Where can a director work? What does the director do? Who is this profession suitable for?

DIRECTOR(French régisseur, from Latin rego - manage), creative worker in spectacular arts (theater, cinema, television, circus, stage). The director stages a play (dramatization, opera, ballet, concert or circus program) on the stage. In modern performing arts, he is often called a stage director or simply a stage director. The director who directs the creative work of the entire theater (or other entertainment group) is called the chief director.

The functions of a director in a modern theater are extremely large and varied: he carries out the entire range of work on organizing both the creative and technical process of preparing a performance or program.

The first stage of the director's work on a play is the birth of a general concept and the creation of a stage version of the play (often jointly with the playwright). After this, the director forms a production team, identifying candidates for a set designer, costume designer, composer, choreographer (if necessary, also an assistant director; lighting designer; director of stage movement, fights and fights; choirmaster; lyricist, etc. ). Based on the total amount of work and prepared sketches, with the direct participation of the director, a financial estimate for the performance is drawn up (including for the production of all the material parts). At the same time, the director determines the performing actors (i.e., distributes roles) and appoints an assistant director who is responsible for the technical organization of the rehearsal and production process and recording all stages of work on the performance.

Further, the director’s work consists of several directions. On the one hand, this is the general coordination and control of the activities of all members of the production team (with artists - creating a layout of the scenery and costume designs; with the composer - determining the general concept of the musical design of the performance; with movement specialists - developing the plastic score of the performance; etc. ). The director’s task is to achieve the integrity of all components, combining them in a single creative solution. Therefore, each stage of the work of all members of the production team is approved by the director. At the same time, the most important part of the preparation of the performance begins - rehearsals, the work of the director with the actors, aimed at developing the talent of the performers in relation to each role and the entire production as a whole.

There is a common expression in the theater: “the director dies in the actors.” In practice, this often means that the director is blamed for all the production shortcomings of the play; Artists are praised for successful performances. In fact, the success or failure of any of the components of the performance (including all acting work) is determined primarily by the director, the main driving force of the creative process and the main co-author of the performance. Based on this, it is clear that the director must not only be a good organizer, but also have the broadest erudition and skills of almost all theatrical professions - from acting to the technological process of making scenery; from a thorough knowledge of the technical capabilities of the theater’s sound, lighting and editing equipment to economic literacy; from masterly mastery of communication techniques and the ability to create a favorable psychological atmosphere in the production team to the practical skills of pedagogical and scientific activities necessary in studying the stage history of the chosen play and in working with actors, etc.

Therefore, university preparation and training in the profession of a director consists of many academic disciplines that are urgently needed in future work: the skill of a director and an actor; scenic speech ; dance; stage movement; history of theater, literature, painting, music, dance and other arts; fundamentals of economics and psychology; material part of the theater, etc.

Tatiana Shabalina

A production director is the director and creative leader of a project in cinema, television or theatre. He is responsible for the artistic component of the work. Actors, cameramen, sound engineers, production designers, movement directors, etc. work under his leadership. The job description of the production director includes qualification requirements, the nature of the work, tasks and job responsibilities.

Sample job description for production director

1. General Provisions

1.1. The stage director belongs to the category of specialists.

1.2. For the position of production director:

— the highest category is accepted (transferred) by a person who has a higher professional education (culture and art) and at least 5 years of work experience as a first category director.

1.3. The production director must know:

— Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on culture, other federal laws on issues of culture and art;

— decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation (Regulations on the basics of economic activity and financing of cultural and art organizations, Regulations on theater in the Russian Federation, etc.), regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, defining the development of culture;

— orders and other regulatory documents of higher authorities on issues of culture and art;

— basics of civil legislation (regulation of copyright issues, rights related to copyright);

- structure of the organization where he works,

— the main composition of the audience;

— theory and practice of directing and acting;

— the basics of stage and musical design of productions, vocal, choral and choreographic art;

— history of domestic and world theater, music, circus, and other types of arts and literature;

— the state of modern domestic and foreign theatrical art and other types of performing arts;

- modern and classical dramaturgy;

— basics of management;

— psychology of management and creative work;

— fundamentals of the sociology of art, stage technology;

— basics of economics and management in the field of performing arts;

— basics of labor legislation;

— Internal labor regulations;

— labor protection and safety rules and regulations; industrial sanitation and fire protection;

1.4. The production director in his activities is guided by:

— this job description;

1.6. During the absence of the production director (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by an employee appointed in the prescribed manner, who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper performance of the duties assigned to him in connection with the replacement.

