Barack Obama's wife's name. Future director and style icon Malia Obama: what do we know about Barack Obama's eldest daughter. Marian Shields Robinson, mother-in-law

On August 4, Barack Obama turns 52 years old. Becoming the first African-American president of the United States, he made a real revolution in the social structure of the country. Such a colossal rise in his career would have been impossible if there were not representatives of the fair sex next to him who support and love him all these years. Meet the main women in Barack Obama's life.

Michelle Obama, wife

On October 3, 2012, Barack and Michelle Obama celebrated their 20th anniversary of marriage, in honor of which the president wrote on Twitter:

“Twenty years ago today I married the love of my life and best friend. Happy anniversary to you, Michelle. BO". Michelle is indeed not only Obama's beloved woman all her life, but also a friend and ally.

The image of a strong, educated and at the same time family and feminine life partner added a lot of points to Barack during the election campaign.

“Do you want to know how President Obama prepared for the election debates? — Michelle once asked the audience on one of the TV shows. “He fought me!”

In an interview with the American television channel ABC, Michelle said: “After the wedding, Barack did not promise me mountains of gold, but he gave his word that he would provide me with an interesting life. And he kept it."

Michelle actively advocates for a healthy lifestyle. For example, in the garden of the presidential residence, the first lady planted a vegetable garden where she grows organic vegetables. She has been called more than once a style icon, an example of a devoted wife and caring mother. In 2010, Forbes magazine ranked Michelle number one on its list of the world's most powerful women. Ideal woman.

Malia Ann, daughter

Malia Ann was born on July 4, 1998, the first child of the Obamas. She was 10 years old when her dad became President of the United States. When Barack picked up Anne from the hospital (she was named after Barack's early deceased mother, Stanley Anne Dunham), he stopped the car and vowed that he would become the best dad in the world.

Despite her innate modesty and dislike of publicity, Malia actively participates in her father’s life, regularly accompanies him on trips abroad, and appears at official events with other family members. For example, Malia attended both papal inaugurations in 2009 and 2013. Recently, a schoolgirl and her family visited West Africa.

At the insistence of her father, since childhood, Malia attended clubs (including theater), played football, dancing, piano and tennis.

Malia is a big fan of the works of artists Beyoncé and Justin Bieber, whom she had the opportunity to meet personally.

Natasha ("Sasha"), youngest daughter

Natasha was born on June 10, 2001, while her father was serving as a senator from the state of Illinois. During this period, the Obama couple was experiencing a crisis - many mutual claims and omissions had accumulated between the spouses. But there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped.

3-month-old Sasha was hospitalized with the meningitis virus and was on the verge of death. Barack and Michelle immediately forgot their quarrels and mutual claims. Trouble brought the family together.

Sasha, along with her older sister Malia, always accompanies her parents on trips. When Obama came to Russia with his wife and daughters in 2009, in a conversation with reporters, he said that he named his youngest daughter in honor of the wife of the Russian poet Alexander Pushkin, Natalya Goncharova. And in the home circle the girl’s name is Sasha - in honor of the poet himself.

Stanley Ann Dunham, mother

Barack's mother was an anthropologist and spent her entire life engaged in scientific activities at the University of Hawaii. It was there that she met African student Barack Obama Sr. in Russian language classes and married him on February 2, 1961. Three years later, a divorce followed, after which Barack Obama Jr. grew up without a father. Stanley remarried, but her stepfather did not spend much time with her stepson.

Ann lived in two countries - in the USA in Hawaii, and in Jakarta - the homeland of her second Indonesian husband. During his mother's absence, Barack was looked after by his grandmother Madeleine in Hawaii. In his memoirs, Barak recalls that he was always very happy when his mother came from Jakarta with gifts and sweets. For some time, Barack still lived with his mother in Indonesia.

In 1994, Anne was diagnosed with uterine cancer, which caused Dunham's death on November 7, 1995.

Obama later admitted that he very much regretted that, due to his busy work, he could not be with his mother in the days when she was fading away. Obama scattered his mother's ashes over the waters of the Pacific Ocean.

Madeleine Dunham, maternal grandmother

Madeleine Dunham, who worked as a manager at the Hawaiian Bank until her retirement, was one of Barack's closest people. When Madeleine died of cancer at the age of 86 on November 2, 2008, Barack said:

“Madeleine was the foundation of our family and a woman of incredible virtue, strength and humility.”

The grandmother doted on her grandson and followed his election campaign with interest until the last days of his life. However, the woman who put so much effort into raising her grandson was never destined to see him as president. Madeleine died just a few months before Barack took over the top job.

