Formulas for curvilinear motion derivation. Movement of a body along a curved path. Circular movement. Characteristics of rotational motion. Centripetal acceleration

This topic will cover more complex view movements – CURVILINEAR. As you might guess, curvilinear is a movement whose trajectory is a curved line. And, since this movement is more complex than a rectilinear one, those physical quantities that were listed in the previous chapter are no longer enough to describe it.

For the mathematical description of curvilinear motion, there are 2 groups of quantities: linear and angular.


1. Moving. In section 1.1 we did not clarify the difference between the concept

Fig. 1.3 path (distance) and the concept of movement,

since in rectilinear motion these

differences do not play a fundamental role, and

These quantities are designated by the same letter -

howl S. But when dealing with curvilinear motion,

this issue needs to be clarified. So what is the path

(or distance)? – This is the length of the trajectory

movements. That is, if you track the trajectory

movement of the body and measure it (in meters, kilometers, etc.), you will get a value called path (or distance) S(see Fig. 1.3). Thus, the path is a scalar quantity that is characterized only by a number.

Fig. 1.4 And movement is the shortest distance between

the starting point of the path and the end point of the path. And, since

the movement has a strict direction from the beginning

path to its end, then it is a vector quantity

and is characterized not only by numerical value, but also

direction (Fig. 1.3). It's not hard to guess what if

the body moves along a closed trajectory, then to

the moment it returns to the initial position, the displacement will be zero (see Fig. 1.4).

2 . Linear speed. In section 1.1 we gave a definition of this quantity, and it remains valid, although then we did not specify that this speed is linear. What is the direction of the linear velocity vector? Let's turn to Fig. 1.5. A fragment is shown here

curvilinear trajectory bodies. Any curved line is a connection between arcs of different circles. Figure 1.5 shows only two of them: circle (O 1, r 1) and circle (O 2, r 2). At the moment the body passes along the arc of a given circle, its center becomes a temporary center of rotation with a radius equal to the radius of this circle.

A vector drawn from the center of rotation to the point where this moment where the body is located is called the radius vector. In Fig. 1.5, radius vectors are represented by vectors and . This figure also shows linear velocity vectors: the linear velocity vector is always directed tangentially to the trajectory in the direction of movement. Consequently, the angle between the vector and the radius vector drawn to a given point on the trajectory is always equal to 90°. If a body moves with a constant linear speed, then the magnitude of the vector will not change, while its direction changes all the time depending on the shape of the trajectory. In the case shown in Fig. 1.5, the movement is carried out with a variable linear speed, so the modulus of the vector changes. But, since during curvilinear movement the direction of the vector always changes, a very important conclusion follows from this:

in curvilinear motion there is always acceleration! (Even if the movement is carried out at a constant linear speed.) Moreover, the acceleration referred to in in this case, in what follows we will call linear acceleration.

3 . Linear acceleration. Let me remind you that acceleration occurs when speed changes. Accordingly, linear acceleration appears when the linear speed changes. And the linear speed during curvilinear movement can change both in magnitude and in direction. Thus, the total linear acceleration is decomposed into two components, one of which affects the direction of the vector, and the second affects its magnitude. Let's consider these accelerations (Fig. 1.6). In this picture

rice. 1.6


shows a body moving along a circular path with the center of rotation at point O.

An acceleration that changes the direction of a vector is called normal and is designated . It is called normal because it is directed perpendicular (normal) to the tangent, i.e. along the radius to the center of the turn . It is also called centripetal acceleration.

The acceleration that changes the magnitude of the vector is called tangential and is designated . It lies on the tangent and can be directed either towards the direction of the vector or opposite to it :

If linear speed increases, then > 0 and their vectors are codirectional;

If linear speed decreases, then< 0 и их вектора противоположно


Thus, these two accelerations always form a right angle (90º) with each other and are components of the total linear acceleration, i.e. The total linear acceleration is the vector sum of the normal and tangential acceleration:

I note that in this case we're talking about specifically about a vector sum, but in no case about a scalar sum. To find the numerical value of , knowing and , you need to use the Pythagorean theorem (the square of the hypotenuse of a triangle is numerically equal to the sum of the squares of the legs of this triangle):


This implies:


We will consider what formulas to calculate using a little later.


