Individual lesson on sound automation l. Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson on sound automation


  • Correctional and educational: developing a critical attitude towards one’s speech; developing the ability to keep the tongue calm; performing correct articulation of sound; consolidation of the skill of pronunciation of the sound “l” in syllables and words.
  • Correctional and developmental: development of fine motor skills, visual and auditory attention, skills of sound-letter analysis and word synthesis; development of phonemic hearing; development of mobility and flexibility of the tip of the tongue, the ability to control it; development of perception and orientation in space, development of the concept of “right” and “left”.
  • Correctional and educational: instilling interest in classes, the ability to control oneself, instilling neatness and discipline.

Speech material: syllables and words with sound [l], forward and backward syllables with sound [l], riddles, speech warm-ups, names of objects, animals, vegetables, etc.

Equipment: articulatory sound profile [l]; object pictures, “Luntik and his friends”, a box of lentils, syllable rows, manuals for automating the sound “l”, computer, workbook, fountain pen, colored pencils three colors(blue, red, green).

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizing time.

1. Setting the topic and purpose of the lesson.[slide 1](see presentation)

– Today you and I will continue to learn how to beautifully and correctly pronounce the sound [l] in syllables and words. A mysterious animal that cannot read or write came to visit us. The letters in his name are mixed up, he doesn’t know how to put them together correctly. He will sit quietly and watch your work. If you complete all the tasks, then we will find out the name of our guest, and we will be able to see him on the computer screen. Shall we help him?

II. Main stage.

– Let’s sit upright, keep our backs straight, hands on our knees.

1. Articulation gymnastics.

– First, let’s set the tongue to work.

“Proboscis Frog”, “Spatula”, “Let’s punish the naughty tongue”, “ Delicious jam", "Swing", "Steamboat", "Turkey", "Painter", "Cleaning the upper teeth", "Catch the sound [l]".

Game "Football", "Storm in a glass". Exercise “Aw!”

“I inhaled air through my nose, filled my lungs with air, and now I exhale and shout: “Awww!” long, long. But the guest doesn’t hear us. What voice will we call him with? (Loud). Let's call him - inhale through your nose, exhale long and loudly: “A-oo-oo-oo!”

3. Development of fine motor skills of the fingers.[slide 2 ]

– Konstantin, our guest arrived from an amazing planet, the name of which begins with a sound that we are learning to pronounce correctly. (This planet is the Moon.)

- That's right, you need to make a letter out of lentils that represents this sound.

– You have completed the first task, I open the first letter in the hero’s name (letter – L).

3. Acoustic-articulatory characteristics of sound. [slide3]

The position of the lips, teeth, tongue, the work of the vocal cords, and the air stream are considered.

– Remember and show how the organs of articulation work when pronouncing the sound [l] correctly. What do the lips do when we pronounce the sound [l]? Where is the tongue? (The lips are stretched in a smile, the teeth are visible, the tongue rests on the upper teeth, the edges of the tongue are lowered and allow the escaping air stream to pass through.)

4. Pronunciation of sound in isolated form.

5. Acoustic characteristics of sound.

– Konstantin, the sound [l] is pronounced with a barrier. What is he like? (Sound [l] consonant.)

- Let's connect it with the vowels of the 1st row. (LA, LO, LU, LY, LE.) How will it sound? (Firmly.)

- Why? (Vowels of the 1st row give the hardness of the consonant sound.)

– Please determine what color chip represents this sound? (Blue.)

– I open the next letter of the hero’s name (letter U).

6. Development of phonemic awareness.

Game “Catch the word with the sound “l”.

Clap your hands if you hear a word with the sound [l].

Boat, hand, carpet, table, skis, moon, pyramid, elbow, bow, cap, roof, globe, faucet, shark, soap.

– I open the next letter of the hero’s name (letter N).

7. Dynamic pause.

8. Sound automation[l] in syllables and words. [slide4]

Sound training using analogues of words. Repetition of syllables, emphasizing stress with voice and clapping.

LA la laLA la

lo lo lo lo lo

LU lu lu lu lu LU


Game "Find the letter"

- Let's find the letters L among these letters and name them, and then we will circle the legs of all the letters L so that they can travel with us.

– I open the letter of the name (letter T).

