What is Impaza used for? A drug to combat sexual dysfunction in men - Impaza. Composition of the impaz product and pharmacological action

The modern homeopathic drug Impaza is very popular today among the stronger sex, which once again confirms its effectiveness. First of all, this remedy is aimed at eliminating the problems of erectile dysfunction in men of any age. Also, this drug is indicated as a therapy for disorders arising as a result of the male climatic period, which most often manifest themselves in the form of:

  • irritability;
  • fatigue;
  • instability of blood pressure and heart rate;
  • paroxysmal headache.

The great advantage of the drug Impaza, reviews of which from doctors are mostly positive, is that it can be taken as a systematic treatment, prophylaxis, or as an occasional adjuvant for a one-time increase in male libido immediately before sexual intercourse.

However, experts still recommend taking Impaza more than once, although this is not prohibited, but using it as a complex therapy aimed at improving potency and eliminating even the slightest symptoms of erectile dysfunction. It is in this case that the most positive effect is achieved.

It is worth noting

This remedy is homeopathic in nature and, unlike potent medications, is more gentle. Before taking Impaza tablets, according to doctors, it is recommended to undergo a proper medical examination and establish a final diagnosis, as well as identify the causes of the disorders.

It is undesirable to take this drug for your own independent prescription, because this drug, like any other, has a number of side effects that can aggravate both the condition of individual organs and general well-being.

However, there are much fewer such side effects, which once again exalts the drug in relation to other drugs aimed at improving potency.

So, for example, Impaza is prescribed in cases where the use of drugs such as Viagra, Cialis, Levitra are contraindicated or lead to side effects.

It is believed that there are no analogues to such a homeopathic remedy that increases potency as Impaza, but there are many drugs in the form of dietary supplements and medicines also aimed at improving and increasing male potency.

As for the effectiveness and pricing policy of such drugs, they are not always superior to Impaza, and sometimes they are not even comparable to it, primarily because other drugs have a large list of contraindications and dubious prognoses.

For example, the dietary supplement Sealex, unlike Impaza tablets, is contraindicated for:

  • pronounced forms of atherosclerosis;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • kidney diseases;
  • manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • tachycardia;
  • migraine;
  • liver diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • insomnia and increased excitability.

In addition, this drug causes a number of side effects in the form of:

  • headaches and dizziness;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • allergic reactions to individual components of the drug.

As for the price of Sialex, it, like other characteristics, is inferior to Impaza and amounts to 800-900 rubles per pack, while the above-mentioned tablets can be purchased at a pharmacy for 400-500 rubles.

Impaza also has its advantages over such a popular drug among men that increases potency and improves erection as Viagra, and primarily in price. Today, the cost of one Viagra tablet is equal to the cost of a whole package of Impaza.


Unlike Viagra, which is aimed exclusively at a one-time effect on a man’s potency, Impaza, depending on the course of administration, guarantees a prolonged effect on “male strength.” In addition, this medicine does not cause dependence or addiction, which cannot be said about Viagra.

Among other things, the spectrum of action of Viagra is quite small compared to Impaza, which can have a general systemic effect on the entire male body and eliminate problems associated with potency even in cases where Viagra is powerless.

And finally, Viagra has a number of contraindications; its use is not recommended in combination with many medications and certain foods. Moreover, ignoring such requirements specified in the instructions for the drug often leads to the most unexpected side effects.

Today, one of the most effective means of increasing potency in men is Impaza; reviews from urologists about this drug are the most positive.

Thanks to the main active ingredient of the drug, which includes the composition of Impase - purified antibodies of endothelial NO synthesis - this drug has high pharmacological activity.

The positive effect of the drug Impaza on the male body and the complete safety of use are confirmed by numerous clinical studies, including studies by the Department of Urology and Human Reproductive Health of Rostov State Medical University.

It quickly and effectively restores erectile dysfunction, strengthens and ensures long-lasting erections and guarantees a full sex life. In addition, with regular use of the above-mentioned drug, the level of testosterone in the blood significantly increases in patients, and the amount of hormones is normalized.

Cardiologists about impaza

The great advantage of the homeopathic drug Impaza is the complete absence of any contraindications.

The only thing that should be taken into account is the fact that the tablets contain lactose, therefore, it is not recommended for men suffering from lactase deficiency, as well as those who have galactose metabolism disorders.

But patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases, as well as atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension have nothing to fear. Many cardiologists say that Impaza is one of the most effective and safest drugs that can have a beneficial effect on the problem of male libido. As a result of the studies, it was revealed that Impaza not only increases potency, but also, with regular use, reduces the frequency of angina attacks.

Today we will look at a monocomponent homeopathic remedy created by Russian specialists - Impaza. Reviews about it are very varied: from enthusiastic to negative, claiming that the tablets do not have the expected effect. But maybe the drug’s ability to enhance male potency also depends on whether it is taken correctly? Let's try to figure this out.

In what cases is the drug "Impaza" used?

Erectile dysfunction in men that is age-related or caused by some disease usually leads them to despair. Such a blow to male pride is very severe and often entails problems with the mental state of the patient. Impaza tablets, reviews of which we will review in this article, are one of those remedies that not only enhances male performance, but also helps fight other manifestations of menopausal syndrome in the stronger sex: weakness, fatigue, irritability, sleep disturbances and depression .

How long does drug treatment last?

But, having started a course of treatment, you should remember that it lasts at least three months. And if necessary, it is repeated after four months. By the way, during the course you can take one additional tablet before sexual intercourse (do not forget that on such days the next dose of medication is skipped so that the amount does not exceed two tablets per day).

How to take Impaza

Uncontrolled and not completed use of the described drug may not give the expected results (the drug has a pronounced cumulative effect). Therefore, be sure to consult with a specialist and carefully read the instructions for use of Impaza tablets. She emphasizes:

Features of the use of Impaza tablets: reviews of the drug

This product is of plant origin. It is produced in the form of tablets, which should not be swallowed, but dissolved until completely dissolved in the mouth. Under no circumstances take them during meals or immediately after them (at least half an hour must pass between meals and tablets)! Interestingly, this drug can be taken not only in courses, but also once, two hours before sexual intercourse, which also gives good results. True, this should happen only in the initial stage of erectile dysfunction.

The drug "Impaza" is a source of vigor

By the way, the described homeopathic medicine has the largest number of positive reviews among medicines with similar effects. Both experts and patients emphasize that the use of Impaza tablets helps to improve sexual life in the shortest possible time, and the general condition of the patient is characterized by a surge of strength, a feeling of vigor and high libido.

Impaza tablets: composition

The drug "Impaza", as mentioned earlier, is a monocomponent drug. It consists of a mixture including homeopathic dilutions of affinity purified antibodies to human endothelial NO synthetase and excipients in the form of lactose, microcrystalline cellulose and magnesium stearate. This drug helps restore the production of NO (nitric oxide), which is produced by the endothelium during sexual stimulation, and increase the content of cyclic guanosine monophosphate in smooth muscles. This chemical reaction leads to their relaxation, increased filling with blood of the cavernous bodies that make up the male sexual organ, and this, in turn, causes a fairly long and strong erection.

Are there any contraindications to the use of Impaza tablets?

Doctors and patients unanimously consider the drug “Impaza” to be an effective and affordable means of increasing potency. Contraindications to it and side effects as a result of taking it due to the herbal components included in this medication have not been identified to date. Moreover, experts recommend Impaza tablets even in cases where, for medical reasons, more potent drugs, such as Viagra, for example, cannot be used.


With excessive use of tablets, overdose symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea and vomiting are sometimes found. Manifestations of discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract and abdominal pain were also recorded. As a rule, all these symptoms are a reaction to the excipients present in this drug.

Is it possible to combine drinking alcohol with taking Impaza tablets?

The simultaneous use of the described tablets and alcoholic beverages does not pose a health hazard. However, this significantly reduces the effectiveness of the drug. Therefore, it is better for a patient undergoing treatment with Impaza to abstain from anything that contains alcohol.

Special instructions for those taking Impaza tablets

To all the above “advantages” of this drug, experts add that the effect of the completed course of treatment persists for another three years. But there are also negative reviews from patients claiming that this remedy is ineffective. However, it should be noted that they are usually left by men who have tried the drug at their own risk once or twice.

Impaza tablets require regular use

Of course, the effect in cases of occasional use may be minimal or completely absent, because Impaza tablets are not a temporary stimulant, which include many drugs aimed at increasing potency. This remedy requires long-term and regular use, only then its effect will be very noticeable. In addition, we should not forget that this is a homeopathic remedy (by the way, which has no absolute analogues) intended to eliminate mild (and not advanced) cases of erectile dysfunction. Dysfunction resulting from serious problems is a field for other drugs. True, it should be remembered that only a sexologist, and not a friend or relative, can judge the advisability of taking any of them.