Barack scattered his grandmother’s ashes, like his mother’s ashes, over the waters of the Pacific Ocean a few days after taking office as president.

Marian Shields Robinson, mother-in-law

The president's 75-year-old mother-in-law, Marian Robinson, has always been a person Barack can rely on. During the period when Barack and Michelle were actively involved in their careers, the grandmother was always able to look after Malia and Natasha.

Marian also takes an active part in all family holidays and trips.

For example, not long ago, Marian went to West Africa with Barack, Michelle and two granddaughters. “The first mother-in-law of the USA” loves to cook for her family and pleases her relatives with excellent pies and turkey.

Sarah Obama, Barack's paternal grandmother

Sarah Obama is the second wife of Barack Obama's paternal grandfather, who lives in Barack Obama Sr.'s homeland of Kenya. Despite the fact that she is not a blood relative of the US President, he treats her warmly. In his memoirs, the president affectionately calls Sarah “Grandma.” Barack visited relatives in Kenya three times.

Before the last elections, Sarah wished her grandson success in every possible way. In an interview with American television channel CNN in 2012, she said:

“I wish Barack victory in the elections. He’s probably very busy in America, I’m waiting for him to visit me again.”

Sarah professes Islam. In 2011, my grandmother even made a pilgrimage to Mecca and prayed for Barak to become a Muslim as soon as possible (Barak himself always considered himself a Christian).

Beyonce, singer

31-year-old Beyoncé is called by many as a “court singer” because she periodically performs during state ceremonial events.

When Barack Obama became head of state in January 2009, Beyoncé performed the song “At Last” by iconic singer Etta James during the Obamas’ “first dance.”

According to American tradition, the president-elect dances the “first dance” with his wife. During the dance, First Lady Michelle wore a long white dress, and Barack wore a formal dark suit. During the performance of the song, Beyoncé became so emotional that she shed tears. In 2012, Beyoncé again sang for Obama during his inauguration, performing the US anthem.

Beyoncé not only sings for the president, but along with her husband Jay Z, she is also close friends with the Obama family.

First date. Barack Obama met his soulmate in 1989. The future president of the United States had just finished his first year at Harvard and got a summer internship at one of the law firms in Chicago - Sidley Austin. There, an experienced employee, Michelle Robinson, took him under her patronage. Barack fell in love with her at first sight. “Michelle had a bright and inviting smile,” he later recalled. However, the ambitious daughter of a plumber quickly stopped all his advances, assuring him that she “has no time for novels.” Michelle's coldness only inflamed the young trainee. He bombarded her with love letters, flowers and phone calls until she finally agreed to meet him. The first date lasted the whole day. “He completely captivated me,” the first lady of the United States admitted years later.

Wedding. Michelle hesitated for a long time to introduce her future husband to her family. The fact is that Barack's grandparents on his mother's side were... white, and Michelle grew up in a family that was proud of its black skin color. However, Obama managed to charm his beloved's parents - on October 3, 1992, at the Trinity United Church in Chicago, Barack and Michelle became husband and wife. In 1996, Barack Obama became a senator in his home state of Illinois. Politics began to take a central place in his life, and he had practically no time left for Michelle...

Birth of the eldest daughter. The future first lady of the United States was angry with her husband for the hours of solitude that she, a graduate of Princeton University and Harvard Law School, was forced to spend waiting for him. She called work in the Senate “a waste of time” and complained that he could have earned “real money” long ago by becoming a partner in one of the law firms. “We are as poor as church mice,” Michelle complained and called herself “the most unfortunate and lonely mouse in the world.” On top of that, the couple, much to Michelle’s chagrin, could not have children for 4 years. And who knows whether we would be talking about the Obama presidential family now if Michelle had not discovered in November 1997 that she was pregnant...

Family crisis. Alas, the birth of their eldest daughter Malia (July 4, 1998) did not bring the couple together. Moreover, they separated us even further from each other. “It wasn’t easy,” Michelle later admits. “We had a strong, but far from ideal family.” Every day she became convinced that she had married a “worthless husband.” Everything about Barack irritated the future first lady: his habit of throwing socks and underwear around the house, leaving wet towels on the bathroom floor, smoking like a steam locomotive, staying up until 2 a.m. at work and snoring. Michelle complained that he didn’t help her around the house at all and “never even cleaned up his plate.” According to the couple’s friends, what irritated her most was that she, an equally educated and intelligent woman, had to “clean up after her husband.” “Why are you pestering me with all sorts of nonsense,” the future 44th President of the United States waved it off, “when I’m trying to change the world!”