La-la - paws la-la - lamp

Lo-lo - horse lo-lo - spoon

Lu-lu - bow lu-lu - magnifying glass

Ly-ly - skis ly-ly - pitchfork

Game "Fix the garland"

- New Years is soon. The letter L decided to decorate the Christmas tree for New Year. What's a Christmas tree without a garland? But several bulbs in the garland burned out. Let's help L find them. On burnt out light bulbs L at the end of a syllable. And on working light bulbs L... (at the beginning of the syllable). Read all the syllables.

Children choose working multi-colored light bulbs and decorate the Christmas tree with them..

- Where else besides the Christmas tree can you hang garlands?

10. Working on the concepts of “right”, “left”, “under”, “above”, “between”.

- With your right hand, take hold of left ear; show your right eye with your left hand;

- With your left hand, grab the back of your head, right hand touch your right knee.

Game "Riddles of the sound L". [slide 5]

- There is a shelf L in the room. First, name what is on the top shelf, then - on the bottom and finally - on the rest. Now L will ask you questions. Try to answer them correctly.

– What is to the right of the apple? (Beet)

– What is to the left of the doll? (Yula)

– What is under the onion and to the right of the spoon? (Hammer)

– What is between the spatula and the hammer? (Onion)

– What is under the spinning top and above the fork? (Apple)

7. Game "Fourth wheel".[slide6]

– Find an extra picture in the row and explain your choice.

Elk, squirrel, wolf, fox;

cow, squirrel, goat, dog.

– I open the letter (letter I).

11. Game “Make words from syllables” and come up with a sentence with these words. [slide7]

Syllables: MA, LYSH; SKIS.

– I open the last letter (letter K).

– Now you know the name of our hero, his name is LUNTIK. [slide 8]

III. Summary of the lesson.[slide9] (see presentation and music)

– What sound was reinforced during the lesson?

– Did you like the lesson?

Summary of speech therapy (individual) lesson

Lesson duration: 20 minutes

Topic: "Automation [L]"

Type of lesson: to consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities

Target: automation of the sound [L] in syllables, words, sentences.



Consolidating the correct pronunciation of the sound [l] in syllables, words, sentences.

Formation of the skill of agreeing a numeral with a noun;


Development of holistic perception, memory, fine motor skills, attention, phonemic hearing;

Enrichment and expansion vocabulary;

Strengthening the skills of sound analysis and synthesis;


Fostering independence and interest in activities.

Equipment: pictures-symbols for articulatory gymnastics, pictures depicting flowers (lily of the valley, rose, iris, bell, gladiolus, violet, poppy, chamomile, tulip, forget-me-not, phlox); pictures of birds: nightingale, oriole, woodpecker, goldfinch, nightingale; cut-out picture with the image of Stella”; a set of subject pictures: bast shoes, fork, horse, bicycle, donkey, football, swallow, saw, hammer, wolf, stick, chalk, flippers, bun, violet, table, hanger, bow, boat.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Today in our class new guest. Listen to the riddle and try to guess who it is?

She buzzes over the flower,

It flies so quickly towards the hive,

She gave her honey into the honeycomb;

What is her name?... (bee).

That's right, this is a cheerful and kind bee. Named Stella. She loves to collect flower pollen and make honey from it. She came to listen to how you pronounce the sound [L] and play different games with you.

2. Articulation gymnastics.

But first, let's do exercises for the tongue. And they will help you with this " funny pictures" Look at them and do the same.


Place your tongue with a spatula

And hold it a little.

The tongue needs to be relaxed

And keep it counted.


I pull my tongue with a needle.

Don't come near! I'll inject!


Left - right, left - right,

My tongue slides slyly:

Like the pendulum of a clock

He's ready to swing.


I swing on a swing.

I fly up and go down.

"The steamboat is humming"

The steamboat is small,

But he is so brave!

The waves are not afraid of him,

He buzzes cheerfully: “Y-Y-Y.”

" Smile"

Our Tanya is a mischief maker,

Pulls lips towards ears.

Look at me -

I am now a frog!

"Delicious jam"

Damn, we ate with pleasure -

Got dirty with jam.

To remove the jam from your lips,

The mouth needs to be licked.

