic.
  • Painkillers.
  • Diuretic.
  • Choleretic.

All of them are indeed present, but not as pronounced as we would like. That is why doctors do not treat with fruits or berries alone, but prescribe a whole mountain of tablets for this.

But eating physalis, in the presence of chronic pain or constant nosebleeds, can move things forward.

This is facilitated by the following components of the berries:

  1. Ascorbic acid.
  2. Lemon acid.
  3. Carotene.
  4. Phytoncides.

The list of positive effects may give false hope. You should not rely entirely on these berries; they can have some minor effect only if you follow an appropriate diet, take prescribed medications and follow medical instructions.

A few words need to be said about the “other side of the coin”. In Russia, physalis grows wild; its fruits are toxic and dangerous to the body. They cannot be eaten in any form if you don't want to get food poisoning.

What is Physalis?

Physalis belongs to the nightshade family and grows in Bulgaria, the Caucasus and South America. This herbaceous plant gives the world its berries, covered with a peculiar sheath, which at first glance can be mistaken for a “Chinese lantern”. This is where its second name came from.

In appearance, the peeled berry looks like a small yellow tomato. But the taste depends on the degree of maturity and the region in which the physalis grew.

The product is used in cooking:

  • Sweet berry pie filling will help surprise your guests.
  • A good option for exotic jam. You can please yourself on cold winter evenings.
  • The sauce for any dish will look much more interesting.
  • It is better to add juice to meat when cooking.
  • Dried and candied berries are a real treat.

Physalis is not used in traditional medicine, but doctors periodically recommend including it in the diet due to its positive effects. The most pronounced are anti-inflammatory, choleretic and diuretic.

Today everyone can enjoy exotic berries by simply finding physalis in the nearest supermarket; our grandparents did not even know what it was. If you have never been to Central Asia. But we can admire yet another advantage of progress.

Video: how physalis grows

In this video, Margarita will talk about the “pineapple” variety of physalis and show the harvest of these unusual berries:

Physalis is a plant similar to a tomato, only much smaller in size, more sour and with a pleasant strawberry flavor. It has a delicious sweet and sour taste and juicy pulp. In Western countries it is called earth cherry, and in Russia - earth cranberry. The fruit itself is yellowish-orange in color and is surrounded by a thin capsule-shaped husk. Full ripening of the fruit occurs 30-45 days after planting the plants in the ground.

Physalis is considered an exotic plant, although it can be grown in any garden. There are about 75 species, most of them inedible. Only species called Peruvian cherry, Physalis adhesive and Chinese lantern can be eaten. In this article we will discuss the beneficial properties of edible types of physalis.

Health Benefits of Physalis

  • Vision

Physalis fruits contain a large amount of vitamin A, so it is enough to add just 100 g of its fruits to your diet, and you will receive 14% of the daily dose of this vitamin. Regular consumption of the plant's fruits will help prevent eye problems in old age, such as macular degeneration.

  • Strengthening the immune system

Adding 100 g of physalis to the diet will not only provide the body with vitamin A, but also vitamin C - 18% of the daily required amount, and the latter vitamin is known to improve immunity. The polysaccharides contained in physalis also help the body resist disease.

  • Providing the body with energy

Physalis fruits contain vitamin B, which helps the body produce energy, so regularly using the fruits of the plant in cooking will help you always be energetic and avoid feeling tired.

Physalis contains thiamine, riboflavin and niacin, which play an important role in converting energy from dietary carbohydrates and fats.
  • Lowering cholesterol levels.

Physalis contains a lot of soluble fiber pectin, which can lower cholesterol levels. Those who have high cholesterol can start consuming the fruits of the plant to improve their health.

  • Weight loss.

Physalis fruits have very few calories - only 53 calories per 100 g. At the same time, the fat content in the fruit is no more than 0.70 g, and it does not contain cholesterol at all. You will not get better from it, even if you consume it in large quantities.

  • Source of protein.

Those who think that the body can only obtain protein from meat are deeply mistaken. Physalis fruits, both fresh and dried, contain a sufficient amount of proteins, as well as 18 different amino acids, 8 of which are essential. 100 g of dried physalis contains 16% of the daily protein intake, so it will be especially useful for vegans who do not eat meat.

Dried physalis

Dried physalis fruits differ from fresh ones in that they contain more nutrients, which is why they are more beneficial for health. Dried physalis is similar to raisins: it is just as soft and wrinkled. Because it provides energy to the body, it is often added to protein bars or muesli.

How to eat fresh physalis?

A few words about how to use physalis. The berries of the plant are in a husk, somewhat similar to paper. To get to them, the husk must be removed, as it is inedible. Now the fruits can be washed in running water and eaten. They can be eaten fresh or used in cooking. Physalis is very good to add to any salads and desserts.

I suggest watching an interesting video about physalis. The video is not mine, but I really liked it, and I suggest you check it out too.

Physalis is an unpretentious plant; it can be grown in your own garden. Good luck!

Physalis is often called a tomato because its fruits are similar to those of a tomato, and the plant itself belongs to the nightshade family.

It reaches a height of one meter.

Its berries are securely covered with a yellow-orange cover, which is compared to a Chinese lantern.

Short description

The cover is obtained from united sepals.

Their growth outpaces the growth of the fruits, and when they finally ripen, they change color.

The flowers of the plant come in different shades:

  • bright yellow,
  • deep orange,
  • milky white (rare),
  • lilac.

The fruits, which look like small tomatoes, have very different colors and tastes:

  • from greenish-yellow to orange;
  • from a pleasant sweet taste (similar to grape, pineapple and strawberry)
  • until bitter and spicy.

There are two edible types of physalis:

  • strawberry,
  • vegetable.

People call the plant differently, for example:

  • sleepy grass,
  • earthen cranberries,
  • Jewish apple
  • expensive,
  • dog cherries.

Where is it found?

Physalis grows both in forests and in vegetable gardens. Selects sunlit open areas:

  • edges,
  • ravines.

