Where did German Gref serve in the army? Gref German Oskarovich: biography, family, personal life, photo

(Illustration: Sberbank)

Gref German Oskarovich, President, Chairman of the Board of Sberbank. Born on February 8, 1964 in the village of Panfilovo, Irtysh district, Pavlodar region, Kazakh SSR, into a family of ethnic Germans. From 1982 to 1984 he served in the army, and after demobilization he entered the law faculty of Omsk State University. After graduating in 1990 with a degree in jurisprudence, Gref entered graduate school at the Faculty of Law at Leningrad State University.

In 1991-1992, German Gref worked as a legal adviser to the Committee for Economic Development and Property of the Administration of Petrodvorets and St. Petersburg. In 1992, he was appointed head of the Petrodvortsovsky district agency of the City Property Management Committee of the St. Petersburg City Hall. Later he moved to the position of deputy head of administration, and then became chairman of the City Property Management Committee of the St. Petersburg City Hall.

In 1997, Gref became one of the ideologists of housing and communal reform in St. Petersburg. Gref is also credited with lobbying the interests of German settlers. In Strelna, a small village near St. Petersburg, the territorial development agency Neudorf-Strelna began implementing a project to build a compact settlement of Russian Germans in 1996. This project was carried out within the framework of the Intergovernmental Russian-German Commission on the Problems of Russian Germans.

Gref's further career continued at the federal level. In 2000, he was appointed First Deputy Minister of State Property of the Russian Federation. In the same year, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation was formed, German Gref headed it and remained in this post until September 2007.

Already in November 2007, the ex-minister became chairman of the board of Sberbank. Speaking to the shareholders of the country's largest bank, German Gref said that competitiveness should be a key element in Sberbank's activities. And his comparison of this institution with an elephant was later repeatedly quoted by journalists. “We have to prove that elephants can dance. We must create a structure that is flexible, responsive to market signals, friendly to depositors, and reliable,” Gref said then.

Perhaps Sberbank is still far from “dancing,” but it entered the 2008 crisis with a large margin of safety. Its financial performance was perhaps the best among all Russian banks, even if you do not pay attention to the level of external support. Under the leadership of Gref, Sberbank not only updated its team of top managers, but even changed in appearance: the logo changed, the name was shortened (Gref did not fail to note that even this little thing, given the existing scale of the credit organization’s business, will bring considerable savings on ink and paper), and for employees A uniform appeared in the form of white blouses and green scarves.

German Gref is a member of the boards of directors and supervisory boards of a number of joint stock companies and companies (for example, LUKOIL). He was awarded a letter of gratitude and a certificate of honor from the President of the Russian Federation, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, and the P. A. Stolypin medal.

Gref is married and has two children: a son from his first marriage and a daughter from his second.

Gref German Oskarovich is known for his political activities not only in Russia, but also abroad. His conceptual ideas are very popular. In 2007, Gref became the head of Sberbank, which he remains to this day. According to Forbes magazine, the banker was included in the list of nine Russian businessmen who are considered eccentrics and eccentrics. Who is German Gref? His biography is very eventful, and in this article we will take a closer look at the life of the politician.

Place of birth and family

Gref German Oskarovich was born on February 8, 1964 in the Kazakh SSR, in the village of Panfilovo, Pavlograd region. His parents are ethnic Germans who were exiled from Donbass to Kazakhstan in 1941. Back then we had to live under the harsh conditions of the commandant regime. It was in this environment that German Gref grew up.

His family was simple: his father worked as an engineer, and his mother worked as an accountant. The future famous politician was the third child; he had a brother and a sister. German Gref, whose nationality predetermined that he would carry two cultures within himself from childhood, grew up calm and neat. Parents communicated with their children in two languages: German and Russian.

German Gref: biography

German married his former classmate early and went with her to Omsk to enter the university, but this attempt was unsuccessful. Soon he was drafted into the army, where he served for two years in the special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After serving in the army, he made a second attempt to enter university. And this time his long-awaited dream comes true - he becomes an applicant to the Faculty of Law of Omsk State University.

By the way, upon completion of his studies he was awarded a diploma with honors, and besides, during his years of study at the university he established himself as an active participant in public life. German Gref, whose nationality to some extent hampered his development during Soviet times, achieved success against all odds.