1 . Angle of rotation φ . During curvilinear motion, the body not only goes some way and makes some movement, but also rotates through a certain angle (see Fig. 1.7(a)). Therefore, to describe such a movement, a quantity is introduced that is called the angle of rotation, denoted by the Greek letter φ (read “fi”) In the SI system, the angle of rotation is measured in radians (symbol "rad"). Let me remind you that one full revolution is equal to 2π radians, and the number π is a constant: π ≈ 3.14. in Fig. 1.7(a) shows the trajectory of a body along a circle of radius r with the center at point O. The angle of rotation itself is the angle between the radius vectors of the body at some instants of time.

2 . Angular velocity ω this is a quantity that shows how the angle of rotation changes per unit time. (ω - Greek letter, read “omega”.) In Fig. 1.7(b) shows the position of a material point moving along a circular path with the center at point O, at intervals of time Δt . If the angles through which the body rotates during these intervals are the same, then the angular velocity is constant, and this movement can be considered uniform. And if the angles of rotation are different, then the movement is uneven. And, since angular velocity shows how many radians

the body rotated in one second, then its unit of measurement is radians per second

(denoted by " rad/s »).

rice. 1.7

A). b). Δt




3 . Angular acceleration ε is a quantity that shows how it changes per unit time. And since the angular acceleration ε appears when the angular velocity changes ω , then we can conclude that angular acceleration occurs only in the case of non-uniform curvilinear motion. The unit of measurement for angular acceleration is “ rad/s 2 » (radians per second squared).

Thus, table 1.1 can be supplemented with three more values:

Table 1.2

physical quantity determination of quantity quantity designation unit
1. path is the distance covered by a body during its movement S m (meter)
2. speed this is the distance a body travels per unit of time (for example, 1 second) υ m/s (meter per second)
3. acceleration is the amount by which the speed of a body changes per unit time a m/s 2 (meter per second squared)
4. time t s (second)
5. angle of rotation this is the angle through which the body rotates during curvilinear motion φ rad (radian)
6. angular velocity this is the angle through which the body rotates per unit of time (for example, in 1 second) ω rad/s (radians per second)
7. angular acceleration this is the amount by which the angular velocity changes per unit time ε rad/s 2 (radians per second squared)

Now we can proceed directly to the consideration of all types of curvilinear movement, and there are only three of them.

With the help of this lesson you can independently study the topic “Rectilinear and curvilinear motion. Movement of a body in a circle with a constant absolute speed." First, we will characterize rectilinear and curvilinear motion by considering how in these types of motion the velocity vector and the force applied to the body are related. Next we will consider special case when a body moves in a circle with a constant absolute speed.

In the previous lesson we looked at issues related to the law universal gravity. The topic of today's lesson is closely related to this law; we will turn to the uniform motion of a body in a circle.

We said earlier that movement - This is a change in the position of a body in space relative to other bodies over time. Movement and direction of movement are also characterized by speed. The change in speed and the type of movement itself are associated with the action of force. If a force acts on a body, then the body changes its speed.

If the force is directed parallel to the movement of the body, then such movement will be straightforward(Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Straight-line movement

Curvilinear there will be such a movement when the speed of the body and the force applied to this body are directed relative to each other at a certain angle (Fig. 2). In this case, the speed will change its direction.

Rice. 2. Curvilinear movement

So, when straight motion the velocity vector is directed in the same direction as the force applied to the body. A curvilinear movement is such a movement when the velocity vector and the force applied to the body are located at a certain angle to each other.

Let us consider a special case of curvilinear motion, when a body moves in a circle with a constant velocity in absolute value. When a body moves in a circle at a constant speed, only the direction of the speed changes. In absolute value it remains constant, but the direction of the velocity changes. This change in speed leads to the presence of acceleration in the body, which is called centripetal.

Rice. 6. Movement along a curved path

If the trajectory of a body’s movement is a curve, then it can be represented as a set of movements along circular arcs, as shown in Fig. 6.

