Where is the largest city located? The largest cities in the world – top by area and population

There are hundreds of cities in the world with populations of just over a million people. But those cities in which the number of inhabitants exceeds the population of the average country can be counted on one hand.

Today we present to your attention rating 10 most big cities peace. So, let's begin.

10. New York: 21.5 million

The world-famous city of New York needs no introduction. We see it every day on television, in films and other media. It is the most populous city in the United States. More than 50 million tourists come there every year.

9. Manila: 21.8 million

Number 9 on our list is the capital of the Philippines - Manila. The population number mentioned does not include the city of Manila alone, but the entire Metro Manila metropolitan region, which covers Caloocan and Quezon City.

8. Karachi: 22.1 million

Karachi is not a capital city, but it is the largest city in Pakistan. It also serves as the main port city and financial center. The city is located in the south of the country along the coast facing the Arabian Sea. Here for higher education is moving in a large number of people from South Asia.

7. Delhi: 23.5 million

India is the second most populous country in the world (more than 1.2 billion). Therefore, it is logical that its capital and most populous metropolis, Delhi, will be included in the list of the 10 largest cities in the world.

6. Mexico City: 23.5 million

The capital of Mexico occupies sixth position on our list, although Delhi and Mexico City are approximately on the same level, because... It’s hard to confirm which city is bigger. It is the most important political, cultural, educational and financial center of Mexico. It is not part of any of the 31 Mexican states, but belongs entirely to the federation.

5. Seoul: 25.6 million

Seoul is in fifth place and is where Asian dominance in the top 5 begins. Also called the "Special City of Seoul", it is the capital South Korea and its largest metropolitan area. In fact, Seoul hosts about half of the country's population on its territory.

4. Shanghai: 25.8 million

As a global city, Shanghai has an impact on world trade, culture, finance, media, fashion, technology and transport. It is a huge financial center and home to the world's busiest container port. Shanghai is also a popular tourist destination.

3. Jakarta: 25.8 million

Once again we have a tie, although some sources favor the Jakarta metropolitan area regarding population figures. One way or another, third place on the list goes to Jakarta, the capital and largest city of Indonesia.

2. Canton (Guangzhou): 26.3 million

Canton is the largest city and capital Chinese province Guangdong. The population figure also included Dongguan, Foshan, Jiangmen, Zhongshan, which together make up the region called the Northern Pearl River Delta. Don't be surprised by these huge numbers, as China is the most populous country in the world, with a population of over 1.3 billion people.

1. Tokyo: 34.6 million

So, The list of the largest cities in the world is headed by the Japanese capital - Tokyo is the only city to cross the 30 million people mark. As you might have guessed, such a huge number of people occupying a relatively small area made Tokyo a very densely populated city. Thus, the most Big city is the most important city in the world economy, along with New York and London.

IN Lately All more people prefer to live in urban areas. The largest city in the world by area, Chongqing has a population of about 28 million people in 2010. According to various estimates, about half of the world's population now lives in cities. At the same time, the total area of ​​the world's cities is not so large - just over 1% of the land area.

Modern urbanization, that is, the process of growth of cities and urban populations, began in the mid-twentieth century and particularly affected developing countries. It is characterized by an increase not only in population, but also in urban sprawl and the formation of large agglomerations. This leads to the fact that modern megacities become colossal in size, which is confirmed if we consider the largest cities.

Largest cities in the world

There may be several answers to the question of what is the largest city in the world by area. The reason for this is the uncertainty of the boundaries and the very concept of “city”. However, the generally accepted record holder is China's Chongqing, which extends over 82,400 km 2, which is comparable to the area of ​​Austria. According to local archaeologists, people began to settle on the site of this city 3,000 years ago.

It is not surprising, because it is in this place that the Jialing River flows into the Yangtze, and to the west of the city stretches the Red Basin - the breadbasket of China. Among other things, the city is surrounded by three mountain ranges like a fortress wall: Dabashan in the north, Wushan in the east and Dalushan in the south. Despite the fact that the process of urbanization is in full swing, only about 2% of the territory is urban development with all the characteristics of a city, while the majority is in suburban and rural areas. That is why, in terms of population, it is not even among the top twenty largest cities on the planet.