Divorce is inevitable. However, the usually tactful and reserved Barack also had many complaints against his wife. He considered her endless complaints “unfair” and “short-sighted.” “She’s killing me with her constant criticism,” he complained to friends and assured that he did any housework that his wife entrusted to him without question. And he added: “The birth of a child was not the most important event in my life... but it brought a lot of stress and tension.” “You only think about yourself,” Michelle Obama continued to reproach him. “I never thought that I would carry my family on myself. I didn’t sign up for this.”

Birth of the youngest daughter. By 2000, Michelle was tired of the reproaches. After eight years of marriage, she was sure that divorce was inevitable. The family was saved by the second daughter Natasha (in the family they call her Sasha), or rather by her unexpected illness. In September 2001, a 3-month-old girl was urgently hospitalized with meningitis. The parents spent an endless 72 hours in the hospital, taking turns replacing each other at their daughter’s crib. “My world shrank to the size of a dot,” Barack later admits. “Nothing interested me outside the hospital room: neither work, nor plans, nor the future.” For Michelle, these hours became a “nightmare.” “Anyone who has children will understand how desperate we were, and how much this grief brought us closer together,” she would say years later.

Together, no matter what. In 2006, Barack Obama decided to run for the presidency. “Michelle is my main adviser and assistant,” says the 44th President of the United States today. “I don’t make any important decisions without consulting her.” Ironically, it was the position of president, rather than partner in a law firm, that gave Barack more free time to spend with his family. “We try to have a romantic dinner every Friday or Saturday,” Michelle Obama tells People. “And we spend the weekends with our girls.” From the outside it seems that they are a model American family. But only Michelle and Barack know that behind the loving glances, smiles and hugs there are many years of difficult and painstaking work of a “strong, but imperfect family.”

Love in front of the whole world. From the outside, Barack and Michelle Obama seem to be the epitome of the ideal American family. “I would not be here today,” the newly elected president said on a memorable night in November 2008, “if I had not had the support of my faithful friend, homemaker, and love of my life, First Lady Michelle Obama.” And when Barack, having finished his touching speech, hugged his wife and whispered: “I love you,” even the “steel lady” Oprah Winfrey had tears in her eyes. Relations between the presidential couple were not always ideal. According to journalist and writer Christopher Anderson, whose book “Barack and Michelle: A Portrait of an American Family” was recently published, eight years ago the Obamas were on the verge of... divorce.

Barack Obama, whose biography is closely connected with politics, is the first black president in US history. Having broken a huge number of different conventions, this man became a real legend during his lifetime.

An outstanding politician has a cool mind and a warm heart. He is the forty-fourth President of the United States. Barack Obama became a senator in 2009. Before his election as president, he served as a senator from the US state of Illinois. Barack Obama went through a difficult path of development in his life. A short biography of an outstanding politician will be of interest to many readers.


A well-known contemporary politician was born in 1961 in Honolulu. This sunny and warm city is the only metropolis on the Hawaiian Islands. Barack Obama's birthday is August 4th.

The meeting of the boy's parents took place at the University of Hawaii. Barack's father, Barack Hussein Obama Sr., was a black Kenyan who came to the United States to receive higher education at the University of Hawaii. The current president's mother is Stanley Any Dunham. This white American woman studied anthropology at the same institution.

When his son was still an infant, Obama Sr. went to Harvard to continue his studies. Due to financial difficulties, his family did not accompany him. For some time, Barack's parents maintained a relationship. However, when his son reached the age of two, Obama Sr. left the United States alone. He moved to live in Kenya, where he was offered a position as an economist in the government apparatus. He filed for divorce from his wife.

New family

Barack Obama spent almost his entire life without a father. His only support was his mother. When her son was six years old, Anie Dunham remarried. A foreign student again became her new chosen one. The birthplace of her second husband, Lolo Sutoro, was Indonesia. Soon Barack's half-sister, Maya, was born. After some time, the whole family went to their stepfather’s homeland - Indonesia. There the future president of America spent his childhood odes.

Elementary education

While in Jakarta, where the family lived, the boy attended secondary school. He studied there until the fourth grade. Obama Jr. then returned to Hawaii. There he is to his mother. In the Hawaiian Islands, the future president continued his education at a private school. It was the prestigious Panejou establishment. is still proud of its graduates, including famous actors and athletes. Not least on this list is Barack Obama.
While studying at school, the boy was fond of basketball. The team he was on won the state championship in 1979.

Many years later, childhood memories were reflected in a book written by Barack Obama. A brief biography and the main stages of the development of the current president were outlined in a work entitled “Dreams of My Father.”