1.7. The director belongs to the professional qualification group “Positions of management staff of cultural, art and cinematography institutions” (Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated August 31, 2007 N 570).

2. Responsibilities of the production director

2.1. Organization of the staging process.

2.2. Ensuring the artistic level of productions.

2.3. Carries out the production of new and capitally renewed productions in the quantity determined by the employment contract, ensuring their artistic level.

2.4. Conducts rehearsals, manages the work of the production team and the artistic and production workers participating in the rehearsals.

2.5. Carries out planned, urgent and emergency introductions of new performers into previously staged performances (performances).

2.6. Ensures compliance with production and creative discipline during performances, rehearsals, and classes.

2.7. In accordance with the established procedure, he is on duty at performances (concerts, performances).

2.8. Takes direct part in organizing and conducting events to improve the professional skills of the organization’s creative workers, in work to promote the performing arts, aimed at expanding the audience.

3. Rights of the director

The production director has the right:

3.1. Participate in the discussion of draft decisions of the management of the institution (organization).

3.2. Dispose of the property and funds entrusted to him in compliance with the requirements determined by regulatory legal acts and constituent documents.

3.3. Sign and endorse agreed documents.
3.4. Initiate and conduct meetings on organizational issues.

3.6. Conduct quality checks and timely execution of orders.

3.7. Demand cessation (suspension) of work (in case of violations, non-compliance with established requirements, etc.), compliance with established norms, rules, instructions; give instructions to correct deficiencies and eliminate violations.

3.8. Participate in discussions of issues related to the duties performed by him.

3.9. Submit for consideration
ideas about the hiring, transfer and dismissal of employees; proposals for
their encouragement or the imposition of penalties on them.
3.10. Demand from the management of the institution (organization) to provide assistance in the performance of his official duties and rights.

4. Responsibility of the director

4.1. The production director is held accountable:

- for improper performance or failure to fulfill their job duties as provided for in this job description - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

- for offenses committed in the course of their activities - in the manner established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

- for causing damage to an institution (organization) - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

One of the most interesting and creative professions is that of a director. It is he who manages all processes on film sets, when recording television shows and filming films. What features does this profession have, what are its pros and cons?

Without exaggeration, the director can be called the most important person during filming or rehearsals of theatrical productions, since it is his decision that becomes final.

He is entrusted with a wide range of responsibilities, because managing the film crew, the cast, working with the script, collaborating with screenwriters and producers - all this must be done by the director. Depending on the field of activity, several directions of directing are distinguished:

  1. Director. This is the head of the film crew, he is responsible for the work of cameramen, lighting designers, costume designers and actors. The production director is the last to make decisions on controversial issues and can make adjustments to the script. Assistant directors help him in his work.
  2. Director. This is the assistant director. He is responsible for casting extras and filming minor scenes.
  3. Film editor. The final result depends on his work, as he processes the footage and selects the best shots.
  4. Theater director. His work involves endless rehearsals of scenes, selection of costumes and work with theater actors.

What are the advantages of being a director?

This profession is suitable for people of a creative nature, strong leaders who are not afraid to take responsibility for the final result of their work. What are the benefits of working as a director?