Recently, China has begun to actively develop. Therefore, it is not surprising that the largest cities in the world are located here. Not only the above-mentioned Chongqing, but also the largest in population, Shanghai, which has outstripped Tokyo in its growth. The largest city is also located in this country and is its capital.

Beijing extends over 16,800 km2 and, unlike Chongqing, is highly urbanized and constantly expanding. In early 2005, the government adopted a plan that aims to stop the city's sprawl in all directions, concentrating it in two semicircular strips to the west and east of the city center. The example of Beijing clearly shows the negative aspects of growth and increasing urbanization: traffic jams, air pollution, violation and destruction of architectural monuments.

The famous Beijing smog has become business card cities along with the Forbidden City. Beijing traffic jams are no longer inferior to those in Moscow, despite the fact that the number of cars in relation to the population there is much smaller. The city is not saved by the constant expansion of highways, the construction of new roads and the introduction of more stringent rules for parking and travel to various urban areas.

China has every chance of becoming a leading country in urban planning in the future. IN last years The Chinese government talks about the need to increase the level of consumption within the country for economic growth. This requires urbanization and migration to cities from rural areas. Therefore, it is not surprising that the largest cities in the world are located here, which will continue to grow in the future.

Already now, ahead of its time, the country is developing construction technologies and implementing various projects to optimize urban space and improve the quality of life of the population. And the cities and urban areas themselves are being built there ahead of schedule. This has led to the world's largest ghost town being located in China, which has a population of one and a half billion.

New Ordos is the largest city with high-rise buildings and developed infrastructure, but without population. It extends over 355 km2 and has a population of more than 1 million inhabitants. People actually live there, but there are not many of them - according to various estimates, from 30 to 100 thousand. This does not prevent the university, libraries, municipal services, public transport and even the tourist office. All this is here and even functions, but perhaps for no one.

But local officials do not despair and are gradually moving people from surrounding villages into city apartments, revitalizing the city. This is generally characteristic of Chinese ghost towns: they are gradually filled with people, because every year about 10 million people move to the cities. The most typical example is the Pudong district of Shanghai, which has become a landmark of the country thanks to its futuristic skyscrapers. Just 15 years ago it was an abandoned city. Now it houses many offices and shopping centers.

12,043,977 people

The capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka, opens the ranking of the largest cities by population. The population density is 14,763 people per square kilometer. The total number reaches more than 12 million people. The area of ​​the city reaches 815.85 km2. It should be noted that this metropolis is one of the oldest on our planet. It was founded in the 7th century. At that time, the city was part of the Buddhist kingdom called Kamarupa. Most likely, the name is due to the emergence of the Dhakeshwari temple.

The capital of the Russian Federation ranks 9th in the ranking of the most densely populated cities in the world. According to preliminary data, there are 12,452,000 people in this city. The first mention of the current capital occurs in 1147. Currently, the area of ​​the metropolis is 2561.5 km 2. The federal city includes many industrial plants, enterprises and vehicles. You might be interested in checking out the dirtiest cities in Russia.

Next in the top 10 largest cities by population is the Indian metropolis of Mumbai. Its area is only 603 square kilometers. At the same time, 12,478,477 Indian citizens live on the territory of the settlement, founded in 1507. Thus, there are 20,694 people per square kilometer. This place is really noisy and a lot of bustle. Not at all, there is something to see due to the developed infrastructure and many attractions.

The capital of Turkey, Istanbul, is one of the most populous cities on Earth. It was founded in 667 BC. The current mayor is Kadir Topbaş. The area of ​​the metropolis reaches 5343 square kilometers. In total, the city includes 13,854,740 people. The density is 2,400 people per square kilometer. It should be noted that Istanbul is a famous and popular tourist center, annually attracting a huge number of tourists and travelers.

14.04 million people

  1. Scientific and technical;
  2. Economic;
  3. Political;
  4. Educational and cultural;
  5. Transport center of the People's Republic of China.

The area of ​​the settlement is 7,433 square kilometers. In 2016, the population was 13,080,500. In 2017, the figure rose to more than 14 million citizens.

