Hit parade of the best compliments for a girl. The best compliments to a girl in your own words

If you want to bring romance into your life, tell the woman you love about your feelings, then dedicate a poem to your object of adoration - perfect option!

We bring to your attention very beautiful poems about women, about love for women, about female beauty.

Very beautiful poem about women


Touching the eyelashes with moonlight,
The night woke up black sparkles.
And traces of golden chariots
They turned into sketched constellations.

The look was filled with star shine,
It contains the mystery of the entire universe.
And the milky pallor of the Pleiades
It reflected a radiance on her cheeks.

Velvet curl zipper flare
He picked it up, scattering rays.
And the dawn revived the gentle face,
Touching softly with your lips.

And, filled with the power of lightning,
Bright appearance, washed with dew,
Sweetness took the blue lungworts,
Gently touching them with your palm.

The gift from the wind is freedom, a dream.
A gift from the Sun is to love endlessly.
Beauty was born in the sky,
Embodied in a Woman forever.

A beautiful poem about a woman


A gray dawn has dawned,
The curtain fluttered in the wind,
And they turned on me
The bottomless eyes of her lake.
I'm fascinated by this look
Smiles of morning bliss,
The taste of strawberries on the lips,
The slope of the shoulders is whiter than snow.
I'll bury myself in a cloud of hair,
I will remain in their captivity forever,
I will forget the past in order to live
In that carefree rapture!
Touch with a trembling hand
Thin wrists, tender fingers,
Watch without taking your eyes off
And smile serenely.
But now the dawn is behind us,
The day is knocking for him.
She left me
And she flew away like a bird.

Poem for a beautiful woman

Precious beauty

There are wave tones in your eyes,
riddle, secret of silence,
enchanting, magical light,
that leaves a mark on the heart.
I'm drowning, fragrant in them.
How valuable is every moment of meeting!

And the darkness melts before you.
And slowly drives you crazy
your face is more beautiful than roses
and the waterfall of your hair,
beautiful physique
and your light movements.

You are unearthly on earth!
And a soufflé that beckons to your lips,
and the slenderness of a swan's neck,
and a look of sensual languor -
everything arouses passion.
You have the rarest gift of music.

Let it shine like a star
your holy beauty
What is more precious than sapphire!
And let him save the sinful world!
Give the universe a bright light
and get good in return.

A poem of praise addressed to a beloved woman, with a hint of future marriage

I feel so good with you!

When you dance
The whole world freezes
When you kiss
I'm losing my mind!

Oh, what about you?
It's always good for me:
I'm young at heart
Drowned with love,

I'm always with you
I breathe deeply,
With you, dear,
I will build a life!

Chanting female beauty in verse

A beautiful woman

You are a woman, which means you are beautiful!
There is enchanting power in your eyes
The words seem to contain honey.
Whatever you ask a man for,
He will even bring the world to his feet.

Your beauty, shaped by centuries
The sages delight in poetry.
Intoxicated with love, blazing,
The brave ones win the battles.

Your charm is like a sharp knife
It leaves an indelible mark on the heart.
You, a woman, are the cause of defeat
And a reason for unimaginable victories!

Smart, graceful, nice and simple,
But still you are not subject to a man.
Your beauty is invincible.
You are a woman, which means you are beautiful!

Poem addressed to a modest young brunette woman

Brunette girl

Modest, beautiful
Brunette girl,
A little arrogant
A little coquette.

You look unfriendly -
The heart stops
Smile cheerfully -
The ice in your soul will melt!

A short poem for a mysterious woman

How to understand you?

Your character is a mystery to me!
What do you want from me?
You know that I have a hard time.
How can I understand you?
Author – Elena Olgina

Poem-declaration of love to a beautiful woman

Beauty of the beloved

A long time ago, in another century
The Russian writer colorfully said -
His words have been treasured for years:
About how beauty saves the world.

I still didn't know what he was talking about
Until I met one woman.
In her eyes, as in the oceans, I swam,
And endlessly, forever drowned.

Her hair beckoned me like silk,
I could give my whole life just once
Touch them and instantly fall into an abyss, like in a pool,
Stroke gently, as in the last hour.

Everything about her was absolutely perfect
Folded figures, arched eyebrows.
I know that everyone has a special beauty -
But no more beautiful than a woman mine.