  • Demand. Since cinema, television and television are the main entertainment for millions of people, very often directors are invited to various television projects, reality shows, and concert filming. Quite a lot of videos, films, short films are shot, and productions often take place in the theater. In order to become famous and in demand, a director only needs to take part in some project with a high rating.
  • Perspective. By engaging in directing, you can build a successful career. A director can start by filming low-budget films or videos and gradually look for investors and sponsors who would be willing to invest their money in the implementation of more expensive television and film projects.
  • Unlocking your potential. The director's field of activity is large; if he sees himself filming an interesting TV show about celebrities, he can create a unique project the way he sees it, selecting the film crew and presenters, adjusting the script and managing the entire process. The same applies to various film genres - melodramas, thrillers, detective stories and the like.
  • Working with a group of interesting creative people. Creativity brings together bright, unique personalities with whom it is always interesting to work.
  • Prestige. Of course, in order to become a famous director, you need to work hard, but then it opens up many opportunities. This profession is prestigious because it makes a person famous and famous, from time to time he can create his own unique product. If at the beginning of his career the director had to independently look for sponsors and offer famous actors roles in his films, then after taking part in several popular projects, he himself begins to receive offers from investors and leading actors give him consent to cooperate. The director has his own status in cinema and his contribution to culture depends on the results of his work.
  • Confession. After he becomes famous, the director is invited to various festivals and social events, where he can receive awards and bonuses as part of a competitive program.

Cons of the profession

Working as a director has a number of significant disadvantages, including:

  • Wide range of responsibilities and the need for complete dedication. Directors have great responsibility, so only a strong, organized and responsible person can perform such work. Correcting the script, working with actors, staging lighting, daily viewing of material, selecting costumes and resolving issues regarding the organization of processes - all this falls on the shoulders of the director, who has to spend a lot of time and effort on his work.
  • Irregular working hours. If the actors have time to rest, then the director must always be on the set and control what is happening. It is impossible to become a famous cultural figure if you devote 8 hours a day to your work. That’s why sometimes you have to spend most of your time working, communicating and meeting the right people.
  • Small income. Not everyone manages to earn large fees. Often, in order to make films or television projects, you first need to take part in competitions for free. Successful directors who have achieved fame and fame can indeed earn millions, but some have to work for pennies in local theaters and cultural centers.
  • Lack of stability. Directors may be out of work for some time if they are not invited to participate in a project. Only employees of local theaters can have a fixed rate, but these are small fees. Interest on theatrical productions, films and television projects can reach thousands of rubles, but they do not guarantee stable payments.


Director is an interesting and creative profession that helps you realize your potential and achieve recognition. With success, artists receive a corresponding status in society and receive offers to take part in large projects, which allows them to receive good fees. But at the same time, working as a director requires a lot of effort and time, since you have to control the entire filming process.

Stage director(fr. regisseur, from lat. rego manage) - the head of a creative team working on the creation of a film, play or show. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in world artistic culture (see choosing a profession based on your interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

The production director is responsible for the artistic component of the work. Actors, cameramen, sound engineers, production designers, movement directors, etc. work under his leadership. The literary basis is a script or a play, and the production director is not always their author. But in the end, it is he who is responsible for what the viewer sees. The success or failure of the project will be associated with his name.

A production director can specialize in staging feature films or documentaries, theatrical performances, circus programs, musical shows, and public events.

Usually the production director is simply called the director, because and without a clarifying “trailer” it is clear that he is responsible for the production. This applies to any production director, regardless of specialization.

Let us describe some options for this profession.

In the theatre the director manages the creative team involved in the production: he selects actors, works with them on roles, together with the sound engineer and stage designer thinks through the design of the performance, etc. At the same time, he reports to the creative director of the theater (if he is not one himself), and they jointly select the plays for the production. The assistant director helps him solve organizational issues during rehearsals and during the performance. He interacts with technical services, actors, and makes sure that everything happens without a hitch during the performance.

Circus art radically different from the theatrical. Just as a circus troupe differs from a theater troupe: circus performers work in dynasties, practicing their routines for years. They often involve a risk to life. In addition, the circus troupe is not only people, but also trained animals. The circus works to entertain the public, and the main task of the circus director is to make each act as bright and spectacular as possible. All this brings its own specifics to the work of a circus director. However, the principles of his work are similar to the work of a theater director. He thinks through the intrigue of the performance, works with the actors, production designer, design engineers, prop makers, lighting engineers, sound engineer and other participants in the circus show.

Movie- This is a complex production process. (Like television.) A film director has a whole team of assistants: a second director, a director for working with actors, an assistant director (an assistant director who keeps track of the footage), consultants, etc.

