The Fed is unlikely to raise interest rates on Wednesday, but June is a more likely date. Experts: The Fed will raise the key rate in June June. Parliamentary elections in Great Britain

Following the meeting of the US Federal Reserve, financial market participants, investors and analysts expect an increase in the base interest rate by 25 basis points - from 1% to 1.25% with a probability of 95.8%. Such data was published by Reuters the day before. Previously, Fed officials announced three planned rate hikes in 2017. The first took place at the spring meeting of the regulator: in March, the independent agency increased the rate from 0.5-0.75% to 0.75-1%. For the first time in ten years, the Fed decided to tighten monetary policy in December 2015.

The main signal for the Fed to increase interest rates is macroeconomic statistics. According to the US Department of Labor, the unemployment rate fell to 4.3% year over year in May 2017. At the end of the year, the Fed predicts the value of this indicator at 4.5%. Annual inflation in the United States in May amounted to 2.3% with the monetary authorities’ target of 2%.

As Maxim Shein, chief strategist of the management company BCS, noted in a conversation with RT, the Fed is now purposefully following the plan to raise the rate to 3% by 2019.

“The most important thing for the federal agency now is inflation processes. The Trump administration's efforts to reform the system (including reducing financial regulation and increasing infrastructure spending) will inevitably lead to faster inflation. To keep inflation under control, rates need to be raised early. If the rate is raised at the end of the June meeting, this will mean that inflationary pressure is expected to increase in the United States in the next six months,” RT Shein explained.

Investors are also awaiting statements from Fed Chair Janet Yellen following the meeting. The main intrigue for market participants is whether the regulator is ready to reduce its balance sheet before 2018, that is, before Yellen’s term expires. In 2017, Fed representatives already announced the likely beginning of a reduction in the system’s balance sheet of $4.5 trillion. Perhaps, at the meeting on June 13-14, a strategy for reducing Treasury securities in the Fed’s portfolio of $2.5 trillion and mortgage bonds of $1.8 trillion will be discussed, Bloomberg’s interlocutors note. However, as analysts at Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley predict, the Fed will decide to announce a balance sheet reduction before the fall.

Anxious public

The market is expecting an increase in the US Federal Reserve's base interest rate, and if this does not happen, then for the American public this will be a signal of the agency's dissatisfaction with the state of the US economy. This assumption was expressed in a conversation with RT by Gilles Saint-Paul, a professor at the Paris School of Economics.

“As a result of the meeting, it is most likely that a decision will be made to increase the rate, which should lead to an increase in the dollar/euro exchange rate. But the effect will be small, since this decision will be highly expected, it is already reflected in current exchange rates,” Gilles Saint-Paul emphasized.

The rate increase will change the balance of positions in the dollar/euro pair and will lead to some strengthening of the US dollar in the medium term, Mark Thornton, a researcher at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, predicts in a conversation with RT.

“I think that the Fed will raise the rate by 25 points - to 1.25%, which will lead to an increase in the value of the dollar against the euro. Since the beginning of this year, the European currency has been the leader in the dollar/euro pair - from January to May, the euro strengthened against the dollar by 5.4%,” Thornton said.

The day before, amid anticipation of a decision on the Fed interest rate, the dollar showed strengthening against the euro in foreign exchange trading. Thus, the euro dropped to $1.12.

On June 14, the US Federal Reserve System (FRS) decided to increase the base interest rate by 0.25 percentage points. - up to 1-1.25%. Experts note that this decision may moderately reduce investor appetite for ruble assets.

Following a two-day meeting on June 13-14, the leadership of the US Federal Reserve decided to increase the base interest rate by 0.25 percentage points. up to 1-1.25%, according to the regulator’s website. This decision coincided with the expectations of most economists and market participants.

The statement notes moderate growth of the US economy, the inflation estimate (PCE index) for 2017 was reduced - from 1.9% to 1.6%.

The Fed continues to count on another, third rate increase in 2017, the message said. When determining the pace of adjustment of the base rate range in the future, the Fed will focus on labor market indicators, inflationary pressure and inflation expectations, as well as take into account international events, the statement emphasizes.

The communique also reports that the Federal Reserve plans to begin reducing assets on its balance sheet, the level of which reached $4.5 trillion after the stimulus programs. The Fed will reduce the volume of reinvestment of Treasury debt securities and mortgage securities of federal agencies. The reduction in Treasury cuts will be $6 billion per month and will increase by that amount each quarter until it reaches $30 billion per month. For mortgage securities of federal agencies, the reduction in the volume of reinvestment will be $4 billion per month and will increase in the same step every quarter until it reaches $20 billion per month.