So is it worth taking Impaza tablets?

A serious attitude towards the course of treatment with the drug, a clear understanding of the problem that caused erectile dysfunction, and compliance with all the doctor’s instructions for taking this drug should definitely help the patient being treated with Impaza tablets. The reviews available about them only confirm this. An important role in the popularization of this drug is played by its availability and the absence of contraindications, even for people with heart disease who cannot take drugs with a similar spectrum of action. Disciplined patients can be assured that self-esteem, general condition and the possibility of sexual relations in men who have undergone treatment with Impaza will return to normal, and life will continue to be a lot of pleasure. Be active and healthy!

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Composition of Impaza:

The drug Impaza is a homeopathic remedy and contains one active ingredient - antibodies to endothelial NO synthetase. It also contains several auxiliary components: lactose, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate.

The components of the drug, by their action, improve blood access to the genital organ, blood circulation in the pelvis, and increase testosterone levels. This remedy also has a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system. The effect of the drug is manifested in increased sexual desire, strengthened and prolonged erection, and the absence of premature ejaculation.

Indications for use of Impaza:

The drug Impaza is indicated for use in various sexual dysfunctions in men:

  • erectile disfunction;
  • weak erection;
  • premature ejaculation;
  • decreased libido.

The drug is also effective for other signs of unsatisfactory male health: increased weakness, decreased physical activity, fatigue. The drug has a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system. This remedy can also be used to normalize hormonal balance in men.

Methods of using Impaza:

The drug for improving potency Impaza has 2 methods of use: regular and occasional use.
For one-time use, to get the result, you need to take 2 tablets of the drug: 1 tablet 2 hours before the intended sexual intercourse, and another one 1 hour before sexual intercourse.

The course of treatment with this drug is 12 weeks. The tablets are not taken daily, but every other day, 1 tablet per day. If necessary, you can take an additional tablet at least an hour before sex. When taking the drug regularly, there is a cumulative effect that can last 6 months or more. A repeat course is possible no earlier than after 4 months.
The tablet must be dissolved.

Taking Impaza with alcohol:

The homeopathic drug Impaza is not recommended to be combined with alcohol. Despite the absence of direct contraindications, and the absence of adverse reactions from their combination, this is undesirable. Alcohol slows down the elimination of components from the body, which can negatively affect your overall health.

The action of the drug is aimed at improving blood flow by dilating blood vessels. Alcohol increases the load on blood vessels: it expands and then narrows them. The combination of alcoholic drinks and this potency drug can lead to a sharp increase in blood pressure and increased stress on the heart.

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Overdose of Impaza:

An overdose has the same symptoms as side effects and may be accompanied by headaches and chills.

Such symptoms indicate the need to stop using the drug and seek medical help. In some cases, gastric lavage may be necessary.

Contraindications for Impaza:

The use of the drug Impaza has a small number of contraindications for use.

Factors in the presence of which you should refuse to use the product include:

  • minority;
  • female;
  • galactosemia;
  • congenital lactase deficiency;
  • galactose or lactose malabsorption syndrome.
  • Taking the drug in the presence of such factors can lead to a negative reaction of the body. Before using the drug, you should consult your physician.

Side effects of Impaza:

When using the drug Impaza, side effects rarely occur. They can be caused by lactose intolerance and excessive use of the drug.

A negative reaction of the body can be manifested by the following symptoms:

  • disruption of the digestive tract;
  • drowsiness;
  • redness of the skin of the neck and face;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • flatulence and gases;
  • itching of the skin in the genital area;
  • drowsiness and general weakness.

These manifestations do not pose a health hazard and are short-lived. To prevent side effects, you must adhere to the recommended dosage (no more than 2 tablets per day) and eliminate problems associated with the absorption of lactose.

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The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Impaza refers to homeopathic medicines. It should be noted that during the existence of the USSR, homeopathy was actually banned, so a prejudiced attitude towards it often persists to this day, despite the fact that it is recognized throughout the world and the Russian Federation as an independent branch of practical medicine.

The fact is that the principles of homeopathic medicine are in many ways fundamentally different from the principles of official scientific or, as homeopaths call it, allopathic medicine.

Homeopathy is an informal medical practice, the main principle of which is the motto formulated 200 years ago: “Treat like with like.”

Thus, all homeopathic remedies are extreme dilutions of poisons, which in concentrated form produce symptoms similar to those of the disease they treat.