Later he became a graduate student at Leningrad State University (1990-1993). True, after completing his graduate studies, Herman was never able to defend his dissertation. In order to provide for his family, while still a student, he went to work in construction teams.

In 1990, Gref became a teacher at the Faculty of Law of OSU. In 2011, at RANEPA, after many years, he was able to again attempt to defend his dissertation, which he successfully did.

He is fluent in German and loves to read Goethe.

Moving to St. Petersburg

In 1991, the family moved to the Northern capital and got a job in the administration of the Petrodvortsovo district. German Gref, whose biography is presented to your attention, has since received high-ranking positions over and over again. Here he first worked for a year as a lawyer, and then headed KUGI for two years and was deputy head of the city of Petrodvorets.

During his work, he proved himself to be an intelligent pedant who has professional acumen. Thus, for three years he oversaw the property of the museum town in various positions, and later was engaged in the same activities, only at the St. Petersburg level.

In the early 90s, Mayor Sobchak was Gref’s scientific advisor at Leningrad State University, so from that time the latter had good connections with political figures, which could not but affect the development of his future career. In addition, he was familiar with Vladimir Putin. Sobchak and Putin are often even called “godfathers” of German Gref.

1994 was marked by a new round in the political career of German Gref - he became deputy chairman of the KUGI of the St. Petersburg mayor's office. Later, namely in 1997-1998, he holds the post of chairman and vice-governor.

In 1997, German Oskarovich joined the board of directors of JSC Lenenergo and became vice-governor. And in 1998 he became a member of the board of the Ministry of State Property of the Russian Federation and first deputy minister. A year later, he becomes a member of the board of the Federal Commission for the Securities Market and, in addition, heads the Center for Strategic Research fund.

Moscow career

In 2000, after Gref moved to live in the capital, he was appointed Deputy Minister of State Property of the Russian Federation, and later - Minister of Economic Development and Trade.

From 2000 to 2007 He is the Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation in the government of Mikhail Fradkov and Mikhail Kasyanov. At that time, he actively supported Russia's entry into the WTO (World Trade Organization). In July 2000, he was appointed manager for the Russian Federation at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and in the same year, a little later, he became deputy manager for the Russian Federation at the IBRD. From 2011 to the present, Genrikh Oskarovich is a Member of the RS Board of Trustees for International Affairs. And since 2007 - head of Sberbank.

Attitude to sports

German Gref has a positive attitude towards sports and has been interested in various types of sports since childhood, such as athletics, hockey and basketball. Later he showed interest in tennis.

He assures that he trains at least 4 times a week, but due to his busy schedule this is not always possible. In addition, the head of Sberbank insists that all of his top managers visit the gym at least 3 times a week.

German Gref: personal life

Gref got engaged for the first time very early, and soon after the wedding he and his wife Elena Velikanova had a son. German Gref's current wife is designer Yana Golovina, with whom he married in the throne room of the Peterhof nature reserve. In 2006, their daughter was born. And son Oleg, from his first marriage, has now graduated from Moscow State University and has become vice-president of the NEO Center company.


Since 2007, German Oskarovich has been president and chairman of the board of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation.

As German Gref states, Sberbank requires that competitiveness become a key point in its activities. Therefore, from the moment he began his activities at the main bank of Russia, he set out to create a flexible and reliable structure, responsive to market signals, and friendly to depositors. Under his leadership, Sberbank was updated not only externally - the team of top managers was also updated.

Harsh but fair

German Gref’s statements about the people and what is happening in the country are sometimes somewhat harsh and carry the harsh truth about reality. In the recent past, a situation arose when German Gref in his speech called Russia a downshifter. Deputy Speaker of the State Duma Nikolai Levichev did not like this statement, who, in response to these words, suggested that the politician resign voluntarily.

German Gref once spoke about the people as follows: “As soon as all people understand the basis of their “I”, self-identify, it will be extremely difficult to manage, that is, to manipulate them,” meaning by this that it will be difficult and difficult to live in such a society manage it. Regarding the current position of our country in the world economy, he states the following: “Russia is losing the competition, and the oil age has come to an end. From now on, the country’s only chance is the development of the following three components - science, education and business.” It was then that a scandalous statement was made, which some did not like, that Russia is a downshifter country - that is, it is a loser.