A beautiful verse praising female beauty

Song of a Woman

O woman! Creating beauty
Captivating the mind, heart, body.
You settled in dreams and thoughts,
He skillfully enslaved me.
Your appearance is radiant, bright face
I see in reality and in dreams.
Sloping shoulders, a spring of the purest eyes
Worthy to be sung in song.
O infinite stronghold of happiness!
A wonderful magical creation!
I was swallowed up by a whirlpool
The charming mystery of a wonderful vision!
You are an idol of pure bright beauty!
I kneel before you.
You are in your dreams, you are in your heart and in your breathing.
You are the pride and joy of generations!
You beckon with your beauty,
You captivate the eyes with grace and the article.
You enchant feminine power witchcraft,
And you endow with heavenly grace.

Declaration of love to a woman in verse

A gift of fate

I was captivated by you, by your beauty.
I didn’t expect to see a miracle so beautiful
On this gloomy and sometimes stormy
The land where we were noticed by fate.
It's surprising sometimes,
How everything coincides at one moment.
This percentage, cherished by everyone, is negligible,
When two halves instantly find each other.
I won this lottery for the first time
I’m sure I don’t need a bigger prize,
I just want to see you next to me.
I'm ready to go to the end of the world now!
Just say the word to me, darling.
I will fulfill all your cherished dreams...
And you cannot find greater beauty in this world,
Which is like all the beauties of paradise.

The poem is a declaration of love to a beautiful blond woman

Open the door to my feelings!

I'm crazy about your eyes
Your hands fascinate me!
And you can’t find worthy phrases,
To convey all your torment

From tender and great love.
But the cold is breathing in your heart.
Oh, if only you could
Open the door to my feelings in him!

You are the woman of my dreams
Charming, beautiful!
Believe that you are not empty
My words. I love you passionately.

I love the gait, the thin figure,
Waves of blond curls,
Blush, juicy lips
And your voice is full of shades.

I really hope it comes
That day when in your gaze
This terrible ice will melt,
And we will say “LOVE” to each other!

Poem about a first date with a beautiful woman

First date

The moon danced in the sunset light,
Fog was spreading over the river.
Seeing my gaze, she smiled.
I timidly waved my hand at her.

The lilac evening covered the two of us,
Somewhere in the distance a violin sounded,
As if deliberately leaving them alone
In the midnight silence at the pier.

Her scorching gaze is full of fire,
The soft tread of a panther.
I felt trepidation and tenderness,
When our wine glasses collided.

A crystal ringing, like thunder, sounded in the silence,
The night sparkled with colored mother of pearl.
And it dawned on me: all my life I have dreamed
Only about her! It's almost morning.

I can't survive parting with her.
Let it be for a day, for a minute, for a moment!
I am ready, like a queen, to serve her with faith.
A scream burst from my chest.

I want to shout to the whole world “I love you!”
Sharing your happiness with him.
And I also dream one day in front of everyone
Inspirationally say “I am loved!”

I saw in her eyes the wisdom of centuries,
A spark of tenderness, an unsteady secret.
And the feeling... Looks like it's love!
I am sure that it was no coincidence that fate brought us together.

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Your beauty is the embodiment of femininity, grace and attractiveness. Your parents are real jewelers who produced the best of jewelry.

You are so beautiful that I can admire you for hours. You have so much charm and sophistication that it’s simply hard to believe that such girls exist in nature!

* * *

Being as beautiful as you is wonderful and dangerous at the same time. Take only benefit from your beauty and take care of it as a valuable gift from the gods from Olympus.

Your eyes are bottomless seas with no bottom. Therefore, everyone who falls into them perishes forever, without a chance of salvation...

Your beauty makes my head spin and thoughts revolve only around what kind of eyes, lips, smile and hair you have. You cannot be compared with anyone, because you are alone in the whole world!

Any creator would consider it an honor to capture your beautiful features in his masterpiece. Sometimes it seems to me that you really stepped out of the paintings of the great masters of the Middle Ages!

Darling, you are beautiful, like a marvel, fairy flower! Fresh as a light spring breeze! Charming and captivating, like a bright star, never fade and light my way!

Your charming eyes attract like powerful magnets. And tender and trembling lips beckon and burn like the sun's rays. Hair, like a fluffy soft cloud, is covered with a warm wave! You are perfection itself!

Your charm is limitless! You have captivated everyone around you with your beauty, which, like a breath of fresh cool breeze in the summer heat, gives bliss and is incredibly mesmerizing!