In Fig. Figure 7 shows how the direction of the velocity vector changes. The speed during such a movement is directed tangentially to the circle along the arc of which the body moves. Thus, its direction is constantly changing. Even if the absolute speed remains constant, a change in speed leads to acceleration:

In this case acceleration will be directed towards the center of the circle. That's why it's called centripetal.

Why is centripetal acceleration directed towards the center?

Recall that if a body moves along a curved path, then its speed is directed tangentially. Velocity is a vector quantity. A vector has a numerical value and a direction. The speed continuously changes its direction as the body moves. That is, the difference in speeds at different moments of time will not be equal to zero (), in contrast to rectilinear uniform motion.

So, we have a change in speed over a certain period of time. The ratio to is acceleration. We come to the conclusion that, even if the speed does not change in absolute value, a body performing uniform motion in a circle has acceleration.

Where is this acceleration directed? Let's look at Fig. 3. Some body moves curvilinearly (along an arc). The speed of the body at points 1 and 2 is directed tangentially. The body moves uniformly, that is, the velocity modules are equal: , but the directions of the velocities do not coincide.

Rice. 3. Body movement in a circle

Subtract the speed from it and get the vector. To do this, you need to connect the beginnings of both vectors. In parallel, move the vector to the beginning of the vector. We build up to a triangle. The third side of the triangle will be the velocity difference vector (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Velocity difference vector

The vector is directed towards the circle.

Let's consider a triangle formed by the velocity vectors and the difference vector (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Triangle formed by velocity vectors

This triangle is isosceles (the velocity modules are equal). This means that the angles at the base are equal. Let us write down the equality for the sum of the angles of a triangle:

Let's find out where the acceleration is directed at a given point on the trajectory. To do this, we will begin to bring point 2 closer to point 1. With such unlimited diligence, the angle will tend to 0, and the angle will tend to . The angle between the velocity change vector and the velocity vector itself is . The speed is directed tangentially, and the vector of speed change is directed towards the center of the circle. This means that the acceleration is also directed towards the center of the circle. That is why this acceleration is called centripetal.

How to find centripetal acceleration?

Let's consider the trajectory along which the body moves. In this case it is a circular arc (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Body movement in a circle

The figure shows two triangles: a triangle formed by velocities, and a triangle formed by radii and displacement vector. If points 1 and 2 are very close, then the displacement vector will coincide with the path vector. Both triangles are isosceles with the same vertex angles. Thus the triangles are similar. This means that the corresponding sides of the triangles are equally related:

The displacement is equal to the product of speed and time: . Substituting this formula, we can obtain the following expression for centripetal acceleration:

Angular velocity denoted by the Greek letter omega (ω), it indicates the angle through which the body rotates per unit time (Fig. 9). This is the magnitude of the arc in degrees, traversed by the body over some time.

Rice. 9. Angular velocity

Please note that if solid rotates, then the angular velocity for any points on this body will be a constant value. Whether the point is located closer to the center of rotation or further away is not important, i.e. it does not depend on the radius.

The unit of measurement in this case will be either degrees per second () or radians per second (). Often the word “radian” is not written, but simply written. For example, let’s find what the angular velocity of the Earth is. The Earth makes a complete rotation in one hour, and in this case we can say that the angular velocity is equal to:

Also pay attention to the relationship between angular and linear speeds:

Linear speed is directly proportional to the radius. The larger the radius, the greater the linear speed. Thus, moving away from the center of rotation, we increase our linear speed.

It should be noted that circular motion at a constant speed is a special case of motion. However, the movement around the circle may be uneven. Speed ​​can change not only in direction and remain the same in magnitude, but also change in value, i.e., in addition to a change in direction, there is also a change in the magnitude of velocity. In this case we are talking about the so-called accelerated motion in a circle.

What is a radian?

There are two units for measuring angles: degrees and radians. In physics, as a rule, the radian measure of angle is the main one.

Let's build central angle, which rests on an arc of length .

