Helios is the only one where to direct energy. Fallout: New Vegas. Walkthrough. Quest: I forgot to forget

The storyline in Fallout: New Vegas is surprisingly short: two bullets to the head, a miraculous resurrection and the search for one's own killer, a climax in New Vegas with the choice of side whose interests we will support, and an endgame at Hoover Dam. Regardless of the faction, our fate will be decided there.

The essence of the game is in side missions. Mojave is an unsafe place, and you can expect a call for help from any NPC or group. The New California Republic is one such struggling faction, albeit the largest in the entire Wasteland. No one cares about their power in the region - prisoners seize prisons, legionnaires attack checkpoints, civilians themselves stand up to defend their homes, because there is no longer any hope for anyone’s protection. The honor of reviving the former greatness of the NKR fell to you, fortunately the faction commanders do not skimp on assignments. And sometimes the reward is not only valuable experience, but also unique weapons. Just finding all the missions and not ruining another quest in the process is not an easy task...

  • There are neither good nor bad
  • I serve the fatherland!
  • Looking for unmarked quests

A short training, the last instructions from the doc, and now we are standing on the porch of an old hut, the hot desert sun is shining in our eyes, we see lonely villagers engaged in everyday activities, and we feel the atmosphere of rural peace.

But with the first breath of fresh air, we begin to realize that something is wrong with this world. While our hero is only admiring the desert landscapes and does not know that government power in the form of the NKR is bursting at the seams, bandits are operating in the area, mutants are breeding at a frantic pace, and savages from the east are about to break through the last line of defense of the unlucky Republicans.

The bright sun is shining in Goodsprings, and somewhere in the south smoke is already billowing - the legionnaires are probably acting up again. The neighboring town is in the hands of thugs, and the brave military men just shrug their shoulders, as if they are waiting for a radscorpion to sting them in one place. And nothing in this world will change until the courier leaves the porch of the village house. Only our person can decide destinies - protect or join in the beating, lend a helping hand or put a bullet in the forehead and, finally, save the world - or destroy it.

If the former suits you, it means that the unlucky Californians need to be re-educated - either with a kind word and a pistol, or even with fists and a minigun. But it is better to inspire the military with your exploits, the blood of the Devils and the Legion - this is how we will climb the career ladder from “favorite” to “idol” and return the former greatness of the Republic. But first we need to thank those who saved us from death.

There are neither good nor bad...

...there is only our own choice

Leaving Dr. Mitchell's hut, we immediately face a choice - where to go, what to do, who to help, and who is better to kick. Goodsprings is a quiet and peaceful place, but even here unexpected conflicts sometimes break out.

After completing the tutorial "Campfire" we go to the Prospector saloon and witness a verbal altercation between the owner of the establishment and the leader of the bombers. The reason for the dispute is a merchant hidden by the townspeople from evil men. Here is our first chance to express ourselves: we become noble, help the locals defend their town from the lip-smashing bombers, or go the bloody route, enlisting the favor of a weak but numerous Mojave group.

    Shooting in a ghost town(caravan driver Ringo). A distressed traveler hides at a gas station in Goodsprings and asks for the support of the townspeople. Sunny agrees without question, the rest must be convinced with a word or skill. Trudy requires eloquence 25, merchant Chet - barter 25. Hammer-Pete will give dynamite with an explosives skill of 25, Doc Mitchell will help for free, but if you convince him with medicine 25, he will share the doctor's bags. Then you need to repel the attack on the town. Try only to wound the enemies, leaving a chance for a control shot to the local militia - the loss of karma from the demolitionists will not be so great. You will become Goodsprings' "idol" (doesn't give much in the future), and Ringo will give you 100 caps as a reward (we'll get another 150 when we find him in the Red Caravan).

    This is interesting: The radio does not work in the Prospector saloon (this is one of the unmarked quests in the game). For repairing it (repair 20) Trudy will give us 50 caps, and if we bargain (barter 20) she will throw another 25 on top.

    Streams flowed...(Demoman Joe Cobb). The quest is the opposite of the previous one. To begin with, we simply kill the caravan driver Ringo. Then we get medicine from Mitchell (medicine 25) and ammunition from Chet (barter or eloquence 25). The finale of the operation is clearing the city of disobedient residents. As a reward, we get the reputation of a “favorite” among the demolitionists (we lose it at Goodsprings) and discounts on goods in Chet’s shop.

New California Republic (NCR)

The dominant faction in the game (present in Fallout 2 and Van Buren). Federation in Northern California, founded in 2196, consists of five states. The NCR capital, the city of the same name, formerly known as Shady Sands, is located in northeastern California and is ruled by Father Aradesh. The population of the Republic is about 700 thousand people. President - Aaron Kimball.

On a note: knowledge of NKR history will come in handy when completing one of the quests on Freeside. One of the squatters will ask you a few questions to make sure you are a Republican.

The state institutions of the NKR are similar to the structure of government of the pre-war United States. The Republic was strong in its industry, trading weapons, machinery and technology with other nations of the Wasteland. There was no state religion in the country, but any beliefs (except those that required sacrifices) were not prohibited.

The NKR can be considered the heir to the California Republic (“Bear Flag Republic”), which existed in the 19th century on the territory of California from June 14 to July 9, 1846. This small province was part of Mexico, but thanks to the uprising, independence was declared in it. The state was later annexed by the United States during the Mexican-American War.

I serve the fatherland!

...I follow the law and believe in dubious ideals

Most of the Mojave territory is under the control of the New California Republic, so it is not surprising that this faction has the largest number of side quests. True, judging by the overall picture, it is difficult to say how this group even breathes here, because literally every NKR outpost and camp is begging us for help.

The first serious fortification of the “new Californians” on our way will be the Mojave outpost. The place is quiet and inconspicuous, famous only for a huge statue made of iron and our potential companion Cass, drinking herself to death in the local canteen. You shouldn't expect any intriguing tasks here either.

    Show sympathy(Ranger Jackson). A simple linear quest. We kill a group of insects on the road nearby - we get caps, some equipment and NKR karma.

    Chasing the prize(sniper Ghost). Another walk - you just need to hit up Nipton and find out the cause of the smoke over the city. We run, talk to the demolitionist and return to the Ghost for experience.

    It is important: Under no circumstances give the Freight Train Med-X at the first meeting - otherwise, when completing the “Wheel of Fortune” task, you will run into a bug (the necessary options do not appear in a conversation with the demolitionist), leading the quest to a dead end.

If you don't get distracted by exploring the world, but follow the storyline, our next stop should be the ruins of the town of Boulder City. The main quest “Investigation” will lead us here sooner or later.

    Skirmish in Boulder City(Lieutenant Monroe). It is necessary to resolve the conflict between the NKR and the Great Khans. If everything goes smoothly, we will receive good karma from both factions. All you have to do is persuade the gang leader to release the hostages (Speech 45), and then ask the lieutenant to let the Khans go in peace. With developed bartering or eloquence skills, this will not be difficult.

And now it’s time to visit the HELIOS One research complex, where soldiers from the NKR guard the station day and night as a strategically important facility for the Republic. They have one problem: their main researcher (an idiot in every sense) cannot make the sun shine brighter and the complex produce more energy. This was his main goal - now this task is for us.

    Sun glare(Lieutenant Haggerty). The tedious demining and fighting with robots at the beginning of the mission are compensated by a large bouquet of endings in the finale. It all depends on how we distribute the generated energy at the HELIOS One station.

    • McCarran and Streep - we get nothing but experience and karma of the NKR, there is not even gratitude from Fantastic.

      Fremont and Westside - Ignacio rewards with kind words and medicine (plus good karma from Followers).

      The entire region - all of the above and the book “Science for Everyone”.

      Archimedes - some medicine and experience, the opportunity to take possession of a powerful weapon in the future.

      The entire region (critical option) - the plant is out of order, except for medicines and experience, nothing threatens us.

    On a note: If you program the installation on the Archimedes gun, then in Freeside, where children chase each other, you can buy an unusual pistol from a boy named Max: it works as a target designator for the Archimedes orbital laser, and can be activated once a day. A very effective contraption against a cluster of strong opponents, but it only works in open areas.

To the east of the scientific complex is the Forlorn Hope camp, where a basket full of their troubles is located. The NKR soldiers are depressed - there is nothing to eat, nothing to shoot at enemies, the infirmary is more like a slaughterhouse, and even these bastards, Caesar's legionnaires, captured Nelson and are getting on your nerves by sending their spies into the camp. We must again become the guardian angel and messiah in one person.

    Return of hope(Major Polatli). If you don't want to ruin your relationship with the Legion, you'll need stealth skills. Before taking food from the box, take your companions away, then return, sit down and take the stealth fight. After taking the supplies, carefully, out of sight, slip past the legionnaires. The next stage will require advanced medical skills. It’s easier to collect medicines in Doc Richards’ tent and use them to cure the sick, but it’s better to do this without the help of supplies - you’ll get more experience. The finale of the quest involves clearing Nelson of legionnaires, but even here you can do without losing karma on their part. Leave your companions behind and accompany Sergeant Cooper yourself. You can shoot and wound your opponents, but just don’t kill them - otherwise you will get a bad reputation. When all the enemies outside are dead, run into the barracks and quickly back to lure Dean of the Dead Sea into fresh air and the NKR troops. Pick up a unique machete from the leader's body and return to the major with good news.