Expected rate increase

According to the Bloomberg consensus forecast, out of 100 economists surveyed, 95 expected the key rate to increase by 0.25 percentage points. According to futures data on the CME Group (a group of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange), on the day before the meeting, the probability of a rate increase by 0.25 percentage points. at the June meeting was 93.5%.

“Most investors have long been confident in the tightening of monetary policy by the US Federal Reserve at the June meeting, which means they took this factor into account when making changes to their portfolios,” notes Finam Group analyst Bogdan Zvarich.

Meaningful decision

“When making the decision, the Fed was guided by the achievement of so-called full employment in the labor market,” says BCS FG expert Ivan Kopeikin.

Even following the results of the last meeting (May 2-3), experts pointed to the fact that significant decisions are made at extended meetings with a press conference. And so it happened - at extended meetings in March and June, a decision was made to increase the rate. In 2017, two more extended meetings will be held on September 19-20 and December 12-13.

The US Federal Reserve launched a rate hike policy on December 14, 2015, raising the rate by 0.25 percentage points. A year later, in December 2015, the Fed again raised the rate by 0.25 percentage points. The next increase is 0.25 percentage points. it was in March 2017.

The Fed's influence on the ruble exchange rate

As Igor Dmitriev, head of the Central Bank's monetary policy department, said in an interview with Reuters on June 8, the June Fed rate increase has already been taken into account in the Central Bank's monetary policy. According to him, it is necessary to pay attention to the accompanying comments. The Fed's focus on inflation or the labor market will make clear the Fed's future plans to raise rates, he said.

Experts interviewed by RBC also advise paying attention to the Fed’s comments. As Zvarich notes, as the rate increases, funding in dollars becomes more expensive. As a result, the spread between the cost of funding and the return on Russian assets becomes smaller. Hence the decrease in interest in Russian instruments, the expert explains.

“An increase in the base rate will likely reduce appetite, and accordingly will have a negative impact on Russian assets and the ruble, but the effect will be insignificant, since the decision is already included in prices,” says BCS FG expert Ivan Kopeikin.

A change in the Fed’s rhetoric and market expectations regarding the trajectory of the rate increase may affect the Central Bank’s further steps, says Yakov Yakovlev, senior analyst at ATON Investment Company for macroeconomics and debt markets. According to Zvarich, if the Fed takes a pause in the rate hike cycle until December 2017, the Central Bank will be able to further reduce the rate at upcoming meetings.

“Naturally, an increase in the Fed rate will lead to some pressure on the Russian ruble (which, however, is moderately favorable for exporters and the federal budget), says Sergei Khestanov, macroeconomics adviser to the general director of Otkritie Broker.

Market reaction

American indices reacted to the Fed's decision with a moderate decline. By 21:45 Moscow time, relative to the opening level of today, the S&P 500 index fell by 0.25%, to 2434.1 points, NASDAQ - by 0.53%, to 6188.2 points, the Dow Jones Industrial Average - by 0. 06%, up to 21314.9 points. The DXY index (showing the ratio of the US dollar to a basket of six major currencies - the US's key trading partners) decreased by 0.07%, to 96.9 points.

The decision had a moderately negative impact on the ruble exchange rate. On the MICEX, the ruble exchange rate against the dollar decreased by 0.78%, to 57.42, and against the euro - by 0.98%, to 64.51.

June will be a busy month for important financial news. We are waiting for meetings of the ECB and the Federal Reserve, elections in the UK, the publication of important statistics and the question of Trump's impeachment. The most excitement will occur in the first half of June. Follow the news!

June 8. Speech by James Comey on Trump's ties to Moscow

On Thursday, June 8, former FBI Director James Comey will appear before the US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Topic: Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential election.

Not only relations between the United States and the Russian Federation, but also the future fate of the country’s President Donald Trump depend on Comey’s statements. It’s not for nothing that just recently there were headlines in the media about his possible impeachment.

He himself can prevent Comey from making statements that are dangerous to his career. The President has the right to prohibit the disclosure of any information about negotiations between officials. But in this case, the situation may turn out in such a way that Trump will be criticized for hiding the facts. If he bans Comey from speaking before the Senate, then he has something to hide.

Let us recall that it was Trump who fired James Comey from his post as head of the FBI because he refused to stop investigating the future president’s campaign headquarters for connections with Moscow. Because of this, Michael Flynn subsequently had to be fired from his post as national security adviser.

Regardless of how events develop, the markets are extremely tense and are closely monitoring any news that comes out on this issue. The reaction of the dollar exchange rate can be sudden and unexpected.

