Temple of the Deposition of the Robe in Leonovo. Temple of the Placing of the Robe on Donskoy. Church of the Placing of the Lord's Robe, on Donskoy Temple of the Placing of the Robe on Shabolovka

All cultural and educational activities necessarily include the study of ancient architectural monuments. This is important for assimilating native culture and instilling spiritual values. But church and temple complexes are completely unique buildings. They can be considered as an architectural heritage, a feat of Russian masters, as the history of the clergy and, of course, as a sacred monastery. Today we will talk about the Temple of the Deposition of the Robe in Leonovo and on Donskoy. Their stories are somewhat similar, but in any case, they both appeared to honor the memory of a great event.


Its existence dates back more than a century. The Temple of the Deposition of the Robe in Leonov has been known since the first half of the 17th century. The first notes about it date back to an even earlier period, 1635, when there was a wooden church on this site. The construction of the stone temple, which has been preserved and is still in operation today, took place during the reign of Prince Khovansky.

This was his gesture of repentance for his addiction to alcohol and violation of church rules. After the death of the prince, the Temple of the Deposition of the Robe in Leonovo was closed and did not work for a long time (from 1800 to 1859). This happened because the new prince was disturbed by the ringing of bells. Before opening, it was restored at the expense of the manufacturer Molchanov. It survived the Soviet times relatively calmly; it was closed for only 12 years (from 1930 to 1942), the rest of the time it was active. Since 1859, the temple has not been reconstructed or rebuilt, and this is how it has survived to this day.

Architectural style

The Temple of the Deposition of the Robe in Leonovo was built in the Baroque style, which gained great popularity at that time. The simple geometric shapes of the wooden temple were replaced by elaborate, polygonal facades and lush interior decoration. Even today the temple looks very beautiful and interesting. The entrance to the shrine is a white stone arch with lattice doors. Inside there is a cozy little park, which is especially beautiful in autumn. On the interior walls of the temple you can see paintings of the Position of the Robe of the Mother of God in Blachernae. The entire territory is surrounded by green trees, so it is not easy to photograph the Temple of the Deposition of the Robe in Leonovo. The photos turn out good, that is, they fully demonstrate the beauty of the church, only in late autumn, when the foliage has flown around. In winter, the snow-white walls blend into the background, which somewhat spoils the impression.

Revered relics and shrines

For believers, icons are the subject of veneration and worship. There are several antique paintings here that are especially admirable. They are the ones who glorify the Leonovsky Temple of the Deposition of the Robe. In the main chapel of the temple, to the right of the Altar, there is the revered temple icon of the Placing of the Robe of the Most Holy Theotokos with a particle of the Robe of the Mother of God. On the right is the icon of St. Sergius of Radonezh, St. Dmitry of Rostov, and the icon of the Mother of God of Kazan.

On the left of the Altar there is the Venerated Icon of the Smolensk Mother of God, which dates back to the 16th century. In total, there are more than 50 icons in the temple. Hundreds of believers come here every day to offer their prayers to the Lord.


The Church of the Deposition of the Virgin Mary in Leonovo is of particular value. This is a reliquary containing pieces of many saints. This is the main pride of the church and the object of worship of believers. It is located in the right corner of the central chapel, all parishioners have the opportunity to venerate the relics. There are legends about their miraculous powers, but you can see for yourself that it is true.

Temple of the Placing of the Robe on Donskoy

His story is very similar to the one his brother lived. The fates of churches in Rus' often overlap. In 1625, the Shah of Persia gave the Russian Tsar one of the four parts of Christ's robe. According to legend, it was in this robe that Christ walked to the place of execution. It was transferred to the Kremlin Assumption Cathedral, but a wooden church was built at the site of the great meeting. Construction ended in 1690. But already in 1713, a project for the construction of a stone church appeared, and the Church of the Deposition of the Robe on Donskaya was erected on the site of the old building. The construction was supervised by the Moscow architect Ya. Bukhvostov.

What makes this temple unique?

It is more difficult to say in what ways it is similar to others. His very birth was already a miracle. In those days, stone architecture was banned, since this material was required for the construction (or rather, perestroika) of St. Petersburg. But nevertheless, in 1716, a magnificent temple, made in the Moscow Baroque style, appeared on Donskaya Street in Moscow. It is distinguished from all other contemporaries by five chapters, a proportional quadrangle, completed with an attic. The central cross is topped with a crown; there is no exact version of this idea. This temple has never been closed since its opening. Services are still held there to this day.

