Characteristics of anomalous zones. Anomalous zone - what does it mean, what is an anomaly. Research in the Silent Zone

The most famous anomalous zone is
Bermuda Triangle

All three of these terms describe phenomena that have not yet found a clear definition in official science. However, a big step was taken in this direction by scientific researchers K.G. Korotkov. and Orlov D.V. together with the KTI company. In this article we will talk about an attempt to give a scientific definition to these concepts and classify them. To understand these concepts and the phenomena associated with them, it is necessary to first consider the definitions of anomalous, geopathogenic and geoactive zones that currently exist.

It is intuitively clear that the concept of “anomalous zones” was formed based on the concept of “norm”, that is, there are “normal zones”, and places that deviate from this norm are recognized as “anomalous zones” or abnormal. Thus, an anomalous zone is an area with physical characteristics deviating from the norm, where the observed phenomena go beyond the concept of “norm”.

Anomalous zones- these are areas in whose territory, over a certain period of time or with some regularity, anomalous phenomena are observed that are not consistent with the paradigm of official science.

The next concept is geopathogenic zone. The word "pathogenic" has Greek roots: " πάθος " - suffering and " genos " - genus, origin. Thus, from the point of view of etymology, the geopathogenic zone is an area that initially, by origin, brings “suffering.” It can be assumed that this refers to the suffering of living beings.

On the Internet you can find several definitions of the concept “geopathogenic zone”. We will choose the most adequate of them.

Geopathogenic zones- a concept appearing in a number of pseudoscientific theories and urban legends about areas on the earth’s surface in which the presence of certain geodetic and geological phenomena unknown to science is declared, allegedly adversely affecting the health and well-being of humans, animals and plants. (Wikipedia)

Geopathogenic zones are local geophysical anomalies in the form of weak electromagnetic fields of the Earth of natural origin, as well as man-made origin (related to human activity). (website

In our opinion, the first definition is designed in such a way as to expose this entire area of ​​research as pseudoscience, so it is difficult to look for objectivity in it.

Popular anomalous zones
on Russian territory

The second definition gives a more scientifically based description of the observed phenomenon, but does not take into account that part of the word “geo” connects the concept with the earth or soil, and, therefore, the technogenic nature of the origin already goes beyond this framework. Therefore, to be strict in the definitions, a different term should be applied to pathogenic zones of technogenic origin. Also, the use of the word “pathogenic” means that the range of phenomena being studied is narrowed to those that harm humans and wildlife, although it would be incorrect to say that there are no anomalous zones (abnormal) in nature that improve the condition of humans and wildlife. To cover both pathogenic and “good” anomalous zones, the term “geoactive zones” was introduced.

Geoactive zones are places on Earth where activity physical fields differs from the norm in one direction or another.

Thus, geoactive zones should include those areas in which the physicochemical parameters differ significantly from the average “norm” on Earth and are of natural origin. Deviations from the norm can be either up or down!

Based on all the definitions we have considered, we can conclude that the most global concept is " anomalous zones"which includes" geoactive zones", which in turn includes " geopathogenic zones"Now, based on our reasoning, we will formulate a new, full-fledged definition of the concept of “anomalous zones.”

Anomalous zones are certain areas of space of natural or anthropogenic origin, the physical characteristics of which differ significantly from the average “norm” for living nature.

Kurri Network and Hartman Linney

Kurri Network and
Hartmann lines

Also very popular are networks or lines hypothetically existing on planet Earth, named after the people who “discovered” them - Kurri and Hartman. There is no scientific proof of the existence of these networks yet, so people often rely on the opinions of dowsers and dowsers, which cannot be verified for veracity. The existence of these networks has not yet been verified or proven by scientific methods. However, thanks to the appearance, it became possible to try to scientifically test the existence of the Kurri network and Hartmann lines. To do this, it is necessary to calculate the location of the nodes of these grids and carry out measurements using the GDV method in them. It is possible to study not only the space itself using the GDV method, but also the influence of such nodes on a person by measuring the functional state on the “GDV Camera”.

Until recently, one method was used to determine these nodes - dowsing or dowsing.

Dowsing, dowsing - definition

Dowsing, dowsing -
very ancient practice

Dowsing (from the Greek βίος - life; lat. locatio - placement, position) is the ability of animals to determine the position of any objects in the surrounding space, to obtain information about these objects (size, shape) or information about their own orientation in the surrounding space ( bioorientation).

Science claims that various animals have certain innate dowsing mechanisms, however, the existence of such mechanisms, and, consequently, abilities in humans, is rejected.

Dowsing (dowsing, dowsing) is the practice of detecting hidden objects, most often located underground, such as groundwater, mineral deposits, geopathogenic zones, energy grids, etc. using a special frame, pendulum, vine and other devices.

The Atmosphere of Your Home company has the opportunity to conduct scientific research and try to find a scientific basis for the existence of dowsing and dowsing. If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact us using the information indicated on the website.

Scientific method for studying anomalous, geopathogenic and geoactive zones

One of the founders of the Atmosphere of Your Home company, Dmitry Vladislavovich Orlov, and Professor Konstantin Georgievich Korotkov, together with the KTI company, have developed a technology that makes it possible to study all the phenomena described above. The results of the research carried out to date were presented in and presented at the annual international conferences "Science. Information. Consciousness". Based on these studies, it was proposed to use the concept of “geoactive zone”. The main indicator of these zones is the measure of their activity. Depending on the level of activity, they have different effects.

Lightning (animation) -
gas discharge in nature

The physical and mathematical principles on which this technology is based have not yet been published in publicly available sources. The most complete physical justification for this method will be available on the Internet only after the publication of general principles in peer-reviewed journals.

It is the person who is the measure of the pathogenicity of any space, and that is why a more detailed classification of anomalous zones is given in the article “”.

Anomalous zones and geopathogenic zones of St. Petersburg

Mystical Petersburg - place
junction of the Baltic shield and the Russian plate

St. Petersburg is unique due to its location alone. He stood above an underground crossroads - the crossing of four systems of transcontinental faults in the earth's crust, at the junction of the Baltic shield and the Russian plate. Four giant scars, which disfigured the body of the Earth over 600 million years ago, invisibly crossed under the feet of St. Petersburg residents. It turned out that this crossing endowed our city with anomalous zones unfavorable for human health and habitation. Within the anomalous fault zones of the earth's crust, geological processes constantly occur, during which physical, chemical and energy fields and radiation arise. Harmful zones also include underground watercourses and ancient, now filled-up river beds, tunnels, and mineral deposits. Of course, proximity to a fault area or paleochannel of an ancient river is far from the only cause of cancer and other ailments. But the fact that it actively stimulates morbidity is no longer in doubt.

In the course of studying geopathogenic zones, scientists found that in these areas the incidence rate of coronary heart disease is 2 times higher than the norm, hypertension is 1.5 times higher, the incidence of leukemia is 3.5 times higher, and the mortality rate is 2.5 times higher than the average . Adults are 2.3 times more likely to visit clinics. In general, the overall incidence rate is 2 times higher than the average.

Although you and I live in a developed society, in the age of high technology, there are still many places on earth that have not been studied or explored by man. Such places are usually called anomalous. What happens there defies scientific explanation. Scientists and specialists in various fields are trying to unravel the mysteries of these places, but all efforts are in vain. There are many of these places on our planet. Let's look at the most famous anomalous zones in Russia.

Map of anomalous zones in Russia

Death Valley

Death Valley is an anomalous area in Yakutia. It is located near the Vilyui River, in the Mirny district. This place has its own legend and many mysterious rumors that circulate among local residents. According to legend, mystical metal objects in the form of peculiar cauldrons are buried in this zone. There are several rooms of a strange design underground, and a small arch can be seen above the ground. These rooms are always warm, even when there are severe Yakut frosts on the surface. According to legend and numerous rumors, this place kills all living things that enter there.

These places are completely deserted. Local residents try to avoid them several miles away. According to their stories, everyone who tried to enter these rooms began to experience health problems, and those who tried to repeatedly spend the night in these rooms soon died for unknown reasons.

Expeditions of ufologists, geologists and all those who are not indifferent to this place were carried out repeatedly, however, it was never possible to find these secret rooms. In 2002, Yakut students, having heard enough legends and stories about the Valley of Death, decided to make an expedition. Almost all expedition members felt slightly unwell as soon as they arrived in these places. This manifested itself as slight weakness and dizziness. Not far from the flowing river, they managed to discover a mysterious metal structure that looked like a huge cauldron. The dimensions of the boiler were somewhere around 8-10 meters in diameter. But they were unable to find any underground rooms. The students tried to break off at least a piece from the structure, but the metal was so strong that even the strongest blows with an ax did not leave any dents on it. Around this structure grew unusually tall grass and huge burdocks.

