Form of labor organization for VTEK samples. Production characteristics (sample, form)

A production characteristic for an employee is a form that is drawn up by the administration of the enterprise upon request and issued to the employee to provide information at the place of request.

Production characteristics: sample and varieties of shape

Based on the variety of information that needs to be provided to a particular department, the sample production characteristics differ in the form of compilation:
1. The most common option is to use the performance characteristics as an official document that lists the professional skills, personal qualities, and social position of the employee. This type of document is called a job description.

2. The information necessary to establish the degree of disability when assigning a disability group, or to make a comprehensive expert assessment of the patient, is drawn up in the form of a production characteristic of another sample. When filling out this form, the patient is questioned on a number of questions regarding labor production standards and productivity. Answers to questions are entered on a specialized form with the participation of a medical worker from the enterprise. Next, the form is certified by representatives of the personnel department and management. A production characteristic of this type is the main document on the basis of which a decision is made when an employee undergoes a medical and labor expert commission (abbreviation VTEC) or a medical and social examination, abbreviated MSE.

3. The results obtained by students upon completion of practical training at the enterprise are also presented in the form of a report - production characteristics. In this case, the document is drawn up in free form by an employee of the enterprise responsible for the student’s internship or a representative of the human resources department.


  • Production characteristics per employee: (downloads: 15312)

  • Characteristics for ITU:

The characteristic given to an employee at production is an important document that must be in the folder sent to the ITU.

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The document is used by doctors to assess the labor and professional qualities of an employee. The document must be certified by the seal and signature of the head of the company and attached to the file.

When needed

When compiling a character reference for an employee for examination, the director of the company can use a standard form, or use a free form of presentation and indicate his recommendations.

Most often, a document is required in several cases:

  • when processing paperwork for a visa;
  • during employment;
  • admission to an educational institution;
  • to undergo a medical and social examination.

If you need to draw up a characteristic for VTEK, then basic information about the employee is indicated - general level of ability to work, position held. In addition, you can make a note about whether the person goes on business trips.

The manager must draw up such a description at the request of the employee himself. In order to receive a document from your manager, you need to ask for its preparation a few days before the appointed date.

How to compose

General rules that should be followed when writing a document include:

  1. The document must be drawn up on a regular white A4 sheet.
  2. The manager writes the description in the third person.
  3. The text can be written in either the present or past tense.
  4. The signature can be placed by both the head of the company and the HR department employee.

Sample of filling out the production characteristics for ITU in 2019:

When completing the document, you must provide the following information:

  1. The name of the enterprise where the citizen works. It is given in both full and abbreviated versions. The organizational and legal form is indicated separately - individual entrepreneur or LLC. In addition, you need to enter the legal and actual address, along with the postal code.
  2. Last name, first name and patronymic of the employee, position held, as well as structural unit at the enterprise. These data must be brought into accordance with the staffing schedule in force at the enterprise. Next to the position, qualifications, rank, and total work experience are assigned.
  3. The nature of the work a person does. It should be noted what type of labor is used - manual or machine. If the employee goes on business trips, their frequency and total duration are indicated.
  4. Working conditions, number of days off/working days, total duration by hours. In addition, a note is made on the conditions - compliance with hygiene standards - presence of gas pollution (location of the enterprise near the highway), noise level, harmful conditions, temperature conditions, use of chemicals in work, presence of hazardous conditions at work.
  5. The employer can indicate a personal assessment of the citizen's productivity. In this case, the frequency of interruptions during activities and the implementation of the work plan are taken into account - data for the past year is analyzed.
  6. If, at the request of the employee, easier working conditions were provided, additional days off, or because of poor health the person often asks to be excused from work, the employer should indicate this, since these facts may influence the decision-making of the ITU commission.
  7. If an employee often goes on sick leave, this should also be indicated. A note is made about what causes of illness are indicated in medical certificates and whether the employee was transferred for health reasons. If they were, you need to indicate your previous position and class.
  8. The employer can indicate whether there is a reasonable opportunity to place the employee in another position, including with a reduction in salary.
  9. In addition, the manager may optionally indicate any additional information if he considers it necessary.

The document must be executed in two copies; it can be printed from a computer, but only the signature must be placed manually.

If the manager does not have the opportunity to draw up a characteristic on his own, he can delegate the authority to an employee of the HR department. If the enterprise has a medical worker, then he may also be given the right to write a description.

How does the commission work?

In order to receive a disability group, a citizen must pass a special commission at the ITU organization - the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise.