To change the current situation, Gref proposed joining the technological revolution and changing the education model, which has remained since Soviet times. This is where, in his opinion, it is necessary to start in order for any changes for the better to occur.

Here are some more of his quotes:

  • “We are creating an absolutely incredible number of universities training accountants; soon our whole country will become accountants!”
  • “The media must be allowed into all the secret processes of civil servants.”
  • “The most difficult choice - you can’t throw anyone out” (about the creation of special economic zones).


Four criminal cases were associated with Gref’s name while he served as vice-governor and chairman of the KUGI of St. Petersburg. One of them has to do with the privatization of the palace of Prince Gorchakov. The politician decided to privatize it, but the status of a monument of federal significance contradicted these actions on his part.

The next time he was suspected of receiving a bribe. This happened due to the situation when German Gref transferred the Sennaya market without competitive bidding to the director of one commercial center. After this, one businessman who wanted to get the said object was informed that Gref was helped in making this decision by a bribe - but he was never questioned in the case.

The third case was associated with JSC Color Printing Plant. German Gref issued an order according to which the position of general director was to be filled by a person from the politician’s close circle. The prosecutor's office saw this as government interference in the organization's activities. This time the case also did not proceed.

And finally, the last criminal case was related to the redistribution of the real estate business in St. Petersburg. At that time, four large companies could not divide their spheres of influence, and Alexander Moshkalov, who at that time was trying to subordinate large real estate agencies to his influence, arranged a meeting with the president of the city Association of Realtors in Gref’s office.


German Oskarovich achieved great success in politics, but not only. For a long time he has been at the helm of the board of the largest bank in Russia. His personality is partly contradictory and certainly bright. German Gref, whose biography is outlined in the article, is known for his hard work, perseverance and big goals. He is an ambitious and versatile person.

An outstanding figure of the Russian Federation, German Gref is a prominent government figure, president of Sberbank of the Russian Federation, and former minister of economic and trade development of the country. Today he is the Chairman of the Board of Sberbank of Russia, a member of the boards of many influential companies and organizations in Russia.

Gref went through the entire difficult path from an ordinary legal consultant in a small village to leading positions in the country. He is a successful businessman, politician, and statesman, included in the list of the most expensive TOP managers in the country.

Height, weight, age. How old is German Gref

Citizens want to know everything about outstanding figures of the country such as Gref German Oskarovich. Any details of life and any information are of great interest, even such as height, weight, age, how old is German Gref. The politician was born in what is now Kazakhstan in the village of Panfilovo, in 1964. German Gref’s nationality is German. His parents are ethnic Germans who were deported from Donbass to the Kazakh Republic at the very beginning of the war. On the Internet you can find many versions that German Gref is Jewish, but after studying his family ties you understand that this is not so.

Biography of German Gref, head of Sberbank

The famous and active man was born in the small village of Panfilovo, which is located in the Kazakh Republic. February 8, 1964. In this village he spent his childhood and youth. German Gref was an exemplary student, a well-mannered and neat child. He differed from his peers in his determination, perseverance and pedantry. After receiving secondary education, he worked as a lawyer in the agricultural department of the village of Panfilovo. Later he was drafted into the army, where he served in the special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Having repaid his military debt to the state, German Gref entered the State Law University in Omsk. He proved himself to be a very responsible, intelligent and smart student. And upon graduation, I received an offer to teach at my native university. In parallel with his teaching work, he entered Leningrad University for graduate school. But he was never able to defend his dissertation. Later in 2011, German Gref will still receive a degree from this institute.

While studying at Leningrad University, he met Anatoly Sobchak, who was his mentor and also the mayor of St. Petersburg (formerly Leningrad).

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, in the early 90s, the rapid and successful career rise of German Oskarovich began. Working in the northern capital of Russia, he held many high and important positions. The biography of German Gref includes facts of his work in the Property Relations Committee as head of the department, manager, lawyer, etc. Even then, he was personally acquainted with the Presidents of the Russian Federation V. Putin and D. Medvedev.

In 1998, German Oskarovich began working at the Ministry of State Property and served as deputy head of the Ministry. Young, successful and promising German Oskarovich received new promotions, recognition and respect every year. He headed high-ranking officials at Gazprom and the Securities Commission. And after Vladimir Vladimirovich won the presidential race, German Gref worked in government bodies in the Ministry of Economy and Trade of the Russian Federation.