    Medical history(Dr. Richards). We take the quest during the previous task. We need to find the thief. This is one of the privates, he often hangs around the barracks. If we ask the doctor about the signs of using Hydra (medicine 50), we can split the thief right in the conversation - otherwise we need to wait until night and catch him red-handed. You can kill the scoundrel, agree to his bribe, hand him over to the doctor, or force him to surrender to the authorities himself. The last option is more profitable - we will get more experience and karma from the NKR.

    Boomerang(Sergeant Radio Operator Reyes). During the mission, you need to run around almost the entire Mojave and visit the posts of the NKR rangers. The only fork and moral choice appear only at the end - in any case we will get 500 experience, so there is no point in provoking the ranger commander to commit suicide.

    A little south of Nelson there is a post of the NKR rangers, where the local leader is already waiting for our hero. He recommends that we get away, but we convince him that we can help. Completing the next quest can be combined with the “Returning Hope” task.

    Come back home(Ranger Milo). It is necessary to release the hostages crucified on crosses in Nelson, which can be done in a completely peaceful way. Find two generators in the city, wait until nightfall and turn them off, extinguishing the lights that illuminate the central square. Crawl to the scaffold, quietly untie all the prisoners (legionnaires in the camp automatically become hostile, but they should not notice you) and quietly run away after them. Despite the bloodless outcome of the task, you will receive the Legion's notoriety, but it will be much less than when clearing the city.

    It is important: If you kill the leader of the legionnaires in Nelson, Dean Dead Sea, the quest “My Name is Legion” will become unavailable. This mission is the exact opposite of the "Returning Hope" mission.

Camp Golf is a picturesque place on the shore of a clear lake, more like a sanatorium than a strategic military facility. We will definitely get to this piece of paradise through one of the Forlorn Hope quests; here is the main headquarters of the rangers in the Mojave and a camp of ordinary employees almost next to the lake. In “paradise” there is only one problem - the recruits do not want to serve, and they treat their comrades with disdain. Sergeant McCready is tired of this, and he turns to us for help.

    One step from defeat to victory(Sergeant McCready). There are four endings, our choice affects the final cutscene of the game. It is necessary to unite a detachment of yellow youths under the leadership of one of them. Punk Razz will agree to become the leader if we get drugs (the drug addict’s room is in a hotel nearby), Poindexter will hack the computer and falsify reports (you need to use one of the terminals: one in the utility room on the ground floor (hack 75), the other in the hotel lobby (bad glory to the NKR)), O'Hanrahan - to improve relationships in the team (eloquence at least 40), and Mags - to conduct training at the shooting range (weapons 45; explosives 45). Whatever choice we make, the amount of experience will be the same.

From Camp Golf it's a stone's throw to the NCR sharecroppers' farm, our next destination. Farmers have corresponding problems - the harvest is weak, there is not enough water, and why - this should be found out.

    Hard luck(Morgan Blake). The quest will take us to the creepiest location in the game - Vault 34, infested with ghouls of varying degrees of fat and full of radiation. We are looking for two flooded compartments - dive into each of them and take the passwords from the corpses of technicians. Then go to the terminal and pump out the water. We return to one of the previously flooded compartments and open the door to post “A” of the security service. After a difficult fight with glowing ghouls and the repose of the Overseer (a submachine gun is a good weapon against him), at the terminal we open the door to the armory, but first we go to the target reactor. There are two endings: help the sharecroppers (good glory of the NKR), or transfer control of the Vault to a group of survivors.

    This is interesting: if you choose the second, you can meet the survivors in a couple of days in the Aerotech business park in block 300. We can listen to their story and tell you that it was you who saved them.

Walking through the central Mojave lands, it is difficult not to notice the huge military base - the camp at McCarran Airport. This is the very heart of NKR, the main headquarters and simply one of the largest locations in the game, so finding all the quest givers will not be easy. Major Darty usually hangs out near the entrance to the airport, Lieutenant Gorobets is in one of the tents, look for Colonel Shu and Doctor Hildern on the ground floor in the offices, and Lieutenant Boyd interrogates the captive dean of the Legion on the floor above.

    Don't grow grass(Dr. Hildern). You will have to run a lot through the labyrinths of Vault 22 in search of access cards and terminals that block different doors. First, repair the elevator (needs repair 65) and immediately go to the fourth level, to the common areas, where in the elder's room, unlock two doors using the terminal. Then our path lies to the lowest level - it is full of mantises and carnivorous plants. Find the red terminal on this level and download part of the data, then look for the entrance to the cave, where a lot of living creatures and the rescue of the scientist Kili await us. The researcher will order us to set fire to the gas to kill the spores on the lower level, but there is one problem - the blast wave covers us ourselves. Solution: lead the companions into the room where we downloaded the data, throw a grenade or dynamite at the place where the gas accumulated and quickly slam the door. And at the end we will have a conversational battle with Kili - you can lie to her about copying data, but it’s better to convince her (science 70). If the barter is above 50, you can demand an increase in the reward from Hildern. Miss Williams will give a prize for saving Keely.

    Headhunting(Major Darty). A simple quest in terms of elections - you “just” need to destroy three leaders of the Devils: Chief-Chief, Vilit and Nephi Driver. When killing, try not to aim at their heads, because they are the ones you need to bring to the major as evidence. Before killing the Chef, talk to Little Brat in Camp McCarran - he will tell you that if you kill your favorite Brahmin cook, he will start killing everyone indiscriminately, and you can also find a recipe in his lair. Upon returning to the camp, talk to Corporal Betsy - she will thank you with the lids, then give the trophy to the major.

    On a note: Another victim of the Chef, the pimp Sarah, lives in a Westside hotel. If the Devil is killed, she will thank us with caps and steampacks.

    Healing(Lieutenant Gorobets). Sniper Betsy from the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion received serious psychological trauma during one of the special operations, we need to restore her spirits. We need a medicine skill of 40 or eloquence of 60 - after talking with her, all that remains is to report to the lieutenant and go to the New Vegas medical clinic, where the quest will end.

    Spy mania(Colonel Shue). There is a “mole” in the main headquarters, we need to figure it out. Conversations with Curtis and the camp staff will lead us to the control tower (the access key to it can be obtained from Lieutenant Boyd). We wait for the night (from midnight to two hours) and watch Captain Curtis follow him to the tower, follow him and eavesdrop on negotiations. Then we quickly run to the monorail and find and defuse a bomb in the train fan (explosives 35 or science 45), and return with a report to the colonel. This is an ideal passage, but there are forks: the captain can be killed and the bomb activation code can be taken away - when defusing it, science and explosives skills will no longer be needed; Before the ambush, you can inform Curtis himself about your suspicions, and then he will set a trap for us on the tower, we will kill him, report to the colonel, but the train will explode.

    White's search(Lieutenant Boyd). The beginning is linear - we travel to the indicated points, ask about the missing soldier. The trail will lead to a character named Tom Anderson (hello, Neo!), and we will be faced with a choice: to take pity on the killer, blaming White’s death on the Scorpio gang (the good fame of the Followers of the Apocalypse); hand him over to Lieutenant Boyd (NKR karma); persuade him to surrender himself (a little more experience and NKR karma). Also, regardless of the outcome of events, Boyd will give the key to the box with confiscated goods.

Not far from the NKR main headquarters is the Aerotech business park, a refuge for refugees and victims of gambling on the Strip. Captain Parker complains that people have begun to disappear in his department, and there is no one except us to deal with the problem.

    Coyotes(Captain Parker). Conversational quest. We go to the Westside hotel and talk with St. James (if he is in the room, wait until he comes out, otherwise he will attack and the mission will fail), then we run to the second floor to talk with Sweetie. For 200 caps she will reveal the secrets of our suspect, and for 250 she will sell the key to his room. If there is a feature “Cherche la femme” (or “Wife Killer” - for male characters), we get the key for free. We enter the room, take away the evidence (you can also visit Dermot’s room) and return to Parker for the reward. You can still “have a heart-to-heart talk” with the scoundrels using weapons, but this will not bring dividends.

When all the problems in the region are resolved, we will go to the northeast Mojave, where a shelter for children and refugees, now controlled by the Republic, has settled in the former territory of the Great Khans, in Bitter Springs. Nobody cares about the camp - supplies are running out, there are not enough people for security, and even some kind of sniper has wound up - regularly reducing the population of the base. And they even hung the flag upside down as a symbol of disaster.

A cynical scene: the captain complains about the lack of food in the camp, and she eats all day long.

    A little more(Captain Gilles). First of all, let's deal with supplies and people to guard the camp. Food is in the caves guarded by ants and night hunters, one suitcase is irradiated, but it can be cleaned with medicine or science level 25. There will be no problems with reinforcements if you have completed the quests in the McCarran, Forlorn Hope and Golf camps.

    Mountains, only mountains(Captain Gilles). Behind the attacks is a raider of the Great Khans - you can either kill him or convince him to leave with eloquence 50. If you have Boone as your partner and you want to solve the problem peacefully, leave him outside, near the cave, otherwise he will immediately open fire.