June 8. Parliamentary elections in Great Britain

Whether the pound will collapse or not will depend on the results of the elections to the UK Parliament. The Labor Party is closing the gap to the leading Constitution Party, which belongs to the current Prime Minister Theresa May.

If Theresa May fails to take a majority of seats in parliament, this will put pressure on the GBP/USD pair and support the growth of EUR/GBP. Labor is committed to rolling out fiscal expansion and will try to promote these ideas in parliament. Theresa May's party sees no need to stimulate the economy.

In addition, the situation with Brexit remains an important issue. The election results will also tell whether the British Prime Minister can continue this path smoothly, bringing a majority to Parliament, or whether new obstacles will arise.

June 8. ECB meeting and QE tapering

More recently, the head of the ECB, Mario Draghi, already reported that the regulator’s leadership does not intend to curtail stimulation in the near future. Now we will have to repeat the same thing following the ECB meeting on June 8.

If markets see a change in rhetoric, this will support the euro. If the rhetoric remains soft, no significant changes are expected in the Forex market.

In general, one can expect hints of a winding down from the results of June 8QEin the medium term. Markets are waiting for the phrase about taking additional stimulus measures if necessary to be removed from the text of the accompanying statement. As soon as the ECB eliminates the possibility of this need, investors will understand that the regulator has taken the path of normalizing monetary policy.

June 14 15:30 Moscow time. Publication of the consumer price index in the USA

Traditionally, the consumer price index in the US is a significant indicator of the state of the US economy, both for the markets and for the Federal Reserve.

At the end of April, the figure was 2.2% y/y, and the core index reached 1.9% y/y. The inflation target is 2% and although the Fed targets a slightly different indicator (final consumption expenditure index - PCE), inflation data is still extremely important.

In recent months, the rate of price growth in the United States has begun to slow down, which is largely due to the fall in world oil prices. If the negative trend continues, it will be perceived negatively by the markets.

The number of Fed interest rate increases in 2017 was mainly related to inflation dynamics. Fiscal stimulus should support price growth, and overall the CPI has been approaching and maintaining its target level for several months.

The weakening of inflationary pressure will force, albeit slightly, to adjust forecasts for further tightening of the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy.

June 14 21:00 Moscow time. US Federal Reserve meeting. What will Yellen say?

The US Federal Reserve will again buy assets ...October Fed USA will buy $60 billion worth of new securities monthly. The regulator has not purchased assets since 2014; the Federal Reserve System ( Fed) USA again... in Fed accepted after volatility in the short-term securities market. Fed promised to introduce funds into the overnight repo market before January. Central Bank USA announced a return to asset purchases About plans Fed the head of the regulator will start buying assets again... The US Central Bank announced a return to asset purchases ..., the head announced Fed. This is not a new round of quantitative easing (QE), he stressed, but the market is confused by the Federal Reserve ( Fed) USA will resume the build-up...immediately indicated that Fed monitors "geopolitical risks", trade tensions and Brexit in the UK. IN USA Meanwhile, signs of the future appear... . Restore bank reserves Unlike QE, when Fed bought long-term government bonds USA on the secondary market, this time the American Central Bank intends...