You are so magnificent that you just can’t take your eyes off your shining and charming eyes! Your young and ringing beauty, like a magical and mysterious fairy tale, enchants with its sweet and alluring sound!

You are like a fairy-tale princess, so mysterious and beautiful. Giving your affectionate and kind look, blinding with a wonderful smile, you bewitch you more and more with your magical spell, from which it is impossible to escape!

Compliment a girl about her beauty in your own words

Your beauty is like sunbeam V dark forest: as soon as he makes his way through the branches, everything around him transforms. So you bring light with you by your very appearance!

Probably, nature was especially generous when it worked on your face. Otherwise, where would such unearthly beauty come from in our mortal world?

Your beauty shines like a thousand precious stones, it makes the heart stop and beat in a new tremulous rhythm.

I can compare you with the mysterious Moon and the dazzling Sun, with a bright angel and a captivating ocean, but all these words will not be enough to describe your beauty!

I could talk about your beauty and charm for hours, but just looking at you takes my breath away and my voice disappears!

I know the secret of your beauty. Admit it honestly, you are not a person, not a fairy, not a nymph, and not even an angel who escaped from Heaven. You are a goddess!

Any girl is incredibly pleased to hear about how beautiful and desirable she is for the man she loves. Compliments to a girl about her beauty are not just words, but a statement that she is loved. It is no less important for a man to compliment his girlfriend, because the appearance of his beloved matters.

Compliments to a girl in verse to delight her

Do you want to be original? Dedicate poems to your beloved, where you sing about her beauty and your love for her. In a word, compliment the girl in verse. Not all men can write poetry with their own hands. You can use already written poems by classics and modern authors, this will not diminish the pleasant sensations of your beloved.

Your eyes radiate light to me,

The kind that doesn’t exist anymore in the world.

And there is nothing more wonderful than your eyes:

They can tell you a lot

Be it a fairy tale, or a dawn ballad...

But I don’t need those stories:

I just love looking at this wonder

From under the eyelashes that looks so beautiful.

And the color... What a warm color, brothers!

In your eyes there are sunsets and dawns,

Spring itself lives in your eyes:

April tenderness was given to these eyes,

And May gave those eyes purity,

And brightness, and flowers, and beauty!

Smile, smile!

After all, you are no more beautiful!

Don't look, no matter how hard you try,

There is another secret on earth:

Everything in this world is so fragile,

Steady and strange.

Just your smile

Gives joy all the time!

Your smile brings sweetness

(Goosebumps down your spine!)

And Gioconda Leonardo

Smoking nervously on the side:

It's a great mystery

Not hers - yours now!

Smile - it's necessary

Believe me, the whole world!

The first ray is imperceptible

Slipped through your window

And again your curl is tender

Burns like gold in the sun!

My God! Nature of you

She gave a full cup:

Hair like waterfalls

Like a stream of raging water.

The same waves, only softer

The same tenderness, only closer...

Let the envious people gossip

About your wealth, redhead.

I know without rumors,

And girlish gossip:

Your hair is in pins

This is a true miracle!

It's hard for me to find words

To describe your marvelous figure.

Maybe you should search first

Is there a flaw in your appearance?

So I and so what year

I admire you frankly

I was looking for vice, but only here,

The Lord probably didn’t give it to him.

You are all beautiful, like spring

(My head is spinning again!)

You were created for the joy of everyone,

To admire and pray.

Or maybe an angel is you?

Admit it, I'm not one to talk.

Be the epitome of beauty

Consonant with the feeling of being happy?

There are even roses next to you

Just pathetic flowers

What suddenly withered from the frost,

Having lost its former beauty.

And you are the very charm,

That you just can’t take your eyes off!

Such a title suits you

Be a beauty queen.

Compliments to a girl in one word, but impressive

When you have very little time to express your feelings, words come to the rescue that would make any girl's head spin. Beautiful compliments You can even tell a girl in one word. Yes, adjectives can be very eloquent, even alone, and express a whole range of feelings. Here is a small list of such words:

  • Unique;
  • Beautiful;
  • Dizzy;
  • Divine;
  • Sexy;
  • Irresistible;
  • Amazing;
  • Chic;
  • Seductive;
  • Fabulous;
  • Stunning;
  • Flawless;
  • Graceful;
  • Perfect;
  • Exciting;
  • Feminine;
  • Mysterious;
  • Ideal;
  • Mind-blowing;
  • Charming.

