The idea of ​​the poem in Rus' is to live well. "People's Thought" in the poem "Who Lives Well in Rus'? Main character groups

"People's Thought" in the poem "Who Lives Well in Rus'?". Nekrasov wrote his poem for twenty years, collecting material literally drop by drop for her all his life. He wanted to show in it all the social strata of contemporary Russia, and therefore we see such a long series of characters - from the tsar to the most impoverished peasant.

The theme of the work, apparently, is already indicated in its very title - this is the problem of finding happiness. But this is the specificity of Nekrasov's work - he showed that, in fact, not a single social class in Russia can be called completely serenely happy.

The theme of "people's suffering" was developed by the author in all his work, it is typical for the works of different years. Recall at least such classic poems as "Troika", "Forgotten Village", "Reflections at the front door", "Railway".

And the culmination of the development of this topic - both in the work of Nekrasov and in Russian literature in general - is considered the poem "Who should live well in Russia?". Unfortunately, Nekrasov did not manage to finish it - he died, leaving the picture of Rus' unfinished. However, despite this, the poem is often called the epic of folk life, and for good reason: despite its incompleteness, it still reflects the various aspects of the Russian national character quite fully. The Russian peasant, as it is stated in it, is a hero (Trofim the bricklayer, Savely is the “Holy Russian hero”), but his strength does not find the necessary, useful use, often leads to misfortunes (for example, Trofim overstrained himself, deciding to lift too much load; through the fault Savely, the child died). The life credo of any hard worker is patience and hard work. An example of this is Matryona Timofeevna, the personification of a heavy female share; even God himself, in the words of Nekrasov, has lost "the keys to female happiness."

But a Russian peasant can only tolerate his own, Russian. The arbitrariness of some Vogel (“nemchura”) or Pan Glukhovsky leads to a crime against the law, although justified from the point of view of human justice.

Despite the presence in the poem of such heroes as the bogatyr Saveliy, Yakim Nagoi, Yermil Girin, the elder Vlas, Matryona Timofeevna, as well as seven “truth-seekers” - heroes who retained true humanity, spiritual nobility, it is clear that none of them will change nothing in the position of the Russian countryside. None of them act in this direction, everyone works and endures, achieves success - but there are no changes for the better both for them personally and for the peasantry as a whole.

On the other hand, the hatred of the muzhiks for the oppressors-landlords is marked quite clearly. The Nekrasov peasant can clearly and sensibly explain why he does not love the master. On the other hand, all other social sympathies and antipathies of the peasant are less definite. What, for example, did the priests not please the peasants, for which they are called the "breed of the foal"? The Gubin brothers, Ivan and Mitrodor, embarrassedly answer this question: "Not by ourselves ... By our parents, We are so-and-so ...". Here it is - the truth of the peasant. Children inherit it from their parents, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, and so on. This is how one of the features of the Russian folk character manifests itself. This is not a personal experience of the Gubin family, but a national trait, primordial, dating back to ancient times. A person in the countryside should not stand out, but, on the contrary, be guided by general rules, the opinion of the masses. That is, in the Russian people there is a strong common principle, the best thing is what is done by "the whole world"; so, not knowing the essence of the matter, they drive Yegorka Shutov from village to village. Why beat? Unknown, but "so punished." They are also unanimous on the issue of “exemplary serfs” - universal contempt for Yakov the Verny and the “faithful slave” of Prince Peremetyev, “suffering” from gout.

The folk character cannot be fully embraced in one work, and even several cannot accommodate its entire width. Nekrasov managed to reflect a significant part of the people's consciousness, but he managed to do this only for the entire period of his literary activity. The Russian national character is undergoing constant changes, new types are born and old types die, and therefore the folk life in the image of Nekrasov is only a small (although, paying tribute to the skill of the poet, it is very vividly drawn) period of development of the folk character.

Nekrasov's genius in depicting the "folk thought" often forced critics to talk about the nationality of the poet's work in general and specifically about the nationality of the poem "Who in Russia should live well?". Indeed, it is difficult to argue with the fact that the presence in the work of "folk thought" inevitably guarantees that it has this quality. Usually, the nationality of a work is determined by the ratio of the author's individual and collective creativity, the degree of creative borrowing of motives, images, poetics of folk poetry - in other words, folklore.