3. Automation of the sound [L] in syllables.

The bee loves to fly on the lawn and sing songs. And she wants you to sing with her too.

la-la-la ala-ala-ala

lu-lu-lu ulu-ulu-ulu

ly-ly-ly yly-yly-yly

lo-lo-lo olo-olo-olo

4. Automation of the sound [L] in words.

Bee invites you to learn how to write poetry. Think of a word that rhymes and repeat the entire poem. Don’t forget to pronounce [L] clearly and correctly.

La-la-la, delicious honey carries... (bee).

Lu-lu-lu, we saw... (a bee).

Ly-ly-ly, we were scared... (bees).

5. Finger gymnastics.


Small house on the Christmas tree

A house for bees, where are the bees?

We need to knock on the house,

One two three four five.

I'm knocking, knocking on the tree,

Where, where are these bees?

They suddenly began to fly out:

One two three four five!

One of the hands stands on the table, resting on the elbow, fingers spread out (Christmas tree). On the second hand, the fingers close into a ring (beehive). The “hive” is pressed against the “Christmas tree”; the child looks into the “hive”.

He clenches his fists. He knocks his fists against each other, alternating hands. He spreads his arms, spreads his fingers and moves them (bees fly.)

6. Formation of sound analysis skills.

How many flowers grow on the lawn. Stella flies from one flower to another and doesn’t know which one to choose in order to collect the flower juice. Let's help her choose those flowers whose names contain the sound [L].

(lily of the valley, rose, iris, bell, gladiolus, violet, poppy, chamomile, tulip, forget-me-not, phlox).

7. Physical exercise.

The bee is a little tired. Let's relax with her.

Here's the bee's exercise.

Do it in order.

Quickly stand up and smile.

Reach higher, reach higher.

Well, straighten your shoulders,

Raise and lower.

Turn left, turn right,

Touch your hands with your knees.

8. Game “Where the sound was hidden.”

Stella brought a beautiful box with her. Look what's in it. Yes, there are a lot of pictures here, in the name of which each object the sound [L] is hidden. Determine the place of the sound in words: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word.

(Baps, fork, horse, bicycle, donkey, football, swallow, saw, hammer, wolf, stick, chalk, flippers, bun, violet, table, hanger, bow, boat).

9. Game "Count."

Look how many birds have flown to the lawn! Let's count them. And tell me: which birds are more and which are fewer.

(nightingale, oriole, woodpecker, goldfinch, nightingale).

10. Automation of the sound [L] in sentences.

Stella decided to make you laugh and came up with funny sentences. Listen to them carefully and correct any mistakes.

Mila ate the salad.

The sled is carrying Slava.

Paul fell into a chair.

Football went to dad.

The spatula took Lola.

Klava's palms were washed.

Lusha bought the doll.

Mila chopped the onion.

White scarf put Alla on.

11. Development of fine motor skills.

Look, if you put this picture together, you will get a portrait of Stella. Let's collect it and give it to the bee. (The child collects a cut picture).

Well done! Stella is very pleased.

12. Summary of the lesson.

Our lesson has come to an end. It's time to say goodbye to the bee. It's time for her to return home to her bluebell lawn. Which game did you like the most?

Summary of individual direct educational activities on automation of sound [L] in syllables, words, phrases “Visiting Belochka”

Target: automation of the sound [L] in syllables, words, phrases.


Correctional and educational:

Clarify the correct articulation and pronunciation of the isolated sound [L];

To consolidate its clear pronunciation in syllables, words, phrases,

Exercise in education diminutive - endearing form noun, grammatically correct construction of a phrase from individual words;

Correctional and developmental:

Strengthen the skill of isolating sounds from a number of words;

Develop phonemic awareness;

Develop the articulatory apparatus, fine motor skills hands

Continue to work on developing attention and memory;

Correctional and educational:

Develop self-control over speech, perseverance, and patience when completing tasks.


* graphic model of a Christmas tree, squirrels

*pictures for articulation exercises for the sound [L];

* pictures (ball, magpie, envelope, boat);

*massage ball;

* card with subject pictures: doll, shovel, bow, boat, apple, plate, raspberry, elephant, horse, spruce, wolf;

* pictures of musical instruments: balalaika, drum, accordion, bell, spoons, pipe;

* envelope;

* wooden spoons;


I. Organizing time.

Shall we play today? (let's play)

Shall we count today? (let's count)

Shall we study too? (we will)

Will we forget to dream? (let's not forget)

Shall we play “lamb”? (let's play)

Let's not forget to joke? (let's not forget)

And will we be strong friends? (we will)

That's how many interesting things we have to do! (let’s count them, the child bends his fingers one by one, counting his tasks)

Speech therapist. Today I invite you to visit, and who will you find out if you solve the riddle:

Red little animal

Jump and jump through the trees.