This principle has not yet received scientific confirmation. On the contrary, at the end of the nineteenth century, Avogadro’s law was discovered, according to which, at large dilutions, no molecules of the active substance remain in the solution. This discovery gave rise to new accusations of homeopathy being a complete failure.

In response, homeopaths put forward a theory about the ability of water molecules to “remember” the structure of a dissolved substance and exert an independent therapeutic effect. This hypothesis was perceived ambiguously by representatives of scientific allopathic medicine.

However, despite some weakness of the theoretical and evidence base, homeopathy has earned widespread recognition throughout the world, since it has really helped many people. Homeopathy courses are now taught in medical universities of the Russian Federation, so that modern Russian doctors study homeopathy and use its achievements in everyday medical practice.

To be fair, it should be noted that official medicine initially developed as a practical craft: the first drugs appeared much earlier than the theoretical principle of their effect on the body became clear. So, perhaps the day will come when the practical calculations of homeopathy will receive their scientific justification.

The positive aspect of homeopathic remedies, including the drug Impaza, is their relative harmlessness compared to drugs used in official medicine. Even ardent opponents of homeopathy, who accuse this branch of unofficial medicine of quackery, note the complete harmlessness of homeopathic medicines.

Another important feature of homeopathic remedies is their compatibility with almost all drugs of official medicine. It should be noted that homeopaths advocate a union of official and unofficial medicine, and advise patients to use homeopathic remedies in a single treatment complex with scientific medicine.

Just like other homeopathic remedies, Impaza is recommended for use in a single complex of other medical measures (treatment of potency problems with a psychologist and/or urologist, lifestyle correction, treatment of diseases that negatively affect potency, etc.) under supervision doctor

Composition and pharmacological form

The pharmacological form (release form) of the drug Impaza is white or grayish tablets of a standard cylindrical flattened shape. The inscription MATERIA MEDICA is stamped on one flat side of each tablet, and IMPAZA is stamped on the opposite divided scored side.

Each cardboard package of Impaza contains a blister of 20 tablets, which is accompanied by instructions for use.

The active ingredient of the drug is purified antibodies to endothelial NO synthase, which are introduced into the drug in active form in the form of a water-alcohol mixture.

In addition, each Impaz tablet contains excipients:

  • lactose;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • Magnesium stearate.

How does Impaza work?

Antibodies to endothelial NO synthase, administered in a small dose, in accordance with the basic principle of homeopathy, increase the activity of this enzyme. In this way, the normal production of nitric oxide NO is restored, which ultimately leads to increased blood supply to the corpora cavernosa of the penis during arousal, and ensures a strong and long-lasting erection.

Long-term use of the drug Impaza helps normalize libido and increases pleasure from sexual life in general.

In addition, regular course use of Impaza tablets eliminates hormonal imbalances, increasing the level of testosterone in the blood, in cases where the disorders were combined with a decrease in the production of male sex hormones.


The homeopathic drug Impaza belongs to a group of medicines used to eliminate potency problems in men. As an auxiliary treatment, the drug is indicated for the treatment of all types of erectile dysfunction.

In addition, the drug is recommended for the treatment of vegetative-vascular disorders associated with menopause in men, such as:
1. Increased fatigue.
2. Irritability.
3. Lability of blood pressure and heart rate.
4. Attacks of headaches and dizziness, etc.

Instructions for use of Impaza tablets

Homeopathic tablets Impaza can be taken for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes (in such cases, a course of treatment is recommended), and as a one-time symptomatic remedy (occasional use before sexual intercourse).

Keep the tablet in your mouth until completely dissolved. It is not recommended to take the tablets or combine them with food.

When taken as a course, the dose of the drug can range from one tablet every other day to two tablets per day (depending on the severity of symptoms of erectile or vegetative-vascular dysfunction). If you need to take one tablet per day, then take it at night. In the case of a double dose, the tablets are taken in the morning and evening.

The minimum duration of the treatment and prophylactic course is 12 weeks. If necessary, the course can be repeated after 3-4 months.

If the tablets are used occasionally, as a symptomatic remedy, then they should be taken 2 hours before the proposed sexual intercourse (it is best with an interval of one hour - that is, take one tablet two hours before the proposed sexual intercourse, and the next one an hour later).

During the course of treatment, additional symptomatic treatment is also possible. In this case, only one tablet is taken before sexual intercourse. The daily dose of the drug should not exceed two tablets (if the patient takes Impaza in the morning and evening, on the day of occasional use of the drug, one of the doses is skipped).