Mountain of the Dead

This is one of the most famous places with strange anomalies in Russia. Lately there have been a lot of legends and rumors about this place. The media and television very often tell stories related to this zone. This place is located in the northern part of the Urals in the Sverdlovsk region.

According to ancient beliefs, this is a bad place, and from the language of the ancient Mansi this place is translated as “Don’t go there.” In these places, inexplicable paranormal phenomena are often noticed, some attribute this to the tricks of the mystical evil spirits that live there, and others to the UFOs that frequent there.

This mountain is famous for the fact that 2 groups of tourists died there. Their death occurred under mysterious circumstances. The bodies were found not far from the tent in which they wanted to spend the night. They all had a strange reddish skin tone and a lot of damage to internal organs. It was assumed that something frightened them, and they ran in wild terror in all directions. The mystery of their death has not yet been solved.

Lavozero tundra

Another anomalous zone, which is located on the Khibiny mountain range, on the Kola Peninsula in the Murmansk region. This place is famous for its rock called Angvundaschorr. There is a whole legend around it about how the giant Kuiva left the imprint of his huge body on this rock. According to legend, the pagan gods burned him because he caused a lot of trouble to the settlers who lived in those places. Since then, this place has been shrouded in secrets and mysticism, and has caused fear among local residents.

The top of the Angvundaschorr rock began to attract climbers. And many people tried to conquer her, but she did not submit to anyone. Most attempts ended in the death of experienced climbers. And in 1965, a group of people went on an expedition to these places. The group disappeared, and a few years later their remains were found. What caused their death still remains a mystery. A few years later, history repeated itself with another group, only now eleven people had already died. After this incident, all routes to those parts were strictly prohibited. More recently, the Lavozerskaya tundra became open again and began to attract climbers.

This strange cave is located in the Moscow region not far from the Silikatnaya railway station. That's why the cave got its name. During the war, the cave was equipped as a bomb shelter to protect civilians.

The legend about this place says the following. After the bombing, the shelter was badly damaged. One of the soldiers knew that his family was there and came there after the bombing. He saw a picture of people crawling out of the destroyed narrow entrance one by one. Suddenly a block of stone began to fall on the crawling people. The soldier threw himself under it and held this huge boulder until everyone crawled out. At the end, a block crushed him, however, when people moved this block, they did not find the remains of a soldier under it. Since then, the ghosts of the soldier and his family have been roaming the corridors of this cave. A lot of extreme sports fans who wandered through these corridors encountered ghosts. And everyone, as one, claims to have seen the ghost of a soldier and an elderly woman.

Lake Pleshcheyevo

In the Yaroslavl region, near the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky, there is a lake called Pleshcheyevo. The lake itself is unremarkable, but strange fogs often appear in its vicinity. According to eyewitnesses, these fogs are so thick that it is impossible to see anything beyond arm's length. Finding himself in such a fog, a person begins to see only one path, which leads him strictly straight, without turning anywhere. Walking along this path, various hallucinogenic experiences begin, which do not frighten, but have a positive connotation. The person falls into a kind of euphoria. When a person comes to his senses, he finds himself thrown back 20, and sometimes 30, kilometers from his original place.

On the lake itself, sometimes I also observe paranormal phenomena. For example, quite recently a group of tourists were relaxing on the shore of this lake. Suddenly they all noticed how a huge stone finger began to slowly grow out of the water. The vacationers were fascinated by this phenomenon. They all claimed that the finger appeared and disappeared within one minute, however, in fact, three days passed.

Ufologists claim that a powerful bioinformation field is hidden in the depths of this lake.

Blue stone

Another anomalous place in the Yaroslavl region near the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky. There are many legends and stories associated with this stone. According to old legends, this huge stone contains an unbroken spirit that helps everyone make their dreams come true.

Initially, it was a sacred relic of the pagans; it was worshiped before baptism in Rus'. At the beginning of the 17th century, the Orthodox Church decided to get rid of the stone. He was buried in a very deep hole. But after a few years this stone appeared on the surface. How this could happen remains a mystery. A century later, people decided to lay this relic as the foundation of a church under construction. The stone had to be moved to the other side of the lake. He was loaded onto a large sleigh and driven across the ice. The ice could not stand it and the giant sank to the bottom of the lake. Over time, local residents who were fishing on the lake began to notice how the stone was moving towards the shore. A few decades later, the stone ended up on the shore, where it remains to this day.

Popov Bridge

An interesting structure in the form of a bridge over the Pesochnaya River, which is located in the southern part of the Kaluga region. According to legends, this bridge was cursed by an old witch, and not far from the bridge there is an old cemetery.

Very strange phenomena occur on this bridge. Car engines on the bridge stall, horses and other animals for unknown reasons refuse to cross it. Local residents often see ghosts there. One day a story happened to a local resident. He was driving a car across this bridge, and an old man stopped him on the bridge and asked him for a ride to the village. Before reaching the village, the old man began to turn into a ghost, and soon disappeared from the car altogether. A few months later, that driver died.

Several night observations of the bridge were made, however, no anomalies appeared during the observation. But local residents unanimously claim that they regularly see all sorts of devilry there and hear strange sounds.

Shushmor tract

In the Moscow region there is another anomalous place, which is called “The Shushmor Tract”, abbreviated as “Ushmor”. This is a very old and scary place. For several centuries, people have been missing there. No remains or bodies are found. There were many attempts to at least somehow explain this, but nothing concrete was put forward.

Ushmor also amazes with abnormal vegetation. For example, grass, which usually does not grow higher than a human knee, here grows up to two meters. Some trees have square trunks or trunks of incredible thickness. There are no settlements near this place, it is an absolute wilderness.

Ufologists and other specialists constantly record anomalies here. Ball lightning, lights and strange sounds.

Solovetsky labyrinths

On the border of the Republic of Karelia and the Arkhangelsk region lies the huge Solovetsky archipelago, which includes dozens of islands of different sizes. An anomalous feature of these places are the Solovetsky labyrinths. According to historical information, they were built back in the Stone Age.

In appearance, they resemble peculiar spirals built of stones. In the central part of this spiral there is a small pile of stones. There are many versions of what these labyrinths could mean. According to one of them, these are old burial places of people, and they symbolize the transition of the soul from the world of the living to the world of the dead, and they also prevent evil spirits from another world from entering ours.

Myasnoy Bor

This is a large forest with marshy areas in the Nizhny Novgorod region. This anomalous place received the name “meat” because during the Second World War so many soldiers died here. About a thousand of our compatriots and slightly less German soldiers. To this day, hundreds of corpses remain lying in the quagmire of these swamps. All this creates a scary and depressing environment.

According to eyewitnesses, ghosts, terrible screams and other sounds are encountered in these places. All these are the souls of restless soldiers. Birds do not fly in these places; even animals walk around this place for kilometers. Residents of nearby villages say that only the burial with honors of all the soldiers who died there will help get rid of these anomalies in the forest. But this, unfortunately, cannot be done.

Medveditskaya ridge

This place is a small bunch of dilapidated hilly mountains in the Volgograd region. The height of these mountains is small, not exceeding 400 meters. These places are full of mystical secrets; there are various legends and rumors of local residents about them.

Not far from this place, an ancient burial place of large people was discovered. The approximate height of the man according to the found skeleton was 2 meters 60 centimeters. And on the opposite bank of the river that flows there, burials of very small people (60 centimeters) were discovered.

This place is very famous due to statements of eyewitnesses who regularly observe UFOs there. Large signs of various shapes appear constantly, burned into the grass. The Medveditskaya ridge is also famous for the accumulation of ball lightning. They form here very often, even in sunny weather. Fireballs sometimes behave very intelligently (moving along favorable trajectories, stopping for a while, combining into huge balls and setting trees on fire). These are favorite places for ufologists and paranormal hunters.

Moleb triangle

This anomalous zone is in the Perm region. One of the first to become officially anomalous in the former USSR. This triangle is often compared to the well-known Bermuda Triangle. These places hide a huge number of secrets and mysticism.

Local residents have repeatedly observed UFOs of various shapes and sizes there. The sounds heard in these places travel for kilometers. Many claimed that time stood still in these places. In these surroundings there is a special place that people nicknamed “Vyselki”. Those who have been here claim that they saw mystical creatures and were constantly haunted by nightmarish visions.

Many expeditions were sent to these places. And all the people who visited there claimed that they were enveloped in inexplicable fear, and their health deteriorated.

