Bread made from wheat flour in a slow cooker. Bread in a slow cooker made from whole grain flour without yeast. Method for making cherry pie in a slow cooker

Whole grain yeast-free bread in a slow cooker is the very recipe that will appeal to everyone who cares about their health and figure. Moreover, these are “tasty and fast” baked goods.

What's good about whole wheat flour? Unlike high-grade, it contains the shell and germ of wheat grains, and with them all substances valuable to the body. Fiber, vitamins, minerals and valuable essential proteins - this composition no longer just saturates the body with energy, but has a beneficial effect on a person’s appearance and healthy well-being.

However, such flour is very unique in baking: it turns out denser, with a characteristic taste and color. Therefore, it is better not to use it for elaborate baked goods, but bread, brioche or pancakes for every day are an excellent option for an energy-intensive and healthy breakfast.

To prepare yeast-free bread in a slow cooker, you need to spend a little time (10 minutes for kneading and 1 hour for baking), as well as a certain amount of very affordable products.

Ingredients are based on a 950 g loaf:

  • whole grain flour – 2 tbsp;
  • oatmeal – 2 tbsp;
  • milk or water – 2 tbsp;
  • sugar or honey - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • baking powder – 2 tsp;
  • salt – 1 tsp;
  • a handful of sesame and flax seeds.

A simple recipe for yeast-free bread in a slow cooker

It is recommended to turn on the “Baking” program in the multicooker in advance. Milk or water should be heated until it becomes warm, after which you need to dissolve honey or sugar in it (their quantity is adjusted to taste - with 3 tablespoons you get a more dessert version). Add any vegetable oil to it - olive, flaxseed, sunflower or corn.

Separately, in a clean and dry container, thoroughly mix all the dry ingredients, after which the butter-milk mixture is added to them. Stir until smooth and add seeds. The dough is kneaded again - at this time the reaction process of liquid, flour and baking powder begins, as a result of which it becomes fluffy and soft. It must be baked for an hour at a temperature of 140 C.

If desired, to get a golden brown crust on top, you can turn the almost finished bread over 10–15 minutes before the finish.

Moderately sweet, porous, with a distinct taste and aroma of seeds, it harmonizes wonderfully with processed cheese or homemade marmalade, but is also very tasty as a separate dessert with a cup of aromatic coffee or tea!

Bon appetit! Recipe from DianaDin.

Anyone looking for healthy food recipes will appreciate the presented quick, yeast-free whole grain kefir bread. Now it has become very fashionable to bake bread yourself at home. Fortunately, household appliance stores currently offer a huge selection of bread makers and multicookers. And any housewife, with the available set of available products, will not have any difficulty pampering her household with freshly baked bread.

recipe without yeast on kefir

In the photo recipe we will bake bread in a slow cooker, but this does not mean that under other conditions you cannot cook it in the oven. In addition to whole grain flour, flour and oatmeal (rolled oats) are used.


  • 2.5 table. tablespoons of vegetable oil (sunflower, olive);
  • 1 faceted glass of kefir with a fat content of 2.5%;
  • 1.5 faceted cups whole grain flour;
  • 1/2 glass of rye flour;
  • 1/2 cup of oatmeal (rolled oats);
  • 0.5 teaspoons of baking soda;
  • 1 table. spoon without top of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon without top of salt.

Cooking process:

Pour whole grain and rye flour, previously sifted through a sieve, into a large bowl. If you don’t have whole grain on the farm (you can’t find it on sale), use regular wheat.

Add oatmeal, soda, sugar and salt to the same container.

Mix all the ingredients together.

Pour vegetable oil and kefir into another bowl, mix, and then gradually pour into the bowl with flour.

Mix everything quickly and thoroughly, since kneading for too long will make the dough hard.

Now grease the multicooker bowl (I have a Redmond M20 model) with a small piece of butter.

Sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

We spread our dough into a ball, without pressing it to the bottom.

Set the “baking” program on the multicooker panel; cooking time is 30 minutes.

As soon as the multicooker signals that it is ready, turn our bread over using a steaming bowl. Set the same mode and time again. As a result, in just an hour we get delicious and aromatic homemade soda bread.

Bake the bread in the oven at 180 degrees for about 35-40 minutes, check the readiness with a wooden stick (there should be no raw dough left on it).

After removing it from the bowl, leave it to cool for several hours, covering the whole grain kefir bread with a cotton towel.

You can serve soups and main courses with this bread. Sandwiches with it are very tasty.

Cooking time - 1 hour 20 minutes.

Bread can be baked right at home. The Redmond multicooker will help you with this. But to make it tasty, you still need to follow some recommendations. For example, you can bake bread from whole grain flour. This will make the baked goods not only tasty, but also healthier.

The most attention should be paid to choosing a multicooker. The fact is that you can use different models that have a “Baking” program. This could also be the Redmond RMC-PM190 model.

Ingredients for making whole grain bread in a Redmond multicooker

  • Water - 300 milliliters.
  • Whole grain flour - 500 grams.
  • Dry yeast - one and a half teaspoons.
  • Sugar - one and a half tablespoons.
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon.
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons.

Method for preparing whole grain bread in a Redmond multicooker

1) Mix some flour and dry yeast in a separate bowl.

2) Add salt and sugar. Then we mix everything.

3) Gradually pour warm water into the bowl. At the end, mix everything to form a homogeneous mass.

4) Place the workpiece in a warm place so that it rises a little. 20 minutes is enough.

5) Add sifted flour, then knead the dough.

6) Add vegetable oil and thoroughly knead the dough again.

7) Place the dough in a warm place for 40 minutes.

8) Grease the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil, then put the dough into it. Turn on the keep warm mode. Keep the dough in it for 10-15 minutes.

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