Write a letter to German Gref at Sberbank

A new promotion and recognition awaited German Oskarovich in 2007. When he was appointed to the position of chairman of Sberbank. He was also the president of this institution. It was from this time that Sberbank began actively conquering the market. German Gref managed to choose the right strategy and tactics for the institution during the crisis in Russia. People began to use bank cards en masse and also mastered Internet banking.

The number of deposits, as well as the bank's lending operations, increased. Herman is open to new ideas and communication with people. Anyone can write a letter to German Gref. Sberbank of Russia is one of the largest and most successful financial institutions in the country. And German Oskarovich played not the least role in this.

Personal life of German Gref

While still at school in his native Panfilovo, German fell in love with his classmate Elena. The couple began a romantic relationship, and as soon as they received their education they immediately decided to tie the knot. This marriage produced a son, Oleg. But the couple was unable to maintain the relationship and soon broke up. German Gref's personal life improved in the 2000s. Already a well-known statesman, Herman re-ties the knot. His chosen one is the famous metropolitan designer Yana Golovina (maiden name). In his second marriage, German Oskarovich has two children. Herman is a lover of classical works, both literary and musical. Children are also taught to appreciate beauty from childhood.

Family of German Gref

German Gref's family is Catholic. The children were also raised according to all the canons of the Catholic Church. The family had three children - Elena, Evgeniy and the youngest German. From childhood, parents instilled in their children knowledge of two languages, Russian and German. Because it was the language of their ancestors. My father worked as an electrical engineer, worked in his native village and was responsible for supplying the entire village. Mother worked as an economist in the village council. When Herman was only 1.5 years old, his father died. The children of the Gref family were helped to raise by their own grandmother.

Children of German Gref

From his first marriage to his wife Elena, German Oskarovich had a son, Oleg. Happy parents doted on their son. But after being married for only a short time, they separated. Herman's second wife gave him two children. The children of German Gref were always surrounded by care, love and attention. German Oskarovich, even despite his enormous employment, put a lot of effort into raising his children. He followed their lives, education, successes and victories. He strives to give them the best and surround them with his love and care. He tries to see them as often as possible, even despite his busy work schedule.

The ex-wife of German Gref - Elena Velikanova

Very often, young people, without understanding their feelings, get married. Usually such marriages are not strong. This is exactly what happened in Herman’s youth. German Gref's ex-wife Elena Velikanova was his classmate in the village of Panfilovo. Herman was in love with her throughout his school years. The couple got married at a very young age. Soon their son Oleg was born. Problems in the relationship began almost immediately. The young people were not prepared for family life and all the problems that might arise. That is why their marriage fell apart very quickly.

German Gref's wife - Yana Gref

In 2004, the chairman of Sberbank of Russia marries Yana Vladimirovna. Their magnificent and chic wedding celebration was discussed on the Internet a year later. The event took place in Peterhof in the Great Hall. This is what gave rise to many rumors, negative reviews and gossip. Many were amazed how such valuable architectural monuments could be rented out. German Gref's wife, Yana Gref, was born on August 5, 1975. Yana is an economist by profession, but she didn’t work in her profession for long. Then I became interested in design and interior design. Today, Yana is the founder of an elite school in the capital.

Is German Gref gay and gay?

The life of German Oskarovich has always been shrouded in much gossip and speculation. At one time, articles appeared on the Internet that German Gref was gay. One can only guess what prompted the author to write such an article. A person occupying such high and important government positions is always interesting to the public. People begin to invent various gossip, stories and guesses in order to stir up interest in certain information resources. Such a “duck” on one of the sites was the information that German Gref is gay.

Instagram and Wikipedia German Gref

The President of the main credit institution of Russia, German Oskarovich Gref, is an outstanding strategist and analyst. He managed to set up and improve the work of many departments and organizations in which he worked. Despite his busy schedule, German is a good family man and a loving father. Instagram and Wikipedia of German Gref are filled with facts about his career ups, biographical data, as well as information about his personal life. The pages of the chairman of Sberbank on such networks as Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte are also actively being filled. A lot of useful information about the bank’s activities, politics, economics and personal interests can be found on Herman’s Twitter page.

German Oskarovich Gref was born on February 8, 1964 in the village of Panfilovo, Irtysh district, Pavlodar region, Kazakh SSR.

