Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God “Life-Giving Source” in Bibirevo. History of the Life-Giving Spring Church in Bibirevo Life-Giving Spring Church in Bibirevo

Guide to the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God “Life-Giving Source” in Bibirevo

Dear brothers and sisters!

You are in a temple dedicated to the icon of the Mother of God “Life-Giving Source”. Our temple is located in the residential area of ​​Bibirevo.

The main altar was consecrated in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Life-Giving Source”.

In 2016, an additional altar was consecrated in honor of the feast of the Presentation of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God in memory of the church in the village of Neklyudovo that was blown up in 1935.

Our temple is open every day. On days when there are no services, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. On Sundays - until 18.

When services are held, the temple opens before the service begins and closes after the end of the evening service.

The start time of services for the current month can be found on the temple website in the section.

About divine services

Every Friday an evening service is held, during which, if there is no major holiday the next day, akathists to the Mother of God and the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God are read alternately.

Temple structure

External staircase (1)

In front of the entrance to the temple, to the right of the stairs, there is a memorial plaque in memory of the temple in the village of Neklyudovo (2).

Porch (3)

Here parishioners are greeted by memorial plaques on which are imprinted the names of the donors and builders of our temple.

Narthex (4)

In the narthex there are icons of the prophet King David (left) and St. John the Baptist (right).

To the right of the entrance is a candle place where you can submit notes, take candles, and purchase spiritual literature and icons (5).

Above the narthex there is a balcony on which the choir is located - the location of the singers and readers during services.

Iconostasis (6)

Our church has a three-tier iconostasis. The Royal Doors depict the four evangelists and the Annunciation.

On the northern deacon's gate is Archangel Michael, on the southern gate is Archangel Gabriel. The third icon to the right of the Royal Doors is the temple image of the icon of the Mother of God “Life-Giving Source” (7).

The next row is festive, consisting of icons of the twelve holidays.

The Deesis iconostasis is crowned with an icon of the Savior on the throne, the Mother of God and John the Baptist.

Temple decoration

In front of the iconostasis there are floor icon cases. On the left is an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (8), on the right is an icon of the Mother of God of Vladimir with stamps (9).

In the left (northern) part of the temple there are icons: the Optina elders, St. Aristoclius of Moscow (Athos) with a particle of relics, Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg (10).

In the left (northern) part of the temple in a semicircular niche there is a wooden carved Crucifix. On the walls hang icons of the Mother of God: “Iveron”, “Inexhaustible Chalice”, “Softening Evil Hearts”, “Bogolyubskaya”, St. Sergius of Radonezh, St. Savva of Storozhevsky, Blessed Matrona of Moscow, All Saints (11).

At the eastern wall in a niche there is a canon table with a Crucifix, on which they place candles and pray for the repose of the departed (12). To the right of the canon is the image of the Mother of God “Feodorovskaya” (13).

In the right (southern) part of the temple there are images: the Mother of God “The Queen of All”, the great martyr and healer Panteleimon, Saint Luke of Crimea, martyr Tryphon, martyr John the Warrior (14).

In a niche in the southern part of the temple above the stairs leading to the basement of the temple, there is an image of the Mother of God “The Sign” (15).

On the western wall is the image of the Transfiguration of the Lord under the frame and the icon of the Resurrection of Christ with the twelve feasts (16), (17).

People often ask which saints are best to pray to? First of all, you need to pray to God, both in sorrow and in joy, thanking Him for everything. We turn to the saints as friends of God, good mediators who have the grace to intercede for us before God.

In 2003, construction began on the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God “Life-Giving Source” in Bibirevo. Ten years later the church became an independent parish. Members of the administration of the Bibirevo district, as well as the Leonovsky parish of the Church of the Deposition of the Mother of God, participated in the construction. Already at the beginning of construction, prayer services were held on the territory of the parish.