Devil's Glade

This anomalous place is located in the taiga of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. As the old-timers of these places say, this clearing appeared relatively recently, about a hundred years ago. This is how her appearance is described. A huge crack appeared in the ground, which began to blaze with strong fire and burn everything around it. Thick, bright black smoke billowed from this place for several weeks. When the flames subsided, a burnt out clearing with a black crevice formed. Since then, inexplicable phenomena began to occur in this place.

All animals that entered the clearing immediately died. Birds flying over her fell dead. Over time, this place became strewn with the bones of animals and birds, which created a very creepy picture. People approaching this place, several kilometers before it, were already beginning to experience fear and malaise.

Several dozen people died in these places. Several expeditions that were heading to the clearing for research went missing. This anomalous zone is full of secrets and mysteries that even modern man with his technology and scientific experience cannot solve.

We are constantly surrounded by anomalous zones and harmful destructive flows of energy, whether we want it or not. But this does not mean at all that a person’s life should be painted in dark colors.

He must live actively, work and rest, do what he loves and implement his plans. Anomalous zones are the reality of our World and it is absolutely impossible to isolate yourself from them, and there is no need at all. It is necessary to always know and remember what negative factor they can bring into our lives, and how this factor can be dealt with.

In this article we will consider various types of anomalous zones of natural and artificial origin, their energy-informational nature and destructive impact on humans.

I divide all existing anomalous zones and areas into four main types.

First view – these are geopathogenic zones formed directly by the Earth’s geomagnetic field, the so-called Hartmann grid. These zones, or rather the nodes of these zones, are strictly located in space and are present in any area and in any room. It is not difficult for specialists to identify them; the most important thing is to be able to neutralize them correctly and effectively if it is otherwise impossible to avoid contact with them.

Short-term contact with these zones (nodes) does not bring significant harm to a person, however, long-term contact leads to a sharp deterioration in health and well-being, causes the development of diseases such as cancer, ulcers, tuberculosis, leads to dysfunction in the functioning of internal organs, a sharp imbalance in the immune system and metabolism. By long-term contact I mean a situation where a person sleeps in the nodes of these zones, or his workplace is located directly in the flow of harmful geomagnetic radiation. However, you should not be afraid of these zones; specialists in geopathogenic phenomena know many effective and efficient ways to correctly detect and subsequently neutralize geomagnetic radiation.

Second type anomalous zones are places on the Earth's surface where various man-made objects manifest their destructive activity - underground and above-ground pipelines and high-voltage power lines, various industrial facilities, faults and erosions of the earth's crust, as well as so-called anthropogenic places associated with human activity , cemeteries, burial grounds, various hospitals and places of past battles where human blood was once shed. All of the above components of the second group of anomalous zones greatly influence human health and vital processes, and people, in their everyday bustle, do not even suspect how great and dangerous this destructive influence is.

A significant percentage of morbidity, as well as premature death of people, is directly related to the presence of objects of the second type of anomalous zones near the human habitat. However, you should not be afraid of this either, since there are many effective ways to protect against the negative influence of such factors.

The third type of anomalous zones is directly associated with specialists with paranormal abilities. That is, with a certain category of people who use a specific type of subtle energies in appropriate energy practices, and are capable of artificially creating anomalous zones that pose a significant danger to others. These are all kinds of magicians and sorcerers who, in various ways, transform specific areas of the area, as well as rooms and objects, into real “lost” places. Many, after reading these lines, may smile skeptically and think that I am telling fairy tales and fables.

However, those people who have actually encountered these phenomena think completely differently and can tell how dangerous and destructive such places are. In my practice, I very often encounter similar phenomena and see the true suffering of people exposed to such zones. Therefore, one cannot ignore the presence of just such anomalous places; one thing is very upsetting is that these zones are becoming more and more numerous every day, evil is penetrating deeper and more insidiously into people’s daily lives.

Fourth type anomalous zones are anomalous zones where the source of destructive energy is various energy-informational objects of the subtle World.

The Subtle (unmanifested) World, which is practically invisible to the vast majority of people, is inhabited by a whole huge group of energy-informational living beings. In esotericism they are also called entities. These entities do not have a physical body and are therefore invisible to the human eye because they do not reflect light waves. But this does not mean that they do not exist at all, they are in the astral plane and live in their energy bodies built from an energy-informational substance that is incomparably more refined than the human material body.

All these entities of the subtle World, in order to successfully exist and develop, need a source of power. They feed on subtle energies of various vibration levels. Moreover, the spectrum of these energies is very different and is located in a wide range of energy-informational characteristics. It is no secret that most of the above-mentioned entities feed on the chakra energy of people, that is, the energy that is spontaneously released from a person’s biofield, or the energy that these entities manage to take from him.

They are conducting a real hunt for a person in order to master his internal energy. Most people do not suspect anything about this and lose a huge amount of energy, or, more precisely, their vitality. By emptying a person’s biofield, entities doom him to serious illness, rapid fatigue, depletion of the immune system, premature aging, all kinds of suffering, and sometimes even physical death.

In order to take energy from a person, these entities spontaneously, without the knowledge, and naturally, without the desire of the person, connect to his biofield and suck out certain portions of internal energy. People say about such people that they are possessed by demons. In fact, this is true. Sometimes entities act alone, and sometimes, even very often, they form entire clusters or so-called energy-informational colonies.

For certain reasons, these colonies are tied to specific areas of space and human habitats. Clusters of entities of the dark plane thus form anomalous zones on the surface of the Earth. People call such areas “cursed places,” which is quite consistent with their energy-informational content.

This type also includes anomalous zones created by the presence and actions of aliens from extraterrestrial civilizations (UFOs). Some anomalous zones formed by them are distinguished by the presence of a very high concentration of negative energy hostile to the human body. Sometimes a person is not able to stay in such a zone even for a short time. He feels very bad, the normal functioning of internal organs and systems is sharply disrupted, malfunctions in the functioning of the brain often occur and a witness to what is happening may lose consciousness.

Why this happens is sometimes unclear to scientists. Here's the thing. Spaceships of alien civilizations have a specific fuel content. It consists of two main components.

From a material carrier or directly physical fuel and its energy-informational component, present in the ship’s fuel matrix in the form of energy-informational flows of high vibrations of cosmic origin unknown to earthlings. It is these energy-information flows of very high vibrations that allow alien ships to fly over vast cosmic distances in relatively very short periods of time.

Only a small group of earthlings initiated into the Higher Cosmic Knowledge knows about this. Other people don’t even suspect this and have never heard of it. Earth scientists involved in the development of fuel for spacecraft do not yet know about this. Information and knowledge in this area will not come to them soon; these are technologies of the mid-third millennium. And this knowledge will be obtained directly from extraterrestrial civilizations that help us and are interested in our progressive development.

It is precisely this energy-information component of the fuel of spaceships of extraterrestrial civilizations described above that creates energy-information fields around the aircraft that are alien in nature to humans. These fields almost always have a very negative impact on a person, his health and well-being, as well as on the general environmental situation in the place where the aircraft (UFO) is present. This must always be remembered and when such cases occur, contacts with UFOs must be avoided in all possible ways.

Geophysical anomalies and human health (medical aspects of the problem)

Dubrov A.P., Meizerov E.E., Fadeev A.A., Vetchinov V.V.
Institute of Reflexology Federal State Institution FNKETS TMDL Roszdrav
Collective monograph under the general editorship of A.P. Dubrova


The problem of the biological effect of geophysical anomalies (GAs) has long attracted people's attention, since, starting from 1920 - 1930. and earlier, in different countries of the world, the serious danger of long-term stay of people in their area of ​​​​action was discovered and repeatedly confirmed. Researchers, using various methods and instruments, tried to find out the main causes of severe consequences, mainly the occurrence of cancer, which results from a person’s presence in the GA zone. It turned out that the so-called geopathogenic zones (GPZ), where the action of various biologically active geological and geophysical factors are simultaneously manifested, are of particular importance.

GPZ is an area on the surface of the Earth or near its surface, a long stay within which any living organism leads to its illness, and technical systems fail. The study of gas reserves is carried out by representatives of different fields of knowledge and specialties, and of a high scientific level - professors of famous world universities and institutes, certified specialists in the field of physics, geology, geophysics, ecology, medicine, architecture and others. For a long time, the pathogenic effect of ILIs was not recognized in medicine due to the lack of convincing data and the lack of geological substantiation of the nature of such zones, which were considered some kind of special homogeneous geophysical formation.

In recent decades, a lot of research has appeared, carried out by doctors in collaboration with geologists and geophysicists, and it turned out that GPE is a phenomenon that is by no means as simple and unambiguous as it seemed at first.

As a result of scientific research, it was shown that GEZs are a complex type of GA, which is a special multifactorial formation: in them, as in the focus of light rays passing through a lens, the main active forces converge - active geological faults (AGF), radioactive radiation and gases, underground water flows and nodes of energy planetary (global) grids, previously unknown geophysical structures.