Economics, 11 Sep, 16:02

Trump proposed that the Fed cut its base rate to zero or lower ...Jerome Powell. President Donald Trump proposed that the Federal Reserve ( Fed), performing in USA functions of the central bank, reduce the base interest rate to zero or... increased. Trump also noted that only naivety Fed and its head Jerome Powell does not allow USA“doing what others are already doing... because of idiots,” the president concluded. In early September, the former head Fed USA Alan Greenspan said in an interview with CNBC that base interest rates will soon... Trump was disappointed in the head of the Federal Reserve after cutting rates for the first time since 2008 The president USA Donald Trump after the Federal Reserve's decision ( Fed) cut rates by 25 basis points said on Twitter that... help from the Federal Reserve, ”the president added. On Wednesday, July 31st, Fed USA for the first time since the global financial crisis of 2008, it reduced the base... -2.25%. Ex-Chairman Fed Janet Yellen previously said she supported a 25 bps rate cut. USA- part of the global economy, emphasized... The US Federal Reserve cut rates for the first time since 2008 Fed USA for the first time in a decade, it lowered the rate, fully meeting the expectations of analysts and... from other central banks, including the Russian one. Federal Reserve System ( Fed) USA, serving as the country's central bank, for the first time since the global financial... USA, and to continue growth, a “monetary shock” will be needed, Pokatovich reasoned. After Fed in June clearly hinted at a rate cut, in USA ... Interest reserve: why the Fed should not give in to Trump's pressure ...Open Market Committee Fed USA players are actively discussing the possibility of the first rate cut in ten years by the world's leading regulator. Fed found itself in a difficult situation...sensitive to economic growth rates, especially shortly before the elections. Presidents USA, who were running for a second term during a period of obvious economic growth... which could have been used much more rationally. Current rate Fed approximately corresponds to inflation, which is typical for a neutral monetary policy... In 2019, Russia doubled its foreign currency borrowing plan. Sanctions and geopolitical risks cannot dampen interest in Russian securities ...from Fed The Ministry of Finance chose the moment for placement extremely well, analysts interviewed by RBC agree. It is close to ideal, given the results of the meeting Fed USA on Wednesday (the American regulator sees more and more arguments in favor of easing policy) and a sharp decline in Treasury yields USA... there will be positive news on trade relations USA and China. Optimism in world markets after the meeting Fed USA guaranteed high demand for Eurobonds, no... Russia will place Eurobonds after the Fed softens its rhetoric ... The timing for posting is close to ideal, given the results of yesterday's meeting Fed USA(the regulator sees more and more arguments in favor of easing policy) and... the reaction of the global debt market, a sharp decline in yields on Treasury securities USA and emerging markets, the chief economist of the Russian Direct Investment Fund lists... capital” Alexander Losev. Optimism in world markets after yesterday's meeting Fed USA guarantees high demand for Eurobonds, and no sanctions or geopolitical... Bloomberg learned about Trump's confidence in the authority to fire the head of the US Federal Reserve ... USA Donald Trump believes he has all the necessary powers to remove the head of the Federal Reserve System ( Fed... criticized the chapter too Fed Jerome Powell, whom he himself nominated for this post. Later economic advisor to the president USA Kevin Hassett said there is no risk of the head's resignation Fed. “Yes, of course, 100%,” Hassett replied... The US Federal Reserve left its key rate unchanged Federal Reserve System ( Fed) USA kept the key rate at 2.25–2.5% per annum. This is stated in the publication Fed. The department noted that since the last meeting of the financial regulator on May 1, the labor market in USA remains strong... do not change the key rate. At a meeting in early May, the chairman Fed Jerome Powell noted the lack of compelling reasons for changing the key rate... The US Federal Reserve refused to raise the key rate ... Federal Reserve System ( Fed) USA, performing the functions of the country's Central Bank, kept the key rate in the range... follows from the materials published following the meeting of the heads of the department. Chairman Fed Jerome Powell said there is no compelling reason for the increase or... will persist for a long time. In March of this year Fed also did not raise the base interest rate. Then there...

Economics, March 20, 21:36

The ruble strengthened to its highest level since August 2018 amid the decision of the US Federal Reserve ... (Fed) USA announced its decision to maintain the base interest rate at 2.25–2.5%. In addition, the GDP growth forecast was lowered USA in... and from 2.1 to 2% in 2020. Also Fed refused to further increase the rate. WTI oil price... Ryabkov considered the rejection of the dollar to protect the economies of countries from actions USA“Oil prices are consolidating at relatively high levels, current account...