Many gardeners consider physalis to be a weed and weed it out. Others, on the contrary, are grown as a vegetable for the table or for their attractive flowers.

Most often, physalis can be found in:

The fruits grow in Central Asian countries and in the Caucasus. In Russia, there is an inedible species of physalis - immortelle. It's easy to get poisoned by its berries.

Where is it used?

Some types of physalis that can be eaten are used in two areas - medicine and cooking. The fruits are used for jam and sauces.

They are prepared for the winter - salted in jars, pickled. They make delicious candied fruits and pie fillings.

Berries of individual varieties are dried and used as raisins. It tastes surprisingly similar to regular grape due to the sugar content in the composition.

Gourmet chefs add physalis juice in fish and meat dishes, and this significantly improves the taste of the food. And the boiled fruits are used to decorate pastries and cakes.

Folk recipes

Edible Physalis- a very useful plant.

All its components contain a huge amount of biologically active components, so both fruits, leaves, roots and even seeds are used in cooking and medicine.

The fruits of the plant are rich in sugars, vitamin C, pectin, and carbohydrates.

The leaves contain many flavonoids, carotenoids (the benefits and harms of raw carrots are written in the article), steroids. The roots are used for their alkaloids. Oil is extracted from the seeds.

Berries have found use in medicine as a medicine with a wide spectrum of action. They:

  • disinfect,
  • stop the inflammation process,
  • relieve pain.

The berries have a choleretic and diuretic effect.

They are often used to treat:

  • respiratory tract ailments,
  • lowering blood pressure (read about treatment with folk remedies),
  • getting rid of dysentery,
  • eliminating the symptoms of dermatosis.

If you take a decoction/tincture of physalis fruits, you can be cured of hepatitis, rheumatism and cystitis.

Using the tool you can:

  • relieve swelling,
  • remove kidney stones,
  • overcome bronchitis and gout (),
  • alleviate the pain of a bruise.

The roots are boiled in order to relieve cough and pain due to colds and other diseases. With their help, menstruation is restored, the cycles of which have gone astray.

From leaves and covers, in which the fruits are wrapped, they prepare healing teas for hypertensive patients.

If you have gonorrhea, dysentery or dermatosis develops, drink juice and eat fresh physalis fruits.

These same parts of the plant cope with respiratory diseases.

Residents of Central Asia treat anemia with the fruits of physalis and recommend it to older people who experience age-related constipation.

Fans of traditional medicine advise eating fresh, washed fruits without any processing, 5-10 pieces several times a day on an empty stomach.

Patients with high blood pressure Traditional healers prescribe teas brewed on the leaves and shells of fruits.

Bulgarians prepare decoctions of physalis berries and drink them to cure:

  • gout and jaundice,
  • relieve back pain due to rheumatism and gastrointestinal colic,
  • make urination easier,
  • eliminate hemorrhoids.

For those diagnosed with cholecystitis, they also advise taking physalis fruit decoctions.

Treatment of children

Residents of the village of Garm, Republic of Tajikistan, interestingly treat their children with physalis.

They extract the juice of the plant, and grind the fruits into pulp.

Then combine these components with milk and place on low heat. The prepared and slightly cooled drink is given to children suffering from laryngitis, tonsillitis or stomatitis.

According to Tajik doctors, taking the medicine 3-4 times a day cures the child in just four days. And if you continue treatment even after complete recovery, the disease will not come again.

When to collect

In ancient times, people specifically went to the forests to collect physalis fruits: they were eaten to cure diseases of the endocrine and digestive systems.

Beneficial features

The ancient scientist and doctor Ibn Sina argued that physalis is similar in properties to nightshade.

Today, physalis is used to treat stomach, duodenal ulcers, diabetes, cholecystitis and hypertension. It is used as a multivitamin.

To get the effect, you need to consume only fresh and ripe physalis fruits. If they are small in size, then you can eat 15 pieces at a time, and if the berries are large, then 5-6 pieces. Eat a quarter of an hour before meals.

For those who have increased acidity of gastric juice, the dosages are different:

  • Eat 5-7 small fruits or 2-3 large ones right before meals.

Gradually, if your health improves, the portions are increased to 8-15 berries.

Physalis fruits are also used as a homeopathic remedy. They treat urolithiasis.

One edible berry contains 53 kilocalories. The fruit contains 11.2 grams of carbohydrates, much less protein - about two grams, and fat - 0.7 grams.

How to grow physalis, which can both feed and cure, watch in the proposed video.

The beneficial properties of physalis are not known to everyone. Most gardeners grow this plant on their “six hundred square meters” for decorative purposes. But besides the ability to decorate an autumn bouquet, physalis is also distinguished by the presence of beneficial properties.


This representative of the flora is often called dog cherry, bladderwort, marunka. The plant can grow up to 1 meter in height. It has abundantly branching and creeping shoots. Its stems are curved at an angle, and its leaves are ovoid in shape. The fruit of physalis is a juicy, round berry of red or deep orange color. They are located inside the swollen cup-lantern. Physalis grows in many parts of the world and is unpretentious.

Along with its interesting appearance, the beneficial properties of physalis have long attracted the attention of lovers of traditional medicine. This plant can be purely ornamental, for example the common physalis. It is so bitter that it is not used as food. But food species (Mexican tomato, vegetable physalis) have beneficial properties and sweet-tasting fruits.