Next in the ranking is the Nigerian city of Lagos with a population of 15,118,780. locality located in the southwest of the country. It is the largest in area - 999.6 square kilometers. In total, 13 million people live in it and close to 21 million in the metropolitan area. In Africa, no metropolis can compare with this city. The average cost in a three-star hotel will cost 5,000 rubles. If you are in this place, you should definitely visit Lagos Island.

The largest city in India by population is Delhi - a multinational place in which different cultural movements develop. This is his asset. Being in this place can expand your worldview and learn a lot of new things that are useful for self-knowledge. The area reaches 1,484 square kilometers. In total, 16 million people lived in the city in 2016. Among the most interesting places should include:

  1. Lal-Kila;
  2. Qutub Minar.

There are many museums!

21.5 million people

Another large city subordinate to the PRC, whose population reaches over 21.5 million citizens. The total area of ​​the territory is 16,411 square kilometers, that is, this settlement is also one of the largest in size in the world. Located in the southern part of the country. Among the most interesting attractions is the Forbidden City. Beijing has a lively, pleasant atmosphere of cheerful people who are hospitable to travelers. In this place you can spend an unforgettable vacation, both with the whole family and on your own.

Today, the urban population of our planet is growing steadily. Large cities are becoming even larger, turning into megacities, expanding, absorbing neighboring settlements, villages and towns. What is the largest city in the world? You will find the answer to this question in our article.

The largest cities in the world: the problem of definition

If we take into account not the population of a city, but its area, then the ranking of the largest cities in the world will be somewhat different. Thus, the largest city on the planet (by area) is Chinese Chongqing. It is followed by Beijing, New York and Sydney. In Europe, the largest city is Istanbul.

Chongqing is the largest city on the planet

The title of the largest city in the world by area rightly belongs to Chongqing. This Chinese metropolis occupies a colossal expanse - over 82 thousand square kilometers. Such an impressive figure is comparable in size to the territory of Austria!

The metropolis is located in central China, and its parameters are 450x470 kilometers. The Chongqing metropolitan area has nearly 29 million residents, but most of the population lives in rural suburbs.

Chongqing city has ancient history- it is already about 3000 years old. Such a significant age of the settlement is explained by its extremely favorable geographical location. The city arose surrounded by three hills, at the confluence of two deep rivers in China.

Tokyo is the most populous city on the planet

In ancient times, Jericho was considered the most populated city in the world. In the 7th millennium BC, about 2000 people lived in it. Today, 2 thousand inhabitants is the population of a tiny town or large village. And the most populated city in the world in the 21st century is Tokyo.

This huge metropolis, the capital of Japan, is home to 37.5 million people today. Surprisingly, this is almost the same number of people living in all of Poland. Today Tokyo is a major industrial, financial and cultural center not only Japan, but throughout Asia.

New York - America's Big Apple

New York is the largest urban agglomeration North America with a population of 24 million people. In addition to New York itself, this agglomeration includes the territories of 15 more US cities.

Why is New York often called " Big apple"? Everything is very simple: according to legend, the first fruit tree that took root in the new city was the apple tree.


Thus, the most big cities the world's population exceeds a number of European countries. The largest metropolises on the planet include: Tokyo in Japan, Delhi in India, New York in the United States, Jakarta in Indonesia and others. These cities continue to grow to this day, absorbing more and more new territories.

In the world today there are more than 2.6 million cities, the population of which can amount to tens of millions of inhabitants, or may not exceed twenty citizens. In the world ranking of the most populated cities, Russia is in eleventh place with 12.3 million people living in Moscow. The first ten places were distributed among such countries as China, India, Pakistan, Nigeria, Turkey, Japan.

1. Chongqing

Chongqing takes first place in the ranking of the largest cities by population in the world, with 53.2 million people and an area of ​​82.4 thousand km 2. The settlement is located in China, in terms of the number of inhabitants and territory, significantly ahead of all other cities, at the confluence of the Yangtze and Jialingjiang rivers; in total, about eighty rivers flow through the city and its suburbs. The city is 470 km long and 450 km wide. The urbanized area of ​​Chongqing occupies 1,473 km 2 . The city consists of 26 districts, 8 counties and 4 autonomous okrugs.