Compliments to your girlfriend that will win her heart

Do not hesitate to put into words your admiration for the girl, emphasizing the appearance of your beloved. Compliments to your girlfriend should express your pride in having her by your side. Successful original phrases will make your chosen one love you even more. Here are some examples of such phrases, some short, others funny, but all of them are sweet and tender in them:

  • There are many beautiful eyes (lips, smiles) in the world, but yours are the dearest and most beautiful.
  • Your lips are like a flower, and I greedily drink its nectar.
  • I dropped my jaw at the sight of such a stunning beauty like you!
  • Could there be something deeper than your eyes!?
  • I like to watch the rays of the sun play in your hair.
  • Most best gift for me it is your gentle smile.
  • You're so adorable when you frown!
  • This dress successfully emphasizes your figure.
  • Honey, you dressed like that on purpose to make me speechless!?
  • There is love and tenderness in your eyes, and all this is only mine!
  • You always look like a fairy princess.
  • Today I thought that it’s time to start being jealous of you.
  • Do you know what got me hooked? With your unearthly smile and radiant eyes.
  • You are not like others, that's why I love you.
  • Your eyes are shining brighter than the stars in the sky.
  • To be so beautiful is a terrible crime!
  • I don’t have to get a star from the sky, it goes next to me.
  • You are so beautiful that the stars fade nearby.
  • Young woman! Shame on you? To be so beautiful...
  • Your voice is like the nightingale singing in the garden.
  • The embrace of your arms makes my heart beat faster.
  • Your lovely legs are just asking to be held in my arms.
  • You are my beautiful flower, your skin is soft like rose petals.
  • You little witch, you bewitched me with your beauty.
  • Your eyelashes are like the wings of a butterfly, every flap and I fly away...
  • When you pass by, time stops...
  • Young woman! Tell your mom she has a wonderful daughter.
  • Your gaze is the source of my existence.
  • I can’t live without your smile, it illuminates my life’s path.
  • Beauty salons will remain without work today - you are incomparable.
  • Your lips are riper than cherries, and the taste cannot compare with nectar
  • All girls are like girls, but I have a GODDESS!
  • Your hair flows like a waterfall, glistening in the sun like drops of water.
  • Neither gold nor gems cannot compare with the radiance of your divine beauty.
  • Nature has given you beauty, take care of it and always be like that.
  • You are an angel in the flesh, a simple person cannot be so beautiful.
  • I am ready to kiss your hands endlessly.
  • There is so much light coming from you that you don’t even need electricity.
  • Your skin is like velvet, your voice intoxicates my mind, and your gaze beckons.
  • I saw your image in a dream, and since then I don’t want to wake up.
  • You are fresh and beautiful like summer, with you it is warm and good in any weather.
  • Intelligence and beauty are incompatible - but you are the exception to the rule.
  • Your movements are as graceful as in a waltz, I’m ready to dance with you all my life.
  • Heaven cries and suffers because it has lost an angel like you.
  • Your gait makes even confident men stumble.
  • Nature didn’t rest on you, nature rewarded you!
  • You are special, unique, beautiful and simply loved.
  • Your beauty cannot be compared with anything, I am incurably sick with you.
  • You are like a princess from a fairy tale, I want to become your prince.
  • You are beautiful in everything, but most of all I like your eyes - they magically control my mind.
  • You are even more beautiful without makeup.

Compliment a girl on a photo to start a conversation

Compliments are not always given to those they know. Sometimes there is a desire to express your admiration for a girl, seeing only her photographs in social network. It will be better to write compliments to the girl in your own words. Words should not carry with them flattery or falsehood, but convey those sincere feelings that arise when viewing photos. Here's how it could be:

  • This photo shows incredibly expressive features of your cute face.
  • You look like you're from the cover of a glossy magazine!
  • I will remember these two blue oceans of your eyes for a long time.
  • Not a girl, but a real magnet!
  • Your face is beautiful on its own, but scarlet lipstick suits you very well.
  • Children, animals and you can be organic in any situation.
  • A real lady! This is emphasized by both your pose and the look from under your lowered eyelashes.
  • Unapproachable and sexy - it will be noticeable even under modest clothes.
  • Can a man exchange this angelic smile for another!?
  • In this photo you look as if you know all my secrets.
  • The most important thing in wrapping clothes is you, sweet candy!
  • One look at you and all men will lose their heads!
  • This photo is the cutest thing you can imagine.
  • Who said that only Hollywood stars can look amazing!?
  • You are an incredible combination - a mysterious smile, depth in your gaze, grace in movement.
  • Your smile is like the most desired prize for the winner.
  • Now I'm sure that nymphs exist.
  • The one who will be with you will certainly become a terrible jealous person!
  • Brilliant and captivating – that’s all you!
  • You are the most beautiful creation of the Universe.
  • Your eyes are like a drug - you want to look at them all your life.
  • If I were Leonardo da Vinci, then instead of Mona Lisa I would portray you.

Short compliments to a girl about her beauty

The beauty of a girl often needs to be said briefly, but beautifully. In this case, short compliments to the girl will come in handy, which, if you can’t come up with it yourself, you can take from our selection.

  • I'm intoxicated by your beauty!
  • I froze when I saw you, baby!
  • You are heaven's perfect creation.
  • The most precious thing I have is you!
  • Your smile heals the soul.
  • One look from you and I lose consciousness.
  • Your figure doesn't leave my head.
  • Hollywood has long dreamed of your smile.
  • I don't deserve such beauty!
  • When you walk next to you, everyone bites their elbows.
  • I can't live without the smell of your hair.
  • You look like you're from the cover of a glossy magazine!
  • One such smile and I’m at your feet!
  • Your smile is a ray of sunshine!
  • Charming girl, you can’t take your eyes off her!
  • You look like a star!
  • You're lovely!
  • Great, keep it up!
  • You are beautiful like a goddess!

Sincerity is the key to success!

The most pleasant words- these are those that are said sincerely. It is worth mentioning a few simple rules in the art of dedicating compliments to your other half:

  1. The most important thing is to never suck up. Thin female soul will feel false notes in the gentleman’s voice, and this will not work in his favor.
  2. Do not say template phrases. Your compliments should come from the heart and express only true emotions.
  3. Remember, here the phrase “there is never too much of a good thing” is not considered a rule. Even if you really like a girl, you don’t need to shower her with compliments. It will be beautiful, but still flattery.

Beautiful, and most importantly, appropriate compliments can and should be said to all girls who arouse awe in their souls. This is true, of course, when there is no girlfriend. Any nice lady will appreciate your sincerity and ability to choose an appropriate phrase.

Don’t forget to give your loved ones wonderful moments by reminding them of your feelings via SMS. You can write how you miss her smile or accidentally remembered that you forgot to tell her in the morning what a magnificent figure she is. Such a message will make your beloved smile warmly and make you even more sure of your feelings.

Just talk Nice words to your loved ones. After all, the female soul is really looking forward to this. But you shouldn’t start saying those very necessary phrases spontaneously and in large quantities, because this will only alert your chosen one. It’s better to start with confessions in prose, the main thing is to do it at the right moments. The main thing is to be patient and attentive, and everything else is a matter of technique.

Be sure to watch the video!

Sweet, kind, gentle and the most best girl in the world, I'm so glad that I have you. One can only dream about such a girl. Having met you, I realized that you are my soulmate. I will do everything, my love, to make you happy. I adore you, I breathe and live by you, my precious. Your smile gives me warmth, your kisses enchant me. You are worthy only of admiration, my princess. May God grant you good luck and prosperity in everything. Let cherished dream will definitely come true, and my love always protects you.

I need you like oxygen, a sip of water, a healing dream. You are my drug, my happiness, my irreplaceable love.

From the heart, in my own words, I will tell you that meeting you turned my whole life upside down and only for the better!

Beloved and only, the best girl in the world. You came into my life and made it a blooming paradise. My love for you is so strong that it can overcome all obstacles along the way, no matter how big they are. Only with you next to me am I incredibly happy, you are the only one I need in the world. Next to you I feel light and warm. I love you, my sunshine, and I will try to make you the happiest in the world. You have become the most important thing in the world, and I always look forward to meeting you, my beloved.

Compliment a girl about her beauty in your own words

I give you the warmest, most tender words, my love. You are worthy only of admiration. You gave me wings of happiness. Your charming smile, your beauty simply enchants me. You are the most beautiful girl in the world. I feel so good, cozy and calm with you. Every day I look forward to meeting you again and again, every minute spent with you is a reward for me. I am without you, like the sun without warmth, like a nightingale without a song. You are my life. I will make you the happiest in the whole world, my dear.

