Icon of the Mother of God Spreader of Bread - what it helps with, meaning. Three icons that help you get through difficult times Photo of frozen water from a bread ripper

The history of the creation of the icon of the Mother of God “Spreader of the Loaves” is closely connected with the life of Hieroschemamonk Ambrose of Optina, canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church to the rank of venerable. The history of its creation, since the creation of the icon took place at a time relatively close to us - the end of the 19th century, is reflected in detail and repeatedly in all descriptions of the life of the reverend elder.

People came and came from all over Russia to Elder Ambrose, who made a huge contribution to Russian patristic literature - an inexhaustible source of spiritual help and wisdom. We went for a blessing, for advice with requests for help. Widows and orphans of girls enjoyed his special care and attention. For such women and girls, female orphans, who did not have families or shelter and wanted to live in quiet and modest piety, with the blessing and direction of St. Ambrose, Orthodox women's communities were founded. Their residents were constantly under the spiritual guidance of the Optina elders. These were the Predtechenskaya women's community in the city of Kromy, Oryol province, Akhtyrskaya Gusevskaya in the Saratov province, Pyatnitskaya in the Voronezh province, Kozelshchanskaya near Poltava, Lesninskaya in the Kholm region and many others.

But the Monk Ambrose himself did not participate in their organization and formation; he only gave advice and instructions for the organization. Only the Kazan convent in Shamordino near Optina Pustyn became his brainchild. This was his last earthly tribute to the Lord in his incessant care for women who had found no other earthly shelter, which he took entirely upon himself, following the will of God. “The last feat of love of Elder Ambrose” is how Archpriest Sergei Chetverikov called the creation of the Shamorda monastery. Here the monk departed to the Almighty. About two years earlier, according to his plan, the icon of the Mother of God “Spreader of the Loaves” was created.

Prudence and insight were combined in Elder Ambrose with an amazing, purely maternal tenderness of heart, thanks to which he was able to alleviate the heaviest grief and console the most sorrowful soul. He had a huge spiritual influence not only on the brethren of the monastery, but also on strangers of every rank and position. Despite his extreme weakness and illness, which almost always confined him to bed, he received visitors from morning until late at night, with a short break for lunch and a short rest, and this activity continued continuously for 30 years.

According to the elder’s biography and other documents about him, which are now stored in the collections of the Russian State Library, by the time he conceived the idea of ​​this icon, the elder was already seriously ill. Anticipating his death, he heartily and earnestly prayed to the Most Pure One about the future fate of the monastery, about what would happen to it when he was gone.

How this image of the Mother of God, blessing the fat loaves, arose in the mind of the Monk Ambrose is described by Father Erast (Vvytropsky), the elder’s clerk. He writes that when a certain resident of the northern regions of Russia, where growing a good harvest was a great problem, saw the magnificent fields of the Black Earth Region stretching to the horizon, he was amazed by the sight. The thought occurred to him about how the Russian people, to whom the Lord had given such wealth, could express their gratitude to the Mother of God, who spread her Protection over us. Every Russian person, every farmer, every housewife prays that the harvest be plentiful, that famine does not overtake them, since from ancient times grain in Russia was not only food, but also currency - surplus grain was sold, or even directly exchanged for the most necessary on the farm.

With the thought that Russia is a country of farmers, and we do not have an icon to bless the harvest and fertility of the lands, this man, whose name history has not preserved, came to Elder Ambrose’s cell in October 1889. The elder agreed that there is no such icon and that it would be possible to paint the image of the Mother of God, taking as a basis the icon of the Intercession, but hovering over a rich field with a rich, already harvested harvest and blessing it.

In 1889, the Monk Ambrose ordered a copy of the icon of the Mother of God, which was located in the Bolkhovsky Mother of God All Saints Convent. The list was ready by February 1890, as one of the documents dated 1894 states that the order to make it was given by the elder through the treasurer of the Bolkhov monastery, nun Sergia, who conveyed the elder’s order to the abbess of the monastery Ilaria. He asked to make the inscription “Different of the Bread” on the back of the icon board and to send one icon to him, and to place another identical one in the barn of the monastery so that the bread would not be wasted in it. “Disputant” is a noun formed from the verb “to argue”, “to argue”. According to V. Dahl’s dictionary, “to argue” means to help, to contribute to benefit, to improve, to fertilize, to bring happiness, good luck, to benefit.

The new icon “The Spreader of the Loaves” was brought to him by Hilaria personally to the elder’s monastery in Optina Hermitage, having done everything as the elder commanded. The original image, painted with the blessing of Ambrose, almost immediately revealed its miraculous abilities, and the copies written from it also turned out to be miraculous.

The icon stayed with the elder in the Optina Monastery until the summer of 1890, when in early July the elder left the monastery for the Shamordino monastery and never returned to Optina...

A year before his death, the Monk Ambrose announced the date for the celebration of the “Spreader of the Loaves” icon on October 15/28 - just the end of the grain harvest. The service was conducted according to the general Menaion, a general akathist to the Mother of God, but in the chorus a text was added, composed by the elder himself: “Rejoice, O Gracious One, the Lord is with Thee! Grant us, the unworthy, the dew of Thy grace and show Thy mercy.” It is also present in the later, modern akathist.

Before the death of the Monk Ambrose, his confessor Fr. Theodore asked him to whom he was leaving the monastery built for them. The elder answered - to the Queen of Heaven. By the beginning of the 20th century, the Kazan convent in Shamordino had become a thriving monastery, where many pilgrims flocked, and the number of nuns, according to historical evidence, reached eight hundred people, who were there under the spiritual guidance of the Optina elders. After the revolution, the monastery was closed and plundered, the nuns scattered, but now it is being revived again, as one would expect from the monastery, which the Monk Ambrose left in the care of the Queen of Heaven herself...

Today you can venerate the holy relics of St. Ambrose of Optina by coming to the Vvedensky Cathedral of the Optina Hermitage. In the northern aisle, which was consecrated in his honor, near the shrine with relics, the image of the “Different of the Loaves” shines.

