Where is the white beam black ear monument? Unusual monuments of Voronezh: monument to Bim. About the story "White Bim Black Ear"

Have you read the story "White Bim Black Ear"? I - yes. And this was probably the biggest shock for me as a teenager. This is such a touching and dramatic story that after reading it I couldn’t come to my senses for a very long time. And I consider the film of the same name to be a real masterpiece. For me, this drama cannot be compared in depth and tragedy with the story of Hachiko. The story of White Bim is a story of phenomenal devotion, proof that there is no one more faithful than dogs. They hope and believe until the end. And they are ready to die, waiting for their master.


When I arrived in Voronezh and found out that there was a monument to White Beam in this city, I decided that I would never go there. In no case. Under no circumstances. Although I am already an adult, I still have very fresh memories of the gigalitres of tears shed and the mental anguish that tormented me for a long time after reading the book. And after I watched the film about Bim, I decided. that I will never watch such a dramatic movie in my life, it was very difficult for me to watch it and the emotions that I experienced.

I knew for sure that when I saw Bim, even in the form of a statue, I would once again burst into tears from pity, sympathy, hopelessness and a whole range of other emotions in the same spirit. I wasn't ready to go through it all again. And I decided that Voronezh is big, is it really impossible to walk around it without encountering a monument to a dog. But everything didn’t turn out at all as I planned.

Where is the monument to White Bim Black Ear in Voronezh

Finding the monument will not be difficult; it is located in the Central district of Voronezh, the exact address is Revolution Avenue, 50. The main landmark is the Voronezh Puppet Theater "Jester".

What is the monument to White Bim Black Ear

The dog is an exact copy of his prototype from the book. The dog's breed is a Gordon Setter, if anyone doesn't know, the only thing that made Bim stand out from the dogs of this breed was his uncharacteristic color.

In fact, as I said above, I did not intend to go to this monument. But she didn’t even bother to find out its location. And I ended up near Bim quite by accident, having decided to explore the puppet theater - one of the largest attractions in Voronezh.

Here he met me, touching, as in the film, sad, with such incredible melancholy in his eyes that I could not hold back my tears. Of course, someone will say that you shouldn’t take such stories to heart. But how, tell me, how can I take the tragedy of this unfortunate dog out of my heart?

It’s amazing how the authors of the monument managed to convey in just the figure of the dog the whole drama of his difficult life. But there is also hope in him, which never left Bim during his life; he was sure to the end that he would meet his master and everything would work out and be as before.

The dog is sitting on the ground, apparently, the idea of ​​the authors of the monument, unfortunately, I don’t know who they are, was to make the dog as close as possible to people, the natural pose of the dog makes him natural, he seems to be alive. On the dog's neck is a collar with a pendant on which his nickname - Bim - is engraved. When I approached him and stroked his head, my heart was breaking from a flurry of emotions.

Traditions associated with the Bim monument

The dog is one of the symbols of Voronezh; it takes its place near the puppet theater and is a favorite of children. While I was standing near Bim, several children ran up to him to hug him, and it was clear that this was not the first time they had done this.

Also, local residents and tourists have a tradition of rubbing Bim’s black ear so that he will help make their wishes come true. Or the nose. These parts of the dog, by the way, shine more than others.

In fact, I am very glad that I visited the monument. Even though he brought tears to my eyes, they were tears of light sadness, I probably had to come here to remember this unfortunate Bim, yearn for him and understand, after all, the story about Bim is my favorite work, perhaps I I don’t dare re-read it, but I will never forget this dog.

They are rarely installed in honor of literary characters.

And if we are talking about a dog, then the monument to White Beam in Voronezh can be considered the only one of its kind in our country.

The townspeople themselves consider it one of the symbols of the city and consider it a must-see for guests of Voronezh. This attitude is easily explainable - after all, this is one of those monuments that really make the world a little kinder, awakening better feelings in people.

Still from the film

Who is White Bim?

The monument was erected in honor of the main character of the story Gabriel Troepolsky - Scottish Setter White Bim. Left without an owner, who was taken away by ambulance for long-term treatment, the dog unsuccessfully searched for him and did not wait at all. Ivan Ivanovich, Bim’s owner, was just a few hours late - the dog died in the shelter.

Gabriel Troepolsky - author of the story

The story of human cruelty, indifference and stupidity will not leave anyone indifferent, which is why there is a special attitude towards the monument to the faithful dog.