As can be seen from the above, in the GPZ the decisive role is played by structural inhomogeneities and disturbances in the upper layers of the Earth, especially the AGR, the tension of the constituent rocks, accompanied by changes in their magnetic and electrical properties, gamma radiation and electromagnetic waves in different frequency ranges, and rock fracturing and, as a result, the entry onto the surface of various kinds of atmochemical elements and compounds, harmful gases such as radon, methane, butane and others.

Thus, the problem of geopathogenesis is closely intertwined with the problem of the environmental impact of geophysical, geochemical and radiation fields on natural and natural-technical systems. From this we can conclude that ILIs have a detrimental effect on humans not in themselves, but as areas where the action of active physical factors manifests itself - various fields and radiation, toxic chemical compounds, radioactive gases.

It should be noted that there is still much that is unclear in the formation of GPZs and their biological effects from the point of view of modern geophysics and geomorphology. For example, thanks to the work of researchers using the dowsing method, a system of various energy power lines was discovered and carefully studied, forming global grids on the surface of the Earth with different configurations of their constituent elements - cells. Research has shown that these grids are associated with the electromagnetic characteristics of the soil and air surface layers of the Earth, meteorological and helio-geophysical factors - atmospheric electricity, ionospheric processes and solar activity, cosmic fields and can change their structure and location.

There are three main global (planetary) energy grids: the rectangular network of E. Hartmann, oriented along the magnetic meridian, with a cell size of 2m x 2.5 m (band width 21 cm), oriented in the North-South direction (Fig. 3), and diagonal rhombic network of M. Kurri with cells 4m x 4m, and sometimes 5m and 7.5m (stripe width 50 cm), running in the form of rhombuses at an angle of 45 degrees to the lines of the first grid in the direction from North-West to South-East ( Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Formation of geopathogenic zones at the intersection of nodes of global networks and water flows (A, B)

– E. Hartman network lines;

– M. Kurri network lines;

– underground water flow.

A– intersection of grid nodes by E. Hartmann and M. Curri;
B– intersection of E. Hartman and M. Kurri grid nodes with underground water flow.

Depending on the geolatitude of the place, the size of the cells may vary. In those places where the nodes of these two grids coincide and water flows pass, then areas of the Earth that are especially dangerous to human health are formed (Fig. 3, zones A, B).

There is also a third large rhombic Witman-Schweitzer grid with cells measuring 16m x 16m (sometimes 12m x 12m) and directed from North to South, and its nodes are considered polarized, that is, they are “+” and “−” charged.

Estonian scientist from the University of Tartu V. Reeben, based on the idea of ​​global grids of standing waves of various natural rhythmic processes (coherent electromagnetic radiation), shows their correspondence with cosmic rhythms, certain frequencies of EM waves and fundamental metric numerical bases. In particular, the global networks of Hartman, Kurri and other researchers (A. Riggs, A. Banker, E. Calde) have a complex EM structure with frequencies in the region of 181 KHz and 1.63 - 58.7 MHz and even 316 MHz and 1.26 GHz associated with solar activity and cosmic rhythms.

In urban conditions, these networks can be strengthened and changed under the influence of natural and man-made factors, which further aggravate the harmful effects of ILI, accelerating the development of various diseases, including cancer in humans.

It is necessary to note another important feature of the biological action of ILI. Long-term practice of examining and monitoring persons who have been in a dangerous zone for a long time shows the effect on a person of highly penetrating, narrowly directed radiation of an unknown physical nature, reminiscent in its action of a high-energy laser beam. Therefore, the classic type of GPZ is also characterized by the presence of such a damaging agent, called “terrestrial radiation”.

In people who are in ILI, oncological foci of diseases arise strictly localized, namely in those places of the body onto which the intersection lines (nodes) of the global Hartmann and Kurri grids, as well as water flows, are projected. This unknown type of radiation is characterized not only by the fact that it is narrowly localized and directed strictly vertically upward, but also by its unshielding: its action can be traced on any floors of buildings, it penetrates through all floors and is not delayed by any shielding materials (lead, concrete, etc.), which usually block all radioactive radiation.

The source of coherent EM radiation and flows of charged particles in the lithosphere are various linear disturbances in the underlying rocks: interfaces between media with different dielectric characteristics, faults, water flows and veins, power cables in TPZ. The reality of the GPZ as a complex multimodal geophysical system was demonstrated by various researchers who studied the primary mechanisms of action of the main radiation in the zone of a geoactive anomaly.

It should be borne in mind that since gas reserves are closely related to the hydrological underground regime, geophysical and geological factors, they do not remain constant all the time, but undergo changes due to various reasons (seismic fluctuations, active deep processes, solar activity, weather and climate changes etc.) and therefore it is possible to change the previously defined boundaries of geoactive zones.

All this creates unusual geophysical properties of the GPZ and therefore causes conflicting opinions among researchers about the main damaging agents. The German scientist P. Dobler came to the conclusion that the main damaging agent in the GPZ is EM waves of the millimeter and submillimeter range coming from a coherent source of radiation of an unknown physical nature, while at the same time the physicist R. Schneider suggested that the active radiation in the GPZ is EM centimeter waves , and according to P. Schweitzer and M. Kraft, the main damaging agent is combined EM waves.

Some researchers believe that the basis for the damaging effect of GPZ is the modulating effect of underground water flows on gamma radiation emanating from deep-lying granite rocks (Fig. 7. It is also assumed that the formation of GPZs and their dangerous unusual type of radiation are based on anomalies in the electromagnetic and gravitational fields of the Earth, forming standing EM and gravitational waves.

Rice. 7. Formation of active “terrestrial” radiation in the geopathogenic zone

1 – soil;
2 – upper layer of granite rocks with water cracks;
3 – deep layers with narrow faults.

Research conducted by Dr. D. Aschoff using the electromagnetic blood test (EMBT) he developed led him to the conclusion that persons who were in the ILI had all the signs of radiation exposure they had suffered, but without the characteristic changes in the blood count known in normal radiation exposure. Therefore, it was suggested that this may be due to the effect on humans of neutron radiation emanating from the GPP associated with underground water flow, which subsequently causes secondary radiation exposure. Based on his experiments with EMTK, Dr. D. Aschoff discovered that the nodes of global energy grids have left- and right-polarized microwaves and above such nodes there is neutron radiation, which affects the magnetoelectric properties of the blood of living organisms.

The most extensive and detailed studies of geophysical fields in the GPZ were carried out to assess the magnitude of the geomagnetic field strength in them. A major contribution to the study of this issue was made by the German biophysicist L. Mersman. Using the geomagnetometer VMR-2010 and geoscanner 3010, which he developed, with registration of geomagnetic intensity and field wind, the scientist studied changes in the magnitude of the field strength of the vertical component and the direction of the geomagnetic field vector in the GPZ in different countries of the world (Austria, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Poland, USA, Canada) and in different conditions - in urban homes, offices, rural areas, etc.

It turned out that in all geopathogenic places, which were determined by the incidence of people, a geomagnetometer, a gamma dosimeter and dowsing methods, the geomagnetic field was always heterogeneous and characterized by large gradients when moving from one measurement point to another. It also turned out that the medical danger of ILI was the higher, the greater the difference in absolute values ​​of the geomagnetic field in absolute values ​​(nT) between a neutral (normal) place and a place with an altered geomagnetic field in the direction of a strong increase or decrease in the value of ILI (Fig. 8 ).

Rice. 8. Location of the sleeping place in an area with changed geomagnetic field strength.

This pattern was especially pronounced if measurements of the GMF value were carried out in places where the nodes of the Hartmann and Kurri global grids were combined or the combined action of several geological and geophysical factors was traced (active faults, karsts, groundwater discharges, edge effects, etc. .). Such places have always been particularly dangerous and led to a sharp acceleration of cancer in people located in such areas. Based on numerous measurements, it was shown that a strong change in the magnitude of the vertical component of the GMF was always observed in places of tectonic shifts, active geological faults and the formation of tension of different types of fields.

The practical conclusion drawn by Dr. L. Mersman from these studies was the following: the more pronounced the inhomogeneity of the geomagnetic field in the measurement area, i.e. The greater the GMF gradients when measured on the surface of a given place, the higher the medical danger for people located in these places. Medical indicators of OAB gradients according to their effect on human health can be divided into four categories: calm - no more than 1,000 nTm, tolerant - 2,000 nTm, pathogenic - more than 10,000 nTm, highly dangerous - more than 50,000 nTm.