In the Vladimir Church of the Optina Hermitage, where the relics of the seven venerable Optina elders rest, there is an icon on which, against the backdrop of the Optina Hermitage, the Venerable Ambrose of Optina is depicted, prayerfully stretching his hands upward to the image of the Mother of God “The Spreader of the Loaves.”

There is also a temple in Optina Hermitage, consecrated in 2000 in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Spreader of the Loaves”; the temple stands on the territory of the monastery’s subsidiary farm.

Brief iconography

The icon “Spreader of the Loaves” was very soon glorified and became revered in many parts of Russia. By type, the icon of the “Spreader of the Loaves” rises in the icon of the Intercession, which, in turn, belongs to the Orant type.

According to legend, the creation of the icon of the Mother of God “Spreader of the Loaves” belongs to the monk Daniil - in the world Dmitry Mikhailovich Bolotov - a graduate of the Imperial Academy of Arts, a talented painter, great-grandson of the famous 18th century scientist Andrei Timofeevich Bolotov. Historians argue about whether this image is his work, many refute this historical information, but since the style and artistic manner of execution of the image is very close to other creations of Bolotov, who took a large part in decorating the monastery, we can assume that the miraculous image was created by him.

Lithographic images of the icon in the form of icons were printed many times and sent everywhere at the behest of the monk during his lifetime. But the practice of venerating the icon of the Mother of God “Controversy of the Khdebs” was not approved by the Holy Synod and was discontinued, firstly, because the attitude of the official clergy towards the elder was ambiguous, and secondly, because its iconography was completely unconventional due to its naturalism, which Fr. notes in his famous article “Iconostasis”. Pavel Florensky. Nevertheless, picturesque copies of the icon continued to be made, typographic images were also printed, and the icon became increasingly widespread by the will of God.

That icon of the Mother of God “Spreader of the Loaves”, in front of which the Monk Ambrose himself prayed, was taken away from Shamordino by representatives of the Holy Synod, and its further fate and whereabouts are controversial, while it is lost to us. Only lists remain, but they retain the power and miraculous properties bestowed upon them by Her holy prototype. By the way, one of the early icons is kept in the Andrei Rublev Museum in Moscow.
All copies of the icon of the Mother of God “Spreader of the Loaves” have different designs. What they have in common is the Mother of God without the Child, seated on a cloud above the rich fields, where the grain has already been gathered into heaps, and wonderful wildflowers are blooming among the mown straw. The hands of the Mother of God are raised in a prayerful gesture; on later copies, a light shines around the Most Pure One, penetrated by rays, along the edge of which stars are scattered.

In 1999, in the cell of Elder Ambrose, by the will of God, a list appeared, given to the monastery by a certain Alexander Kurochkin from Rostov-on-Don. Being a professional restorer, he opened the old icon and on the reverse side he saw an inscription that contained the same refrain to the akathist, which the monk himself composed, and the signature: “Image. This. Elder of Optina Pustyn. Hieroschemamonk. Ambrose." It is unlikely that this is the list that Abbess Ilaria once delivered to the elder, but the fact that this is one of the early lists from the original image is indisputable. On the front side there is an inscription - “Different of the Bread”, written in the same handwriting as the inscription on the back side of the icon. So the copy from the original image, albeit repeated, returned to the monastery, to where the idea of ​​​​creating this unique example of Russian icon painting close to us in time was born. This miraculous list of the Mother of God “Spreader of the Loaves” is still located on the territory of the Kazan Ambrosievskaya stauropegial women’s hermitage (Kaluga region, Kozelsky district, Shamordino village).

What a miracle happened

The first miracle from the “Different of Loaves” icon occurred in 1891. Throughout Russia there was a great famine due to crop failure, and in the fields of the Kaluga province and on the plots of the Kazan monastery in Shamordino, grain was harvested as always. In 1892, when the Venerable Ambrose of Optina was no longer alive, novice Ivan Cherepanov sent a copy of the “Different of Loaves” icon to the Voronezh province, to the Pyatnitskaya convent, where there was a great drought that year. After a prayer service was served in front of the icon, the rains began to fall, and the bread was saved.

And there were plenty of similar miracles. And to this day, many people who believe in the Lord perform a prayer service before the icon of the Mother of God “Spreader of the Loaves,” and the harvest comes, sometimes in the most amazing way. But before this icon, it is also worth thinking about the fact that the miraculous, preserving, healing image is called upon to heal and enrich not only our physical life, but also our spiritual life, about which the Heavenly Mother Herself cares, desiring salvation for every grain in the ears that make up the spiritual the field of Russian Orthodoxy - in our souls.

Meaning of the icon

The icon of the Mother of God “Spreader of the Loaves” has a deep theological meaning; it is not limited only to the blessing of the labors of the tiller and intercessory care for a rich harvest. Oranta – praying (Greek). This is how Our Lady prays for the spiritual nourishment of all members of the Russian Orthodox Church. Each of the believers is an ear of grain in a fruitful field. This is the grain that is separated, as it is said in the Gospel, from the chaff, this is the prayer of the Most Pure One for the salvation of the harvest, not only earthly, but spiritual in man. A spirit that has already been nurtured by faith in the Lord, and one who still needs to be enlightened by God’s word, so that not a single soul is lost, does not lose faith in salvation, but grows to the Throne of God with a rich harvest.

Since ancient times, the veneration of the Blessed Virgin has been associated with the elements of nature. Icons of the Heavenly Mother - “The Burning Bush”, “The Life-Giving Source” and now “The Spreader of the Loaves”. She embodies everything that provides warmth, food, drink, both material and spiritual support for human life. Seated on a cloud - an ancient symbol of fertility, irrigating the earth, giving a rich harvest, the Bread Spreader symbolizes the connection between earth and sky and helps people in their labors, which bring them their daily bread.