Higher education

After graduating from school in 1979, the future president moved from Hawaii to Los Angeles. Here he continued his education, entering Western College. However, his studies were short-lived. Obama soon swapped Los Angeles for New York. In the largest metropolis in the United States, the future politician decided to continue his education at Columbia University.

It was here that the career of an outstanding politician, who is now Barack Obama, began. His biography as a public figure, who later became president, dates back to his period of work in an international business corporation. Here he received the position of editor in the department dealing with financial information.

Carier start

After receiving a diploma from Columbia University and a bachelor's degree, Barack moved to Chicago. In this metropolis, he served as a community organizer in the most disadvantaged areas. It was at this job that Barak realized the need for changes in politics and legislation, which, in his opinion, should improve the lives of ordinary people.

Obtaining a legal education

In 1988, the future politician decided to continue his studies. He attended the School of Law. As a student, Obama worked as an editor for the university newspaper. He was the first African American to be entrusted with this post. In 1990, the New York Times newspaper mentioned him. She spoke in her news about the first black president at the Harvard Lawyers Club. This was the first time an African American had held this position in the one hundred and four years of the Club's existence.

Further career

After graduation, the future politician returned to Chicago. Here Barack Obama, whose biography continued in the legal field, defended victims of discrimination in court. In addition, the future president taught classes at the University of Chicago Law School and worked at the headquarters of the Democratic Party.

He took up voting rights issues and worked with a small law firm.

Barack Obama is best known as a man who fought against racial discrimination, as a liberal, and as a supporter of a system that would provide universal health insurance.

Senator position

Already in the early 90s, the future president was a member of the Democratic Party. In 1996, Barack Obama became a senator in Illinois. His biography as a major political figure began with the unification of the work of the Republican and Democratic parties, which were in constant confrontation. How many years was Barack Obama destined to remain in this position? The future president served as a senator for eight years. This was the period from 1997 to 2004. It was during these years that Obama advocated the withdrawal of troops from Iraq and was opposed to the creation of a North American zone in which it was planned to allow free trade. One of the main directions in the politician’s political doctrine is support for low-income families.

US Senate seat

In 2004, Barack Obama's political career received further development. He began running for a seat in the US Senate from Illinois. His chances of success increased significantly after his Republican opponent, Jack Ryan, withdrew his candidacy due to scandalous allegations made after his

On July 29, 2004, while participating in the election race, the outstanding politician gave a speech in which he addressed the National Convention of the Democratic Party. Barack Obama's speech was broadcast on television. It was this speech that brought the future president wide popularity in the country. In his address, Obama called the entire nation to the origins of American society. He expressed hope for giving the United States the status of a country of great opportunities, which he illustrated using examples from the life of his father and his own biography.

The performance played an important role. The victory in the Senate elections was won by a significant margin. Obama beat Republican Alan Keyes. He began his duties in the Senate in January 2005. It is worth saying that in US history, Barack Obama became the fifth black senator. The future president was included in several committees that dealt with environmental issues, public works, veterans' affairs and international relations.

As before, Obama involved Republicans in resolving a number of issues. Together with them, he worked on legislation to make government activities more transparent. During this period, the future US president visited Russia for the first time. The purpose of his trip was to discuss issues of non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Obama's vote in the Senate was generally consistent with the liberal Democratic Party's position. During this period, the politician paid great attention to the development of alternative energy sources.

Presidential elections

How many years did it take Barack Obama to become one of Washington's most prominent political figures? Already by the fall of 2006, observers highly assessed his chances of winning in the By the beginning of 2007, Obama was already second on the list of favorites of the Democratic Party after Hillary Clinton. In January he created an evaluation committee. This became the initial stage of participation in the presidential elections. In February 2007, fifteen percent of Democrats were ready to vote for Barack Obama, and forty-three percent were ready to vote for Hillary Clinton. In early June of that year, the gap had narrowed significantly. Clinton was able to collect only three percent more votes.

Future President Barack Obama emphasized political and economic issues in his election speeches. He, as before, promoted the idea of ​​withdrawing troops from Iraq. Obama's speeches also contained various proposals that were supposed to support the existence of the least affluent sections of the American population.
These ideas of the presidential candidate soon received a response from the people of the country.

A special fund was created for the election campaign, which received fifty-eight million dollars. Moreover, almost a third of this amount came from donations from ordinary Americans. Such support from ordinary people allowed Obama to completely abandon budget funding for his participation in the company. The result of the US presidential elections was the victory of an outstanding black politician.

High post

On January 20, 2007, a liberal, democrat and the first African-American president in US history occupied the Oval Hall in the White House. Barack Obama's age at that time was forty-five years old.