Perestroika and reconstruction

They first decided to add to the Temple of the Deposition of the Robe on Shabolovka in 1880. A chapel was attached to it from the side of the refectory, which was consecrated in 1889. The project was drawn up and the construction was supervised by Moscow architect A. S. Kaminsky. Under his leadership, a fence with a gate was created and the northern aisle was added.

The first reconstruction was required in 1923. A strong storm knocked down two church domes, but the temple has not stopped its work even now. They were immediately restored, completely restoring the original idea of ​​the architect. For more than 300 years, divine services have been held here without interruption; they did not stop during the Soviet period, except that the services were held more closed, and the church was not crowded. The Temple of the Deposition of the Robe in Moscow has another feature of its own. After he solemnly handed over the Robe, a new holiday appeared in the church calendar in honor of the “Position of the Robe of our Lord Jesus Christ in Moscow.” This holiday is celebrated only by Russians. As for this temple, it is the main thing in the celebration.

Core values ​​of the temple

In addition to a piece of the Robe of the Lord, which is the main shrine of the temple, a very valuable icon is kept here. We are talking about She was presented as a gift to the temple by brothers from the Chernigov monastery. This is a unique image that dates back to 1696. Next to the face of the Virgin Mary, it depicts a double-headed eagle on one side, and a poetic dedication to Peter I on the other. These lines talk about the victory over the Turks and the capture of Azov. There are no analogues of such an image of the Mother of God as on this canvas anywhere else in the world.

In addition, it is here that believers can pray near a unique shrine, the Alanoi icon “The Position of the Robe of the Lord in Moscow” with a silver cross and a particle of the Robe. Those who need help and healing should turn to the folding image with a particle of the relics of the Apostle James Alpheus, as well as many other saints. This image is considered very powerful, and if you come with a pure heart, you will definitely receive the necessary help. Often young children are brought here to be healed or protected from illness.

Another holy icon that needs special mention is the icon of the Mother of God “Seeking the Lost.” In this special world, which is clearly felt when you step over the threshold of the temple, time slows down, vanity goes away and understanding sets in for the sake of which we walk our path on earth. Perhaps this is precisely why it is worth coming to such ancient temples; there is such a prayerful, peaceful atmosphere here that every visitor will leave feeling some changes in themselves.

Two stunning churches, but the essence is one - praise to the Lord for transferring to the Russian soil part of the robe of Christ, in which he walked to Golgotha. This is the greatest shrine of the Christian world. Today, hundreds of believers gather within the walls of the monasteries, just as hundreds of years ago they communicate with the Lord.

The history of the temple begins in 1625, when an embassy from Persia arrived in Moscow with the aim of establishing diplomatic relations with Russia. As a gift from Shah Abbas I, the ambassadors brought Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich the Robe of the Lord - the clothes of Jesus Christ, in which he was led to the crucifixion. For many centuries it remained in the Caucasus and was captured by the Persians during the conquest of Georgia. The Russian delegation met the Persian embassy near the Kaluga Gate, on the road to the Donskoy Monastery, after which they proceeded together to the Kremlin. Later, the Robe was divided into several parts: one remained in the Assumption Cathedral in Moscow, the other two were taken to St. Petersburg - to the Peter and Paul Cathedral and to the home church of the Russian emperors in the Winter Palace. Small particles were given to large monasteries (Kievo-Pechersk Lavra, Kostroma Ipatiev Monastery and others). One particle remained on Donskaya Street, where, in memory of the great event, a wooden church was erected at the meeting place of the Persian ambassadors - a small white stone obelisk reminds of it today.

At the beginning of the 18th century, fundraising began for the construction of a stone church on Donskaya Street in the name of the Robe of the Position of the Lord in the Assumption Cathedral in Moscow. First of all, a chapel was made in the name of St. Catherine (possibly in honor of the wife of Peter I - the future Catherine I), to which the main volume of the temple was later added. The consecration of the new church took place in 1716 after all the work was completed. Built in the “Naryshkin Baroque” style, the temple received rich decoration of the facades. There is also a particularly rare detail: instead of the kokoshniks usual for that time, large shells were placed on the facades. Adjacent to the temple from the west is a traditional hipped bell tower, cut through by small dome windows - 40 in total. The church is also crowned with a traditional five-domed structure, but at the same time the “onions” are made black and faceted. The small crown crowning the central cross indicates the patronage of the temple by the royal dynasty.