During the medical examination, doctors decide whether a person can occupy a certain specialty or whether recognition of incapacity is necessary.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. It is necessary to prepare a package of documents, make photocopies of your passport and medical statements.
  2. It is required to undergo a commission at the clinic at your place of residence, from where a referral to the ITU bureau will be issued.
  3. An invitation is sent to the citizen’s postal address, which indicates the date and time of the commission’s visit.
  4. At the reception, a person goes through all the specialists, and his social status is established.
  5. After analyzing all the collected data, doctors decide to assign a specific group.

Preparing for a visit to the ITU office takes a lot of time; you not only need to collect all the papers, which include a reference from your place of work, but also undergo a full medical examination at the district clinic.

Required documents

List of documents required for visiting ITU and obtaining a disability certificate:

  1. Referral from a medical institution.
  2. Citizen's passport.
  3. Photocopies of all main completed pages of the work book.
  4. Certificate of the amount of income received.
  5. Medical outpatient card.
  6. Copies and originals of all certificates from the clinic.
  7. Statement.
  8. A report drawn up in form N-1 is presented in the event that a work-related injury or professional claim has occurred.

All papers are submitted to the bureau in advance; on the day of the visit you need to have your passport and some statements with you.

In order for the commission to correctly establish the disability group and give permission to carry out a particular work activity, you need to provide a reference from the employer. The document should indicate that the person copes well with his duties; if this is true, ITU will take into account the opinion of the head of the company.

Not every employee will be able to competently assess the conditions of their work. This article will tell you everything about the environments that representatives of a wide variety of professions have to face.

What is a production characteristic?

In various cases of need, the administration is obliged to issue the employee an official document called This document can be presented in different forms and types, because everything will depend on the purposes for which it is needed.

Of course, all kinds of production characteristics will be very difficult to calculate. However, it is worth highlighting the three most common types of this document. These include:

Production characteristics from the place of work. The certificate is written in any form; The main condition here is a description of the employee’s professional, social or official activities, as well as an assessment of personal and business qualities.

Production characteristics of working conditions for a student undergoing practical training at the enterprise. This form of document is not so common, but it also occurs. In this case, the certificate is prepared in free form. It is provided by the practice manager or a representative of the organizational personnel service.

Production characteristics of the employee’s working conditions, necessary for him to pass the MSE (medical social examination). This form of document is one of the most famous and widespread. It is compiled during a full medical examination of the patient. The degree of loss (partial or complete) of the employee’s ability to work is established, and the group of his disability is determined. All this is necessary, of course, for the results of the examination to determine the compliance of working conditions with the health of the employee. The document itself is issued by the employer, previously prepared in full accordance with hygienic characteristics. The certificate must also include characteristics of labor productivity, all employee production standards, etc. If the company has a medical center, then a doctor must fill out the characteristics. However, certification of the document with the signature of the manager or head of the personnel department will remain mandatory.

About harmful working conditions

Many people know that current legislation is required to provide individuals who work in areas with hazardous labor conditions with certain guarantees and benefits. What are these guarantees and what form do they take? The answer to this question is very complex and difficult. After all, there are many classifications that determine the standards for providing benefits to employees. Therefore, it is worth turning to another, more important question: what kind of work environment is considered harmful and unsafe for the health of workers?

Long-term characterization of the working conditions of representatives of various professions made it possible to identify the following main factors that constitute harmful occupational conditions:

  • Measures of tension in working conditions. This includes long work without a break, very monotonous, often involving the emotional and intellectual spheres.
  • Measures of the severity of working conditions. These are constant dynamic and static loads associated, as a rule, with physical labor. This also includes minor irritating factors such as an uncomfortable posture when doing work, a large number of repetitions of certain actions, etc.
  • Chemical criteria. Considered if the work involves exposure to various hazardous substances (acids, alkalis, reagents, etc.) on the human body. Dust or gas contamination, heavy stuffy air - all this is also related to the criteria under consideration.
  • General physical criteria. Perhaps the most common group of factors; all because this includes abnormal temperatures, high humidity, various types of radiation - ionizing or non-ionizing, air speed rates, vibrations and noises, insufficient lighting and much more. Workers with harmful hazardous working conditions in most cases fall into this category. The majority of enterprises in many countries of the world also fit exactly this group of criteria.
  • Biological factors. This is a very highly specialized group, suitable only for those enterprises where there are biological organisms of varying degrees of danger. These organisms are, of course, divided into two groups: microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, viruses and spirochetes) and macroorganisms (animals and plants).

