Characteristics of the main characters of the comedy are undersized. Speech characteristics of the heroes of the comedy “The Minor The main characters of the work Minor Fonvizin

The work of D. I. Fonvizin “The Minor” showed the positive character traits that every conscientious citizen of the state must have.

Fonvizin endowed the character Starodum with this character in the written play. This is a hero with a big heart, an honest, sympathetic and merciful character. There are no episodes in the comedy when Starodum speaks unflatteringly about someone, steals or deceives. On the contrary, his calmness and poise are always with him. Starodum does not throw his words to the wind, gives practical advice, makes good conclusions and at the same time has a sense of humor - he laughs and jokes.

Characters who have similar character traits: Sophia – Starodum’s niece; Milon - military man, Sophia's fiancé; Pravdin is a member of the city council. Together they represent an example of a law-abiding citizen.

The author showed the Prostakov family of petty nobles as the opposite of these characters. The head of this family is Mrs. Prostakova - a greedy, rude and deceitful woman. It’s not for nothing that Fonvizin calls her Fury, the avenger goddess of the ancient Romans. She loves only one person - her son, Mitrofan, who is lazy by nature, he is distinguished by illiteracy and uncultured behavior, it is not for nothing that his name means “like a mother.”

When talking about Prostakov Sr., one can easily say that life makes him happy only when his wife does not get angry at him. It is clearly visible in the work that he is trying in every possible way to please her and does not have his own opinion. Another negative character is Skotinin, Prostakova’s brother. For this person, pigs are more valuable than people. He intends to marry Sophia when he learned that she has a rich inheritance.

Drawing conclusions, we can divide the characters of this work into two halves - good, represented by Starodum, Milon, Sophia, and evil - which is represented by the Prostakov and Skotinin families.

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Classicism is a literary movement that developed in the eighteenth century. A striking example of this is the comedy “Minor.” The characters in this work are the topic of the article.


What is the comedy “The Minor” about? The characters are typical representatives of social strata in Russia in the eighteenth century. Among them are statesmen, nobles, servants, serfs, and even self-proclaimed teachers. The social theme is touched upon in the comedy “The Minor.” The characters are Mitrofanushka and his mother. Mrs. Prostakova tightly controls everyone. She doesn't consider anyone, not even her husband. In terms of its problematics, the work “Minor” is straightforward. The characters in comedy are either negative or positive. There are no complex contradictory images.

The work also touches on socio-political issues. Even today, more than two centuries later, it remains relevant. The characters in Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor” utter phrases that literally scatter into quotes. The names of the heroes of this dramatic work have become household names.

History of creation

It’s worth saying a few words about how the work was created before describing the characters. Fonvizin wrote “The Minor” in 1778. By that time, the writer had already visited France. He spent more than a year in Paris, where he studied jurisprudence, philosophy, and became acquainted with the social life of the country that gave the world such names as Voltaire, Diderot, and Rousseau. Consequently, the views of the Russian playwright have changed somewhat. He realized the backwardness of the Russian landowner class. Therefore, the writer considered it necessary to create a work that would ridicule the vices of his contemporaries.

Fonvizin worked on the comedy for more than three years. In the early eighties, the premiere of the comedy “Minor” took place in one of the capital’s theaters.

List of characters

  1. Prostakova.
  2. Prostakov.
  3. Mitrofanushka.
  4. Sophia.
  5. Milo.
  6. Pravdin.
  7. Starodum.
  8. Skotinin.
  9. Kuteikin.
  10. Tsiferkin.
  11. Vralman.
  12. Trishka.

Sofia, Mitrofanushka, Prostakova are the main characters. A minor is a concept denoting a young nobleman who has not received an education. As you know, in the comedy he is Mitrofan, one of the main characters. But other characters in the comedy cannot be called secondary. Each of them plays a specific role in the plot. The works, like other works of the classical era, reflect events taking place during one day. The characters in the comedy "The Minor" are given names. And this is another typical feature of works of classicism.


Fonvizin's comedy tells the story of cruel and stupid landowners, who are opposed to educated aristocrats. The plot centers on the story of an orphan girl who suddenly finds herself the heir to a large fortune. in the comedy they try to take over her dowry by forcing her into marriage. The positive ones come to the rescue, getting rid of treacherous relatives.