Also, the concept of folk art denotes the depth of a work of art, the importance of its ideas and images for the development of public consciousness, for the knowledge of the life of the whole nation. As has been noted more than once, Nekrasov in his work touched on very deep issues, social and public, moral and philosophical. He sort of summed up everything that was said by previous authors, and also introduced some of his own, new ideas, arguments about the real essence and prospects for the future for Russia. He managed to vividly and clearly expose to the reader the ulcers of his contemporary society, showed the rights of both the nobility, and the peasant, and the church. After all, the concept of “folk thought”, in my opinion, includes not only the meaning of the “folk spirit”, “folk soul”, so authentically drawn by Nekrasov in the images of Russian heroes. "The thought of the people" is also the author's reflections on the future of Russia, the expression of his "thought" about the fate of his people, his regret about his failures and admiration for his merits.

The poem "Who is living well in Rus'?" Nekrasov himself from the very beginning was estimated as the pinnacle of his creative path. In this monumental work, almost all the motives of the poet's lyrics sound; one can say that it was his testament to subsequent generations of Russian people. However, Nekrasov not only gives a description of all great Rus' and reflects on its future. Like Gogol in his poem Dead Souls, Nekrasov in Who Should Live Well in Rus'? pays special attention to the present state of the people, notices and draws the attention of readers to the vices and shortcomings, pities the long-suffering people. The main goal of the author is to understand the life of a simple person, to look into his soul. Therefore, "Who should live well in Rus'?" - a truly folk epic poem. But what else does it show?

The very idea of ​​​​the work, which becomes clear already from the title, speaks volumes. The author sets the goal of finding a happy person in all the vast Rus', but in this search, the reader is presented with a picture of the everyday life of the entire Russian people. Therefore, the idea of ​​the work can be called global.

Nekrasov decided that the genre of travel was most suitable for the realization of this idea. But, unlike the author of "Dead Souls", Nekrasov made the main characters, through whose eyes we see all of Russia, not an official, but a whole group of truly folk heroes - peasants "from temporarily liable" who live in the "Empty volost, Terpigorev district". The main characters cannot be given an unambiguous assessment: on the one hand, these are quite real characters, which is emphasized by the indication of their social status, which really existed in post-reform Russia. On the other hand, the names of the volost and the county are obviously not only fictitious, but also generalizing, that is, we already have half-fairy, half-epic characters before us. Epic motifs are especially noticeable at the beginning of the poem: the characters "converged at the crossroads and argued," then "put home not to toss and turn" until they find a happy person. The plot, apparently taken from folklore.

Nekrasov failed to realize his plan to the end, he died before he could finish the poem. But, although the work remained unfinished, all of Rus', all of its people, really appeared in it. Of course, the author wanted to show the life of literally all classes of Russia, from peasants to the tsar. It was possible to illuminate, in addition to the life of the peasants, the life of the clergy and landowners. It would seem that these two estates have always oppressed the working people, but the author is just; he does not idealize the priest and the landowner, but he does not scold them either. The descriptions of the life of these heroes harmoniously fit into the overall structure of the work, thanks to them the reader sees Russia through the eyes of other representatives of its people, because, for example, the landowner has his own tragedy: he understands that people are becoming smaller, patriarchal Rus' is collapsing before our eyes, burying the bad under it, and good. In addition, with the help of the image of a landowner, the author introduces the theme of serfdom, expresses the idea that "the great chain broke: one end hit the gentleman, the other - the peasant."

A special place in the work is occupied by a generalized image of a peasant woman - Matrena Timofeevna. Nekrasov was always worried about the bitter fate of a Russian woman, and in his poem he pays much attention to describing the life of the "governor". Matryona knows how to find joy in her difficult life, but the author repeatedly emphasizes the horrors and hardships that Russian peasant women endure. The description of Matrena's fate ends with the statement that the peasants "have not started a business" - to look for happy women.

Separate typical representatives of the people are discussed both in the story "about Jacob the faithful, the exemplary serf", and in the descriptions of the "village fair". Again and again the motif of deprivation to which the common people are subjected resounds; Jacob's cruel revenge on his master, the soldier's story about the war - all this evokes in the reader not just sympathy and compassion, but outright pain for innocent people. The images of Vlas and Klim are also interesting, although they are, in general, opposed to each other, they have one misfortune - the arbitrariness that is happening in Russia is the misfortune of the whole people.