But man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God, as Saint Maximus the Confessor said. Our communion is bread and wine, sanctified by His Holy Spirit; this is also said in the Gospel of John: “I am the bread of life” (John 6:35). In one of the central prayers, “Our Father,” we say: “Give us this day our daily bread,” meaning not only material bread, some tangible benefits, but, above all, spiritual bread. The disciples recognize Christ in Emmaus after His Holy Resurrection by the gesture with which He broke bread (Luke 24:30), just as He broke it at the Last Supper.

The lack of spiritual bread cannot be compensated for by any material things and life phenomena, even the most positive and joyful ones for us in earthly life. This is the bread of Eternal Life, and if we are ready to accept it, it will grant us immortality, unlike earthly bread, which in essence is the same dust as everything material, but we also need it in this world to maintain physical life, until we live here and now.

We ourselves, every believer in the Lord, faithful to God, are a grain in an ear that is blessed by the Mother of God, hovering in radiance on a cloud above us. The image of this icon is multi-symbolic, it evokes so many wonderful New Testament associations that, of course, it cannot be perceived unambiguously, only as a blessing of earthly fertility. Here we are also talking about the fertility of the soul, which the Mother of God Herself cares about and which the Lord expects from us.

The icon of the Mother of God “Spreader of the Loaves” appeared in 1889, when people in Russia were suffering from hunger. It was written by Abbess Ilaria to represent the meaning of the prayer for our daily bread. The icon depicts the Mother of God seated on clouds. She raises her hands up, symbolizing the blessing of the fields for a good harvest.

The meaning and how the “Bread Spreader” icon helps

After the icon was completed and a prayer service was served in front of it, the rains began, which made it possible to save the grain harvest and protect people from starvation. Since then, the image of the Mother of God has demonstrated its miraculous power many more times.

The meaning of the “Spreader of the Loaves” icon for people is enormous, since from the moment this image of the Mother of God appeared, people prayed in front of it for a good harvest, and there was none. Sincere appeals to the Higher powers helped to avoid drought, strong winds, floods, etc. After some time, many copies of this miraculous icon were made, which were hung in barns, believing that in this way they would ensure a good harvest. Speaking about the ways in which the Spreader of Loaves icon helps, it is important to note that it also blesses believers to work, which allows them to obtain good results in various matters. Many people saved themselves from hunger by praying in front of the image, and it also helped with various everyday needs.

While praying in front of this image, it is also worth thinking about the fact that the icon of the Mother of God has healing abilities, and you can cope not only with physical, but also with mental problems.

Another important point is where to hang the “Different of Loaves”; there are no certain restrictions on this issue. If you have an iconostasis in your house, then you can attach it there too. Since the image helps fight hunger, it can also be placed in the kitchen.

The icon of the Mother of God, called the “Spreader of the Loaves,” was painted with the blessing of the elder of the Vvedenskaya Optina Hermitage, Hieroschemamonk Ambrose (XI. 23, 1812 - X. 10, 1891). Father Ambrose, the great Russian ascetic of the 19th century, burned with childlike faith in the Mother of God.

Elder Ambrose of Optina greatly revered the icon of the Mother of God “Spreader of the Loaves,” calling on others to pray to her. On it, the Mother of God is depicted sitting on the clouds, and her hands bless a harvested field with sheaves of rye.

This is what the elder himself ordered to write, saying that the Mother of God cares not only about spiritual salvation, but also helps in the earthly labors of every person. When you are preparing to eat, light a lamp in front of the “Different of the Loaves” icon and ask the Mother of God for blessings for preparing food. And it will become especially tasty!

He especially revered all the feasts of the Mother of God and intensified his prayer on these days. With the icon “Spreader of the Loaves”, Father Ambrose blessed the Shamordino Convent, which he founded near the Optina Monastery in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

In 1890, the abbess of the Bolkhov Monastery, Abbess Ilaria, sent the elder an icon of the Mother of God with a completely new letter: the Lady of the World is depicted sitting on the clouds, Her hands are raised in a blessing movement. Below is a compressed field, on it, among flowers and grass, lie and stand sheaves of rye.

The image was borrowed from the icon of All Saints, located in the Bolkhov Convent, and the field with sheaves below was written according to plan. He himself established the day of the festival - October 15/28 and called the image “The Spreader of the Loaves,” indicating that the Most Holy Theotokos is “the Helper of people in their labors to earn their daily bread.”

He also wanted to show that the Mother of God helps people not only in achieving spiritual salvation, but also in their earthly labors. The elder loved this icon very much and commanded his spiritual children - the nuns of the Shamordino women's community of Kaluga province, to pray before it - where he spent the last year of his life.

Before his blessed death, Father Ambrose ordered many photographs from this icon and distributed and sent them to his spiritual children. To sing the akathist before the holy image, the elder composed a special refrain: “Rejoice, O Gracious One, the Lord is with You! Grant us, the unworthy, the dew of Thy grace and show Thy mercy!”

The day of the burial of Elder Ambrose in the Shamordino monastery fell precisely on October 15 - the day of the festival of the icon. The first miracle from the holy icon was witnessed in 1891, when there was famine throughout Russia due to crop failure, and bread was born in the Kaluga region and in the fields of the Shamordino monastery.

In 1892, after the death of Elder Ambrose, his novice Ivan Fedorovich Cherepanov sent a copy of the icon to the Pyatnitskaya convent in the Voronezh region. There was a drought in that area and there was a threat of famine, but soon after a prayer service was served in front of the icon “The Spreader of the Loaves,” it began to rain and the drought stopped.

The priest's word about the icon of the Spreader of the Loaves

I want to tell you about one amazing icon, it’s called “ Breadmaker". It depicts the Mother of God seated on a light cloud.

Under Her, among the herbs and flowers, are sheaves of rye. This icon was painted in 1889 with the blessing of the Optina elder Ambrose. They say that when there was a famine, the peasants who lived near the Optina Hermitage hung lists of this icon in their huts and thus were saved. Since then, it is generally accepted that she protects the house from hunger; people especially pray to her for the harvest during famine and for the end of the drought.

Isn’t there a place for the “Breaker of Loaves” above the dinner table, in our kitchen, where we will offer our prayers to the Lord before the meal and give thanks at the end of it? It seems that we are not starving, but from prison and from the scrip...