    Bitter Springs: Hospital Blues(Lieutenant Markland). By order of the field doctor, we need to get three doctor's bags and two books on the treatment of children and refugees. Books can be purchased from Blake at the Red Caravan. And if you have Arcade Gannon as your companion, instead of books you will have the opportunity to consult with him. In addition to experience, we receive a choice of medicine, money or karma as a reward.

The last quests for the NKR should be sought in the southeast, in the Searchlight camp, where the insidious legionnaires detonated a radiation bomb and the town from a fortified NKR checkpoint turned into a haven for ghouls, former soldiers of the Republic. Of the entire garrison, only Sergeant Astor's detachment remained in the ranks. He is entrenched in a tent nearby and patrols the area, waiting for us to turn to him for quests.

    We are together(Sergeant Astor). The goal of the mission is to collect 10 tokens from ghouls, former NKR soldiers, now freely living in the village of Searchlight, where there is a lot of radiation. 9 ghouls with tokens are hostile - they will have to be put to rest. The last ghoul has not lost his mind and lives in a house near one of the churches - convince him to give you a token (eloquence 60 or strength 7), and then help get rid of the radscorpions - you will receive additional experience. For each token from the sergeant you will receive 25 caps, and for all 10 you will receive a captured rifle.

    Wheel of Fortune(prospector Logan). A boring task, you need to run a lot, and the privileges are dubious. In the basement of one of the churches in Searchlight, we meet the inadequate Logan, hack the computer, run to Nipton to the Freight Train, then to the secret cave warehouse. We take away the anti-radiation suits, return to the prospector - he gives the key to the police station, and we must, on his orders, collect items marked “NKR”. After gathering at the police building, we repeat the procedure at the fire station, but there is a high level of radiation and a queen radscorpion - be prepared for difficulties. In any case, the quest ends sadly for Logan and his team - he gets into a fight and dies, the discussion cannot be resolved peacefully. But if Logan falls in battle, the quest will automatically be credited to us, and his partners will leave in peace (if they are not eaten by enemies).

    This is a bug: In game version there is still a bug that does not allow you to complete the quest under certain conditions. If you visited Nipton before and gave the Freight Trainer Med-X, the next time you meet him he won't say anything else and the quest will end in a dead end. This can only be treated with a cheat code: enter resetquest 131E7C in the console, but do not take the “Marathon” task again.

    An eye for an eye(Sergeant Astor). Our destination is the legionnaire camp at Cottonwood Cove. First, let's install a bug and steal data from the camp. The difficulties will begin only at the end - you need to destroy the camp, and do it (ideally) without losing karma. This is real, but first you need to complete the task “Loneliness” (ransom the prisoners from the slave trader). Climb to Cottonwood Heights, to the broken van with nuclear waste. Open the back door... and watch as all the legionnaires come running to the roar and die from radiation.

The last side mission for the Republicans awaits us just north of the Techattikap mine, where the partners of Private Rynolds were captured by the insidious legionnaires.

    Wherever I wander...(Private Reynolds). It is very difficult to free the hostages and not spoil relations with the Legion, but there is one scheme. Put on Caesar's armor and go into the mine with your companions. We go to the hostages - along the way you can kill a couple of dogs - we pick the locks (burglary 50) and openly untie the prisoners. A fight breaks out, your partners open fire, the legionnaires try to kill the prisoners, and we run with all our might to the exit. It is necessary to run to Rynolds before one of his comrades in the mine is killed. The quest has been completed, all that remains is to use fast travel to pull the companions out of the enemy’s lair.

    It is important: even if you managed to leave something behind somewhere, after visiting the Strip, the center of New Vegas, all the key groups will forgive us all past mistakes - karma will become neutral.

Family friend

In “New Vegas” it pays to be friends with everyone, and a positive reputation sometimes helps more than a sophisticated arsenal in your own backpack. Who will come to help if we call, who will give us the keys to the secret apartment. We carry out assignments, they give us gifts - mutually beneficial friendship. Now let's see who can please us and with what.

The faction's secret apartments are a place where you can get hold of ammunition and cells for storing your own goods.

    NKR- with positive karma, they will give us a walkie-talkie, and we will be able to call soldiers for help (does not work inside locations), and when we become a “favorite”, we will be given the keys to a secret apartment.

    Caesar's Legion- with a positive reputation, they are regularly given a task to collect the surplus equipment they have accumulated; if they have a “favorite”, they are given the keys to the apartment.

    Goodsprings— discount on food and drinks at the Staratel saloon.

    Demomen- with some frequency they will give us dynamite with positive karma.

    Novak- keys to a hotel room on the second floor.

    Bombers- the ability to use their store, as well as the faction costume.

    Brotherhood of Steel- after completing the quest “In the Ignorance”, the elder gives the keys to a secret apartment, and after joining their ranks you will be taught the ability to wear power armor.

    Followers of the Apocalypse- with good karma, we will be able to buy magazines from Julie Farkas in the Mormon Fort, after joining we will receive the keys to the secret apartment.

    Kings- if we do good deeds in Freeside, the King’s messengers will sometimes give us small gifts (food, medicine), after joining, local bandits stop attacking us.

    strip— pass to the closed section of the Ultra-Lux casino.

    Great Khans— good reputation is needed to take on some quests.

Looking for unmarked quests...

...carry out informal orders of the Republic

In addition to open requests for help, officers and ordinary servants from the NKR can burden us with their petty problems and suspicions. They don't even appear in the quest log, but are only mentioned in a small note. The marker does not indicate the target; all instructions are learned only from conversations. This kind of task is usually quite trivial, it takes only a few minutes to complete, but there are also some very interesting tasks. Let's consider them.

    In Novak, Ranger Andy will ask us check out Charlie's post, from where there has been no news for a long time. At the headquarters we find two audio recordings, we learn that the legionnaires killed everyone, and took one girl prisoner. Returning to Andy, we get 200 caps, Novak and NKR karma, and the “Ranger Throw” feature.

Several small tasks can be obtained in Sloan:

    Near the workers' huts lives a tame mole rat sniffer, he's limping. With medicine 30, heal his paw and report Chomp Lewis - you will receive good fame from the NKR. And if you talk to the workers, a marker for the Great Khans’ camp will appear on the map.

    Stands near the administration building broken electric generator, supplying energy to the quarry. Chow Lewis complains about its malfunction. The unit can be disassembled, but there will be no bonus for this, and if you repair it (repair 35) and report to the foreman, you will receive 200 NKR dollars and karma.

    The main misfortune for a team of workers is the death claws that flooded career. It is necessary to eliminate two individuals - the alpha male and the queen. To fulfill the contract, you need a powerful weapon: a sniper rifle with armor-piercing cartridges or a nuclear grenade launcher “Fat Man” will do. And also dress up your companion well so that he distracts the claws on himself. As a reward, we will receive 500 NKR dollars and positive karma from the foreman.

We leave for Forlorn Hope.

    Quartermaster Mayes asks you to bring him everything found NKR tokens. For each copy, he will give a symbolic fee - two caps. For the first token we will additionally receive a little experience, good fame and some supplies.

    On a note: the same tokens can be turned in to Aurelius from Cottonwood Cove, the reward is reputation with Caesar's Legion.

    Private Sexton from the barracks, to raise morale, holds a funny competition between the fighters - who can kill the most of Caesar's minions. As proof of the murder we need to bring him Legionnaires' ears, one for each warrior. There is no reward for this, but from now on some legionnaires’ ears can be unscrewed (more precisely, they can be found in the inventory of the fallen).

    On a note: You can't get an ear from every killed person, and this doesn't depend on whether the head is damaged or who the killer is - you or your companion.

Our next stop is Camp McCarran, there are also non-obvious tasks there.

    Double assignment from the cook of the NKR base - to agree on meat supplies and spices and fix the processor for cooking food. We go to the “Red Caravan”, we persuade Blake to cooperate (eloquence 75). To repair the processor, you need either a bunch of parts or a repair skill of 80. As a reward, Chef Fabber will sell food at a discount.

    Christina Morales has a tragedy - her husband fell in an unequal battle with the Devils, and now these bastards are using the body as bait for the NKR troops. You need to find a Republic outpost near Repconn headquarters, talk to one of the soldiers and give them back their body, interrupting the Devils. We go to the ambush site, kill the snipers and drag the corpse to the outpost. We return to the wife and get a plus to the reputation of NKR.

    The Republicans have captured the centurion Caesar, but Lieutenant Boyd cannot split him and find out valuable information. We are glad help in interrogation. There are two options: sweep away the boor until the penultimate unit of life or simply make him talk (intelligence 8 or eloquence) - the result will be the same everywhere. As a reward, we receive experience, 300 caps and the good reputation of the NKR.

    Colonel James Shue complains about the leader of the Devils - Motorcycle racer- and offers a reward for his head, or rather a helmet. We must bring it to the NKR officer as evidence. This work was entrusted to Ranger Anders, but he messed up and was captured by the Devils. Our target lives in Vault 3, in the ruins of South Vegas. If we have taken the quest “Honeymoon in Aba-Daba” (given by Dayen from the Red Rock chemical laboratory) or eloquence is more than 64, the Devils will let you see their leader. The motorcycle racer can be killed, bought his helmet for 200 caps (150 if intelligence is 10) or demanded that he pay himself (speech 75). As a reward we will receive experience and 300 caps.