You are well aware that depending on the shape of the trajectory, movement is divided into rectilinear And curvilinear. We learned how to work with rectilinear motion in previous lessons, namely, to solve the main problem of mechanics for this type of motion.

However, it is clear that in real world we most often deal with curvilinear movement, when the trajectory is a curved line. Examples of such movement are the trajectory of a body thrown at an angle to the horizon, the movement of the Earth around the Sun, and even the trajectory of the movement of your eyes, which are now following this note.

The question of how to solve the main task mechanics in the case of curvilinear motion, and this lesson will be devoted.

First, let's decide what fundamental differences does curvilinear movement (Fig. 1) have relative to rectilinear movement and what do these differences lead to.

Rice. 1. Trajectory of curvilinear movement

Let's talk about how it is convenient to describe the movement of a body during curvilinear motion.

The movement can be divided into separate sections, in each of which the movement can be considered rectilinear (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Dividing curvilinear movement into sections rectilinear motion

However, the following approach is more convenient. We will imagine this movement as a combination of several movements along circular arcs (Fig. 3). Please note that there are fewer such partitions than in the previous case, in addition, the movement along the circle is curvilinear. In addition, examples of motion in a circle are very common in nature. From this we can conclude:

In order to describe curvilinear movement, you need to learn to describe movement in a circle, and then represent arbitrary movement in the form of sets of movements along circular arcs.

Rice. 3. Partitioning curvilinear motion into motion along circular arcs

So, let's begin the study of curvilinear motion by studying uniform motion in a circle. Let's figure out what are the fundamental differences between curvilinear movement and rectilinear movement. To begin with, let us remember that in ninth grade we studied the fact that the speed of a body when moving in a circle is directed tangent to the trajectory (Fig. 4). By the way, you can observe this fact experimentally if you watch how sparks move when using a sharpening stone.

Let's consider the movement of a body along a circular arc (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Speed ​​of a body when moving in a circle

Please note that in this case the modulus of the velocity of the body at a point is equal to the modulus of the velocity of the body at the point:

However, a vector is not equal to a vector. So, we have a velocity difference vector (Fig. 6):

Rice. 6. Velocity difference vector

Moreover, the change in speed occurred after some time. So we get the familiar combination:

This is nothing more than a change in speed over a period of time, or acceleration of a body. A very important conclusion can be drawn:

Movement along a curved path is accelerated. The nature of this acceleration is a continuous change in the direction of the velocity vector.

Let us note once again that, even if it is said that the body moves uniformly in a circle, it is meant that the modulus of the body’s velocity does not change. However, such movement is always accelerated, since the direction of speed changes.

In ninth grade, you studied what this acceleration is equal to and how it is directed (Fig. 7). Centripetal acceleration is always directed towards the center of the circle along which the body is moving.

Rice. 7. Centripetal acceleration

The module of centripetal acceleration can be calculated by the formula:

Let us move on to the description of the uniform motion of a body in a circle. Let's agree that the speed that you used while describing the translational motion will now be called linear speed. And by linear speed we will understand the instantaneous speed at the point of the trajectory of a rotating body.

Rice. 8. Movement of disk points

Consider a disk that rotates clockwise for definiteness. On its radius we mark two points and (Fig. 8). Let's consider their movement. Over time, these points will move along the arcs of the circle and become points and. It is obvious that the point has moved more than the point . From this we can conclude that the farther a point is from the axis of rotation, the greater the linear speed it moves

However, if you look closely at the points and , we can say that the angle by which they turned relative to the axis of rotation remained unchanged. It is the angular characteristics that we will use to describe the movement in a circle. Note that to describe circular motion we can use corner characteristics.

Let's start considering motion in a circle with the simplest case - uniform motion in a circle. Let us recall that uniform translational motion is a movement in which the body makes equal movements over any equal periods of time. By analogy, we can give the definition of uniform motion in a circle.

Uniform circular motion is a motion in which the body rotates through equal angles over any equal intervals of time.

Similar to the concept of linear velocity, the concept of angular velocity is introduced.