And in general, as one priest said, there should be a lot of icons in the house, in the living room, in the bedroom, and in the kitchen. Above your baby’s bed, be sure to hang an icon of his heavenly patron saint, the Mother of God, and Guardian Angel.

In your bedroom, find a place for the wedding icons with which the priest blessed your marriage during the wedding. Holy water and pieces of prosphora should also be in a holy place. And generally speaking Holy water should not be stored, but should be consumed daily with prayer, making sure that it does not run out.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon called “The Spreader of the Loaves”

Oh, Most Holy Virgin Theotokos, Merciful to the Lady, Queen of Heaven and earth, every Christian home and family, Blesser of those who work, those in need of inexhaustible wealth, the orphans and widows, and all people, the Nourisher!

To our Nourisher, who gave birth to the Nourisher of the Universe and the Spreader of our breads, You, Lady, send Your Motherly blessing to our city, villages and fields, and to every house that has hope in You. Moreover, with reverent awe and a contrite heart, we humbly pray to Thee: be also a wise Housebuilder for us, Thy sinful and unworthy servants, who organizes our lives well.

Keep every community, every home and family in piety and Orthodoxy, like-mindedness, obedience and contentment. Feed the poor and needy, support old age, educate babies, instruct everyone to sincerely cry out to the Lord: “Give us this day our daily bread.”

Save, Most Pure Mother, Your people from all need, illness, famine, destruction, hail, fire, from all evil conditions and all disorder. Grant peace and great mercy to our monastery, to the homes and families and to every Christian soul and to our entire country, so that we glorify Thee, our most merciful Nourisher and Nurse, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Troparion to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon,
called “The Spreader of the Loaves”, tone 3

Most Pure Virgin Mary, Mother of the King of heaven and earth, look with compassion upon those who love Thy Son, Christ our God, and those who labor in His eternal name for the sake of salvation, and give them everything abundantly for their enjoyment. The Controversy gave them bread, relieving them of all needs and oppression, and arranging for them, Thy existing servants, deliverance from eternal torment and eternal life.

In contact with

Word " arguer"What matters is the assistant. Therefore, prayers to the Mother of God in front of Her icon “The Spreader of the Loaves” help in obtaining our daily bread; you can also ask for blessings before starting any business, for help and patronage in obtaining good harvests.
Also, prayers in front of the “Different of Loaves” icon help to overcome poverty and solve problems in everyday affairs.
It is advisable to have this icon in your home so that there is prosperity and prosperity in it.

It must be remembered that icons or saints do not “specialize” in any specific areas. It will be right when a person turns with faith in the power of God, and not in the power of this icon, this saint or prayer.
And .


The icon of the Mother of God “Spreader of the Loaves” is not an ancient one, but for its short “age” it has become revered among believers.
The year 1889 turned out to be a very hungry year in Russia. In all the temples and monasteries they prayed to the Lord to help them grow and harvest the harvest. , the elder of Optina Pustyn, gave a blessing to the abbess of the Belevsky Monastery, Ilaria, to paint an icon of the Mother of God, to whom they would specifically pray for their daily bread.
In 1890, the elder received an unusual icon, part of which was borrowed from the icon of All Saints in the Bolkhov Monastery. In the new icon, the Mother of God sits directly on the clouds, Her hands are raised for a blessing, which falls on the rye located in the field. According to Elder Ambrose’s plan, the rye in the image is collected into sheaves.
The elder himself set the date of celebration - October 15 (October 28 according to the new style) and gave the name to the new image: “The Spreader of the Loaves.” He wanted to convey to people that the Mother of God not only saves our souls, but is also a helper in earthly affairs.
The holy elder devoted the last years of his life to the creation of a women's community in the village of Shamordino, which is located twelve kilometers from the Optina Monastery. Father Ambrose bequeathed to the nuns of the Shamordino monastery, and all his spiritual children, to pray in front of his favorite image, “The Spreader of the Loaves.” At the request of the elder, photographs were taken from this icon, which he sent to spiritual children and all admirers.
To sing the akathist to the Mother of God in front of the icon “The Spreader of the Loaves,” the elder composed a special chorus:

“Rejoice, full of grace, the Lord is with you! Grant us, the unworthy, the dew of Thy grace and show Thy mercy!”

In the last year of Elder Ambrose’s life, there was famine in the country, but in the fields around Shamordino the grain harvests were good, so much was harvested that there was enough even for the next year. They said that the “Bread Spreader” helped
Elder Ambrose was once asked who would be the confessor of the Shamordino Monastery after him. The answer was:

“I leave the monastery to the Queen of Heaven.”

Indeed, under the patronage of the Mother of God, at the beginning of the twentieth century this monastery became one of the most prosperous, with about 800 sisters under the spiritual guidance of the Optina elders.

In 1891, the life of Elder Ambrose ended; the day of his burial coincided with the date of veneration of the “Different of the Loaves” icon – October 15 (October 28, New Style).
The following year, 1892, during a severe drought, in order to prevent the inevitable failure to give birth, the Voronezh diocese was asked for a copy of the icon of the Mother of God “The Spreader of the Loaves.” When the icon (copy) was delivered to the Pyatnitskaya monastery, a prayer service was performed over it, after which it began to rain and people were saved from hunger.

In the Optina Pustyn monastery in the Vladimir Church there is an icon on which the Monk Ambrose prayerfully raises his hands up to the image of the Mother of God “Spreader of the Loaves.”


We magnify You, Most Holy Virgin, God-chosen Youth, and honor Your holy image, through which you bring healing to all who come with faith.


For our readers: where to hang the bread-spreader icon with a detailed description from various sources.

The Russian land is filled with holy images of the Mother of God, many of which are miraculous and bring benefit to Orthodox believers, and to the whole country for a long time. Many such miracles have been recorded and everywhere there is something to be surprised by. The most interesting is the history of the icon “The Spreader of the Loaves”, the content and deep meaning of this image.