    On a note: Bryce Anders is wounded and sitting in one of the rooms of the Vault. You can cure him with the help of a doctor's bag, and then either send him to the camp, or call for help (only if you want to kill the Motorcycle Racer), or you can leave him to die, but you will lose NKR karma. There are also three caravan guards locked in the residential sector: if we free them (breaking 75), we’ll get the password to the Overseer’s room.

    The most confusing of all unmarked quests is deal with Contreras. It is two-way - you can either turn in an underground dealer, or enter into a conspiracy with him, or you can first work for him and then turn him in. There are many options, I will describe the optimal one from the point of view of benefits and morality. We take the task from Lieutenant Boyd, agree to help Contreras (with an eloquence skill of 50, he gives the first order), go to the “weaponsmiths”, look for Isaac either near the Torgotron or in a house nearby, convince him (eloquence 80), and receive caps as a reward. The merchant's next order is to pick up a package from the Red Caravan. We ask Blake about drugs, we ask Contreras himself about the same - after that we can hand over the underground reckless driver to Miss Boyd at any time. Or we may not hand it in, but wait two days, then come back for the last order. We agree, go to Miguel’s pawn shop (Westside), verbally fight with Keller (undercover NKR man), convince him that we can cooperate with Contreras, return to McCarran. There are two endings: hand over the merchant Boyd (she will give you a unique “Machine” gun for this) or convince Contreras with eloquence that you need to cooperate with Keller (but the merchant will give you the “Machine” gun only if you kill Keller).

The last unmarked quest for the NKR faction awaits in the Aerotech business park.

    Helping Captain Parker expose the cheater. You just need to talk to Keith, using barter 45 and eloquence 60 to find out information from him (or climb into the table and find a marked deck of cards, but we will lose karma). All that remains is to inform Parker about everything, accompany him to Keith and witness the latter’s murder.

The quest is taken from Lieutenant Haggerty, standing at the main entrance of Helios One, who refers to a certain “idiot with glasses” who runs everything at the station. For some reason he can’t run the station at full capacity and he could use more qualified help.

We walk, guided by the marker, through the simple labyrinths of Helios to the goal. Literally after a couple of answers to my questions, when talking with the Fantastic (that’s what they call an “idiot ...”), it becomes clear that this guy is not only “incompetent” ... he is not at all up to speed with the things he has taken on ... the level of his knowledge is For electricians, the maximum is to screw the light bulb into the socket, and then under the supervision of a rescue team.

However, it doesn’t matter how personnel are selected in the NKR... our task, taking the work of a would-be scientist onto our shoulders, is to clean up this problem ourselves.
First, we need to connect two terminals located on the site with mirrors to the main computer in the Helios tower. Access codes can be found by talking to Fantastic (east terminal) and Ignacio Rivas (west terminal), the idiot's assistant. You can also find password records in the corridors of Helios.
When talking with Ignacio, we learn an even more deplorable situation from the head of the station, and at the same time about alternative energy distribution. Fantastic will order it to be sent only to McCarran and the Strip, settlements falling within the zone of interests of the NKR, and Ignacio will order it to be evenly distributed throughout the entire region, without depriving other towns and villages, so that they do not fall into decay at all. You can also get information from Ignacio in more detail (earlier, superficially you can learn from the service terminals found at the power plant) about a certain secret project developed before the war - the secret weapon ARCHIMEDES. We learn that he belongs to the Followers of the Apocalypse and warns us about the dangers of using this project in the event that information about it is revealed to militant factions (including the NKR).

Let's start by connecting the auxiliary terminals on the site. The approaches to one are mined with mines and a tripwire with a crossbow, which, in principle, is not difficult to secure. But the second one, guarded by aggressive NKR service dogs, slightly puzzled me. I didn’t want to spoil relations with the NKR yet, and this is exactly what awaits, in the event of a radical solution to the problem... all nearby NKR fighters, after the death of at least one dog, become hostile towards Messrs. I remembered and helped a pop-up hint when starting the game - that you can maintain loyalty to a faction when killing one of its members, if this is done without witnesses. The stealth battle and the cutting glove served well and retained the NKR's goodwill.
After all the manipulations with the terminals at the mirrors, we head to the tower, to the main computer that distributes energy and launches (optional) ARCHIMEDES. Earlier, from conversations with the above-described Persians, we already know that the approaches to it are blocked by a security system - “friendly GREETINGS” from the Brotherhood of Steel, who once ruled the station and were kicked out of there by the NKR.
In my case, with a shortage of stealth battles and the absence, at that time, of the “Robotechnician” perk, which would have made the task much easier, it was enough to secure my way only by turning off the turrets at the SB terminal. Then we had to fight our way through, using various methods to radically neutralize the security robots.
Finally we are at the main computer, but there is not enough energy to activate it - we repair the nearby generator ourselves (repair 35) or launch the repair robot located on the upper level of the room (science 45). Don’t rush, remember Ignacio’s advice and the careerist order of the ignorant Fantastic: where to distribute energy by choosing an option on the computer is up to you to decide now, you won’t have a second opportunity to redistribute it if you change your mind. You decide. Further, after initiating the distribution console on the observation platform, only the ARCHIMEDES function will be available - another dilemma: spoil relations with the NKR now or wait a little.
In the case of priority energy supply to McCarran and the Strip, we turn in the quest to Fantastic; if you decide not to spoil the NKR and distribute it evenly throughout the region, the quest is completed by Ignacio...
AHTUNG! If you later want to use the “Euclidean Algorithm” target designator and when choosing the distribution of electricity, another consumer (goal) was specified, then it will remain just a piece of iron... it will not be possible to redistribute the energy again.
It’s best to either wait until you come across this “rangefinder”... either during the quest from Veronica “Complete Worries”, or you come across it yourself in Freeside; or activate ARCHIMEDES II immediately
And IMHO, you can fuck, with the right manipulations, no more than two charges a day.

Story quests in the list are highlighted in bold. In addition to the usual ones, the game also has “unmarked quests”; in the Pip-Boy they are listed in the “miscellaneous” category in the form of notes. They differ in that they do not have marks on the map; you need to independently search for the desired item or character. In the list, such quests are marked with a (-) icon.

On the map, those locations where there are many quests are highlighted in white. All the rest are random caves, lonely houses, natural objects, it is not necessary to visit them. The entire map will open at level 20 if you take the “explorer” perk.

Quest selection menu:

Miscellaneous: Broken radio

Trudy will tell you that the bandits broke her radio. We can examine it, it's behind the bar. If there is a “repair” ability of more than 20, then we can repair it. If it’s not enough, we can buy the “Fix It Yourself” magazine from Trudy, it will temporarily add +10 repairs. Reward: 50 caps (if there is a “barter 25” we will get another +25 caps), 25 experience, + fame in Goodsprings.

Quest: Shooting in a ghost town

Trader Ringo hid in a gas station building in the northwest of the city. When we first meet him, he can teach us the Caravan mini-game. After this, we ask him about the Demolition Gang, he will offer to destroy them so that they do not terrorize the town. If we agree, we will need to find more volunteers for the battle:

Sunny- if we find her in the saloon or nearby, she will agree immediately. She will tell us about the other people and give us 3 hairpins - master keys, for breaking into a safe in an abandoned school.

Doc Mitchell- we ask him for medicine, we need “conversation 25”.

Hammer-Pete- we ask him for dynamite, you need the skill “explosives 25”.

Chet- you need “conversation 25”, or buy leather armor for 1000.

Trudy- you need one of the skills: “eloquence 25” or “stealth 25”, and she will bring a couple more nameless villagers with her.

(It’s better to complete the quest a little later, when we visit the headquarters of the Demolitionists in the NKR Correctional Colony, and look at all their quests. Then they won’t let us through, but will fire at us).

After visiting all the residents, we return to Ringo’s gas station and inform him that everything is ready. Sunny will immediately run in and tell you that 6 bandits have entered the city. We go to the saloon, we all defend the town together.

After the victory, our reputation in Goodsprings will rise - “Favorite”, and will fall in the Demolitionists gang - “Despised”. We search the corpses of enemies, collect all things. We do not put on captured Demoman armor, otherwise the locals will start attacking us. Ringo will pay us 100 caps and go to New Vegas to the Red Caravan camp. From the barmaid Trudy we will receive another 50 caps (+25 for high barter).

Miscellaneous: Safe at school

Sunny gave us 3 hairpins, we go to an abandoned school to learn how to use them. To break into this safe you need a hacking skill of 25. If it’s a little lacking, we read a book that temporarily increases the skill, or drink a potion that temporarily increases the “attention” characteristic.

During hacking, carefully press the “right” key to gradually turn the lock. By moving the mouse we select the correct rotation of the hairpin, where it will not tremble. If you quickly turn the lock in the wrong position, you can break it. Inside the safe: a few drinks, Menats(tablets to increase performance), Stealth Boy (invisibility hat, temporary).