Useful properties of the plant:

  • In its raw form, it has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic effect.
  • The berries are an excellent hemostatic agent and are recommended for hemorrhoids and heavy menstruation.
  • Physalis is also known as a good choleretic and diuretic.
  • Regular consumption of physalis berries prevents the formation of stones in the kidneys and gall bladder.
  • The berries help remove sand and already formed stones from the buds.
  • Physalis is classified as a dietary product, which allows it to be included in the diet of people suffering from metabolic disorders, obesity and diabetes.
  • It is recommended for gastrointestinal diseases such as gastritis, stomach ulcers, and duodenal ulcers.
  • The beneficial properties of the plant help normalize blood pressure in hypertensive patients.
  • Since ancient times, the berries of the plant have been prescribed as food for patients with epilepsy.
  • The fruits contain a harmonious combination of vitamins, nutrients and microelements. Their balance helps to increase the body's defenses, making it able to fight existing diseases. For this reason, physalis is often included in the menu of people who have suffered serious illnesses.
  • For the female body, the delicate bright berries of this plant have irreplaceable properties. They help defeat pyelonephritis, cystitis, and diseases of the reproductive organs.
  • The properties of physalis help treat anemia, dermatoses, dysentery, gonorrhea, and respiratory diseases.
  • Physalis is used to treat rheumatism, gout, and dropsy.
  • The plant has proven itself well as an antitussive remedy.

The presence of food physalis in the diet, the beneficial properties of which are varied, will help normalize the functioning of the entire body.

It contains the amount of organic acids a person needs, antioxidants (pectin, lycopene), and fiber. The plant also contains a lot of tannins and steroids. And the presence of quercetin in the pulp of the berry makes it an excellent diuretic and antihistamine.

Physalis, whose benefits are obvious, is also distinguished by the presence of proteins, phytoncides, and non-toxic alkaloids. Organic acids such as citric, malic, tartaric, and succinic were found here. In addition to berries, a rich composition of flavonoids, caratonoids and steroids is found in the roots, stems and leaves of plants. All this makes it capable of beneficially influencing not only the internal state of the body. Physalis, thanks to the healing and strengthening of organs and immunity, can significantly improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Daily consumption of physalis fruits will help meet the body's needs for vitamins and minerals. The plant has an excellent effect on the acid-base balance. It improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines, which always improves complexion and prevents the formation of wrinkles and pigmentation.


A plant such as physalis is widespread in our country. Everyone should know what its benefits and harms are. Food (berry, vegetable) physalis must be eaten fresh, after dousing it with boiling water. The fact is that the sticky coating on the seeds of the plant can lead to stomach upset, so it must be completely washed off.

It should be remembered that the ground parts of physalis are poisonous. For this reason, the use of decoctions, for example for the treatment of lichen, should be carried out in strict accordance with the recommendations of a specialist. In Physalis, the bract is also poisonous. So, before eating berries, making jam or making juice from them, you should thoroughly clean them.

In Physalis, the aerial parts and sheaths of the fruits are extremely poisonous. They contain feseline and alkaloids that are highly toxic. Therefore, these parts of the plant cannot be used as medicine at home. Traditional medicine and pharmacology have found many ways to use the beneficial substances contained in the stems and leaves of physalis. Today in pharmacies you can find tinctures and ointments based on extracts from this plant. However, their treatment must be prescribed and carried out by a specialist.

Calorie content

100 g of physalis fruits have only 32 kcal. One fresh berry weighs on average about 22-25 g.

Physalis calorie table:


Physalis is contraindicated for people with high stomach acidity. It is a dietary fruit and is close in composition to multivitamin complexes. Therefore, 2-3 berries a day can be eaten by children over 3 years old and pregnant women. But you need to remember that the above-ground parts of the plant are very poisonous. Tinctures made from them should not be rubbed into the area of ​​sore spots by pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 12 years of age.

The nutritional value

The beneficial properties of physalis are provided by the composition of the plant.

Table of nutritional value in grams (g) per 100 g of fruit:

Since, on average, 2200 kcal per day is enough for a healthy adult, 100 g of physalis berries (32 kcal) is about 1.63% of the daily value.

Vitamins and minerals

Table of vitamins in physalis fruits:

Eating 3-4 physalis berries per day will have a beneficial effect on the appearance and general well-being of every person. This product contains a small amount of calories, which makes it suitable for many diets. It can be grown independently in the garden; it gets along well next to gooseberries and currants.

Physalis - beneficial properties

Physalis vulgaris is a perennial plant of the nightshade family, reaching a meter in height. Physalis can be found anywhere in the world, but it is most commonly found in Iraq and Bulgaria.

Chemical composition of physalis

Physalis contains fresh purified water and many useful trace elements such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium and zinc. This berry is rich in organic acids that normalize the acid-base balance. It supplies the body with tannins, fiber, vitamins A and C. Not only the berry itself, but also the roots, stem and even leaves of this plant are rich in useful substances, but they are not suitable for food.

Physalis varieties

There are many varieties of physalis, the most famous of which are: common physalis, vegetable, pineapple, Peruvian, strawberry and ornamental. Of these, the most common plant variety is vegetable physalis, or in other words, Mexican. If this berry is fully ripe, then its taste becomes incredibly pleasant. Vegetable physalis is an incredibly fastidious plant; it needs a lot of sun and low humidity. Vegetable physalis is used to make salads, caviar and hot dishes. Like tomatoes, they are salted and pickled, and sauces and seasonings are made from them. It is from this variety that the famous jam is made, which tastes like fig jam.

Strawberry physalis has a fairly high yield, and differs from other varieties in its slightly smaller berries, unique taste and aroma, reminiscent of wild strawberries. Strawberry physalis is used to make jam and jam, filling for pies, marmalade, compotes and jelly. When dried, it resembles raisins.

Peruvian physalis is less sweet, but unlike other varieties, it has a strongly pronounced fruity aroma and taste. Its fruits cannot be stored for long periods of time, and when dried they are very reminiscent of dried apricots, only with a richer taste.

The plant in the form of a lantern is an ornamental physalis. It grows in calcareous soil and is absolutely unpretentious to external factors. After flowering, its calyx turns into a light orange wrapper, which, when dried, is used for room decoration and bouquet decoration.

Useful properties of physalis

Almost all varieties of physalis have medicinal properties. Eating the fruits raw creates an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic effect. Physalis has a choleretic, hemostatic and diuretic effect, removes deposited salts and stones from the kidneys, and its regular use is a preventive measure that prevents the formation of kidney stones. But that's not all that physalis is useful for. It is used in folk medicine for the treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system.

