A game-trip through fairy tales at a summer camp. Scenario. Scenario of an entertainment and game program for primary schoolchildren Adventure Scenarios

Nastya comes out
Nastya: Hello, guys! Today I came to you to tell you an extraordinary story that happened to me. This is how it all began...
The curtain opens. Nastya goes up on stage and sits down to watch TV. Mom comes in.
Mom: Nastenka, daughter, look at the interesting book I bought for you.
Nastya: Ugh! These fairy tales again! I told you a hundred times that I don’t like them. It would be better if you bought me a computer.
Mom: Nastya, all children love fairy tales.
Nastya: I don’t like it. Mommy, I’m not a little girl who gets read bedtime stories. Go to the store and please change these stupid fairy tales for something else.
Mom leaves.
Nastya: How can you love some fairy tales!
A voice sounds.
Fairy: Oh, Nastya, Nastya!
Nastya: Who is this?
Comes down from the stage. The curtain closes.
Fairy: I am a fairy from the land of fairy tales. I heard that there is a girl who doesn't like fairy tales at all.
Nastya: Why do we love them? After all, in fairy tales everything is not real. There you are, you're probably not real. There is a voice, but no person.
Music is playing. The Fairy appears.
1 Fairy: Here we are - the real Fairies. Hello, Nastya.
Nastya: It can’t be...I’m probably sleeping and dreaming...I’ll wake up now. You haven't disappeared?!
2 Fairy: Of course not. After all, many people all over the world love fairy tales, so neither we nor our country of fairy tales can disappear.
Nastya: I will never believe that such a country exists.
3 Fairy: Do you want to go to a fairyland and meet its inhabitants?
Nastya: Yes, it would be interesting to see this.
4 Fairy: Then you will have to believe in miracles first. Here's a feather from the Firebird.
5 fairy: You must wave it and say the magic words:
There is a fairytale country
She is full of all miracles
So that I can find myself in it
Help the feather of the Firebird!
Fairy 1: Then, when you want to change the fairy tale, just wave your pen, but remember, you must take care of the pen.
Fairy 2: After all, you won’t be able to return home without him. And if the pen falls into the hands of an evil person, disaster can happen - in fairy tales, evil will always win.
Fairy 3: Have a nice journey, Nastya, and we will be waiting for you in our country.
The fairies leave. Nastya waves her pen and says the words. The curtain opens. There is a forest on stage.
Nastya: What a fairyland... the most ordinary forest.
Kolobok runs out
Kolobok: OH! (I saw Nastya)
Nastya: Ko-lo-bok?!
Kolobok: And you are probably the granddaughter of my grandparents?
Nastya (uncertain) Probably...Listen, are you a real Kolobok? From dough?
Kolobok: Of course, I just came out of the oven. Here, touch it, I'm still hot.
Nastya: Wow! Really hot.
Kolobok: Well, okay, I’ll continue to swing, and you tell my friends that I’ll take a walk and come back.
Nastya: I’ll tell you... (scared) No, no, wait, Kolobok. Have you seen the Hare?
Kolobok: Saw
Nastya: Did he want to eat you?
Kolobok: I wanted to, but I ran away from him. How do you know that?
Nastya: More on that later. So you met both the Wolf and the Bear? That's it, you're gone.
Kolobok: How did he disappear? Where did you disappear to?
Nastya: Now you will meet the Fox and she will eat you!
Kolobok: Here you go! She will eat...I ran away from everyone and I’ll run away from her
Nastya: What a braggart you are! She's the Fox...And the Fox is very cunning. Haven't you read fairy tales? Oh, well, yes, I didn’t read it. In general, she will deceive you anyway
Kolobok: (crying): What should I do?
Nastya: Don’t cry, we’ll think of something now. Eh, I wish I had an invisibility hat here... I remember my mother reading such a fairy tale to me. Where can I get it?
4 and 5 Fairies appear.
4 Fairy: It seems, Nastya, you need our help?
Nastya: Dear Fairy, I really want to help Kolobok. Now, if only I had an invisibility hat...
5 Fairy: And we accidentally ended up with her. Take it and try to help Kolobok. Good luck.
The fairies leave.
Nastya (looks at the hat): Yes, I thought the hat would be more beautiful... Yes, okay, as long as it works.
Lisa comes out. Kolobok is hiding behind Nastya.
Nastya: Hello, Lisa
Lisa: Where did you come from? You weren't in our fairy tale!
Nastya: And now there is,
Fox: Who is that hiding behind your back?
Kolobok puts on his hat and pinches the Fox. The fox runs away from him screaming.
Fox: I don’t want to be in this fairy tale anymore, it’s somehow wrong. I'd rather go to another one. (leaves)
Kolobok (takes off his hat): Thank you, Nastya, for your help. I'd probably rather go home. Can I keep the hat?
Nastya: Take it. I do not mind.
Kolobok runs away. Nastya comes down from the stage. The curtain closes.
Nastya: And you know, I’m starting to like this fairy-tale country. I'll try to get into another fairy tale. Nastya waves her pen and says the words. The Wolf comes out.
Wolf: Oh, how angry I am! I waited all day for that nasty Little Red Riding Hood, but she didn’t go to grandma. What will I eat? Oh, I remembered... The Magpie was chattering in the forest that the Goat had gone to town, and the stupid kids were left alone at home. This means I will have a hearty dinner.
The wolf leaves.
Nastya: Oh, what should I do? After all, the Wolf will eat the little kids. How can I help them?..If only I had a tape recorder...
1 Fairy appears.
1 Fairy: I want to help you, girl. Here's this magic box for you - a tape recorder. I hope he helps you save your goats.
Nastya: Thank you. I will try.
They leave. The little goats take the stage.
1 kid: Brothers, let's go home. After all, mom didn’t tell us to leave the house.
2 kid: That's right, otherwise Magpie was cracking that an angry, hungry Wolf was wandering through the forest.
3 kid: I'm scared...
4 little goat: Yes, if the Wolf comes, I will… (a wolf howl is heard) Oh!
5 little goats: Let's run home quickly.
The kids go up to the stage. The curtain opens. The Wolf comes out.
Wolf: Well, all the kids are in place. Now I will pretend to be their mother, they will open the door for me and I will eat them. (knocks)
Little goats, kids, open up, open up.
Your mother came and brought milk.
6 little goats: Open quickly, mom is back.
7 little goat: Something doesn’t sound like his mother’s voice
1 kid: Let's open the door a little and see who's there.
2 little goats: But mother did not order to open the doors to strangers.
3 kid: But we’ll close it a little and immediately.
Wolf (rubbing his paws): Open it, quickly. I'm really hungry.
Nastya turns on the tape recorder. The sounds of shooting are heard.
Wolf: Oh, they're shooting! Hunters! Save yourself who can!
The wolf runs away. The kids open the door and go out.
4 little goats: Girl?! Were you the one knocking just now? But you are not in our fairy tale.
Nastya: Yes, if it weren’t for me, then you wouldn’t exist anymore.
5 little goat: Why is that?
Nastya: Because you don’t listen to your mother. She didn't tell you to open the door for strangers. After all, it was the Wolf who was knocking on your door, and if I had not deceived him, he would have eaten you, and then your mother.
6 little goat: Thank you, girl.
7 little goat: Let's go home, guys, and we won't open the door to anyone else except mom.
The curtain closes. Nastya comes down from the stage.
Nastya: I like everything here more. I wonder where the pen will take me now?
He waves his pen. A hand reaches out from behind the curtain and snatches a feather.
Nastya: Oh, what was that? Where is my pen? How can I get home now, to my mother? (crying)
The gnomes come out.
Nastya: Who are you?