Although at least two of this crew are designated by the word "director", they perform other tasks. For example, the second director (in Western cinema - First Assistant Director) helps the production director in developing the director's script, formulates information for makeup artists, costume artists, acting assistants, etc., and plans the filming process. And he makes sure that the entire production process goes smoothly, that the set is ready for work every time, that the actors and costume designers are in their places, etc. This is a very large amount of work, and usually a film director has two second directors. The acting director (also known as acting assistant or casting director) looks for suitable performers for roles and organizes their photo and screen tests.

The main organizational burden when creating a film is borne by producers, who deal with issues of budget, distribution, etc. The film producer is also responsible for attracting key participants in the process, including the director, unless, of course, he himself is the initiator of the production. Both the producers and the director report to the management of the film studio. The director's work on the film begins with the script. He can take a ready-made script, or he can write it himself or in collaboration with a professional screenwriter. He can take as a basis a finished literary work or a completely fresh plot. Even if a film director makes a film based on a ready-made script, he finalizes it in his own way: second-by-second and frame-by-frame he describes the shooting plan for each scene. The result is a director's script. He always studies materials related to the theme of the film and turns to specialists who can advise him on some issues. Participates in drawing up estimates and, together with the producer and second director, outlines a work plan. Together with the production designer, chief cinematographer, and sound engineer, he discusses the artistic concept of the film and its design, approves sketches, designs, scenery, etc. Together with the composer and sound engineer, he outlines the explication of the sound (graphic diagram). Selects actors (with the help of a casting assistant), works with each of them on the role, rehearses scenes, etc. Supervises the filming. When the filming process is completed, he selects the necessary takes and manages the editing and dubbing process.

Some directors successfully combine work in theater and cinema. For example, the artistic director of the Lenkom Theater Mark Zakharov became known back in the 1960s as a theater director. Having headed the theater in 1973 (at that time - the Moscow Theater named after Leninsky Komsomol), he very quickly brought it to the ranks of the most popular in Moscow. Each performance by Zakharov is an event in the theatrical life of the capital: “Funeral Prayer”, “Royal Games”, “Barbarian and Heretic”, the legendary “Juno and Avos” and many others. At the same time, he is the author of wonderful films loved by millions: “The Twelve Chairs”, “An Ordinary Miracle”, “That Same Munchausen”, “The House That Swift Built”, “Formula of Love”, “Kill the Dragon”.


A production director can work in cinema, television, theater, circus, etc. - depending on his specialization. Although some directors successfully realize themselves in different areas.


Important qualities

The profession of a production director requires artistry, imaginative thinking, good intelligence, broad outlook, imagination, self-discipline, high ability to work and leadership qualities. And another important quality is a sense of modernity. The director must feel how relevant a particular topic or idea is in the modern world.

Knowledge and skills

The director must master the theory and practice of directing, acting, the basics of stage and musical design, cinematography, and understand the laws of dramaturgy. Knowledge of the history of literature, fine arts, theater, and cinema is very important. Knowledge of classical and modern works of drama and cinema is required. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is desirable.

Training to become a stage director

Drama and musical theater

  • Russian University of Theater Arts - GITIS. Directing department. Department of Drama Directing
  • St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions. Faculty of Arts. Specialty: Theater Directing
  • Theater Institute named after. B. Shchukina. Directing department. Specialty: Theater Directing

And other universities of theatrical art.

Despite the fact that the director always remains behind the scenes, he plays the most important role in the creation of film masterpieces. Like a conductor, he sets the rhythm of the film - his own, unique melody. This is why it is so important that the director gives his all on the set. However, one should not forget about professionalism, because only a well-trained specialist will be able to bring the work started to its logical conclusion. Therefore, let's talk about where you can learn the craft of filmmaking? What is the role of the production director on set? And how do geniuses of directing differ from ordinary workers in cinema and theater?

Who is a production director?

Probably the most accurate description of this profession indicates that this person is the main leader of the production process. That is, the production director is the figure who gives orders to the writers, actors, cameramen, sound engineers, and so on. Moreover, it is his word that is decisive in making final decisions. However, such power requires maximum dedication from the director. After all, the future success of the premiere depends on how well he does his job. Consequently, if the film turns out to be a failure, then all the blame will fall on the main leader, that is, on the director.