The Baroque appearance of the church facades is also felt in the interiors. The walls of the main temple are richly decorated with stucco: there are cartouches of complex shapes, flowers and leaves, other plant motifs, as well as decorated heads of angels. The composition continues with a tall six-tiered iconostasis covered with fine carvings, the images for which were made in the Kremlin by masters of the Armory Chamber. Particularly noteworthy are the carved Royal Doors, which use not only the traditional icon of the Annunciation, inserted into the medallion, but also wooden figures of the four evangelists, as well as Basil the Great and John Chrysostom. The iconostasis is crowned with painted wooden sculptures depicting the Crucifixion with the Mother of God and the Apostle John the Theologian, as well as two figures of angels holding the instruments of the Passion of Christ.

In addition to Catherine’s, in the refectory there was also a chapel in the name of the Apostle Jacob Alfeev, created in 1763 at the expense of Colonel Yakov Evstafievich Khitrovo. In 1886–1889, for the Jacob's chapel, the refectory was expanded according to the architect's design, after which the church acquired symmetry. The same architect created the existing fence and gate. Subsequently, there were no significant changes in her appearance. Wooden gilded iconostases in the chapels, made by I.M. Frolov and stylized in Baroque style, have been preserved from the same time.

In addition to the piece of the Robe of the Lord, the special value of the temple is the Ilyinskaya-Chernigov Icon of the Mother of God. A gift from the monastic brethren from Chernigov, a unique image from 1696, on which, next to the face of the Mother of God, a double-headed eagle is depicted on one side, and on the other, a poetic dedication to Peter I, his victory over the Turks and the capture of Azov.

In the Moscow Kremlin there is a Church of the Placing of the Robe, but it has a different dedication - in the name of the Placing of the Robe in Blachernae. This Byzantine holiday is associated with the Robe of the Virgin Mary; there are temples in honor of it in Greece and Russia. But the celebration on the occasion of the Placing of the Robe of the Lord in the Assumption Cathedral in Moscow is only in the calendar of the Russian Orthodox Church - in his honor there is only one church in the capital, on Donskaya Street.

Previously, the name of the temple was reflected on the map: the neighboring lane was called Rizopolozhensky. However, in 1923 it was renamed Vystavochny (after the All-Russian Exhibition, to which it led - today it is located in its place), and in 1973 it became Academician Petrovsky Street. Despite this, the church itself was not damaged in those years and was able to keep its decoration, including the bells, almost untouched. Entering inside, we can see it as many generations of Muscovites knew it.

According to legend, the church was built at the meeting place in 1625 by the Moscow clergy of the embassy of the Persian Shah Abbas,
who donated one of the most revered shrines to Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich and Patriarch Filaret
Christian world - the Robe of the Lord, a piece of clothing in which Christ was led to Golgotha.
The existing stone church building was built in 1701-1716. in the Moscow Baroque style.

In ancient times, the area of ​​the Kaluga outpost in Moscow and Sparrow Field often became the scene of battles between the defenders of the Russian capital and uninvited “guests” who tried to take possession of the Mother See.

In 1591, the camp of the Russian army was located here, opposing the hordes of the Crimean Khan Kazy-Girey.
In 1612, the detachments of the Polish hetman Khotkevich retreated from Moscow in this direction, defeated in Zamoskvorechye by the militia of Minin and Pozharsky.
But the walls of the Deposition of the Robe Church remember one enemy invasion - Napoleonic.

Then the area outside the Kaluga Gate, like many other Moscow outskirts, was almost undamaged by the fire.
Of the 46 courtyards listed in the parish of the Church of the Deposition of the Robe, only seven burned down.
But the temple itself was desecrated by the enemy.
However, its interior decoration and shrines, most likely hidden from enemies, remained undamaged.
After the French abandoned Moscow, services resumed in the Catherine's chapel of the Deposition of the Robe Church on December 22, 1812.