One more question remains unanswered: how can one determine whether a particular type of work is harmful? There is a special government decree of the Russian Federation No. 870. All official information about the type of professions should be taken from there. However, this document, unfortunately, will not be understandable to the majority of the population, because it is a framework document. There are also orders from the Ministry of Health and Social Development, but most of them are based on old Soviet regulations, which contained entire lists of organizations, workshops and positions that could be considered unsafe for health. What are these lists? This will be discussed further.

List of professions with hazardous working conditions

The full list of jobs containing dangerous and unsafe working conditions is regulated in Government Decree No. 665. This document contains the entire list of beneficiaries who have to work in dangerous, difficult or harmful conditions.

Below, however, will be an abbreviated list of those categories of citizens who are involved in unsafe professions. As of 2016, these include:

  • mining workers;
  • metallurgists extracting non-ferrous and ferrous metals;
  • workers producing generator gases;
  • workers working at chemical companies;
  • persons who work with gunpowder, ammunition, various explosives, etc.
  • employees of oil and gas organizations, as well as organizations producing coal, shale materials, gas condensate, etc.
  • persons associated with metalworking;
  • workers in one way or another connected with radio engineering and electronics;
  • workers of electrical engineering enterprises;
  • employees of enterprises producing building materials;
  • workers of glass and porcelain factories;
  • persons engaged in the production of fiber, paper, cellulose;
  • workers producing medicines and various medical products;
  • workers of transport services and organizations;
  • persons associated with nuclear energy and the nuclear industry.

Builders, welders, agricultural workers, mechanics, stokers and many other persons who are in one way or another involved in areas involving physical labor - all of them also belong to preferential categories and are included in the list of professions from labor.

Procedure for assessing working conditions

In 2013, Federal Law No. 426 was put into circulation. It was decided to carry out a special procedure called “Assessment of working conditions in the workplace.” The head of this or that organization, who previously only carried out certification of existing jobs, after the Federal Law came into force, had to begin to periodically carry out the operation in question.

A sample description of working conditions for VTEK is presented below.

So, what is a special assessment of working conditions in the workplace and why is it necessary? This assessment is a unique set of certain operations, a specific characteristic of working conditions, aimed at:

  • to detect unsafe factors in production and in the labor process;
  • to assess the level of influence of these factors on workers.

Upon completion of this assessment you will:

  • provide all workers with protective equipment (both collective and individual);
  • establish all necessary guarantees and benefits for workers;
  • conduct medical examinations (preliminary and periodic);
  • establish additional tariffs for contributions to the Russian Pension Funds;
  • calculate the discount for “injuries”;
  • prepare reports in the form of statistics on working conditions.

Who are all the above activities aimed at? An assessment of working conditions at workplaces should be carried out in relation to all working individuals, with the exception of homeworkers and remote workers. There is also no assessment of persons who have entered into an employment relationship with an employer - an individual who is not an individual entrepreneur.

How exactly working conditions should be assessed has been written in many publications and articles. However, the most accurate source remains, of course, Federal Law No. 426. It is worth paying attention to another important question: at what time should the set of measures under consideration be carried out?

When is a working conditions assessment carried out?

An assessment of working conditions must be carried out at least once every five years. The presented set of measures is carried out, of course, without fail - regardless of whether any harmful conditions were previously discovered or not. There are also a number of factors that contribute to the implementation of unscheduled inspections of working conditions. Here are some situations that may prompt an off-plan review:

  • newly organized workplaces are put into operation;
  • the head of the organization receives a “message” from the state labor inspector about an unscheduled inspection;
  • the composition of the raw materials or materials used changes (but only if such materials can negatively affect the employees of the enterprise);
  • the technological process itself changes, production equipment is replaced (again, only if such equipment is unsafe);
  • collective or individual protective equipment is replaced or modernized;
  • an emergency or accident occurs at work;
  • putting forward a proposal for an unscheduled inspection of the enterprise from a trade union or other representative body.

So, a general description of working conditions and an assessment of working conditions can occur much more often than once every five years. According to statistics, most enterprises face unscheduled inspections quite often. That is why the management of a particular enterprise needs to be extremely attentive and careful. Taking proper care of your employees will help you develop your production qualitatively and get rid of too frequent and therefore intrusive checks.

4th and 3rd classes of working conditions

The assessment of working conditions ends with the establishment of certain classes and subclasses in the workplace. This event is held in order to determine additional tariffs for the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, their sizes and ratios.