History of the holy icon

Hieroschemamonk Ambrose, the elder of the Vvedenskaya Optina Hermitage, during his lifetime blessed to paint the icon of the Mother of God “The Spreader of the Loaves” and it was with this icon that he blessed the women’s monastery, which he founded in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. We are talking about the Shamordino monastery, which was organized near the Optina Hermitage.

Elder Ambrose personally said what should be depicted on the icon of the Mother of God of Bread and said that October 15 is the day of the festival. That is why the image of the Mother of God was called “The Spreader of the Loaves.” Knowing about his imminent death, Father Ambrose distributed and sent to all his spiritual children photographs of the icon, which he ordered in huge quantities. The elder also created a chorus for the akathist to the “Spreader of the Loaves” icon, which to this day is considered something special and is used in divine services. In the most difficult cases or dangers, his spiritual children often uttered this refrain out loud, which added to their confidence and protection of the Lord.

It so happened that the day of Father Ambrose’s burial coincided with the day of celebration itself - October 15. It is known that he was buried in the Shamordino monastery.

The meaning of the icon “The Spreader of the Loaves”

In the image you can see how the Mother of God sits on the clouds and blesses all people, as evidenced by the position of her hands. At the bottom of the picture you can see sheaves of rye scattered throughout the field, dotted with various herbs and flowers.

On the one hand, the meaning of the “Spreader of the Loaves” icon indicates the grace that extends from the Mother of God to all her spiritual children, to all sincere believers.

Many people associate this image with their daily bread, and there really is a connection here. Moreover, the miracles that will be discussed below were largely related to the material well-being of believers provided by the icon.

However, the symbolic meaning of the wheat ear as a symbol of rebirth and resurrection should also be noted. This symbol has for a long time indicated the revival of human true essence. In Christian symbolism, the symbol indicates the achievement of the Kingdom of Heaven and the Resurrection. Indeed, in the scripture itself there are such images of grain that needs to be in the ground in order to germinate.

How does the “Different of Loaves” icon help?

As with all icons, miracles also happened with the “Spreader of Loaves” for the benefit of the entire people. Thus, during the famine throughout Russia, when the entire country was gripped by crop failure, a miracle from the holy image was first discovered in the Kaluga region - in the Shamordino monastery, or rather, in its fields, bread was born. Of course, there is a lot that people pray for to the Bread Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, but they often ask specifically to get rid of various material adversities and troubles.

Exactly one year after the previously described miracle, Ivan Fedorovich Cherepanov sent an icon list to the Voronezh region, namely, to the Pyatnitskaya convent. Knowing about last year’s miracle, a prayer service was immediately served in front of the icon, in the hope that such a prolonged drought would finally end. And it stopped - the next day it started to rain, and after that a rich harvest grew. This is why believers keep a piece of bread behind the icon; in this way they strive to receive a special blessing, so that there will always be bread and prosperity in the house.

There is also relatively recent evidence of what the “Supporter of Bread” icon helps with - the Sredneuralsky Convent, which was founded at the beginning of the new millennium. For the time being, this territory was a simple meadow, which literally in a matter of years became a developed monastery with numerous buildings. As believers say, it was the “Spreader of the Loaves,” to whom the monastery is dedicated, who helped create the monastery in such a short time.

Prayer to the Bread Icon

Prayer of the Mother of God before the icon of Her Spreader of the Loaves

Oh, Most Holy Virgin Theotokos, Merciful to the Lady, Queen of Heaven and earth, every Christian home and family, Blessing of those who work, those in need of inexhaustible wealth, the orphans and widows, and all people, the Nourisher! Our Nourisher, who gave birth to the Nourisher of the Universe and the Spreader of our breads, You, the Lady, send Your Motherly blessing to our city, villages and fields, and to every house that has hope in You. Moreover, with reverent awe and a contrite heart, we humbly pray to Thee: be also a wise Housebuilder for us, Thy sinful and unworthy servants, who organizes our lives well. Keep every community, every home and family in piety and Orthodoxy, like-mindedness, obedience and contentment. Feed the poor and needy, support old age, educate babies, teach everyone to sincerely cry out to the Lord: “Give us this day our daily bread.” Save, Most Pure Mother, Your people from all need, illness, famine, destruction, hail, fire, from all evil conditions and all disorder. Grant peace and great mercy to our monastery, to the homes and families and to every Christian soul and to our entire country, so that we glorify Thee, our most merciful Nourisher and Nurse, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

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The icon of the Mother of God “Spreader of the Loaves” appeared in 1889, when people in Russia were suffering from hunger. It was written by Abbess Ilaria to represent the meaning of the prayer for our daily bread. The icon depicts the Mother of God seated on clouds. She raises her hands up, symbolizing the blessing of the fields for a good harvest.

The meaning and how the “Bread Spreader” icon helps

After the icon was completed and a prayer service was served in front of it, the rains began, which made it possible to save the grain harvest and protect people from starvation. Since then, the image of the Mother of God has demonstrated its miraculous power many more times.

The meaning of the “Spreader of the Loaves” icon for people is enormous, since from the moment this image of the Mother of God appeared, people prayed in front of it for a good harvest and no famine. Sincere appeals to the Higher powers helped to avoid drought, strong winds, floods, etc. After some time, many copies of this miraculous icon were made, which were hung in barns, believing that in this way they would ensure a good harvest. Speaking about the ways in which the Spreader of Loaves icon helps, it is important to note that it also blesses believers to work, which allows them to obtain good results in various matters. Many people saved themselves from hunger by praying in front of the image, and it also helped with various everyday needs.

While praying in front of this image, it is also worth thinking about the fact that the icon of the Mother of God has healing abilities, and you can cope not only with physical, but also with mental problems.

Another important point is where to hang the “Spreader of the Loaves” icon; there are no specific restrictions on this issue. If you have an iconostasis in your house, then you can attach it there too. Since the image helps fight hunger, it can also be placed in the kitchen.