He doesn't live on earth

And in the hollow of the tree……………………….(Squirrel.)

Speech therapist: She is very cheerful and loves to jump and play. And we will take with us the sound [L], which will help us play with Squirrel.

II. Main part.

1.Articulation gymnastics.

Speech therapist. To have fun playing with the squirrel, we need to be properly prepared. N at and from the beginning, you need to remember the gymnastics that you learned to do. In order to pronounce this sound correctly (L).

“Pancake”, “Delicious jam”, “Swing”, “Catch the mouse” (the child performs exercises, pictures of which are shown by the speech therapist.)

Speech therapist: Tell me how to pronounce the sound (L) correctly. Where should the tongue be?

Articulation (L): lips are open, teeth are open, the tip of the tongue is raised and rests on the alveoli behind the upper teeth, the exhaled air is warm.

Speech therapist: Tell me, is the sound (L) a vowel or a consonant? (consonant)

2. Automation of the sound [L] in syllables.

Speech therapist. The squirrel jumped onto a branch . (see Appendix No. 1) And I saw the ball. She loves to play ball. You can play with it too:

The squirrel throws balls...

The squirrel repeats the syllables......

Throw the ball and clearly pronounce the sound [L] in syllables (LA, LU, LO, LY, AL, UL, OL, YL).

The child performs.

3. Game “Find the sound in the word.”

The squirrel jumped onto another branch and saw the envelope. (see Appendix No. 2)

Speech therapist. Let's see what's in the envelope. And in the envelope there are pictures from musical instruments and a task: if you guess what the squirrel’s favorite instrument is, then you will have the opportunity to play it.

So, the first hint: the name of the squirrel’s favorite instrument contains the sound [L].

Hint two: the name of my favorite instrument begins with the sound [L].

4. Game “Play like me.”

The speech therapist beats out a rhythmic pattern with a spoon, and the child repeats.

/ / /// etc.

5. Massage of fingers with Su-Jok spring

Speech therapist: Well done! Now let’s rest a little and go boating with Squirrel. The child pronounces (syllables) words by putting the Su-Jok massage spring on his finger.

Thumb - la-la-la, the squirrel swam in the boat.

Index finger - lo-lo-lo, the sun is shining warmly.

Middle finger - lu-lu-lu, the squirrel is glad for the warmth.

Ring finger - ly-ly-ly, Squirrel's songs can be heard.

Littlefinger-Woodpecker was sitting in the boat, singing songs with Squirrel.

Speech therapist: Well done! It's time to play a picture game.

6. Game “Close the picture”

The squirrel jumped to another branch and saw the picture. (see Appendix No. 3)

Speech therapist: But the picture is not simple, it depicts objects whose names contain the sound “L”. Name all the objects shown in the picture, clearly pronouncing the sound “L”,

Doll, shovel, bow, boat, apple, plate, strawberry, elephant, Christmas tree, horse, wolf;

Speech therapist: Now, name the pictures as I call them (The speech therapist names large objects, and the child names small ones: For example: baby doll, etc.)

Speech therapist: And now I suggest you cover the pictures with chips. If the sound “L” is at the beginning of the word, the picture should be covered with a red chip, if in the middle of the word - yellow, if at the end - green.

III. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist. Well done. Our lesson ends. I hope you liked it. What task was most interesting to you? Or caused a problem?




  • develop holistic perception, memory, fine motor skills, attention, phonemic hearing;
  • enrichment and expansion of vocabulary;
  • strengthen the skills of sound analysis and synthesis;


  • develop independence and interest in activities.

Equipment :

  • cubes-symbols for articulatory gymnastics, a set of object pictures: bast shoes, fork, horse, bicycle, donkey, football, swallow, saw, hammer, wolf, stick, chalk, flippers, roll, violet, table, hanger, bow, boat, figurines from paper from the cartoon characters "Luntik".

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Today we received a letter. From whom - guess for yourself. I'll give you a hint: he's a cartoon character. He has a lot of friends.

Game "Yes-no".