1 gnome: We are gnomes from the fairy tale about Snow White. What fairy tale are you from? We haven't seen you here before.

Nastya: I'm not from a fairy tale. I'm just Nastya. I traveled through fairy tales with the help of a magic pen. But someone stole it and now I can’t return home to my mother.

2nd dwarf: Yes, trouble. How can we help Nastya?

3 dwarf: I think I know who stole the feather. This is the evil witch Bastinda from the fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City"

4 dwarf: Exactly. She recently flew past us on her broom.

2nd dwarf: Let's help the poor girl.

5th dwarf: Let’s go with her to Bastinda and help her take away the magic feather.

Fairy 2 and 3 coming out

2 Fairy: I see, Nastya, that she has already found friends in our country. I'm very happy. But the point is that you must return the pen yourself.

Nastya: I don’t even know where to look for this Bastinda!

6th dwarf: And in our fairy-tale country, all roads lead to where you need to go. Go straight and you will definitely get to Basinda Castle.

7th dwarf: Only you will need to pass by her faithful guard Raven, and only after fulfilling all his conditions, you will be able to get into the castle.

4dwarf: But if you do end up in the castle, then remember - Bastinda has a terrible secret.

5th dwarf: We accidentally found out that the evil sorceress Bastinda is terribly afraid of water.

2nd dwarf: But no one knows why.

Nastya: Thank you, friends, for your advice. Goodbye.

The gnomes are leaving

3 Fairy: And I’ll tell you another little secret. Bastinda has one small watering can with water in the castle. She has been there for so long that the witch doesn’t even remember about her. Maybe it will be useful to you. It's time for us to go. Good luck to you, Nastya!

Everyone leaves. The curtain opens. There is a forest on stage. Nastya comes out.

Nastya: I’m walking and walking, but Bastinda’s castle is still not there.

Raven flies in.

Raven: Kar! Kar! Who said my mistress's name here?

Nastya: Hello. Please let me into the castle. I really need to get there.

Raven: Look, you are so nimble! So I missed you. First you must guess my riddles about the inhabitants of our fabulous country.

Nastya: It’s just that I have a hard time with fairy tales. What should I do? (addresses the audience) Guys, can you help me? Come on, tell your riddles

Raven asks riddles about fairy tales. Nastya, with the help of the audience, guesses them

1. I went to visit my grandmother and brought her pies. The Gray Wolf watched her, deceived her and swallowed her.

2. She was a friend of the dwarves

And, of course, you are familiar with it.

3. The maiden ran so quickly from the prince,

That she even lost her shoe.

Raven: Well, an agreement is worth more than money. Go straight. Once you count 50 steps, you will find yourself right in front of Bastinda.

Nastya: One, two, three...

Nastya leaves. The curtain closes. Raven descends from the stage.

Raven: Yes, it’s probably time for me too. The girl is too stubborn, and she doesn’t have many friends. Bastinda will not defeat her. I'll fly off to look for a new owner.

Flies away. The curtain opens. On stage at Bastinda.

Bastinda (examines the pen): Well, I’m lucky! Now with a magic pen I can get into any fairy tale. If I want, I’ll take Cinderella’s glass slippers and she will forever remain a maid. If I want, Aladdin’s magic lamp will become mine, and the goldfish will fulfill all my wishes. With this feather, I will become the most important in a fairy-tale land. So...Where should I go first?

Nastya comes in.

Nastya: 46, 47, 48, 49, 50. Oh! Bastinda?!

Bastinda: Yes, it's me. And who are you? (to the audience) Yes, this is the girl whose pen I stole. Why did you come here?

Nastya: please give me the pen, otherwise I won’t be able to return home. To Mom.

Bastinda: Here you go! I won't even think about it. And don’t you dare cry, I just didn’t have enough water here.

Nastya: (to the audience): How I forgot! Water! There must be a watering can around here somewhere. And here she is! How to get to it? I came up with an idea! Bastinda, do you want me to clean up here? Look how much dust and cobwebs there are.

Bastinda: Okay, you can sweep away the dust, but I’ve already started sneezing, but don’t touch the cobwebs, I really like them.

Nastya: (sweeps, takes the watering can, hides it behind her back). Why do you need a feather, after all, you are a sorceress yourself.

Bastinda: Stupid girl! I am a sorceress only in my fairy tale, but with a pen I will be the main one in the whole country and evil and deception will conquer everywhere!

Nastya: It won’t happen like that! (pouring water on Bastinda)

Bastinda disappears. Fairies come out.

1 Fairy: Thank you, Nastya, you saved our entire country.

Fairy 2: Now you can return home.

Nastya: And thank you, good Fairies. Thanks to you, I understood a lot.

The curtain closes. There is a Fairy in front of him.

2 Fairy: You see, Nastya turned out to be a very kind and brave girl and was able to defeat the witch.

Fairy 3: Now, I hope she will love fairy tales. Do you like fairy tales?

4 fairy: So you too will be able to visit our fairyland someday.

Fairy 5: Until then, goodbye. We will be waiting for you to visit us.

The fairy is walking. Mom comes out.

Mom: Nastenka, daughter, where are you?

Nastya: Mommy, I'm here. I miss you so much!

Mom: Yes, I was gone for 15 minutes. Excuse me, but the store is on break and I couldn’t change the book.

Nastya: Oh, how good! After all, I love fairy tales so much, Thank you, mommy, for the wonderful gift.

Mom: What happened to you, Nastya?

Nastya: I just realized that we really need fairy tales! To all of us!


Scenario of a literary and gaming program for children 7-10 years old

Decor: book exhibition “Book Bouquet of Summer”, route map, names of routes: “IslandReadings", "Bay of Verses", "River of Adventures", "Field of Stories", "Mountain of Fairy Tales".