In the Prostakovs' house

A more detailed description of the characters in “The Minor” is presented below. But, as already mentioned, Mrs. Prostakova has a difficult disposition. The reader is convinced of this from the very first pages. The comedy begins with a scene in which Mitrofanushka’s mother angrily attacks the serf Trishka for sewing a caftan for her beloved son, which is too small for him. This and subsequent events characterize Prostakova as a person prone to tyranny and unexpected outbursts of rage.

Sophia lives in the Prostakovs' house. Her father died. Recently she lived in Moscow with her mother. But several months have passed since she became an orphan. Prostakova took her to her place.

Rich heiress

Prostakova's brother Skotinin appears on stage. Characteristics of the characters in the comedy “Minor” - a description of the heroes who can be divided into two groups. The first includes the noble, honest and educated. The second is ignorant and rude. Skotinin should be classified as the latter. This man expresses his desire to marry Sophia. But he wants to connect his life with this girl not because he likes her. The thing is that he is a big pig hunter, as his last name eloquently speaks of. And Sophia inherited several villages, in whose farms these animals live in great abundance.

Meanwhile, Prostakova learns exciting news: Sophia’s uncle is alive. Mitrofan's mother is angry. After all, she believed that Starodum had long been dead. It turned out he was alive. Moreover, he is going to make his niece the heiress of the fortune that he made in Siberia. Prostakova accuses Sophia of hiding news about a rich relative from her. But suddenly a brilliant idea comes to her mind. She decides to marry Sophia to her son.

Justice has triumphed

The village is visited by officer Milon, whom Sophia knew back in Moscow. They love each other, but due to life circumstances they had to separate. Milon, having learned about Sophia's engagement, is at first tormented by jealousy, but later he learns what Mitrofan is like and calms down somewhat.

Prostakova loves her son very much. She hires him teachers, but by the age of sixteen he had not even learned to read and write. The boy constantly complains to his mother that teaching makes him sad. To which Prostakova consoles her son, promising to marry him soon.

The appearance of Starodum

Finally, Uncle Sophia comes to the village. Starodum tells the story of his life about how he was forced to leave government service, went to Siberia, and then decided to return from his native land. Starodum meets with Sophia and promises to rid her of her unpleasant relatives and marry her to a worthy man, who turns out to be her beloved Milon.

Description of the characters

The minor, that is, Mitrofanushka, studies, observing the tsar’s decree, but does it with great reluctance. The characteristic features of this hero are stupidity, ignorance, laziness. Besides, he is cruel. Mitrofanushka does not respect his father and mocks his teachers. He takes advantage of the fact that his mother selflessly loves him.

Sophia gives a good description of her would-be groom. The girl claims that, although Mitrofanushka is only sixteen years old, he has reached the peak of his perfection and will not develop further. This character from Fonvizin's comedy is quite unpleasant. It combines such traits as servility and a tendency towards tyranny.

At the beginning of the work, Mitrofanushka appears before readers in the role of a spoiled, tough person. But later, when his mother fails to organize his wedding with a rich relative, he radically changes his behavior, humbly asks for forgiveness from Sophia, and shows humility towards Starodum. Mitrofanushka is a representative of the world of the Prostakovs-Skotinins, people devoid of all concepts of morality. The undergrowth symbolizes the degradation of the Russian nobility, the reason for which is improper upbringing and lack of education.

The surname Prostakova symbolizes lack of education and ignorance. The main feature of this heroine is blind love for her son. At the end of the work, Mitrofanushka’s mother descends to the point that she begins to use assault towards Skotinin. Prostakova is a combination of arrogance, hatred, anger and cowardice. By creating this literary character, the author wanted to show the reader what a lack of education leads to. According to Fonvizin, it is ignorance that is the cause of many human vices.


Prostakova's niece is a representative of a noble family. But, unlike her relatives, she is educated and has a concept of honor. Sophia laughs at Mitrofanushka and his mother. She despises them. The characteristic features of the heroine are kindness, mockery, nobility.

Other positive characters

Starodum is an educated man of advanced years with extensive life experience. The main traits of this hero are honesty, wisdom, kindness and respect for other people. This character is opposed to Prostakova. Both of them wish the best for their students. But their approach to education is completely different. If Prostakova sees in her son a small child who requires constant care and indulges him in everything, then Starodum considers Sophia a mature personality. He takes care of his niece, choosing a worthy man as her husband. A few words should be said about this character.


