How to raise a dog. Raising a dog up to one year old. Initial puppy training. Do not care about the mental development of your pet.

In order to preserve your dog’s health and psyche, teach it order and raise it to be obedient, it is important to remember what can interfere with this. We present to you the top mistakes in raising a dog, most often made by animal owners. Read it so you don't repeat it!

Although the first mistake is not directly related to raising a dog, we included it in this list because it causes many problems in your relationship with your pet.

Don't be discouraged even if progress is not made. It may seem that no matter how hard you try, your dog is still too reactionary. If you manage and train carefully during adolescence, the behavior will calm down as hormones and sheer experience transform it into an adult.

What should not be used in education?

When it comes to their relationship with their owners, teenage Australian Shepherds begin to push the boundaries of their world just like pre-teens do! This means that an Australian can challenge authority by reacting differently when told to do something. They may seem distracted or even outright oppositional. Sometimes it may seem like they have forgotten every bit of the previous workout! This should be dealt with by increasing control over the dog's environment and additional obedience practice.

Buy a dog spontaneously

By purchasing a pet under the influence of a momentary impulse or out of pity, you risk getting a completely different friend than you dreamed of. Despite the fact that the stray dog ​​looks very harmless in appearance, it is unknown what kind of character he has. And a cute dog that is sold second-hand in an underground passage may turn out to be sick.

Don't think things will get better if you just wait. If you do nothing, the dog will definitely redefine its relationship with you. Adult Australian Shepherds that have been properly socialized and trained can usually handle almost anything life throws at them, but this is not the case with many other breeds. Don't let others force unwanted affection on him. Respect his nature and give him your dignity.

Observation traits in adults tend to be outstanding, but a well-trained Aussie should have a pretty good idea of ​​when it is appropriate to be a watchdog and should respond to his owners' command of "Okay, that's enough." A good Aussie with a good temperament will probably guard cars and houses with wild intensity when the owner is not there.

Finally, do not underestimate the characteristics of the animal's breed: some pets really need a lot of attention. And, for example, if today you “save” such a dog from hunger, then tomorrow, when you go to work for a day, you will doom him to loneliness.

That is why it is better to first study the habits of your pet, which are inherent in its character by genetics, the features of caring for it, and only then make a decision that is fateful for you and for it.

It is important to remember that Australian threats are not usually bluffing. If the peg tries to make the cow's move, he is going to keep his threat with a bite. This is also true in a guard situation. Don't put your Aussie in situations that will make him, in his mind, "want" to bite someone. If you do this, you will almost guarantee his death by lethal injection.

A good knowledge of the breed's basic characteristics can enable Australian Shepherd owners to prepare and train their dog to be the best companion. Ignoring these basic signs during the lifting and training process almost always leads to problems.

Terriers love to dig. Dachshunds are not allowed to walk on stairs. If you are interested in a particular breed, read everything you can find about it, talk to those who already have a similar animal.

If you are planning to buy a pet from a breeder, carefully consider the puppy’s parents; they must be healthy and behave appropriately.

He is a dog who loves his family beyond his reach and tolerates strangers with dignity, but not effusive affection. For some, these traits will be undesirable and disappointing. For the true Australian fancier, these traits are what makes the breed the best dog in the universe.

You have the joy of watching and helping a little puppy develop into a respected guide dog, and it's rewarding to know that you've helped make a difference in the life of someone with visual impairment. - Ian, puppy Riser from Bailey. Heather with a puppy in Koche training. You really create a strong connection and connection with each other, and through it you open up all sorts of conversations with people you wouldn't normally talk to.

Parenting Mistake 2

Neglect training

Dogs develop bad habits at an early age. Moreover, getting rid of them, if they are completely entrenched in the pet’s mind, can only be done with the help of a specialist. So don't lose sight of education. four-legged friend. If you have little idea how to train an animal, entrust this task to an experienced instructor.