Your image makes flowers bloom, birds sing from it, and time seems to stop!

I am without you like the sun without warmth, I am without you like a waterless ocean, like a fish without water. Without you I am as simple as without air. My love is so strong that it is ready to move mountains. I completely lost myself in you, my love. You are the sweetest and most unique, I am simply incredibly lucky to have you. Every minute with you seems like heaven to me. Your endless smile, your angelic personality and your gentle voice inspire me. You are my treasure, my greatest joy on earth. I love you madly.

Compliments to a girl in your own words, short

I saw stars fall from the sky and waves crash against the rocks, how the sun rises in the morning and sparkles at night full moon. But compared to you, all this is nothing. You are the most beautiful thing that has ever appeared before my eyes.

My beloved, priceless, stunning! I can talk, think and dream about you endlessly.

You are as mysterious and bewitching as a solar eclipse.

I am ready to build you a palace and try on a shoe, with the hope that you will believe in my fairy tale!

My sympathy for you grows every day, always remain like that - beautiful and mysterious!

Your breath is like a blow of the south wind, your hair is a veil, and your gaze is an endless distance!

Beautiful compliments to a girl in your own words

You are half of my heart, my destiny. I am so happy that I have you, my beautiful, gentle and affectionate one. Only with you I feel happy. I want it so bad long years live with you, my joy, love and be always loved. I offer the ocean to my love, in which you can swim at any time of the year. I will do everything to make sure all your dreams come true. I love you more and more every day. You are my most important person in the world. Let joy always shine in your eyes.

Darling, I fall in love with you more and more every time. You fill my life with comfort and warmth. My love for you is like space, without end and edge. You are simply charming. Your eyes, your smile, your sweet kisses make my heart beat faster. You are like a fairy fairy with an angelic character. You are worthy of admiration, my desired and unique one. I love you and want to always be only with you, my sunshine. You are the only one I need in this world, and I promise to make you the happiest.

You have long found, my beloved, the key to my heart. You are the most gentle, kindest, most beautiful, best girl on the whole planet. You are perfection itself, everything about you is beautiful: both body and soul. Every minute spent with you is a reward for me. For me, you are like a ray of light that gives happiness and warmth. Only when I met you did I understand what it was like real love, what is happiness. I know that I have been incredibly lucky in my life; believe me, you are the most beautiful to me. You are worthy of admiration and the most wonderful compliments.

You are affectionate, kind, sweet, I love you so much. I am sure that everything will work out for you and me, my baby. I really like looking at yours beautiful eyes, listen to your ringing laughter, and kiss your sweet lips. There is no girl in the world more beautiful than you, my beloved. Every moment is wonderful with you. I am so grateful to fate for such a royal gift. May you always be lucky in everything, my dear. You are just an angel in the flesh, you are my joy, my happiness. I simply adore you, my desired girl.

My heart, soul, mind and will will always belong only to such a unique and wonderful girl like you.

Compliments to your girlfriend in your own words

Sweet, gentle, kind, you are wonderfully created by nature. Your beauty is simply captivating. I am so happy that I met you, and I am proud that I have the most beautiful girlfriend in the world. Only with you I just fly with happiness. Your angelic character, your smile, your sweet lips simply enchant me. You are perfection itself, and worthy of the highest praise, the best compliments. I found in you everything I was looking for: soul, charm, mystery. I live and breathe only for you, and I promise to make you the happiest, because only you deserve it.

Love decorates our life and makes it complete. It’s so good when you have a loved one next to you, for whom you live. There is no one in the world better and kinder than my girlfriend. I am simply inspired with happiness, I completely dissolved in you, my treasure. You completely changed my life better side. Now all thoughts are only about you, my dear. I enjoy your presence every minute. I love you, and I promise to carry my feelings throughout my life. You are the most precious thing in my life.

Only you can invent an entire planet, decorate the sky with bright colors, add flickering lights and kind little inhabitants. Your imagination is limitless!

They say first love is fleeting. But this is not true at all. My feelings for you are very strong. And every day they flare up hotter. You are my treasure, the most dear person on the whole earth. You radiate goodness and warmth. I love your smile, your ringing laughter, I enjoy your beauty every minute. You are my ideal, my dream, my guardian angel. Every minute spent with you seems like a fairy tale. I love, love, love you, my sunshine. You are the meaning of my whole life, you are simply my only one.