In the 19th century, several fairly large industrial enterprises arose in the area adjacent to the temple.
In the immediate vicinity of the Church of the Deposition of the Robe in 1856-1857. The Bromley mechanical plant was founded (later the Red Proletarian machine tool plant).
Workers and employees of new enterprises who lived nearby became its parishioners.
Hospitals (Golitsynskaya and 1st Gradskaya) were located in the former estates of the nobility.

In Neskuchny, equipped according to a new plan, Emperor Nicholas I built a palace for his wife Alexandra Feodorovna and called it Alexandrinsky (now its buildings are occupied by the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences). The palace church in the name of the holy martyr Queen Alexandra (April 23 / May 6) was considered attached to the Church of the Deposition of the Robe.

By the end of the century, luxurious estates of aristocrats appeared here, and on the southern outskirts of the ancient capital:
Orlov (Neskuchny Garden) and Golitsyn (now the 1st City Hospital).
Count Alexey Grigorievich Orlov-Chesmensky, a statesman, diplomat and commander, was considered a parishioner of the Church of the Deposition of the Robe.

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Alexey Grigorievich is the brother of Grigory Orlov, the favorite of Catherine II, one of the five Orlov brothers who actively participated in the palace coup of 1762, which removed Emperor Peter III from power and paved the way for his wife to the throne.
A.G. Orlov commanded the Russian squadron in the Mediterranean Sea and for victories at Navarino and Chesma (1774) received the title of Chesmensky.
In 1775 he retired and settled in Moscow.

Having built a magnificent estate on the banks of the Moscow River, he surprised Muscovites with holidays, noisy festivities and theatrical performances.
An excellent expert in horse breeding and a horse lover, he bred the world-famous breed of Oryol trotters and organized the first horse racing in Moscow on the Donskoye Field.
The disgraced count died in Moscow and was buried in the Church of the Deposition of the Robe of the Lord, among whose parishioners was his only daughter, the heiress of a huge fortune, Countess Anna Alekseevna Orlova-Chesmenskaya (1785-1845).

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Having rejected the most brilliant suitors, the countess devoted herself to charitable causes, spending a significant part of her truly untold wealth on them.
Anna Alekseevna often made pilgrimages to holy places, made rich donations to monasteries, contributed to the preaching of Orthodoxy among the pagan Chuvash who inhabited the estates that belonged to her in the Samara province, and built churches; In general, she led a very strict, almost ascetic lifestyle.
With her good deeds, the countess sought to atone for the sin of her father, who participated in the murder of Emperor Peter III.

The existing stone church building was built in 1701-1716.
The history of this construction is not entirely ordinary.
It began with the construction of a chapel in the name of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine (Comm. November 24 / December 7).
It was founded on October 7, 1701 and upon completion of work it was consecrated on August 18, 1705.
The construction of the main volume of the temple in honor of the Placement of the Robe of the Lord lasted for several more years and was completed in 1716.
This is explained by the fact that the temple was built in difficult times for Russia.
The Northern War was going on for access to the Baltic Sea, for the return of the ancestral Russian lands captured by Sweden.
Peter's reforms were in full swing.
Through the gigantic efforts of an entire people, a new capital, St. Petersburg, was built on the banks of the Neva River, and in connection with this, stone construction was suspended throughout the country.
And yet, despite all these circumstances, on the southern outskirts of the Mother See, behind the Kaluga Gate of the Zemlyanoy City, in an area that at that time bore the name “Sparrow Field,” Muscovites built a temple.
The parishioners of the “Church of the Placement of the Robe of the Lord at the Donskoy Monastery, in Novaya Sloboda” (as the temple was then called) were not able to cope with the large construction site alone.
Therefore, the temple was erected by the whole world, collecting money and donations in the form of building materials throughout Moscow.
Among those who are remembered to this day during services in the Church of the Deposition of the Robe as “the creators of this holy temple,” there were noble and rich people, as well as poor and completely poor, almost beggars, who donated their last to the temple of God. Thus, it is not known in the special “Collective Book” established in 1706 to record the names of donors that among them was the widow Daria, who lived in the almshouse, who “gave a ruble for the church building.”
The “Collected Book” contains the names of representatives of the royal family - the unfortunate son of Peter I, Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich, and his mother, the first wife of Tsarina Evdokia Feodorovna Lopukhina, rejected by the sovereign, who ended her days as a nun of the Moscow Novodevichy Convent.
Perhaps in memory of the fact that royalty took part in the creation of the Temple, the cross above the central head of the church is crowned with a crown.

