The ideological concept of the novel is fathers and sons. The concept and history of the creation of the novel “Fathers and Sons. The true meaning of the work of Ivan Sergeevich

The idea for the novel “Fathers and Sons” arose from I.S. Turgenev in 1860 in England during his summer holiday on the Isle of Wight. Work on the work continued the following year in Paris. The figure of the main character captivated I.S. Turgenev so much that he kept a diary on his behalf for some time.

The novel “Fathers and Sons” reflects the historical process of generational change. The 40s of the 19th century in Russia were a time of liberal-minded nobles. They respected science and art, sympathized with the Russian people and believed in natural progress. Later they began to be called “idealists”, “romantics”. In the 50s and 60s, commoners appeared in the public arena. These were educated people of non-noble origins who did not recognize class differences and through their labor made their way into life. They categorically did not accept everything that was associated with noble aristocracy.

The composition of the novel “Fathers and Sons” is monocentric: the main character is in the center, and all the “formal” elements of the work are aimed at revealing his character. During his “wanderings,” Bazarov visits the same places twice: Maryino, Nikolskoye, Bazarova. Thus, we first get acquainted with the hero, and then we witness how, under the influence of circumstances (a duel with Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, a quarrel with Arkady, love for Anna Sergeevna Odintsova, etc.) his views and beliefs change.

“Fathers and Sons” is a multifaceted novel in terms of genre. The presence of a family-beat theme allows us to call it family, the use of a socio-historical conflict as a concept - social, a deep study of human characters - psychological, and the coverage of philosophical problems - philosophical. Most often, given the degree of development of these aspects, the genre “Fathers and Sons” is defined as a socio-psychological novel.

Vasily Perov. Old parents at the grave of their son Oil on canvas. Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia.

"Fathers and Sons" is one of Turgenev's most famous and popular novels. In general, he began publishing his novels relatively late - only in 1856. By that time he was already quite old. Behind him was the experience of “Notes of a Hunter” and popularity as an author of essays.

The fourth novel and its current themes

Ivan Sergeevich wrote six novels in total. The fourth in a row was “Fathers and Sons”, the year of its creation was 1861. This work is the quintessence of Turgenev's novel style. He always strives to depict events in his personal life, relationships between people against the backdrop of some social phenomena.

The writer always emphasized that he is a pure artist and that the aesthetic perfection of a book is more important to him than its political or social relevance. However, in every work of Ivan Sergeevich it is clear that he always gets to the very core of current public discussions of a particular time. The novel "Fathers and Sons" testifies to the same thing.

This work was published in 1862, during the period of rapprochement between Russia and Europe, when a great reform was carried out - serfdom was abolished. Completely different philosophical movements and social views began to appear.

History of creation. "Fathers and Sons", or the Emergence of a New Concept

It is important to emphasize that Ivan Sergeevich in the novel depicts the events of the pre-reform era of 1859. And it is he who not only discovers, but also names in his work that social phenomenon that has not yet been recognized as important and relevant.

The key phrase is the comparison of human life with the world of indifferent nature. And yet, she is not indifferent. It is simply so omnipotent that it helps people overcome the vanity of the world and comprehend eternal and endless life.

The true meaning of the work of Ivan Sergeevich

The contradiction between fathers and children, which is stated in the first pages of the novel, does not worsen or deepen further. On the contrary, the extremes are increasingly moving closer to each other. As a result, the reader understands that in every family the relationship of parents to their children is quite warm, and they reciprocate their feelings in return. And, despite all the previous critical and negative discussions that the history of creation carries, “Fathers and Sons”, as the plot develops, demonstrates that the contradictions between the views of the older generation and the younger are increasingly smoothed out. And by the end of the novel they are practically reduced to nothing.

Changes in the mind of the main character

And the main character himself, Bazarov, is going through a particularly difficult evolution. And it does not happen under compulsion, but as a result of internal movements of the soul and mind. He denies all the basic values ​​of noble society: nature, art, family, love. And Ivan Sergeevich understands perfectly well that his hero, in principle, is completely hopeless and will not be able to live long in this denial.

And as soon as love falls on the main character, his harmonious belief system collapses. He has no reason to live. Therefore, it is unlikely that his death in this work can be considered accidental.

The meaning of Ivan Sergeevich’s novel could be very briefly described by a quote from Pushkin: “Blessed is he who was young from his youth...” The fact is that the contradictions between youthful energy, activity and submission to life, which are inherent in more mature periods of a person, are imaginary conflicts.

Just as nature absorbs and processes social phenomena, so the views of young people change in the work “Fathers and Sons.” The heroes of the novel, their characters are gradually reborn and come closer to the opinions and judgments of their fathers. This is Turgenev’s outstanding achievement.

Ivan Sergeevich was able to talk about a nihilist, a person who despises art, using the means of this very skill. The author spoke about very acute social events not in the language of a participant in the events, but in fiction. That is why the novel “Fathers and Sons” still excites the feelings of many readers.

Creativity of I.S. Turgenev made a huge contribution to the development of Russian literature. Many of his works are well known to readers of different ages. But the most popular was and remains Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons,” which became the answer to many of the writer’s contemporary questions. The history of the creation of the novel “Fathers and Sons” began in 1860, with the idea that visited Ivan Sergeevich.