HOST:Hello, young friends! We are glad to welcome you to our library. Today in this room, I really hope so, are gathered lovers of books and reading, who very often go to the library and have read a lot of books. Guys, you guessed that today we will talk about books. A book is the best thing that man has ever created. You will always find an answer to any question in it. Books, like good friends, introduce us to a wonderful world. By reading, we become smarter, stronger, kinder. Jonathan Swift, the author of adventures about Gulliver, said: “When I read a book, it seems to me that it is alive and talking to me.”

Among different hobbies

There is nothing better than reading.

Can't replace a book

Neither the film, nor the Internet.

More useful than a book

More useful than a book

There was no such thing in the world, and no.

After all, a book is a reliable friend,

Will comfort and help,

Always able to give advice

And it will always help.

Will be able to cheer you up

All doubts will be dispelled.

To you with a book, friends,

It will never be boring!

Guys, today we will go to an unusual island. It's called Reading Island.

You won't find it on the globe or map,

You won't read about him in your textbooks.

Only those guys get to the island

That we ourselves have read a lot of children's books.

Reading Island. Where is it? It is not mentioned in any textbook or index. It is not on any map. But children who love to read have no doubt that it exists. They can even visit it! What do you want?

(Children answer in unison: “Yes!”)

HOST: Tell me, what do brave sailors and treacherous pirates most often look for on the island?

(Children answer: “Treasures!”)

HOST: What do we need to find him?

(Children answer: “Cards!”)

HOST: The map is kept in the chest. But to get it, you need to answer the literary quiz questions correctly. You love books, don't you?

(Children's answers.)

HOST: Let's remember some of them:

● In which fairy tale did the girl fall asleep for 100 years? (Sleeping Beauty by C. Perrault.)

● In which book could a girl lift a horse? (Puppy long stocking A. Lindgren.)

● In which fairy tale did the girl switch places with the doll? (“Three fat men” by Yu. Olesha.)

● In what book did an ordinary boy from the 6th grade save a real wizard? (“Old Man Hottabych” by L. Lagin.)

● In what fairy tale was a boy bewitched by a dwarf for being rude? (“The Wonderful Journey of Nils with the Wild Geese” by S. Lagerlöf.)

● In which fairy tale was the raven Abrahas? (“Little Baba Yaga” by O. Preusler.)

● In which book did the hero sow pasta and get green shoots? (“The Adventures of Captain Vrungel” by A. Nekrasov.)

● Which book tells how a huge eagle dragged the hero along with his house and threw him into the sea? (“Gulliver’s Travels” by D. Swift.)

● In which story a boy, fighting bravely, sang the song “They have blue uniforms and sabers at their sides. Ku-ka-re-ku!”? (“Gavroche” by V. Hugo.)

● In which book did the boy write “To the village to his grandfather” instead of an address? (“Vanka” by A. Chekhov.)

HOST: Now we’ll check whether you remember the names of the writers well. I will name the names of famous people, and you will have to clap your hands when you hear the name of the writer. So let's begin!

Pushkin, Stevenson, Uspensky, Tchaikovsky, Aivazovsky, Chukovsky, Mayakovsky, Kobzon, Mikhalkov, Dumas, Twain, Shishkin, Barto, Krapivin, Vivaldi, Belmondo, Dahl, Kipling, Krylov, Darwin, Bryusov, Bunin, Zoshchenko, Kasparov, Vern, Swift, Pogodin, Koval, Panteleev, Pugachev, Yemets, Newton, Yasnov.

HOST: Well done, guys! You answered all the questions correctly, and the chest opened. And here is the map! Look where you and I are going to visit: the Bay of Verses, the River of Adventures, the Field of Stories and, finally, the Mountain of Fairy Tales. First we find ourselves in the Bay of Verses. What children's poets do you know?

(Children's answers.)

HOST: I suggest you continue the quatrains and name their authors:

● The little son came to his father, and the little one asked:

What is good and what is bad"? (V. Mayakovsky)

● There lived an absent-minded man on Basseynaya Street.

In the morning he sat down on the bed, began to put on his shirt,

I put my hands into the sleeves, it turned out that these were trousers. (S. Marshak)

● Our Tanya is crying loudly and dropped a ball into the river.

Hush, Tanechka, don’t cry, the ball won’t drown in the river. (A. Barto)

● Who was sitting on the bench, who was looking at the street,

Tolya sang, Boris was silent, Nikolai shook his leg. (S. Mikhalkov)

Children, do you have favorite poems?

(Children read poetry.)

HOST: Guys, you have the opportunity to see a real writer and communicate with him. Our guest is teacher and writer Nikolai Frantsevich Dick.

(Speech by N.F. Dick.)

HOST: We have crossed the high-water Bay of Verses and are now approaching the River of Adventures. We need to swim up the swift current, where there are rapids, and you know how difficult it is! Find out the hero of the adventure book by the event that happened in his life:

● He worked as a doctor on a ship that one day crashed and was captured by little people. (Gulliver.)

● As the hero himself said, he managed to pull himself out of the swamp by the braid of his wig, flew on a cannonball, turned the evil wolf inside out and shot the mad fur coat. (Baron Munchausen.)

● This boy, as a punishment for impoliteness, was turned into a little man by a gnome and traveled with a flock of geese. (Nils.)

● The heroine of this English book ran after the White Rabbit, but then fell into a deep well and ended up in an unusual country. (Alice.)

●The only boy in the world who never grew up and managed to defeat the treacherous pirate Hook. (Peter Pan.)

And you coped with this task perfectly! And now I offer you 3 options for the name of the hero of the book, and you name the correct one:

● The good sorceress from the book “The Wizard of the Emerald City” was called: Selina, Villina, Marina;

● The owl from the fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit” was called: Pumba, Bumba, Ava;

● In Pushkin’s fairy tale about the Golden Cockerel the king’s names were: Dadon, Gvidon, Saltan;

● The correct name of Old Man Hottabych: Hottab ibn Durukhman, Hassan Abdurahman ibn Hottab, Hasan ibn Kegelban;

● The calf of the cat Matroskin was named: Timosha, Gavryusha, Vityusha;

● The tavern from A. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Golden Key” was called: Three Hunters, Three Minnows, Three Little Pigs;

● Prince Guidon, turning into a bumblebee, bit the nose of: Babarikha, Weaver, Cook;

● In the book “Alice in Wonderland” there is a hero nicknamed March. This:

cat, hare, wolf;

● A. Barto's poem about a crying girl is called: roar, ball, crybaby;

● Who stole the key from Barmaley: the dog Ava, the parrot Karudo, Aibolit;

●Whom did Peppy Longstocking call Mr. Nilsson: a horse, a parrot, a monkey;

● What object did Munchausen throw to the Moon: a gun, a hatchet, a boot;

● The bird on which Doctor Aibolit went to Africa: eagle, swan, raven;

● What the crocodile ate from the poem “Moidodyr”: a washcloth, a rag, an iron;

● What did Danila the master cut out of the rock: coal, stone heart, stone flower;

● What Dunno has not tried to be: an artist, a climber, a musician.