Beneficial features Physalis strawberry very large. It improves immunity, effectively fights colds, treats severe coughs, and normalizes the activity of the endocrine system.

Beneficial features vegetable physalis even exceeds the benefits of tomatoes. What are the benefits of edible vegetable physalis? This variety contains a large amount of pectin, an ideal ratio of organic acids and sugar, tannins, vitamin C. It contains tartaric, malic, citric, caffeic, ascorbic and succinic acids, as well as minerals, carotene, protein and phytoncides.

Beneficial features pineapple physalis, in addition to all the elements listed above, it contains a large amount of lycopene and pectin, which are excellent antioxidants.

Physalis. Beneficial features

The word “physalis” will evoke clear associations for few people, but many have at least once in their lives seen branches with unusual dried flowers in the shape of orange lanterns, where round berries are hidden. Physalis looks very impressive in winter bouquets, as an independent decoration at home and at the dachas of enthusiastic gardeners, but some varieties of this plant are also very tasty and incredibly healthy.

Physalis is a plant from the nightshade family; in appearance, its berries immediately resemble cherries and cherry tomatoes. It received its unusual “name” from the Greek “physo” (bubble) for its unusual swollen cup, and the people immediately appreciated this unusualness. Bladder grass, bladder grass and bladder cherry, dog cherry, mashnukha, mahunkova berry and sleepy datura (due to the alkaloids in the bracts) are all physalis, known in the West as golden berry and Inca berry.

A little history

An old romantic fairy tale tells about the origin of physalis. In time immemorial, a cruel dragon appeared in the world, swallowed the sun, and the earth, finding itself in complete darkness, began to perish. But then a young daredevil showed up and set off to kill the dragon, taking with him a small flashlight. The dragon was defeated, the sun was freed and immediately rose, and the young man, blinded by the light, dropped his lamp in surprise. And in its place a bush immediately grew, dotted with small orange physalis lanterns.

This tale was apparently invented by the ancient Incas. It is believed that they were the first to grow and consume physalis - its beneficial properties are most valued in South America. Later, this plant was brought to North America, then, with English settlers, to Africa. In America, physalis grows at almost every step, it is popular as a medicine and a component of many national dishes, and in the USA, bright lanterns of decorative physalis are invariably used to make compositions for the holidays.

Physalis appeared in Russia at the beginning of the 19th century, at the same time as its closest relative, tomatoes, but never received much recognition. In the 20th century, interest in physalis arose again - it turned out that it can grow almost anywhere, but it was not possible to fully use the beneficial properties of physalis.

For a long time, only decorative physalis was popular - in Soviet homes and even in institutions all year round one could see dried dark orange bouquets with lantern flowers made as if from tissue paper. But there are also edible varieties - and today we are increasingly beginning to remember the healing power, aromatic jam, candied fruits and caviar from physalis.

Varieties of Physalis

There are 3 main types of physalis, within which there are several separate varieties. This:

  • decorative (not used for food);
  • vegetable (Mexican origin);
  • berry (South American origin).

Although for a long time the bladderwort was used precisely as an ornamental shrub, today edible physalis is increasingly grown - its beneficial properties are valued both in home kitchen recipes and in medicine.

Physalis of vegetable varieties, after a short heat treatment, is added to salads, canned food and soups, the berries are pickled and salted, spicy caviar and filling for pies, sauces and jam are made. In folk medicine, the fruits of the vegetable physalis are also used - decoction, juice, infusion of dried physalis berries, ointment from the fruits. Sweets are prepared from berry varieties - preserves, marmalades and jams, marshmallows and physalis candies, often dried to produce small berries similar to raisins.

Since physalis belongs to the nightshade family, it is propagated, like tomatoes, by seedlings. Whether it is an ornamental, vegetable or berry physalis, growing from seeds is done the same way - in the spring, the seeds are planted in moist soil and kept warm until germination, then transferred to a bright place. When the first leaves of physalis begin to appear, the plant is transplanted - first into small cups, then into larger pots. And only then the bladder plant is planted in open ground.

The main thing is not to plant physalis where tomatoes, eggplants, peppers and potatoes used to grow - it will be difficult to develop. The best land for golden berries is where cabbage, pumpkin and root vegetables used to grow.

Healing properties

Physalis combines the best of sweet berries and juicy tomatoes; it is no coincidence that it looks like both a cherry and a tomato with many seeds inside.

Bladder cherries contain many organic acids - malic, citric, tartaric, succinic, ferulic, caffeic and sinapic - sugars (up to 6%), tannins, a set of vitamins A and B. Among the latter, B12 stands out especially - this vitamin is mainly found in red meat and fish, so physalis is especially recommended for vegetarians, who often lack natural vitamin B12.

Pectins in the golden berry bind well and remove radionuclides, heavy metal salts, toxins from the body... And lycopene in physalis (its presence makes bladder berry similar to tomatoes) can work wonders - it helps keep our immune system healthy, destroys free radicals, preventing the development of tumors in the body, removes “bad” cholesterol, saving us from atherosclerosis. Lycopene also strengthens the walls of blood vessels, rejuvenates the skin and normalizes digestion processes.

The calorie content of various varieties of physalis is about 50 kcal, so it can be safely used both in regular diets and in medicinal ones. Salads and soups with physalis will help increase immunity for ulcers, gastritis and cholecystitis and improve the condition. When used regularly, bladderwrack stimulates the body’s ability to heal itself, so during the recovery period after operations and illnesses, this berry is also recommended to be included in the menu.

Fresh physalis (primarily vegetable varieties) is used in folk medicine due to the following properties:

  • hemostatic;
  • painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • choleretic;
  • diuretic.

If you grow physalis in your summer cottage, the beneficial properties of this berry will be useful to you all year round. Decoctions and infusions of dried golden berries will alleviate the condition of urolithiasis and rheumatism, sore throat and common cough.

For small wounds, diathesis, dermatitis and other inflammatory skin diseases, compresses and ointment from physalis berries will help. Fresh fruits of vegetable physalis are recommended to be eaten regularly before meals for hypertension, diabetes, stomach diseases and obesity.