Not in the world happier person, than me. I'm ready to shout about it to the whole world. You are the light in my window, a ray of sunshine, you are joy and inspiration for me. Every minute spent with you gives me warmth and comfort. I call you princess because you are the most beautiful, you just have an angelic character. I found in you everything I was looking for. When you are near, I just melt with happiness. And when we part, this is the most terrible test for me. Come back soon, I miss you.

My beloved, my glorious one, I call you the mistress of my heart. I just adore you. I am without you, like the sun without warmth, like a river without water. You are my dream, my ideal. When we are apart from you, I look forward to our meeting, I miss your smile, your beauty. I just madly adore you, my joy. Let my love be the most reliable talisman. Be always loved and desired. You are my soulmate, and I want to make you the happiest. All the best to you, good luck and the best mood.

It has been successfully existing for several months. During this time, we received a huge amount of your attention, for which special thanks to you, dear readers. People really liked the idea of ​​complimenting each other. Today we decided to present you the top 50 most loved by our users ( by number of views) compliments to a girl.

  1. Your eyes and smile are simply charming.
  2. You clever! You are a beauty! You are my princess!
  3. I'm fascinated by your dimples when you smile.
  4. You have wonderful Brown eyes. The enchanting light gives them a different meaning each time.
  5. I like your red fiery hair.
  6. There is a piece of heaven in your eyes.
  7. All girls are angels. But you are a special angel! You are my guardian angel!
  8. You have an amazing smile - you leave, but it remains.
  9. You are perfection itself! Stunning in everything.
  10. You are the most charming and attractive girl.
  11. Sometimes you can be frivolous, like a little girl, and I like it. After all, then you can also become a child and fool around a little.
  12. Oh God, what a woman! A man's dream!
  13. Girl, I agree with you on everything! Especially on “happily ever after”!
  14. You have the most beautiful eyes, hiding some secret within them.
  15. You have such an expressive look that I feel your touch from a distance.
  16. You have very sensual lips!
  17. How are you gold fish from a fairy tale - you can make any wish come true!
  18. Your eyes are two bottomless lakes reflecting the blue sky.
  19. You are unique! You are irresistible! You are unsurpassed!
  20. The bewitching gaze of a tigress, scarlet lips filled with passion - this is your portrait.
  21. Your mole on your cheek makes you look like a sophisticated French mademoiselle.
  22. You attract me like a magnet! I'm looking forward to meeting you!
  23. Your radiant smile delights even the sky!
  24. Wow, what legs! Amazing, what a figure!
  25. You look stunning! When you walk down the street, try not to step on fainting men.
  26. You are incredibly beautiful and charming, charming and attractive!
  27. You are special and extraordinary. I've never met a girl anything like you.
  28. It’s impossible not to fall in love with your eyes!
  29. You are my soulmate!
  30. You are my tender spring sun.
  31. Girl, I would give you the title of “The Most beautiful girl peace."
  32. Your smile shines brighter than the sun!
  33. Charming beauty - nothing more to add!
  34. If because of your dazzling beauty I stop seeing, then the responsibility will be entirely yours! You can’t be so bright and captivate men with impunity!
  35. There is something elusive about you that attracts and fascinates!
  36. Looking at your unearthly beauty, I want to write poems and dedicate them only to you.
  37. You are the Queen of Tenderness! You are the Queen of Passion! You are the Goddess of Love!
  38. Only you have such an incomparable look with a hint of mystery.
  39. I have no words to express my admiration! You disarmed me!
  40. You are my sweet candy! I'm turning into a sweet tooth...
  41. You look like a supermodel before an important photo shoot!
  42. Shine! Amazing! You look great!
  43. You make me smile!
  44. You have an amazing tan, like the dark flame of a sunset!
  45. You are my drop of water in the desert, a breath of air in the abyss of the sea.
  46. Your blue eyes are like the sky, your golden hair is like the sun! You are more beautiful than all the women living on earth!
  47. You are the most sparkling blonde of all blondes in the world!
  48. With these glasses you look like a young, strict teacher.
  49. This rich black hair color suits you very well! Even the tan became more bronze!
  50. It feels like kindness is concentrated in your lovely hands: your touch makes you feel warm and cozy.

Here is your choice of the best

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