But there is another explanation for this.
After all, it is the central head of the five-domed church that traditionally symbolizes the Savior, and the four lateral ones - the holy apostles-evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

The Deposition of the Robe Church, a unique monument of church architecture of the 18th century, greets the three-hundredth anniversary (in 2001) of its foundation with a new look.
Its graceful proportions and carefully crafted details attract everyone's attention.

Rizopolozhensky Church on Donskaya in Moscow there is a beautiful monument of the Naryshkin baroque. The doors of the temple have been open to parishioners and pilgrims for three hundred years. They did not close during the Soviet era either.

In 1625, in the second decade of the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich, in the place where it now stands Church of the Deposition of the Robe The Moscow clergy met part of the Robe of the Lord, brought by the Persian ambassador Urusambek.

Himself Church on Donskaya, the one that still stands today, began to be built in 1701. The first to be built was the chapel in the name of the Great Martyr Catherine, consecrated in 1705, and only then the main temple was erected; construction was delayed. The main altar of the temple was consecrated in 1716.

The dedication of the church on Donskaya is one of a kind. There are no other churches consecrated in honor of the Position of the Venerable Robe of our Lord Jesus Christ in Moscow.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 16.01.2018 16:18

The Church of the Placing of the Robe of the Lord on Donskaya belongs to a large group of Moscow churches built in the Naryshkin Baroque style.

The composition of the temple is simple and expressive. It is known that the architects of the Moscow Baroque era followed two paths - either they concentrated on the decoration of the temple building, preserving its traditional structure (a quadrangle topped with one chapter or a five-domed one), or they tried to say something new in the field of spatial solutions (without losing sight of the , and decorative parts). In the latter case, monuments such as the Church of Boris and Gleb in Zyuzin appeared. In the first there are temples similar to the Church of the Deposition of the Robe on Donskaya.

Representing a tall, very slender pillarless quadrangle with a “manneristically” elongated, closely composed five-domed structure and a pronounced altar part, the temple on Donskaya is compositionally close to the temples of the previous era. The differences appear, by and large, only in proportions. But in design, in details, the architect gives himself much more freedom. There is a wide cornice with Venetian shells, indicating places where zakomaras “could have been,” and snow-shining intricate platbands on a carmine background (the combination of a red plane and white decor is characteristic of the Naryshkin Baroque), and semi-columns with Corinthian capitals. The appearance of the temple is completed by gilded carved crosses, solemnly raised above the faceted domes.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 16.01.2018 16:29

The greatest interest in interior of the temple on Donskoy represents its main quadrangle with a preserved iconostasis from the mid-18th century and Baroque stucco on the walls. The gilded carved frame of the six-tiered iconostasis is crowned with a sculptural image of the Crucifixion, and many of the icons in it are much older than himself. They most likely date back to the time of construction of the stone Church of the Deposition of the Robe and, in their style, can be attributed to the brushes of one of the masters of the Armory Chamber. The compositional design of the royal doors is expressive. On their doors there are carved images of the evangelists, as well as, kneeling, Saints John Chrysostom and Basil the Great, the compilers of the most commonly used rites of the Divine Liturgy.

The entire western wall of the main quadrangle is traditionally occupied by the monumental composition “The Last Judgment”. It was executed in the middle of the 18th century, but subsequently went through a number of renovations. The “frame” of the composition is a garland composed of molded images of angels. The stucco molding is made of alabaster, brightly painted and gilded. The smaller pictorial compositions present on the vaults, as well as on the southern and northern walls of the quadrangle, are also decorated in a similar way. Together with the iconostasis, the stucco elements create a harmonious decorative system.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 16.01.2018 16:33

The Temple of the Deposition of the Robe on Donskaya was and remains one of the favorite churches of Muscovites. Many come here from far away.