Despite the fact that the physalis plant has long been known, its benefits and harms have often caused controversy. The controversial point is the poisonous alkaloids in physalis, which can seriously harm your health. However, these substances are contained only in the outer shell and above-ground parts - if you carefully clean the fruits, no toxic compounds will get into them.

Physalis should also be used with caution by those with high stomach acidity. And, of course, be sure to check whether you have an individual intolerance before enjoying fresh berries or aromatic sauces and physalis jam.

Traditional medicine specialists use a huge number of different plant crops to prepare medicinal compositions that can help in the treatment and prevention of many diseases. From the point of view of traditional healers, each plant has a certain healing value. Such a fairly popular crop as the vegetable physalis also has interesting qualities (do not confuse it with the plant Physalis vulgaris “Chinese lanterns” - it is not edible). This plant belongs to the nightshade family, and now it can be found in the garden plots of many gardeners or purchased in a hypermarket. Today we will consider garden physalis and its beneficial properties in a little more detail.

Physalis garden (food, Mexican, berry, glutenous) can reach one meter in height. Its juicy, tasty fruits look like spherical berries of orange or red color, they are located inside a swollen bubble-shaped cup. Its edible forms include: pubescent, Florida and Peruvian physalis. The Peruvian variety of the plant in our country is recommended to be grown in greenhouses. According to the size of the fruit, vegetable physalises are large-fruited or small-fruited. For example, the “Marmeladny” variety or, in the second case, the “Bell”, “Strawberry”, “Raisin” varieties.

What is the composition of the physalis plant?

The beneficial properties of physalis are due to its diverse and balanced chemical composition. So they are a source of significant amounts of sugars, tannins and bitter elements. The berries of this crop also contain non-toxic alkaloids, pectins, carotene, ascorbic acid, phytoncides and proteins. Among other things, they contain quite a lot of minerals, various vitamins, dyes and acids, including citric, tartaric, succinic and malic.

As for the roots of physalis, they contain quite a lot of different alkaloids, represented by tropine, pseudotropine, tegloidin and cushygrin. The leaves of the plant are a source of many steroids, namely capesterol, cholesterol sitosterol, stigmasterol and isofucosterol. Also in the foliage there are quite a lot of carotenoids, including beta and alpha carotene, physoxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin, etc. The green mass of physalis also contains a certain amount of flavonoids and phenolcarboxylic acids.

What are the beneficial properties of the physalis plant?










What are the health benefits of physalis?

Traditional medicine specialists actively use physalis as a diuretic. In addition, such healers claim that this culture is capable of activating the processes of tissue epithelization. Physalis has good analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. The combination of all of these properties makes it possible to use this plant in the correction of kidney stones, as well as gout and articular rheumatism. There is evidence that the use of physalis may also be advisable in eliminating deforming arthrosis. Traditional medicine specialists advise using this plant in the treatment of liver diseases, including jaundice; it also makes sense to use it in the treatment of cystitis, hemorrhoids, hemorrhages and pain in the digestive tract.

External use of physalis helps eliminate various wounds and lichens.

A decoction obtained from the roots of this culture helps optimize the functioning of the endocrine system and regulate the menstrual cycle.

Physalis berries are an excellent remedy for patients with chronic cholecystitis, hypoacid gastritis and gastric ulcers. If you have diabetes, you can also eat physalis. Epileptics and hypertensive patients will benefit from such a product. It is believed that systematic consumption of the fruits of this crop helps to optimize blood pressure and improve the functioning of the endocrine system. Also, this dietary supplement will be useful for various forms of dermatosis, ulcers and abscesses on the skin. Eating physalis fruits helps prevent the development of anemia, avoid age-related changes in digestion and problems in the respiratory system.

Physalis-based decoctions can be used to treat a wide variety of ailments that are accompanied by coughing. However, it is recommended to take them at the very beginning of the development of the disease, until a significant amount of mucus forms in the bronchi.

Physalis berries are also great at cleansing the body of toxins and free radicals. Therefore, they will be a great find for residents of large cities. In addition, experts have come to the conclusion that systematic consumption of such fruits helps prevent the development of many cancer diseases.

Several recipes

Combine dried physalis fruits in the amount of a couple of tablespoons with half a liter of boiling water. Boil this product over low heat for five minutes. The resulting product should be strained and taken half a glass four times a day.

Combine the crushed fruits of this plant in the amount of one hundred grams with one liter of high-quality dry red wine. Send the resulting mixture to a dark place for infusion, and do not forget to shake it from time to time. The strained drink should be taken fifty grams shortly before meals for the correction of nephritis and kidney ailments.

Combine a couple of tablespoons of crushed plant material with half a liter of boiling water, boil for five minutes, and then leave for another hour. It is recommended to take the strained drink one third of a glass up to five times a day. This medicine will help eliminate rheumatism, bladder diseases, kidney diseases and fever.

The pulp of physalis berries must be combined with rendered fat, maintaining a ratio of 1:4. This composition should be used for rubbing, preparing lotions and compresses for the correction of muscular-articular rheumatism.

Keep in mind that all above-ground parts of physalis can be harmful to health if overdosed.

Physalis contraindications, harm

Physalis fruits are eaten only after dousing them with boiling water. This removes the sticky residue, which, if not done, will lead to an upset stomach.

Since the above-ground parts of physalis, except for the fruits, are poisonous, their use in recipes must be strictly in accordance with the dosage. The bract is also poisonous. Therefore, it must be cleaned before using the fruits of physalis. Contraindications for the fruit are the same as for tomatoes. Namely, it should not be eaten if the patient’s gastric juice is highly acidic.

Physalis is a perennial herbaceous plant of the nightshade family. Its name is translated from Greek as “bubble”. A distinctive feature of all types of physalis is the fruit shell, similar to a Chinese lantern, and the fruit is a yellow-green or yellow-red berry, similar to a tomato. This plant is used in cooking, medicine and floristry.