Miscellaneous: Streams flowed

We help Joe Cobb capture the city for the Demolitionists. Reward: 100 experience, + Demolitionists reputation, - Goodsprings reputation.

1. Goodsprings: .
Broken radio (-) .
Safe at school (-) .
Streams flowed.
Deathclaw eggs (-) .
Sniffer (-).
Repairing the generator (-) .

8. Legion: Cottonwood Cove:
NKR tokens for the Legion (-).
Fights in the arena (-).
Sergeant Teddy (-).
Pointing finger.

9. Bombers: Artillery schedule (-).
Into the sky! .
Bad ants.
Boogie Woogie .
Young hearts.
Nellis. Scrap metal (-) .
Bomber medic (-).
Mister friend (-).
Children of bombers (-).

10. Great Khans: A Helping Hand.
Don't make me ask.
Red Rock Chemical Laboratory:
Honeymoon in Aba Daba.
Vault 19:
Why don't we be friends?
Mount Black:
Ghoul of the old school.
Guess who I saw! .
Lily and Leo (-).
Unfriendly conversation.

11. Brotherhood of Steel: In the dark.
Blind eye.
Lots of worries.
Don't meddle in other people's business.
Computer virus (-) .
Missing laser pistol (-) .

12. Hoover Dam: Add. faction quests Grace of Caesar.
Mercenary of Caesar.
Reliable assistant (-).
Emergency frequency.
Don't wake the bear! .
Beware of Caesar's wrath! .

12-2. For the Legion To Caesar what is Caesar's .
Execution cannot be pardoned.
Arizona killer.
I came, I saw, I conquered.

12-3. For Mister House The casino always wins .
All or nothing .

12-4. For Yes Man Joker: Ace in the Hole .
Joker: Change of Leadership.
Casino - Cover! .
Joker: You and the army? .
Joker: Place your bets.
Joker: The Finishing Touch.
No gods, no masters.

Option 2 - we help Joe capture the city - .

Option 3 - we do not enter into conflict and remain neutral towards both groups.

When we leave the village of Goodsprings, we will have the opportunity to change our initial characteristics and skills once. We follow the road south to the next town of Primm. At the fork in the road there is "Gin's Parachute School" - a small house and an airstrip. There are several Demomen wandering around this place. When we enter the battle, the robot Victor will come to our aid again.

Miscellaneous: Barton Thorne

On the side of the road on the right we will meet a guy with glasses, he will ask you to save his girlfriend from a flock of geckos. We can help or pass by. Having agreed, we climb the hill with the fallen radio tower, and go to the right from it. On the way we shoot about a dozen geckos. After the victory, Barton will run up to us, and it turns out that he deceived us - he needed to kill the monsters to return to his lair. We kill him and take the 9mm pistol. On the hill we avoid traps, inspect the drawers and refrigerator, there is useful trash inside.

To the left of the road there is a gorge with radioactive puddles. We walk along the gorge to a dead end, under the destroyed car we collect trash, a travel bag, and a detoxin.

Location: Sloan

This is a mining town north of Goodsprings. Worker Chow Lewis will warn us that this road cannot go to New Vegas; there are many dangerous Death Claw monsters on the way.

Miscellaneous: Deathclaw Eggs

In Sloane at a local bar we talk to Jess Wilkins, she will tell you about the recipe for an omelet from a Deathclaw egg. The egg is rarely dropped by any such monster. We can kill them only at hero level 20-30. As a reward we will receive Rose's Desert Omelette Recipe(+12 health, 1 minute).

Miscellaneous: Sniffer

The village of Sloane is home to a tame mole rat. If you have "medicine 30", we can treat his wound. Let's tell Chomp Lewis about this and we'll get a +reputation in NKR.

Miscellaneous: Quarry clearing

Lewis's champ in Sloane will tell you that the workers cannot enter the quarry because of a swarm of Deathclaws. Having pumped up enough, we go to clean out the quarry. You can climb to high places like excavators, and from there it’s safe to shoot enemies. Among the monsters, we kill two unique ones: Death Claw - the alpha male, Death Claw - the uterus. We return to Chavk, talk about it, we will get 5x100 dollars, + reputation in NKR.

Miscellaneous: Generator repair

In Sloane there is a generator to the left of the administration barracks.

Option 1 - dismantle it for parts: 5 scrap metal, sensor module, conductor. It will no longer be possible to put it back together.

Option 2 - If there is a “repair 35”, we can repair it. From Chomp Lewis we will receive a reward: 2x100 dollars, +reputation in NKR.

2. Primm
Fallout: New Vegas. Walkthrough

Quest: Investigation

The search for killers will lead us to the next town in the south. Half of the city is occupied by NKR soldiers, the other half by Demolitionists, in the middle there is a neutral bridge and a couple of houses with survivors. Without wearing the Demoman armor, we can go to the NKR camp in the south. On the bridge we look under our feet, there are mines installed there. In the tent we speak with Lieutenant Hayes, he will tell you about the situation with the bandits.

We go to the northern part of the city. If the Demolitionists' reputation is damaged, they will have to kill several bandits on the streets. On the right is the Mojave Express building, a dead courier lies against the wall, take it from him Delivery order (4/6).

On the left we enter the Vicky and Vance casino. Inside we speak with Johnson Nash - he is the owner of Mojave Express, from him we learn the background of the order, because of which we were almost killed. There were 6 couriers in total, each delivering their own item. Our killer was seen by the local deputy sheriff Beagle, but there is no way to talk to him, now he is captured by bandits in the casino across the street, we need to free him - . For the plot it is enough to either save Beagle or examine his body.

Other opportunities in the city:

Johnson Nash- we can trade, play caravan.

Ruby Nash- Johnson's wife, can cook a dish of scorpions - Ruby's Casserole (radiation +2, health +1 for 30 seconds), for this you need to bring her 5 radscorpion glands. Scorpions can be found in the desert south of the city.

Prim-Slim- a robot guide, we can learn more about the city from him.

In the side room of the casino there is a Combat Knife stuck into the table; we can steal it by spending karma.

Quest: ED-E, my love

We enter the Nash's residential building, we will see a damaged robotic eye on the table, for repair you need the "repair 65" skill. If you have the skill “science 55”, then the condition will be reduced to “repair 35”. In the next building we talk to Nash, he will allow us to take the robot with us.

Partner: ED-E . Gives the ability “Heightened Senses” (enemies can be seen on the radar from afar). The robot can be used as a portable workbench and ammo maker. In battle, the robot attacks with a laser. He flies through the air and is invulnerable to melee enemies. A little later we will perform several actions with it:

1. We bring the robot to the Gibson landfill in Novak. When we approach the landfill, the ED-E robot will automatically start recording audio. We learn that the robot contains Enclave data.

2. When we go to the very end of the Strip, on the right we will find Michael Angelo’s workshop, inside the robot ED-E will tell us the next portion of his audio magazine.

3. We return to Goodsprings with the robot; through its radio we will hear a message from Lorenzo from the Brotherhood of Steel. We go northeast from Goodsprings - to Hidden Valley. When we get closer, April Martimer from the Followers of the Apocalypse will contact us via radio, she will offer to bring the robot to her, and not communicate with the Brotherhood of Steel.

Option 1 - Brotherhood of Steel. Having completed the initial quests of the Brotherhood, we give Lorenzo the ED-E robot for a few days. Later he will return it in an improved form - enhanced armor.

Option 2 - Followers of the Apocalypse. Enhanced weapons.

Miscellaneous: Vance Gun Brochure

Robot Prim-Slim will tell you about the main exhibit of the Vicky casino - a car and Vance's personal submachine gun. We examine the display case in front of the car, it is broken. We tell the robot that the weapon was stolen, but he doesn’t believe it. Having the “science” skill of 50, we find out that the robot has been hacked, +50 experience. We can read "Primm-Slim's Corrupted Memory Block." The weapon was stolen by a couple: a man, Sam, and a woman, Pauline.

We will find the robbers north of the Westside, inside a separate residential building in a field. Inside, we talk to Pauline, use “Speech 55” to dissuade them from robbing the casino, or simply kill them. We break into the safe or use the prompted code, we will find it inside Vance 9mm submachine gun(damage 14, weight 4).

Quest: The city that I like

Deputy Beagle is being held by escaped criminals at the Bison Steve Hotel and must be freed. There are many enemies inside the building, it is better to sneak up on them unnoticed and lure them out one by one. If you have mastered lockpicking, you will be able to go through locked corridors without entering the main hall, where there are the most enemies. We will find a Worn Key on one of the enemies. After killing the leader, we can take him away Flamethrower Incinerator. We will find Beagle tied up in the kitchen. Having "eloquence 25", we can persuade him to kill the remaining bandits together, but he is of little use, it is better to immediately let him go out into the street. In one of the rooms there is a transition to the 2nd floor, there are several more enemies there.

We return to the Wikki casino. We ask Beagle about the man in a checkered suit, we find out that he went towards the cities of Nipton and Novak. This is enough for the main quest "Investigation".