For a long time, the church on Donskaya was one of the few operating churches in Soviet Moscow. According to the recollections of old parishioners, more than a thousand people prayed at Sunday mass here, so there was no place to put a table for drinking - it was taken out of the church, and the communicants, leaving the church, went to the fence.

With the opening of other surrounding churches, the number of worshipers in the Church of the Deposition of the Robe decreased somewhat, but even now it is crowded during services. On Sundays and holidays, two liturgies are celebrated here - early and late.

In the 1990s, the community of the Deposition of the Robe Church returned the church house for free use. In 1994, the roof of the bell tower and ventilation were repaired, in 1995, the roof of the temple, and in 1997, the heating system. Until the early 2000s, intensive work was carried out inside the temple: washing and restoration of the icons of the main iconostasis, the Last Judgment composition, molded parts of the quadrangle, murals and iconostases in the refectory.

In 2000, the domes were restored and the ancient forged crosses crowning them were re-gilded; in 2001, the dome of the bell tower was gilded.

There has been a Sunday school at the Deposition of the Robe Church for many years, and there are also free courses in church singing and reading. The courses, in addition to the musical disciplines themselves (choir, basic vocals, solfeggio), teach the Law of God and liturgics.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 16.01.2018 16:40

According to legend, the church was built at the meeting place in 1625 by the Moscow clergy of the embassy of the Persian Shah Abbas,
who donated one of the most revered shrines to Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich and Patriarch Filaret
Christian world - the Robe of the Lord, a piece of clothing in which Christ was led to Golgotha.
The existing stone church building was built in 1701-1716. in the Moscow Baroque style.

In ancient times, the area of ​​the Kaluga outpost in Moscow and Sparrow Field often became the scene of battles between the defenders of the Russian capital and uninvited “guests” who tried to take possession of the Mother See.

In 1591, the camp of the Russian army was located here, opposing the hordes of the Crimean Khan Kazy-Girey.
In 1612, the detachments of the Polish hetman Khotkevich retreated from Moscow in this direction, defeated in Zamoskvorechye by the militia of Minin and Pozharsky.
But the walls of the Deposition of the Robe Church remember one enemy invasion - Napoleonic.

Then the area outside the Kaluga Gate, like many other Moscow outskirts, was almost undamaged by the fire.
Of the 46 courtyards listed in the parish of the Church of the Deposition of the Robe, only seven burned down.
But the temple itself was desecrated by the enemy.
However, its interior decoration and shrines, most likely hidden from enemies, remained undamaged.
After the French abandoned Moscow, services resumed in the Catherine's chapel of the Deposition of the Robe Church on December 22, 1812.

In the 19th century, several fairly large industrial enterprises arose in the area adjacent to the temple.
In the immediate vicinity of the Church of the Deposition of the Robe in 1856-1857. The Bromley mechanical plant was founded (later the Red Proletarian machine tool plant).
Workers and employees of new enterprises who lived nearby became its parishioners.
Hospitals (Golitsynskaya and 1st Gradskaya) were located in the former estates of the nobility.

In Neskuchny, equipped according to a new plan, Emperor Nicholas I built a palace for his wife Alexandra Feodorovna and called it Alexandrinsky (now its buildings are occupied by the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences). The palace church in the name of the holy martyr Queen Alexandra (April 23 / May 6) was considered attached to the Church of the Deposition of the Robe.

By the end of the century, luxurious estates of aristocrats appeared here, and on the southern outskirts of the ancient capital:
Orlov (Neskuchny Garden) and Golitsyn (now the 1st City Hospital).
Count Alexey Grigorievich Orlov-Chesmensky, a statesman, diplomat and commander, was considered a parishioner of the Church of the Deposition of the Robe.

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Alexey Grigorievich is the brother of Grigory Orlov, the favorite of Catherine II, one of the five Orlov brothers who actively participated in the palace coup of 1762, which removed Emperor Peter III from power and paved the way for his wife to the throne.
A.G. Orlov commanded the Russian squadron in the Mediterranean Sea and for victories at Navarino and Chesma (1774) received the title of Chesmensky.
In 1775 he retired and settled in Moscow.