Here we are in the field of Stories that many authors wrote for children. But the most famous among them are Nikolai Nosov and Viktor Dragunsky. I think you remember their funny stories about Mishka, Deniska Korablev and other guys. Now find out what story this dialogue is from. (The children role-play reading excerpts from the stories of writers: N. Nosov “The Living Hat”, “Telephone” and V. Dragunsky “The Secret Becomes Revealed”, “He is Alive and Glowing...”.)

HOST: We have successfully crossed the field of Tales and approached the high mountain of Fairy Tales. Before we climb it, we must arm ourselves for the final obstacle with magic words. What magic words did the heroes of fairy tales say?

● Emelya (At the behest of the pike, at my will.)

● Ali Baba to open a treasure cave (Sim-Sim, open up!)

● Girl Zhenya, when she tore off a petal (Fly, fly, petal, through west to east, through north, through south, come back after making a circle, as soon as you touch the ground, in my opinion!)

● Ivanushka the Fool (Sivka-Burka, prophetic kaurka! Stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass!)

● The girl from the fairy tale “A Pot of Porridge” (One, two, three! Pot, cook!)

● Pinocchio (Cracks, fex, pex!).

In order for us to safely bypass all obstacles, we need to complete interesting tasks. I suggest playing the “Yes-No” game:

● The clattering fly at the end of the fairy tale married a spider. (No, for a mosquito.)

● Winnie the Pooh's head was stuffed with cotton wool. (No, sawdust.)

● The evil tiger Sherkhan from the fairy tale “Mowgli” was afraid of a red flower. (Yes.)

● In the fairy tale “The Snow Queen” there was a letter written on dried fish. (Yes.)

● The most terrible enemy of the steadfast tin soldier was the rat. (No, a snuff-box troll.)

● Prince Guidon turned into a mosquito, a fly and an ant. (No, in a bumblebee.)

● The sorceress Bastinda was afraid of water. (Yes.)

● A magic book helped Princess Elsa save her 11 brothers. (No, shirts made of nettles.)

● Piglet Funtik escaped from the evil circus director. (No, from Belladona.)

HOST: Guys, here we are, undaunted by difficulties, and have successfully reached the wonderful island of Reading. Its main treasure is books, from which you can learn many more interesting stories.

(A review of books is being conducted at the book exhibition.)

HOST: Our meeting with wonderful writers and their books has come to an end.

Let there be fun around

Let a faithful friend be nearby,

And every book binding

Leads to a wonderful land!

I wish you to continue to be friends with books and the library. We are waiting for you and your friends at the Children's Library named after. A. Gaidar. See you again!

(Showing a cartoon based on the story “The Boy and the Frog” by N. Sladkov.)


1. Galaktionova, A.F. True friends / A.F. Galaktionova // Read, learn, play. - 2004. - No. 1. - P. 57-60.

2. Gorshkova, L.V. What are they? / L.V. Gorshkova // Read, learn, play. - 2004. - No. 7. - P. 56-57.

3. Dick, N.F. Fun class hours in grades 2-3 // N.F. Dik.- Rostov n/d.: Phoenix, 2007.- 331 p.- (I give my heart to children).

4. Tungulukova, S.A. Visiting literary heroes // S.A. Tungulukova // Read, learn, play. - 2008. - No. 1. - pp. 4-5.

Compiled by: I.V. Ivanova, head library named after A. Gaidar


book holiday

"Journey into the world of adventure and fantasy"


    Hello guys! We are pleased to welcome you to our celebration of Her Majesty’s book.

    Today we will take a journey into the world of adventure and fantasy. We will share with you our impressions of the books we read and tell you about our creative works.

    We will also invite you to participate in interesting competitions.

    Our holiday opens with a cheerful song “Island of Adventure”

(song plays)

    You can’t go on a trip, even a book trip, without some kind of plan!

    We have not just a plan, but a detailed map with all the stops.

    And we chose the most romantic means of transportation.

    Look at the map and answer our questions:

What will we take on our trip?

What destinations will we visit?

    So, let's go. What do they wish for sailors setting sail?

(seven feet under the keel)

Pirate's Wharf

    Where have we ended up?

    Map, island, chest! Yes, this is a pirate's pier!

    The word "pirate" comes from the ancient Greek "piratos", which means "robber", "robber".

    Pirates are also called corsairs (from the Italian word "corsaro" - sea robber) and filibusters (from the French word "filibuster" - robber.

    Many pirates were outstanding personalities. For example, the brilliant pirate Paul Jones, nicknamed the Black Corsair. He was distinguished by intelligence, decency, courage and great organizational skills. Paul Jones is a real historical figure. The novels of Fenimore Cooper are dedicated to his life. Alexandra Dumas, Valentin Pikulya. Paul Jones visited many countries, including Russia, where he commanded a galley fleet on the Black Sea, knew Suvorov and received a golden gun from the hands of Catherine the Great.

    The famous English pirate Henry Morgan was born into the family of a wealthy farmer. Having no inclination to continue his father's business, he hired himself as a cabin boy on a ship and upon arrival on the island of Barbados was sold into slavery. Slavery was not indefinite - after working for several years and paying the owner a ransom, Morgan moved to Jamaica and there joined the company of English filibusters. After several successful raids, they amassed a small capital and bought a ship. Morgan, who had distinguished himself by courage and cunning, was unanimously elected captain. Caribbean pirates were engaged in privateering - robbery of ships of the enemy state (by which was meant Spain).

    Barbarossa Haydreddin. Barbarossa's name was often mentioned among pirates. However, he was no ordinary robber. The outstanding sailor demonstrated his talent as a military leader and organizer both as a corsair and as an admiral of the Sultan’s fleet. Contemporaries noted Barbarossa's remarkable physical strength, although he was of average height. His courage, dexterity and dexterity, knowledge of the laws of the sea helped him successfully complete the most desperate undertakings. However, intelligence and determination in attack, insight and courage in defense were combined in him with inexorable and cold cruelty.

Guys, who can name the most famous movie pirate today? (Jack Sparrow)

    We invite you to solve the crossword puzzle called “Pirate”.

(hand out crossword puzzle to participants)

Desert Islands

    And now we are heading to the island of the famous Robinson.

    Robinsons have existed since ancient times when the earth appeared humanity. But in order for them to get their name, a boy, Daniel Defoe, had to be born in London in 1660. And in 1719, having experienced many ups and downs, he had to sit down at his desk and write on a blank sheet of paper: “The Life and Extraordinary Amazing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe...”