Along with generalized images, Nekrasov also describes groups of people. First of all, these are, of course, wahlaks.

Their game with the Last is in fact nothing more than a model of relations between peasants and landowners in the era of serfdom. With caustic irony and anger, the author describes Utyatin's tyranny. This topic is being continued. The author specifically describes the life of the peasants before death and after. The sons of the deceased do not want to give up the promised meadows, it is emphasized that even after the abolition of serfdom, the landowners deceive the peasants, and, unfortunately, this also corresponded to the realities of the life of the people.

A depressing impression is made by the description of the life of the courtyards without a master in the part "Peasant Woman". Here, ordinary people are criticized, Nekrasov makes it clear that the people are still the blacksmith of their own happiness and are to blame for many of their troubles.

The epic theme acquires a new sound when describing not quite real folk characters. This, of course, is Savely and Grisha Dobrosklonov. Saveliy is a representative of patriarchal Rus', a true "hero of the Holy Russian", which is emphasized in his portrait. Grisha is a new type of hero. It is not without reason that Nekrasov mentions Ivan Susanin in connection with Savely. The time of mighty heroes has passed, now it is the turn of smart and selfless fighters, ready to save the people not only from the invaders, but also from the oppressors.

Fate prepared for him

The path is glorious, the name is loud

people's protector,

Consumption and Siberia.

Grisha is a new folk hero. Nekrasov puts his own ideas into his mouth, he becomes the bearer of the truth.

You are poor

You are abundant

Mother Rus'!

Grisha is one of the few who looks to the future with hope, he is ready to fight for it, he believes in his homeland.

In the poem "Who is it good to live in Rus'?" Nekrasov showed the whole life of the Russian people without embellishment. But this work could not be called a folk epic poem if the voice of the author himself did not sound in it.

Eat prison, Yasha,

There is no milk,

Where is our cow? -

Gone, my light.

Master for offspring

Took her home.

It's nice to live people

Saint in Rus'!

The main idea of ​​the whole work is expressed here: there is no happy person in all of Russia, grief reigns everywhere.

"Who is good to live in Rus'?" is a mirror of the soul of Russia, N.A. Nekrasov continued the traditions of Radishchev and Gogol in depicting the life of ordinary people, brought out several interesting images that became symbols of the Russian people.

In February 1861, serfdom was abolished in Russia. This progressive event greatly stirred up the peasants and caused a wave of new problems. Nekrasov described the main one in the poem "Elegy", where there is an aphoristic line: "The people are freed, but are the people happy?" In 1863, Nikolai Alekseevich began to work on a poem "Who in Rus' to live well", which addresses the problems of all segments of the country's population after the abolition of serfdom.

Despite the rather simple, folklore style of narration, the work is quite difficult for correct perception, since it touches on serious philosophical issues. For many of them, Nekrasov was looking for answers all his life. And the poem itself, which was created for a long 14 years, was never completed. Of the planned eight parts, the author managed to write four that do not follow one after another. After the death of Nikolai Alekseevich, the publishers faced a problem: in what order should the parts of the poem be published. Today we are getting acquainted with the text of the work in the order proposed by Korney Chukovsky, who meticulously worked with the writer's archives.

Some of Nekrasov's contemporaries argued that the author had the idea of ​​the poem back in the 50s, before the abolition of serfdom. Nikolai Alekseevich wanted to fit into one work everything he knew about the people and heard from many people. To some extent, he succeeded.

Many genre definitions have been selected for the poem "Who Lives Well in Rus'". Some critics claim that this is a "poem-journey", others speak of it as a "Russian Odyssey". The author himself considered his work epic because it depicts the life of the people at a turning point in history. Such a period can be a war, a revolution, and in our case, the abolition of serfdom.

The author tried to describe the current events through the eyes of ordinary people and using their vocabulary. As a rule, there is no main character in the epic. Nekrasov's poem "To whom it is good to live in Rus'" fully meets these criteria.

But the question of main character The poem has been raised more than once; it haunts literary critics to this day. If approached formally, then the main characters can be considered arguing men who went to look for happy people in Rus'. Perfect for this role Grisha Dobrosklonov- People's educator and savior. It is quite possible to admit that the main character in the poem is the entire Russian people. This is clearly reflected in the mass scenes of festivities, fairs, haymaking. Important decisions are made in Rus' by the whole world, even a sigh of relief after the death of the landowner escaped from the peasants at the same time.