The Most Holy Theotokos is our greatest heavenly intercessor and helper. No saint receives as many prayers as the Most Pure Mother of God. And it is not surprising - through Her holy prayers a person can receive everything necessary for life. Despite the fact that the main thing for an Orthodox Christian is spiritual life and following God's commandments, one cannot deny material needs and requirements. The icon of the Mother of God “Spreader of the Loaves” is known to many believers who prayed before it for the sending down of everything necessary for earthly life.

The story of the discovery of the icon of the Mother of God “Spreader of the Loaves”

Unlike many revered images of the Ever-Virgin Mary, which were found miraculously in ancient times, the image of the “Different of the Loaves” is not so old. Its appearance is directly related to the name of the greatest saint of the entire Orthodox Church - Elder Ambrose of Optina. It was he who, in the hungry year of 1889, gave the blessing to paint an icon in front of which one should pray for deliverance from hunger and the gift of daily bread.

Father Ambrose always prayed with great reverence to the Mother of God in any troubles and misfortunes that visited the Russian people. And now he firmly believed that it was from the Virgin Mary that one should expect deliverance from hunger and crop failure.

The image turned out to be truly amazing - the Mother of God sits on a cloud with her hands folded for blessing, and below her are visible sheaves of rye and a flowering meadow. It is not known for certain which icon painter owned the original image. Elder Ambrose was the founder of the Shamordino convent near Optina, and, most likely, the new image was painted by the brother of the abbess of this monastery, the spiritual daughter of Father Ambrose.

The date for the celebration and veneration of the new holy image was set by Elder Ambrose himself and was set for October 28 (new style).

All his life he sacredly believed in the endless help of the Most Holy Lady of Heaven to people, and fervently prayed to her.

The new icon very quickly gained fame among the believing Orthodox people. Prayers began to be held before her, and pilgrims began to come to her to worship. And the first miracles were not long in coming - already in 1892, during a famine, the Queen of Heaven answered prayers in front of her image. Throughout Russia there were terrible harvest failures and, as a result, a lack of food, and a large harvest was harvested in the Shamordino fields and in the Kaluga region in general.

After this, there was a severe drought in Voronezh, which could have resulted in the loss of crops in the fields. Then the church authorities ordered to send to the region a copy of the “Different of the Loaves” icon. He was taken to one of the local convents. Without delay, a prayer service was served before the image, after which heavy rain immediately began to fall. The harvest was saved.

Icon “The Spreader of the Loaves”

Meaning of the image and iconography

The icon was painted in a very unusual way to depict the Blessed Virgin Mary. She descends from heaven onto the sown land, blessing the crops and harvest. There is a deep spiritual meaning hidden in this image. Thus, some of the ears of grain are depicted already folded into sheaves, when the rest are just ripening in the field - this is a symbolic correlation with the Gospel lines that the time of harvest will come.

The look of the Queen of Heaven is both stern and kind. The arms outstretched to the side seem to be blessing both the sheaves on the icon and each person praying. The cloud on which the Most Pure One sits is also symbolic - moisture necessary for fertility emanates from it.

Elder Ambrose gave this name to the icon for a reason. He firmly believed that there is no greater heavenly intercession for people than the protection of the Mother of God. In any case, in grief or illness, he bequeathed to always offer his prayers to the Virgin Mary.

The prayer in front of the “Different of Bread” icon is intended to help Christian believers in their efforts to earn their daily bread. But you need to understand that the gospel meaning of the word “bread” is much broader than daily food.

In the Gospel of John you can find words where the Lord himself is called bread. That is, in the gospel sense, daily bread is everything that a person needs for life, and above all, spiritual communication with God. Because without God, a person can be alive in body, but completely dead in soul. And by letting God into us, we, as it were, feed our soul with bread, and it comes to life for eternal life.

The field that the Mother of God blesses symbolically means human life. Just as ears and grains gradually ripen in wheat, so faith in God and the desire to follow His commandments must ripen in the soul of every person. The Ever-Virgin Mary prays about this, blessing every person.

The folded ready-made sheaves also symbolically point us to the lines of the Gospel and the future harvest. This means that the time will come when the fate of every person will be finally decided - there will be a great harvest (the Last Judgment). And after this judgment, all the righteous will remain in eternal joy with the Lord, and all sinners will go to hell.

Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God “Spreader of the Loaves” in the city of Gorki on the territory of the Belarusian Agricultural Academy

What do they pray for in front of the “Different of the Loaves” icon?

As already mentioned, “disputant” means “helper.” The Queen of Heaven helps every person in his earthly affairs, if only you sincerely ask her. It helps to turn to the Mother of God in front of this icon in such cases:

  • hunger;
  • crop failure;
  • drought;
  • poverty;
  • any difficult life circumstances.

As mentioned above, the spiritual meaning of human food is not limited to the physical side. At the same time as the body, the human soul must be nourished, and this can only be done through unity with God. Therefore, it is quite possible in front of the icon “The Spreader of the Loaves” to ask for the sending of spiritual help, for the strengthening of prayer, for deliverance from lack of faith or disbelief.

It would be a big misconception to believe that an icon can help on its own or that spiritual power comes directly from the image. Praying in front of the icon, we offer our petitions directly to the Mother of God, from whom all benefits and help to man come.

In addition, you should not think that in front of a specific icon you can pray only for one thing and nothing else. So, if a Christian believer has a desire in front of the “Different of Loaves” icon to ask for the health of his family and friends, such a request will definitely be heard if it comes sincerely from the heart.

Important. The specific “specialization” of certain icons to help in certain circumstances is nothing more than a tradition. Help comes from the Lord, so no one forbids praying in front of any icon for anything.

Since the Most Holy Theotokos is the greatest intercessor of the entire human race, you can come to any of her images with your grief and request. In front of the icon “The Spreader of the Loaves” they ask for earthly wealth and well-being, but we should not forget that earthly wealth is not the goal of human life.

You can often hear the following thought from non-believers: if God is omnipotent, why doesn’t He give everyone everything they ask for, why doesn’t He make the life of people on earth rich, why is there need, illness, hunger? The answer to this question is given by the Orthodox faith. The purpose of man's earthly life is to inherit Eternity with God. And most often, wealth and prosperity in this life do not bring us closer to God, but, on the contrary, greatly distance us.