In addition, the sculptors perfectly managed to convey the mood of a confused dog, intensely peering into the faces of passers-by in anticipation of its owner. The monument does not have a pedestal, this allows you to perceive the statue as vividly as possible, as if there was actually a living lost dog sitting in front of you.

Not only tourists come here to look at one day. Voronezh residents also love Bim; they often make appointments with him, and they come up to him to take a photo or just pet him.

History of creation

The idea to erect a monument to White Beam appeared in the 80s of the last century. The authorship belongs to a well-known family of sculptors in Voronezh - Elsa Pak and Ivan Dikunov. During the work, the creators consulted with Gabriel Troepolsky himself, but he did not live to see the installation of the monument, dying suddenly in 1995.

The opening of the monument took place in 1998, was timed to celebrate the birthday of Voronezh. This is not the only event held near White Bim. The following were also organized here:

  • performance dedicated to the 105th anniversary of Gabriel of Troepolsky;
  • All-Russian action “Russia without cruelty”.

How to get there?

  • buses No. 9,13n,20a,52,24a,52a,41,44n,79,90;
  • minibuses No. 13,20,25a,50,70,88,88a,100.

In good weather, you can combine a visit to the monument with a walk along, located three hundred meters from the White Bim. It will also be interesting to walk along Revolution Avenue itself - the houses of pre-revolutionary buildings are well preserved, and there are real ones built in the Art Nouveau style.

Except , are relatively close:

  • Voronezh Opera and Ballet Theater;
  • art museum named after Kramskoy;

After sightseeing, you can relax in one of the many catering establishments of various levels.

  1. Every Voronezh resident knows that if cats are scratching at your soul, White Bim can drive them away - you just have to stroke his “black” ear. The same action can attract success in business.
  2. The monument itself is made of stainless metal, and the left front paw and right ear are made of copper - this is how the authors imitated the color of the dog. It is this ear that is recommended to be ironed at random, and it is this ear that is periodically torn off by vandals.
  3. The monument was erected with the money of the authors. The bulk of the creative work was carried out in Voronezh, and the statue was cast in Penza.
  4. According to the results of voting by citizens in 2009, the White Beam monument took an honorable third place in the election of the city symbol.

White Bim Black Ear has long ceased to be just a literary character; it is a symbol of devotion, courage, fidelity on the one hand, and it is a silent reproach to human cruelty and indifference on the other. A metal dog with a bronze ear froze in one of the central squares of Voronezh. In his eyes there is universal melancholy, sadness, despair and hope. He is waiting. He is waiting for his master, he looks into the souls of people and expects them to open up to bright feelings.

The story, which was published in 1971, was an unprecedented success. It has been translated into many languages ​​of the world; American schoolchildren even study it in literature classes. White Bim with a black ear became even more famous due to the amazing film adaptation with Vyacheslav Tikhonov. It was then that the idea to immortalize the dog was born.

The author of the story about the famous dog, Gabriel Troepolsky, comes from Voronezh. His fellow countrymen, famous sculptors Ivan Dikunov and Elsa Pak, decided to immortalize Bim. They consulted with the author of the story on everything, discussed the smallest details with him, but, unfortunately, Troepolsky died before the monument was erected. The authors of the work did everything at their own expense. The dog was cast in Penza, life-size, from metal.

One paw and ear are made of bronze, they are polished to a shine for those who want to take pictures. The red setter Bim turned out to be very touching and surprisingly real. It was installed in 1998. He sits right on the square, without a pedestal, his gaze directed into the distance. He waits with anxiety and hope for his master. There is a name tag on his collar. And let him not wait for Ivan Ivanovich. But this dog is definitely not alone.

White Bim Black Ear is loved by all residents of the city, especially children. Many little Voronezh residents come to the square in front of the puppet theater to trust Bim with their secrets, to whisper into his bronze ear about their problems and sorrows. By the way, the breed to which Bim belongs is very valuable. Even the imperial family kept red setters; Leo Tolstoy had a similar dog.

In 2010, in honor of the anniversary of the writer Gabriel Troepolsky, a bright theatrical performance was staged on the square. The dog came to life and seemed to step towards people from the pages of a book. Animal advocates like to gather near the monument and hold events against cruelty to four-legged animals.