As president, the outstanding figure carried out a number of global reforms that affected the economic and political sphere of life in the United States. It was with his participation that the Senate adopted an anti-crisis bill. The main provisions of this document contained a number of measures to support the country's economy. In addition, a decision was made to withdraw American troops from Iraq. Obama carried out health care reform and adopted a whole series of important laws.

New election

Barack Obama's first term as president ended in 2011. Before it ended, he announced his decision to take part in a new campaign for a place in the White House.
Americans elected Obama for a second term. At the same time, he was head and shoulders above his competitors.

The majority of the population of all states of the country voted for the first black president of America. In his campaign speeches, Obama expressed regret about the economic situation that has developed in the United States. However, he assured his constituents that the bulk of the work had not yet been done.

The poor economic situation in the country was the main trump card of his rival, Romney. He urged voters to vote for real change. Observers believed the candidates' results would be close, and lawyers on both sides were already preparing for legal proceedings. However, this did not happen. determined Obama's victory. It was its population that gave the number of votes necessary for Barack to win. The election results were also recognized by Romney supporters, which is important.

Personal life

The current president of America is married. Barack Obama's wife is practicing lawyer Michelle Obama (before her marriage - Robinson). Their marriage took place in 1992. In America, the family of Michelle and Barack is considered exemplary. The impeccability of the wife plays a positive role in the reputation of the head of state.

Michelle is an exceptional woman. She fully supports her husband and has a subtle sense of style. Michelle helps her husband in every possible way and walks through life next to him. She became Obama's top adviser. Barack himself does not hide this. He openly says that he certainly discusses most important political matters with his wife. Michelle is involved in her husband's image and is directly involved in writing his political speeches. In 2010, according to Forbes magazine, she was recognized as the most influential woman on our planet.

The Obama family has two daughters. The eldest, Malia Ann, was born in 1998. Three years later she had a younger sister, Natasha.

Social media users delightedly reposted pictures of a smiling Obama on a boat and created memes joking about his newfound freedom. Journalists even accompanied the politician on the beach, and the family greeted film crews and paparazzi without irritation.

« When no one at work appreciates you, you quit and everything goes to hell.».

The couple celebrated Valentine's Day. "Happy Valentine's Day to the love of my life and best companion on the island," Michelle wrote in Twitter.

However, the holiday did not end there. Returning to New York, as part of a cultural program, the couple went to a Broadway production and had dinner in the company of U2 frontman Bono.

Barack also stayed at the Mirage Ranch in California, where the home of the former American Ambassador to Spain James Costos and his husband, an interior designer, is located. It was he who decorated the White House since 2008.

In early March, the couple met with an American billionaire in Nebraska, after which they flew to Hawaii and Tetiaroa (an island in French Polynesia). By the way, Tetiaroa - a paradise and very prestigious place - was also recently chosen by Pippa, the younger sister of the Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton, for her honeymoon.

Hold position

Even after relinquishing her duties as First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama continues to be active in the fight for the rights and health of the country's citizens. She spoke at a meeting of the non-profit organization The Partnership For A Healthier America in Washington, where she allowed herself to rebuke Trump. Michelle was outraged that the president suspended a project she had launched before the change of power in the White House: it was supposed to change the menu in the country's schools, making children's meals healthier.

“You need to stop and think. Why don't you want to provide our children with better nutrition in schools? What’s wrong with you and why don’t you talk about it openly?” - she asked, turning to the president.

The family also oversees the Obama Foundation, created in January 2014. Plans to build a library and museum in Chicago. They see their mission as maintaining democratic foundations in American society, peace and prosperity of citizens.

On May 19, the former president arrived in Italy with his wife on a private jet. The couple stayed at Villa Borgo Finocchieto in Siena.

Also in #Italy, #MichelleObama is serving all kinds of off the shoulder, oversized #Sunglasses #Chic! #Swipe ➡ #LadyO #Flotus #Obama

While traveling around the country, the couple felt completely relaxed, played sports and visited the main attractions of the area. Obama played golf, rode a bicycle and patiently photographed his wife against the backdrop of picturesque scenery.

Girls who grew up in the White House

Obama's daughters, 18-year-old Malia and 15-year-old Sasha, are also taking a break from the constant spotlight.

Although, according to Michelle Obama, the girls left the White House with tears in their eyes. On the eve of departure, we had a party with friends, inviting them for pizza. These walls became family for the sisters - after all, they spent most of their adult lives there. However, both young Americans found activities to their liking. And they didn’t even have time left to relax with their parents.

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