From the above, it becomes clear that the complexity of studying gas reserves is associated with the diversity of geological and geophysical phenomena that underlie them, and to solve it, an integrated approach is required with the participation of specialists from different fields of knowledge. But whatever the physical reasons for the formation of GPZs and the main fields, radiation, and chemical compounds operating in them, researchers agree in one opinion - these zones represent special geological and geophysical anomalies that have an increased risk for human health and one common biological property - long a person’s presence in the area of ​​their influence leads to severe systemic diseases - cancer, multiple sclerosis, polyarthritis, depression and other diseases.

Tools and methods for detecting geopathogenic zones

The problem of the influence of the environment on human health is one of the most important in environmental medicine. Environmental factors with long-term exposure have a strong impact on human growth and development, cause functional disorders, which subsequently lead to serious illnesses.

Studies conducted in different countries of the world have shown that these diseases are associated not only with the characteristics of the chemical composition of drinking water, soil, food products, deficiency or excess of micro- and macroelements, but also with the location of a person’s home or workplace in the zone of geophysical anomalies - geopathogenic zones (GPZ) associated with active geological faults, groundwater and the action of other geophysical factors.

ILIs are high-risk factors in the human environment, similar to radiation, electromagnetic or chemical pollution. Over a long period of studying the problem of GPZ, researchers have proposed various kinds of devices, methods and methods for identifying such anomalous zones, their fields and radiation. The creation of universal devices and protective devices is difficult due to the fact that different types of EM fields and radiation with different amplitude-frequency characteristics, intensity, polarization and modulation operate in the GPZ.

All currently known devices and methods for detecting ILI can be divided into three main groups:

1. Determination of possible boundaries (contours) of the GPZ;

2. Measurement of parameters of geophysical factors in the proposed location of the gas reserve zone;

3. The use of various methods for assessing the functional state of a person while in the supposed geoactive zone.

Based on the responses of the human body, the presence or absence of a gastrointestinal tract is determined in a given area, in a living or working area. It should be especially noted that in this group of studies, a very promising opportunity has recently emerged for determining geopathogenic tension or burden in humans using traditional diagnostic methods.

Determination of the boundaries of the geopathogenic zone

As is known, the natural structures of GPZs and their formation are very different, and this makes it difficult to unambiguously determine them. However, the empirical method of searching for water and ore deposits, geological mapping, detection of gas reserves and elements of their structure, called dowsing, has long been known and widely used in world practice.

Dowsing is based on the high sensitivity of the human body to the action of various natural ultra-weak geophysical fields and their gradients, regardless of the magnitude and characteristics of the signal. The presence of a gastrointestinal tract in any place is determined by the ideomotor reaction of a person - a BL operator holding an indicator in the form of a metal frame in his hands. The existence of a gas protection zone or its constituent elements, for example, geological faults, water flows, lines, nodes, is judged by the BL operator by the deflection of the frame in his hands when passing through the studied area of ​​the earth's surface or room.

Attempts are being made to facilitate this process, and for this purpose, geophysicists have proposed an installation for automated registration of GPZ using BL. The installation includes a frame rotation angle sensor, a distance meter from any point taken as a reference point, and a two-coordinate recorder on which the distance traveled and the angular position of the frame in the hands of the BC operator are continuously recorded.

In different countries of the world, scientists and specialists are conducting research with the participation of BC operators to study the effects of natural and man-made fields, radiation, underground water flows, active geological faults and formations.

One of the most significant works on the use of BL operators in geology and geophysics was research on the detection of anomalous geophysical zones, including gas reserves, and the search for water resources in arid countries of the world.

These studies were carried out by a team of German scientists and specialists from Germany under the leadership of Professors H.L. König (Department of Technical Electrophysics of the Technical University) and prof. H.–D. Betz (Department of Physics of the Ludwig Maximilian University) in Munich, as well as many representatives and certified specialists from various institutes in Germany: Radiation Biology, Comparative Physiology, Biochemistry, Psychology, Medical Physics, Clinical Physiology, Theoretical Physics and a number of other scientific institutions and societies .

As a result of this extensive work on BL, after conducting numerous blind and double-blind experiments using modern geophysical methods to test the forecasts of BL operators, the following important scientific and practical results and conclusions were obtained:

1. The full professional suitability of using BL operators in the field of Earth sciences and, in particular, in hydrogeology has been proven;

2. Tested and selected after special testing, BL operators can be used to solve basic hydrogeological tasks and problems;

3. BL operators, in order to effectively perform various types of tasks in the field of environmental geology, must work together with specialists in this field of knowledge.

It should be noted that this study and its conclusions are fully supported by the work of domestic scientists and specialists in ecology, geology, hydrogeology, mining and other fields. Along with the use of BL for delineation and identification of gas reserves, various types of patent devices have been proposed for the same purposes, including a device - an indicator of geophysical anomalies. It is a pointer, highly sensitive resonant receiver, tuned to receive a fixed frequency (1 - 15 kHz) of the earth's electromagnetic field. The output signal of the device is a phase shift at a certain narrow reception frequency, the magnitude of which changes at the boundary of different media such as “soil-water”, “soil-emptiness” (karst), “soil-fault”, etc.

The presence of an interface, that is, a difference in rock density, is determined only by the deviation of the arrow on the scale, but the device does not show the absolute values ​​of the phase shift values. As can be seen from the above, this device does not detect the GPZ as a geophysical anomaly with its fields, radiation and other characteristics, but only indicates the absence or presence of interfaces between media on the earth’s surface, where there may be a structural anomaly.

Determination of physical parameters of fields and radiation of geopathogenic zones

To detect GPZ, various instruments are used that measure the parameters of physical fields and radiation on the earth's surface. In one of the most thorough works of geoecologists on the study of gas reserves in St. Petersburg and its environs, certified instruments were used for measuring pulsed electromagnetic fields in a wide frequency range from 5 to 1000 kHz - “Impulse 2”, “Angel”, EG-6M. It is also recommended to use equipment such as IPP1–1, TsNIGRI for measuring geoelectromagnetic fields in the low and infralow frequencies.

To identify the GPZ, a radiometric method has also been proposed, based on the fact that in the anomalous zone the parameters of the background radiation and the indicators of air ionization and atmospheric electricity associated with radiation exposure change. The radiometric method for identifying GPZ is based on the use of two standard gamma radiation dosimeters-radiometers of the “Kvartex” type (model RD-8901) with digital indexing of the background radiation value in a room or on the ground. These instruments are installed in the study area and outside it to study the time structure of changes in the natural radiation background, and the readings of the instrument sensors are recorded, followed by mathematical processing of the data on a computer.

This method makes it possible to accurately identify not only the difference in the radiation background of places to detect ILI, but also to determine such indicators as harmfulness, neutrality or usefulness (compatibility) of the place being studied for a person by the presence of dissonances in the identified frequencies in instrument readings during measurements.

The complex portable geophysical instrument “Geo-Scanner BMP 3010”, used to identify GPZ and TPZ, was created by the famous German biophysicist L. Mersman. The device is a geomagnetometer, which provides the output with a three-dimensional spatial picture of the state of the geophysical indicators of the studied area or room - the geomagnetic field strength in absolute physical units, its vector and H and Z components. For this purpose, the device is equipped with a special sensor to obtain a three-dimensional diagram of the intensity and the resulting vector of the magnetic field indoors and outside the house, and it is fully computerized and therefore widely used in geological, geophysical and environmental studies.

The scientist also created a Geo-spectrometer VMR 9001 using a scintillation counter and a spectral analyzer for highly sensitive measurements of radioactivity intensity and gamma spectroscopy both in geology and ecology for the study of building materials, sites, sleeping places, and environmental pollution.

Based on gas-discharge visualization by the staff of the Department of Biophysics of KSU (Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan) under the guidance of prof. V.M. Inyushin created a special biophysical indicator for registering geoanomalous zones. The indicator is based on determining the reaction of a bioplasma body of animal or plant origin in contact with a gas-discharge plasma column under conditions of low atmospheric pressure and a mixture of inert gases, the characteristics of which are measured using a photomultiplier tube.

Detection of a geopathogenic zone by changes in the functional state of the human body

In the human body in ILI, various functional changes occur, affecting the mechanisms of regulation of physiological and psychophysiological functions at different levels of organization. It is possible to assess the functional disorders of the body that occur while it is in the gastrointestinal tract using many indicators - heart activity, bioelectrical parameters of the skin - measurement of biopotentials, galvanic skin response, electrical characteristics of BAP, etc.