The characteristic features of this hero are sincerity, nobility, and prudence. Even in difficult situations, he does not lose his sanity. Hearing about Sophia's engagement, he imagines Mitrofan as an educated and worthy man. And only later does his opinion regarding his opponent change. It is this hero, in one of his last actions, who tries to reconcile Prostakova with her brother, reminding them that they are close people.

", is one of the first-class works of Russian literature. The playwright depicted in it, firstly, the ignorant ancient education of noble children; secondly, the gross arbitrariness of the landowners, their inhumane treatment of the serfs.

About the main characters of the play, Mrs. Prostakova , and her son, Mitrofanushka , you can read in the articles especially dedicated to them on our website: Characteristics of Mrs. Prostakova in “The Minor” by Fonvizin and Characteristics of Mitrofan in “The Minor” by Fonvizin. Next we will outline the other characters in the play.

Heroes of Fonvizin's "Undergrowth"

Prostakova's husband , Mitrofan's father, is a timid and weak-willed man, so downtrodden and intimidated by his wife that he has neither his own desires nor his own opinions. “Before your eyes,” he says to his wife, “mine see nothing.”

Skotinin, Prostakova's brother , is a comic face. He is depicted a little caricaturedly with his exaggerated passion for pigs, which he himself innocently explains as follows: “People in front of me are smart, but among the pigs I myself am smarter than everyone else.” He received the same upbringing as his sister, and is just as rude as she: he treats pigs “infinitely better than people”; but in his whole figure there is some kind of comic good nature, which, however, stems from extraordinary stupidity. His name, as well as the names of other characters, were selected by Fonvizin in accordance with the properties of their characters or occupations.

Fonvizin. Minor. Maly Theater performance

In a few strokes, but very vividly, Mitrofan’s teachers, retired sergeant Tsyfirkin and seminarian Kuteikin are depicted. Tsyfirkin teaches Mitrofan arithmetic, as his name hints at; this is an honest old soldier. Kuteikin says that he left the seminary without completing the course: “fearing the abyss of wisdom.” He is a completely ignorant person; the only thing that remained with him from his stay in the seminary was his manner of often using Church Slavonic expressions; Moreover, Kuteikin is greedy and selfish, an “insatiable soul,” as Prostakova characterizes him.

The name of another teacher is German Vralman– very successfully composed of the Russian word “liar” and the German “mann” (man). In the person of Vralman, Fonvizin shows what kind of foreign teachers in those days taught noble children “all sciences.” Vralman was a coachman for a long time: having lost his job, he became a teacher, only in order not to die of hunger. In the Prostakovs' house, he, as a foreigner, is given special honor and preference over other teachers. He receives a salary of three hundred rubles a year, while honest Tsyfirkin should receive only ten. Prostakova lists all the benefits that Vralman receives in their house: “we seat you at the table with us; Our women wash his linen; where needed - a horse; at the table - a glass of wine; at night - a tallow candle." Prostakova is happy with the German: “he doesn’t force the child.” The cunning Vralman found a wonderful way to please his mistress, while at the same time hiding his ignorance: not only does he not teach Mitrofanushka anything, but he also prevents other teachers from studying with him, indulging Mitrofan’s laziness, praising him in every possible way before his adoring mother.

In the face Eremeevna, “mother” of Mitrofan, Fonvizin for the first time depicted the type of infinitely devoted, selfless serf servant, which in Russian literature was reflected in several images, male and female. Savelich, in “The Captain’s Daughter” by Pushkin, Evseich, in “Childhood of Bagrov the Grandson” by Aksakov, Natalya Savishna - in “Childhood and Adolescence” by Leo Tolstoy. In life, this type is known to everyone in the person of Pushkin’s nanny, Arina Rodionovna. Yes, how many of us have a dear, beloved face associated with the name “nanny”... It’s amazing that this very type is found only in Russian literature, among the Russian people!

But unlike other heroes and heroines of Russian writers similar to her, Eremeevna is a completely unhappy creature, not appreciated by anyone: it’s not for nothing that she serves in the Prostakovs’ house! For her faithful forty years of service and love, she receives only insults, abuse and beatings. “Am I not zealous for you, mother?” in tears she says to Prostakova, “you don’t know how to serve anymore... I would be glad not only that... you don’t regret your stomach... but everything is undesirable.” Tsyfirkin and Kuteikin ask her how much she receives for her service? “Five rubles a year, and five slaps a day,” Eremeevna answers sadly. Even her pet, Mitrofanushka, is rude to her and insults her.