In 1990 he graduated from the Faculty of Law of Omsk State University. F.M. Dostoevsky with a degree in Jurisprudence, in 1993 – Postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg State University. Candidate of Economic Sciences.

In 1991-1992 - legal adviser of the 1st category of the Committee for Economic Development and Property of the Administration of Petrodvorets and St. Petersburg.

In 1992, he was appointed head of the Petrodvortsovo district agency of the City Property Management Committee of the St. Petersburg City Hall.

In 1992-1994 - Chairman of the Property Management Committee, Deputy Head of the Petrodvorets City Administration.

In 1994, he became deputy chairman and then first deputy chairman of the City Property Management Committee of the St. Petersburg City Hall.

In 1997-1998 - vice-governor, chairman of the Committee for City Property Management of the St. Petersburg City Hall.

In 1998-2000 - First Deputy Minister of State Property of the Russian Federation.

In 2000-2007 - Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation.

Since November 2007 - President, Chairman of the Board of Sberbank.

Awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II, III and IV degrees, the Order of Honor, the Order of Alexander Nevsky, and the P.A. Stolypin Medal. II degree, Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow, I degree, Certificate of Honor and Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation.

Awarded the highest distinction of France - promoted to officer of the Legion of Honor.

For special achievements in the field of banking and personal contribution to the development of Sberbank, he was awarded the Sberbank Gold Badge.

He is a shareholder of Sberbank: the share of participation in the authorized capital is 0.0031%, the share of ordinary shares owned is 0.003%.

German Oskarovich has held the post of president and chairman of the board of Sberbank of Russia since the fall of 2007, former Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, and is one of the most famous and highly paid top managers in Russia.

Childhood and school years

Born on February 8, 1964 in the village of Panfilovo, Pavlodar region in Kazakhstan, where his family was deported during the war. His father, Oscar Fedorovich, worked as a simple engineer, and his mother, Emilia Filipovna, worked as an economist in the village council. There were three children in the family (Herman is the youngest son), so the parents worked tirelessly. At the age of one and a half years, the boy lost his father, then his grandmother came to the aid of his mother - it was she who instilled in her grandchildren such qualities as restraint and modesty.

He studied well and was distinguished by exemplary behavior. He didn’t particularly like exact sciences, but he enjoyed playing sports and was even captain of the school basketball team.

Education and army years

In 1982, he was drafted into the army, where he served for two years.

After demobilization, he entered the Faculty of Law at Omsk State University. Having received a diploma in jurisprudence in 1990, he entered graduate school at the Faculty of Law of Leningrad State University.

In 2011, already as the head of Sberbank, he defended his dissertation at the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

Labor activity

In 1991-1998, he worked at the mayor's office of St. Petersburg, where he worked his way up from legal adviser of the economic development and property committee of the Petrodvorets administration to vice-governor, chairman of the city property management committee of the city administration.


Later he met the future Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Center for Strategic Research (CSR), under his leadership, prepared Putin's economic program when he ran for his first presidential term in 2000.

While heading the Center for Social Development, in 1998-2000 he also served as Deputy Minister of State Property.

After Putin's victory in the first presidential elections, he was invited to head the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. In the first half of the 2000s, it was one of the most influential ministries in the government.

In the fall of 2007, he became president and chairman of the board of Sberbank, and Elvira Nabiullina, the current chairman of the Bank of Russia, was appointed to his post at the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade.

Having headed Sberbank, he announced a radical reform aimed at making the bank a modern client-oriented credit organization. He outlined this goal as follows: “We must prove that elephants can dance!”


He enjoys running. Before the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, he took part in the final leg of the Olympic torch relay.

After joining Sberbank, he obliged top management to visit the corporate gym and swimming pool before meetings on Saturdays and resumed the company’s fading tradition of holding corporate sports competitions - Sberbankiads.


Currently married for the second time, his wife, Yana, is the founder of the Khoroshevskaya gymnasium, which includes a kindergarten and an elementary school. She is a designer by training.

The couple was remembered for a very beautiful and magnificent wedding ceremony in April 2004, for which the Grand Palace was rented in Peterhof.

He has three children. The eldest son from his first marriage.

Biographies of family members

Yana Vladimirovna (wife)

Born August 5, 1975. Maiden name - Golovina, after her first husband - Glumova. According to Yana herself, she received an economics education and worked in her specialty for some time.

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