1. So, having found himself on a desert island, Robinson Crusoe creates a real utopia, that is, a world in which money turns out to be “unnecessary rubbish.” Robinson conquers nature precisely because for an Englishman life outside civilization is impossible.

2. In essence, there are two heroes in Daniel Defoe's book. No, no, the second one is not Friday at all, but the island on which Robinson Crusoe spent twenty-eight years of his life. Many literary scholars believe that Robinson Island could only exist in the rich imagination of the author, and it is pointless to look for this piece of land on maps.

1. Robinson Crusoe was a “jack of all trades.” Among other things, he had to skillfully wield such an instrument as a pen (and this after twenty-eight years of living on an island where you could only talk to a parrot and a savage). After all, if you open the full text of the novel and read its title, you will be convinced that this immortal book allegedly belongs to Robinson.

2. Thanks to the book, we know exactly on which shoulder Robinson carried the gun, what his clothes made of goat skins, shoes, the notorious hat and umbrella looked like.

1. The first version of “Robinson Crusoe” was found not so long ago - in the Royal Library of London. In the rough drafts of the novel, Robinson spent eleven years alone - he sowed barley and corn, raised goats, and once made a small canoe and set off on a journey.

2. The French writer Jules Verne was a great dreamer and traveler in literature and in life. 6th grade students present their booklets about him and his work. (they hand out a quiz on Jules Verne)

1. For a few minutes, feel like Robinson, figure out who owns the tracks on this map.

(hand out sheets with traces)

On the banks of the Mississippi

(stills from the film "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn")

2. And now we find ourselves on the banks of the deep Mississippi.

1. It is here, in a small town on the banks of a great river, that the heroes of Mark Twain’s novel “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn” live.

2. These heroes are among us today. Guess whose portrait this is?

“After he had dressed himself, ... she buttoned his clean jacket up to his chin, turned his wide collar down and straightened it over his shoulders, cleaned (the boy) with a brush and put on a speckled straw hat for him. Now he looked very smart and felt very awkward: the new suit and cleanliness embarrassed him. Which he couldn’t stand.” (Tom Sawyer)

    Whose portrait is this?

“He dressed in hand-me-downs from adults. His clothes were speckled with multi-colored spots and were so tattered that the rags fluttered in the wind. The hat was a massive wreck. A long crescent-shaped piece hung down from its brim. The jacket reached almost to his feet; the pants hung on one suspender and dangled like an empty bag at the back, and were decorated with fringe at the bottom.” (Huck Finn)

(The guys go out and act out the scene “Dialogue between Tom and Huck”)

2. 6th grade students present their booklets dedicated to the works of Mark Twain

Ghost Town

2. We moved to one of the corners of St. Petersburg, here in a cozy square there is an unusual monument. Who do you think it was delivered to? (to the invisible man)

1. This is a monument to the famous hero of H.G. Wells’s novel “The Invisible Man.” This is one of the most famous and popular novels by the English writer H.G. Wells. A dynamic fantasy story about a young scientist who managed to make a person’s long-standing dream come true - to become invisible. Having received this opportunity, he finds himself in the most incredible circumstances.

(excerpt from the film "The Invisible Man")

    Another story by H.G. Wells does not leave readers indifferent. This is The Island of Doctor Moreau. Just looking at his patients makes your blood run cold. The operations he performs are worse than torture. From under his scalpel come animals that are capable of thinking, have the gift of speech and are eager to get even with their creator. But Doctor Moreau is protected by the bloody Law, which keeps the entire Island in fear. Who will prevail - the cruel experimenter or his victims? Written at the dawn of the fantasy genre, this gripping drama remains an unsurpassed example of the fantasy thriller.

1.But not all monsters and ghosts are so scary and bloodthirsty. Sixth graders already know one very funny and unfortunate ghost. Who is this? (The Canterville Ghost)

2. In one of the ancient castles in England, a ghost has been living without peace for 300 years. All attempts by the spirit to scare the inhabitants of the castle fail, and he himself is subjected to humiliation and bullying. Only the brave and kind girl Virginia helps Mr. Simon pass into another world and, as a reward for her rare courage and dedication, receives a jewelry box.

Extraterrestrial worlds

2. Did you guess it? We found ourselves in extraterrestrial worlds. And science fiction writer Ivan Efremov helped us with this. Born on April 9 in the village of Vyritsa, St. Petersburg province. The future writer’s youth occurred during the years of the Civil War; he studied at the biology department of Leningrad University. In 1940, Efremov received a Doctor of Biological Sciences degree and became the founder of an entire science about the geological record of the planet - taphonomy. Efremov still considered science – geology – to be his main business. In a few years, he will open dinosaur cemeteries in the Gobi Desert. The writer’s interest in the future was embodied in the novel “The Andromeda Nebula,” which was published in 1957 and was a huge success.

    The magazine publication of the novel in 1957 coincided with the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite. This coincidence predetermined the book's resounding success among readers, and it must be said that the book turned out to be worthy of this success. “The Andromeda Nebula” is a utopian novel, an attempt of the imagination to travel to the distant tomorrow of the Earth, imagining a possible wonderful future for humanity; This is a dream novel about a world in which there are no shadows, in which big, strong and beautiful people live.

(excerpt from the film)

2. Kir Bulychev (real name Igor Vsevoldovich Mozheiko) is a famous Russian science fiction writer and screenwriter. More than 150 works of various science fiction genres were created by him during his long creative life.

1. One of the most popular works by Kir Bulychov was a series of stories about Alice, a girl of the 21st century. “The Girl from Earth” is an original fusion of fairy tales and science fiction, where everything finds its place: walking bushes, living robots, and an invisible hat.

    This famous writer graduated from the Demidov Lyceum in Yaroslavl, received the position of a private attorney in Smolensk, and soon gained fame as a good lawyer. Having finished any business, he went to travel abroad; visited France, Italy, visited Venice.

1. Alexander Belyaev was an enthusiastic person. From an early age he was attracted to music. Another “fun” was photography, and in the most eccentric version - taking “horror photographs”. The young man also dreamed of flying: he tried to take off with brooms tied to his hands, jumped from the roof with an umbrella, and eventually took off in a small airplane.

2. Nikita Bondarev presents his booklet dedicated to Belyaev’s work.

Our journey has come to an end. It's time to say goodbye to books and their characters.

We hope that the separation will not be long, that many of you will go to the library and pick up an interesting book. Maxim Gorky wrote: “Love a book, it will make your life easier, it will amicably help you sort out the motley and stormy confusion of thoughts, feelings and events. It will teach you to respect people and yourself, it inspires your mind and heart with a feeling of love for the world, for humanity.”

Thank you for your attention.