Plot The work is quite simple - seven men accidentally met on the road, who started a dispute on the topic: who lives well in Rus'? To solve it, the heroes set off on a journey across the country. On a long journey, they meet a variety of people: merchants, beggars, drunkards, landowners, a priest, a wounded soldier, a prince. The disputants also had a chance to see many pictures from life: a prison, a fair, birth, death, weddings, holidays, auctions, elections of a burgomaster, etc.

Seven men are not described by Nekrasov in detail, their characters are practically not disclosed. Wanderers go together towards the same goal. But the characters of the second plan (the village headman, Saveliy, the serf Yakov and others) are drawn brightly, with many small details and nuances. This allows us to conclude that the author, in the person of seven men, created a conditionally allegorical image of the people.

Problems that Nekrasov raised in his poem are very diverse and relate to the life of different strata of society: greed, poverty, illiteracy, obscurantism, swagger, moral degradation, drunkenness, arrogance, cruelty, sinfulness, the difficulty of transitioning to a new way of life, unlimited patience and a thirst for rebellion , oppression.

But the key problem of the work is the concept of happiness, which each character decides on their own. For wealthy people, such as the priest and the landowner, happiness is personal well-being. It is very important for a man to be able to get away from troubles and misfortunes: the bear chased, but did not catch up, they beat him hard at work, but they did not beat him to death, etc.

But there are characters in the work who do not seek happiness only for themselves, they strive to make all people happy. Such heroes are Yermil Girin and Grisha Dobrosklonov. In the mind of Gregory, love for his mother grew into love for the whole country. In the soul of the guy, the poor and unfortunate mother was identified with the same poor country. And the seminarian Grisha considers the enlightenment of the people the goal of his life. From the way Dobrosklonov understands happiness, the main idea of ​​the poem follows: this feeling can only be fully felt by the person who is ready to devote his life to the struggle for the happiness of the people.

Oral folk art can be considered the main artistic means of the poem. The author makes extensive use of folklore in the pictures of the life of the peasants and in the description of the future protector of Rus', Grisha Dobrosklonov. Nekrasov uses folk vocabulary in the text of the poem in different ways: as a direct stylization (the prologue is composed), the beginning of a fairy tale (self-assembled tablecloth, the mythical number seven) or indirectly (lines from folk songs, references to various legends and epics).

The language of the work is stylized as a folk song. There are many dialectisms in the text, numerous repetitions, diminutive suffixes in words, stable constructions in descriptions. Because of this, the work “Who Lives Well in Rus'” is perceived by many as folk art. In the middle of the nineteenth century, folklore was studied not only from the point of view of science, but also as a way for the intelligentsia to communicate with the people.

Having analyzed in detail Nekrasov’s work “Who Lives Well in Rus'”, it is easy to understand that even in its unfinished form it is a literary heritage and is of great value. And today the poem is of great interest to literary critics and readers. Studying the historical features of the Russian people, we can conclude that they have changed a little, but the essence of the problem has remained the same - the search for one's happiness.

  • Images of landlords in Nekrasov's poem "Who should live well in Rus'"

Before proceeding directly to the analysis of "To whom it is good to live in Rus'", we will briefly consider the history of the creation of the poem and general information. Nikolai Nekrasov wrote the poem "To whom it is good to live in Rus'". The fact is that in 1861 serfdom was finally abolished - many had been waiting for this reform for a long time, but after its introduction, unforeseen problems began in society. One of them Nekrasov expressed as follows, to paraphrase a little: yes, people have become free, but have they become happy?

The poem "To whom it is good to live in Rus'" tells how life went after the reform. Most literary critics agree that this work is the pinnacle of Nekrasov's work. It may seem that the poems are sometimes funny, somewhat fabulous, simple and naive, but this is far from being the case. The poem should be read carefully and draw deep conclusions. And now let's move on to the analysis of "Who in Rus' should live well."

Theme of the poem and problems

What is the plot of the poem "To whom in Rus' it is good to live"? "Pillar path", and on it there are men - seven people. And they began to argue about who is the sweetest of all to live in Rus'. However, the answer is not so easy to find, so they decide to go on a journey. This is how the main theme of the poem is determined - Nekrasov widely reveals the life of Russian peasants and other people. Many questions are covered, because the peasants have to make acquaintances with all sorts - they meet: a priest, a landowner, a beggar, a drunkard, a merchant and many others.