First stage

Thoughts about creating a new work describing the surrounding reality arose in Turgenev when he was in England on the Isle of Wight. Then he conceives a major story, the hero of which should be a young doctor. The prototype of Bazarov was a young doctor whom Turgenev accidentally met while traveling by rail. In him he saw the beginnings of nihilism, which was just emerging at that time. This amazed Ivan Sergeevich. He was simply fascinated by the views of this young man.

Beginning of work

Turgenev began work directly in 1860. He leaves with his daughter for Paris, settles there and plans to finish work with a new work in a short time. During the first year of working on Fathers and Sons, the writer completes the first half of the novel. He feels great satisfaction from his work. He is madly attracted to the image of Yevgeny Bazarov. But over time, he feels that he can no longer work in Paris. The writer returns to his homeland.

Completion of the novel

Returning to Russia gives Turgenev the opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of modern social movements. This helps him complete the novel. Shortly before the end of work on Fathers and Sons, a significant event took place in Russia - the abolition of serfdom. The last chapters of the work are being completed by Ivan Sergeevich in his native village of Spassky.

First publications and disputes

For the first time, “Fathers and Sons” appeared to the world on the pages of the popular literary publication “Russian Messenger”. As Turgenev feared, the controversial image of Bazarov caused a strong reaction in literary circles. Its discussion gave rise to a lot of controversy in the press. Many excellent critics devoted their articles to analyzing the ideological content of the novel and characterizing the main character. The appearance of a new image, denying everything familiar and beautiful, became a kind of hymn to the young nihilistic movement.

Latest edition of the novel

After the novel appeared in the Russian Messenger, Turgenev was engaged in a slight reworking of the text of the work. It smoothes out some particularly harsh character traits of the main character, and makes the image of Bazarov more attractive than in the original version. In the fall of 1862, an edited version of the novel was published. On the title page there is a dedication to Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky. Turgenev and Belinsky were very close friends, and thanks to the influence of Vissarion Grigorievich, some of Ivan Sergeevich’s social views were formed.

Roman I.S. Turgenev’s “Fathers and Sons” became a unique work, reflecting the eternal confrontation between two generations not only within a single family, but also at the level of socio-political life of an entire country.

What was the idea behind the novel "Fathers and Sons"? How was the socio-political struggle of the 60s of the 19th century reflected in it? In this case, did the writer’s intentions and the objective meaning of his work coincide?

“My whole story is directed against the nobility as an advanced class,” argued I. S. Turgenev. In Bazarovo he pictured an extraordinary, titanic figure, growing from the soil of the people, but lonely and therefore doomed to death. The author conceived the main conflict of the novel as a conflict of ideologies: the moderate liberal position of the “fathers” and the extreme left views of nihilists (read revolutionaries, the author notes). The writer wanted to show the triumph of democracy over the aristocracy, but was sure of the defeat of the revolutionaries. Therefore, he categorically objected to the revolutionary conclusions made by Dobrolyubov after reading Fathers and Sons, and because of this he broke with his dear Sovremennik. The writer, who served “the revolution with the heartfelt meaning of his works” (from the proclamation of the People’s Volunteers), turned out to be wrong: the objective meaning of his novel outgrew the concept, turning out to be broader and more convincing than Turgenev had imagined.

What is the main conflict in Fathers and Sons? Does the novel show the struggle of two generations or two ideologies? Which of the characters in the novel immediately attracts attention and evokes sympathy? Who can be called a hero of his time? Why do you think so? What does the generation of “fathers” (Kirsanov brothers, Vasily Ivanovich Bazarov) look like in Turgenev’s image? What do you think about their attitude towards the younger generation? Does the author sympathize with them or despise them? What is the essence of ideological disputes between “fathers” and “sons”? Whose side is Turgenev on? Why do you think Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov became Bazarov’s main opponent? What does the duel scene characterize each of them? What are Bazarov's views? What attracts (or repulses) him? Why does Turgenev show him alone not only in the camp of the “fathers”, but also among the “children”? Prove that Bazarov is a fighter and thinker. What is the essence of Bazarov's nihilism? Does he have the moral right to call himself self-destructive?

Bazarov has the character of a fighter. He never backs down in disputes with ideological opponents, does not change his beliefs, most often developed through experience. His aphorisms, often controversial, are the result of a lot of mental work. Bazarov’s nihilism is not denial for the sake of denial, but a firm conviction that “science “in general” does not exist at all,” that one must look at everything critically, check the results of one’s research in the laboratory, etc. Bazarov is confident that “everyone a person must educate himself,” and cites himself as an example. He has the right to call himself “self-deluded” because he never gives in to his weaknesses and fearlessly defends what he considers true.