In 2009, it was even proposed to make this monument a symbol of Voronezh. But the competition commission gave preference to Peter the Great, Bim took third place, but not in the hearts of the townspeople. There are no more monuments to dogs in the world that are heroes of literary works. In Russia, in addition to Bim, Pavlov’s dog is also immortalized.

Monument to White Bim Black Ear in the photo

Address: Voronezh, Revolution Ave., 50

GPS coordinates: 51.666095, 39.205411

There is one very kind monument in Voronezh. It's not often you see monuments to dogs. The Bim monument is the most beloved for Voronezh children. And not only that, even adults are happy to take pictures hugging the legendary hero of the story by Gabriel Troepolsky. Let's remember who this same Bim is, and why he became so famous that they even erected a monument to him...

About the monument to Bim in Voronezh

The monument to White Bim is the only monument in the world to a dog-literary hero and the second monument in Russia erected to a dog (the first is the Laika monument in Moscow). The authors of the monument are Voronezh sculptors Elsa Pak and Ivan Dikunov. The beam is made of stainless metal and cast in Penza in full size. The dog's right ear and one of its paws are made of bronze... The monument was solemnly opened at the Shut puppet theater on the city day - in 1998. Unfortunately, the author of the story did not live to see its installation...

About the story "White Bim Black Ear"

The story was written in 1971. Its author, Voronezh writer Gavriil Troepolsky (1905-1995), was awarded the USSR State Prize. The book has gone through a large number of reprints and has been translated into many languages ​​of the world. The plot of the book is simple. Bim lives in an apartment with the owner Ivan Ivanovich. They often go hunting in the forest. But suddenly the owner is taken to surgery, and the dog ends up on the street. Bim meets many people and is treated differently, from pity to cruelty. But no one manages to shelter him. After passing many tests, Bim dies, becoming a victim of betrayal and slander. The owner comes to the shelter for him, but finds the already dead body of his beloved friend in place...

About the film White Bim Black Ear

Based on the book, a 2-part feature film was made in 1977 (dir. Stanislav Rostotsky). According to the results of an audience poll conducted by the magazine "Soviet Screen", the film was recognized as the best film of the year. The film was nominated for an Oscar in 1978 for Best Foreign Language Film. The melodramatic motif of a dog lost in a big city even today involuntarily causes a tear-squeezing effect and does not leave millions of viewers indifferent. Filming took place in Kaluga. The role of an intelligent and tactful owner of a purebred dog was successfully played by actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov. The English setter Steve and his stunt double Dandy starred as Bim...

“This is a word to little people who will later become adults, a word to adults who have not forgotten that they were once children” - this is the parting word from the author of the book to all readers of the story. I think there is a reason to re-read the book and watch this good film with your children. After all, what they say has not lost its relevance today...

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  • Address:

    Voronezh, Revolution Ave.

  • Additional Information:

    The monument is located near the Puppet Theater, next to the stop of the same name for any transport traveling along Revolution Avenue

Years of creation:

Monument to a dog named White Bim Black Ear

Description of the monument:

A monument to a dog named White Bim Black Ear, the main character of the story of the same name by the famous Voronezh writer Gavriil Nikolaevich Troepolsky (1905-1995), was opened in Voronezh on September 5, 1998.

The authors of the monument are Voronezh sculptors I.P. Dikunov and E.N. Pack. Their model was a real Scottish setter. And Troepolsky himself advised them. To cast the sculpture, the authors chose stainless steel, since Bim was a white dog, and only the right ear and one paw were made of bronze. Bim was depicted life-size without a pedestal on a small dais, sadly peering into the distance and faithfully waiting for his owner.

The story “White Bim Black Ear” about the tragic fate of a devoted dog was published in 1971 and was a huge success. It was translated into dozens of languages ​​around the world, and the author was given the USSR State Prize. Later, a film was made based on the book, which also enjoyed enormous popularity and even competed for an Oscar in the Best Foreign Picture category.

A touching sculpture was installed on the square in front of the Voronezh Puppet Theater “Jester”. Voronezh residents and guests of the city immediately fell in love with the monument. It is impossible to pass by her indifferently. It became a good omen to stroke Bim's bronze ear. When voting was held in 2009 to choose the unofficial symbol of Voronezh, Bim took an honorable third place, losing only to Peter I and the Kitten from Lizyukova Street.

The monument to Bim has become a symbol of mercy, love, kindness. The place next to this monument was chosen for the III All-Russian action “Russia without Cruelty” on April 23, 2011.

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