Guidelines Dogs in training should not be left alone for more than 1-3 hours at a time. Temporary wrestlers provide assistance dog care in training on a temporary basis when their puppy raiser is on vacation or unable to care for the puppy for a short period of time; Usually 1-3 weeks.

You can read on to see if Temporary Landing is right for you. Additionally, you can apply to become an official boarder while the puppy is in official training. You may want to read on to see if formal boarding is right for you.

But even before your puppy begins training with a professional, you yourself can teach him simple

You should start formally training your puppy as early as 8 weeks, and ideally before 12 weeks, as this is the most favorable period for learning information and developing behavioral norms.

So that the pet remembers valuable lessons for life, it is advisable to repeat the bites of professional training every 2-3 years.

How many times have you heard someone say about a dog, “This is how they come back to life”? If you have a pit bull dog, probably a lot more. Of course, there is a kernel of truth in this saying, but "how they are resurrected" is just one factor that contributes to who our dogs are.

When people believe that "It's the way they're raised," there are some real consequences for dogs. Therefore, we need to check ourselves. Here are some ways our words hurt. People refuse to accept adult dogs. This idea that how they are raised determines who a dog is is what makes adult and senior dogs a real problem. Why do adoptive parents take a chance adult dog that was raised by someone else, when can they adopt the puppy and raise it "properly"? Some people really believe this.

Dog training mistake 3

Be fickle in prohibitions

If one family member allows the dog to sleep in the owner's bed, but the other does not, the pet will, of course, become confused. He will begin to set his own rules, which you are unlikely to like.

To avoid this, make sure everyone in your family knows – and follows it exactly! - laws established for the pet. You do not want? To have an animal beg for food during your lunch? Then do not make exceptions even under the most pitiful gaze. By making an indulgence only a couple of times, you will create problems for yourself and your pet for a long time. And vice versa - by showing strictness at the beginning, you will live calmly in the future.

Seriously, cover-ups are constantly challenged by this kind of thinking. Shelters do not offer victims of cruelty for adoption. If the dog has experienced an abusive or neglectful situation such as dog fighting, animal crowds, puppies, etc. What is known is that they were “raised incorrectly.” Some organizations use this as evidence that dogs are not safe or fit for purpose. The same applies to dogs that are suspected of surviving these situations.

Responsible dog owners feel like failures. People who have raised their dogs since puppy beating themselves when they have done everything right, but despite their best efforts, their dogs still experience behavioral problems. Let me just say it now: it's not all dog raising. You guys need to stop beating yourselves up.

Error 4

Pamper the dog

Treats that are used not only for reward, but for no particular reason at all, quickly lose their value. Think of treats as a kind of “pocket money” that is given out as a reward for particularly good behavior. And don’t do this too often, otherwise the animal will stop obeying if it doesn’t get food for it. Moreover, culinary abundance will have a bad effect on your pet’s health.

Here's the reality - dogs are the ones who have them due to many factors: training, breeding, socialization, management, genetics and environment. All of this affects our dogs. The dog's past is a chapter, but it is not the whole story. Some dogs, neglected and abused their entire lives, are well-regulated, social dogs. Anyone who has worked in a rescue has encountered countless dogs that were not raised in the best of circumstances, but despite a lack of early socialization or care, they turn out to be safe family dogs.

Mistake in raising a dog 5

Deprive your pet of communication

Animals whose childhood is spent alone develop fears and suspicion, and then, as a consequence, aggressive behavior.

Try to introduce your pet to new people, both adults and children, early age. Sometimes place him in unfamiliar surroundings, including transport. This is necessary to save him from unnecessary fears, and yourself from unnecessary troubles.

Many of us share our homes with dogs who were raised in less than ideal conditions but still make wonderful pets. One example of this is illustrated in an article written by a dog trainer who shared his problems with his dog. Despite her best professional efforts to train and communicate with him, aka raise his rights, he has serious behavior problems that may be caused by a medical condition. It is not the way it was raised that is causing the problem.