New Year's adventure

(Phonogram “Snowflakes”)

There are many wonderful holidays,

Each one comes in its own turn.

But the kindest holiday in the world,

The best holiday is New Year!

He comes along the snowy road,

Round dance of snowflakes.

The New Year fills the heart with mysterious and austere beauty!

Leading : Good evening, guys, good evening, dear adults. There is very little time left until the most magical, most fun and unforgettable holiday - the New Year. Both adults and children all over the globe are looking forward to it. During this New Year's Eve, the most incredible events, unexpected meetings and fabulous transformations occur. An amazing and wonderful evening awaits us today, but first, let's get to know each other. Turn to the neighbor on your left, tell him your name and shake his hand. Now turn to the neighbor on your right, shake his hand and say your name. Now everyone is in harmony, say your name out loud. Great, and my name is Tatyana Nikolaevna, so we met. All that remains is to check your readiness for the New Year. There is such a sign: in order for the year to be successful, you need to greet it very cheerfully and noisily. Repeat after me all together - the New Year is coming!

The snow sparkles outside the window,

Joy adds

Because to us, friends...

All : New Year is coming!

Our mood is

As good as it gets!

The glorious holiday is coming -

All : New Year is coming!

Our Christmas tree is standing

It sparkles in the tinsel.

Usually with her on the threshold...

All : New Year is coming!

There's a merry dance here

They start together;

With heartfelt congratulations...

All : New Year is coming!

Idle songs are heard -

Everyone starts singing.

A bright snowy path...

All : New Year is coming!

I think everyone is now ready for the New Year.

Would you like to take part in a real New Year's fairy tale? I will ask the bravest participant to come up on stage (gives a piece of paper, puts on a hat, gives a wand). After my words, you will need to cast a magic spell, but not a simple one, but a musical one, and the door to a fairy tale will open. Ready?

(background of magical music)

They say on New Year's Eve whatever they want,

Everything will always happen, everything will always come true

It was a prologue, but a fairy tale

It will start in a moment

And all the action is on stage

Ours will turn around.


Bass clef, major, crescendo,

Treble clef, diminuendo.

C major, sharp, flat,

D minor, becar, F, G.

(phonogram, “New Year’s adventures” screensaver on the screen)

The soundtrack changes

Leading : Well, here we are in a fairy tale. Thank you very much, young wizard.

(the wizard goes into the hall, a fairy-tale hero appears (a child in a suit carrying a telegram))

And this is the first fairy-tale character. What did he bring us?

Child : Telegram from Santa Claus!

Presenter: Thank you! (is reading) Help me out urgently, I need your help - a bag of gifts has been stolen. Father Frost .

Leading : What a surprise! New Year is just around the corner, and Santa Claus's bag of gifts has been stolen. Guys, let's help Grandfather Frost?

What is our fastest transport to get to the far north?

(children answer)

Leading : Yes, probably an airplane is the fastest transport. But where can I get it?

(3 flight attendants come on stage, an airplane is on the screen)

Stewardess 1 : A comfortable TU-2015 airliner is at your service.

Stewardess 2: The crew is ready for the flight. We ask passengers to fasten their seat belts - we are taking off.

Flight Attendant 3: New Year's Carpet Airlines wishes you a pleasant flight.

Leading : Now the flight attendants will give you a musical and dance instruction. Repeat after them all the movements and words.

(song Elka “Provence”, with movements)

New Year is coming soon

Two thousand fifteen will come

And all the people will stand up

In a huge New Year's round dance.

Twelve minutes to five

And the New Year is already on its way

Come on don't yawn

Sing along and clap


Children and adults

Don't be serious

Dance with us

Let's all become friends

Let's sing and have fun

May the New Year last

All January, February, all winter

Well, then spring and summer!

Twelve minutes to five

And the New Year is already on its way

Come on don't yawn

Sing along and clap


Stewardess 1 : We ask passengers to take their seats.

(children sit down, a roar is heard behind the stage)

Leading : What is this, who is this?

Stewardess 2 : Stowaway hares were found in the luggage compartment.

Leading : And they rumble like hippos.

(phonogram “Alle Parade”, Baba Yaga, goblin, kikimora, kashchey come out)

Baba Yaga : Stop, one-two! We are not hares or hippos!

Kashchei with the goblin : We are alligators! A-LLLY-GA-TO-RY!(scares children)

Baba Yaga: Fie on you!

Kikimora : Not alligators, but agitators.

Baba Yaga : Fie on you again! How many times can I tell you – we are animators! Forest leisure center "Yaga and Campaign" is at your service!

Kikimora : We will dance and sing, we will have a great holiday.

Leshy: Around the clock.

Kashchei: Phone: 3222223322.

Leading : Why did you come to us?

Baba Yaga : You're flying north, aren't you? It's very far away.

Kikimora : So we decided to show you a cultural program during the flight.

Goblin : So that the children don’t get bored.

Leading : Well, that's true. Shall we leave them on board, guys? Only if you don't mess around.

(Together we? No no!

Kashchei : The flight continues, the cultural program begins.

Baba Yaga : The first issue of our program is a riddle from the most charming and attractive forest girl-fun Kikimora.

1. riddles

Who is noticeable in the forest in winter?

Who has colorful toys?

Like a hedgehog's needles

Who? Ours... ( Fir trees)

Who flies to us from the sky,

Does it immediately melt on your palm?

Not a piece of fluff or a piece of ice.

What is her name?.. (Snowflake)

He is round, like a bun,

Each side is painted.

It's not a lantern hanging on the tree,

And the New Year's wonderful... ( Ball )

She is bright, big,

Decorates our Christmas tree.

On top of my head, as always,

New Year's... (Star)

We asked the cat:

“Who covered the paths with snow?”

Murka the cat smiled:

“This is a girl... (Snow Maiden)

Everyone is out on the street in a crowd,

Let's play snowball fight!

We will collect the snow into a ball!

What happened?.. ( Snowball)

Kikimora : What smart children you have. Let's check, are you as smart as us?(points to his team)

Game with the hall “Snowballs” (the presenter explains the rules of the game)

Kikimora : Well done! Haven’t you forgotten how to scream?!

(the animators confuse the answers)

Is ice frozen water? We answer quickly... (Yes)

Is it Wednesday after Friday? We will answer the same... (No)

Is the Christmas tree always green? We answer clearly... (Yes)

Is New Year always fun?.. (Yes)

Are there games and jokes waiting for everyone?.. (Yes)

Will they give you gifts?.. (Yes)

Will they be delicious and sweet?.. (Yes)

Will you eat the gift yourself?.. (Yes)

And won’t you treat your friends?.. (Children get confused)

Aren't you guys greedy?.. (Yes)

Is the gift not enough for you?.. (Children get confused)

Aren't we all bored now?.. (No)

Did they play with you having fun?.. (Yes)

Baba Yaga : Only today and only for you, forest entertainers Kashchei and Leshy!