Having built a magnificent estate on the banks of the Moscow River, he surprised Muscovites with holidays, noisy festivities and theatrical performances.
An excellent expert in horse breeding and a horse lover, he bred the world-famous breed of Oryol trotters and organized the first horse racing in Moscow on the Donskoye Field.
The disgraced count died in Moscow and was buried in the Church of the Deposition of the Robe of the Lord, among whose parishioners was his only daughter, the heiress of a huge fortune, Countess Anna Alekseevna Orlova-Chesmenskaya (1785-1845).

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Having rejected the most brilliant suitors, the countess devoted herself to charitable causes, spending a significant part of her truly untold wealth on them.
Anna Alekseevna often made pilgrimages to holy places, made rich donations to monasteries, contributed to the preaching of Orthodoxy among the pagan Chuvash who inhabited the estates that belonged to her in the Samara province, and built churches; In general, she led a very strict, almost ascetic lifestyle.
With her good deeds, the countess sought to atone for the sin of her father, who participated in the murder of Emperor Peter III.

The existing stone church building was built in 1701-1716.
The history of this construction is not entirely ordinary.
It began with the construction of a chapel in the name of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine (Comm. November 24 / December 7).
It was founded on October 7, 1701 and upon completion of work it was consecrated on August 18, 1705.
The construction of the main volume of the temple in honor of the Placement of the Robe of the Lord lasted for several more years and was completed in 1716.
This is explained by the fact that the temple was built in difficult times for Russia.
The Northern War was going on for access to the Baltic Sea, for the return of the ancestral Russian lands captured by Sweden.
Peter's reforms were in full swing.
Through the gigantic efforts of an entire people, a new capital, St. Petersburg, was built on the banks of the Neva River, and in connection with this, stone construction was suspended throughout the country.
And yet, despite all these circumstances, on the southern outskirts of the Mother See, behind the Kaluga Gate of the Zemlyanoy City, in an area that at that time bore the name “Sparrow Field,” Muscovites built a temple.
The parishioners of the “Church of the Placement of the Robe of the Lord at the Donskoy Monastery, in Novaya Sloboda” (as the temple was then called) were not able to cope with the large construction site alone.
Therefore, the temple was erected by the whole world, collecting money and donations in the form of building materials throughout Moscow.
Among those who are remembered to this day during services in the Church of the Deposition of the Robe as “the creators of this holy temple,” there were noble and rich people, as well as poor and completely poor, almost beggars, who donated their last to the temple of God. Thus, it is not known in the special “Collective Book” established in 1706 to record the names of donors that among them was the widow Daria, who lived in the almshouse, who “gave a ruble for the church building.”
The “Collected Book” contains the names of representatives of the royal family - the unfortunate son of Peter I, Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich, and his mother, the first wife of Tsarina Evdokia Feodorovna Lopukhina, rejected by the sovereign, who ended her days as a nun of the Moscow Novodevichy Convent.
Perhaps in memory of the fact that royalty took part in the creation of the Temple, the cross above the central head of the church is crowned with a crown.

But there is another explanation for this.
After all, it is the central head of the five-domed church that traditionally symbolizes the Savior, and the four lateral ones - the holy apostles-evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

The Deposition of the Robe Church, a unique monument of church architecture of the 18th century, greets the three-hundredth anniversary (in 2001) of its foundation with a new look.
Its graceful proportions and carefully crafted details attract everyone's attention.

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The Most-Dear Da-Vid of Ga-rejii came by the direction of God Ma-te-ri to Georgia from Syria in the north 6th century together with...

In the year of celebrating the 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus', a whole host of saints of God were glorified at the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church...

The Icon of the Mother of God of Desperate United Hope is a majestic, but at the same time touching, gentle image of the Virgin Mary with the baby Jesus...

Thrones and chapels Upper Temple 1. Central altar. The Holy See was consecrated in honor of the feast of the Renewal (Consecration) of the Church of the Resurrection...
The village of Deulino is located two kilometers north of Sergiev Posad. It was once the estate of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery. IN...
Five kilometers from the city of Istra in the village of Darna there is a beautiful Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Who has been to the Shamordino Monastery near...
All cultural and educational activities necessarily include the study of ancient architectural monuments. This is important for mastering native...
Contacts: rector of the temple, Rev. Evgeniy Palyulin social service coordinator Yulia Palyulina +79602725406 Website:...
I baked these wonderful potato pies in the oven and they turned out incredibly tasty and tender. I made them from beautiful...