It's not just how you pick them up. In both cases, the common denominator that actually determines the success of these dogs as pets and their safety in the community is not how the dogs were raised: it is responsible management.

Error 6

Neglect exercise

Animals have much more energy than humans, and it must be spent. Otherwise, your beloved dog will turn first into an uncontrollable mischief-maker who destroys everything in his path, and then into a grumpy lazy person with shortness of breath and heart problems.

The dog needs to be walked at least twice a day for at least half an hour per approach. And not on a leash, but let her run around properly. A ball, a flying saucer or an ordinary stick will be useful for this.

So, it is not "how they are raised" but rather "how they are managed" that must be the focus if our goal is to help our dogs as well as create safe communities for all of us. Of course, we can look to their past for clues and guidance. But we do more for our dogs when we look at them right now, without the haze of a bad past clouding our thoughts.

What do they need to succeed today? No matter who they are, dogs always exist and act in the context of humans. We must recognize dogs as individuals and then determine what they need from us to succeed in the world. This means that when dogs are properly managed by humans, a dog with or without behavior problems has the opportunity to be a safe family dog. Dogs may require a variety of management tools, depending on what behavioral issues they have.

It is very good if you are riding a bicycle and the dog is running after you. For a dog, with an error due to the characteristics of the breed, this is the norm of activity - birds fly, fish swim, and dogs run.

Error 7

Don't care about your pet's mental development

In nature, an animal is forced to direct all its energy and all the power of its intellect to searching for food, shelter and protection from enemies. At home, the need for this disappears, and the pet begins to get bored. And a bored individual is, of course, more likely to get into trouble.

When these tools are used, owners set dogs up to be successful. This also means that any dog ​​that is not managed properly can be a nuisance to the community or a danger to others. We see this often with dogs that run around the neighborhood. Dogs may be friendly, but by allowing them to roam the streets or chase other dogs, their owners are setting these dogs up to get into trouble. They set them up for failure.

When a dog gets into trouble or acts dangerously, somewhere along the line the person failed to do right choice. But this is not the same as “how they were raised.” The way they rise may be one of the factors affecting dogs, but it does not define the dog's entire being. Perpetuating this idea only results in bruising dogs with less than perfect backgrounds and shaming people who own dogs they've had since they were puppies.

To avoid a domestic disaster, keep your friend busy with an exciting game. If there is no one to keep him company, buy special toys for the animal.

Error 8

Leaving the animal alone for a long time

Dogs and cats who miss their owner can be very creative. Therefore, do not be surprised if, upon returning from a business trip, you find that the floors are covered with a thin layer of feathers from torn pillows, and toilet paper “scatters” in a bizarre labyrinth throughout the apartment.

The truth is that we now control dogs, which determine how any dog ​​interacts with the world. When we focus on managing them in the present based on their individual needs, we can set dogs up for success despite what may have happened to them in the past.

Can we sort out “all the way they rise again” once and for all? This is such a drag for dogs and their owners. Let's replace it with the truth. Dogs are only as successful as we make them out to be. Dogs can make great pets, and many children love their family dogs. But children always need constant, close supervision when they are around dogs to prevent dog bites and other injuries.

To prevent this from happening, you should not leave the puppy alone for more than seven hours. If you have to leave for a day, ask someone to look after your four-legged baby.

But this does not mean that loneliness is good for the dog. On the contrary: the sooner the dog understands that the owner may have business to do and learns to wait for him, the sooner he will become the best protector for your property and a companion for you. Just before you teach your pet an “obedience lesson,” be sure to leave him toys so that the dog has something to occupy himself with.

Any dog ​​can and will bite a child or child. Dog bites often occur in or around the home. It is usually the family's dog or a friend's dog that bites. The most dangerous time is when a child is playing alone with a dog or when the dog is eating or sleeping.