Angular velocity of uniform motion ( is a physical quantity equal to the ratio of the angle through which the body turned to the time during which this rotation occurred.

In physics, the radian measure of angle is most often used. For example, angle b is equal to radians. Angular velocity is measured in radians per second:

Let's find the connection between the angular speed of rotation of a point and the linear speed of this point.

Rice. 9. Relationship between angular and linear speed

When rotating, a point passes an arc of length , turning at an angle . From the definition of the radian measure of an angle we can write:

Let's divide the left and right sides of the equality by the period of time during which the movement was made, then use the definition of angular and linear velocities:

Please note that the further a point is from the axis of rotation, the higher its linear speed. And the points located on the axis of rotation itself are motionless. An example of this is a carousel: the closer you are to the center of the carousel, the easier it is for you to stay on it.

This dependence of linear and angular velocities is used in geostationary satellites (satellites that are always located above the same point on the earth's surface). Thanks to such satellites, we are able to receive television signals.

Let us remember that earlier we introduced the concepts of period and frequency of rotation.

The rotation period is the time of one full revolution. The rotation period is indicated by a letter and measured in SI seconds:

Rotation frequency is a physical quantity equal to the number of revolutions a body makes per unit time.

Frequency is indicated by a letter and measured in reciprocal seconds:

They are related by the relation:

There is a relationship between angular velocity and the frequency of rotation of the body. If we remember that a full revolution is equal to , it is easy to see that the angular velocity is:

Substituting these expressions into the relationship between angular and linear speed, we can obtain the dependence of linear speed on period or frequency:

Let us also write down the relationship between centripetal acceleration and these quantities:

Thus, we know the relationship between all the characteristics of uniform circular motion.

Let's summarize. In this lesson we began to describe curvilinear motion. We understood how we can connect curvilinear motion with circular motion. Circular motion is always accelerated, and the presence of acceleration determines the fact that the speed always changes its direction. This acceleration is called centripetal. Finally, we remembered some characteristics of circular motion (linear speed, angular velocity, period and rotation frequency) and found the relationships between them.


  1. G.Ya. Myakishev, B.B. Bukhovtsev, N.N. Sotsky. Physics 10. - M.: Education, 2008.
  2. A.P. Rymkevich. Physics. Problem book 10-11. - M.: Bustard, 2006.
  3. O.Ya. Savchenko. Physics problems. - M.: Nauka, 1988.
  4. A.V. Peryshkin, V.V. Krauklis. Physics course. T. 1. - M.: State. teacher ed. min. education of the RSFSR, 1957.
  1. А ().
  2. Wikipedia ().


Having solved the problems for this lesson, you can prepare for questions 1 of the GIA and questions A1, A2 of the Unified State Exam.

  1. Problems 92, 94, 98, 106, 110 - Sat. problems A.P. Rymkevich, ed. 10
  2. Calculate the angular velocity of the minute, second and hour hands of the clock. Calculate the centripetal acceleration acting on the tips of these arrows if the radius of each of them is one meter.

Considering the curvilinear movement of a body, we will see that its speed is different at different moments. Even in the case where the magnitude of the velocity does not change, there is still a change in the direction of the velocity. In the general case, both the magnitude and direction of the velocity change.

Thus, during curvilinear motion, the speed continuously changes, so that this motion occurs with acceleration. To determine this acceleration (in magnitude and direction), it is necessary to find the change in speed as a vector, i.e., find the increment in the magnitude of the velocity and the change in its direction.

Rice. 49. Change in speed during curved movement

Let, for example, a point, moving curvilinearly (Fig. 49), at some moment have a speed, and after a short period of time - a speed. The speed increment is the difference between the vectors and . Since these vectors have different directions, you need to take their vector difference. The speed increment will be expressed by the vector represented by the side of the parallelogram with the diagonal and the other side. Acceleration is the ratio of the increase in speed to the period of time during which this increase occurred. This means acceleration

The direction coincides with the vector.

Choosing small enough, we arrive at the concept of instantaneous acceleration (cf. § 16); when arbitrary, the vector will represent the average acceleration over a period of time.