Economics, March 20, 21:31

The US Federal Reserve has refused to raise rates this year the current range of 2.25–2.5% Federal Reserve ( Fed) USA, performing the functions of the country's central bank, maintained the base interest rate on... materials of the department published following a meeting of its leaders. Previously rate Fed was set in the range of 2.25–2.5%, the median value... there will be two increases, in 2020 - one. Also Fed lowered GDP growth forecast USA in 2019 and 2020: from 2.3... Trump adviser said there is no risk of the Fed chairman's resignation ... " He also stated that Fed is the only problem of the economy USA. Bloomberg learned about Trump's discussion of dismissing the head Fed Bloomberg subsequently learned that Trump had repeatedly discussed with his entourage the dismissal of the head Fed ... Bloomberg learned about the possible dismissal of the head of the US Treasury ... Mnuchin's tenure depends on stock market performance President USA Donald Trump is considering firing Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. About... Citigroup. “We continue to see strong economic growth in the economy USA with sustained consumer and business activity,” said Mnuchin’s representative. However... the reason for Trump's thoughts on Mnuchin was his dissatisfaction with the work of the head Fed Jerome Powell. According to agency sources, the head of state was interested in whether... Trump named the only problem of the American economy ... The president USA stated that the main problem of the American economy is the existence of the Federal Reserve System ( Fed). In his opinion, the regulator does not understand what is happening in the country “The only problem of our economy is Fed", Donald Trump wrote on Twitter. “They don’t feel the market... as the president talks about the successes of his administration on Twitter, Fed predicts a slowdown in the growth rate of the American economy. As a result, last... The Fed raised its key rate despite Trump's demands ... -release Fed USA It is noted that the American economy is showing strong growth rates, and the situation on the labor market continues to improve. Risks for the economy USA“Approximately balanced,” the regulator states. At the same time, as experts expected, the American regulator adjusted the “dot diagram”: now Fed USA waiting... Trump criticized the work of the head of the US Federal Reserve ... The president USA Donald Trump blamed the leadership of the Federal Reserve System ( Fed) USA in the decline in stock markets, and also spoke about dissatisfaction with the work of the chairman Fed... I'm not blaming anyone, but I'm just telling you that I think that Fed is far from reality in her work,” Trump said, adding that... Chris Coons - sent a letter to Trump asking him to stop criticizing Fed. According to senators, the American leader cannot fire Powell without... Trump named his biggest threat independent Federal Reserve System ( Fed), at the end of September, for the third time in a year, increased the key rate President USA said that the main threat... -2.25%. Its decision in the Federal Open Market Committee Fed USA motivated by the fact that the country's unemployment rate remains low and is growing... . Trump is dissatisfied: what does raising the main rate mean? Fed USA​ At the same time, the president USA repeatedly criticized the rate increase, pointing out that... Trump called the Fed's actions a mistake amid falling stock indices ... service USA (Fed) is making a mistake, said US President Donald Trump amid a sharp decline in major stock indices, CNN reports. "I think Fed commits... Fed"I'm crazy," Trump told reporters. He emphasized that the fall in stock indices is a correction that has long been expected. Stock indices in USA... dissatisfied: what does an increase in the basic rate mean? Fed USA After the latest increase, Trump said he was unhappy with the decision. Fed because it will lead to an increase...

Finance, 27 Sep 2018, 17:15

Trump is dissatisfied: what does raising the main US Federal Reserve rate mean? ...and maintaining the target ​inflation level of 2%. Forecasts Fed favorable: GDP growth USA at the end of the year will be 3.1 instead of 2.8 ... by participants in committee meetings, Klyushnev suggests. How did you react to the decision? Fed Trump? The president USA Donald Trump, when it became known about the next rate increase... . For a long time, a factor of divergent policies of regulators in Russia and USA(raising rates Fed and reduction by the Central Bank) put pressure on the ruble. For investors...

Finance, 27 Sep 2018, 05:38

Trump announced the negative consequences of raising the US Federal Reserve's key rate ... American President Donald Trump criticized the leadership of the Federal Reserve System ( Fed) USA for another increase in the key rate. This is what The Washington writes ... the fact is that they seem to like rising interest rates,” Trump said. Fed USA raised the key rate for the third time in a year. According to him... noted that Fed must take other actions at this time. September 26 Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) Fed USA decided to raise...

Finance, 26 Sep 2018, 21:01

The US Federal Reserve raised its key rate for the third time this year. ... Fed USA for the third time in 2018, it raises the key rate - ... On Wednesday, September 26, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) Fed USA decided to increase the key rate by 0.25 percentage points... the year will be increased four times. Line Fed the rate hike has already drawn criticism from the president several times USA. In July, Donald Trump said... Reuters reported Butina’s meetings with deputy heads of the Federal Reserve and the US Treasury ... Arrested in USA Russian woman Maria Butina participated in meetings with officials of the Ministry of Finance and Fed USA in 2015. This may indicate that Butina has “wider” contacts in USA, what was thought... ​Stanley Fisher, who at that time served as vice-chairman Fed USA, and about a meeting with Nathan Sheets, who that... Deutsche Bank fails US stress test ... » bank in USA was the only one of 35 organizations that did not pass the crisis resistance test. Based on the results of the stress test Fed also demanded...a second round of annual testing of the Federal Reserve USA, writes The Wall Street Journal. IN Fed stated that the bank had “critical shortcomings... Morgan Stanley financial authorities USA ordered to freeze the size of dividends, writes the Financial Times. In the case of other large banks Fed admitted that they... Beyond the “vulnerable five”: how rising rates in the US affect the ruble exchange rate ... Following a two-day meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) Fed USA On June 13, she decided to increase the key rate by 0.25 ... at a price of 63.23 rubles. for a dollar. Raising the key rate Fed USA, naturally, makes dollar-denominated instruments more attractive, which hits... emerging markets, the analyst points out. Greatest sensitivity to tightening monetary policy Fed USA show the currencies of those countries that were previously allocated to the so-called... The US Federal Reserve maintained its key rate ... USA decided to keep the discount rate at 1.5–1.75% per annum. The decision was expected by the market Federal Reserve System ( Fed) USA...grow at a moderate pace and labor market conditions will remain strong. Fed raised the key rate for the first time in the year “Taking into account... the steady return to 2 percent inflation,” it said. Solution Fed leaving the key rate at the same level was unanimous. The decision coincided... Türkiye removed its gold reserves from the United States ...Turkey Bank moved the country's gold reserves from the Federal Reserve USA (Fed), follows from the annual report published on the bank’s website. It is noted there... in Fed 28,689 tons of Turkish gold were stored. In a similar column for 2017 there is a dash. Relations between Turkey and USA aggravated... by the Kurds. The arrest in USA Turkish banker Mehmet Hakan Atilla. American prosecutors are demanding that he be sentenced...