Types of physalis

The homeland of physalis is Mexico. It came to us no more than a century ago and has taken root quite well in the middle zone. There are several types of physalis. There are varieties with tasty and healthy fruits, and there are also poisonous ones . To avoid poisoning when eating physalis, you need to learn to distinguish edible fruits.

  1. Decorative physalis is the same “Chinese lantern” that grows in many summer cottages; it is grown for winter bouquets and floral arrangements. The calyxes are yellow, orange and red. The berries are small and inedible.
  2. Vegetable physalis is an edible species with fairly large fruits (60-70 g) of green, yellow and purple color. The pulp is sweet and sour, without aroma.
  3. Berry (strawberry) physalis is much smaller than vegetable physalis (1-6 g), but much tastier. It is divided into several types: raisin, Florida, Peruvian, etc. Depending on the type, the taste of physalis may resemble pineapple, strawberries, tangerines, cherries and figs. When dried, it most often resembles raisins, but the flavor bouquet is much brighter.

Physalis: benefits

From the fruits of physalis they make jam, marinades, sauces, salads, pickles, filling for pies, and candied fruits. Before eating, the fruits must be doused with boiling water to remove the waxy coating.

Physalis fruits contain up to 10 percent dry matter, 4.5 percent sugars, 1.4 percent organic acids (mainly tartaric, succinic, citric, malic and rare ursolic acid), up to 100 mg of ascorbic acid, 2.5 percent proteins , as well as carotenes, pectins, physalin, phytoncides and minerals.

  • The fruits and roots of physalis are rightfully considered medicinal. The fruits have a diuretic, hemostatic, choleretic, analgesic and antiseptic effect.

  • In medicine it is used for gout, dropsy, rheumatism, diseases of the respiratory system, purulent inflammation of the genitourinary system and lichen. Fresh fruits are used to treat dermatoses, gonorrhea, respiratory diseases, dysentery, and hypertension. A decoction of the roots acts as a hemostatic and analgesic and relieves the symptoms of bronchitis. Tea made from dried leaves is useful for hypertensive patients.
  • Physalis is an effective laxative. Persons suffering from constant constipation are recommended to eat 5-10 pieces of fresh fruit. before meals 2-3 times a day. A decoction of fresh fruits is used to treat hemorrhoids, stabilizes blood sugar levels, activates metabolism, strengthens capillaries, and cleanses the body. The fruits are also used for the prevention and treatment of cardiac diseases.
  • Ointment from physalis fruits perfectly heals wounds, relieves pain, and enhances tissue regeneration.

  • No matter how useful and unique physalis is in its nutritional and medicinal properties, it is still not worth abusing it. Saturation can manifest itself in the form of allergic reactions such as itching, rashes and swelling.
  • Also When Physalis is combined with drugs for hypertension, weakness and surges in blood pressure are possible.
  • As a diuretic, decoctions of physalis should also be taken with caution and cannot be combined with other drugs for a similar purpose, otherwise you can get dehydrated.
  • Pregnant and lactating women should not take Physalis unless prescribed by a doctor. But in this case, before prescribing herbal remedies based on physalis, the doctor must conduct the necessary allergy tests and make sure that the health of the mother and child is not in danger.
  • It is dangerous to combine Physalis with excessive caffeine intake. This can lead to vascular dysfunction, tachycardia, spasms and headaches.

Physalis: recipes


  1. Strawberry physalis – 1 kg
  2. Sugar – 1 kg.
  3. Water – 0.5 l


  • Wash the fruits thoroughly in hot water. Boil sugar syrup from water with 0.5 kg of sugar. Prick the physalis with a fork or toothpick and pour hot syrup over it. Leave for 4 hours.
  • Then add 0.3 kg of sugar and cook on low heat for 10 - 15 minutes. Set aside for 5-6 hours. Add the remaining 0.2 kg of sugar and boil for 15 minutes. The jam is ready if it flows from a spoon in a thick stream.
  • Such jam, for our latitudes, is considered exotic, and besides, it is extremely tasty and healthy. This recipe shows the classic version of sweetness, but if you want to achieve an even more unusual taste, you can add a stick of cinnamon or vanilla, lemon or orange slices to the jam. Some housewives use ginger and mint.
  • Jam berries will be a wonderful decoration for cakes, pies and other desserts. You can also make delicious candied fruits from them. Remove the berries from the jam and let them drain, and then dry them in the oven, covering them with foil or thick paper so as not to burn, at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees. Lightly sprinkle the dried candied fruits with powdered sugar.


  1. Physalis – 200 g
  2. Raspberry jam – 5 tbsp.
  3. Sugar – 100 g
  4. Puff pastry – 600 – 700 g


  • Wash the physalis thoroughly, prick it with a fork or cut each berry in half.
  • Cover the fruits with sugar, add a little water and put on low heat. Lightly boil the berries for 10-15 minutes.
  • Roll out the puff pastry, cut into portioned rectangles and coat with raspberry jam, place physalis berries on top and pinch the edges of the dough, forming puff pastries.
  • Cover the baking sheet with baking parchment, grease with oil and lay out the puff pastries. Bake for 20-30 minutes. at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  • Serve the finished treat with whipped cream or ice cream.


  1. Spices (dill, black currant leaves, cherry, oak, horseradish, basil, hyssop, parsley, celery) – 50 g
  2. Physalis vegetable – 1 kg
  3. Salt – 50 g
  4. Sugar – 50 g
  5. Vinegar 9 percent - 1.5 - 2 tbsp.
  6. Water – 1 l


  • Wash the physalis thoroughly and put it in sterilized jars, sprinkle with spices.
  • Prepare a brine from water, salt, sugar and vinegar and pour it over the berries.
  • Let it sit for half an hour, then drain the brine and boil it again, at this time you can add chopped garlic to the physalis, fill the container with boiling brine and roll it up.
  • Turn the jars over and wrap them in a blanket for a day.