"Life-Giving Spring"

Construction of the Life-Giving Spring Church in Bibirevo was completed in 2013. But even before this event, back in 2008, the consecration of the territory of the future church took place, and this happened on the day of church memory of the “Life-Giving Source” icon. The sacrament was performed by the father who heads the Trinity District of Moscow. A few years later, the work of the temple began with the Easter service. At the beginning of 2015, Priest Vladislav Mishin became rector. The “Life-Giving Source” Temple in Bibirevo has two altars: the 1st is consecrated in honor of the “Life-Giving Source” icon, the 2nd - in honor of the Candlemas holiday. The latter was made as an extension in memory of the church destroyed by the Soviet authorities in the village of Neklyudovo.

Also at the entrance, a memorial was installed in memory of these tragic events of 1935 and memorial plaques with the names of all participants in the construction of the new church. In the vestibule to the right of the entrance there is a church shop where you can buy candles, spiritual books, icons, and also submit notes with petitions. The temple has a 3-tier iconostasis, which depicts Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel and the image of the “Life-Giving Source”. The crown of the iconostasis is the deesis - a tier in the center of which is the image of Jesus Christ.

Temple of the Life-Giving Source icon from the inside

The decoration of the Church “Life-Giving Spring” in Bibirevo has several floor icon cases, next to which on the left side are the Optina Elders, St. Aristoclius of Moscow (Athos) with a reliquary, Xenia of Petersburg; and on the right - Vladimirskaya. Also on the left side you can see a wooden carved crucifix. The temple has a large number of icons dedicated to the Mother of God: “Bogolyubskaya”, “Softening Evil Hearts”, “Inexhaustible Chalice” and “Iverskaya”. Also among them there are icons of Sergius of Radonezh, Matrona of Moscow, St. Savva of Storozhevsky and All Saints.

The canon with the Crucifixion is located at the eastern wall. There, parishioners light candles for the repose of the departed. Not far from the canon table there are icons of the Fedorov Mother of God, the healer Panteleimon, the martyrs Tryphon and John the Warrior, as well as St. Luke of Crimea. In the southern part of the temple there is an icon of the Sign.

Priests and temple staff

The rector of the temple is Priest Vladislav Mishin. The second clergyman is Priest Sergei Kulaga, Oleg Blyudin serves as a deacon. Father Vladislav, the rector of the church, was born in the city of Kaluga at the end of 1974 into a secular (not priestly) family. He graduated from art school in his hometown, and was baptized 16 years later in a church in Optina Pustina. Later he studied and graduated from the Academy of Architecture and Art (Ekaterinburg) with a degree in Restoration. In the same city he began his spiritual activity as a reader and later as a Sunday school teacher.

He graduated from graduate school and in the early 2000s. was ordained a deacon in the Church of the Nativity of Christ. Later he ordained him to the rank of priest. 10 years ago, Father Vladislav began serving in the Leonovsky Church of the Deposition of the Robe. For 2 years he has been the rector of the Life-Giving Spring Church in Bibirevo.

Liturgical schedule

The Life-Giving Spring Church is always open to parishioners, but on days when there are no services, it is open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. The schedule of the Life-Giving Spring Temple in Bibirevo can always be viewed at the entrance to the temple. As a rule, on Sunday the temple closes an hour earlier. In general, work in the church begins from the beginning of the morning service and continues until the end of the evening service. On Fridays, akathists to the Blessed Virgin Mary are read. And also in front of the Icon of the Mother of God "Vladimir" every Saturday at 19:30, preparatory conversations for the Sacrament of Baptism (civic conversations) are held for godparents, adults being baptized and parents of minors being baptized.

The schedule of services of the Life-Giving Spring Church in Bibirevo in August 2017 was published on the temple’s website. On August 14, the Dormition Fast began, on the same day the Bearing of the Honorable Cross of the Lord (Honey Savior) was celebrated. In 2 weeks, on August 28, the Feast of the Assumption will take place. Every Saturday, the All-Night Vigil is celebrated in the church at 17:00. On Sundays, the Liturgy is served, which begins at 8:40. The schedule of water blessing prayers and memorial services can also be found on the website of the Church of the Life-Giving Spring icon in Bibirevo.

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