Among the methods for diagnosing FPG, kinesiology occupies a special place - determining the patient’s muscle tone disorders in different parts of the body. The main methods are the muscle ring test, proposed by the Japanese doctor I. Omura, and kinesiological testing, in which the leading diagnostic criterion is a change in the tone of the muscles of the right hand. Despite the fact that the kinesiological method does not require special equipment, but only the presence of a certain skill from the doctor, it nevertheless requires some preparation and training from a specialist in manual therapy, since it is necessary to know the techniques of kinesiological testing and have experience in practical mastery of this specific diagnostic methods.

A specialist kinesiologist identifies in the patient characteristic tension (rigidity, stiffness) of certain muscle groups of the body, which are an indicator of the absence or presence of GPG in the patient, and muscle-ligamentous tonic disorders in the vertical, horizontal and sagittal planes are considered a reliable sign of the impact of GPG. Galvanic skin response is a common instrumental research method in psychophysiology, since it is associated with the study of the activity of higher centers of the brain and the activity of the hypothalamus, cerebral cortex, and reticular formation.

As studies have shown, electrodermal resistance increases sharply even after a short stay of a person in the zone of geopathogenic factors [Fig. 9]. This indicates an increase in activation of the frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex and inhibition of the activity of the reticular formation with all the ensuing consequences for the human body located in the ILI.

Rice. 9. Changes in the electrocutaneous resistance of the human body in the ILI (2) and outside the ILI (1, 3)
Despite the fact that people have clearly defined individual differences in the dynamics of GSR, this method is convenient for research due to the accuracy of the physical assessment of the studied indicator (in kilo-ohms) and the speed of its recording. To register GSR in humans, a standard domestic potentiometer KSP-4 or its new modifications are used.

As mentioned above, the effect of physical factors of ILI affects many homeostatic regulatory systems of the body, including cardiac activity, since the innervation of the heart is closely connected with the parasympathetic and sympathetic parts of the autonomic nervous system. The rhythmic activity of the heart is a universal operational response of the body to any influence of the external environment.

When recording electrocardiograms and computer analysis of heart rhythm, it is possible to assess with a high degree of accuracy the state of different parts of the autonomic nervous system and their changes in the presence of a person’s GPN and GPO or technopathogenic influences.

Currently, there are various automated methods for analyzing cardiac performance indicators, which can be used to determine the presence or absence of the stressor influence of environmental factors.

One of the most advanced and versatile is cardiac monitoring according to N. Holter, in which a long-term recording of the ECG of a free patient is carried out, followed by analysis of this recording using special decoders. Holter monitoring makes it possible to conduct a comprehensive analysis of two important components of the patient’s daily heart rhythm at rest and in motion: the electrocardiogram and heart rate variability. Analysis of these components makes it possible to assess the state of the body, for example, the relative level of activity of the parasympathetic and sympathetic regulation of the vasomotor center, the degree of tension in the body’s regulatory systems under various loads and influences, etc.

For the purpose of early detection of geopathogenic and technopathogenic effects on the human body, special diagnostic methods have also been developed for biologically active points of the body - electropuncture diagnostics according to R. Voll’s method, vegetative resonance test and other methods. The presence of a geopathogenic load in a person can be determined using the reference point RP4 (left) for analysis using the EAF method or the resonance preparations Silicea D60 and Litium carbonicum D60 using ART, EAF, and the technopathogenic EM load is determined using the Phosphorus D60 preparation.

Since the effect of ILI on a person is reflected in various functional systems, including the circulatory system and causes an almost immediate reaction of the blood vessels of the body and capillaries of the skin, then it is possible to use the method of gas discharge imaging and thermal imaging for rapid diagnosis of a person’s condition when he is in an ILI or leaving its area of ​​effect.

Modern thermal imaging systems, for example, the serial medical thermal imager TKVR-IFP, developed at the Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS (Novosibirsk), allows you to obtain instant (0.05 sec) thermograms of the human body with very high sensitivity (0.007 ° C), which makes it possible to it can quickly determine the effect of ILI on humans. This opens up broad prospects for the use of thermal imaging in environmental medicine and the identification of geophysical risk factors for public health. From the above, it follows that doctors and specialists in medical ecology have a variety of methods, methods and instruments to identify ILI and SMI and determine their impact on humans, the use of which depends on the specific conditions of observation and the objectives of the research.

Combined effects of geopathogenic and technopathogenic anomalies on humans

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), among socially significant diseases, oncology ranks third in mortality and morbidity among the population of the entire planet, behind only cardiovascular and rheumatic diseases (see WHO reports, 2000 – 2003). The trend line of this triad of diseases is inexorably rising due to the connection with the growth of urbanization and the increasing damaging effect on people of man-made factors of civilization - electromagnetic fields of transport and industrial emissions, pollution of the air and water environment, food, etc.

Statistical data clearly demonstrates the steady growth of cancer in different countries of the world: for example, in Austria, Germany, England, every fifth person dies from cancer, which on an annual basis for these countries is 20,000 people in Austria, 160,000 in Germany, 700,000 in USA. Morbidity data (per 100,000 people) for the all-Russian population in 1993 were: neoplasms - 788, malignant tumors - 140, endocrine diseases - 327, diseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs - 94, mental disorders - 599, circulatory diseases - 1 472, gastrointestinal diseases - 2,635. Unfortunately, no one knows what a significant contribution geopathogenic zones and their combined effect with EMFs make to these sad statistics.

When considering the causes of diseases in the population and their connection with the ecology of the environment, one should take into account the so-called etiological risk factors, which are the main causes of impaired human health. They are divided into two categories - exogenous: work and rest regime, climatic-geographical and geophysical features of places of residence, and endogenous - heredity, gender, age, constitutional and metabolic features, character traits, habits, etc.

Studies of Ukrainian hygienists conducted in 1980 - 1988 showed that if all etiological factors of a non-infectious nature that change people’s health are taken as 100%, then their ratio will be as follows: unhealthy lifestyle - 50%, genetic factors - 20% , environmental pollution – 19%, medical 9% and others – 2%. Currently, these indicators have changed dramatically and in the central cities of Russia their ratio is approximately the following: environmental pollution - 30%, unhealthy lifestyle - 35%, hereditary factors - 25% and others - 15%.

All types of diseases are based on hereditary predisposition, but there are a lot of provoking factors. Among them, one of the first places belongs to electromagnetic fields and chemical pollution. In environmental medicine today there are up to 160 types of “neotoxins”, new substances that pollute the environment, not to mention such widely known ones as radionuclides, heavy metals, pesticides, insecticides, and nitrates. According to environmental experts, 80% of human diseases are directly or indirectly related to environmental factors that determine the magnitude of the environmental risk to health and affect human life expectancy.

Famous Russian scientist V.P. Kaznacheev, considering issues related to public health, reports on the factors leading to a reduction in people's life expectancy. According to his calculations, among the 14 main factors that reduce people’s life expectancy (in years), the most significant are the following: hunger and malnutrition (7.8 years), insufficient medical care, housing conditions (5.8 years), socially determined physiological aging (5.7 years), unfavorable environmental conditions and technology (2.1 years), alcoholism (2.1 years), unfavorable working conditions (1.3 years), smoking (1.1 years), unidentified factors (3 ,4 years) and others. Thus, according to V.P. Kaznacheev, out of the total number of 32 years of life lost by people, almost a third - 9.3 years (29%) are associated with geological and geophysical factors and, it is quite possible that among the unidentified factors are the geopathogenic zones we are considering.

Geopathogenic zones have long been known to the scientific community in different countries, but in official medicine they received little attention, since they were considered only in publications on alternative and complementary medicine or in special publications on the problems of dowsing and geobiology.

For a long time, ecology and medicine have not paid enough attention to the dangers of ILI as real risk factors for human health, provoking the occurrence of systemic diseases such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, polyarthritis, diabetes, depressive states, chronic fatigue syndrome and others. The reasons for this were, first of all, the basic concepts established in official medicine about the etiopathogenesis of these diseases, among which there was no place for geophysical factors that provoke their occurrence.

At the same time, in the Earth sciences, such as geology and geophysics, the basis for such inattention was the need for a special integrated approach to study GPZs as polymorphic formations, which included a medical hazard to humans and the role of geological and geophysical factors in the urban environment. The lack of proper physical methods and instruments for detecting “terrestrial radiation”, the nature of which was unknown, also affected. Thanks to many years of hard work by various specialists in the field of geology, geophysics, medicine, and biophysics, it was possible to find out the main active fields and radiation in places of GPZ and their connection with serious human diseases. It is now becoming clear that, together with the above-mentioned man-made unfavorable environmental factors, geophysical anomalies negatively affect a person if his sleeping or working place is located in the area of ​​their influence at home or at work.