2. Shanghai

The second largest city in terms of population is also occupied by a Chinese city, which is Shanghai. 24.152 million people live on an area of ​​6.34 thousand km2. Located in the eastern part of the country in the Yangtze River Delta, the city is a major seaport and the most important cultural and financial center of the state. Shanghai is divided into 17 districts, to the east of the city is the East China Sea. The economic development of this locality is carried out according to a unique system, including several designated growth zones corresponding to certain areas of industry, trade or science.

3. Karachi

The third position in the ranking of the largest cities is occupied by Karachi, a port city in Pakistan with a population of 23.5 million people. It is an important banking and industrial center in the country, significantly influencing the economic development of the state. The area of ​​the city occupies 3530 km2. Karachi is the largest Education Centre South Asia. The settlement is located on the coast of the Indian Ocean, in particular the Arabian Sea. The city belongs to the Sindh province and has a three-tier division principle; it includes 18 tehsils.

4. Beijing

The capital of China, Beijing, with a population of 21.7 million people, ranks fourth in the world in terms of population. The area of ​​the territories is estimated at 16.8 thousand km 2. For China, the city has the most important political, cultural, and transport significance. Administrative division provides for 14 regions and 2 counties. Beijing's architecture has a bizarre mixture of styles, including a fusion of 50s buildings with the latest skyscrapers and futuristic appearance. Rich story The city has made it a world tourist center with a continuous increase in the flow of foreign tourists.

5. Delhi

Located in northern India on the Jumna River, the city of Delhi with a population of 16.3 million people occupies fifth position in the ranking. The settlement is distinguished by its multinational composition and mixture cultural traditions. The city's economy is entirely dependent on the activities of various ethnic groups. Delhi is home to more than 60,000 monuments of global significance. The area of ​​the city occupies 1483 km 2, the territory is divided into three city corporations. Delhi has nine districts, each comprising three districts. The city is a National Capital Region.

6. Lagos

Nigeria's most populous city, Lagos is the sixth most populous city in the world. With 15.1 million citizens, the settlement is recognized as the largest in Africa. Until 1991, the city with an area of ​​999.5 km2 was the capital of Nigeria. Lagos has a complex location, occupying islands and coastlines Atlantic Ocean. The city includes 16 local government areas, almost entirely occupying the state of the same name. Almost 50 percent of Nigeria's industry is located in this locality, and the city is recognized as the center of the national film industry.

7. Istanbul

Istanbul ranks seventh in the world in terms of population, with a population of 13.8 million people. An important cultural and industrial center of Turkey, the country's major port is located on the shores of the Bosphorus Strait. The area of ​​the settlement occupies an area of ​​5343 km 2 . The city is located in Europe and Asia, in the former there are two urban districts, in the latter there are 35 districts. Most of residents profess Islam, while the townspeople are loyal to foreign citizens unintentionally violating religious traditions.

8. Tokyo

In eighth place in the ranking of large cities in the world is Tokyo with 13.3 million inhabitants. The capital of Japan has an area of ​​2,188 km 2 and is located on the island of Honshu on the coast Pacific Ocean. The city is a prefecture of the country and has the most important economic, cultural and financial importance for the state. Tokyo ranks among the world's leading cities in terms of urban economic growth. The city includes 23 special districts, 26 cities, 1 county and 4 districts. Some of Tokyo's administrative units are located on other islands.

9. Guangzhou

Located in the south of China, the city of Guangzhou and the administrative center of Guangdong province with a population of 13 million people occupies an area of ​​7434 km 2. The settlement is a major commercial and industrial center, a seaport of the South China Sea, and a city with more than 2000 years of history. Administratively, Guangzhou is divided into ten districts and two counties. For economic development The city is significantly influenced by the tourism industry; the settlement is known beyond the borders of China and is popular among foreign guests.

10. Mumbai

The tenth place in the ranking of the largest cities is occupied by Mumbai. The settlement, located on the coast of the Arabian Sea, has a population of 12.4 million people. The area of ​​the territories exceeds 600 km 2 . Mumbai is located in the western part of India and is an important international transport center and major seaport. In the life of the state, a settlement plays a decisive cultural and economic role. Mumbai consists of two parts, the city itself and the suburbs, which are administratively divided into 23 districts.

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