The direction of acceleration during curvilinear motion does not coincide with the direction of velocity, while for rectilinear motion these directions coincide (or are opposite). To find the direction of acceleration during curvilinear motion, it is enough to compare the directions of velocities at two close points of the trajectory. Since the velocities are directed tangent to the trajectory, then from the shape of the trajectory itself one can conclude in which direction from the trajectory the acceleration is directed. Indeed, since the difference in speeds at two close points of the trajectory is always directed in the direction where the trajectory is curved, it means that the acceleration is always directed towards the concavity of the trajectory. For example, when a ball rolls along a curved chute (Fig. 50), its acceleration in sections and is directed as shown by the arrows, and this does not depend on whether the ball rolls from to or in the opposite direction.

Rice. 50. Accelerations during curvilinear motion are always directed towards the concavity of the trajectory

Rice. 51. To derive the formula for centripetal acceleration

Let us consider the uniform movement of a point along a curvilinear trajectory. We already know that this is an accelerated movement. Let's find the acceleration. To do this, it is enough to consider acceleration for the special case of uniform motion in a circle. Let's take two close positions and a moving point, separated by a short period of time (Fig. 51, a). The velocities of a moving point in and are equal in magnitude, but different in direction. Let's find the difference between these speeds using the triangle rule (Fig. 51, b). Triangles and are similar, like isosceles triangles with equal vertex angles. The length of the side representing the increase in speed over a period of time can be set equal to , where is the modulus of the desired acceleration. The side similar to it is the chord of the arc; due to the smallness of the arc, the length of its chord can be approximately taken equal to length arcs, i.e. . Further, ; , where is the radius of the trajectory. From the similarity of triangles it follows that the ratios of similar sides in them are equal:

from where we find the modulus of the desired acceleration:

The direction of acceleration is perpendicular to the chord. For sufficiently short time intervals, we can assume that the tangent to the arc practically coincides with its chord. This means that the acceleration can be considered directed perpendicularly (normally) to the tangent to the trajectory, that is, along the radius to the center of the circle. Therefore, such acceleration is called normal or centripetal acceleration.

If the trajectory is not a circle, but an arbitrary curved line, then in formula (27.1) one should take the radius of the circle closest to the curve at a given point. The direction of normal acceleration in this case will also be perpendicular to the tangent to the trajectory at a given point. If during curvilinear motion the acceleration is constant in magnitude and direction, it can be found as the ratio of the increment in speed to the period of time during which this increment occurred, whatever this period of time may be. This means that in this case the acceleration can be found using the formula

similar to formula (17.1) for rectilinear motion with constant acceleration. Here is the speed of the body at the initial moment, a is the speed at the moment of time.

Depending on the shape of the trajectory, movement is divided into rectilinear and curvilinear. In the real world, we most often deal with curvilinear motion, when the trajectory is a curved line. Examples of such movement are the trajectory of a body thrown at an angle to the horizon, the movement of the Earth around the Sun, the movement of the planets, the end of a clock hand on a dial, etc.

Figure 1. Trajectory and displacement during curved motion


Curvilinear motion is a motion whose trajectory is a curved line (for example, a circle, ellipse, hyperbola, parabola). When moving along a curvilinear trajectory, the displacement vector $\overrightarrow(s)$ is directed along the chord (Fig. 1), and l is the length of the trajectory. The instantaneous speed of the body (that is, the speed of the body at a given point of the trajectory) is directed tangentially at the point of the trajectory where the moving body is currently located (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Instantaneous speed during curved motion

However, the following approach is more convenient. This movement can be represented as a combination of several movements along circular arcs (see Fig. 4.). There will be fewer such partitions than in the previous case; in addition, the movement along the circle is itself curvilinear.

Figure 4. Breakdown of curvilinear motion into motion along circular arcs


In order to describe curvilinear movement, you need to learn to describe movement in a circle, and then represent arbitrary movement in the form of sets of movements along circular arcs.

The task of studying the curvilinear motion of a material point is to compile a kinematic equation that describes this motion and allows, based on given initial conditions, to determine all the characteristics of this motion.

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