To date, no contraindications to the active substance of Impaza tablets have been identified.

However, the tablets contain lactose as an excipient, so the drug is contraindicated in patients suffering from congenital lactase deficiency or disorders of galactose metabolism (congenital galactosemia, galactose malabsorption syndrome).

Side effects

No side effects have been identified when taking Impaza tablets.

In case of accidental overdose, dyspeptic symptoms (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea) are possible as a reaction to the excipients of the drug.

If you decide to buy Impaza tablets: price in the Russian Federation, in Ukraine (Kharkov, Donetsk, Zaporozhye), in the Republic of Belarus (Minsk) and in Kazakhstan

Impaza tablets are a relatively inexpensive drug. The price of a package in Moscow pharmacies ranges from 304 to 470 rubles.

In Kyiv pharmacies, a package of homeopathic medicine Impaza can be bought for 77 hryvnia (the highest price is 115 hryvnia). The average price of the drug in other cities of Ukraine (Kharkov, Donetsk, Zaporozhye) is practically no different from the capital (about 90 hryvnia).

You can buy Impaza tablets in Belarus (in Minsk) at prices ranging from 92,950 to 109,400 Belarusian rubles.

In Kazakhstan (Astana), the price of the homeopathic drug Impaza is 1400 – 1640 tenge.


As a homeopathic remedy for increasing libido and improving erection, Impaza has no analogues. However, as the statistics of requests show, people often mention this medicine with other drugs designed to relieve patients from problems with erectile dysfunction.

Therefore, we decided to conduct a comparative characterization of the homeopathic remedy Impaza with the best-known drugs of other groups, such as dietary supplements and drugs recommended by official medicine.

The drug Sealex, as an analogue of Impaza: principle of action, price

The dietary supplement Sealex is an analogue of the drug Impaza, since it has a similar area of ​​application (functional disorders of libido and erection).

The main active ingredient of the drug Sealex is yohimba bark, which contains a set of alkaloids that promote blood flow to the pelvic organs and improve erection.

In addition, the drug contains biologically active substances of plant and animal origin that have a pronounced tonic and adaptogenic effect on the body, such as ginseng root, deer antlers powder, garlic, green tea, etc.

The principle of action of these components is to have a general strengthening effect and increase the tone of the central nervous system, which ultimately leads to improved erectile function.

Thus, when taken in a course, the drug Sealex helps to increase the body’s resistance to external and internal adverse influences, normalizes vegetative-vascular reactions, improves the general condition of the body, which provides a fairly long-lasting effect of increasing libido and potency.

Sealex is registered as a dietary supplement. Contrary to the established opinion that dietary supplements are completely harmless, many drugs from this group have a fairly long list of contraindications. Sealex is no exception.

Like all drugs with a pronounced general stimulating effect, Sealex is contraindicated in the following pathologies:

  • severe atherosclerosis;
  • arterial hypertension of any origin (hypertension, increased blood pressure due to hyperthyroidism, kidney disease, vegetative-vascular dystonia, etc.);
  • heart rhythm disturbances of both organic and functional origin;
  • tendency to tachycardia (increased heart rate);
  • tendency to migraines;
  • increased excitability of the nervous system, insomnia;
  • severe disturbances in the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
Since the drug contains garlic, patients suffering from chronic gastrointestinal diseases should take it with caution.

Unlike the homeopathic medicine Impaza, Sealex can cause a number of unpleasant side effects, such as headache, dizziness, increased sweating, dyspeptic symptoms (constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting), allergic reactions.

Sealex is taken with food in the morning (taking in the afternoon can cause insomnia).

The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks. The price of a package of Sealex, designed for 12 days of use, in Moscow pharmacies averages about 800-900 rubles.

If we consider Sealex as an analogue of the drug Impaza, then its advantage will be a systemic general strengthening effect on the body, and the disadvantage will be the presence of contraindications and frequent side effects.

Dietary supplement Viardot, as an analogue of the drug Impaza. Reviews of Viardot Fort

Dietary supplement Viardot is an antioxidant complex containing vitamin E, selenium and wheat germ. Manufacturers advertised the first releases of the drug as “anti-aging pills.” It should be noted that the original description more adequately characterizes this product.

Most likely, the manufacturers focused on improving libido and erection due to the presence of a sufficient amount of vitamin E in the preparation, which is called the “reproduction vitamin”.