How does Bazarov feel about his parents? Why can’t there be spiritual intimacy between them? It is known that the test of love is a difficult exam for Turgenev’s heroes. How does Bazarov reveal himself in love? How does Turgenev show the sincerity and strength of his hero’s feelings? Is Anna Sergeevna Odintsova worthy of his love? “To die the way Bazarov died is the same as having accomplished a great feat.” Do you agree with this opinion of D.I. Pisarev? Why do you think the novel ends with the picture of Bazarov’s death? How does D.I. Pisarev answer this question? Why did Turgenev call Bazarov a “tragic face”? What is the role of landscape in Fathers and Sons? Why does Arkady belong to the camp of the “fathers”?

Arkady in the epilogue “has become a zealous owner,” his “farm brings in significant income.” This suggests that the influence

How are the ideological views of the characters revealed in the novel “Fathers and Sons” by I. S. Turgenev?

Bazarov quickly disappeared - after all, Arkady, despite the search for a social ideal outside the ideology of the nobility, remained a “liberal gentleman.” He is the keeper of the traditions of the “fathers” not only in relation to culture. The ideological views of I. S. Turgenev's heroes are most fully revealed in the disputes between the Kirsanovs and Bazarov.

Describe the portrait of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov.

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov is an aristocrat, which is emphasized by his beautiful white hands “with long pink nails”, “English suit, fashionable low ties”, “amazing collars”. He speaks with emphasized refined politeness, slightly tilting his head.

Which principles of Bazarov cannot stand up to a dispute with life?

Bazarov's nihilistic attitude towards love is shattered by his own feelings for Odintsova. For the first time, he realizes that he is powerless to refuse love for the sake of reason, that he becomes dependent on a woman whose words, glance, and manners evoke in him a storm of irresistible passions. After defeat in a love match, Bazarov loses optimism and comes to gloomy thoughts about the insignificance of man in the face of eternity.

How do you understand the meaning of the word "nihilist"?

The concept of “nihilism” was introduced into the Russian language by I. S. Turgenev as a designation for the system of views of the “new people” who entered Russian public life from the late 50s of the 19th century. Nihilism is a simplified, crudely materialistic understanding of life, in which rational, experimental knowledge through the natural sciences is brought to the fore, religion, art, beauty, and morality are denied as useless in society. “We act by virtue of what we recognize as useful. At the present time, the most useful thing is denial - we deny.”

What is the weakness of Bazarov’s position?

The weakness of Bazarov's position lies in the total denial of everything that goes beyond the scope of empirical knowledge: art, the beauty of nature, love, religion. Life itself shatters his rejection of love. His materialism is superficial and crude, identifying physiology and morality (“each of us has a brain, spleen, heart, and lungs that are constructed in the same way,” which means that everyone has the same “moral qualities”). Bazarov has no loyal supporters, he is alone, and therefore doomed.

Why does I. S. Turgenev end Bazarov's line with the death of the hero?

I. S. Turgenev believed that the “Russian Insarovs” had come, but their time had not come. Bazarov is a premature person who does not have a close social perspective, which is why he had to die.

What is the meaning of the title of the novel “Fathers and Sons” by I. S. Turgenev?

The name has a double meaning: the confrontation between two social forces - the liberal nobles ("fathers") and the commoner democrats ("children"); the eternal contradiction of generations.

What details of the portrait emphasize Bazarov’s democracy?

I. S. Turgenev emphasized Bazarov’s democracy in appearance. His face “long and thin, with a wide forehead, a flat upward, pointed nose downward, large greenish eyes and hanging sand-colored sideburns, was enlivened by a calm smile and expressed self-confidence and intelligence.” He dresses simply and pointedly casually - in a “long robe with tassels”, and his hands are “red and naked”, never wearing gloves.

Fathers and Sons The idea for the novel “Fathers and Sons” arose from I. S. Turgenev in 1860 in England during a summer holiday on the Isle of Wight. Work on the work continued the following year in Paris. I. S. Turgenev was so captivated by the figure of the main character that he kept a diary on his behalf for some time.

The originality of the landscape in the novel “Fathers and Sons” Compared to other novels by I. S. Turgenev, “Fathers and Sons” is much poorer in landscapes.

Reviews from readers: a multifaceted and very life-like novel about the painful passage of the border between youth and maturity.

I still like Turgenev’s “Rudin” more, but this book also contains surprisingly many thoughts that disturb the mind. This book is definitely worth reading at the stage of growing up and developing life values.

At school I really liked Bazarov. He seemed so romantic to me, may the character forgive me this very romanticism. Misunderstood, he denied recognized ideals, was daring, brave, smart. I couldn't help but fall in love with Bazarov. :)

"Fathers and Sons" is a very interesting novel, because I. S. Turgenev delves into the most intimate - human relationships. There are a lot of topics that can be highlighted: true love, friendship, and “unusual” people.

The novel “Fathers and Sons” caused a mixed assessment by I. S. Turgenev’s contemporaries. The critic M.A. Antonovich called Bazarov a talker, a cynic and accused Turgenev of slandering the younger generation, when, in fact, ““fathers and sons” are equally right and wrong.”

D.I. Pisarev in the article “Bazarov (1865)” spoke in defense of the main character of the novel. He noted that this is “a man of strong mind and character,” although extremely proud. Bazarov’s problem, according to Pisarev, is that he outright denies those things that he does not know or does not understand.

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