Even a short-term effect of ILI changes the normal functioning of the body’s coherent regulatory system, i.e. its homeostasis, and with longer exposure to a person, such a serious disruption of the functioning of the body occurs that this leads to illness. According to doctors studying the impact of ILI on humans, the geopathogenic load must be removed immediately by leaving the dangerous place, since the aftereffect of the geopathogenic zone lasts from two weeks to two months or even more, depending on the duration of exposure.

Recently, public attention has been drawn to ILI as one of the main factors in the occurrence of cancer in the urban population. As noted in the works of medical specialists in traditional medicine, in all cases of severe somatic disorders, patients are found to have a geopathogenic load or its combination with an electromagnetic (less often radioactive) load.

FPG is detected in 80% of patients in Moscow, large Russian cities and the Moscow region, and a similar picture with FPG is observed in 92% of cancer patients from Italy, France, Switzerland, Belgium and other countries. In addition to the danger emanating from geopathogenic zones associated with geological and geophysical environmental factors, in urban environments there are many other pathogenic factors that are dangerous to human health.

The excess of the electromagnetic background in cities over the natural background led to the emergence of new environmental concepts - “electromagnetic smog”, “electromagnetic pollution of the environment”, to the standardization and regulation of this factor and the holding of international congresses and meetings to ensure human electromagnetic safety. Increased attention to EM pollution of the environment is caused by its scale and unusually increased level: the intensity of EM in the homes of urban residents and workplaces in industry has increased tens of times over the last decade, and the power supply of manufacturing enterprises has increased by hundreds and thousands of times.

On the territory of modern huge cities there are numerous sources of EMF and radiation associated with underground electrical cables, telephone and television communication channels, ground-based power installations, transformer substations, high-voltage power lines, radio broadcasting, radio relay and radar stations. In addition, the underground metro lines, its power substations, as well as heat and water-sewage networks that are powerful in terms of the length and volume of water flowing through them, creating a special hydrogeological and geophysical regime in the upper layers of the Earth, have a significant impact on the environmental situation of the city.

All these factors together, with prolonged action, have a detrimental effect on human health, leading to desynchronization of functional processes in the body and serious illnesses.

From the above, it becomes clear that geopathogenic zones, electromagnetic, radiation and chemical pollution of air, soil, water and food are factors of increased environmental risk to human health. All types of technogenic physical pollution are potentially dangerous for living organisms, and geological structures (tectonic faults, fractured zones, etc.) can be concentrators and conductors of their action.

Based on the specific nature of the impact of TPZ on the human body, Krasnoyarsk researchers of the problem, led by V.G. Prokhorov suggested calling them zones of biological discomfort, since they have abnormal values ​​of environmental parameters compared to the background; a person is not adapted to them and this leads him to a state of short-term or sustained stress.

It should be borne in mind that in its “pure” form ILI can only be isolated in the natural conditions of rural areas, and in urban conditions there is always a combined effect of physical factors of ILI with technopathogenic environmental factors. The main element of human environmental safety from the dangerous effects of environmental factors should be hygienic standards. But it is difficult to perform because it requires measurements of a wide variety of physical fields and radiation over a very wide range of frequencies and intensities.

In these conditions, it is important to apply the principle of prevention - a risk management strategy used in conditions of a high degree of scientific doubt and difficulties in assessing the risk of existing environmental factors. This strategy reflects the need to take preventive measures to prevent possible serious risks without waiting for the final results of scientific research.

Its use assumes that measures are being taken to avoid harm, even if it is not certain to occur, i.e. this concept means taking simple, easily accessible and inexpensive measures to reduce the possible harmful effects of ILI and SMI even in the absence of an apparent risk. In particular, the application of this strategy in relation to ILI means that city residents are simply given recommendations on how to eliminate the harmful effects by transferring the sleeping area to a favorable (neutral) zone.

Doctors need to be aware of the dangerous influence of ILI and SLI because all their efforts aimed at treating a sick person may be useless if the patient, after treatment, returns to his house, apartment, room or workplace, which, unfortunately , are in the zone of natural or technopathogenic anomalies.

Rational use of work and living space, as recommended by dowsing operators, can significantly reduce the so-called “voluntary risk” of people from the dangerous effects of ILI.

Methods of protection against geopathogenic effects

In the world literature devoted to GPZ, there is a lot of information about various inventions, patents, methods and devices that supposedly protect against GPZ radiation or eliminate its effect.

In 1990, a detailed classification of them was carried out by Ph.D. O.A. Isaeva after studying 130 applications for inventions to neutralize terrestrial GPZ radiation, filed in different countries and registered with the International and European Patent Office.

Based on the analysis, all submitted applications can be divided into the following groups:

1. Absorbent materials: synthetic films, minerals, wax, felt, paper, cardboard, etc.

2. Reflective coatings: metal films on insulating substrates made of synthetic materials.

3. Protective clothing: made from fabrics containing metal threads, or with foil in the form of stripes, stitching, etc.

4. Protective elements: objects worn by a person, made of conductors of various shapes, with the properties of antennas (bracelets, belts, necklaces).

5. Diffraction gratings: various types for selective reflection of radiation (grids, rings, hooks, brackets, etc.).

6. Deflection devices: various objects made of metal sticks, pins, rods, etc.

7. Devices that capture harmful radiation and change their parameters and re-emit in a neutralized form (spirals, tubes, cones, pyramids, crystals and organic substances, etc.).

8. Radiation generators that interfere with terrestrial radiation based on the formation of periodically repeating electrical pulses.

9. Modulators of beams of particle-emitters, made on the basis of magnets, magnetic fluids, ferromagnets.

Based on the analysis, the author of the study comes to the conclusion that, despite some of its unusualness, the proposed devices are similar to instruments and devices known in classical radiophysics. Each of the patent applications is based on the transformation of coherent oscillations of one of the ultra-high frequency ranges of electromagnetic waves or the modulation of beams of charged particles that are the source of these waves. This work was continued in subsequent years and it turned out that the number of patent applications filed for protective devices against ILI in 2000 increased to almost 300 titles.

Among the submitted applications, groups appeared with a new approach to eliminating the damaging effects of ILI, and in connection with this, there was a need for a new classification of them. To identify scientifically based principles for the creation and use of such devices, it is necessary to classify them, taking into account, as indicated above, the physical basis of their functioning. Attempts at such a classification have been made repeatedly, but they were based rather on the external features of devices, without a specific physical understanding of the nature of the GPZ and the processes occurring in them.

The results of research by the famous former physicist N. Tesla with the passage of a pulsed periodic unipolar “Teslovsky” current (CT) through the human body or pendulum-type oscillatory systems, as well as the registration of pulse sequences in the GPZ by electrical circuits with a break, made it possible to propose a physical model of the GPZ as the exit point of the CT to the surface of the Earth.

The sources of such currents are areas of constant high electrical voltage generated by the stressed state of rocks in areas of geophysical anomalies (see Chapter 1). These currents propagate along electrical circuits formed by a conducting section in the lithosphere and an electrical discharge section in the dielectric - air, through which the circuit is closed at the moment the discharge current passes.

Since the human body can be imagined as a complex dynamic oscillatory system with a large number of Tesla circuits composed of conduction sections inside the body (a system of biologically active points and meridians), it can be assumed that under the influence of CT pulses generated in the lithosphere, shock excitation of TC occurs with generation of natural oscillations damped in them. In cases where the repetition frequency of lithospheric current pulses is equal to or a multiple of one and the frequencies of natural oscillations in the human body, a resonant pumping of energy occurs into the corresponding CT of the body. The previously existing energy balance in a given place of the human body is disturbed, and this becomes the basis for the development of pathological processes and diseases. This, in our opinion, is the physical side of the impact on humans and other oscillatory systems from the GPZ.

Based on the model proposed above for the physical effect of the GP on a person, the influence of the GP as a place of release of TT can be weakened or eliminated in the following ways:

1. Reduce the amplitude of the harmful active current in the pulse to the noise level by introducing into the lithospheric circuit an active resistance or a converter of electrical energy into mechanical energy, or by increasing the cross-sectional area of ​​the CT in the air using volumetric electrodes of special shapes or materials that scatter the flow of electrons or by suppressing the initial pulses signals of the same frequency and phase, but opposite polarity.

2. Eliminate the resonance between the LC in the human body by changing the pulse repetition rate in the lithospheric-air circuit.

3. Loosen the connection between the contours, removing them from each other.

4. Change the direction of propagation of LT pulses using intermediate circuits made of conductors of special shapes.

5. Divert the energy of the primary impulses into an additional circuit with the same natural frequency as the resonating circuit in the human body.

6. Disturb the periodicity of pulses in the LC using a time-variable phase delay - a shift in the positions of the leading edges of the pulses in time.