A little history

The first mentions of directors date back to the mid-19th century. In those days, the concept referred to a person who managed theatrical productions. By and large, his only task was to correctly place the actors on stage and make sure that they did not mess up the words. And only at the beginning of the 20th century the director’s powers expanded to control everything that happens at the performance. In this case, one important point should be remembered: all the duties and rights of the stage director were established within the walls of the theater. That is, initially this profession appeared there, and nowhere else. This means that the theater is the true home of all directors.

Choosing a Specialization

Let's start with the fact that the profession of "producer" is a very broad concept. After all, there are specialists who work exclusively with documentaries. And there are those who are much closer to animation. Therefore, let's figure out what narrow specializations the profession is divided into:

  • Theater direction. In this case, the specialist initially learns to manage the atmosphere prevailing on the big stage. All his skills will be aimed at organizing performances and theatrical productions.
  • Circus art. Working with artists in the arena is very different from creating traditional productions in the theater. For example, improper preparation of gymnasts for performances can lead to serious injuries. And if you make the number too simple, then the viewer will not receive the emotions for which he came to the performance.
  • Television. This area is very multifaceted - it includes a number of separate categories. For example, some production directors specialize exclusively in TV shows, others create fantastic blockbusters, and still others even shoot music videos.

Where and how can you learn to become a stage director?

Alas, in our country there are not many educational institutions that can teach directing skills. And, nevertheless, with great desire and perseverance, anyone can get one of the places in the following universities:

  • them. Gerasimova.
  • Russian University of Theater Arts.
  • State University of Culture and Art in Moscow.
  • Theater Institute named after. B. Shchukina.
  • St. Petersburg Humanitarian Institute of Trade Unions.

At the same time, you should remember that before entering you will need to choose a certain direction: directing a theater, an animated film, a variety show, and so on.

Responsibilities and rights

The production director plays a very important role. It is simply impossible to list the entire range of his responsibilities, since this will take quite a lot of time. Therefore, let's discuss only its basic rights and tasks:

  • First of all, the director must look at his project through the eyes of the audience. This is the only way he can understand what he has and what he doesn’t. And only after that he starts editing the script and recruiting the cast.
  • Working with screenwriters. Today, only a few production directors write their own scripts. Often this task falls to more skilled writers and artists. However, it is the director who approves the final version of the text, and if desired, he can even force the screenwriters to rewrite it.
  • Cast management. The production director not only selects actors for the role, but also directs them during the filming process. He explains to them what emotions should be played out, where to fall, and where, on the contrary, it is necessary to improvise.
  • In addition, the director gives various recommendations to specialists in lighting, scenery, makeup, sound, and so on.

To summarize, let’s say that only thanks to the efforts of the director can a hundred specialists work as one well-coordinated mechanism. And therefore, it is he who is their heart and soul, without which the film cannot become truly alive.

Famous production directors

In conclusion, let's talk about the most. At the same time, we will discuss not only their fame, but also how they were able to achieve it:

  1. (1899-1989) - American master of horror. Despite the paucity of special effects, the films of this director have always fascinated the public. And all because he knew how to make the audience feel the plot as if they themselves were at the scene of the events.
  2. Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977). Many people know this man as an excellent comedian, but only a few are aware that he was the director of all the scenes in his films. As for the secret of his success, it is very simple: excellent humor and excellent acting.
  3. Steven Spielberg (born 1946) is the most famous director of our time. The best blockbusters of the 21st century came out of his hands. As Spielberg himself assures, his success lies in the unquenchable thirst to surprise people, which he always follows.
  4. Fyodor Bondarchuk (born 1967) is a Russian actor and director. Probably, today Bondarchuk is one of the most prominent film directors in Russia. And all because his works are filled not only with the colors of Hollywood, but also with the kind Russian soul, which is so pleasant to the audience.

As you can see, becoming a production director is not so easy. This requires not only knowledge and skills, but also innate talent.

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