Finance, 21 March 2018, 21:01

The Fed raised its key rate for the first time this year ... built into financial asset prices, Federal Reserve analysts say ( Fed) USA raised the key rate by 0.25 percentage points - now it is... long-term,” the FOMC said in a statement. Median forecast Fed by GDP growth rate USA in 2018 improved to 2.7% (after... on economic prospects USA has improved since December. The market and analysts regarded this statement as a signal that the new head Fed will conduct more...

Money, 05 Mar 2018, 19:14

Following oil: what will the dollar and euro exchange rates be in March ... on the oil market and news from the American Federal Reserve System ( Fed). The decision of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the key rate and the influx of speculative capital... decisions Fed USA and the Bank of Russia about rates. Meeting Fed March 21 will be held for the first time under the chairmanship of new leader Jerome Powell. The market expects that Fed... money market IC "Veles Capital" Yuri Kravchenko. If the decision Fed will coincide with market expectations, the markets will not show significant dynamics, adds...

Money, 08 Feb 2018, 07:32

Calm in the absence of sanctions: what will determine the ruble exchange rate in February ...relative stability. “There are no grounds for further growth in oil prices yet, USA are actively increasing production. At the same time, there are grounds for a significant drawdown in oil... will closely monitor the rhetoric Fed USA. Recently, the likelihood of a rapid tightening of monetary policy in USA, which can help strengthen... ...Open Market Committee Fed USA raised the key interest rate by 0.25 percentage points. - before... was expected, experts say Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) Fed USA following a two-day meeting, he increased the key interest rate (federal funds..., GDP growth forecast USA for 2018 was increased from 2.1% to 2.5%. No Surprises Solution Fed coincided with expectations... Between oil and sanctions: what will determine the ruble exchange rate in December ... including being influenced by decisions Fed USA and the Bank of Russia on interest rates in mid-December ( Fed will announce its decision on December 13... . In this regard, the rhetoric of the management of the Bank of Russia and Fed USA, which will give the market a signal of what will happen to market returns... depend on the decision and rhetoric Fed, prospects for American tax reform, ECB rhetoric and macroeconomic statistics from USA and the eurozone. Analysts believe that... Oil on the rise: what factors will determine the ruble exchange rate in November ... demand for ruble assets from investors, intentions and actions Fed USA, as well as the development of the situation around anti-Russian sanctions. It is these factors... IC "Freedom Finance" Georgy Vashchenko draws attention to the fact that Fed USA may increase the key rate in December this year, and the reduction... the market will also have an effect Fed USA. Last week the President USA Donald Trump named the new leader Fed- upon the end of Janet Yellen's term... Oreshkin assessed the working conditions of the new head of the US Federal Reserve ... economic development of the Russian Federation Maxim Oreshkin told reporters that the new head Fed USA We will have to work in difficult conditions, reports an RBC correspondent. According to him... the so-called Minsky moment,” the minister said. "To prevent inflation from accelerating, Fed USA may be forced to tighten policy more seriously than participants currently expect... and maximum employment. In 2017, the Open Market Committee Fed USA twice decided to increase the base interest rate (federal funds... Donald Trump officially announced the name of the new head of the Federal Reserve ... . Speaking to reporters at the White House, Trump noted that the economy USA has achieved “incredible success” recently. “He has proven that he can... the house has already notified Powell of the upcoming appointment. Powers of the current head Fed Janet Yellen, appointed by Barack Obama in 2012, expires in... the administration of the head Fed during the first term of the presidency will be the first time in 40 years. The last time the newly elected president USA So... Money, 02 Oct 2017, 18:23 Direction of the ruble: how the dollar and euro exchange rates will change in October ... rates (currently 8.5% per annum), while Fed USA this year it may increase its base rate (now... surprises from Fed, they emphasize that it is nevertheless necessary to monitor the rhetoric of the American Central Bank and the reaction to it. "Statements Fed USA on... Dmitry Postolenko. In the meantime, the announcement of plans for tax reform in USA provides exclusively psychological support to the American currency, since in order to implement...