If we take the above model of the physical action of GPZ as a basis, then the proposed new patent applications to eliminate their harmful effects can be divided into a number of main groups and given the following classification. This classification is directly focused on the physical parameters of harmful fields and radiation measured within the GPZ and takes into account the variety of features of existing GPZs. The database on devices – GPZ neutralizers, built on the basis of the proposed classification, should take into account the details of the specific conditions of use of each device, ensuring continuity of the new classification with the previous ones.

One of the new groups proposed by the inventors of neutralizer devices is based on the interception of radiation by antenna receivers and the conversion of the energy of this radiation into its other types - in particular, into thermal energy released at the active resistance (special resistor or internal resistance) of the receiver circuit.

The attention of researchers is also drawn to the neutralization of harmful factors of TPZ and GPZ, in particular, to various kinds of EM fields and radiation. Protective devices and screens help reduce the adverse energy-informational impact of natural and man-made EM radiation on the human body, improve the functional and psychosomatic state of the human body. The use of screens made of special building materials ensures a sharp attenuation of pulsed EM radiation in a wide range of frequencies, almost to the level of normal background, and, in particular, the low-frequency part of the spectrum that is most harmful to human health.

Radiation energy in the GB can also be converted into mechanical movement, and proof of this possibility is the patented devices for searching underground water flows by A. Schmidt and T. Wulf and B. Donatsch. In A. Schmidt’s apparatus, the energy of pulses from an underground source was converted into vibrations of a weakly magnetized needle (ranging from 20 – 50°). In T. Wulff's apparatus, the search for water sources was carried out using an original static electrometer, in which, under the influence of electrical impulses, the thinnest wires repelled each other, which was recorded under a microscope or an eyepiece - a micrometer. In B. Donatsch's invention, the sensitive element was a light coil made of aluminum or copper (depending on the type of “earth rays”), which could perform mechanical vibrations.

The original method of converting electromagnetic pulses into mechanical motion was claimed in a patent by an unknown author. The application used a colloidal solution of a suspension of gold, silver, copper or aluminum particles placed in an insulated shell, where the nature of the Brownian motion of the particles changed under the influence of EM radiation.

The radiation energy received by the antenna of the protective device can be manifested in the form of an electrical discharge from a pointed electrode, as exemplified in the following applications. In the invention, wave pulses are received through a metal spiral placed in a cylindrical plastic housing. One of the ends of the spiral is bent normal to the axis of the spiral and brought out from the body, so that the excess electric charge formed under the influence of unipolar radiation pulses flows off the tip of the wire into the surrounding space. The antenna in the form of a cylindrical spiral receives radiation with circular polarization well.

A similar device with a spiral is proposed in another application, in which the linear conductor is located along the axis of the spiral. Charge drainage is used in an invention that uses various forms of receiving antenna conductors - rings, rectangles of different sizes, selected for optimal reception of wave pulses of complex structure.

The radiation energy from the GPZ can be converted into chemical energy. If the linear conductor is brought not into air space, but into a substance capable of changing under the influence of electrical impulses. In this patent application, the neutralization of radiation coming from underground water flows is carried out by four conductors connected to a capacitor (radiation receiver) and each led into a vessel with electrolyte, where the energy of EM pulses is spent on the decomposition of the electrolyte substance.

One of the first applications to transform the parameters of EM radiation in order to eliminate its harmful effects was the invention set out in the application. It is based on the creation of oscillatory circuits with different natural frequencies, with one of the circuits configured to receive pathogenic radiation from the GPZ, and the second is aimed at re-radiating electromagnetic EM energy into space with parameters safe for the protected object.

In conclusion, it is necessary to especially emphasize that, despite the huge variety of protective equipment, in principle there cannot be a universal neutralizer of the harmful effects of GPP, since each device must be created for a specific geopathogenic zone and specific protected living organisms located in it.

You should pay attention to the words of specialists in the field of traditional therapy regarding the use of various devices - neutralizers, applicators, guaranteeing protection against ILI: “... in our opinion, their effect must be studied and the instructions for use must be strictly followed. The euphoria created around these drugs is completely unfounded and even harmful. We consider the recommendations irresponsible - to put a neutralizer under the bed and stay in the GPZ.”

140 applications for inventions for protection from earth radiation have been submitted worldwide.

Of course, the best way is to move from the anomalous zone completely. It is clear that it is of little use. But very often Sometimes it is enough to move a working or sleeping place from a dangerous point to a safe corner, because the geopathogenic zone sometimes occupies a very small area . To determine it, sheets of foil are laid out in places where a person spends a lot of time. After some time, this foil is examined using devices operating on the principle of electropuncture (bioresonance) diagnostic devices, and it is determined where the anomalous radiation is “reflected” on the foil. After this, a rearrangement is made - a closet or TV is placed in the “bad” place, and chairs and beds are removed from there. You can also put special neutralizers in the zone - natural and artificial.

Artificial neutralizers


GPZs actively interact with curved antennas and complex-shaped structures, so pyramids are used to neutralize them. Scientists know the property of pyramids to condense certain energy in the form of an energy-information field. Experiments have confirmed the beneficial effects of pyramids on the surrounding space; Now several pyramidal neutralizer devices have been patented, pyramid-shaped granaries are being built... But the process of studying the nature of pyramids is not yet completed and one curious consideration arises. What were the pyramids used for in Egypt and Mexico? Exclusively for religious purposes and for burial. You will not find a pyramid inside a residential building in any of the civilizations of antiquity. Perhaps this is due to the specifics of their energy, which we have not yet fully studied.

Electromagnetic and other emitters

Sold in stores and designed to dampen abnormal fluctuations. Although the effectiveness of these systems has been proven by experience, one must be very careful. Firstly, neutralizing devices over time “fall under the influence” of the rhythm of oscillations imposed by the ILI, and they themselves become the next emitters of pathological waves. Secondly, we do not yet know how to accurately direct the action of these devices, and they can “throw off” dangerous vibrations in a direction that is not at all necessary for us. For example, under the influence of the device, a geomagnetic anomaly will move from your room to the nursery... Some spirals release energy in a narrow beam: where will this beam be directed? Therefore, the devices cannot be used without consulting a doctor who practices bioresonance therapy methods.

Natural neutralizers

These are plants. They are recommended to be placed in geopathogenic zones. In 1949, biophysicists proved that plants are surrounded by a special biofield and it interacts with surrounding radiation, including the mental states of people living in the house; our emotions are also a type of energy. The advantages of neutralizing plants are obvious - they, unlike artificial devices made by human hands, have no side effects and never themselves become a source of pathogenic vibrations. When choosing neutralizing plants, take into account both them and your character, and also listen to your feelings - are you comfortable around this plant.

Versatile plants

  • Dracaena . The sharper and narrower the leaves, the more active the effect. The most favorable species for humans are those with thick, “fountain” leaves falling down.
  • Kalanchoe . This is a unique neutralizer of geopathogenic zones, especially its woody forms. It has a very powerful field, and several plants together enhance the protective effect many times over.
  • Begonia, geranium, cyclamen . They do not completely extinguish geopathogenic radiation, but nevertheless they extinguish pathogenic vibrations as much as possible.
  • Common ivy, lady's hair (Adiantum), hoya, stapelia, alocosia – the action is softer, calmer, and resembles dracaena in character. Helps you find peace of mind.

Specific plants

Ficus benjamina, cacti, yucca, myrtle tree – plants with active energy and “restless” radiation. Good protection, but it is not advisable to place them in the bedroom, next to the bed and rest areas. Contraindicated for choleric people, and tonic for phlegmatic people and people who lack self-confidence.

Saltirolia, violets, azalea suitable for a children's room, and primrose It is not advisable to place it in a children's room.

Schefflera, Philodendron and Dieffenbachia good for offices, they promote collaboration and mental activity.

Pike tail and neorigelia enhance any emotions, therefore suitable only for prosperous families and groups.

Earth's non-sphere

In 1950, the head of the Medical-Biological Institute in Bavaria, Manfred Kurri, came to the conclusion that not only geopathogenic zones as areas of release of earthly radiation are to blame for the development of diseases in people. A provoking factor can also be a special kind of energy network “thrown” onto the surface of the earth (something like parallels and meridians). Since then, biophysicists have discovered several types of such invisible networks. The smallest are Kurri mesh (cell size 4x4 m or 7x7 m), Hartmann mesh (cell size 2x2 m and strip width 20-60 cm). Scientists have not yet come to a consensus on the nature of geobiological networks. There is a hypothesis that our planet from the point of view of energy fields is a quasicrystal, which is formed by polyhedra inscribed into each other - dodecahedron and icosahedron. The result is a system of nodes and edges, which was called the “power frame of the Earth.” Apparently, geobiological grids are derivatives of such a framework.

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