You can reduce the risk of dog bites and other injuries by carefully supervising children and dogs when they are together, and especially when playing. Closed control means you are ready to intervene immediately if you need to. You can also take the following steps to prevent dog bites.

Error 9

Do not equip your home for your pet's needs

The home where you brought the animal is its home too. Which means he should feel comfortable here. Therefore, you will have to give up some of your space to provide your new friend with the proper conditions.

The pet must have its own place. A dog that doesn't have a comfortable bed to sleep on will inevitably take over your own bed sooner or later.

Training a dog begins before you even bring a puppy into your home. Unless you undertake to feed a blind, abandoned orphan with a pacifier. But then you will have to become not only a dairy mother for him, but also begin to teach him the basics of canine cohabitation. Observe the bitch, especially how she handles her litter. She affectionately licks them (so in the future, when the dog wants to show his goodwill towards someone, he will lick them), teaches them games. But when a naughty puppy goes too far, the mother sharply pulls him back: first she squeals, then she grabs the fighter’s scruff with her teeth and shakes him a couple of times. This is the first phase of training.

The second phase begins with weaning the puppy from its mother. The new environment and separation from the family cause shock in the young animal. To smooth it out, try to start with the same methods that his parent used. The first night in a new home is very important. The dog is used to sleeping under the warm side of his mother and surrounded by other puppies. No matter how comfortable his rug is, it's still not the same. Even if the dog managed to sniff its new habitat during the day and calm down a little, play, eat and even take a nap, whining will inevitably begin at night. Here it is important not to show weakness: if you take pity on him and take him to your bed, the pet will sleep there for the rest of his life. During the first nights, place a warm heating pad under your puppy's side.

At the age of one and a half months, you need to continue raising the dog so that it adapts to human society.. In an animal pack, a subordinate member flirts with a stronger one, touching him with his paws. This endearing habit can result in a rapidly growing large-breed puppy accidentally knocking over a child or an elderly person, not to mention ripped tights. If you are a man and would not mind your pet throwing himself at your feet to show his love and devotion, think about the ladies who come to your house. To avoid embarrassment, it is better to immediately wean him from showing his feelings in this way. Therefore, the “fu” or “no” command is almost the first one you need to teach your dog.

It is very important to raise a dog at the age of three months, when, especially in males, the instinct of dominance awakens. These are pack animals, and, as you know, they must have a leader. It will be either you or your dog - there is no third option. The condition of parity and democracy is possible in individual cases, but not as a rule. Otherwise the dog will be disoriented. She feels comfortable if she is clearly aware of the chain of hierarchy. Don't let her dominate any family member.

After you have received the necessary vaccinations, you can train your puppy to go out into the world. He should already know his nickname, understand and execute the commands “come to me!”, “sit!” and “ugh!” The last order must be pronounced in a stern and sharp voice, not allowing for objections, and the first, on the contrary, in a gentle tone. If, after an offense, the child, obeying the command, comes up to you, do not punish him under any circumstances.

It is very important to thoughtfully approach the question of how to educate. After all, unlike a person, she is dominated by the instincts of distant ancestors bred by breeders. Do not be surprised if your pit bull, showing extreme patience with the antics of children, becomes wild and goes berserk at the sight of a stranger. To train a pet social behavior, you need to consult with an experienced dog handler or even send the dog to a training school.

Dogs for protection, hunting and herding breeds in the conditions of an ordinary city apartment also need to curb their nurtured “native” habits. In order not to bark for half an hour at every sound made by your neighbors behind the wall, so that the shepherd does not rush at the postman, the dachshund does not tear up the lawn like a bulldozer, and the setter does not rush headlong after a cat or pigeon, you need to wean them from these habits. It is generally not recommended to let your dog off the leash on the street - he may simply get lost in the crowd. But even in nature, a dog must obey its owner unquestioningly. To do this, you must become a recognized leader for her, and to achieve this, you need perseverance and strength of character.

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