Leshy and Kashchei (“Winter” by E. Khil)

At the edge of the forest

Winter lived in a hut,

She salted snowballs

In a birch tub.

She was spinning yarn

She wove canvases

Kovala ice

Yes, there are bridges over rivers.

The ceiling is icy

The door is creaky

Behind a rough wall

The darkness is prickly,

How will you cross the threshold?

There is frost everywhere,

And from the windows of the parks


The ceiling is icy

The door is creaky

Behind a rough wall

The darkness is prickly,

How will you cross the threshold?

There is frost everywhere,

And from the windows of the parks


Leshy and Kashchei : Children who are not afraid of us, come out on stage and fight!

Game “For three” (4 people from the audience, 2 chairs on the stage. Each chair has 3 participants. The presenter reads the words)

I'll tell you a story

In one and a half dozen phrases.

I'll just say the word "three"

Take the prize immediately!

One day we caught a pike

We looked at what was inside.

We saw small fish

And not just one, but... five.

A seasoned guy dreams

Become an Olympic champion

Look, don’t be cunning at the start,

And wait for the command: “One, two... march”

When you want to memorize poems,

They are not crammed until late at night,

And repeat them to yourself,

Once, twice, or better yet... seven.

One day the train is at the station

I had to wait three hours.

Well, friends, you took the prize.

I give you a five.

Leading : Well done boys! We had no doubt that you would cope with this task. And who is ready to compete with forest entertainers in dance?(they invite you to the stage and around the stage, a selection of different dances)

Leading : Wonderful program! Well, when are you going to perform, grandma?

Baba Yaga : Well, what a grandma I am, only three hundred years old! Do you know what kind of physical training I have? I do exercises every day!

Leading : Do you guys do exercises?

Baba Yaga : Let's check it now!

3. Charging with Baba Yaga (V. Vysotsky “Charging”)

Inhale deeply, arms wider,

Come on, together, three or four.

Cheerfulness, grace and plasticity.

Strengthens muscles, invigorates in the morning,

This gymnastics is a miracle machine.

If it's all day, sorry

You are sitting at the computer

You will be frail and gloomy

We start running in place, legs higher, hands together

Become like a top model with figures!

Baba Yaga : And now for you guys, grandmothers-hedgehog riddles.

1. fashion model with a Russian braid, always participating in winter holidays. Appears accompanied by an elderly companion. (Snow Maiden)

2. a tree whose absence of leaves indicates its special purpose. (Christmas tree)

3. first and last name of an elderly man. He's a ladies' man. Dressed in Winter 2015 fashion. ( Father Frost )

(Baba Yaga plays the game “Dress Santa Claus”, or “Collect a garland”, or “Dress up a Christmas tree”. 2 teams on stage, give 2 bags to the back row. To the music, the audience must pass the bags from hand to hand to the stage. Participants, having received bags, take out decorations from them, put them on the Christmas tree (garland, Santa Claus, etc.). At the end you need to shoot a firecracker and shout “Happy New Year!” Whoever can do it faster.)

Leading: The trees turned out wonderful! The only thing missing is the gifts underneath. I also prepared a game for the children and for forest entertainers. It's called "New Year's Gift".

Call 3-4 participants onto the stage. Illustrate the presenter's story.

"On New Year's Eve, Santa Claus brings gifts to the family. He gave dad a comb. Let everyone show with their right hand how dad combs his hair. He gave his son skis. Please show me how your son skis, but don’t stop combing his hair. (In the future, each new movement is added to the previous one.) He gave his mother a meat grinder - you need to depict rotating the meat grinder with your left hand. He gave his daughter a doll that bats its eyelashes and says “mom.” And he gave his grandmother a tumbler, who shakes her head.”

Leading : Let's guys thank Yaga and the company for such an interesting entertainment program with loud applause!

(phonogram Christmas tree “Provence”)

Stewardess 3 : The plane landed in the far north.

Leading : Something is missing from Santa Claus. Let's shout, maybe he'll hear.

New Year's chant.
1. There is a pattern of roses on the window, who draws it? (
Father Frost )
2. Your hands get cold, your nose gets cold, they freeze...? (
Father Frost )
3. On New Year’s Day, who brought us a lot of gifts? (
Father Frost )
4. Lost between the pines and birches? (
Father Frost )
5. Answer the question, who do we need? (
Father Frost )

(phonogram of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, enter the stage)

Father Frost :

Hello kids,

Girls and boys.

I saw you a year ago

I’m very glad to meet you again!

Snow Maiden :

They grew up and became big,

Well, do you recognize us?

It's just a shame -

We don't have a gift.

Baba Yaga : Let there be gifts for you - there’s a whole bag under the tree.

Father Frost : Oh, you pranksters, forest scoundrels.

Kikimora : We also wanted to walk through the Christmas trees, instead of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.

Baba Yaga : But we enjoyed being aerial animators so much that we’ll probably do just that in the New Year.

Snow Maiden : Since everything ended so wonderfully, guys, get up quickly and dance in a circle, let's have a fun New Year!

(all children stand in a round dance around the Christmas tree)

Near the Christmas tree:

  1. Light the lights
  2. Duckling dance
  3. Game "I'll freeze"
  4. Lambada
  5. Costume Parade
  6. Song "Herringbone"

Father Frost :

Happy New Year to everyone!

May your dreams come true!

Wish You happiness and health,

Love, good luck, beauty!

Snow Maiden :

May you be in the mood for the New Year

Nothing can darken it,

Let them always surround you

Only happy faces!

Together: Happy New Year!

(Father Frost and Snow Maiden are seen off)


Now the moment of farewell has come,

My speech will be short

I tell you: goodbye,

Until happy good meetings!

list of scripts for the summer vacation program “The Key to Summer”

Ananyeva L. N. Towards adventures: [literary travel game based on the novel “Treasure Island” by R. L. Stevenson for grades 7–8] // Read, learn, play. – 2000. – No. 5. – P. 70-75.

Bagaeva M. A. Fairytale living room: script for an event based on the fairy tale by J. Rodari “The Adventures of Cipollino” with elements of a role-playing game and a quiz test // Travel to Read-City / author’s compilation. Z. A. Churikova, M. A. Bagaeva, I. A. Khapilina. – Volgograd, 2009. – pp. 137-142.

Berezovina N. A. Extraordinary Adventures: quiz on the works of J. Verne // Read, learn, play. – 2004. – No. 5. – P. 40-42.