The comedy “The Minor” was written by D.I. Fonvizin in 1782. But, despite the 200 years that have passed and social changes, it continues to be staged in theaters and is of interest to the viewer and reader. The comedy is interesting because of its bright characters, which, oddly enough, are still found in our time. The main problem of the work is the level of education of young nobles.

The main characters of the comedy “The Minor”:

Prostakov – a typical henpecked person who does not want to think with his own head. He entrusted all housekeeping to his wife. Humble as a calf. Prostakov does not have the right to vote in his house.

G Ms. Prostakova – cunning, calculating landowner. She has ruined her peasants to the last thread, and is crying that there is nothing more to take. Having learned that Sophia had become a rich heiress, she set out to marry her loafer to Sophia. Rude and scandalous. No one can live from her. But cunning and flattering to those from whom she expects benefits. Capable of low actions. She denies the need for education, which speaks of her narrow mind.

Mitrofan- son of the Prostakovs, a minor. He's cunning, he knows how to play nice with his mother. An illiterate lazy person and a loafer. In those days, minors were called children of nobles who did not receive a written certificate from teachers about the education they received. Minors were not allowed into the public service; they were not given the so-called. crown memorials - papers that allowed marriage.

Pravdin – an official sent by the governor to take custody of the Prostakovs' estate and villages. An honest and decent official.

Starodum – Sophia's uncle. A straightforward, decent person. In his youth, he took part in battles and served at court, but seeing how some were ready to curry favor and build intrigues in order to rise in the eyes of august persons, Starodum left service at court, as he admits, “brought home intact, my soul, my honor, my rules." In his conversations he advocates the education of young nobles.

Sophia - Starodum's niece, a modest, educated girl. Loves Milo.

Milon – officer, nobleman, loves Sophia, is respected by his colleagues.

Skotinin – the landowner robs his peasants to the last. He is going to marry Sophia, but he does not love the girl, but the pigs that are raised by peasants in Sophia’s villages. His last name matches him. The man is uneducated and rude.

Kuteikin – teaches Mitrofan literature. A cheat and a swindler.

Tsyfirkin – teaches mathematics. By refusing to pay Mitrofan's tuition, Tsyfirkin behaved like a decent person.

Vralman – German, French teacher. A multi-talking surname. With it, Fonvizin tries to emphasize the deceitful character of the German, who, receiving 300 rubles a year, does not teach Mitrofan anything, and interferes with others. One day Vralman accidentally lets slip that he was a coachman in St. Petersburg. And indeed, Starodum was once his master. Leaving the Prostakovs, he took the German back as coachman.

Eremeevna- Serf of the Prostakovs, nanny of Mitrofan. She treats the undergrowth as if she were her own, and is ready to stand up for him. He carries out all of Prostakova’s orders unquestioningly.

Almost all the names of the characters in the work characterize their owners in one way or another:

  • Pravdin personifies honesty;
  • Starodum - a conservative outlook on life;
  • Vralman - deceit.
  • Kuteikin - a tendency to binge drinking and an easy life

True, Mrs. Prostakova is not as simple as her dull hubby and the undersized Mitrofan.

Prostakova tried to quietly kidnap Sophia in order to secretly marry her with Mitrofan. But Sophia made a fuss, and Milon was the first to come to her aid, followed by Starodum and Pravdin. Prostakova realized that Starodum and Sophia’s complaint could end badly for her and begged for forgiveness. As soon as Sophia forgave her, she began to threaten her people. Then Pravdin read her and her husband a document on guardianship, which effectively deprived her of all power over the estate and peasants. In Fonvizin’s comedy, a red thread runs through the idea of ​​the greatness and intelligence of the Sovereign Emperor.

"Written in the best traditions of Russian classicism. In accordance with the classic canons, the characters in the work are clearly divided into positive and negative, and their names and surnames succinctly characterize and reveal the main features of the characters. However, in contrast to the traditional images of classic plays, the heroes of “The Minor” are devoid of stereotypes, which is what attracts modern readers and viewers.

Positive actors include Pravdin, Sophia, Starodum And Milo. Each of them supports the ideas of the Enlightenment, considering virtue, honesty, love of country, high morality and education to be the main human values. The negative heroes are depicted as their complete opposite - Prostakovs, Skotinin And Mitrofan. They are representatives of the “old” nobility, which with all its might clings to outdated ideas of serfdom and feudalism. Their core values ​​are money, position in the social hierarchy and physical strength.