  1. Vegetable physalis – 1 kg.
  2. Carrots – 500 g
  3. Onions – 300 g
  4. Bell pepper – 200 – 300 g
  5. Salt, ground pepper - to taste
  6. Vegetable oil – 2-3 tbsp.


  • Pour boiling water over physalis and bake in the oven.
  • Chop onions, carrots, peppers and fry in vegetable oil.
  • Pass the baked physalis and vegetables through a meat grinder. Salt and pepper to taste. If the caviar is a little sour, add sugar.
  • Transfer the caviar into clean jars and sterilize for 10-15 minutes.


  1. Physalis – 200 g
  2. Avocado – 200 g
  3. Ham – 200 g
  4. Fresh chicory – 2-3 pcs.
  5. Mayonnaise or yogurt – 2 tbsp.
  6. Salt, pepper - to taste


  • Scald the physalis with boiling water and carefully remove the wax coating, cut each fruit into 6 parts. Avocado, peeled and cut into cubes. Slice the ham in the same way as the avocado. Salt, pepper and season with mayonnaise to taste.
  • Wash the chicory, separate it into stems and place the salad in them.

Physalis, or as it is also called “Mexican tomato,” is an amazing and unusual plant. People who monitor their weight and health will appreciate all the beneficial properties of this unusual fruit. It is rich in carbohydrates, organic acids, essential oils and can replace multivitamin preparations. Dishes made from both fruit and vegetable physalis are incredibly tasty and look exotic and elegant.

Physalis is classified as a plant of the nightshade family. It has uneven stems and is a perennial crop. The inflorescences are creamy in color, and the fruits are round in shape, hidden in a bell-shaped cup. The fruit color is orange or red.

Physalis is used in many areas - cooking, medicine, cosmetology. The berries are rich in vitamin and mineral composition, which helps the patient after a serious illness to quickly regain his strength and speed up the rehabilitation process. Despite the widespread use and beneficial properties of physalis, you need to know how to eat it in order to get maximum benefits for the body and eliminate any negative reactions of the body.

The widespread use of physalis in medicine and cooking is due to the composition of the fruits, seeds and herbs of the plant. The fruits have a low calorie content (30 kcal) and a low sugar content (up to 6%), which makes it an indispensable dietary product for diabetics, overweight patients, systemic and cardiac pathologies. The berries contain a high content of vitamins A (carotene) and group B.

The berries also contain the following components:

  • minerals - calcium and magnesium, as well as iron and zinc;
  • vitamin C;
  • protein compounds and dietary fiber;
  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids and phytoncides;
  • pectin;
  • acids of organic origin - citric, tartaric and malic.

The seeds of the plant contain oily compounds, and the roots contain the following alkaloids:

  • tropin and pseudotropin;
  • cushygrin and tegloidin.

The leaves of the plant contain essential compounds of luteins and zeaxanthins, as well as steroid and carotenoid compounds:

  • campesterol and cholesterol;
  • sitosterol and isofucosterol;
  • alpha, beta carotene;
  • lutein and physioxanthin.

The tanning components in the plant provide it with an anti-inflammatory effect with an antibacterial effect. Pectin helps break down and remove cholesterol from the body, lupine resists the formation of malignant tumors. The vitamin-mineral complex increases the activity of the immune system, which helps block viral and infectious agents.

How to eat vegetable physalis?

Physalis varieties that can be eaten are used raw and after heat treatment. On the advice of nutritionists, it is preferable to eat the berries raw, since after heat treatment up to 40-50% of the vitamins are lost. The berries are used in dietary vegetable salads and cold appetizers.

In cooking, the following dishes are prepared from fruits:

  • baked on the grill;
  • hot dishes, stews;
  • sauces and marinades;
  • desserts and drinks;
  • jam, marmalade, candied fruits and marshmallows.


In order for the fruits to acquire their original taste, they must be cleaned and doused with boiled water. After this treatment, the sticky coating of the berries is washed off well. You can also steam the berries before cooking.

Dish recipes

There are many culinary recipes for preparing berries. The most popular recipes are stew and jam.

Vegetable stew using physalis:

  • 250 g berries;
  • 100 g carrots;
  • 100 g onions (onions or shallots);
  • garlic – 1-2 cloves;
  • 1 small bunch each of parsley, parsnip, and celery;
  • salt, olive oil and ground pepper.

After processing and cleaning, the berries are mixed with carrots cut into strips, chopped onions and chopped herbs and everything is fried in oil.

After this, add garlic with dill, spices and seasonings, as well as salt to the stew and simmer for 1-2 minutes. Stew is served chilled as an independent dish or can be a side dish for porridges based on whole grain cereals.

Jam is prepared like this:

  • 0.5 kg sugar;
  • 1 kg of fruits;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • lemon

Before cooking, blanch the berries in boiled water for 3-4 minutes. Then they are pulled out of the water and allowed to drain well. After the liquid has drained from the berries, they are cut into 4 equal parts. Prepare a syrup from water and sugar for 10 minutes and add quartered berries, lemon and cinnamon. Boil everything for 20-25 minutes.

After the jam is removed from the heat, you need to remove the cinnamon stick from it, cover with a tight lid and let the jam cool completely.

After cooling, the jam is boiled again for 20 minutes. In this form, you can roll it up with metal lids in the form of jam, or grind it through a fine sieve and add pectin, starch or agar-agar, bring it to a boil again and then roll it up.

Indications for use for medical purposes

Physalis is one of the medicinal plants that help the body cope with various pathologies. Berries have the following effects on the body:

  • diuretic and hemostatic;
  • antiseptic with anti-inflammatory effect;
  • analgesic.

Physalis is used for:

The plant has enormous benefits in the treatment and prevention of cancer pathologies.

For men

Systematic consumption of berries helps increase male potency and prevents a decrease in testosterone synthesis and the development of impotence. Physalis enhances spermatogenesis and improves male reproductive functions.

During hard work and increased sports loads, the fruits of this plant help relieve fatigue during the rest period and gain muscle tissue, and also cleanse liver cells, which is most important for men with alcohol and nicotine addiction.