Meetings of the world's central banks throughout the year are an important event for any trader, which helps not only to earn money, but also to assess the economic situation in a particular country. The Central Bank is the main regulator, which is a barometer of the health of the economy. Meetings that take place at different periods every year and the minutes, which are subsequently published, give analysts, investors and simply traders guidelines for the future value of the national currency, as well as prospects for economic management in the current year.

This review provides a calendar of meetings of the world's central banks for the current year 2017, indicating the exact dates of these events.

Meeting of the US Federal Reserve (FOMC) for 2017

The US Federal Reserve (Federal Reserve System) holds a two-day meeting, the result of which is a decision on the interest rate. It is important to note that an active reaction is observed not only when the Central Bank meeting is completed and the decision is published. But even after three weeks, when the minutes of the meeting are published, the so-called “minutes” or Minutes of meeting. The interest rate decision has the greatest impact influence on the dynamics of world exchanges, and the timing

Schedule of the meeting of the US Federal Reserve Monetary Policy Committee,

(Federal reserve Fed)

Decision on the US Federal Reserve interest rate, further monetary policy, speech by the head of the US Federal Reserve Publication of minutes of the US Federal Reserve meeting (Minutes of meetings)
US Federal Reserve interest rate decision January 31-February 1, 2017 Publication of minutes of the US Federal Reserve meeting on February 22, 2017
March 14-15, 2017 April 5, 2017
US Federal Reserve interest rate decision May 2-3, 2017 Publication of minutes of the US Federal Reserve meeting May 24, 2017
US Federal Reserve interest rate decision June 13-14, 2017 Publication of minutes of the US Federal Reserve meeting July 5, 2017
US Federal Reserve interest rate decision July 25-26, 2017 Publication of minutes of the US Federal Reserve meeting August 15, 2017
US Federal Reserve interest rate decision September 19-20, 2017 Publication of minutes of the US Federal Reserve meeting October 11, 2017
US Federal Reserve interest rate decision October 31-November 1, 2017 Publication of minutes of the US Federal Reserve meeting November 22, 2017
US Federal Reserve interest rate decision December 12-13, 2017 Publication of minutes of the US Federal Reserve meeting January 3, 2018

Bank of England (BoE) meeting for 2017

The Bank of England meets monthly for two days and makes decisions on interest rates and monetary policy. The official protocol is published two weeks after the Central Bank announced its decision. The publication of minutes has as strong an impact on financial markets as the meeting itself. A special feature is that the publication of the minutes of the last meeting is published on the same day as the current meeting. Thus, the protocol data reflects the previous decision made by the Central Bank.

Bank of England meeting schedule,

(Bank of England,BoE)

Interest rate decision further monetary policy

Bank of England interest rate decision February 2, 2017
Publication of minutes of the Bank of England meeting on February 2, 2017
March 16, 2017
March 16 2017
Bank of England interest rate decision May 11, 2017
Publication of minutes of the Bank of England meeting May 11 2017
Bank of England interest rate decision June 15, 2017
Publication of minutes of the Bank of England meeting June 15 2017
Bank of England interest rate decision August 3, 2017
Publication of minutes of the Bank of England meeting August 3rd 2017
Bank of England interest rate decision September 14, 2017
Publication of minutes of the Bank of England meeting September 14 2017
Bank of England interest rate decision November 2, 2017
Publication of minutes of the Bank of England meeting November 2 2017
Bank of England interest rate decision December 14, 2017
Publication of minutes of the Bank of England meeting December 14 2017

Meeting of the European Central Bank (ECB) for 2017

The decisions of this regulator, which are made at the meeting, have a strong impact on all European currencies, as well as stock indices in the region. The meeting is held by the Governing Council of the European Central Bank, and it also makes important decisions on monetary policy.