(children ask questions, trying to identify the hero)

Yes, this is Luntik. Let's see what's in the envelope. Yes, there's some kind of map here. Luntik writes that he is lost and can only be found with the help of this map and the tasks that come with it.

And here is the first task.

2. Articulation gymnastics.

Luntik's girlfriend, Mila, does not know how to pronounce the sound -L-, but really wants to learn. Let's help her. But first, let’s repeat everything we know about this sound (we add up the sound profile from cubes).

We repeat the exercises:

  • Fence
  • Brushing our teeth
  • Swing
  • Steamboat
  • We pronounce it in isolation -L-L-L

Well done. We completed the first task. And you get the first hint. (4 steps straight)

Children, getting up from the table, take 4 steps and place a sign in this place.

3. Automation of the sound [L] in syllables.

To get the second clue, you need to help the little bee collect nectar from the flowers. (We fly along the road to the chamomile... bell... strawberry..., pronouncing the syllables)

  • la la la
  • ala-ala-ala
  • lu-lu-lu
  • ulu-ulu-ulu
  • ly-ly-ly
  • yly-yly-yly
  • lo-lo-lo
  • olo-olo-olo

Children, having completed the task, receive the next hint and move the pointer.

4. Formation of sound analysis skills.

To get a new clue, you need to put the apples into baskets together with Kuzya.

  • 1 - words where L is at the beginning of the word.
  • 2 words with L in the middle.
  • 3-words, where L is at the end of the word.

5. TRIZ game technique “entering the picture.”

We are on the lawn with Mila, Kuzya and Little Bee. Close your eyes and imagine: the sun is shining, flowers are blooming, birds are singing, butterflies are flying.

(musical accompaniment)

Speech therapist: “Continue the sentences:

I feel with my hands...(cold wet snow, tender sticky leaves, etc.)
I'm listening...(birds singing, the sound of a stream, the sound of a drop)
I smell... (Flowers, freshness, moisture, leaves)

6. Automation of the sound [L] in sentences.

Guys, the caterpillars are mischievous as always. They mixed up the sentences that the little bee composed. Help untangle them.

  • Mila ate the salad.
  • The sled is carrying Slava.
  • Paul fell into a chair.
  • Football went to dad.
  • The spatula took Lola.
  • Klava's palms were washed.
  • Lusha bought the doll.
  • Mila chopped the onion.
  • Alla put on a white scarf.

7. Physical education minute.

Now let's take a walk through the magical clearing.

“We love to play with Luntik -
Like grasshoppers jumping,
And how bees fly.
They sat quietly on the flowers.
We sighed and fell asleep."

The child performs the following exercises:

  • jumps on two legs;
  • waves his arms;
  • squats;
  • hands under the cheek.

8. Development of phonemic hearing.

Well, now let's earn the next tip. Toad Klava and Mila need to collect pictures that have the sound -L-
(they say the words: Klava galloped, galloped, ..... saw.) They receive another clue.

9. Development of creative abilities.

The collected words are used to create a story (catalogue method).

Goal: teach the child to tie into a single storyline randomly selected objects, to develop the ability to compose a fairy-tale text according to a model in which there are two heroes (positive and negative) who have their own goals; their friends who help them achieve these goals; a certain place.

To the structure large group fairy tales include the following components: positive and bad guy, evil caused by a negative hero, fight positive hero with this evil. Friends or magic can come to the aid of both one and the other hero.

Went for a walk (travel, look...)... Where?

Did you meet someone evil? What evil did this negative hero cause to everyone?

Our hero had a friend. Who? What was he like? How could he help the main character? What happened to the evil hero?

Where did our friends live?

What did you start doing?

Having completed the task, they receive the last hint: 4 steps to the right. They find Luntik with a sweet surprise.

10. Summary of the lesson. Reflection.

You and I managed to find the lost Luntik.

Let's remember who we helped today? What tasks did you perform? What did you like? Well, Luntik and his friends say goodbye to you. Until next time.

Babkova Olga Sergeevna,
teacher speech therapist
MBDOU d\s No. 6,
Rasskazovo, Tambov region.

Related articles:

DO No. 10 "Alma"

Speech therapist: Balmagambetova.G.K.

Abstract individual lessons
"Sound Automation [L]"

Goal: automate the sound [l] in syllables, words, phrases.