However, vitamin E, like other antioxidants, does not directly affect the state of erectile function, but only creates conditions for normal reproduction of offspring (vitaminosis E in animals leads not only to infertility, but also to the birth of babies with developmental defects).

In addition, antioxidants normalize metabolism and improve the immune system. Increasing libido and potency, in fact, can appear as a pleasant side effect of the general effect of the drug.

Viardot's dietary supplement also contains zinc. A deficiency of this microelement leads to hormonal imbalances and decreased immunity. It is believed that with age, the body's ability to utilize zinc decreases somewhat.

Unfortunately, according to statistics, the physiological age of most people (especially men!) in developed countries is much ahead of the calendar age. This circumstance is associated with factors such as poor nutrition, unhealthy lifestyle, physical inactivity, stress, unfavorable environmental conditions, etc.

Therefore, Viardot’s dietary supplement can actually have a pronounced positive effect if it is taken in conjunction with other measures to improve and rejuvenate the body (normalizing the daily routine, giving up bad habits, losing excess weight, etc.).

Reviews of Viardot Fort on the Internet are often rude advertising: to believe that on the second day of taking the drug the patient feels unprecedented potency is, to say the least, naive.

Sildenafil (Viagra), tadalafil (Cialis) and vardenafil (Levitra), as analogues of Impaza tablets

Sildenafil (Viagra), tadalafil (Cialis) and vardenafil (Levitra) are official medicine drugs from the group of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors.

The principle of action of these drugs is that they, at the level of biochemical reactions occurring in the corpora cavernosa of the penis, contribute to its increased blood supply when sexual desire arises and, thus, increase the strength and duration of an erection.

These drugs demonstrate the most pronounced effect in people with vascular disorders. They are absolutely ineffective in reducing libido (contrary to legends, the drugs act only when sexual desire appears).

Unlike the homeopathic drug Impaza, all drugs in this group are typical symptomatic remedies that are taken only once, before the intended sexual intercourse.

The advantage of Viagra over other drugs in this group is its long clinical practice, which has brought worldwide recognition and fame. The effect of Viagra develops 25 minutes after administration and lasts about 5 hours.

Vardenafil (Levitra) is less dependent on fatty foods and alcohol. The advantage of taladafil (Cialis) is the duration of the effect (up to 36 hours after administration).

Viagra, Levitra and Cialis, unlike the homeopathic medicine Impaza, have a number of contraindications. They are not prescribed for pathologies such as:

  • anatomical deformation of the penis;
  • diseases occurring with a tendency to pressure).

    Unlike the homeopathic remedy Impaza, Viagra, Levitra and Cialis are quite strong drugs of official medicine. They interfere quite roughly with the functioning of the body, so they have a number of side effects.

    Side effects of Viagra:

    • 16% of patients using Viagra complain of headaches;
    • 10% – for flushes of blood to the face and head;
    • 7% – for dyspeptic symptoms;
    • 4% – for nasal congestion;
    • 3% – for various visual impairments (blurred field of vision, impaired color vision, increased sensitivity to light);
    • 2% – for dizziness.
    In addition, quite often (in 2-3% of cases) taking Viagra, Levitra and Cialis is complicated by the development of urinary tract infections and the appearance of pathological rashes.

    Impaza or Viagra? High price and not only...

    If we compare the drugs Impaza and Viagra, then the undeniable advantages of Viagra and similar drugs (Cialis, Levitra) are the powerful predictable effect proven by many clinical studies.

    However, these drugs have many disadvantages. As a rule, their list begins with price. Indeed, the cost of one Viagra tablet exceeds the cost of a whole package of Impaza, but this is far from the biggest drawback of drugs in this group.

    As symptomatic drugs, Viagra, Levitra and Cialis are used for a single dose and do not have a prolonged effect. Moreover, over time, the patient develops a psychological mood for taking the miracle pill, so that a kind of addiction is formed, which will be very difficult to give up in the future. Thus, drugs of this group can be recommended in cases where all other methods have not brought the desired result.

    Impaza has a therapeutic effect on the sexual sphere without forming psychological dependence on the drug - this is its undeniable advantage.

    In addition, the spectrum of use of Viagra and other drugs in this group is quite narrow, while Impaza has a systemic effect on the body, and helps not only in the case of vascular disorders, but also in cases of libido disorders, when Viagra and similar drugs are powerless.