When do we remember that there is a Lord above us all? When trouble occurs, illness, some kind of grief, sadness. How often do we go to church to thank God for something good that has happened in our lives? Very rarely. Most often, a person runs to the Lord for help in trouble and completely forgets about Him when the trouble is over.

It’s the same with earthly wealth - the cramped circumstances of life force a person to remember that he is not omnipotent, that his life is in the hands of the Lord. And in wealth and complete comfort, God becomes unnecessary.

Of course, this does not mean that you can only be saved by being poor, like a church mouse. We just need to remember that all good things come from the Lord, and that without Him we are not capable of anything on our own. And you need to ask for earthly blessings with humility, relying on God’s will.

Icon “Spreader of the Loaves” in Optina Hermitage

How to properly pray in front of the “Different of the Loaves” icon

Prayer before any image can be performed both at home and in temple. The life of an Orthodox Christian is impossible without visiting church, worship services, and without participating in the Sacraments of the church. Of course, this particular image may not be present in every church, but if you do find it, be sure to ask the Mother of God for help.

To do this, you can buy a candle in a candle shop and place it on a special candlestick in front of the icon. It is worth remembering that all the advice about which hand to put a candle on, which direction to turn in is nothing more than church superstitions, which should not be given the slightest importance. The same can be said about the widespread belief that if a candle goes out, falls from the candlestick or starts smoking black, then this is a bad sign. The light can go out due to a draft, of which there are many in churches. A candle falls due to poor fastening on the candlestick, and black smoke only indicates impurities in the composition of the wax from which the candle is poured.

In addition to personal prayer in the temple, you can order a prayer service. This is a special small service where prayers or an akathist are read at the request of believers. Notes with the names of everyone who wants to be remembered are submitted to this service. It is highly advisable to attend a custom prayer service in person and, together with the clergy, offer your requests to the Lord and His Most Pure Mother.

At home, you can simply pray in front of the holy corner, where there is the “Different of the Loaves.” You can also light a lamp or candle - the fire will help you tune into a quiet, peaceful mood. You need to try to distract yourself from everything earthly and fussy and direct all your thoughts and feelings to the spiritual.

When we ask for wealth and any earthly blessings, we need to understand that the Lord will definitely send them if it is useful for a person’s soul. You cannot persistently demand from God the fulfillment of desires or some kind of miracle. Treating faith as magic for the sake of satisfying your own desires is unacceptable. You need to clearly understand that God does not send anything just like that, and certain difficulties can help a person take God’s path.

Watch a video about the icon *The Spreader of the Loaves

At different periods of life, believers pray to the Most Holy Theotokos with hope. There are many of her miraculous images in Russia, some of which were created and revealed on our land. In Optina Pustyn, a stronghold of the Orthodox faith, the icon “The Spreader of the Loaves,” which was painted with the blessing of St. Ambrose, is especially revered.

The hermitage near Kozelsk has long been a center of spirituality. The famous Optina elders lived here; in terrible times of persecution, the monastery held out until the last, but was closed in the 20s. However, Optina's legacy - teachings, prayers, icons - never disappeared from people's memory.

History of the holy image

Elder Ambrose was known during his lifetime for the power of his prayer, wisdom and kindness. This attracted many pilgrims to him, especially the disadvantaged, offended by life. The monk showed special care for them, imitating the Virgin Mary. He founded several monastic communities for widows and orphans:

  • Ioanno-Predtechenskaya in Kromy;
  • in the name of the Akhtyrskaya icon in the Saratov region;
  • Pyatnitskaya near Voronezh;
  • Kazan Monastery in Shamordino.

The monastery in Shamordino became his last feat; it was created for those who wanted to lead a pious life, but could not afford to enter a monastery. The women's hermitage was located not far from Optina, so the elder put a lot of effort into its formation. During this last period of his earthly life, the Lord gave him a vision of the icon of the Mother of God “Spreader of the Loaves.” The image was painted in a nunnery.

How did the saint come up with the idea of ​​​​creating an icon? The old man was not in good health all his life, and towards the end of his life he was often sick. But this did not stop him from worrying about the fate of the sisters - he prayerfully asked the Mother of God that she herself would take leadership of the monastery. Then the idea for the image appeared.

The monk remembered the icon of “All Saints”, which he saw in the Tula Monastery of the Mother of God. He turned to his abbess, Mother Sophia, with a request to make a partial list and sign it “Different of the Loaves.” The icon was painted by her relative, who had the talent of a painter. The image was sent and placed in the barn to provide food for the monks. The same icon was made for the women's monastery. The image immediately found a response in the hearts of believers.

Already foreseeing his imminent death, Elder Ambrose firmly believed that the Queen of Heaven would take care of the holy monastery, and spoke about this to his loved ones. Indeed, by the beginning of the last century, the monastery began to flourish; about a thousand sisters who dedicated their lives to the Lord found shelter here.

The meaning of the icon of the Spreader of the Loaves

Needless to say, the importance of wheat even in our time, when food is abundant. At the same time, crop failure threatened people with starvation. Farmers made up the majority of the rural population. The rich fields of wheat stretch for many kilometers; they resemble expanses of the sea, especially when the ears bend under the gusts of wind. All this is reflected in the image.

The significance of the “Spreader of the Loaves” icon for the people was very great. Every Russian housewife prayed daily for a bountiful harvest. Religious consciousness simply needed such an icon. Now there was a place for ordinary people to express gratitude to God for food. The villagers quickly fell in love with the image of the Mother of God hovering in the clouds, blessing a wheat field.

The word “arbiter” means “assistant”, hence the expression “the matter was argued.” With grace-filled help, any work will be successful and bring good results. The image should remind believers that every task must begin with prayer and be done diligently, and not haphazardly. After all, some consider work to be a punishment, are lazy, and try to avoid difficult tasks.