European Central Bank meeting schedule,

(European Central Bank,ECB)

European Central Bank Interest Rate Decision January 19, 2017
March 9, 2017
European Central Bank interest rate decision April 27, 2017
European Central Bank interest rate decision June 8, 2017
European Central Bank interest rate decision July 20, 2017
European Central Bank interest rate decision September 7, 2017
European Central Bank interest rate decision October 26, 2017
European Central Bank interest rate decision December 14, 2017

Bank of Japan (BoJ) meeting for 2017

The Bank of Japan is an independent structure from the Ministry of Finance and implements monetary policy in the country by changing the refinancing interest rate. At this rate, commercial banks can subsequently attract and place funds. Throughout the year, the Central Bank holds meetings at which decisions on monetary policy are made. It is characteristic that previously the bank’s governing council held 14 meetings during the year, but in 2016 their number was reduced to eight.

Bank of Japan meeting schedule,

(European Central Bank,ECB)

Decision on interest rate, further monetary policy

Publication of minutes of meetings
Publication of monthly reports of the Bank of Japan
Bank of Japan interest rate decision January 30-31, 2017
Publication of minutes of the Bank of Japan meeting on February 3
January 31
Bank of Japan interest rate decision March 15-16, 2017
March 22

Bank of Japan interest rate decision April 26-27, 2017
Publication of minutes of the Bank of Japan meeting May 2
April 27
Bank of Japan interest rate decision June 15-16, 2017
Publication of minutes of the Bank of Japan meeting 21st of June

Bank of Japan interest rate decision July 19-20, 2017
Publication of minutes of the Bank of Japan meeting July 25
July 20
Bank of Japan interest rate decision September 20-21, 2017
Publication of minutes of the Bank of Japan meeting September 26

Bank of Japan interest rate decision October 30-31, 2017
Publication of minutes of the Bank of Japan meeting November 6
October 31
Bank of Japan interest rate decision December 20-21, 2017
Publication of minutes of the Bank of Japan meeting December 26

Meetings of the Swiss National Bank (SNB) for 2017

The Swiss National Bank holds meetings quarterly, followed by a press conference of regulator representatives where the decision on monetary policy is announced.

Meeting schedule of the Swiss National Bank,

(Swiss National Bank, SNB)

Bank of Switzerland interest rate decision March 16, 2017
June 15, 2017
Interest rate decision of the Bank of Switzerland September 14, 2017
Interest rate decision of the Bank of Switzerland December 14, 2017

Bank of Canada (BOC) meetings for 2017

The meetings of the Bank of Canada (BOC) are conducted by a board of directors consisting of a governor and five deputies, whose purpose is to make decisions on monetary policy.

Bank of Canada meeting schedule,

(Bank of Canada, BOC)

Decision on interest rate and further monetary policy
Bank of Canada interest rate decision January 18, 2017
March 1, 2017
Bank of Canada interest rate decision April 12, 2017
Bank of Canada interest rate decision May 24, 2017
Bank of Canada interest rate decision July 12, 2017
Bank of Canada interest rate decision September 6, 2017
Bank of Canada interest rate decision October 25, 2017
Bank of Canada interest rate decision December 6, 2017

Meetings of the Reserve Bank Board (RBB) for 2017

The Reserve Bank Board of Australia decides on interest rates and regulates the country's monetary policy. Council meetings are held 11 times a year, every first Tuesday of the month except January. As a rule, one of the meetings is held in Melbourne, the remaining 10 in the capital of Australia, Canberra. Minutes of meetings are published two weeks after each meeting of the Bank's Council.

Reserve Bank of Australia Board meeting schedule,

(Reserve Bank Board)

Decision on interest rate and further monetary policy
Bank of Australia interest rate decision 7 February 2017
Bank of Australia interest rate decision 7 March 2017
Bank of Australia interest rate decision 4 April 2017
Bank of Australia interest rate decision 2 May 2017
Bank of Australia interest rate decision 6 June 2017
Bank of Australia interest rate decision 4 July 2017
Bank of Australia interest rate decision 1 August 2017
Bank of Australia interest rate decision 5 September 2017
Bank of Australia interest rate decision 3 October 2017
Bank of Australia interest rate decision November 7, 2017
Bank of Australia interest rate decisionDecember 5, 2017

Meetings of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) in 2016

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) meets eight times a year to decide on interest rates and future monetary policy. The meeting is held for one day, and the results become known in the evening at 20:00 GMT.

Reserve Bank of New Zealand meeting schedule,

(Reserve Bank of New Zealand, RBNZ)

Decision on interest rate and further monetary policy
Bank of New Zealand interest rate decision 9 February 2017
March 23, 2017
Bank of New Zealand interest rate decision May 11, 2017
Bank of New Zealand interest rate decision June 22, 2017
Bank of New Zealand interest rate decision August 10, 2017
Bank of New Zealand interest rate decision September 28, 2017
Bank of New Zealand interest rate decision November 9, 2017
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