Assistant Request:

Beagle will ask you to find a new sheriff for the city. Candidates:

Option 1 - Myers (Demolitionists). You must have a neutral relationship with the bandits, or wear their armor, to visit the NKR Correctional Facility. Myers will ask you to go to the Outpost and ask for amnesty from Major Knight, you need “30 eloquence” or 200 caps. Myers will be waiting at the Primm Center stop. His candidacy will suit everyone.

Option 2 - Lieutenant Hayes (NKR). You need to bring a reinforcement detachment from the Mojave outpost, in the southwest of the map. Having arrived there, we speak with Major Knight, you need the skill “barter 20”. We return to Heyes, +300 experience. Order will be restored in the city, but not everyone will like life according to the rules. Beagle will be fired, Nash will have more ammo for sale, but he will raise prices due to taxes. When we arrive a little later, Leila’s gang of deserters will attack the city, but after learning about the NKR sheriff, they will retreat.

Option 3 - Primm-Slim (robots). You need Science 30 or 3 nuclear batteries and 4 conductors to reprogram the robot guide into a sheriff. Neutral option.

Having found a sheriff for the city of Primm, we return here a little later. We enter the casino, followed by a gang of deserters and looters, led by Leila. In a conversation with them, we can fight, pay off for 100 caps, use eloquence, or tell about the new sheriff. They will immediately leave the city in fear.

Big Score: Vicky and Vance

When we find a sheriff for the city, the local casino will start operating again. In it we can play: 1) one-armed bandit, 2) blackjack, 3) roulette. For certain winnings in this casino we will receive bonuses:

625-1249 chips - additional 20 chips.

1250-1874 chips - 1 stealth battle.

1875-2499 chips - 1 leather armor, reinforced.

Location: NKR Correctional Facility

Doz is a guard, there is a Key to the info. center.

Myers is a former sheriff, sitting in the first building.

Administration. Hannigan, Eddie (Admin Key), Omelet. The safe is next to the painted portrait. Prison warden's terminal.

Prison Block A. Carter (Key to Block B).

Prison block B.

Quest: Path to Correction

Having met the Demolitionists, we can start working for Eddie, he leads some of the prisoners who want to stay in this place. We carry out several of his tasks:

1. To the south of the prison we will find Chavez, he set up a couch under the carriage. If there is “eloquence 30”, we can drive him away, otherwise we kill him.

2. There is a suspicious merchant at a crossroads. Having "eloquence 30" or "intelligence 6", we can talk to him. In fact, he is a bounty hunter looking for Demolitionists. Either we drive him away or kill him.

3. We go to Primm, find out the plans of the NKR. Lieutenant Hayes in the tent will not tell us anything, but you can steal the text “Military Orders” from his pockets. Reward: 100 caps.

When we complete the quest "The Path of Correction", the NKR troops will begin to storm the prison. If we help defend the colony, we will receive the status of “Inside Man,” and the leader of the Demolitionists, Eddie, will begin to constantly supply us with gunpowder and dynamite.

Location: Nevada Highway Patrol Post

There are several bandits from the Jackal gang around. Inside the building there is a workbench for equipping cartridges. There is a corpse locked in the cell, we will find a couple of cards and other rubbish from him.

Location: Nipton Road Parking Lot

There are radscorpions walking around outside. In the road store near the cash register lies Mayor Stine's Diary - the entry "Guess who's lucky", it says that he helped Caesar's Legion, earned several thousand caps, and hid it in a shack in front of Nipton.

Location: Mojave Outpost

At the entrance there is a huge statue commemorating the deal between the Desert Rangers and the NKR. Sergeant Kilborn is on duty, he will tell you who can be found where.

Lacy is a store saleswoman in the first building.

Cass is a drunkard who lost her caravan. He will advise us to find a branch of the "Red Caravan" - the quest "Paying the Bills".

Major Knight is in the second building, repairing armor and weapons. It is with him that you need to negotiate in order to bring NKR reinforcements to Primm, and you need the “barter 20” skill.

Location: Nipton Pit Stop

On the way to Nipton we will meet the ruins of buildings, among them lives a gang of Jackals. A little further we will see how the girl Jacklin kills Thomas. According to her, he suddenly attacked her. We examine the body, read Thomas's Diary, it says that they recently met, and Thomas was not up to anything bad. We will also see that she stole Thomas’ amulet, we are trying to return them, and she attacks us. Reward: necklace - 9 caps with star.

How to complete Fallout: New Vegas

Bonfires were lit in the city and the flags of Caesar's Legion were hung. Oliver Swanik - will run out of the city towards us, according to him, he won the lottery, but will not explain anything and will run on.

Quest: Marathon

In the department store we meet Freight Train, he took 2nd place in the lottery, for which he only got his legs broken. All the rest were either burned, hanged on crosses, or taken into slavery. The freight train asks us for 15 med-X for treatment, we can give 1 dose each, for this the karma increases.

The freight train told us that Caesar's Legion had taken some people from Nipton into captivity, and we needed to free them. We go east, at the fork in the road we will find the location "Legion Camp". There are several legionnaires in the camp itself, and single soldiers of the legion are patrolling in the fields around. You either need to kill enemies or sneak around at night. 2 Demoman prisoners are sitting in the center of the camp, we free them. +110 experience, +authority with Demolitionists.

Quest: Cruel Heart

In the center in front of the town hall we will meet a detachment of Caesar's Legion, Vulpes Incult will speak to us. He will tell you that the inhabitants of the city were weak, for which they were killed. They will leave us alive so that we can tell about this incident in other cities.

The Legion's atrocities must be told. To do this, just return to the outpost, to the large monument of two rangers, under it we talk with Sergeant Kilborn. +150 experience.

City Hall. We can go inside, the legionnaires are no longer here, but their dogs remain. On the counter with drawers we will find a Worn Key, with its help we can open the door to the basement, where there is trash and medicine. There are still dogs on the 2nd floor, one of the corpses is mined. In the upper office we can read the entries in Mayor Stein’s terminal; in front of the computer there are tablets, magazines, and a Book (+3 science). There's a closet nearby Laser pistol.

There are many traps in the southern house, there is a safe in the bathtub, you need hacking 25, inside: Magazine +10 explosion, 40mm grenade launcher. After opening the safe, the cage in the hall will open, and 3 tree scorpions will attack us.

In the eastern house we are attacked by the robot Prototype Mystra Gutsi. We can read the notes of the local programmer on the computer. There is a workbench nearby. All other houses are empty, but even there we can collect ears from the bodies of legionnaires, and tokens from the bodies of NKR fighters.

From Nipton we go east. In the gorge, members of the Viper gang will attack us from above, so it’s better not to follow the road, but to immediately climb higher into the mountains. Among the enemies there are a couple of grenade launchers. The red cones on the road are mined, do not approach them.

Location: Vertibird crash site

Far southeast of Nipton, behind a hill there is a fallen helicopter, there are many strong robots around, if we can quickly run past them, we will take a laser bazooka from the helicopter Tesla-Biton prototype(76 damage, electric charge, -50 health).

Location: Camp Searchlight

At the entrance to the city there are NKR soldiers, they warn that the Legion has detonated a nuclear charge here, a strong radiation background can kill us. All the soldiers in the city turned into burnt ghouls. If you have an anti-radiation suit or anti-rad medication, we can explore the city.

Quest: We are together

Option 1 - kill Edwards, take the token. We use “eloquence 60” to deceive and set the ghoul on our soldiers. - karma.

Option 2 - use “eloquence 60” or “strength 7” to take the token without fighting.

Option 3 - ask Sergeant Astor about the intelligent ghoul, he will tell you about Camp Echo, where several ghouls serve. We convey this information to Edwards, and he will leave the city. Before this, you need to kill 3 radscorpions so that he does not die along the way. The irradiated token will remain on the floor. +karma.

Option 4 - having learned about the camp, we can persuade Astor to take the ghoul into our squad, you need “eloquence 50” or “intelligence 7”. +50 caps, +karma.

Reward: 1 token - 25 caps, 10 tokens - Old rifle.

Quest: An eye for an eye

First Sergeant Astor will ask us to sneak into the Legion camp in Cottonwood Cove and plant a listening bug. If relations with the legion have not yet been damaged, we can enter their city without a fight, otherwise we will have to disguise ourselves and wear their clothes.

Option 1 - On the balcony of the building we find Aurelius from Phoenix, tell him about the NKR mission, give him the bug. We will get +reputation in the Legion.

Option 2 - We go into the headquarters building, take “Legion Patrol Notes” in the desk, take “Legion Performance Plans” in the filing cabinet, examine the radio on the table, put a bug there. We return to Searchlight and get 150 caps. Then Sergeant Astor will instruct us to kill all the legionnaires in Cottonwood Cove. Reward: 200 caps, 1000 experience.

Quest: Wheel of Fortune

In “Camp Searchlight” in the basement of the NKR warehouse we will meet stalkers led by Logan, he will ask us to hack the warehouse computer (medium password level) to find out where the anti-radiation suits are stored. From the records we learn that the supplies were stolen somewhere near Nipton.

We return to Nipton, in the store we speak with the surviving local resident Freight Train, he will tell you that the legionnaires stole boxes of goods into the nearest cave in the north. Inside the cave we will find a Radiation Suit - a package, we take it to Logan in Searchlight.