Bulgakova S. V.City of Three Fat Men: educational game dedicated to the work of Yu. K. Olesha, for students in grades 2–5 // Game library. – 2013. – No. 4. – P. 54-61. – Adj.: 1 opt. email disk (CD-ROM).

Buyacheva O. Yu. WITH flight of famous travelers: literary and educational game for 5th grade students // Read, learn, play. – 2001. – No. 3. – P. 73-79.

Visiting Buratino: literary game based on the fairy tale by Alexei Tolstoy “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio” // Visiting children's writers / author. A. A. Egorova. – 2009. – P. 188-199.

Meetings with a scientist cat: a game-trip through the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin // Books, sheet music and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. – 2004. – No. 5. – P. 6-9.

Goryacheva E. A. The Adventures of Tom: competition program based on M. Twain’s story “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” // Read, learn, play. – 2010. – No. 8. – P. 24-25: ill.

Gramsci N. D. Festive performance “The Cosmic Journey of Dunno”: script for a festive performance for younger schoolchildren // Pedagogical Council. – 2014. – No. 2. – P. 15-16.

Davydova M. A. On a hike for the Golden Key: quiz game // Meetings with book characters: library lessons, event scenarios, performances / I. A. Agapova, M. A. Davydova. – 2009. – Ch. 1. – pp. 128-136.

Davydova M. A. About brave guys: [scenario of an event dedicated to A.P. Gaidar for students in grades 4-6] // Read, learn, play. – 2013. – No. 10. – P. 16-21.

Druzhinina T.V. More than a humorist: [a literary game based on the works of M. Twain for students in grades 5–7] // Read, learn, play. – 2013. – No. 8. – P. 36-40.

Zaikova Yu. S. “... A cheerful person grows faster!”: “The Adventures of Cipollino” in competitions for children 7–8 years old // Books, sheet music and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. – 2014. – No. 11. – P. 9-12.

Kivleva A. N. The Great Dreamer Jules Verne: [entertaining material on the writer’s works for children 9-10 years old] // Books, sheet music and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. – 2013. – No. 11. – P. 20-22.

Klochkova L. A. In the world of adventure and fantasy: literary game for students in grades 6–7 // Read, learn, play. – 2007. – No. 5. – P. 20-21.

Koval O.I. Oh, these smart books: quiz dedicated to fantasy, adventures and fairy tales for students in grades 5–6 / O. I. Koval, L. P. Rybkina // Read, learn, play. – 2010. – No. 10. – P. 94-97.

Korf O. “When you get lost in a dark forest and meet an angry owl...”: [Andrey Usachev: materials for the conversation and exhibition] // Bibliopol. – 2005. – No. 8. – pp. 14-21.

Luzhbina E. P. Once upon a time there were short people: “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”: game program script // Books, sheet music and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. – 2015. – No. 11. – P. 56-58.

Mayboroda T.V. Sherlock Holmes to the rescue!: [theatrical literary game dedicated to the detective genre] // Read, learn, play. – 2001. – No. 7. – P. 116-120.

Makarova B. A. Tales of Grandfather Korney: [literary evening for grades 1–5] // Game library. – 2011. – No. 8. – P. 32-51. – Adj.: 1 elect. wholesale disk.

Menshina E. F. Boy from the Mississippi River: [a journey into the world of M. Twain’s book “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”] // Bibliobus. – 2001. – No. 1. – P. 20-22.

Novikova N. A. Following “Caravel”: an event dedicated to the life and work of the writer V. Krapivin, for students in grades 5–7 // Read, learn, play. – 2013. – No. 7. – P. 13-19.

About time travel and Alice's adventures: [book holiday script] / Comp. L. P. Marchuk // Celebration of books and reading in the children's library. – M.: RGDB, 2004. – P. 38-47.

Petrova S. V. Life is full of adventures: literary and historical evening dedicated to the novel by A. Dumas “The Fencing Teacher” (grades 7–9) // Game library. – 2010. – No. 1. – P. 10-19. – App.: 1 email. wholesale disk.

Peshkun L. G. Rescued manuscript: [the story of the life and work of the English writer R. L. Stevenson] // Read, learn, play. – 2015. – No. 8. – P. 4-10.

"Along the sea of ​​adventure under the sail of the Dream": [approximate recommendations for conducting a literary cruise for readers aged 9–12] // I am obliged... I have the right...: methodological recommendations. – N. Novgorod, 2002. – P. 145-154.

Prediger A. V. Physical education and entertainment event “In the footsteps of Baron Munchausen”: scenario of an event for ten-year-old schoolchildren, based on the book by E. Raspe “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen” // Pedagogical Council. – 2016. – No. 3. – P. 4-6.

Prosekova O. On the roof to Carlson: [literary journey through Sweden for 5th grade students based on the books of Selma Lagerlöf, Astrid Lindgren, Jan Ekholm] // Read, learn, play. – 2009. – No. 6. – P. 68-71.

Prosekova O. Pirates, filibusters, corsairs: a game about sea voyages for students in grades 5–7 // Library. – 2005. – No. 7. – P. 65-67.

PRosekova O. A. “The Adventures of Captain Vrungel”: creative team competition for children 9–12 years old // Books, sheet music and toys for Katyusha and Andryushka. – 2008. – No. 3. – P. 12-15.

Travel to the Emerald City: script for a literary journey for younger schoolchildren based on A. Volkov’s fairy tale “The Wizard of the Emerald City” // Alexander Melentyevich Volkov._– M., 2011. – P. 8-12. – (Professional library of a school librarian. Series 2. Exhibition in the school library; Issue 3. 2011).

Rogova M. S. In the footsteps of Robinson Crusoe: literary game based on the novel by D. Defoe // Read, learn, play. – 2015. – No. 11. – P. 11-17: ill., portrait.

Samokhina N. N. Trip around the world: literary travel game based on Jules Verne’s book “The Children of Captain Grant” for grades 5–7 // Read, learn, play. – 2003. – No. 6. – P. 41-43.

Svechnikova I. V. “The Extraordinary Adventures of Karik and Valya”: travel game script for children 9–10 years old // Books, sheet music and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. – 2015. – No. 5. – P. 10-13.

Svechnikova I. V. “The Adventures of Pencil and Samodelkin”: event script for children 7–9 years old // Books, sheet music and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. – 2014. – No. 10. – P. 8-9.

Silantyeva N. A. Alice on the planet Penelope: [script based on the story “A Million Adventures” by Kir Bulychev] // Books, sheet music and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. – 2004. – No. 8. – P. 19-24.

Churikova Z. A. Open reading lesson “A book among readers”: [conference on A. Volkov’s book “The Wizard of the Emerald City” for grades 1–4] // Travel to Read-City / author’s compilation. Z. A. Churikova, M. A. Bagaeva, I. A. Khapilina. – Volgograd, 2009. – pp. 31-39.

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