This is not how a believer should behave. It befits him to make every effort, to work conscientiously, remembering that he is constantly walking before the Lord. Diligence will not go unnoticed; the Holy Scriptures say more than once that God cares for His children. They only need to have strong faith. You should not be afraid of difficulties - you need to accept challenges, and the Almighty will give you strength to withstand any test.

Theological meaning

An icon is a pictorial glorification of God, therefore each image has a certain spiritual meaning. It is not for nothing that the Lord Himself loved to speak in parables, comparing people to vines and tree branches. Here Christians are shown as ears of corn in a field. Each of them must separate the chaff from his heart, cleanse himself for the Kingdom of Heaven.

Therefore, the Mother of God prays that each spikelet will be mature and bring a worthy harvest to the throne of God. The cloud on which St. sits. Mary is a symbol of abundance, a generous harvest. For people, she herself is the personification of everything that the human race needs, both in the material (water, bread) and in the spiritual sense. The Mother of God connects heaven with earth, helping sinners in their difficult task of obtaining their daily bread.

The icon “The Spreader of the Loaves” reminds us of the importance of spiritual food, which cannot be replaced by even the most exquisite food. The bread for the soul is Christ, His teaching, the divine Word written in the Gospel. Only by feeding the soul with this spiritual food can one commune with the Lord, nothing else.

How does the holy image help?

Even during the life of the elder, miracles began to happen around the image. How did the “Different of Loaves” icon help people? There was a time of famine in Rus' at that time, but through the prayers of the saint, there was enough bread in the monasteries of the Kaluga diocese - the harvest was sufficient. There were so many grain reserves that there was enough left for the next turn, although there were more than a thousand inhabitants in the monasteries.

Another year there was a severe drought in the Voronezh land. People were in danger of starvation. They performed a prayer service near the list of the image, which was transmitted from Optina Hermitage. Heavy rain fell and the harvest was saved. There were even more people who wanted to have the blessed image.

In what cases does the “Different of Loaves” icon help?

  • Blesses for work (not only physical or related to work in the field).
  • Takes care of the fertility of the land.
  • Saves from drought or too long rainfalls.
  • Helps those who maintain subsidiary farms.
  • Provides support in everyday worries.
  • Helps overcome poverty.

Today's Optina Pustyn is decorated with a temple in honor of the icon “Control of the Loaves.” It was founded at the end of the last century. At the base there is a stone brought from Palestine. The small church seats 150 people; it perfectly complements the ancient architectural ensemble of the monastery. The building is located between the greenhouses and the mill. Monks read the Psalter and Akathist here all year round and serve the Liturgy.

The brethren claim that since the consecration of the temple there has not been a bad harvest in the monastery farm. They perceive this as a sign of God’s long-suffering, and they work with joy under the shadow of the Mother of God.

Location, how to pray

Since the “Spreader of the Loaves” icon directly indicates daily food, it is quite possible to hang it in the kitchen or dining room. Every Christian should pray before eating, thanking the Lord; this task is fully answered by the plot of the image. The meal is an integral part of life; God blesses people with food and drink that support their earthly body. Therefore, even in the kitchen, the presence of a red corner is appropriate.

Placement is also allowed in the main home iconostasis. There are no strict requirements here; it is important that it stands out and helps the owners focus on prayers. Previously, the image was placed in storerooms and sheds, today there is no such need. Survival no longer depends on weather conditions; it is given less mystical meaning. This is certainly a good thing, but it also makes many people forget how short and fragile human life is.

It is important to remember gratitude and begin and end your prayer with it. In order to especially honor this particular image, one should read the akathist to the icon “The Spreader of the Loaves” - although it was created in our time. Everyone’s favorite Akathist to the Mother of God is also suitable, as is any prayer addressed to the Mother of God. Your personal requests should be made after the church prayers have been read. They are written in such a way that the believer receives spiritual benefit and learns to formulate thoughts correctly.

Prayers near the “Different of the Loaves” icon do not necessarily have to be about the harvest or the material side of life. The Queen of Heaven cares about a person’s soul as well as about his bodily food. A person who has not cultivated the spiritual side will work poorly and carelessly. This is unacceptable for a Christian. The image teaches precisely that every part of life should be harmonious.

Prayer to the icon of the Spreader of the Loaves

Troparion, tone 3

O Most Pure Virgin Mary, Mother of the King of heaven and earth, you look with compassion on those who love Your Son, Christ our God, and those who labor in His eternal name for the sake of salvation, and give them everything abundantly for their enjoyment, the Spreader of the bread of their existence, relieving them of all needs and oppressions and arranging for them, Thy servants, deliverance from eternal torment and eternal life.

Kontakion, tone 7

Wanting to reap salvation, like a sweet village, you appeared to the Lady, feeding from Him, imams, eternal and incorruptible food. We, who are earthly beings, pray to Thee, Most Pure Virgin, show Thy power in the harvest of our cornfields and fields, when their time comes, and may all grain abound to comfort us, singing to God: Hallelujah!


O Most Holy Virgin Theotokos, Merciful Lady, Queen of heaven and earth, every Christian home and family, Blessing of those who work, those in need of inexhaustible wealth, the orphans and widows, and the Nurse of all people! Our Nourisher, who gave birth to the Nourisher of the universe and the Spreader of our breads. You, Lady, send Your maternal blessing to our city, villages and fields, and to every house that has trust in You. Moreover, with reverent awe and a contrite heart, we humbly pray to Thee: be also a wise Housebuilder for us, Thy sinful and unworthy servants, who organizes our lives well. Keep every community, every home and family in piety and Orthodoxy, like-mindedness, obedience and contentment. Feed the poor and needy, support old age, educate babies, teach everyone to sincerely cry out to the Lord: “Give us this day our daily bread.” Save, Most Pure Mother, Your people from all need, illness, famine, destruction, hail, fire, from all evil conditions and all disorder. Grant peace and great mercy to our monastery, to the homes and families and to every Christian soul and to our entire country, so that we glorify Thee, our Most Gracious Nourisher and Nurse, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God Spreader of Bread

Icon of the Mother of God Spreader of Bread - what it helps with, meaning was last modified: May 7th, 2018 by Bogolub

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