    And finally, as fairly strong medications, Viagra, Levitra and Cialis have a number of contraindications that are incompatible or poorly compatible with many medications and food components (nitrates, erythromycin, alcohol, fats), and their use is often accompanied by unpleasant side effects. Therefore, Impaza can be recommended in cases where Viagra, Levitra and Cialis are contraindicated or poorly tolerated by the patient.

    Impaza instructions for use, price, reviews from doctors. The drug serves as a stimulus for the development of planned sexual contact and helps prolong the peak of sexual activity. Impaza increases intracavernosal pressure, since such an increase in pressure is the most likely explanation for the persistent erection of the male organ.

    Its effectiveness suggests that Impaza is a valuable means of supporting a man's penis if its hardness and straightness are not sufficient for sexual intercourse. Impaza is effective as a course of therapy, as well as for men with a single use.

    Erectile dysfunction is the most common sexual disorder in older men. Despite the availability of a number of popular drugs in pharmacies, there are still a significant number of men who, for one reason or another, do not benefit from them.

    Impaza tablets involve a course of treatment aimed at eliminating erectile dysfunction of various origins. The drug has a healing effect on endothelial function. As a result, when the penis is stimulated, the erection is restored and the sensations from sexual intercourse become more vivid.

    Impaza is indicated for men of an age when there is a decrease in potency. The drug has no contraindications for use, even if a man suffers from hypertension or angina. Agree, this is very attractive, especially if other means are not suitable for treating impotence with similar diagnoses.

    Pharmaceutical form and composition of Impaza

    Cardboard box with aluminum blister and PVC film. Contains 20 tablets and instructions for use. Each tablet contains:

    • polyclonal anti-NO synthase endothelial synthase;
    • Microcrystalline cellulose (to give shape);
    • polyclonal anti-NO synthase endothelial antibody,
    • Magnesium stearate (excipient);
    • polyclonal anti-NO synthase endothelial antibodies.
    • Excipient;
    • polyclonal anti-nitrogen synthase endothelial antibodies.
    • Lactose monohydrate (auxiliary component);

    Therapeutic indications for use of Impaza

    You should not expect an immediate beneficial effect on a man’s body. However, a homeopathically safe drug, step by step, will lead to maximum success, as the instructions for use convince us of. Doctors prescribe Impaza if:

    • The male “menopause” is approaching, accompanied by increased fatigue and loss of strength.
    • Signs of decreased desire and potency were found;
    • For male impotence

    The timing and course of treatment with Impaz is determined by the urologist. The decision is made on the basis of tests and a thorough examination of the patient’s hormonal tests.

    In a word, Impaza is prescribed for signs of fading erection from mild to moderate form in cases of a psychogenic nature. when the so-called Pathogenesis is revealed. As a result of taking Impaz, the activity of endothelial nitric oxide synthase actively increases.

    The release of nitric oxide from endothelial cells in response to sexual stimulation is restored. The concentration of cyclic guanosine monophosphate in smooth muscles increases. Having thus achieved a relaxing result, it is easier to irrigate the cavernous bodies with blood. In simple words, the described effect provides a powerful and prolonged erection.

    To summarize, the instructions for use state that:

    • Impaza relaxes the smooth muscles of the genital organ;
    • Improves blood filling of the cavernous bodies;
    • Restores and strengthens erection;
    • By taking a 12-week course, you can increase testosterone production and improve its quality.

    Contraindications Impaza

    A study of the drug did not reveal any serious side effects. However, long-term use of Impaz can lead to indigestion. General contraindications apply to persons with hypersensitivity to the components of the formula.

    Patients with a hereditary problem of galactose intolerance, deficiency or poor absorption of glucose-galactose, as well as girls under 18 years of age should take the drug with caution.

    General precautions specified in the instructions for use:

    Impaza contains lactose, so it is better to limit its use to patients who have developed hereditary fermentopathy syndrome from birth, characterized by disruption of the normal process of carbohydrate metabolism, namely galactose metabolism.

    The instructions for use contain a clause in which Impaza is prohibited for women when there is a developing embryo or fetus in her reproductive organs. Precautions should be taken and the use of Impaz should be completely limited during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    Secondary and adverse reactions

    The use of the drug for the indicated indications and the indicated dosage did not report any side effects. In rare cases, allergic reactions are possible.

    Interactions with other types of drugs

    Impaza can be used by patients suffering from coronary artery disease (angina) and who are taking nitrates. Impaza ® can be combined with beta-adrenergic agents, diuretics, ACE inhibitors, calcium channel blockers.