Logan's squad suits up. Let's get the key to the police station and go together to inspect the building. Inside you need to find all 7 things with the NKR mark: a grenade launcher in the warehouse, a machine gun in the prison, a pistol on the corner table, 3 computer parts in the desks in the center, and 1 part in the side table.

We go to the fire station, there are 2 dead legionnaires inside, here we will see how the whole city was infected. On the second floor of the building we collect NKR things: a submachine gun on the shelves, a pistol on the table, a helmet on the bed, parts of the radio on the stool, parts of the computer in sports bags. When we collect everything, Logan will attack us, kill him, and the quest will end.

Location: Searchlight Airport

South of the infected city. The only way to enter the airstrip is through an underground tunnel. there are several scorpions inside. Near the ruins of the airport building there are two chests containing about 500 caps.

East of the airport there are acid swamps, a dead Prospector lies on them, on his body we will find a nuclear bazooka "Fat Man" (damage, weight 30, cartridges: Yader-V).

Fallout: New Vegas. All quests

The entire town is a Dino Dee-Lite motel, with a dinosaur statue, and several other apartment buildings around. There are 2 types of workbenches in the abandoned gas station.

Jenny Mae Crawford is the owner of the motel; you can buy a room from her, ask about other guests and nearby factories. We learn from her that the checkered jacket passed here, and his people spoke with Manny, the local sniper.

Manny Vargas is a daytime sniper on duty in the dinosaur's mouth. It was he who communicated with our killers when they passed by. For information about them, he asks to help him -. For the main plot, this is not necessary, we can just look at the recording in Manny’s computer. We learn that the Great Khans have gone to Boulder City.

Other residents:

Dr. Ada Strauss - can cure diseases and addictions for 50 caps. If we raise our profile in the town, he will start selling us medicine.

Daisy Whitman is an old woman with a gun, a former pilot.

Cliff Briscoe is a souvenir seller inside a dinosaur statue.

Bruce Isaac is a musician and lives in a room on the 2nd floor. Hiding from Bishop, from whom he arbitrarily took money for work.

Miscellaneous: Midnight Ranch Attacks

Dusty and Alice McBride are a family of farmers in the south of the town. In the conversation we learn that every midnight someone kills one of their animals.

Nelai Noonan is a local madman who lives in a shack in the north. He will tell you that the farmers are being attacked by an invisible monster. After his words, we go to inspect the pen with the animals, and in fact we will see the Shadow with the effect of invisibility. We kill this monster before it runs away, take the audio recording “The Screams of the Barmin” and the Minigun weapon from his body. We show the recording to the farmers, and as a reward we will receive: 75 caps, 10 barmin steak in the refrigerator, + reputation in Novak.

Miscellaneous: Check out Charlie's post

Ranger Andy, a disabled person who was expelled from the NKR, lives in Novak in a room on the 1st floor. He will ask you to visit his friends from NKR. If there is a skill "Speech 30", it will teach us "Ranger Throw" abilities. After this conversation at the “Charlie” post we will find that everyone is dead. We report this to Andy.

Quest: Abduction

Boone is a night sniper. His wife was kidnapped by legionnaires, he suspects that one of the local residents was in cahoots with them. Boone asks to find the culprit.

We ask all the residents about Boone's wife. The main witness is the madman Nelay Noonan, he will tell you that you need to search the motel lobby. In the hall we go behind the counter, there is a safe built into the floor, we break it open, among the money we find the “Sales Agreement”, we take it as evidence. It turns out that it was Jenny Mae Crawford who sold the girl into slavery.

Having found the culprit, we wait until the night when Boone will be on duty. We talk to Crawford so that she follows us (the phrase appears only at night). On the platform in front of the dinosaur, we put on Boone's beret, this will be a signal that we have brought the culprit, and the sniper will shoot Crawford. We'll get +275 experience. Boone is going to leave Novak to destroy the legionnaires, we can talk to him and make him our partner.

Partner: Boone . Gives the ability "Gunner" (when aiming, all enemies are highlighted in a red silhouette). In battle he acts as a sniper, so he is only good in open areas. When Boone is in a squad, he will shoot at legionnaires without warning. So, if there are plans to join the Legion, then Boone will be the odd man out.

Quest: I forgot to forget

You need to take sniper Boone as your partner. After that, we ask about his past, about the events in Bitter Springs. Boone won't answer. To get him to talk, together with him we carry out NKR quests against the Legion. You need to score 5 memory points for the following actions:

In Camp McCarran, kill a legionnaire during interrogation (+1).

Quest “Spy Mania”: clear the train (+1), kill the spy (+1).

Quest “Marathon” (+2).

Kill crucified fighters in Nelson (+1) or save them (+2).

Quest "An Eye for an Eye": kill all legionnaires in Cottonwood Cove (+2).

Drop radioactive barrels on Cottonwood Cove (+2).

Kill Aurelius in Cottonwood Cove (+1).

Kill Vulpes Inculta (+1).

Kill Caesar in the Legion fort (+2).

Soon after this, Boone begins to talk, he still feels guilty about the terrible massacre in Bitter Springs. We go to this camp, in the northeast of the map. We will spend the night on the Coyote Tail ridge, at night we will see a Legion detachment heading to Bitter Springs for new slaves. We enter the battle, we need to kill 10-15 legionnaires and 5 dogs. After the victory, Boone admits that he feels better now. Reward: choose new armor for Boone - “1st Reconnaissance Battalion Body Armor” or “1st Reconnaissance Battalion Assault Armor”.

Quest: Let's fly

Sniper Manny Vargas asks for help clearing the local missile site of ghouls so that people can safely mine scrap metal. From Novak we go west. On the way there will be a checkpoint at the bottom of the bridge; we can collect cartridges from several boxes. There are medical supplies at the top of the bridge. Next you will meet Ghouls (people mutated by radiation who attack only with their hands) and the bodies of Shadows (large blue humanoid monsters who attack with armatures). Let's go out to the missile complex and go through the central doors.

REPCONN. Inside the building, a ghoul man will contact us via an Intercom radio transmitter and order us to go up to the top floor. We search the entire 1st floor. In the office room we can read messages on the computer. It turns out that the RobCo company was here, a batch of Stealth Boys were sent here, which give temporary invisibility, and now the Shadows are actively using them. In the director's office, we examine the computer and find the password to the safe: R3PCON. There is a safe in the wall nearby, you need the hacking skill 50, inside: 2 Stealth Boys. We go to the north-eastern corner of the building, in the large hangar we go up the stairs, at the top we speak into the intercom, and they will let us through.

Chris Heversem is a man who considers himself a ghoul. All the rest are real ghouls, followers of Jason Bright. The cult leader will tell us about the “Great Journey” and “Beautiful Distances”, where they want to fly away from this world. Jason will tell you that invisible demons - Shadows - began to attack them. The ghoul will ask you to clear the basement from the Shadows, we will get the key.

Option 1 - kill. We go down to the basement, kill all the Shadows. In the eastern part of the basement there is a prison, near the shadow jailer or in a dead end on a shelf we will find the Key to the Prison, we go down below, in one of the side chambers we will find a dead ghoul captive. In the northeast we will enter leader Davison's room. If before this we have already managed to kill any Shadow, he will not talk to us, we enter into battle, and we will take it from his body Greatsword (21 damage), Davison's Key. In the back room we can press the button on the wall, this will cause a descent into the sewer.

Option 2 - we come to an agreement. We go down to the basement, but do not attack the Shadows. We go into the office of their leader Davison, find out what is needed for them to leave the factory. The shadows want to collect all the Stealth Boy devices here, they are in the northern room where the lone ghoul has dug in. Having agreed to help, we will receive the key to this room.

Single ghoul:

We go to the north of the basement, unlock the door with the key, we will find ourselves in a multi-story hall. Below there are many traps and traps, and above is the lone ghoul Harland.

Option 1 - kill the ghoul.

Option 2 - help the ghoul. Harland will ask you to find his girlfriend. If you didn’t kill the Shadows, then you need to sneak into their prison unnoticed and examine the girl’s body. We tell you that she is dead in prison, and the ghoul will run upstairs to the rest of the monsters.

We go higher, in the terminal we will find a message that the stealth battles were delivered here by mistake, and they were returned to the warehouse, there are only 5 such devices left in the building. Let's go report this to the Shadows, and they will leave the plant.

We return to the top floor and report to Bright about clearing the basement. All the ghouls will go down there, let's follow. In the room behind Davison we go down into the sewer, through it we will go into the launch shaft, on the side there is a quick exit to the surface. Bright will tell you that they are going to fly away on rockets. Scientist Chris will ask us to get a couple of missing parts:

1. Isotope-239. Through the map menu we return to Novak, in the dinosaur statue we buy 1 souvenir rocket. Then we buy the Utility Key for 80 caps (having barter 30 or science 40, you can reduce the price), go behind the counter, in the room we will find more than a hundred souvenirs, take only 5. Or we can go southeast of Novak - to Clark- Field", there we will find a corpse in a bright yellow suit, we take the isotope from it for free and Anti-radiation suit.