So, what classes of working conditions are there? It all depends on the level of harmfulness; So, there are four levels:

  • Level 4 - dangerous;
  • Level 3 - harmful;
  • Level 2 - acceptable;
  • Level 1 is optimal.

What constitutes a dangerous class of work? If we try to briefly characterize this group of professions, we can say that the worker is exposed to a dangerous and harmful production environment, one way or another capable of threatening the life and health of the worker. There is a high risk

The third class, called harmful, can be installed in production only if workers are influenced by unsafe factors that also exceed established standards. This group of working conditions is divided into the following subclasses:

3.1. This subclass is characterized as a set of working conditions under which the worker’s body requires a slightly longer recovery time. Work shifts and days off must be calculated.

3.2. This subclass is characterized by the occurrence of minor illnesses in an employee due to their profession.

3.3. It is characterized by the occurrence of moderate diseases in the worker.

3.4. It is characterized by the occurrence of severe and acute illnesses in workers.

2nd and 1st classes of working conditions

The second group is working conditions considered acceptable. This includes unsafe factors in production, which nevertheless do not exceed established hygienic and sanitary standards. Of course, the various established types and characteristics of working conditions dictate that workers classified in the second class may still have a slight risk of getting sick due to a less than ideal working environment. However, according to documents, the body of such workers is able to fully recover by the next work shift. In addition, harmful factors will not have a negative impact on a person in the long or short term.

The last group is working conditions that are optimal. They are installed only when there are no dangerous or harmful factors at work, and there is a favorable microclimate that promotes balanced physical and mental stress. Overloads for workers of the first group are not allowed.

Thus, the classes of working conditions presented above are spelled out quite clearly and simply. Determining which particular group a particular profession belongs to will not be so difficult.

On sanitary and hygienic characteristics of working conditions

In 2008, on May 31, a federal order was issued. service for human well-being and consumer rights protection under number 103. It was this document that approved the instructions for carrying out activities related to the hygienic and sanitary assessment of working conditions. In order to better understand how exactly the sanitary and hygienic characteristics of working conditions should be carried out, it is worth “walking through” the order itself. So, in order to draw up the characteristics of the work under consideration, which is carried out by a worker with diseases that arose during professional activities, it is necessary to follow the following recommendations:

How do you fill out the characteristics of working conditions?

Unfortunately, not all persons managing a particular organization know how to correctly compose and formalize a professional description. That is why it is worth considering a rather important and pressing question: how to correctly fill out the characteristics of the working conditions of an employee sent for examination?

Which form should I take? In most cases, the characteristic in question is written on a blank form, although this is not a mandatory condition. At the top of the sheet, the worker’s full name, date of birth, as well as address, telephone number and, if available, place of study are indicated.

Afterwards, a short description of the worker’s previous activities is compiled. It is necessary to describe the past work of a professional person, his awards and achievements, professional injuries received, etc. This is a mandatory item if a description of the working conditions of VTEK is compiled.

A sample description of working conditions for ITU can be seen in the photo below.

Next, you need to describe the person’s current place of work. This is done in as much detail as possible. The operating mode, loads, rest or lunch breaks, temperature and pressure in the premises and much more are indicated. However, you should not attribute all harmful ones here, otherwise confusion may arise. This should be done in a separate paragraph (or chapter). To do this, you will have to indicate the exact level of noise, vibration, hazardous substances in the air, etc. All data on the employee’s business trips (if any) should also be written here. In the “Conclusion” you can write about the possibility of transferring to an easier and less dangerous job.

The created document is signed by the head of the HR department, the head of the legal department, the chief physician and the head of the enterprise. There must, of course, be a seal.

On the characteristics of working conditions in an employment contract

As you know, when hiring a person applying for a job to a vacant position, the latter’s employment contract must fill in the “Working conditions” column. It would seem that there are no problems. However, many enterprises are often subject to numerous unscheduled inspections, and therefore there is no special assessment of working conditions. What to do in such a situation? Refuse to hire someone in principle until a response has been received to the submitted application for a special assessment? This is unlikely to be the right solution.

Of course, it is still worthwhile to continue to hire different people. However, there is a small nuance. Thus, it would be extremely undesirable for the employer to include any guarantees and compensation for harm in the employment contract. It is best to do this later, when the testing and evaluation are completed. Such actions are legally justified and legal.

It should also be noted that you should not delay the assessment of working conditions. The characteristics of working conditions in the employment contract should be drawn up as soon as possible.

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