For women

With regular use of physalis in food, its benefits for the female body are manifested as follows:

  • reducing excess weight and improving gastrointestinal function;
  • improvement of the condition at the time of menstruation and restoration of the disturbed rhythm of the menstrual cycle;
  • improving the condition of the epidermis and clearing the skin of pigmentation;
  • prevention of muscle and migraine pain;
  • slowing down the aging of the body;
  • relieving depression and overstrain of the central nervous system.

Main contraindications and restrictions

Despite the unique composition of components and beneficial properties, there are a number of contraindications to the use of physalis. Among them:

  • allergy to components in the plant;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • severe heartburn;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Patients with ulcerative and erosive lesions of the digestive organs should be treated with great caution when using the plant.

Also, do not forget that in addition to edible physalis, there are also its decorative varieties, which are strictly prohibited to be consumed, because they contain components that are poisons for the human body.

Possible side effects of Fezalis and harm to the body

If you do not follow the rules for preparing berries, physalis can provoke adverse reactions of the body to the fruits and cause harm to health.

Side effects are associated with the consumption of poisonous parts of the plant - the amniotic membrane (calyx), as well as the use of ornamental varieties of plants for food, the fruits of which are poisonous in the same way as all other parts. Poisoning can be very severe and result in death, so when using physalis in cooking, you need to know for sure that it is an edible variety.

When using Physalis for medicinal purposes, you must strictly follow the recipe and dosage. It is strictly forbidden to take the medicine for a long period of time. It is also necessary to observe the medicinal interactions of decoctions and infusions with medications.

Decoctions or infusions of physalis should not be taken together with diuretic medications, because such an interaction can cause dehydration of the body. Also, you should not take medicine based on berries with antihypertensive medications, because the effect of the fruits has opposite effects, which can cause a number of systemic and dental pathologies.

How to use physalis in folk medicine

For cholecystitis, you need to eat 10-15 fruits of Physalis vegetable per day, and you should also use the fruits systematically in case of disorders in the endocrine system, respiratory and digestive systems. In addition, there are many other useful plant-based products.


A decoction of the plant's roots is used as an antitussive medicine with analgesic properties, and is also often used to stop heavy menstrual bleeding. Hypertensive patients are recommended to use a decoction based on the membranes of fruits and leaves.

To make a decoction, you need the following ingredients: 500 ml of water and 2 g of dry fruits. Mix all ingredients and cook over moderate heat for 15 minutes. Leave covered for 50-60 minutes and filter. You need to drink the decoction five times a day, 50 ml.

A decoction of physalis berries is used in therapy:

  • stone disease of the kidneys and bladder;
  • dropsy of renal etiology;
  • intermittent fever;
  • bleeding in the digestive organs;
  • uterine bleeding.

Water infusion

To make an infusion, you need to combine the following components - 20-25 g of dry physalis and 400 ml of boiling water. Leave in a thermos for 2-3 hours. Filter and drink 50 ml three times a day for:

  • rheumatic disease;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • flu and laryngitis;
  • bronchitis.

Externally in the form of compresses it is used for:

  • skin inflammations and rashes;
  • dermatitis of various etiologies.

It is also used externally in cosmetology - to improve complexion and skin condition, apply a gauze bandage soaked in the infusion for 15-20 minutes

Diuretic tea

Diuretic tea is used in the treatment of renal pathologies and inflammation in urological organs. It is effective to use tea for cystitis, urethritis and pyelonephritis.

Before taking it, you must make sure that there are no stones in the urinary ducts.

To make tea you need to take the following components:

  • dry physalis berries;
  • horsetail grass.

Grind all components and mix. For tea you need to take 1 tbsp. mixture and pour 1000 ml of boiling water. Take 200-250 ml twice a day - in the morning and before bedtime.


Liniment is a wound-healing drug with an anti-inflammatory effect. Liniment, which is prepared from fruits, is used for:

  • rheumatism;
  • gout;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • joint injuries, bone fractures and muscle fiber injuries.

It is necessary to infuse the berries with olive or sunflower oil in a ratio of 1:4 (10 g of berries and 40 ml of oil). You need to insist in a cool and dark place for 21 days.


The juice is applied externally for lichen, mycoses, and dermatitis. They simply lubricate the localization sites of lichen.

Juice from fresh fruits is used internally for:

  • urolithiasis;
  • inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • kidney diseases;
  • uterine bleeding and bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

The daily dosage of juice at the initial stage of therapy is 20 ml, divided into 2-3 doses.

An ointment based on fresh fruits is used externally for:

  • skin and muscle inflammation;
  • muscle, joint pain:
  • rheumatism;
  • gouty disease;
  • injury to the skin (tissue regeneration and wound healing).

To prepare the ointment, mix the pulp of the plant and any nourishing cream in equal parts.

Wine tincture

A tincture of the fruit with red grape wine is used in the treatment of nephritis and other kidney diseases. The tincture is made as follows:

  • 1 liter of dry red wine;
  • 100 g dried or ripe fruits;
  • mix everything and leave for 21 days in a dark place.

You need to drink the tincture 30 minutes before eating. After the first course, you need to undergo laboratory diagnostics of kidney function, and the doctor may prescribe a second course.

For diseases of the respiratory system

Finely chop fresh fruits (3 tbsp) and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Boil for 15 minutes and filter. The entire prepared volume of liquid should be drunk per day, and in the morning a new portion of the decoction should be prepared.

For constipation

You can also use dried fruits.

For pain and cramps

Physalis has anti-inflammatory properties with an analgesic effect, so decoctions and infusions are recommended for relieving antispasmodic attacks in the digestive organs.

You need 2 tbsp. l. crushed dried fruits, pour 500 ml of boiling water and simmer over chalk heat for 5-7 minutes. Filter and take 100 ml four times a day. The decoction should be used 30 minutes before eating.

When salts are deposited

Eating 1-2 fresh fruits per day restores metabolic processes and helps in the treatment of diseases caused by salt deposition:

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