Correctional and educational:

Develop the correct articulation pattern when pronouncing the sound [l].

Practice clearly pronouncing the sound [l] in syllables, words,

Corrective and developmental:

Develop phonemic awareness,

Develop a smooth exhalation

Develop auditory and visual attention,

Develop fine motor skills.

Corrective - educational:

Cultivate perseverance and self-control.

Equipment: cube with articulation gymnastics, container with water, colored table tennis ball, box, sticks, flower details (white and colored), flamingos, cage, castle, box in the form of a pit.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizing time.

- Hello. Sit on the chair. Today you and I will go to a fairy tale. To get into it, close your eyes (The speech therapist puts a lock and a cage with a bird on the table). Open your eyes and listen to the beginning of the fairy tale. Once upon a time there was beautiful bird. She couldn’t pronounce the sound L. And they told her that there was a wizard living in the castle who would help her pronounce this sound. And the bird went to him. But it turned out to be an evil sorcerer. He imprisoned her in a cage. Flamingos need saving.

Report the topic of the lesson.

- Shall we help? Let's save her from the sorcerer? You and I will learn to pronounce the sound L. At the same time we will teach the bird. But the road to the castle is not easy. The sorcerer set traps for us and in order to get around them, we need to complete tasks. But I'm sure you can handle them easily.

Main part.

Articulation gymnastics.

– There is the first trap on our way. Stone. You see that the stone is not simple. Having completed all these tasks, we will roll him off the path.

On each side of the cube there is a picture corresponding to the articulation exercise:


The driver arrives
Well, ahead is a fence.
It also brakes backwards.
And so eight times in a row.

Open your mouth wider

Hold one, two, three, four.

If the tongue jumps,

“A-a-a” we sing, and he lies down!

We baked some pancakes

Cooled on the window,

We will eat them with sour cream,

Let's invite mom to dinner.

I'll raise my tongue

And I'll paint the ceiling

Move back and forth

Our tongue is very happy!

Well done, you did well. You and I removed the stone.

Developing a smooth exhalation.

- And we reached the river. But the sorcerer broke the bridge, and now we cannot cross to the other side. It's good that the boat remained.

(In front of the child there is a rectangular container with water, a colored tennis ball on the water. The child blows on the ball).

Development of phonemic hearing. Game "Catch the Sound"

– Now we come to the next trap. This is a hole that the sorcerer dug so that various animals could fall into it. Let us fill it up with you. I will tell you the words now. Listen carefully. If a word contains the sound L, you throw a stone into the hole.

Varnish, poppy, table, stop, bark, wax, sofa, window, chalk, chair, house, paw.

You're doing a great job. Now the animals will definitely not fall into the trap.

Su-Jok therapy “Gnomes”

Look, here's another obstacle. An evil sorcerer has blocked a passage on the road, let's deal with this.

Once upon a time there were gnomes

In a wonderful house.

Dwarf dad chopped wood,

The dwarf son carried them into the house,

Mama the gnome cooked soup,

The dwarf daughter salted it,

The gnome-grandmother was knitting,

Auntie the gnome was doing the laundry,

Grandfather opened the window,

Invited all my friends to visit

Game "Colorless Flowers".

“You and I ended up in a clearing, but look: the flowers are colorless.” Apparently the sorcerer tried his best here too. But I know how we can add color to the flowers. To get a colored petal, you need to pronounce two syllables with the L sound correctly:

al-ol, ol-ul, ul-el, el-al, la-lo, lo-lu, lu-ly, ly-la,

(The child repeats the syllables after the speech therapist and changes the white petal to a colored one).

Physical exercise.

“I think that you and I are a little tired of avoiding the sorcerer’s traps.” Let's rest a little.

(The child repeats the words and movements after the speech therapist)

Look carefully at the screen and name those pictures that have the sound “L”.

Pictures appear on the screen. The child answers.

Game white "Color"

Game “What did Alla do”

– Well, you and I have come to the castle of the evil sorcerer. (The cage has been removed, the baby elephant is standing in front of the castle). He was watching us all this time, saw how you deftly avoided his traps, that he got scared and ran away.

Summary of the lesson.

- What a great guy you are. And he didn’t fall into the traps, and he drove away the sorcerer, and he freed the Bird. Did you enjoy the lesson? Which task did you like? What was difficult to do?

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