2. Traction Control Module. From Novak we go north to Mom Gibson's landfill, buy the necessary thing from the old woman for -500 caps. Having eloquence 50" or "barter 50", we can reduce the price. If we don't have enough money, we can kill the saleswoman and her dogs and take the item. If we have the "Wife Killer" perk, we can take the item without money.

We return to the missile silo, you can go straight through the secret exit under the radar. We give two things to Chris. Having "eloquence 50", we can persuade him not to help the ghouls. We agree to the launch.

We go up to the top floor, where ghouls used to live. Use the resulting key to unlock the last door. Let's go to the control room. On the right you can configure the navigation system, if you have the “science 55” skill, two options will appear:

Option 1 - study the navigation data in more detail, make the trajectory more accurate (+ karma).

Option 2 is to make the rockets collide with each other at launch (-karma). In any case, the ghoul brotherhood will leave the missile complex. +55 experience, +reputation in Novak.

We return to Novak, report to sniper Manny about clearing the plant from ghouls, +reputation in Novak. If you haven’t found out yet, ask where the bandit in a checkered suit went, Manny will tell you.

Location: Mommy Gibson's Landfill

You can buy a lot of cards for a deck from the saleswoman. When we approach the landfill, the ED-E robot will automatically start recording audio. We learn that the robot contains Enclave data.

Location: Nelson (Legion)

At the entrance there is an NKR checkpoint, the main one is Ranger Milo. If you have the skill “eloquence 25”, we will receive a task from him. 20 doses of "psycho" are needed to strengthen the morale of soldiers.

Quest: Return home

Ranger Milo will tell you that the NKR are not knocking the legion out of the city of Nelson because the enemies have hostages. He offers to sneak behind enemy lines unnoticed and kill 3 hostages on crosses so that nothing interferes with the attack. If you act secretly, you will come across only 3 enemies on the way, so we silently eliminate them. We will not lose karma for killing prisoners. Reward: +165 experience, 50 caps.

Quest: Wherever I wander...

From Nelson we go south along the road. We will meet Private Rynolds, he will tell you that some of the NKR soldiers are being held captive by the Legion in the nearest cave - the Techattikap Mine. If we agree to help, we kill all the legionnaires inside, rise higher, open two locks, free 2 soldiers.

Location: Camp Forlorn Hope (NKR)

Quest: Medical history

Doctor Richards - we'll find him in the medical tent. He will tell you that his Hydra medicine disappears at night. If you have the medicine skill 50, we find out that those who consume hydra have purple skin. Private Stone has that complexion, but he needs to be caught red-handed.

We remain on duty in front of the first aid post until 2:00 am. Soon we will see Stone sneaking around. He will tell you that he needs painkillers to forget about the horrors of war. We choose what to do with him: 1 - we persuade him to confess "eloquence 60" (+ karma), 2 - we blackmail him (money), 3 - we demand that he stop stealing. We report to the doctor. 300 experience.

Quest: Boomerang

Those. Sergeant Reyes is a radio operator in a separate tent. She will ask you to transmit new codes for all ranger stations. In total you need to visit 6 posts: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot.

Communications officer Lenk - at the first meeting she will mistake us for a bouncer from Omerta. If we lie, we can collect Omerta's debt - 250 caps, -karma, -NKR reputation. Having "eloquence 30", we will be able to find out about this debt, and cheer up the girl, we will receive 30 experience, + karma. Book (+3 explosives).

Liaison Officer Tilden, surplus ammunition is being delivered to this camp.

Having gone around everyone, we return to Reyes, she will tell you about strange alarming news from three posts, let’s go check it out. Everything will be fine everywhere, let's go back. Rayes will send us to Camp Golf, where all reports are signed. We'll get 300 caps, 300 experience.

Commander Hanlon - we will find him in the building, on the 2nd floor on the balcony. We ask him about false reports, he will invite us to talk in his office. Hanlon falsified reports so that the NKR would send more people, so the old man prepared for the decisive battle with the Legion.

Option 1 - hand over the commander to the authorities. He will lead us into the hall, lock himself in his office, read his last speech on the radio, and commit suicide. The quest will fail.

Option 2 - leave Hanlon's manipulations a secret. 500 experience.

Quest: Return of Hope

Major Polatli is the head of the camp, in a large tent. If we decide to help him, first he will send us to solve problems in the warehouse.

Quartermaster Mayes is the warehouse manager. You can play "caravan" with him. He will tell you that he sent a detachment for supplies to the neighboring Helios One camp, but they never returned. Let's go search.

We reach the power plant, ask Lieutenant Haggerty about the detachment, she will say that they received provisions and went back. We return, halfway in the desert we will see a killed detachment, we take 2 letters from them, and we take camp supplies from the box. 2 legionnaires will attack us, we fight back and go to the camp.

For the second time, Major Polatli will send us to help in the infirmary. We need the skill "medicine 20", if not, Doctor Richards will send us back to headquarters, if we have the skill, we will examine 3 wounded soldiers. For treatment you need the skill "medicine 35-75" or a set of 3 things. You need to have Med-X and Super Stimulator with you, and we will find the rest of the things (whiskey, tourniquet, tweezers, splint, saw) nearby on the tables.

Having fulfilled 2 requests from Major Polatli, we can order him to begin the assault on the city of Nelson. The number of our fighters depends on the requests fulfilled and the reinforcements that arrive, a maximum of 5. Together with them we go to storm the city, we will meet several enemies outside, and 3 legionnaires inside the barracks building. 300 experience.

Miscellaneous: NKR Tokens

Quartermaster Mayes in Forlorn Hope will ask us to collect tokens of fallen NKR fighters in order to know the statistics on the dead and correctly distribute resources. For every 1 token we will receive 2 caps. If you bring him 15 tokens, he will give a bonus of 100 caps and 6 bottles of beer. If we refuse the reward, we will receive +5 karma.

Miscellaneous: Legionnaires' Ears

Private Sexton - sits in the barracks of Camp Forlon Hope. He is responsible for raising morale, for this he came up with a competition - who can kill the most enemies. Legionnaires' ears must be brought as proof. In total you need to collect 30 ears. The more we collect, the more soldiers will attack Nelson. Having obtained 30 ears, we get: 100 caps, 6 beers, +3 NKR reputation.

Quest: Legion is my name

Having normal relations with the legionnaires, we enter the city of Nelson. We speak with Dean Dead Sea, he will give the task to single-handedly destroy the NKR troops in the Forlorn Hope camp.

Location: Camp "Golf" (NKR)

Inside the building on the 1st floor in the terminal there is a line "Correction of the Lucky 38 control system."

Quest: From defeat to victory one step

Sergeant McCready in the Golf camp complains that he got the worst recruits - the Shval squad, we can help him rally the team.

Poindexter, a bespectacled man, will offer to hack the computer and change the test results. If you have "Speech 40", we find another way.

O'Hanrahan will offer to make friends with all the recruits, we agree.

Mags is a ranger, you need "eloquence 40", we convince her to treat others with respect.

Razz, a former mercenary, will ask you to bring him a dose. We go to Jack Red Rock, buy goods, and take them to Razz. 200 experience.

Location: Helios One (NKR)

Quest: Sun glare

Lieutenant Haggerty will forbid us to enter the power plant building. If you have the skill "science" or "eloquence 35", we can come to an agreement. We examine any computer in the building and find records about the Archimedes security system. In the bedroom on the table and in the chest we will find East terminal password. In the back room we communicate with Fantastic, who was accidentally assigned as a scientist, but he cannot start the solar power plant. He will ask us to get into the tower, turn on the device, and direct the energy to the cities of McCarran and the Strip. We'll get it from Fantastic West terminal password.

Nearby in the corridors we will be met by a real scientist Ignacio Rivas. Having "eloquence 35", we can talk to him. He advises us to distribute the energy evenly when we set up the station. Ignacio will tell you about the secret organization to which he belongs - “Followers of the Apocalypse”. They collect old technologies and give them away to everyone so that no one has an advantage. The organization also includes: a camp in Freeside, Usanagi's clinic near the Red Caravan, a guy at Aerotech, Tom Anderson in the Westside.

We go out into the back fenced yard of the power plant. Among the many reflective mirrors there are two booths with terminals; we inspect them and neutralize the traps. On both computers, select the “restore connection” line. After this we can enter the tower.

Tower. Inside we are attacked by 2 Mark V turrets and a pair of Mister Brave robots. We can quickly run into the room on the right, hack the computer, and turn off the turrets. We go down the sewer, where we will be met by Protectron robots.

There is a computer in the basement, but first it needs to be powered up. There is a Python repair robot nearby, we can turn it on - skill “science 45” or ID card. There is a small generator to the right of the computer; we can repair it ourselves - skill “Repair 35”. We start the computer, choose where to distribute the energy:

1) McCarran and the Las Vegas Strip (NKR's choice).

2) Fremont and Westside (helping the poor).

3) The entire region (Ignacio's choice).

4) Archimedes II (destruction of the NKR).

5) The entire region, critical level.

We can also turn on the Archimedes protective system, which will kill all NKR fighters at the power plant. So, playing as NKR, we do not touch this option.

We rise to the top of the tower, there we will find the control panel. We wait for the bright sun - from 9:00 to 15:00, activate the panel, and the power plant will begin to operate at full capacity. +350 experience.

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