Nekrasov invites the reader to learn about the fair and the prison, to see how hard the poor work and the master lives in a big way, to attend a merry wedding and celebrate the holiday. And all this can be comprehended by drawing conclusions. But this is not the main thing when we do the analysis "Who should live well in Rus'." Let us briefly discuss the moment why it is impossible to say unequivocally who the main character of this work is.

Who is the main character of the poem

It seems that everything is simple - seven men who argue and wander, trying to find the happiest person. In fact, they are the main characters. But, for example, the image of Grisha Dobrosklonov is clearly highlighted, because it is this character, according to Nekrasov's plan, that reflects the one who will enlighten Russia and save the people in the future. However, it is impossible not to mention the image of the people themselves - this is also the main image and character in the work.

For example, when reading "Drunken Night" and "A Feast for the Whole World" one can see the unity of people as a people when a fair, haymaking or mass festivities take place. Making an analysis of "Who should live well in Rus'", it can be noted that individual personality traits are not inherent in seven peasants, which clearly indicates Nekrasov's intention. Their description is very short, it is not possible to single out their character from a single character. In addition, men strive for the same goals and even argue most often at the same time.

Happiness in the poem becomes the main theme, and each character understands it in his own way. A priest or a landowner strives to get rich and receive honor, a peasant has a different happiness ... But it is important to understand that some heroes believe that one does not need to have one's own happiness, because it is inseparable from the happiness of the whole people. What other problems does Nekrasov raise in the poem? He talks about drunkenness, moral decline, sin, the interaction of old and new orders, love of freedom, rebellion. Separately, we mention the problem of women in Rus'.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Topics of essays based on the poem by Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov “Who should live well in Rus'” For a literature lesson in grade 10

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The purpose of the lesson: Educational: to test the degree of understanding of the poem. Developing: to continue learning the skills of writing a class essay. Educational: to cultivate love for classical literature, patriotic feelings.

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Topics of compositions Genre and composition of the poem “Who should live well in Rus'” The meaning of the title of the poem Irony and satire in the poem Motives of time and space in the poem

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Description of the slide:

Themes of essays 1. How do the heroes and the author of the poem understand happiness? 2. Russian national character in the image of Nekrasov. 3. How does the priest, the landowner and the tsar live? 4. Images of fighters for the people's cause 5. The image of the people in the poem 6. The image of Matryona Timofeevna Korchagina in the poem

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A detailed plan of the essay on the topic “The problem of national happiness in the poem “Who lives well in Rus'”: N.A. Nekrasov is the singer of the people. 1 “The people are liberated, but are the people happy?” 2. a) Poor, dark, downtrodden Russia (description of the life of the people in songs, names of villages, provinces, in the landscape). b) The people's concept of happiness: - happiness in the understanding of Matrena Timofeevna and the peasants; - Yakim Nagoi. Spontaneity in understanding the causes of evil and the guilt in it of the “shareholders of the people's good”; - Ermil Girin's conscious service to the interests of the peasants; - Saveliy - the Holy Russian hero, as a new stage of awakening consciousness, as a reflection of the power of the peasant rati, rising to fight. c) Two possible paths to happiness: - the path along which, “a huge, greedy crowd goes to the temptation”; satirical attitude of Nekrasov towards such people; - the other is narrow, the “honest” road is the path of a glorious intercessor, a fighter for the people's happiness. 3. "The army rises - innumerable, the strength in it will be indestructible" or "Whoever gives his life entirely to fight for his brother - a man, only he will outlive himself."

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Description of the slide:

Women's share (according to Nekrasov's poem “Who should live well in Rus'”) The keys to women's happiness ... are abandoned, lost from God himself. N. A. Nekrasov Plan I. Gallery of female images in domestic and foreign literature. II. The happiness of a simple peasant woman in the understanding of Nekrasov. 1. An attempt to find a happy one among the common people. 2. The happiness of young Matryona Korchagina. 3. Hell among husband's relatives. 4. The tragic death of Demushki. 5. "Governor". III. Nekrasov's admiration for a Russian woman.

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3. Who is good to live in Rus'? This question is asked by seven pilgrims. This question was also of interest to the author of the work “Who Lives Well in Rus'”, Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. The answer is his many years, but still unfinished work - an epic poem about the life of the people in the post-reform period of the abolition of serfdom.

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