In Fonvizin’s play “The Minor,” the main characters are divided into peculiar dual pairs, in which the author portrays people with similar social roles, but depicting them in a mirror distortion. So, in addition to a couple of “children” - Sophia and Mitrofan, we can distinguish “educators” - Starodum and Prostakov, “suitors” - Milon and Skotinin, as well as “owners” - Prostakov and Pravdin.

Mitrofan- a teenager and the main character of the comedy - a spoiled, stupid young man of sixteen, for whom his mother, nanny or servants always did everything. Having adopted from his mother a love of money, rudeness and disrespect for his family (Prostakova is ready to deceive her brother in order to arrange a marriage that is profitable for her), and from his father complete lack of will, he behaves like a small child - he does not want to study, while he finds marriage fun fun. The complete opposite of Mitrofan is Sophia. This is an educated, smart and serious girl with a difficult fate. Having lost her parents at an early age and living in the care of the Prostakovs, Sophia does not adopt their values, but, in fact, becomes a “black sheep” in their society (Prostakova is even indignant that the girl can read).

Prostakova appears before readers, on the one hand, as an uneducated, cunning woman who is ready to do almost anything for the sake of profit, and on the other hand, as a practical housewife and loving mother, for whom the happiness and carefree future of her son comes above all else. Prostakova raised Mitrofan the way she was raised, and therefore was able to convey and show by her own example outdated, long-exhausted ideas and values.

U Staroduma a completely different approach to education - he does not treat Sophia like a small child, talking with her as an equal, instructing her and advising her based on his own experience. In the matter of marriage, a man does not undertake to make final decisions for a girl, because he does not know whether her heart is free.
In the image of Starodum, Fonvizin portrays his ideal of a parent and educator - an authoritative, strong personality who herself has walked a worthy path. However, analyzing the system of characters in “The Minor” from the point of view of a modern reader, it is worth noting that the image of Starodum as a teacher is also not ideal. The entire time he was away, Sophia was deprived of parental care and left to her own devices. The fact that the girl learned to read, values ​​morality and virtue is most likely the merit of her parents, who instilled this in her at a young age.

In general, the theme of kinship is important both for the positive characters of the play “The Minor” and for the negative ones. Sophia- daughter of worthy people, Milo- the son of a good friend Starodum. Prostakova received this surname only after marriage; in fact, she is Skotinina. Brother and sister are very similar, they are both driven by a thirst for profit and cunning, they are uneducated and cruel. Mitrofan is depicted as the real son of his parents and his uncle’s pupil, who inherited all their negative traits, including his love for pigs.

Characters whose relationship is not mentioned in the play - Prostakov and Pravdin. Prostakov is radically different from his wife; compared to the active and active Prostakova, he looks weak-willed and passive. In a situation where he must show himself as the owner of the village, the man is lost against the background of his wife. This leads to the fact that the more active Pravdin, who was able to pacify Prostakova, becomes the owner of the estate. In addition, Prostakov and Pravdin act as some kind of “auditors” of what is happening. Pravdin is the voice of the law, while Prostakov is the opinion of the simple (remember the “talking” names of the play) people who do not like how the “old” nobility behave in the person of his wife and brother-in-law, but is afraid of their anger, therefore he speaks only aside and not negotiating.

The last couple of characters are Skotinin and Milon. Men represent outdated and new ideas about marriage and family life. Milon has known Sophia since childhood, they love each other, and therefore their relationship is built on mutual respect and friendship. Skotinin does not even try to get to know the girl better, he is only concerned about his dowry, and he is not even going to arrange good conditions for her after marriage.

In addition to the main characters, the play contains secondary characters - teachers and educators of Mitrofan the underage. Characteristics of the supporting characters – Eremeevna, Tsyfirkina, Kuteikina And Vralman– is connected with their social role in the play. The nanny is an example of a serf who faithfully serves his mistress all his life, enduring beatings and injustice. Using the example of images of teachers, the author exposes all the problems of education in Russia in the 18th century, when children were taught by retired military men who had not graduated from the seminary or even grooms.

For the 18th century, Fonvizin’s innovation was that the author depicted the characters in “The Minor” without excessive pathos and stereotypes inherent in many works of classicism. Each comedy hero is undoubtedly a composite image, but created not according to a ready-made “stencil”, but with its own individual traits. That is why the characters in the work “The Minor”, ​​even today, remain the brightest images of Russian literature.

The main characters of “The Minor” - characteristics of the heroes of Fonvizin’s play |

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