    The advantages of treatment with impaza include its effectiveness and the ability to combine it with the treatment of concomitant conditions, including coronary artery disease, hypertension, etc. There is an almost complete absence of adverse reactions or adverse systemic effects.

    In very rare cases, individual hypersensitivity reactions are observed. An allergy can occur upon contact with any ingredient of the drug.

    Dosage and method of administration

    Orally. Place the tablet in your mouth and dissolve slowly. There is no need to chew or swallow the tablet whole. The drug is not associated with food consumption, so Impaz should be taken between meals.


    • For one-time use. An effective medicinal potency stimulant. Impaza dissolves before sexual contact. About a couple of hours before the meeting, the first tablet is dissolved, the second is taken an hour before sexual intercourse.
    • Course application of Impaz: To stabilize sexual potency (the ability to maintain an erection during sexual intercourse), it is recommended to use Impaz for 12 weeks. It is preferable to take the drug in the afternoon, towards evening. Light dose – 1 tablet every 2 days. If the situation is more complicated, the doctor prescribes daily medication. The recommendation for a treatment and prophylactic course sounds like a 4-month intake. If further treatment is necessary, repeat the procedure after 3-6 months.

    Manifestations and management of overdose or accidental use: In case of overdose, dyspeptic symptoms are possible due to the presence of excipients that are part of the Impaza formula.

    Impaza does not have an addictive effect, even if you have completed several full courses of treatment. The instructions for use mention a positive result, which after a course of therapy persists for six months.

    Impaza provides an erection of sufficient strength and duration. The main peripheral mechanism of action of impase is confirmed by experimental data: it involves an increase in the enzymatic activity of endothelial NO synthase, a key enzyme that maintains penile erection.

    Do not ignore the instructions for use; choose a closed, dry and dark place for storage. After opening, use for its intended purpose no longer than the expiration date marked by the manufacturer on the packaging.

    Protection rules: Store in a child-proof case. Do not consume after expiration date. Do not use if product shows signs of impairment. Keep the box tightly closed.

    Why do you need Impaza?

    The instructions for use contain a clear description of the action of the drug. The manufacturer guarantees that as a result of taking it there will be an increase in blood supply to the penis. As a result, the strength and duration of the erection increases.

    There is a caveat that this requires sexual stimulation, so there is no need to worry about an uncontrollable “standing position.” In addition, the satisfaction from sexual intercourse becomes more vivid and unforgettable. Impaza (sexual desire) and satisfaction with sexual life.

    The higher effectiveness of long-term courses of impase therapy certainly proves its therapeutic effect. Impaza therapy not only affects erection mechanisms and improves male sexual function, but also effectively prevents the development of erectile dysfunction in men with underlying conditions and age-related hormonal deficiencies.

    Courses of treatment with impaza in men with metabolic syndrome and traumatic injury to the urethra reduce the frequency and severity of erectile dysfunction.

    The instructions for use state that Impaza is almost the only remedy that is used to correct male climacteric syndrome (andropause), manifested as hot flashes, weakness, fatigue, low mobility and decreased sexual activity.

    Buyer Questions

    Administration of impase in patients with somatic diseases based on endothelial dysfunction leads to normalization of the level of NO production and prevents the development of erectile dysfunction.

    In addition, treatment with impase is associated with increased libido and a tendency to increase testosterone levels (in patients with lower testosterone levels to begin with).

    What is the best way to treat with Impaza?
    The drug Impaza helps better if a three-month course is prescribed. It is dissolved in tablets in the morning and evening; there is no need to drink it. If the results are not satisfactory, you can repeat the full cycle in a couple of months.
    - At what price is the Impaza sold?
    In the pharmacy chain, the retail price for a package of Impaz was formed in the range of 250 rubles. up to 350 rubles
    - Do I need a prescription to buy Impaz?
    The approved list of over-the-counter dispensing allows the dispensing of Impaza tablets without a prescription from a medical institution.

    In patients with severe symptoms of erectile dysfunction, the optimal effect is achieved when taken twice a day in the morning and before bed. If there is still a need for re-therapy, it can be repeated after 6 months.

    Administration of impaza in a dose of 1 table. per day for 12 weeks ensures restoration of erectile function; this effect is long lasting. The tablet should remain in the mouth. Saliva should completely dissolve it. Should not be taken with food.

    No side effects or overdoses have been reported in patients receiving long-term courses of treatment with impaza, which is why it is listed as an over-the-counter drug.

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